Organization Visit

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There are special moments that pull everything we have learned into focus. When theory, practice, experience and talent all come to one sharp point a decision that shapes a definitive course of action. When it's no longer an issue of what can be done, but of what you will do. This quote embodies the necessity of learning beyond the classroom and inculcating in students, a practice of application of the theories learned. The Organization Visit -2011 by students of MBA Batch 9, SSTM, attempts to achieve this objective by visiting 10 different organizations in and around Cochin. The general instructions and the information list are as follows: GENERAL GUIDELINES: 1. PUNCTUALITY a. Establish contact with the company official in advance and follow his instructions on the reporting time and where to report. b. Reach and report at the office sufficiently early and ensure that all members start the visit together. 2. TURNOUT & THINGS TO CARRY a. Turn up for the visit smartly dressed in your formal wear and do not spare any effort to make a good impression where ever you go. b. Have a copy of the letter of request for visit sent from SCMS and the reply accepting the request received from the company. c. Carry a List with Names, Address of all the Students in the group preferably on SCMS letter pads d. Have the SCMS Identity badge, a pocket size note pad, and a pen. e. Carry a pendrive and one camera for the group to store relevant data if offered by the organization and to capture two or three photos of the visit. Disclose the possession of these at the security gate and use them inside only if permitted by the authorities. 3. BEHAVIOUR & OBSERVATION OF RULES a. Obey the security and safety instructions of the organization. b. Take care of the visitors pass, badges etc issued to you by the organization and return them promptly at the end of the visit c. Understand exits from the factory premises and also understand the procedure to be followed by the visitor in case of an emergency.

d. Do not do anything that is likely cause injury to anyone or damage to company property. e. Do not criticize or pass casual comments on the happening inside the company. 4. INFORMATION LIST a. The following may be used as a guideline to gather relevant information of the company.

General Information
Organization profile History Form of ownership Corporate structure Planning and Associated Functions Organization structure Technology Name & Full address, Website, Market status of the company, International certifications, awards, recognition etc. Year of inception and Important Milestones Proprietorship, Partnership, Pvt ltd or Public Ltd. Details of branches, Sister concern, SBUs and their location, Area and logic if any of placing those units in the locations. Corporate plan, Operational Plans, Standing Plans: Mission, Vision, Objectives, Policy, Procedure, Rules Form of Organization Structure and Bases of Departmentation, Designation of Heads of Department, Centralization v/s Decentralization Degree of computerization, Automatic Systems, ERP, SAP, Accounting Software used etc if used

Department Specific Information

Production Sales and distribution Product range and production capacities, Technology, raw material and its sources. Plant Layout Process flow of at least one major product. Inventory Management Quality Control Air water land pollution control measures adopted. Safety measure adopted ( Fire hydrants, extinguisher, Emergency Plan) Market details ( Export / Domestic), Market share Major Competitors Advertisements and Sales Promotion Activities. Distribution channels Number of employees Job description (A specimen) Selection and Recruitment Welfare Activities and Facilities provided to the employees. Salary Disbursement Practices Performance Appraisal and Promotion Policy. Examples of Financial and Non Financial Incentives

Human resource Management


Social obligation and Ethics

Employee Grievances Management Types of Budgets prepared Capital employed, Turnover, Profit, Dividends (Can refer to an annual report) Social activities undertaken by the company for the welfare of the general public and the nation. Code of Ethics

Knowing a Manager
Study the following with respect to a particular manager Span of control Authority Responsibilities Instances of Delegation of authority

Teams and Leadership

Teams Norms Leadership Committees Types of teams in the organization Appearance Norms (Uniforms) Performance Norms (Level of output) Power Orientation

NOTE: The list is indicative. Necessary changes can be made to suit the company visited.

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