Disciplinary Process

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Disciplinary process-Case Study I believe the security company failed Sam from the start when implementing the

new programming language with not having a procedure to implement new program. Sam was a diligent worker until the new program was introduced so this should have shown that she was missing deadlines because she was having issues understanding the new program and not just slacking off. I think if the security company had procedures when implementing new programs a lot of the issues could have been avoided due to adequate training being provided to the employees. Sam has always been a diligent worker and missing deadlines has been pretty upsetting for her so this would have caused much distress. The predecessors way of dealing with Sams lack of knowledge was to just yell at Sam and not address the issue by the correct means. When it comes to Sams manager spending time with her to understand Sams issues in the meetings were never documented. Also a performance management plan was not set for her and no timeline to improve was agreed on and signed. I believe if the security company had a procedure for performance reviews and for indentifying what skills Sam was lacking both Sam and her manager could have worked though the issues and Sam would have received the right support. The end result was Sam being so frustrated with her job and the way her manager was dealing with her, she ended up getting physically and putting in a medical certificate claiming stress. Sam was not coached though her issue with the new programming language, if Sam was coached she may have responded differently when confronted in that last meeting. Praise satisfactory performance and indentify possibly for improvement and stating the specific problem and explain why this is a problem. None of the meetings that were held with Sam were documented and no mutual agreement on improving was agreed upon. There was never any formal training offered to Sam that was of any benefit to her to improve or any development plan signed. Another major issue was Sam was never given any sort of timeframe to improve in so how was she really to know what was required of her. So Sam continued to miss deadlines and get more and more frustrated. So as a result to all of Sam frustrations in the last meeting with Sam about her resent performance she physically struck me leading to her dismissal and then losing the unfair dismissal case. In the Dismissal case Sam had all the required documents to support her unfair dismissal case, such as medical certificate. I think the following procedures are missing from our organisation: Implementing new program procedures- this will help to outline to our staff any information about the new system and contain information about how to use the new programming language. Staff can seek support if they are having difficulties. Performance Management procedures- This will help when dealing with non-performing employees and setting out what is required from them. Performance Development plans- This will help to establish a development plan to help our employees to improve and nut out any issues they are having completing their KPIS.

Tracking systems for coaching sessions- If we are able to document that we have discussed issues with our staff informal or formal Using the GROW system to coach staff- This is used to indentify issues, set goals for the employee, give option to improve and record outcomes Performance Reviews- Documenting past performance, their current job satisfaction, performance management plans, plans for future performance. Disciplinary Hearing Procedures- Results from serious misconduct or when all other action has been exhausted. Risk management plan- Indentifying the risk, assessing the severity of the risk, identifying factors which contribute to the risk, implementing alternative solutions Job description- Should clearly descried the employees job function, required skills and performance If HR can develop this document I believe it would help with any feature issues and also allow us to support our non performing employees. Also by implementing these procedures we will avoid a similar situation occurring in the future.

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