Cambodia Presentation

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Kingdom of Cambodia Ministry f Public Works and Transport

By Hong SINARA, PhD DDG, MPWT November 15-16, 2007. BKK, Thailand UNESCAP

The road network of the Kingdom of Cambodia is the artery system to enhance the economic growth throughout the country. It plays also economic integration in the country as well as in the region. The development of infrastructure is the locomotive of National Economy for poverty reduction in the country. The Ministry of Public Works and Transport of Kingdom of Cambodia which is working intensively to improve its policy and strategy to upgrade all existing road network, inland waterways, railways ports and the other means of transport facilities is also to provide safe transportation for trade and tourism for the country as well as for the region. Through the bilateral and international cooperation between China, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, EU, WB, ADB, JICA, JBIC, MPWT has achieved its potential goals. As result, up to 2006, we have improved more than 2,000 km of road length.

The MPWT is targeted to upgrade another 2,000 km including feeder roads for the Asian Highway Network and strongly expected to complete in 2009. The rehabilitation plan is very important to upgrade our national road system which is included the construction of new bridges in where are temporary to be permanent in respect to the international standards. The road maintenance is the key issue in our ministry. The deterioration of roads mostly caused by the overloaded trucks and natural disaster, due to this the overloading law has been reinforced. Recently, WB and ADB planed their budget to support road maintenance programme in Cambodia in the total amount of about 65 Millions US. The Economic Beneficiary from the Project Implementation is $ US 221 Million in the year of 2010 and $ US 515 Million in 2020. When long term project is over in 2020, all 1 digit roads become the asphalt pavement. The total amount of Investment is $ US 2,579.5 Million needed. To remark that there many tourist from different countries are coming to Cambodia. The number of tourist continually increasing, three international airports has been renovated recently such as Phnom Penh and Siem Reap airports. The third international airport (Sihanouk Ville) will be opened in the year of 2008. The local airports also have been improving in some tourist attraction areas.

Cambodia has two international ports, which are: Phnom Penh Port, The government of Belgium has been providing assistant for developing the master plan of inland waterway transport, which is included navigation aid in the Mekong River system crossed Cambodia. More over, the port security system also has been improved by international assistance. The management system and services are upgrading and the number of containers is increasing by 24% in the year 2006.

Sihanouk Ville Port, With the amount of $ US 80 M loan from JBIC, the landing facility has been expanded another 400m. The container yard also expanding, the additional areas of 85 hectares are expected to develop into special economic zone in near future. The goods are increasingly imported into this port by 15% in the year 2006.

Railway, The international communities pay their attention in the development of Cambodian Railways, in this regards, the government of Malaysia provided the used trucks of 106 km for the missing link of 48 km from Poipet (Cam/Thai border) to Sisophon; the government of Thailand provided us free of charge transportation of these trucks crossing its territory. The ADB and other donor financing us to reconstruct this mentioned section as well as the whole existing railway system. We are now looking for more assistance to construct the new inter-connection line of Trans- Asian Railway from Phnom Penh to Cambodia/Vietnam border (Loc Ninh) around 255 km in length.

In order to improve cooperation and facilitation through the cross-border transportation, the Royal Government of Cambodia policy is continually inspecting and agreeing all various agreements and protocols are advantage of Cambodia. These include: UNESCAP framework Agreement on "Asian Highway Network" and "Trans-Asian Railway Network", Agreement on transportation in the Mekong Sub-Region, Bilateral Protocol on Cross-Border Transportation between Cambodia/ Vietnam and preparing to sign same Protocol with Laos and Thailand. The road safety is the big issue for the government of the Kingdom of Cambodia, the fatality rate is significantly increansing, every day 4 death caused by traffic accident

International corridors & their supporting projects

Southern Corridor

Central Corridor

Completed Projects Projects Completed On-going Projects On-goingProject Proposal Made Projects Project Proposal Made Seeking Funds Bridges Committed Bridges Committed Projects Committed Seeking Funds Cross Border Facility

Southern Coastal Corridor

Source: MPWT-JICA Road Network Development Study Oct 2006 & GDPW/MPWT 2007

International corridors & their supporting projects (continued)

Central Corridor
Description Cost in USD Million 62.80 71.50 Financial Sources Chinese Loan Chinese Loan Time Frame Status

NR 7 / Kratie Steung Treng Lao Border (187 km) NR8 / Ponhea Krek Prek Tamak at RN6A (109km) Mekong Bridge at Prek Tamak ( 1,000 m)

2004-2007 2007-2010

On-going On-going


Chinese Loan



Prek Kdam Bridge ( 975 m)


Chinese Loan



Southern Coastal Corridor

Description Cost in USD Million 21.69 7.20 17.05 18.00 Financial Sources Thai Loan Thai Grant Korean Loan ADB Time Frame Status

RN 48 / Koh Kong RN4 (151.3 km) RN 48 / 4 Major Bridges RN3 / Trapang Ropao Kompot ( 32 km) RN 33/ Kompong Trach Prek Chak/ Lork (15 km), Structure Widening & Road Maintenance bet. Kompong Trach & Kompot (34km), & 2 Cross Border Facilities at Prek Chak/Lork & Koh Kong

2004 - 2007 2005-2007 2004-2007 2008-2010

On-going On-going On-going SCCP Pre - Appraisal Mission in Mar April 2007

International corridors & their supporting projects (continued)

Southern Corridor
Description Common Control Area at Bavet Cross Border Facility Neak Leung Mekong Bridge RN 1 / Neak Leung km 13 from Phnom Penh RN 1 / KM 13 to PHP (13km) Takmao Bridge on the Phnom Penh ring road Phnom Penh Ring Road (50 km) Kompong Chhnang Ring Road (20 km) Battombang Ring Road (30 km) Poipet Sisophon Seam Reap Road including Poi Pet Cross Border Facility Seam Reap ring road (30km) Steung Treng Seam Reap ( 275km) NR 78 / Bangloung Steung Treng ( 124 km) NR 78 / Banloung VN Border ( 131km) Cost in USD Million At least 0.30 74.00 43.14 30.00 100.00 15.00 23.00 77.50 * 23.00 140.00 36.00 25.00 Financial Sources GMS/ADB 1945CAM(SF):CRIP JICA Grant JICA Grant JICA Grant China Loan GMS/ADB 1945CAM(SF):CRIP China Loan VN Loan Time Frame 2007-2008 2009 2012 Dec 06 Mar09 2008 - 2010 Medium & Long Terms Medium Term Medium Term 2006-2008 Medium Term 2008-2010 2007-2009 On-going Financial Proposal has been requested On-going
Source: GDPW/MPWT 2007

Status VN & RGC Custom Dpts to agree on locations Committed On-going Grant is in process Committed USD 50 mil in medium & USD 50 mil in long terms

Summary of Road Investment in Master Plan

On-going or committed projects 1 digit road (8 packages on 6 routes, 506) 2nd Mekong Bridge included 2 digit road (7 packages on 7 routes, 740 km ), NR33, NR48, NR56 (study only), NR62, NR64, NR68 (bridge only), NR78 Road and Bridge Projects, Phnom Penh Ring Road, 2nd Tonlesap River Bridge, 2nd Bassac River Bridge, Battambang Bypass, Siem Reap Bypass, Kampong Chhnang Bypass included 2 digit road 37 packages on 31 routes, NR 11, NR 31, NR57, NR66 and other 27 routes of 2-digit road 3 digit road (18 packages on 18 routes, 1,273.5 km) NR104, NR114, NR127, NR 210, NR 213, NR274, NR301, NR305, NR148 and other 9 routes 2 Road Maintenance 1digit, 2 digit, 3 digit and rural road Allocation of maintenance cost appropriately by each road 3 Urgent Bridge Rehabilitation Program North-east, North-west, South-east, South-west, Traffic Management Reinforcement of law and regulation, Reinforcement of car inspection, a motorcycle license, vehicle registration, etcTraffic safety Signal installation, provision of a motorcycle lane, education, Reinforcement of an implementation organization and personnel training (Capacity Building) Preparation of Guideline Total amount of Investment 2,579.5 M. USD


Cambodia Road Network Development Master Plan

Short Term 2006 - 2010 Medium Term 2011 2015 Long Term 2016 - 2020

Master Plan was developed in 2006 by MPWT & JICA Study Team based upon Vision of Road Rehabilitation to Economic Development The Vision composes of Five Strategies

Three Phase Development Master Plan

Source: MPWT-JICA Road Network Development Study Oct 2006










Cost in USD Mil 73.00

Financial Sources ADB, OPEC & Cambodia

Time Frame 20072009


GMS Rehabilitation of the Railway in Cambodia Scope of Works: Rehabilitation of Southern Line (254km) & extension to Sihanouk Ville container port Rehabilitation of Northern Line (335km) and the missing link Restructure of the railways Construction of new rail line between Phnom Penh & VN Border (255km)

Procurement of operator, consultant services & contractors


Feasibility Study Completed

Source: The Royal Railway of Cambodia

Water Transport Projects

On-going projects
The Installation of aids to navigation on the Mekong River between Phnom Penh & Cambodia-VN border The Development of the Management Information System for PHP Port The Technical Feasibility Study of dredging the Sap Lake for navigation The Study changes to the legal framework for cross border navigation bet. Cambodia & VN The Sihanouk Ville Port Development is financed by JBIC to extend 400 meter of container terminal. The 240 m (1st phase) and 160 m ( 2nd phase) completed; 3rd phase of port equipment supply is in progress

Kampong Cham Port Chong Khneas Port

IWT Projects in the Master Plan

The New PHP International Container Port (2011 the capacity constrain of the existing PHP Port reached) The New Container Berth at Kompong Cham Province ( 2015 to accommodate Feeder Barge with Capacity of 96 ETU) The Multi Purpose Chong Khneas Port (2010) The Channel Dredging the Mekong & Basac Rivers, and Sap River

Phnom Penh Port

New Phnom Penh Port Mekong Dredging Work Sihanouk Ville Port Basac Dredging Work



US$ million Dredging: Up to Phnom Penh, short-term Up to Phnom Penh, medium-term Up to Kampong Cham Port Development: Phnom Penh, Short-term Re-location of Phnom Penh Port Kampong Cham Container Facility Passenger facilities, Chong Kneas New Chong Kneas Port Immediate priority measures Medium-term 8.47 2.29 0.59 2.21 36.69 1.67 0.40 15.57 1.01 1.00 0.35 TOTAL
Surce: Mater Plan for Waterborne Transportation on the Mekong River System in Cambodia Aug 2006

Waterway Safety:


US$ 70.25 million


Airport Development
The Phnom Penh & Seam Reap International airports are operated under BOT scheme The Sihanouk Ville airport has been reopened since early 2007. It is also operated under BOT scheme. The airport will be upgraded to international in 2008. The Rattanakiri domestic airport rehabilitation is financed by ADB Loan 1969-CAM(SF): Mekong Tourism Development Project. Completion Date 2008 Cambodia is seeking financial sources to rehabilitate domestic airports such as Kratie, Mondolkiri, Prea Vihear and others

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