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Suggestion for Midterm and semester final Read the IUPAC nomenclature 1. What is alkyl halide ?

Write two general methods of preparation of alkyl halides . 2. What is nucleophilic substitution reaction ? 3. What are the SN1 and SN2 reactions of alkyl halides ? 4. Compare SN1 and SN2 reactions of alkyl halides ? 5. What is elimination reaction of alkyl halides ? 6. What happened when tert-butyl bromide reacts with alcoholic KOH and aquous KOH solution ? 7. Write two different reduction reactions of alkyl halides for alkane preparation. 8. How can you test for the presence of chloroform ?( Reimer tieman reaction) 9. How can you prepare aldehyde and ketone from alcohol ?or What happen when 10,20 and 30 alcohols are oxidize ? 10. Write the preparation reactions of 10,20 and 30 alcohols from aldehyde and ketone. Or, How can you show that CH3MgBr leads aldehyde and ketone to 10, 20 and 30 alcohols ? 11. What is Proof spirit ? Mention its use in alcoholometry ? 12. What is the classification of Monohydric alcohols ? 13. Alcohols have higher boiling points(bp) than the corresponding ether- explain. 14. Alcohols have higher boiling points(bp) than alkane of comparable molecular weight- explain. 15. Write down any two of the Laboratory methods for the preparation of alcohols ? 16. Write the name of all isomers of dihydroxybenzene. Why boiling points and melting points of Phenols are higher than that of Toluene ? 17. What is etard reaction? 18. Give the acid catalyzed and base catalyzed nucleophilic addition reaction of carbonyl compound. 19. Explain what is the reactivity order of HCHO, CH3COCH3, CH3CHO toward electrophilic addition reaction ? 20. How can you assign that -H of aldehyde and ketone shows acidity ? 21. What is the test for carbonyl compound ?( DNPH test) 22. How do you distinguish an aldehyde and a ketone by chemical method ? ( Fehling test and tollens reagent test) 23. Write short note on i) Aldol condensation reaction ii) Cannizaro reaction iii) Clemension reduction reaction iv) Wolf Kishner reduction v) Haloform reaction 17. What happens if acetic acid reacts with ethanol in presence of a mineral acid ? 18. Write down the cause of acidity of carboxylic acid ? 19. Arrange the following with their increasing order in strength of acidity and explain : ClCH2COOH, H-COOH, Cl2CHCOOH, CH3COOH. 20. Explain : Chlroacetic acid is a stronger than acetic acid. 21. Identify the (A), (B) and (C) in the following reaction
HBr CH2 CH2 (A) KCN (B) H2O/H+ (C)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.


Model questions for physics 1st year 1st semester-2012 Chapter : Aromatic hydrocarbon
17. Write the molecular structure of benzene. 18. Explain why benzene undergoes electrophilic substitution reactions whereas alkenes undergo addition reactions ? 19. Give the general mechanism of the electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction. 20. Give the mechanism of sulphonation of benzene. 21. Give the mechanism of Friedel Crafts reaction of benzene and what are its limitation ? 22. Write a note on Aromaticity. 23. Which of the following have aromaticity and why ?


24. Explain why the nitro group (-NO2)/-CHO etc. acts as a meta director and deactivating when it is present on a
benzene ring undergoing electrophilic substitution reaction ?

25. Explain why the hydoxyl group (-OH)/-NH2 acts as Ortho and Para director and activating when it is present on
a benzene ring undergoing electrophilic substitution reaction ?

26. Write different halogenations reactions of Toluene with Chlorine (Cl2) in different conditions(halogenations in 27.
28. side chain and in second substitution in benzene nucleus) Classify the following as o(ortho)-,p(para)- and m(meta)-directing groups: -NH2, -NHR, -NR2, -OH, -OCH3, -NO2, -F, -Cl, -CH3, -COOH, -COCH3, -CHO, -Br, -SO3H, -CN,-Ph, -COOCH3, -CONH2, How will you synthesis aniline from nitrobenzene ? What is basicity order of CH3 NH2, NH3, C6H5NH2, NH2C6H4NO2 explain. What is the carbyl amine reaction ? Write a note on Diazotization reaction. What is the Sandmeyer reaction and its modification ? Write with appropriate example. Write whether the following conversions are possible or not with giving reasons :
CH3 Nitration i) COOH ii) Chlorination COOH Cl + NO2 COOH CH3

30. 31. 32. 33.

NO2 Methylation iii)



CH3 OH Methylation iv) OH CH3

38. How can you accomplish the following reaction as given ? ( any three) 6. i) Phenol from benzene ii) Benzenediazonium chloride from benzene iii) Benzoic acid from aniline iv) P-aminophenol from benzene

v) P- bromoaniline from aniline vi) Aniline from Nitrobenzene vii) Iodobenzene from aniline viii) Phenol, Chlorobenzene, iodobenzene from benezene diazonium chloride ix) Sulphanilic acid from aniline x) Benzoic acid from toluene xi) Benzaldehyde from toluene xii) Benzoic acid from aniline xiii) Metabromotoluene from toluene 34. How Phenol is produced in Laboratory ? 35. Why Ortho and Para- nitroaniline cannot be produced directly nitration of aniline ? 36. Read the structural formulae of important compounds 37. Write short notes on : i) Kolbes reaction, ii) Reimer-tiemann reaction iii) sandmeyer reaction; iv) Gattermann reaction, v) coupling reaction; vi) Diaztization reaction;

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