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Chuck Chao

1. 2. 3. 4. Vietminh A member of the Vietnamese political and military movement that challenged the Japanese and defeated the French between 1941 and 1954. Draft To select from a group for some usually compulsory service Self Immolation refers to setting oneself on fire, often as a form of protest or for the purposes of martyrdom or suicide. Escalation Escalation is the expansion of war. This occured during the war in 1965-68 after President Johnson won the election in 1964. More money was incouraged in order to help the troops. The soldiers had gone to Vietnam to advise and prop up the South Vietnamese government and military to prep them for war. Vietnamization Vietnamization was the replacing of American Soldiers with South Vietnamese soldiers. The problem is that the Americans were unsure of who was a Viet Cong member and who wa not. The Viet Cong were South Vietnamese who worked for the north.Domino Theory DominoTtheory This is the theory that once one country falls to communism that all neighboring countries around it will fall to communism as well. This theory kept the Cold War thriving to make sure no country fell to communism. Napalm Napalm is a destructive chemical used in the Vietnam War by the United States. When this jellylike substance was dropped from planes, it would explode and burn uncontrollably. It stuck to people's bodies and seared their skin. Counterculture Quarantine A period of time during which a vehicle, person, or material suspected of carrying a contagious disease is detained at a port of entry under enforced isolation to prevent disease from entering a country. Conscientious Objectors Conscientious Objectors are people who are drafted, but don't participate in the war. These people would flee to Canada or other countries to avoid the war. They would also change their name or something like that just to avoid the war. Vietcong Vietcong were South Vietnamese citizens who were communist and helped the north. Viet Cong assassinated the South leader Diem. Pentagon Papers Daniel Ellsberg is a former U.S. Marine and military analyst who precipitated a constitutional crisis in 1971 when he released the "Pentagon Papers." The papers comprised the U.S. military's account of theater activities during the Vietnam War. Silent Majority a presumed moderate majority of the citizens who are too passive to make their views known Credibility Gap Public skepticism about the truth of statements, especially official claims and pronouncements Deferments Deferment is a temporary exemption from induction into military service. This was for the college students that wanted to finish school before going into war and usually they ended up not even having to go. Although, those who couldn't afford college didn't have this advantage.




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