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+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 101 Wild Sexy and FUN Visualization Ideas To Get You Started Creating An Extraordinary Lifestyle.


I always had a passion for flashin. Before I had it I closed my eyes and imagined! Welcome to the good life. -Kanye West.

Copyright 2012 Ivica Mijatovic

Instructions: Every day when you wake up, hit the snooze button for 10 minutes and walk over to the mirror in your bedroom or bath. Look at yourself in the mirror, smile, relax, and begin to imagine the kind of lifestyle you want to create for yourself over the next few months. Imagine the kind of women you want to date, the kind of person you want to become, the kind of fun you want to have... As you do this (eyes closed or open), begin to play some mental movies of you interacting as this new person you're evolving into.... imagine the people around you smiling... the good feelings you're havinig... the new habits and actions you're beginning to develop... and literally program yourself for success. Once your alarm clock goes off, open your eyes and get your day started... taking with you the energy of a successful, fulfilled, proactive, and happy person. Here are 101 ideas to get you started. I would choose 3 or 4 of them that really connect with you and

get busy... Enjoy. 1. Girls sending you drinks at the bar... with a smile! 2. Girls walking in your front door. 3. Girls in your bed. 4. Girls taking off their clothes in your bed. 5. Girls buying you presents, cuz you make them feel so good. 6. Girls laughing, smiling, and having a BLAST with you.... more so than any other guy. 7. Girls telling their friends how cool you are. 8. Girls getting their friends together and throwing sexy parties with YOU as the only guy. 9. Girls feelings super comfortable taking off their clothes around you. 10. Girls leaning in to kiss you because you just made them feel so incredible. 11. Girls performing wild and exotic sex acts... on you... and each other (if you're into that!) 12. Girls hitting you up to hang out... every night. 13. Waking up next to beautiful girls.

14. All your friends seeing you with hot beautiul girls, wondering WTH is up with THIS? 15. You bringing extremely hot girls to your parents house for dinner and other events. 16. You feeling extremely comofrtable approaching the hottet girls in the bar... and them feeling extremely comfortable talking to you! 17. Girls hitting on you... asking for your number.... dragging you away into the bathroom. 18. Attending the coolest parties. 19. Going to the coolest nightclubs... with girls. 20. Having incredibly fulfilling conversations with beautiful women. 21. Having two girls in your bed... having fun! 22. Girls bringing you food and beer and wine and champagne. 23. Bartenders hooking you up with drinks cuz you're so appreciative and nice to them. 24. Always having money in your pocket. 25. Girls taking you on vacation with them.

26. Girls introducing you to more friends cuz you;re so cool and sexy. 27. Girls bringing a friend over to play. 28. Girls asking you what you'd rather see them in... a hot sexy miniskirt... or... (you get the idea) 29. Living in a sweet crib 30. Hanging out with cool people... and actually having a BLAST! 31. Getting AMAZING blowjobs... the best you can imagine (and better!) 32. You telling women incredible stories and them getting really emotional or turned on or happy or excited to be with you 33. Girls running up and hugging you wherever you go. 34. All-girl, lesbian parties with YOU as the only guy (been thereee! Hehe) 35. Girls telling you their most guarded and treasured fantasies... because she suspects you'll be OK with them, and maybe even make them happen for her! 36. Girls thanking you for blowing your load... 37. Sex on the beach!

38. Sisters. Lol 39. You really enjoying your time at work and at play. 40. You laughing with your coworkers/classmates. 41. You leading a conversation, and telling captivating stories that elicit emotional responses from your listeners. 42. You having LOTS of money in your bank account, and loving what you do. 43. You taking all the fun coaching weekends you can handle... having a blast... and learning more and more secrets each time! 44. You meeting fun, like-minded guys and gals to go out and party with. 45. You building an incredible social life... full of cool people and beautiful women! 46. Champagne parties... after-hours! 47. Leaving the bar with two or three girls... all dressed sexy! 48. You party at the coolest clubs in your city. 49. You walk in, and girls come running up to hug you. 50. You are SUPER comfortable in social situations.

51. You have a really fun, cool, laid-back energy about you. 52. You're like Hines Ward... always smiling! 53. You put a lot of energy and time and focus into improving every aspect of your life. 54. You do your visualizations at least twice per day... once when you wake up, and once before bed. 55. You imagine yourself as happy, successful, and fulfilled. 56. You understand that it's not what you DO that gets you women... but who you ARE. 57. You always have the necessary ingredients for a good time.... candles... ambient lighting... condoms... champagne... music... snacks....etc 58. You take pictures with hot girls, as further proof you're living an exceptional life. 59. You understand that YOU GO FIRST. For example... if you want the people you're with to have fun... YOU start by having fun yourself. 60. You can read women's emotions very well. 61. You're damn good at what you do... and people can tell. 62. You go out to INSPIRE people and have a good time.

63. People see how happy, fun, and care-free you are... and they want to be around you! 64. You rarely have to spend any money when you're out. People hook you up! 65. You often find yourself in sexy situations.... like college dorm rooms... women's bathrooms... etc. 66. You know that with proper visualization, your unconscious mind is working to help you have what you want. 67. You feel good. 68. You feel good about yourself. 69. You focus on the good things in your life. 70. You know how to process failure... learn from it, and grow from it. 71. You're always open to try new things and take a chance. 72. You LOVE being around hot women. You feel right at home. 73. You're known as the guy who always has beautiful women around him... because you like to talk, you always have something cool to say, you're handsome, welldressed, and FUN!

74. You think about fashion, and buy clothes that fit you. 75. YOU wear your clothes! Your clothes don't wear you! 76. You stay healthy, alert, and proactive. 77. You get things done... and make moves that nobody else will make. 78. When you;re with a woman, you keep the vibe playful and sexual. 79. You;re totally cool just leaning over and kissing the chick you;re with. You know they love it! 80. You;re super comfortable with sex... and being naked. 81. You eat healthy and take care of your body. 82. You stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. 83. You LOVE your life... and who you're becoming. 84. You actively study the mind... and learn how the conscious, and the unconscious minds function. 85. You give women incredible sexual experiences. 86. You are confident in bed.... women feel really at ease in your presence because you know hwo to lead things.

87. You seek out and collect sexy music that women find riveting! 88. You write down your good ideas, and apply them in your life. 89. Your family and friends are totally cool with the person you're becomigng! 90. You always smell good. 91. You always wear clean, stylish shoes! 92. You keep gum or breath mints on you at all times. 93. You have a very active and fulfilling social life. 94. You read about successful people... and successful ways of living. 95. You manage your time well, and do the important things first. 96. You notice any negative thoughts you may have and throw them in your mental garbage can. 97. Then you replace it with a positive thought! 98. You work out/exercise at least 3X per week. 99. You make your bed as soon as you wake up, because you're always ready for a girl to drop by.

100. You collect cool artifacts and items from your travels. 101. You treat yourself with respect... like a true VIP should! Now, here are some tips for making the art of visualizing.. and manifesting new results and behaviors work: 1. Make sure you go into a relaxed, comfortable state of consciousness. This is when your nonconscious mind is most suggestible, and open to new learnings. Usually, the human brain will begin to enter this focused alpha state just by closing your eyes, relaxing, and breathing deeply. In any case, don't fret or worry about whether you;re doing it right... just do it, every day, twice a day, n matter what. 2. Be and have, don't want or need. Sure, at first it's good to know what you WANT... but once you do, then start to practice feeling like you already HAVE the kind of results you're looking for. BE the kind of person you want to be. This is how the unconscious mind works: As long as you WANT something, your brain will continue

wanting it.... But the moment you start HAVING it (and believing you have it), your brain will set into motion the events, hunches, and actions you need to take to remain consistent with your new reality. For instance, when you see a hot girl across the bar... focus on what it would take... what kind of approach it would take to HAVE her already attracted to you. THIS is the energy with which you need to go in... like she already wants you. Your results will improve IMMEDIATELY if you do this. 3. It's important to do these visualizations every day... but it's especially important to do them on the days you don;t feel like doing them. Just get up, get awake, look in the mirror, and start imagining the new you... how good you;re going to feel today... how healthy you;re becoming.... how smart you're getting while interacting with women. 4. Trust your hunches... use some common sense... and in any spare time you have PROACTIVELY spend that time creating the things you want.

For instance, you can;t get laid sitting in your house all day. You MUST go out into the world and flirt with some girls, give out your number, ask girls to do things, etc. Common sense rules the world... always remember that. Peace PS: Just a quick tip cuz I know you're into improving your life. When you get your list of visualizations, and you start to do them every night and every morning... you're going to notice new thoughts. Usually these new thoughts are just thoughts. But sometimes it's your unconscious telling you "go try it mofo... see what happens?" It's up to you to make your visualizing work for you. MAKE it work, with effort and work. I said MAKE it work. That means ACTIVE CREATION in your life. So if you imagine approaching a girl at the grocery store, or you imagine yourself in a better job, then it's time to get to work!

Go to the grocery store, say Hi to a hottie, and then go apply for a new job. Or several. Make your visualizations into actions that you take You can pull off a complete social/sex life overhaul in about 3 weeks. You really can. I did it last summer. It just takes thinking differently, and DOING different things. That's how you become successful! So if you notice your mind giving you some ideas... like "go tell that girl how hot she fucking looks", then you better take it seriously and step up. JUST visualizing is for the birds. But couple a strong vision with the ability to try some new behaviors, and you're all set to start creating a better life. Let your mind guide you, and give you ideas. Hell, when you're visualizing, tell your unconscious mind to "provide me with some new ideas and make some shit happen... lets create something extraordinary together!" Your unconscious speaks ebonyx motherfucker. And it's on your team.

Now get going. Make that list and get started. Times a tickin!

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