Chapter 20 - Self-Management

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Chapter 20 - Self-Management

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Antecedent Manipulations

Antecedent manipulation involves modification of the environment in some way before the target behavior occurs in order to influence the future occurrences of the target behavior. Six types of antecedent manipulations to increase the likelihood of a target behavior are: 1. Presenting the discriminative stimulus (Sd) or cues for the desirable target behavior 2. Removing the Sd or cues for competing undesirable behaviors 3. Arranging an establishing operation for the desirable target behavior 4. Removing establishing operations for the competing behaviors 5. Decreasing the response effort for the desirable target behavior 6. Increasing the response effort for the competing behaviors


Defining SelfManagement

Self-management involves a controlling behavior and a controlled behavior. Controlling behavior is the behavior engaged in to influence the future occurrence of the controlled behavior. The controlling behavior involves implementing self-management strategies in which the antecedents and consequences of the target behavior or alternative behaviors are modified; these strategies make the controlled behavior (target behavior) more likely.


Goal-Setting and SelfMonitoring:

Goal-setting involves writing down the criterion level of the target behavior and the time frame for the occurrence of the behavior. Although goal-setting by itself is not always an effective self-management strategy, it is effective when implemented with selfmonitoring and other self-management strategies. -Set goals that are achievable (achieving goal early in self-management program allow for reinforcement contingency, and early reinforcement generally increases the likelihood for preservation of the program) Goal-setting is implemented in conjuction with self-monitoring where you record each instance of the target behavior as it occurs. Allows for evaluation/progress toward the goal.


Arranging Reinforcers and Punishers

Can be implemented by yourself without writing this down. It's better to have other people implement them if you can find them and will not face problems (i.e. arguing etc) with them modifying your behavior. A Behavioral contract is a written document in which you identify the target behavior and arrange consequences contingent on a specified level of the target behavior in a specific time period. Although another person (the contract manager) applies the consequences, a behavioral contract is considered to be a type of self-management strategy because the behavior of entering into the contract is a controlling behavior designed to influence the future occurrence of the target behavior. *Short-circuiting the contingency occurs when a person arranges a reinforcer for a target behavior but then takes the reinforcer without first engaging in the target behavior. Or when a person arranges a punisher for a target behavior but does not implement the punisher after engaging in the target behavior.


Behavioral Contracting


Selfinstructions and Selfpraise

Self-instructions: you are telling yourself what to do or how to do it in situations taht call for a specific target behavior. Self-praise is when you immediately, after the appropriate behavior occurs, provide positive evaluations of your own behavior.



When a person uses behavior modification procedures to change his or her own behavior, the process is called self-management. Self-management occurs when a person engages in a behavior at one time to control the occurrence of another behavior (target behavior) at a later time.


Social Support

Social support occurs when significant others in a person's life provide a natural context or cues for the occurrence of the target behavior or when they naturally provide reinforcing consequences for the occurrence of the target behavior. i.e. Setting up a running club makes Murray more likely for him to run. Also, spending time with his friends is a positive reinforcer that occurred contingent on running with them.


Type of SelfManagement Strategies:

-Goal-Settings and Self-Monitoring -Antecedent Manipulations -Behavioral Contracting -Arranging Reinforcers and Punishers -Social Support -Self-Instructions and Self-Praise

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