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Dates description

Like other fruit, dates are a seasonal product, therefore the supply of fresh delicious dates is always limited. However Palmwonders provides processed dates (Tamr) and dried dates all year round. Dates can be classified as soft, semi-soft and dry dates. Chewy dry dates keep longer and can be used for 'survival food' on long trips or on hiking. Dates freeze extremely well, so you can put them in your freezer and enjoy them year round. Dates are oval-cylindrical, 2.5-5 cm long, and 1.5-2.5 cm diameter. When dates are unripe, they come bright red to bright yellow in color, depending on the type of dates. Dates contain a single seed about 2-2.5 cm long and 5-7 mm thick. Three main Cultivar Groups of date exist:

1. 2. 3.

Soft e.g. Khalas Qassim ( ) and Khalas Kharj ( ) Soft or Semi-Dry e.g. Ajwa ( ,) Anbara ( ,) Mabroom ( ,) Medjool, and Barni ( ) Dry e.g. Ruthana ( ,) Nabtat Ali ( ,) Segae ( )and Sukkari ( )

The type of fruit depends on its nutrition, shape and taste. Dates ripen in four stages, which are known throughout the world by their Arabic names kimri (unripe), khalal (full-size, crunchy), rutab (ripe, soft), tamr (ripe, sun-dried). Dates come in the following four forms in the market: 1. 2. 3. 4. Press Pack such as Khalas Qassim ( ) Plain Dates when they are fresh Dried Dates such as Sukkari ( ) Date Paste such as Soft Date Paste ( )

Dates nutrition
A 100 gram portion of fresh dates is a premium source of vitamin C. Since dates contain relatively little water, they do not become much more concentrated upon drying, although the vitamin C disappears in the process. Each date provides about 20 calories, and is a good source of carbohydrate, fibre, and potassium, also providing some calcium and iron along with other vitamins

and minerals in smaller amounts. Dates do not have significant amounts of fat, cholesterol, protein, or sodium. Here are some examples of the nutrition of some type of dates: Khalas (100g): 82.9 g sugar 2.9 mg vitamin C 1.59 % protein 0.93 % fat Sukkari (100g): 66.7 g sugar 80 u vitamin A 2.9 mg vitamin C 1.32 % protein 1.73 % fat Segae (100g): 79.4 g sugar 2.4 g vitamin C 2.07 % protein 0.96 % fat

Use of dates and other palm tree products

Dates are an important food for travelers in desert or in the mountains because they provide them with a complete nutritious meal (see the above nutrition fact of dates). Beside that, dates are easy to carry and no cooking is needed to prepare them for eating because dates are often eaten out-ofhand. Dates can also be used for cooking. They can be chopped and used in a range of sweet such as cakes and other dessert dishes and other savory dishes (see examples of our recipes). Dates are also processed into paste and date syrup called 'dibs' which most likely are used in some recipes. Recent innovations include chocolate-covered dates and date juice. Date palm leaves are used for making huts, mats, screens, baskets, brooms, large hats, and fans. Palmwonders will try in the future to provide some of these products to the online customers if there were a good demand for them.

Date Varieties And Classification

Several thousandvarietiesofdateshave been recognized, but those which have any commercial importance are limited to a few score, while those that are of real merit number only a few dozen, since many kinds owe their reputation not to excellence of flavor but, as do the Elberta peach and the Ben Davis apple, to goodshippingand keeping qualities. Varieties are usually classified as "soft" (or "wet") and "dry." Orientals classify them by color (yellow or red, before they are cured); by keeping quality; and as "hot" and "cold," according to whether a long-continued diet of them "burns" the stomach or not. The classification of "soft" and "dry" (which sometimes has been complicated and confused by the insertion of an intermediate class of "semi-dry") is commercially convenient, but not absolute; for practically any soft date may become a dry date under certain atmospheric conditions, and most dry dates can be made soft by proper management and artificial maturation. The dry dates predominate in most parts of North Africa, including Egypt, being preferred by the nomads because they are easily packed and not likely to spoil. On the other hand, practically all of the dates which the world recognizes as valuable are soft varieties. In the following list, which includes the most important kinds from throughout the world, there is only one unmistakably dry date (Thuri), which, though recognized as good in its Algerian home, is given a place in this list mainly because it has succeeded particularly well in California. There are three others (Asharasi, Kasbeh, and Zahidi) that would probably be considered dry, but cannot be un-equivocably placed in that class. Asharasi and Kasbeh are much softer than the typical dry date, while Zahidi at one stage of its maturity is typically soft, and is widely sold in that condition, although if left long enough on the palm it becomes actually a dry date. All the other varieties in the list are typically soft, but most, if not all, of them will be converted into dry dates if left to ripen on the trees in a sufficiently hot and dry climate. The American and European markets are accustomed only to soft dates, and as most of the good varieties are soft, growers will naturally give attention to soft kinds by preference. A market for dry dates, in America at least, will have to be created before any large quantity can be sold. Nevertheless, Americans who have eaten good dry dates usually like them, and frequently consider them preferable to those soft dates, such as Halawi and Khadhrawi, which (often under the trade name of Golden Dates) have until recently been almost the only varieties on the American market. Amri. - Form oblong, broadest slightly above the center and bluntly pointed at the apex; size very large, length 2 to 2\ inches, breadth 1 to 1 1/4 inches; surface deep reddish brown in color, coarsely wrinkled; skin thick, not adhering to the flesh throughout; flesh about \ inch thick, coarse, fibrous, somewhat sticky, and with much rag close to the seed; flavor sweet, but not delicate; seed oblong, 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 inches long, rough, with

the ventral channel broad and shallow, and the germ-pore nearer base than apex.Seasonlate. More extensively exported from Egypt than any other variety. It is not, however, a firstclass date. It is large and attractive in appearance, but inferior in flavor. The keeping and shipping qualities are unusually good. Named probably from Amr, a common personal name. Asharasi. - Form ovate to oblong-ovate, broadest near the base and pointed at the apex; size medium, length 1 1/8 to 1 3/8 inches, breadth 7/8 to 1 1/4 inches; surface hard, rough, straw-colored around the base, translucent brownish amber toward the apex; skin dry, thin, coarsely wrinkled; flesh | inch thick, at basal end of fruit hard, opaque, creamy white in color, toward tip becoming translucent amber, firm; flavor rich, sweet, and nutty; seed oblong-elliptic, pointed at apex, 5/8 to 3/4 inch long, smooth, the ventral channel almost closed, and the germ-pore nearer base than apex. Ripens midseason. Syn. Ascherasi. The best dry date of Mesopotamia, if not of the world. It can be used as a soft date; having always some translucent flesh at the apical end of the fruit, it has by some writers been classed as semi-dry. Grown principally in the vicinity of Baghdad; now also in the United States, where it succeeds well. The name means Tall-growing. Deglet Nur. - Form slender oblong to oblong-elliptic, widest near the center and rounded at the apex; size large, length 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 inches, breadth 3/4 to 7/8 inch; surface smooth or slightly wrinkled, maroon in color; skin thin, often separating from the flesh in loose folds ; flesh1/4 inch thick, deep golden-brown in color, soft and melting, conspicuously translucent; flavor delicate, mild, very sweet; seed oblong-elliptic, pointed at both ends, about 1 inch long, with the ventral channel shallow and partly closed, the germ-pore at center. Season late. Syns. Deglet Noor, Deglet en-Nour. This variety is considered the finest grown in Algeria and Tunisia, where its commercial cultivation is extensive, and it is highly esteemed in California, where it holds at present first rank among dates planted commercially. Its defects are a tendency to ferment if kept for several months, and the immense amount of heat required to mature it properly. The name is properly transliterated Daqlet al-Nur, meaning Date of the Light, an allusion to its translucency. Fardh. - Form oblong, widest near the middle and rounded at the apex; size small to medium, length about 1 1/4 inches, breadth about 3/4 inch; surface shining, deep dark brown in color, almost smooth; skin rather thin, tender; flesh to 1/4 inch thick, firm, russet brown; flavor sweet with a rather strong after-taste; seed small, length 5/8 inch. Ripens midseason. Syn. Fard. This is the great commercial date of Oman, in eastern Arabia. It has recently been planted in California; American markets are thoroughly familiar with the fruit through the large importations which are annually made from Oman. While inferior in quality to many other varieties, Fardh holds its shape well when packed and keeps well. For these reasons it is a valuable commercial variety.

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According to modern Omani etymologists, the name means The Separated, because of the way thedatesare arranged in the bunch; but the ancients, who are entitled to more credit, spell it in a way that means The Apportioned. Ghars. - Form oblong to obovate, narrowest near the rounded apex; size large to very large, length 1 1/2 to 2 inches, breadth about 7/8 inch; surface somewhat shining, bay colored; skin soft and tender; flesh 3/8 inch thick, soft, sirupy, slightly translucent; flavor sweet and rich; seed oblong, 3/4 to 1 inch long, with the ventral channel deep and sometimes closed near the middle, and the germ-pore at center.Seasonearly. Syns. Rhars, R'ars. One of the commonest soft dates in North Africa, esteemed for its earliness in ripening, its productiveness, and the ability of the plant to resist large amounts of alkali and much neglect. In California it has proved to be a strong grower, but the fruit is not so good as that of several othervarieties, and also ferments easily. The name means Vigorous Grower. Halawi. - Form slender-oblong to oblong-ovate, broadly pointed or blunt at the apex; size large, length 1 1/4 to 1 3/4 inches, breadth about 3/4 inch; surface slightly rough, translucent bright golden-brown in color; skin thin but rather tough; flesh 1/8 to 3/16 inch thick, firm, golden-amber in color, tender; flavor sweet and honey-like, but not rich; seed slender oblong, 7/8 inch long, with the ventral channel broadly open. Ripens midseason. This is the great commercial date of Mesopotamia, and probably the most important variety in the world, as regards quantity sold. It is grown chiefly around Basrah, at the head of the Persian Gulf. It has good keeping andshippingqualities, but is not esteemed by the Arabs for eating; in Americanmarkets, however, it is preferred to several other varieties because of its attractive color. Both in California and in Arizona Halawi has succeeded remarkably well. The name means The Sweet. Hayani. - Form oblong-elliptic, broadest slightly below the center and rounded at the apex; size very large, length 2 to 2 1/2 inches, breadth 1 to 1 1/4 inches; surface dark brown in color, smooth; skin thick, separating readily from the flesh; flesh about 1/4 inch thick, light brown in color, soft; flavor sweet, lacking richness; seed oblong, sometimes narrowed toward the apex, 1 1/4 to 1 3/8 inches long, with the ventral channel broad and deep, and the germ-pore usually 3/8 inch from the base. Ripens midseason. Syns. Hayany, Birket al Hajji, Birket el Haggi, Birket el Hadji, and Birkawi. One of the most satisfactory Egyptian dates in California and Arizona. It is precocious and prolific, and has proved to be more frost-resistant than many other varieties. The plant is unusually ornamental in appearance. The variety is named after the village of Hayan.

Kasbeh. - Form oblong-ovate, widest near the base and broadly pointed at the apex; size large, about 1 3/4 inches long, 3/4 inch broad; surface golden-brown to chestnut in color; skin thin but fairly tough; flesh 3/16 inch thick, firm, but never hard, tender; flavor sweet, slightly heavy but not cloying; seed oblong-elliptic, almost an inch long, the ventral channel open and deep, the germ-pore nearer base than apex. Season late. Syns. Kesba, Kessebi, El Kseba. A variety of ancient origin, extensively cultivated in Algeria and Tunisia. Before Deglet Nur came into the field it was considered the finest date in North Africa. It is valued in California, where it has been found to have excellent keeping and shipping qualities as well as good flavor. The name means The Profitable. Khadhrawi. - Form oblong to oblong-elliptic, widest near the center and broadly pointed at the apex; size medium to large, length 1 1/4 to 1 3/4 inches, breadth 3/4 to 7/8 inch; surface translucent orange-brown in color, overspread with a thin blue-gray bloom; skin firm, rather tough; flesh, 3/16 to 1/4 inch thick, firm, translucent, amber-brown in color; flavor rich, never cloying; seed oblong-obovate to oblong-elliptic, 7/8 inch long, the ventral channel narrow or almost closed. Ripens midseason. Syns. Khadrawi, Khudrawee. One of the most important commercial varieties of Mesopotamia, ranking second only to Halawi. It is a better date than the latter, but not so highly esteemed on the American market because of its slightly darker color. In California it has been grown with great success. The name means The Verdant. Khalaseh. - Form oblong to oblong-ovate, broadest near the center and rounded to broadly pointed at the apex; size medium, length 1 3/8 to 1 5/8 inches, breadth 3/4 to 7/8 inch; surface smooth, orange-brown to reddish amber in color, with a satiny sheen; skin firm, but tender; flesh 1/4 inch thick, firm, tender, reddish amber in color, free from fiber; flavor delicate, with the characteristic date taste in a desirable degree; seed oblongelliptic, pointed at both ends, 3/4 to 7/8 inch long, the ventral channel almost closed. Ripens midseason. Syns. Khalasa, Khalasi, Khalas. The most famous date of the Persian Gulf region, and unquestionably one of the finest in the world. It is grown principally at Hofhuf in the district of Hasa; a few palms have been planted in the United States, and have produced fruit of superior quality. Khalaseh likes a dry situation and sandysoil. It is not a heavy bearer, but is precocious. The name means Quintessence. Khustawi. - Form oblong-oval, broadest near center and rounded at apex; size small to medium, length 1 to \\ inches, breadth 3/4 to 7/8 inch; surface smooth, glossy, translucent orange-brown in color; skin thin and delicate; flesh \ inch thick, soft and delicate in texture, translucent golden-brown in color; flavor unusually rich yet not cloying, with the characteristic date taste in a desirable degree; seed oblong-obovate, 3/4 inch long, pointed at both ends, with the ventral channel open. Ripens midseason. Syns. Khastawi, Kustawi, originally Khastawani (Persian). A delicious dessert date from Baghdad. It has proved well adapted to conditions in the date-growing regions of America. It is not a heavy bearer, but the fruit possesses good keeping qualities. The name means The Date of the Grandees.

Majhul. - Form broadly oblong to oblong-ovate, broadest at center to slightly nearer base and broadly pointed at apex; size very large, length 2 inches, breadth 1 1/4 inches; surface wrinkled, deep reddish brown in color; skin thin and tender; flesh 3/8 inch thick, firm, meaty, brownish amber in color, translucent, with no fiber around seed; flavor rich and delicious; seed elliptic, l 1/4 inches long, with the germ-pore nearest the base and the ventral channel almost closed. Season late. Syns. Medjool, Medjeheul. A variety of large size and good keeping qualities, from the Tafilalet oases in the Moroccan Sahara, whence the fruit is exported to Europe. Probably suited only to the hottest and driest regions in the United States. The name means Unknown. Maktum. - Form broadly oblong to oblong-obovate, usually broadest near center and rounded at the apex; size medium, length 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 inches, breadth to 1 inch; surface somewhat glossy, translucent golden-brown in color; skin firm, wrinkled, rather thin; flesh 3/8 to 5/8 inch thick, soft, almost melting, light golden-brown in color; flavor mild, sweet, similar to that of Deglet Nur. Season late. Syn. Maktoom, originally Makdum. A rare variety from Mesopotamia which has proved admirably adapted to conditions in California, although not resistant to frost. It is large and of fine quality. The palm is a vigorous grower. The name means The Bitten. Manakhir. - Form oblong, rounded at the apex; size very large, length 2 to 2 1/4 inches, breadth slightly more than 1 inch; surface smooth, brownish maroon in color, with a purplish bloom ; skin thin and tender; flesh 1/4 inch thick, soft and melting, with fiber around the seed; flavor delicate, resembling that of Deglet Nur; seed oblong, 1 inch long, with the germ-pore nearer the base and the ventral channel frequently closed. Season late. Syns. Menakher, Monakhir. A rare and large-fruited variety from Tunis, of which only a few palms exist in the United States. In this country it is not a date of the best quality. The name means The Nose Date. Saidi. - Form oblong-ovate, broadest near the base and blunt at the apex; size large, length 1 1/2 inches, breadth about 1 inch; surface almost smooth, brownish maroon in color, overspread with a bluish bloom; skin thin, tender; flesh 3/16 inch thick, red-brown in color, firm; flavor very sweet, almost cloying; seed oblong-elliptic, 7/8 inch long, the germ-pore slightly nearer the base and the ventral channel almost closed. Ripens in midseason. Syns. Saidy, Wahi. One of the most important varieties of Upper Egypt. It is not considered so good in quality as some of the Algerian and Mesopotamian varieties, but it is a heavy bearer, though it requires a hot climate to ripen perfectly. The name indicates that it comes from Said or Upper Egypt. Tabirzal. - Form broadly oblong-obovate, broadest below center and broadly pointed at the apex; size medium, length 1 1/8 to 1 1/2 inches, breadth 7/8 to 1 1/8 inches; surface translucent deep orange-brown in color, with a blue-gray bloom ; skin thin and tender,

coarsely wrinkled; flesh J inch thick, soft and tender, translucent orange-brown in color; flavor distinctive, mild and pleasant, sweet but not cloying; seed broadly oblong, 5/8 to 3/8 inch long, with the ventral channel narrow. Season late. One of the best dates grown at Baghdad. In the United States it is little known as yet. Originally Tabirzad (Persian) meaning Sugar Candy. Thuri. - Form oblong, broadest near center and bluntly pointed at apex; size large, length 1 3/4 inches, breadth 3/4 inch; surface reddish chestnut color, overspread with a bluish bloom; skin thin; flesh 3/16 inch thick, firm and nearly dry but not hard or brittle, goldenbrown in color; flavor sweet, nutty and delicate; seed oblong, 1 inch long, the ventral channel deep and partly closed, the germ-pore nearer the base. A midseason date. Syns. Thoory, Tsuri. One of the best Algerian dry dates. It is large, not too hard, and of excellent flavor; the palm bears heavily and the clusters are of exceptional size. In California it has proved very satisfactory. The name means The Bull's Date. Zahidi. - Form oblong-obovate, broadest near the rounded apex; size medium, length 1 1/4 inches, breadth 7/8 inch; surface smooth, glossy, translucent golden-yellow in color, sometimes golden-brown; skin rather thick and tough; flesh 1/4 inch thick, translucent golden-yellow close to the skin, whitish near the seed, soft, meaty, and full of sirup; flavor sweet, sugary, and not at all cloying; seed oblong, 3/4 inch long, the ventral channel open. Season early. Syns. Zehedi, Zadie, originally Azadi (Persian). A remarkable date, the principal commercial variety of Baghdad. It can be used as a soft date (as described above) or as a dry date, depending on the length of time it is allowed to remain on the palm. The tree is vigorous, hardy, resistant to drought, and prolific in fruiting. The name means Nobility.

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Mango is one of the tropical fruits, which has experienced tremendous development in recent years. Mango (Mangifera indica), commonly called as king of fruits, is native to Southern Asia, especially Burma and Eastern India. Mango is considered as the fruit of excellence and thus has a prominent position among the commercial fruits grown in Pakistan. Pakistan is the 5th largest producer and the 3rd largest exporter of mango in the world. Its soil and climatic conditions enable production and market supplies of good quality fresh mango over a period of about 5 to 6 months. Pakistani mangoes therefore enjoy a prominent position in the international market. Pakistan produces quite a few mango varieties (i.e.) Sindhri, Langra, Doshehri, Chaunsa, Kali Seroli, Bagan pali, Swarnarika, and Neelum.Harvest Tradings have signed different Joint Ventures with the leading growers from Punjab & Sindh for the export of Mangoes. The Mango harvest season starts from May to September and the leading mango variety is Sindhri & Chaunsa. Back to Top Dates: Pakistan is the fourth largest producer of dates and is rated among the largest producers of date palm in the world with over 150 different varieties. The major countries importing both fresh and dried dates from Pakistan are India, USA, UK, Canada, Germany, Denmark, Malaysia and Indonesia. The large number of varieties, Begam Jangi of Balochistan, Aseel of Sindh and Dhakki of Dera Ismail Khan are the varieties which are much sought after the world over due to their exotic taste. Harvest season of dates in Pakistan starts from the month of July and continues up to the September. Dates are rich in carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins and have a great importance as a staple food as well as a dessert fruit. The fruit is generally associated with health foods. Peak season for date consumption is during the month of Ramadan. Entire Muslim

community around the world currently numbering 1.6 billion people is loyal consumer of dates. Consumption is also quite high during Christmas. Similarly, the fruit enjoys enormous significance on the occasion of Divali and such festivals in other religions. Dates have found their way into sweets, confectionery, chocolates, baking products, preservatives,salads, sauces, and breakfast cereals. Harvest Tradings are a exclusive exporter of Dates from Pakistan in impressive packing. (no text coped here...) a=v& 879.pdf+amri+variety+of+date+fruit+picture&hl=en&gl=in&pid=bl&s rcid=ADGEESjoQXMPivvP8Kf1DG6j7A_uMqVVIjmTAuCN6y0hRpv woCQk-rlaVfr2iwsHTOUFmkL818xf-M0fXs8_6cHGnACs8FaQBifs_0o6qdbsoxGPIBmObZVtOgQc4LZxtAkcFNs3PS&sig=AHIEtbS4oPukqIwpZlZ3ZzekiWLD-HZuBg Types of dates in Egypt: The Date palm cultivars Cultivars of dry, half dry and high moisture content dates are spread out according to two main different climatic regions: the Mediterranean one for which the data of Alexandria and Cairo are good represents and the desert one of which climatic conditions are represented by the data of Aswan (Figs 2 et 3). 48 CIHEAM - Options Mediterraneennes Serie A: Seminaires mediterraneens The high moisture content cultivars The flesh of the fruit of these cultivars at the stage at which they are eaten, had a high moisture content (over 50%). The dates could not be kept at ambient conditions

for a long time since they usually deteriorate and ferment. The majority of their sugars are inverted. The fruits are usually of an oblong shape and they differ in colour. They are consumed fresh as in Hayani, Zagloul and Samani. However, others need to be naturally or artificially matured to become edible, i.e., Amhat. The most important cultivars of this group are: Zagloul, Samani, Hayani, Bent Aasha, El Sergy, Soqr El Damin, El Kaboushi, El Arabi and El Kanabi. These kinds of cultivars are principally located in the Nile delta and in the Mediterranean coast. The heat requirements of such cultivars are about 2,1 O0 F units during the growth season (May to October) with an average daily temperature of less than 77F (25C). The half dry date cultivars The fruits of this group have moderate moisture content and high percent of inverted sugar plus low percentage of sucrose. The dates can be preserved longer than the ones of the previous group, because of their high content of soluble solids and low moisture content. The main varieties are: ( i ) Sewi or Saidi from which a popular compressed paste made of seeded or non seeded dates is made (El Agwa). This variety is mainly located in the New Valley, Fayoum and Giza Governorates. (i) El Amri which is principally located around Facous and Abou Kabir, in Sharkia Governorate. (iii) El Aglani which is also principally located in Sharkia Governorate. The heat requirements for these varieties are higher than the ones of the first group. These varieties need to be planted in districts where the average daily temperature prevailing during the growth season is at least higher than 80F (27C). But, this average can reach 84F (29C) in the oasis of New Valley where the variety Saidy is very well adapted. The Dry date varieties (El Tamr) Matured fruits of this group contain a low moisture percentage (15 to 20%) and high percentage of sugar (65 to 70%) in which sucrose represents a significant part. They can be kept for a very long time under normal ambient temperature. 49 CIHEAM - Options Mediterraneennes Serie A: Seminaires mediterraneens

The most important varieties in such group are: El Barakawi, El Abrimi, El Sakouti, El Barmatoda, El Malkabi, El Gondaila, El Gargoda, El Digna and El Shamia. These varieties are located in Aswan and Qena Governorates where the heat requirements needed for these varieties are available and range between 3,600 and 4,300 F units during the growth season %20Library/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=92 Dates of Saudi Arabia

Perny Dates:

Mabroom dates:

Sofry Dates (below)

******************************** option=com_content&task=view&id=66&Itemid=114 Dates of Tunisia:

Written by Administrateur Friday, 27 June 2008

Deglet Nour it is the queen of all dates. Marketed since 1870, the variety Deglet Nour is known like date of the brilliant light for its translucent fair color, the softness of its aspect and the elegance of its form. It is almost transparent, one guesses of it the core, it has a natural flavor of old rum, vanilla, flower of orange tree. It is the variety most appreciated in the world for its higher quality and its single mielleux taste. It is the only variety which can be marketed in a natural state in the forms of small branches. The variety Deglet Nour is mainly produced in Kbili and Tozeur.

Long Allig of form, soft with the glance and of a particularly tasty taste, this kind of date is gathered in November. Its color is dark mahogany tree, its flesh is abundant and soft and its texture is semisoft. The Allig variety is produced in Tozeur and Kbili and to a lesser extent in Gabs and Gafsa.

Khouet Allig has texture, color and taste similar to those of the Allig variety, from where its name, this variety slightly finer and is sweetened with a water content moderate. The variety Khouat Allig is produced to 90% with Tozeur. The remainder of the production is resulting from the oases of Kbili.

Kenta of clear gilded color and tempting aspect, this variety of date has an early maturity. It is sweetened than all the other varieties and its texture is sowing. The Kenta variety is the principal product of the coastal oases of Gabs. It is also produced in Gafsa and Kbili.

Date fruits are among the most nourishing natural foods available to man, as they are afuent with natural bres and are known to have uncountable health benets. Rich in several vitamins and minerals, the Date fruit is a good source of high nutritional value food. In general there are three types of Dates, soft (yellow), hard (red) and semidry (natural). The semi-dry dates are the most popular ones; they are less sweet but more aromatic and distinctive than the two other types. Soft Dates have higher moisture content, a mild avour, and relatively little sugar. Hard Dates are dry and they become extremely hard and intensely sweet when dried further. There are many different varieties of Dates. Some of the most popular are: Barhi: A smooth yellow skinned Date with a clear oval shape. Deglet noor: A very sweet Natural Date, with a mild avour and translucent esh. Hadrawi: A soft round Date with dark mahogany-toned skin. Halawi: A very sweet, soft, light brown skin coloured Date.

Khidri: A large maroon red Date with a rm chewy texture. Khustawi: One of the premier Dates with a rich sweet avour. Medjoul: A large, crinkly-skinned, deep red coloured natural Date with thick esh and a rich avour. Zahidi: A soft golden brown Date, also known as the golden Date.

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