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B MHLANGA 920 317 064 2012

Question 1 Instruction:-One Word 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. When two cars collide it is called? Who arrest criminals? Where do we service motors? What do we call the signs we get on the roads? Which place do we fill petrol for vehicles? Question 2 Instruction:-Fill In the Missing Words

Earthquake Energy, earthquake, faults, disaster, tsunami A. A sudden release of __________ is called earthquake. B. Earthquake is a natural______________. C. Picture _____________ shows the earthquake.

D. The other name of an____________ is called temblor. E. Earthquakes are caused mostly by rupture of geological______________.

G.B MHLANGA 920 317 064 2012

Question 3 Instruction:-Paragraph Learners listen to the story about the man who sets himself on Fire Man sets himself on fire Outside Breivik trial
Oslo, Norway (AP) An identified man was seriously injured in a self-immolation Tuesday outside the courthouse where rightwing extremist Anders Breivik is being tried on terror charges for a bombing and shooting massacre that killed 77 people on July 22. Police said the man didnt appear to have any connections to the trial, which has been under way since mid-April in the Oslo District Court. Before accident the man was stopped by the office of Norwegian lawyer Bente Roli, where he stopped off an-envelope with confused notes, Roli told The Associated Press. He was disturbed. Very much. He was nothing to do with the July 22 events, Roli said. A video clip of the incident posted on Norwegian newspaper VGs website showed the man setting himself on fire before stunned witnesses. He walked up to police with flames shooting up from his sweater and hat, and appeared to yell shoot me, it hurts in a Scandinavian language with foreign accent. He ran toward the security check point outside the court but turned right just before the entrance and slumped to the pavement. The man shouted in pain as police officers rushed up to him and tore off his burning sweater. There were police officers on site and the fire was put out quickly, police operations leader Finn Belle told the Associated Press. Roli said she wasnt in the office when the men came in but her secretary met him. He was psychologically unstable and thought he was the victim of a conspiracy, she told AP. He thought everyone was after him because of the social problems he has. She said the man was 49 but didnt name him. The man was taken to Oslo University Hospital where he was to undergo surgery early Wednesday for serious, but not life threatening, injuries, police said. They described him as a Norwegian citizen of foreign origin, and with no apparent links to the Breivik trial. Not as far as we know, police spokeswomen Unni Turid Groendal said. Nouni Mohsen, a witness works in a restaurant across the street from the court house, told AP that police came in asking for water I didnt have anything but small water bottles. They wanted lot of water because there was much fire on his body, Said Mohsen Breivik has admitted to setting off a car bomb that killed eight people outside the government headquarters in Oslo and then killing 69 people shooting rampage at the Labor Partys annual youth camp. The self-styled anti-Muslim militant has showed no remorse for the attacks, saying the victims had betrayed Norway by embracing multiculturalism. st The self-immolation was the 1 incident outside the court since the trial began. Inside the court, an Iraqi man whose brother killed in the massacre threw a shoe at Breivik on Friday, hitting one of Breivik defense lawyers. That incident briefly interrupted the proceedings, which had been conducted without disturbances until that point. Prosecutors said the proceedings were not interrupted by the drama outside the courthouse Tuesday. The trial is scheduled to run until the end of June. BY Jan M Associated Press Writer

Instruction-You must write a paragraph about the story and what did you understand. Or you can also sequence the story in 5 lines paragraph.

G.B MHLANGA 920 317 064 2012

One Page Summary

At the end of the lesson, learners must be able to understand different Emergencies and how they affect daily lives. Also to take precautions. As from milestone 1, we have learned different emergencies such as fire, accidents and disasters. Some of these emergencies are caused by human and some are natural disasters. Natural disasters happen naturally and cannot be prevented, unlike the human disasters which sometimes can be avoided or prevented.

Fire-The learners should know how to protect themselves against fire. For example when they is fire in the house they must always lie down and crawl to the door. They should also roll themselves on the ground in case when someone got burnt. In addition when there is a veld fire the learners should try to call emergency numbers (fire fighters) to protect themselves from getting serious burns which may sometimes lead to death. Earthquake-We all know that earthquake is a natural disaster and it can happen at any time. Since this happen when one is unprepared earthquake remains the serious natural disaster. Fortunately the scientists today are able to make us aware, in advance so that we can be moved to the safest area. Car Accidents-As we all know, car accidents are caused by many things, for example the negligence of drivers because they have a tendency of not obeying the road signs. The learners should obey the rules of the roads. They should always use the pedestrian crossings and they must cross the road when the robot is green. It is very important for the learners before they cross to look on-their left and rigid side for safely measures.

Fire- Learners should avoid playing with matches and burning candles. They must avoid open flames coming from gases and primus stoves. In addition the leaners should be taught no to move the burning primus stove and gases around because they lead to a serious explosion of fire. Earthquake-Only scientists have knowledge of earthquake when it may strike, but learners need to know and learn about it. Car accidents-Not obeying the rules of the road, people driving under the influence of alcohol, not driving with the required speed limit, beating the robots and drivers not supposed to answer their cellphones while they are driving.

Values and Attitude

Fire-They must not take the fire fighter for grunted because they play a very important role by saving their lives and not misuse the emergency numbers. Earthquake-it is a natural disaster and it happens anytime and cannot be avoided. Car accidents-To adhere to rules of the road and to cross at the pedestrian crossing.

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