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Pragmatic approaches to Enterprise Cloud

NASCOMM Infrastructure Management Summit Bangalore, September 22nd 2011


(who are we?) why are enterprises embracing cloud? what is cloud for an enterprise? picking the right cloud delivery model

pragmatic examples of implementing cloud

how and where to start the cloud transformation journey? where will it end?

who are we?

Orange Business Services provides ICT services to multinationals throughout the world

3,700 multinational clients

Part of Orange

more than 31,000 employees dedicated to business services

7559 M in turnover in 2009

the network is on the critical path towards resilient and effective services

without a robust communications layer, the concept of cloud computing is a nonstarter

Mike Cansfield Forrester, June 2010

enterprises should evaluate how externally hosted cloud services can deliver acceptable application performance; this should be done by ensuring appropriate network design, as well as how the service supports application acceleration
Bjarne Munch Gartner, November 2010

cloud computing is at the heart of Orange

cloud computing

excellence in customer experience


secure IT Infrastructure as a service

cloud ready networking


unified communication & collaboration as a service

vertical apps as a service


customer contact as a service

cloud or not cloud? that is not the question!

the real question is:

how can your IT organization really benefit from the new delivery and service models that are provided by cloud solutions?

optimize your costs

foster business agility

guarantee performance and security

CAPEX reduction, lower TCO resource sharing TTM improvement tailored billing model (pay per use)

on-demand capacities and scalability (peaks of load) self-provisioning / service worldwide access (international development) service delivery reactivity (mergers/acquisitions)
France Telecom Group restricted

worldwide unified service management end-to-end monitoring and commitments energy savings improved business continuity (data recovery)

cloud readiness assessment

why enterprises are embracing cloud

Enterprises seek not only to pay less for IT, but also do more with it in order to boost IT effectiveness.
2011 Trends to Watch: Cloud Computing Technology

By 2012, 20% of businesses will own no IT assets.

Gartner, Gartner Highlights Key Predictions for IT Organizations and Users in 2010 and Beyond, January, 2010

In 2011, a select group of disruptive technologies cloud, mobile devices and apps, broadband connectivity, social networking, and analytics will move beyond "early adopter" status, maturing and coalescing into a "new mainstream" platform for growth.
IDC Predictions2011

and to help respond to consumerisation






(remains DOG)


cloud readiness assessment

France Telecom Group restricted

it is the right moment to start thinking about cloud if

you need to be proactive regarding business units increasing demand for flexible solutions you will start new activities (product lines, incoming countries) and have to support them efficiently

you seek ways for a better alignment between IT and business activities

you plan to refresh your ICT assets or to consolidate your infrastructures

you have to
investigate new delivery and service models, sources of optimization and economies


cloud readiness assessment

France Telecom Group restricted

This is not all or nothing, now or never! Transitioning to a private cloud is gradual and requires careful planning and assessment


In strict confidence.

reality: private cloud in Asia

beyond DC consolidation, a true IaaS transformation

DC consolidation and transition professional services a consistent service catalog + a pay per use pricing model managed services for virtual and physical servers + storage/backup services a self-provisioning portal adapted SLA (bronze, silver, gold)

01 consolidation of four data centers into one regional data center in Singapore 02 transformation from DIY IT management to cloud IaaS service delivery

client benefits

operational costs reduction state of the art DC infrastructure without having to invest improved and standardized SLA in Asia smooth transition to reduce risks

private applications store

unified self-service access to a catalog of applications across your enterprise
public cloud SP private cloud customer private cloud


Orange Business Services

Private Applications Store

a comprehensive catalog

of applications and services a customizable portal enabling easy access to the catalog user self-service anywhere, any time, any device access a choice of service management levels and SLAs pay per use model validation workflow and reporting to have control and visibility over 13 usage and costs



cloud computing transforms the IT delivery model; technical impacts are only one part of the challenge
what benefits can I truly expect?

business improvement economies (TCO, RoI) regulatory compliance be greener

where do I start?

what impacts on my internal organization?

business alignment & service offerings skills & competencies suppliers relationship

a transformed delivery model, from ICT solution to service provider

what impacts on my technical existing environments?

infrastructures (networks, platforms, data centers) IT applications virtualization security & performance

how do I reach my

how to define my target and how to measure and control?

how do I integrate with my


architecture (public, private, hybrid) service management level commitments and SLAs
France Telecom Group restricted

legacy IT?


IT with cloud assessment cloud readinesscomputing

a typical cloud customer journey

assess design implement manage and optimize

cloud readiness assessment

specific assessments

proof of concept

RFI customer needs

information analysis scope definition executive meeting

discovering tools

technical assessment gap analysis

feasibility demonstration
critical success factors improvement

business impact analysis

commercial proposal

agreement to continue


implement architecture design

manage and optimize



service management


commercial proposal accepted

target ICT architecture transition scenario business model SLA definition

project portfolio

transition implementation governance dashboard communication and training

project management customer care

operations and support capacity management

services closing

services transfer out continuity ensuring


the cloud readiness assessment

applications inventory applications lifecycle applications interlink volumes of data LAN & WAN mobility flow rates protocol filtering network map security constraints data protection identity & access management critical applications map servers & workstations DB, middlewares & OS licenses application performance virtualization eligibility

regulations & laws commitments & SLA hosting contracts outsourcing contracts
contracts analysis critical business process critical competencies IT carbon footprint benefits & costs demand management incident management monitoring / reporting capacity management service management business & HR impacts

security policy


whats next

Data consolidation community apps Any device Any time Any where Multi-tenant Apps in the cloud IaaS apps Use of real time input (form recognition, telemetry..) Apps that capitalise on real-time feedback



Cloud for enterprises is compelling but complex

Its going to happen Its a journey It needs a business case and it is a major transformation project Large organisations will probably use a mixture of private and public cloud hybrid and non-cloud The pivot is the move to a completely service-oriented IT operation It will require changes to your organisation and processes The starting point is a cloud readiness review and understanding the triggers for action.

Weve only just begun


Thank you.


In strict confidence.

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