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MARYLAND STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION BILL: SB 771 SUBJECT: Education - Student Athletes Concussions SPEAKER: Edward F.

Sparks Executive Director MPSAA EXPLANATION The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) and the Maryland Public Secondary Schools Athletic Association (MPSSAA) support the goals of SB 771 Education-Student Athletes-Concussions. The Bill demonstrates a strong commitment to concussion awareness and treatment for student athletes. Currently, the 9,000 coaches in Maryland public high schools undergo concussion training. Local school systems have been provided with sample parent notification forms, return-toplay clearance forms, and return-to-play protocol. The MPSSAA website contains downloadable resources for coaches, players, and parents. The MPSSAA has also provided guidance to schools regarding medical providers eligible to authorize return to play. All contest officials have been trained in the recognition and removal from play of athletes suspected of concussions. The MPSSAA sponsored a Concussion Awareness Week September 6 11, 2010, and provided 50,000 refrigerator magnets to parents of athletes participating in concussion-prone sports. The language of the Bill provides some imprecise wording that leads to ambiguity. In the spirit of strengthening the Bill the following amendments are suggested: Revise the mandatory age to include all high school students. Delete Private and Parochial Schools from oversight by public schools. Remove the requirement to develop and implement policies as that action was completed by a work group last summer. Delete the accommodation requirement. Singling out concussed students for special academic accommodations becomes problematic for teachers, school counselors, and special education departments. Remove the requirement that licensed health care providers who authorize return to play must be trained in the evaluation and management of concussions. At the present time there is no such state certification for Maryland medical providers; those qualified to provide physical exams are currently providing written clearance for return to play. Delete youth athletic groups. The prospect of school personnel taking responsibility for compliance by some non-related youth athletic activities will result in uneven application of the law. Youth athletic groups should be accountable for compliance through local parks and recreation administration or sport governing bodies. MSDE and the MPSSAA strongly support the goal of concussion awareness and prevention. The proposed amendments to SB 771 strengthen the Bill by providing specific language that comprehensively engages the coaches and students in Maryland Public High Schools. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT: RENEE SPENCE, 410-260-6028. DATE: March 9, 2011 COMMITTEE: Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Support with POSITION: Amendments SEE ATTACHMENT

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