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Personal and Professional Development 2 (Communication and Management Research) BUSI 1316


: UOG BABM Y2S3 : FEB 11 : Task 1 Employment related activity : YAP CHUN HONG : SC-KL-00034532



Task 1 Employment related activity Among few of alternatives had given and after discussion with my friends we decided organizing an event. We selected this alternative because we had consider in many ways, such as if we choose to taking part in work experience without paid there is less possibility that we get employ because it is impossible an organization giving us training few days and let us leave like that unless that organization having relative or friend. Besides that, some of the foreign students facing difficulty of finding work too. Although there is other alternatives that we can choose, but we figure it out organizing an event suitable for everyone including me, my friends, and foreign students. We list out few activities, events and charity works, in the same times we recruit members who are interested. We making voting section to find out which alternative that majority prefer. Hill hiking was the most members prefer. One of the members suggests that hike Broga Hill and he able to contact experiences people. All of us agree with no doubt, and then we set date, time, place gathering, transportation, and etc. During whole process, I had learned many lessons and skills. Such as I had learn fair and respect others during voting section although hiking is not my preference, but I still need to announce actual outcome and list out every participants vote as prove that was selected by majority. Other than that, I also learned teamwork during hiking Broga Hill, there is many rock had to climb over to reach to the peak and we need to teamwork and care for everyone safety. Punctuality is the most important thing that everyone should concern. Late is a cost for the organization, so no matter in what occasion, everyone should develop the habit of punctuality. I had learned decision making skills too during we trying to discuss what place need to gather before departure. It because everybody living places are not same as well some of foreign students does know well some of the places, so I suggested gather at our college since everybody know how to come. Before making a decision, we need to concern others capability to avoid planning failure. Before i hike Broga Hill, I set a goal which across three hills and reach to the top. Everybody should have a goal before do anything. Goal could show clearly objective that need to be achieve and able used to motivate people. Other than that, goal will make the

whole process become more interesting and challenges. Last but not the least, hiking not only can could bring countless health benefits, it also help us improve physical stamina, and team building skills. Even though the event had run successfully, but some of the participants could not achieve the goal that I had set. I had discovered my strengths and weaknesses. My strengths are I could able to self-motivate and no give up easily until I achieve the goal which is reach to the peak of Broga Hill. My weaknesses are forgetful which I had forgotten to bring anti mosquito cream although I had list it out. After hiking Broga Hill, I set another goal which are maintained and continuous improvement on my strengths and find solution to get rid of my weaknesses. I hope I could achieve it in my future.


Photo 1: Setting Goal and Provide Safety Guidelines

Photo 2: Starting journey toward goal

Photo 3: There are 3 hills to complete. This is the 1st hill

Photo 4: On the way to 2nd hill and this capture 1st hill scenery

Photo 5: Finally few of us reach to peak of Broga Hill

Photo 6: There stated welcome to peak of broga hill

List Name of People Join Hiking Mountain on 12.04.2011

NAME Chin Kak Hau Lim Chun Wei Yap Chun Hong Lee Soon Kwang Zhou Yue Jia Jun Wei Tcao Yu Cheng Chen Xia Nam Wang Kang Mung Choo Keat Kang Xia Wei Mo Qiuwea Lim LuiKee Fiona Do Phuang Thao Rusydan Mazlan HP NUMBER 6016-7358841 6019-7319715 6012-6129625 6016-5283109 6016-2771315 6010-9117790 6010-9117790 6017-2497715 6014-9317158 6012-9037366 6014-3276160 6016-6437462 6011-12230319 6016-4231345 60199970009 SIGNATURE

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