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INTRODUCTION The unit plan is the means by which overall objectives are achieved. In some way yhe class plan (daily) on lesson plan is the means by which the unit plan is carried out. A good lesson plan indicates clearly what has already been done in what direction, what the pupils are to do, how the pupils are to be would be engaged in various activities, what activities are to be perused, and the immediate work which the student has to be taken too up. DEFINITION Lesson plan is the little given to a statement of achievements to be localized and specific and specific meaning by which these are to be attained as result of the activities engaged during the period. N. L.Bossing A statement of the aims to be realized in clear and specific means by methods they are to be attained during the period , the class spends with a teacher. Neeraja. K.P Daily lesson planning involves defining the objectives , selecting and arranging the subject matter and determining the method of procedure. Bining and bining PURPOSES OF LESON PLANNING 1. It ensures a definite objective for the day is work and a clear visualization of that objective. 2. It keeps the teacher on the tracking and learning procedures.

3. Enables to chose and adopt effective method of teaching. 4. Enables to evaluate the tracking sessions. helps the teacher in effective teaching. The teacher looks ahead and plans a series of activities with an intention to modify students attitudes , habits and abilities in the desirable condition. 6. When, it is well planned , interest of the students can be maintained. 7. Provides a sensibleframework to help the work, directing alomg the lines of syllabus at a suitable late. 8. Continuing is assured in educative process , needless , repetition is avoided. 9.Gives the teacher greter confidence, self reliance , assurance , ease and freedom freedom in teaching in teaching , she will not forget any point that should be explained to students , prevents him deviating from the topic. 10. With lesson plan , the teacher can enter the class room without anxity as she understand & purpose to carry in the class room.` CHARACTERISTICS OF GOOD LESSON PLAN

It should be written , & should have clear aims.

It should be linked with the previous knowledge of students.

It should follow the maxims of teaching. Learning must be given enough scope to be active. There should be a provision for flexibility in changing lesson plan according to circumstances which come across during teaching.

It should contain suitable organized subject matter or materials of instructions. Enables the teacher to know the most desirable types of teaching method. The plan should meet the needs of students varied capacities.

It should include summary, assignments & list of reference books.

Prepare tests for judging the outcome of teaching. PRE REQUESITES FOR MAKING GOOD LESSON PLAN Teacher must has,

Good knowledge about the students abilities.

interest , traits and

Mostly over the subject matter Principles of teaching and learning Awareness of individual

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