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This is the official report of Jawa Pharmaceuticals (pvt) limited. We hope it will soon be very helpful for you. Our sincere thanks to professor Ghulam Ahmed Rana for giving us a chance to work in a group where we were able to polish our communication, presentation and all kind of creative skills. Special thanks to Agha Asghar for providing references and Muhammad BaqirJawa (Managing director of Pharmaceuticals) without them we could not have been visit factory where most of our research was completed and many of our surveys were conducted. We would like to thank our parents and family members as well because they provided us the financial and moral support in doing this project. And last of all whatever we have done, it is just because of the coordination and cooperation of all the members of the group. All had worked hard for collecting the data and performing surveys.

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. BRIEF HISTORY .......................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS .....................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. STRUCTURE OF THE ORGANIZATION ............................................Error! Bookmark not defined. ORGANIZATION STRUCTER ...........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. LOCATION: .................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

KEY PLAYERS ...........................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Number of total employee ...................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. MISSION STATEMENT ..........................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Vision ...........................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES .....................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. O B J E C T I V E S .................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL ASSESMENT .....................................Error! Bookmark not defined. EFE Matrix .................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. IFE Matrix...................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. CPM ...............................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. SWOT MATRIX .........................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Space Matrix for Millat tractor ...........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. BCG MATRIX..............................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. IE Matrix .....................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. GRAND STRATEGY: ................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Core Competencies and Key Success Factors: .............................Error! Bookmark not defined. CORPORATE CULTURE .........................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Strategies undertaken at the: .............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. HR Department of Millat Tractors ....................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Main functions of HR department in Millat Tractors Limited ............. Error! Bookmark not defined. Performance Evaluation:......................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Labour laws of Islamic Republic of Pakistan and those practiced in Millat Tractors Limited ........................................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Labour Rights in the Constitution ............................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Termination of the Contract ...........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Paid Leave and Other Leave Entitlements: ..........................Error! Bookmark not defined. Equality: .................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Freedom of association: ...............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Registration of unions: .................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. ADMINSITRATION STRATEGIES.......................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. DECISION MAKING .................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT .....................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Compensation and Benefits: ...............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Workers Concession Shop: ..................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

Workers concession shop where flour, ghee, sugar, soap, etc is provided only to the workers at subsidized rate. .................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Market Analysis .......................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Segments and Target Market .........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Products: ................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Price: ........................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Placement: .............................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Promotions: ..........................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Political: ..................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Market Share: ...........................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Market Position........................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. USP ................................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. USP of Millat Tractors Limited: .....................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Competitive Analysis: ............................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. FINANCIAL STRATEGISE .....................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. OTHER STRATEGIES ..............................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Research and Development ............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Production:............................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. CONTROL PROCEDURES ......................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Marketing control ...............................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. PRODUCTIN CONTROL .....................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. QUALITY CONTROL ...........................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. FINANCE CONTROL: ..........................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. HRM CONTROL: ...................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. PROBLEM SECTION................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.


Name : Jawa Pharmaceutical


Established in Industry Business Based Type of Ownership Location

: : : : :

1967 Pharmaceuticals Industry Private Company Corporation. 112/10 Quaid-e-Azam industrial area, KotLakhpat, Lahore, Pakistan

Brief history
Ambition to get success is a driving force for any noble aim. No ambition can germinate without seed of commitment and light of consistent effort. By grace of God, the immense

contribution of Jawa Pharmaceuticals towards the health care of the masses is an unprecedented glittering mark of strenuous effort and consolidated strategies. Jawa Pharmaceuticals was established with the objective of developing medicines to cure suffering humanity. Its main concern was to earn idea-breeding minds by grasping the finger of progress in the field of science and research.

For the first time, company was licensed in 1967 when it was located in Samanabad then with the passage of time; we felt the need of extension, so the company was shifted to Garden Town in 1972, then finally to KotLakphat in 1982.

As Jawa Pharmaceuticals has always been typing to stare in the eyes of time challenges. Therefore, in 2005, by visualizing our continuous commitment with quality, we got accreditation of ISO 9001-2000. This reveals we have a solid control on our processes and drugs. The company is well aware of the international standard and its demand. Due to diversified planning and concrete action, all departments are well equipped with state of art machinery and modern functioning. System, especially the quality department stands a few inches above others regarding technology and expertise.

Organizational Hierarchy


C.E.O Management Director Marketing Department Franchise Manager Marketing NSM Zonal Manager Area manager Area manager supervisior Procurement Manager HR Manager Finance Department M.I.S Production Director Plant Manager Quality Control Quality Assurance lab assistant

5 asistant Export Manager


Finance manager Lab assistant



lab atteneted production



supervisior 22 pacjing man



3 helper







5 packaging

Location of office
JawaPharmaceuticals (pvt) Ltd. 112/10 Quaid-e-Azam industrial area, KotLakhpat, Lahore, Pakistan

Nature of business
It is a Private limited company.

Total no of employees:
Jawa pharmaceutical have approx. 280 employees which includes management authorities, department heads, Supervisors, Assistants and all the functional level employees

Key players:

Baqir Ali jawa

Sajid Ali jawa

Raza Jawa

Jawa Pharmaceuticals (pvt) Limited.

Mission & Vision statement


Vision Statement
Commitment to save humanity

Mission Statement
Committed to manufacture quality products to satisfy our customers by efficient utilization and development of all our resources

Suggested Mission Statement

Committed to manufacture quality products to ensure the health of our customer around the world by effective utilization and development of all our human and technological resources

Goal & objective;



To achieving its exporting goal Jawa pharmaceuticals would be providing its products to Sri-lanka, Philippine.

Provide corporate sales growth with a sufficient rate annually with a significant increase in per-person productivity level without compromising profitability.

Organization development its own online portal to attain efficiency.

Introduction of more products in diversified range includes Dermatological products Cephalosporins. Quinolones and macrolides to attain more classes of customers.

Expanding business through enhancing product lane. Jawa pharmaceuticals will enhance its business through market development strategy (Exporting). Improvement in Financial planning & efficiency of others systems by effectively utilizing the I.T. backbone. Enhancement of production capacity according to the future growth plans to meet the sales growth.

External and internal assessment

Company: PESTLE:

Jawa Pharmaceuticals pvt Ltd.

PESTLE analysis stands for "Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental analysis" and help organizations making STRATEGIES by helping them to understand the external environment in which the companies operate the functions. PESTLE analysis of Jawa Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd. Political: When we talk about any Pharmaceuticals company in the context of PESLE analysis, we came to know that these companies have not any direct impact of political condition. Economical: Economical condition has a greater influence on Pharmaceutical companies, because in Un-stable economical condition like Inflection or recession situation the company has to change its strategies. The strategies align according to the Economical situation of country. Social: Social condition also have its direct impact on Jawa Pharmaceuticals, like in the situation of War all the foreign companies will shut down there operations and its time for the locals companies to support their nation. As the other firms shut off the production of the local companies would increase to meet the requirement of consumers.

Technology: It is also an important factor that influence on JAWA pharmaceuticals, because now a days there is a rapid growth in the technology a lot of innovations and advancement is

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there in the machineries that enhance the firm`s production, reduce time and give better quality, so to compete with other firms you also have to better your system. Legal: The government and the legal authorities has greater impact on the pharma industry. The more important factor that has a greater influence on Pharmaceuticals companies, like Quality control, environmental control authorities etc. Environmental: Environment has also its effects on pharmaceutical company and as well to its product which cause increase in the products sale and on the other hand to shut off the organization. Like: recently the flood and Dengue virus in Pakistan boosted the sale of medicines.


Mikleporter provides a frame work that an industry is influence by these forces:

1. Rivalry:
Pharma industry is one of the most competitive industries in the country with as many
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different rivals fights for selling the same product with different names. At this stage the JAWA Pharmaceutical has four major competitors that are the local competitors: IrzaPharma Unexo Laboratories MunwarPharma Drug Pharma

2. Bargaining power of Customers:

The unique feature of Pharma industry is that the end user is very important who buys the product. The consumer has a greater choice to buy the same product from other manufacturer. However, when we look at the buyer's power, we look at the influence they have on the prices of the product. Government with its policies plays an important role in regulating pricing through the NPPA (National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority). In the JAWA pharmaceutical the product is sold by the two ways: Over the Counter Sales (OTC) Sales Representative

3. Bargaining power of Suppliers:

The Pharma industry depends upon several organic chemicals. The chemical industry is again very competitive and fragmented. The chemicals used in the Pharma industry are

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largely a commodity. Because of the economical changes in the country the prices of the raw material is increasing very rapidly which cause the high rate of the raw materials. The active materials are also imported from China and India which cost the company at the competitive rates.

4. Threat of substitutes:
The biggest threat to the pharmaceutical industry is the substitute products which are been developed by the competitors and are named differently having the same chemical composition. Therefore the companies which enter newly in the Pharma business they develop the products at the less prices causing the customer turn towards their products. The substitute herbal products are causing the great threat to the JAWA Pharma, like the cough controlling syrup made herbally by the Quershi is damaging the market share of the JAWA cough control syrup.

5. Potential entry of new Competitors:

It is not only incumbent rivals that pose a threat to firms in an industry; the possibility that new firms may enter the industry also affects competition. Industries possess characteristics that protect the high profit levels of firms in the market and inhibit additional rivals from entering the market. The new entrant should have to get the legal orders from the Government to make any product and for registering the firm. High growth prospects make it attractive for new players to enter in the industry. The industry attractiveness is low.


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1. Export



Weighted score .30


2. Regulated Market



3. Enhance product Lane 4. Related diversification 5. Environmental changes

.10 .08 .07

3 3 2

.30 .24 .14

1. Bargaining Power of Supplier 2. Bargaining power of Customer 3. Customer loyalty 4. High Competition 5. Time issues 6. License Procedures .12 .09 .09 .10 .08 .10 1 3 3 3 4 3 3 .36 .27 .27 .40 .24 .30 2.96

14 | P a g e

1. Technological Advancement

Weight .13

Rating 4

Weighted score .52

2. Quality Certificates (ISO)



3. Business Growth



4. M.I.S. 5. Research & Development

.08 .11

3 3

.24 .33

6. Centralized System .12 1 .12

7. Employee Moral



8. Time Utilization



9. Trained Staff 10. Loyalty in Worker

.10 .08 1

2 2

.20 .16 2.50

15 | P a g e

JawaPharma IrzaPharma DrudPharma

Critical success factor Advertising

Weight Rate

Score Rate








Customer loyalty Management














Market share





Product Quality





16 | P a g e

Space matrix
Internal strategic position Financial strength (FS) 1:Return on investment 2:Leverage 3:Liquidty 3 2 2 Score External strategic position Environmental stability (ES) 1:Rate of inflation 2:Demand Variability 3:Price range of competing products 4:working capital 5:Cash flow 6:Inventory turnover 7:Earning per share 8:Price earnings ratio 6 4 4 3 3 4:Barriers to entry 5:Competitive pressure 6:Easy to exit 7:Price elastic of demand 8:Risk involved in business 9: Technological changes Average score 3.375 Average score -1 -2 -3 -2 -4 -2 -2.55 -3 -4 -2 Score

Competitive advantage (CA) 1:Market share 2:Product quality 3:Product life cycle 4:Customer loyalty 5:Competation capacity 6:Contorl over suppliers & distributer 7: Technological know how Average score -3 -3.71 -4 -3 -3 -6 -4 -3

Industry Strength (IS) 1:Growth potential 2:profit potential 3: Financial stability 4:Resource utilization 5:Ease of entry into market 6:Productivity, capacity, utilization 7: Technical know how Average score 5 3.57 5 4 4 3 1 3

17 | P a g e

Internal factors Strengths Weaknesses Centralized system Lack of Loyalty in worker. Time utilization. Lack of trained staff. Employee morale

External factors Opportunities Export Enhanced product lane Related diversification Environmental changes

Technological advancement Quality Certificate (ISO) Business growth M.I.S Research & development (S.O) Strategies

(W.O) Strategies Trained employees should be hired for export. Loyalty in employees of enhancing product lane

Updating machinery for enhancing product lane. Certification for quality production.

Threats Barging power of suppliers Barging power of customer Lack of customer loyalty High competition Time issues Licensed procedures

(S.T) Strategies Business growth by using backward integration. Quality certification for gaining customer loyalty. Better M.I.S for solving time issues.

(W. T) Strategies Hiring of Trained staff for increasing sales and manufacturing. Time should be minimized for gaining licenses.

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The position of our product in the BCG matrix can be identified on the basis of following facts regarding our product: Industry growth rate is very high low market share is there for the product Higher Market share could easily be achievable in future.

Antibacterial & Analgesics

Antacid & multi-vitamins

Cold, Cough & External prep.


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Grand Strategy Matrix

Rapid Market Growth



Weak Competitive Position

Strong Competitive Position



Low Market Growth

IE matrix:

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Core Competency Analysis The core competency of Jawa pharmaceuticals is its R & D Department which moves on innovating and discovering the new product for the health of people. Jawa have very hard working employees in R & D department which is considered as a backbone for the company. Jawa does not compromise the quality on profitability and search on for the better tomorrow. That`s why they say that we are dedicated to provide quality medicine and having the ISO 9001:2000 certified organization we follow standard operating procedures with a defined quality policy. Corporate Culture: Jawa pharmaceuticals is using the traditional corporate culture with in the management efficiency, the strong reasons to use the traditional culture is due to practicing the centralized decision making system. The organization is having the weak culture because there are no shared values and beliefs. Employee works according to the values and traditions owner. The department heads are responsible for their domain and there are no group meetings. Strategies under taken at:

Corporate level:
At the corporate level all the corporate level strategies are been made by the key players of the company. Such as the organization is being using market development, product development and related diversification.

Business level:
At the business level the heads of departments make strategies accordings to the rules of the organization with the concent of key players and that strategies are alligned wuth the corprate level strategies.
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Fuctional level:
At the functional level the strategies are given by the departments supervisiors and every one is responsible for their own work. The supervisior are accountable to the management. Management strategies

Adminstration department:
The administration department has 3 assistance it also includes the mintance head and security persons . Due to the small firm and the weak organizational culture all the adminstration strategies are implmented and made by the management director.

Decision Making
Jawa Pharmaceuticals is practicing Centralized Decision Making all the decisions are being made by Chief Executive Officer Sajid Ali Jawa. The organization has a Tall Structure.

Total Quality Management

Quality Control:We have a modern and well-equipped Quality Control (QC) Laboratory, which ensures that our products are pure, safe and effective. Each product must pass the requisite analysis as per stringent compendia specifications, methods and procedures developed according to international guidelines.

The QC department performs following activities:

RM/PM analysis Finished Products analysis In-process Checks Stability Studies
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Quality Assurance:Our QC department has all necessary instruments for analysis of API, finished products, packaging and related materials used. Finished products are not supplied sold before authorized personnel have cert production batch has been produced and controlled in accordance with the requirement and conformed to the required specification and standards. The effectiveness of the quality management system is checked at appropriate it self inspections and audits. All products which are sold in the market are monitored through a comprehensive Surveillance System. In case of any complaints from the market, proper investing out to discover the root cause of the compliant. Appropriate preventive and correct are taken promptly in order to prevent recurrence.

Marketing Analysis
Segment & Target Market Marketing Segmentation
We segment our market by keep in view the different factors of market.


Country: Dencity: Gender: Age:

Pakistan Urban & ruler Male & female All ages



Social class: Upper, Upper middle, Middle Class and lower class

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Target Market
Doctors, NGOs, Govt. hospitals, Private Clinics are the main target market for Jawa Products.

4 Ps of Market Analysis

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Ambrofen Ambrofen Amnic Amnic Ambrofen Ambrofen Ambrofen Ambrofen Amnic

Ibuprofen 100mg/5ml Ibuprofen 100mg/5ml Mefenamic Acid 50mg/5ml Mefenamic Acid 50mg/5ml Ibuprofen 200mg Ibuprofen 200mg Ibuprofen 400mg Ibuprofen 400mg Mefenamic Acid250mg Mefenamic Acid250mg

Suspension 90ml Suspension 400ml Suspension 60ml Suspension 450ml Tablets Tablets Tablets Tablets Tablets Tablets 500's 50X10's 250's 25X10's 1000's 60X10's

10 Amnic

24 | P a g e

11 Paracetamol 12 Paracetamol 13 Aspirin 14 Jfenac 15 Jfenac-P 16 Zebroxen 17 Zebroxen 18 Taprofen 19 Jcenac 20 Joxicam 21 Joxicam 22 Paincure 23 Paincure Fort

Paracetamol 500mg Paracetamol 500mg Aspirin300mg Diclofenac Sodium 50mg Diclofenac Potassium 50mg Neproxen Sodium 275mg Neproxen Sodium 550mg Flurbiprofen100mg Aceclofenac100mg Meloxicam 7.5mg Meloxicam 15mg

Tablets Tablets Tablets Tablets Tablets Tablets Tablets Tablets Tablets Tablets Tablets

1000's 20X10's 1000's 2X10's 2X10's 3X10's 2X10's 3X10's 1X10's 1X10's 1X10's 10X10's 1X10's

Paracetamol 450mg + Orphanedrine Citrate 35mg Tablets Paracetamol 650mg + Orphanedrine Citrate 50mg Tablets ANTIHISTAMINES

Chlorphenramine Maleate Chlorphenramine

ChlorphenramineMeleate 2mg/5ml



Maleate Chlorphenramine Maleate

ChlorphenramineMeleate 2mg/5ml



ChlorphenramineMeleate 2mg/5ml



ChlorphenramineMaleate ChlorphenramineMeleate 4mg

25 | P a g e



Chlorphenramine Maleate Fanoxin Fanoxin Rinex M.Brozine

ChlorphenramineMeleate 4mg



6 7 8 9

Fexofenadine HCl 60mg Fexofenadine HCl 120mg Desloratadine 5mg Promethazine HCl 5mg/5ml Promethazine HCl 5mg/5ml Promethazine HCl 10mg Loratadine 10mg Loratadine 5mg/5ml Loratadine 5mg/5ml Ebastine10mg Cetirizine Dihydrochloride 10mg Cetirizine Dihydrochloride 5mg/5ml Levocetirizine 5mg

Tablets Tablets Tablets Elixir Elixir Tablets Tablets Syrup Syrup Tablets Tablets Syrup Tablets

1X10's 1X10's 1X10's 120ml 450ml 1000's 1X10's 30ml 60ml 1X10's 1X10's 60ml 1X10's 1X10's

10 M.Brozine 11 M.Brozine 12 Lortab 13 Lortab 14 Lortab 15 Jastine 16 Cetzi 17 Cetzi 18 Lecetzi 19 Fenoxin-CF

Fexofenadine HCl 60mg, Pseudoephedrine HCl 120 Tablets ANTIBACTERIAL AND AMOEBICIDES Trimethoprim 40mg, Sulphamethoxazole 200mg/5ml Trimethoprim 40mg, Sulphamethoxazole200mg/5ml


Suspension 50ml


Suspension 400ml

26 | P a g e

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Amtril Amtril Amtril DS Amtril DS Metzol Metzol Metzol

Trimethoprim 80mg, Sulphamethoxazole 400mg Trimethoprim 80mg, Sulphamethoxazole 400mg

Tablets Tablets

200's 20X10's 100's 10X10's 20X10's 2X10's 10X10's

Trimethoprim 160mg, Sulphamethoxazole 800mg Tablets Trimethoprim 160mg, Sulphamethoxazole 800mg Tablets Metronidazole 200mg Metronidazole 400mg Metronidazole 400mg Metronidazole Benzoate eq. to Metronidazole Tablets Tablets Tablets

10 Metzol

200mg/5ml Metronidazole 200mg, Diloxanide 250mg Metronidazole 400mg, Diloxanide 500mg DiloxanideFurote 250mg ,Metronidazole(Benzoate) 200mg/5ml Ciprofloxacin (HCl) 250mg Ciprofloxacin (HCl) 500mg Ofloxacin 200mg Levofloxacin 250mg Levofloxacin 500mg Norfloxacin 400mg Clarithromycin 250mg Clarithromycin 500mg

Suspension 60ml

11 Mntazole 12 Mntazole - DS

Tablets Tablets

3X10's 5X3's

13 Mntazole

Suspension 60ml

14 Jawaflox 15 Jawaflox 16 Joxacin 17 Jevelexin 18 Jevelexin 19 Jnor 20 Jawaclar 21 Jawaclar

27 | P a g e

Tablets Tablets Tablets Tablets Tablets Tablets Tablets Tablets

1X10's 1X10's 1X10's 1X10's 1X10's 2X7's 1X10's 1X10's

22 P-Lock 23 J-Rox 24 Typdex 25 Xyrox 26 Xyrox 27 Mox-Q 28 Bactocare 29 Bactocare 30 Jawaclar 31 Jalidix 32 Xyrox 33 Darphin 34 Darphin 35 Darphin 36 Darphin 37 Zixim 38 Zixim 39 Zclor 40 Zclor 41 Xeclor

PefloxacinMesylate 400mg Roxithromycin 150mg Nalidixic Acid 500mg

Tablets Tablets Tablets

1X10's 1X10's 3X10's 10's 10's 1X5's

Erythromycin Stearate Erythromycin 250mg Tablets Erythromycin Stearate Erythromycin 500mg Tablets Moxifloxacin 400mg Azithromycin Dihydrate 200mg/5ml Azithromycin Dihydrate 250mg Clarithromycin 125mg/5ml Nalidixic Acid 250mg/5ml Erthromycin Ethyl Succinte 200mg/5ml Cephradine (as Monohydrate) 250mg Cephradine (as Monohydrate) 500mg Cephradine (as Monohydrate) 125mg Cephradine (as Monohydrate) 250mg Cefixime (as Trihydrate) 100mg Cefixime (as Trihydrate) 400mg Cefaclor (As monohydrate) 125mg Cefaclor (As monohydrate) 250mg Cefaclor (As monohydrate) 250mg Tablets

Suspension 15ml Capsules 1X10's

Suspension 60ml Suspension 60ml Suspension 60ml Capsules Capsule 1X12's 1x12's

Suspension 60ml Suspension 60ml Suspension 30ml Capsule 1x5's

Suspension 60ml Suspension 60ml Capsule 1x12's

28 | P a g e

42 Jafotax 43 Jafotax 44 Darphin 45 Fopera 46 Fopera 47 T-Zd 48 T-Zd 49 Jewpime 50 Jewpime 51 Try-x 52 Try-x

Cefotaxime 250mg Cefotaxime 1gm Cepharadine 500mg Cefoperazone 1gm, Sulbactum 1gm Cefoperazone 0.5gm, Sulbactum 0.5gm Ceftazidime 250mg Ceftazidime 1gm Cefepime 500mg, Sterile Arginine 250mg Cefepime 1gm, Sterile Arginine 500mg Ceftriaxone 250mg Ceftriaxone 1gm ANTACID, ANTIFLATULENTS & ANTIULCER Sod. Bicarbonate 5g, SpiritammoniaAromat

Injection Injection Injection Injection Injection Injection Injection Injection Injection Injection Injection

1 Vial 1 Vial 1 Vial 1 Vial 1 Vial 1 Vial 1 Vial 1 Vial 1 Vial 1 Vial 1 Vial

Carminative Mixture

6.5ml, Tr. Cardco 6.5ml, Aqua Mentha Pip Conc. 4.8ml/100ml" Sod. Bicarbonate 5g, SpiritammoniaAromat



Carminative Mixture

6.5ml, Tr. Cardco 6.5ml, Aqua Mentha Pip Conc. 4.8ml/100ml"




Mag. Trisilicate 500mg, Aluminium Hydroxide



29 | P a g e

250mg Mag. Trisilicate 500mg, Aluminium Hydroxide 4 Mebrosil 250mg Sodium Bicorbonate 300mg Mag. Trisilicate 500mg Mag. Trisilicate 500mg Ranitidine 150mg Famotidine 20mg Famotidine 40mg Famotidine 10mg/5ml Pantoprazole 40mg Rabeprazole Sodium 10mg Rabeprazole Sodium 20mg Omeprazole 20mg Lansoprazole 30mg Esomeprazole 20mg Esomeprazole 40mg ANTI-ANAEMIC PREPARATIONS 1 2 Ferrous Sulphate Ferrous Gluconate Ferrous Sulphate 200mg/5ml Ferrous Gluconate 300mg/5ml Syrup Syrup 120ml 120ml Tablets 50x10's

5 6 7 8 9

Soda Mint Amtri Amtri Rantab Stomachcare

Tablets Tablets Tablets Tablets Tablets Tablets

1000's 1000's 50x10's 1x10's 2x10's 1x10's

10 Stomachcare 11 Stomachcare 12 Pentazole 13 R-bzole 14 R-bzole 15 Mebrazole 16 Laprole 17 Ulcicare 18 Ulcicare

Suspension 60ml Tablets Tablets Tablets Capsules Capsules Capsules Capsules 14's 1x10's 1x14's 2x7's 2x7's 2x7's 2x7's

30 | P a g e


Iron Polymaltose Complex eq. to Elemental Iron 50mg/5ml Iron Polymaltose Complex eq. to Elemental Iron 100mg Iron Polymaltose Complex eq. to







Elemental Iron 100mg+Folic Acid 0.35mg Iron Proteinsuccinylate 800mg, Elemental Iron







1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Piperazine Piperazine Jenzole Jenzole Jenzole Zenzol Zenzol

Piperazine Citrate eq. to Piprazine Hydrate 750mg Elixir Piperazine Citrate eq. to Piprazine Hydrate 750mg Elixir Albendazole 200mg/5ml Albendazole 200mg Albendazole 200mg Mebendazole 100mg Mebendazole 100mg/5ml ANTIMALARIALS Chloroquine Phosphate eq. to Chloroquine Base 50mg/5ml Chloroquine Phosphate eq. To Chloroquine Base

30ml 450ml

Suspension 10ml Tablets Tablets Tablets 2's 1x10's 6x10

Suspension 30ml

Chloroquine Phosphate



Chloroquine Phosphate




31 | P a g e

3 4 5 6

Chloroquine Phosphate Amfan Haptoval Zydar

Chloroquine Phosphate 80mg Lumefantrine 120mg, Artemether 20mg Sulfadoxine 500mg, Pyrimethamine 25mg Sulfadoxine 500mg, Pyrimethamine 25mg BRONCHODILATORS

Tablets Tablets Tablets Syrup

1000's 1x16's 1x10's 15ml

1 2 3 4 5 6

Theophylline Theophylline Aminophylline Astamol Amacure Amacure

Theophylline Sod. Glycinate 150mg Theophylline Sod. Glycinate 150mg Aminophylline 100mg Salbutamol 2mg/5ml Montelukast sodium 5mg Montelukast sodium 10mg CARDIOVASCULAR PREPARATIONS (ANTI HYPERTENSIVE)

Syrup Syrup Tablets Syrup Tablets Tablets

60ml 450ml 1000's 60ml 14's 14's

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Cardiocare Cardiocare Cardat Cardat Jasartan Japril Japril

Amlodipine Besylate eq. to Amlodipine 5mg Amlodipine Besylate eq. to Amlodipine 10mg Atenolol 50mg Atenolol 100mg Losartan Potassium 50mg EnalaprilMeleate 5mg EnalaprilMeleate 10mg COLD & COUGH PREPARATIONS

Tablets Tablets Tablets Tablets Tablets Tablets Tablets

2x10's 2x10's 2x10's 2x10's 2x10's 2x10's 2x10's

32 | P a g e


"Ammonium Chloride 100mg, Chlorphenramine Maleate 2mg, Ephedrine HCl 7mg/5ml" "Ammonium Chloride 100mg, Chlorphenramine Maleate 2mg, Ephedrine HCl 7mg/5ml" "Ammonium Chloride 100mg, Chlorphenramine







Maleate 2mg, Ephedrine HCl 7mg/5ml" Aminophylline 32mg, Diphenhydramine 8mg,




Ammonium Chloride 30mg/5ml" "Aminophylline 32mg, Diphenhydramine 8mg,




Ammonium Chloride 30mg/5ml" Diphenhydramine HCl 13.5mg, Ammonium Chloride 131.5mg/5ml Diphenhydramine HCl 13.5mg, Ammonium Chloride 131.5mg/5ml









8 9

Ambrofen P Ambrofen-P Fort

Ibuprofen 200mg, Pseudoephedrine HCl 300mg Ibuprofen 400mg, Pseudoephedrine HCl 60mg Ibuprofen 100mg, Pseudoephedrine HCl 15mg Paracetamol 500mg, PesudoephedrineHCl 60mg,

Tablets Tablets

10x10's 10x10's

10 Ambrofen-P

Suspension 60ml

11 Flutabs

Chlorpheniramine 4mg EXTERNAL PREPARAION




Iodine 4%, Methyl Salicyclate 5%



33 | P a g e

Kaolin Heavy 52.7g, Boric Acid 4.5g, Thymol 2 M. Broplast 0.05g, Methyl Salicylate 0.2ml, Peppermint Oil 0.05ml, Glycerin 10g Propylone Glycol 32.5g/100gm" 3 4 5 6 7 Calamina Lotion Tr. Benzonic Co. Tr. Benzonic Co. Tr. Iodine Tr. Iodine Calamine 15gm, Zinc Oxide 5g/100ml Benzoin 100gm, Aloe 20gm, Storex 80gm/100ml Benzoin 100gm, Aloe 20gm, Storex 80gm/100ml Mitis Iodine 2% Mitis Iodine 2% ELECTROLYTE 1 2 Amural Amural Sod. Acid Citrate 1.25gm/5ml Sod. Acid Citrate 1.25gm/5ml LAXATIVES 1 Jalac Lactoluse 67gm/100ml MULTIVITAMINS, CALCIUM PREPARATION Thiamine HCl 3mg, Riboflavin 3mg, Pyridoxine 2mg, Nicotinamide 23mg/15ml Thiamine HCl 3mg, Riboflavin 3mg, Pyridoxine 2mg, Nicotinamide 23mg/15ml Thiamine HCl 3mg, Riboflavin 3mg, 3 M. Broplex Pyridoxine 2mg, Nicotinamide 23mg/15ml Syrup 450ml Syrup 120ml Syrup Syrup 120ml 450ml Lotion Tincture Tincture Tincture Tincture 120ml 10x25ml 400ml 10x25ml 400ml Oinment 100mg

M. Broplex



M. Broplex



34 | P a g e

M. Broplex

Thiamine HCl 1mg, Riboflavin 1mg, Nicotinamide 15mg/tablet Thiamine HCl 1mg, Riboflavin 1mg, Nicotinamide 15mg/tablet Mecobalamine 500 g Vitamin D 350IU, Calcium Phosphate (Tribasic)



M. Broplex







210mg/5ml Calcium Carbonate 1250mg, Vitamin D 125IU "Vit. A 2500 IU, Vit. D 250 IU Ascorbic Acid 15mg






M. Brovit

Thiamine HCL 0.55mg, Riboflavin 0.65mg, Nicotinamide 5.5mg/5ml" "Vit. A 2500 IU, Vit. D 250 IU Ascorbic Acid 15mg




M. Brovit

Thiamine HCL 0.55mg, Riboflavin 0.65mg, Nicotinamide 5.5mg/5ml" ORAL HYPOGLYCAEMICS



1 2

Mfor Zenzide

Metformin 500mg Gliclazide 80mg ANTI EMETICS

Tablets Tablets

5x10's 2x10's


Domperidone 10mg



35 | P a g e

2 3

Jperidon Vompride

Domperidone 5mg/5ml ItoprideHCl 50mg ANTIVIRAL

Suspension 120ml Tablets 1x10's

1 2 3

Virakil Virakil Virakil

Ribavirin 200mg Ribavirin 400mg Ribavirin 600mg ANTIFUNGAL

Capsule Capsule Capsule

1x10's 1x10's 1x10's

1 2 3

Fungazole Atcon Canditic

Fluconazole 150mg Itraconazole (Pellets) 100mg Fluconazole 200mg ANTIOBESITY

Capsule Capsule Capsule

1x1's 1x4's 1x4's

1 2

Livvel Livvel

SibutramineHCl 10mg SibutramineHCl 15mg ANTIEPILEPTICS

Capsule Capsule

1x4's 1x4's

1 2 3

G-Tin G-Tin G-Tin

Gabapentin 100mg Gabapentin 300mg Gabapentin 400mg HYPOLIPDAEMICS

Capsule Capsule Capsule

1x10's 1x10's 1x10's

1 2

Cholein Cholein

Atorvastatin 10mg Atorvastatin 20mg

Tablets Tablets

1x10's 1x10's

36 | P a g e


Ezetimibe 10mg CHOLAGOGUES & HEPATIC L-Ornithine L-Aspartate 300mg, Nicotinamide




24mg, Riboflavin Sodium Phosphate 0.76mg/5ml



Jawa is using penetration pricing strategy but are not compromising on quality.

According to the placement of JawaPharmaceutical it has covered 50% share in Punjab & NWFP, its 30% share is in Sindh and 20% share in Balochistan.

Jawas marketing strategies contribute Maximum to company's growth by achieving the set objectives keeping in view the market opportunities timely generation of revenue, inclusion of value added products through optimal utilization of recourses. They arrange many conferences, seminars, lectures on various diseases, broachers, diary and souvenir to doctors.

Market Share

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As there are many competitors in the Pharmaceutical industry but the direct competitors of JawaPharma are IrzaPharma, Drug Pharma, UnexoPharma. UnexoPharma is the market leader. JawaPharma and IrzaPharmais market challenger and have approximately equal share.

The unique selling point of Jawa Pharmaceutical is to provide best quality product to their customers at competitive price and its Vision Statement says:Committed to save Humanity

Other Strategies
Research & Development
Jawa Pharmaceutical has an established Product Development laboratory where new form developed under supervision of high qualified and experienced technical staff. In not only new formulations are developed but also analytical methods for new product are developed & validated. Our product development lab has successfully introduced formulations in therapeutic areas such as antibiotics &anti infective, cardiovascular preparations, analgesic, NSAIDs & newer antiRheumatic such as COX-2 inhibitors, antiviral, vitamins, cholesterol lowering agents, AntiAnemic, anti-allergic etc.

The production department has always been the back bone of the company and is a great reason for the growth of the company. Jawa pharmaceuticals has divided its production departments into 4 different sections that are
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Tablet Syrup Injection Capsuls

All the above mentioned products have different sections where these products are produced, packed and designed. All the departments heads are accountable for their demartments to the production director. Which overview the work activities. The organization is using the batch production system.

Problem Section Main problem according to the Management:

Low employee morale and less interest in work. Lack of customer loyalty. High rate employee turn over.

Main problem acourding to our analysis:

Ceneteralized decision making system increases the time utalization. HR department is not working propely and they are not having any specified job discription for the emloyees and not having any pactulier HR activities.

Sub problems:
Company is not having the proper M.I.S system working.

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Strategies Alterbatives
Solution to solve the problem:
The company sales force should activitely meet the customers twice in a week and described their products benefits, assured quality at competative prices to them. The management should allow the employees to participate activiely in decision making process. It help the company to develop a friendly enviornment which leads to generate the innovate ideas and helps in making proper strategies. The other note able benefit is that employee feel comfort at work place that gradually makes his/her interest in the work. The company should developed a proper HR department that would generate a efficient work force and also over come the companies other problems like incitives and motivation technique, low employee morale and interest

We suggest the proper HR department i.e:-

There should be a proper HR vision in the line of which company should hire dynamic and efficient employees which will definitelyhelps in increasing the growth of company. Proper training should be given to the employees to polish the skills and enhance their knowledge about the Pharmaceuticals industry.


Companyshould encourage the employees to enhance their knowledge and skills base, and
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support their efforts through trainings. Their Training and Development program should outlines clear paths for professional development on either a technical or a managerial level. Meeting up with different people from different backgrounds during the training program gives exposure and broadens their horizons, resulting into new and innovative ideas. Company should ensure the employees to have the skills and leadership abilities to succeed and reach their full potential.

Company should develop the best compensation packages with refers to the market. We suggest the following benefits and privileges for the motivation of employees to JAWA Pharmaceuticals. Group Life Insurance Provident fund Leave benefits Leave encashment Health Insurance (self & family) Medical Allowance Bonus Annual gathering Transport facilities Hajj draws


Jawa pharmaceuticals should recruit and select their employees only on the basis of merit. They should hire employees without any regard to race, color, religion, gender and marital status. Jawa pharmaceuticals should adopt the policy of hiring the right person for the right job, to ensure that they are operating maximum efficiency level.

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