Nery e Vieira - UGI 2011

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Bianca Carvalho Vieira (1) Department Geography, University of So Paulo, So Paulo, Brazil (

The shallow landslides at the Serra do Mar can be conditioned to the role played by each topographical attribute, for example, the slope angle and curvature of the relief. In addition to the geotechnical and hydrological factors, which have significant role in the generation of these processes, some studies have been conducted in the Serra do Mar with the scope to understand the importance of each of each topographical attribute in the generation of landslides. The Serra do Mar is comprised of slope angles above 30 superimposed magmatic and metamorphic rocks with gaps altimetric exceeding 1000 m, and with curvature, mostly rectilinear and convex. The occurrence of landslides in the Serra do Mar is frequent and are associated with intense rainfall indices that conditioned the local topography can result in other types of mass movements. The aim of this research is to analyze the relationship of each topographical attribute in the occurrence of shallow landslides in the basin of Ultrafrtil, in Cubato, based on the processes that were triggered in 1985. Built from contours of 5 m, a Digital Terrain Model with 2 m resolution, in which they were, derived topographic attributes: slope angle, area of contribution, aspect, curvature and saturation index. The mapping of the scars of landslides was performed by photo interpretation on a scale of 1: 25000, taking into consideration the lack of vegetation and the different types of texture about ortofoto. The analysis of this relationship, scars map and topographic attributes, was obtained by applying Frequency Index (LP), which represents the number of cells each class affected by landslides and the total number of cells within the same class. Were identified 216 scars in the basin of Ultrafrtil, totaling an area of 108.420 m (4.3), with a production of sediment estimated to be 135.525 m. The slopes at angles of 30 to 40 are most frequent in the area, as well as, the more susceptible, especially when associated with rectilinear slopes. The index of PE identified that many landslides occurred in places of large area of contribution and input saturation levels high. The methodology employed in this research proved satisfactory, as well as, enabled further underpinned the results found in other works in the Serra do Mar, being totally consistent in occurrence of slip and forward to attributes topographical demonstrating is useful in the analysis of planning and public policy actions in this region. Keywords: Landslides, Topographic attributes, scar mapping

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