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SAMPLE PAGES EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Dear Employee, Congratulations and welcome!

Our success as a team depends on clear communication and understanding. To help you with some basics, weve prepared this policy manual which you should read and refer to often. If you have questions about our policies, please dont hesitate to ask a manager. These policies set the ground rules for a safe and pleasant work environment. In these pages, you will learn what we expect from you. Your adherence to these policies may affect your performance evaluations and continued employment. You will also learn what you can expect from us, such as certain rights and benefits; and how to resolve conflicts if they arise. Ultimately, these policies help our team focus on the reason we come to work each day our guests. Again, welcome to the team. I hope you find success and fulfillment in our company. Sincerely,

Owners signature and name

Employee Handbook English

(Your restaurant)


Section I About the Company 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 Vacations 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12

Company History.. Mission Statement.. General Information.. Management.. Section II Employment Procedures Initial Paperwork Job Postings... Employee Classifications Orientation. Employment of Relatives/ Relationships Disciplinary Actions Re-employment of Former Employees Termination. Section III Time Sheets, Schedules, Holidays & Time Sheets. Schedules and Absences.. Holidays.. Vacations.... Section IV Compensation Minimum Wage . Raises, Merit Increases, Bonuses.. Overtime. Insurance. Pay Days and Pay Checks. Fringe Benefits Section V Conduct on the Premises Guest Relations . Employee Parking.. Employee Entrance. Cell Phones. Company Telephones . Personal Belongings Alcohol and Drugs.. Appearance. Employee Smoking.. Employee Break Room Theft
Employee Handbook English (Your restaurant)


Section V Conduct on the Premises 12 12

Firearms and Weapons Employee Patronage Section VI Harassment Workplace Harassment.. Sexual Harassment... Complaint Procedures. Section VII Safety and Security Sanitation.. Safety. Security.. Emergency Procedures Section VIII Miscellaneous Guest Smoking.. Alcoholic Beverages. Lost and Found. Outside Commitments... Expense Reimbursements.. Appendix Employee Acceptance Form

13 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 16 16 16

Employee Handbook English

(Your restaurant)

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