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KS4 Physics Contents August 2005 Electricity and Magnetism

Mains Electricity
This interactive presentation is designed to teach: the difference between direct current (d.c.) and alternating current (a.c.); the functions of the live, neutral and earth wires in the domestic mains supply; how electrical plugs should be wired correctly; the use of insulation, earthing, fuses and circuit breakers to protect users of electrical equipment; how measurements of energy transferred are used to calculate the costs of using common domestic appliances.

Mains Electricity contains 40 slides, which include 8 Flash activities: interactive animation to create different ac signals in which the user can control the magnitude of the peak-to-peak, frequency and y-shift variables; identifying which appliances use alternating current and which use direct current; identifying the materials used for different parts of a plug and which property makes that material useful; true-or-false quiz based on statements about wiring a plug; choosing which fuse to use in different devices; numerical problems about electricity costs based on the relationship between electrical energy, power and time; anagrams based on keywords in the presentation; multiple-choice review of the presentation.

Static Electricity
This interactive presentation is designed to teach: about common electrostatic phenomena, in terms of the movement of electrons; how an insulating material can be charged by friction; about forces of attraction between positive and negative charges, and forces of repulsion between like charges; the uses and potential dangers of electrostatic charges generated in everyday situations; about electric current as the flow of charge carried by free electrons during electrolysis; the quantitative relationship between steady current, charge and time.

Static Electricity contains 45 slides, which include 12 Flash activities: animation showing the movement of electrons from a cloth to a polythene rod; animation showing the movement of electrons from an acetate rod to a cloth; true-or-false quiz based on statements about static charge; interactive animation to investigate the forces between positive and negative charges; identifying when positive and negative charges attract and repel; interactive animation to show how a photocopier works; ordering the sequence of events in a photocopier; true-or-false quiz based on statements about changing the rate of electrolysis; interactive formula triangle for energy = charge x voltage; numerical problems based on two formulae involving charge; anagrams based on keywords in the presentation; multiple-choice review of the presentation.

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KS4 Physics Contents August 2005 Electricity and Magnetism

Resistance and Power
This interactive presentation is designed to teach: that resistors are heated when charge flows through them; the qualitative effect of changing resistance on the current in a circuit; the quantitative relationship between resistance, voltage and current; how current varies with voltage in a range of devices; the quantitative relationship between power, voltage and current.

Resistance and Power contains 39 slides, which include 7 Flash activities: animation showing the motion of atoms and electrons in a wire which carries a current; true-or-false quiz based on statements about resistance; interactive formula triangle for Ohms law, voltage = current x resistance. numerical problems based on the relationship between resistance, voltage and current; numerical problems based on the relationship between power, voltage and current; anagrams based on keywords in the presentation; multiple-choice review of the presentation.

Simple Circuits
This interactive presentation is designed to teach: how to construct a circuit and the symbols used in circuit diagrams; the difference between the direction of flow of conventional current and the flow of electrons; how to construct series and parallel circuits, and how to measure current and voltage.

Simple Circuits contains 26 slides, which include 5 Flash activities: animation showing the motion of atoms and electrons in a wire which carries a current; animated circuit diagram showing the direction of flow of conventional current around a circuit; animated circuit diagram showing the direction of flow of electrons around a circuit; interactive experiment using components to build series circuits and investigate voltage; interactive experiment using components to build parallel circuits and investigate voltage.

Electronic Systems
This interactive presentation is designed to teach: about the different types of logic gates; how different combinations of input affect the output from logic gates.

Electronic Systems contains 14 slides.

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KS4 Physics Contents August 2005 Electricity and Magnetism

This interactive presentation is designed to teach: about magnetic fields as regions of space where magnetic materials experience forces; that like magnetic poles repel and unlike poles attract; how electromagnets are made and produce a magnetic field pattern similar to a bar magnet.

Electromagnetism contains 19 slides, which include 1 Flash activity: interactive circuit diagram to show how a coil of wire can act like a bar magnet.

Uses of Electromagnetism
This interactive presentation is designed to teach: how electromagnets are used in devices such as relays and switches; that a force is exerted on a current-carrying wire in a magnetic field and used in a simple motor; how simple ac generators and transformers work; the relationship between the voltages across the coils in a transformer and the numbers of turns.

Uses of electromagnetism contains 32 slides, which include 3 Flash activities: animated circuit diagram to show how a loudspeaker vibrates and creates sound; animation of the force on a current-carrying wire in a magnetic field in different set-ups; animated circuit diagram to show electromagnetic induction.

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KS4 Physics Contents August 2005 Forces

This interactive presentation is designed to teach: the different effects of a force and the different types of force; that the weight of an object is due to gravitational attraction between its mass and the Earths; that unbalanced forces change the speed or direction of movement of objects; that balanced forces produce no change in the movement of an object; ways in which frictional forces affect motion.

Forces contains 28 slides, which include 5 Flash activities: animation showing the different effects that a force can have; animation of a ship being loaded with cargo to consider the different forces acting on the vessel; exercise to demonstrate the effect of unbalanced forces on a stationary object; animated illustration of hands rubbing together to consider the effects of frictional forces; exercise to demonstrate the effect of frictional forces on a stationary object.

Further Forces
This interactive presentation is designed to teach: about the meanings of elastic, plastic, tension and compression in terms of forces; about the relationship between the load on a spring and its extension; the quantitative relationship between force, mass and acceleration; the principle of moments and its application to situations involving one pivot; the quantitative relationship between force, area and pressure.

Further Forces contains 33 slides, which include 5 Flash activities: animation showing the effect of a force on a plastic object; animation showing the effect of a force on an elastic object; animation to illustrate the relationship between force, mass and acceleration; drag and drop exercise to make a seesaw balance using the principle of moments; interactive experiment to demonstrate hydraulics.

Speed and Acceleration

This interactive presentation is designed to teach: about factors affecting vehicle stopping distances; how distance, time and speed can be determined and represented graphically; that acceleration is change in velocity per unit time.

Speed and Acceleration contains 34 slides, which include 2 Flash activities: animated dashboard to illustrate the relationship between distance, time and speed; interactive formula triangle for distance = speed x time.

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KS4 Physics Contents August 2005 Waves

Wave Character
This interactive presentation is designed to teach: that waves transfer energy without transferring matter; the characteristics and examples of transverse and longitudinal waves; the meaning of the frequency, wavelength and amplitude of a wave; the quantitative relationship between the speed, frequency and wavelength of a wave.

Wave Character contains 23 slides, which include 1 Flash activity: interactive animation to demonstrate and investigate amplitude, wavelength and frequency, in which the user can control the magnitude of these variables.

This interactive presentation is designed to teach: how sound travels and how fast it travels through different media, including a vacuum; about the reflection of sound waves and echoes; how amplitude affects volume and frequency affects pitch; how the ear hears sound; that people and animals can have different hearing ranges; about the decibel scale and when sound is dangerous; about ultrasound waves and how they are used.

Sound contains 44 slides, which include 4 Flash activities: drag and drop exercise to compare the speed of sound through different substances; interactive animation to demonstrate and investigate amplitude, wavelength and frequency, in which the user can control the magnitude of these variables; animation to show how a sound wave travels through the ear to the brain; multiple-choice review of the unit.

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KS4 Physics Contents August 2005 Waves

This interactive presentation is designed to teach: that light travels in a straight line at a finite speed in a uniform medium; that non-luminous objects are seen because light scattered from them enters the eye; how light is reflected at plane surfaces; that images are laterally inverted when reflected in a plane mirror; that the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection are equal; how a periscope works; how light is reflected at curved surfaces.

Reflection contains 34 slides.

This interactive presentation is designed to teach: how light is refracted at the boundary between two different materials; the relationship between the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction; how the speed of light changes when light is refracted and the calculation of refractive index; about the refraction of light through lenses and how focal length is affected.

Refraction contains 43 slides, which include 2 Flash activities: animated ray box experiment showing the refraction of light at the air/glass boundary; animated ray box experiment showing the refraction of light though a glass block.

Dispersion and Electromagnetic Radiation

This interactive presentation is designed to teach: that white light can be dispersed to give a range of colours; that the electromagnetic spectrum includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet waves, X-rays and gamma rays; some uses and potential dangers of microwaves, infrared, ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays.

Dispersion contains 28 slides, which include 2 Flash activities: interactive animation to demonstrate the relationship between colour, wavelength and amplitude; drag and drop exercise to label the positions of waves on the electromagnetic spectrum.

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KS4 Physics Contents August 2005 Waves

Total Internal Reflection and Communication
This interactive presentation is designed to teach: about total internal reflection and the effect of refractive index on critical angle; how information can be transmitted along optical fibres; the difference between analogue and digital signals and how more data can be transmitted.

Total Internal Reflection and Communication contains 17 slides, which include 1 Flash activity: animated ray box experiment showing the refraction of light though a semi-circular glass block.

Diffraction, Interference and Resonance

This interactive presentation is designed to teach: that diffraction is the spreading of waves as they pass through a gap or round a barrier; about constructive and destructive interference and interference effects caused by diffraction; that resonance is the vibration of an object at its natural frequency; how the natural frequency of a string can be altered; that the waves produced when a string vibrates are standing waves.

Diffraction, Interference and Resonance contains 30 slides, which include 4 Flash activities: true-or-false quiz based on statements about waves, diffraction and interference; identifying how the natural frequency of a string is affected by different factors; anagrams based on keywords in the presentation; multiple-choice review of the presentation.

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KS4 Physics Contents August 2005 Energy

Types of Energy
This interactive presentation is designed to teach: about the different types of energy, including nuclear, light, sound, heat, electrical, elastic chemical, gravitational and kinetic; the formula for the kinetic energy of a moving object.

Types of Energy contains 28 slides, which include 2 Flash activities: animation to show the principle of nuclear fusion; animation to show the principle of nuclear fission.

Heat Transfer
This interactive presentation is designed to teach: that energy is transferred from hotter to colder objects; how insulation is used to reduce transfer of energy from hotter to colder objects; how energy is transferred by the movement of particles in conduction and convection; that energy is transferred directly by infrared radiation.

Heat Transfer contains 31 slides, which include 8 Flash activities: animation showing how heat is conducted by atoms in a graphite rod; identifying which insulating materials use trapped air and which do not; animation showing convection in a heated pan of water; animation showing convection at the seaside; completing sentences about conduction and convection using words from drop-down menus; true-or-false quiz based on statements about infrared radiation; anagrams based on keywords in the presentation; multiple-choice review of the presentation.

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KS4 Physics Contents August 2005 Energy

Energy Resources
This interactive presentation is designed to teach: that the Sun is the ultimate source of most of the Earth's energy resources; the distinction between renewable and non-renewable resources; about non-renewable energy resources; how electricity is generated by the use of non-renewable fuels; about the advantages and disadvantages of non-renewable fuels in electricity production.

Energy Resources contains 35 slides, which include 10 Flash activities: identifying energy resources as renewable or non-renewable; animation to show how coal is formed; animation to show how oil and gas are formed; animation to show how a coal or oil power station works; identifying the energy changes that take place in a power station; identifying the order of processes in a coal power station; animation about the greenhouse effect; anagrams based on keywords in the presentation; completing sentences about energy resources; multiple-choice review of the presentation.

Energy Transfers
This interactive presentation is designed to teach: ways in which energy can be usefully transferred and stored; the ways in which energy can be wasted in different systems; that energy is always conserved, but it may be dissipated, reducing its availability as a resource; about the efficient use of energy and the efficiency of electrical equipment.

Energy Transfers contains 33 slides, which include 7 Flash activities: identifying energy transfers in different objects or situations; identifying energy transfers involved in the journey of Gerald the Human Cannonball; identifying which type of energy is wasted by different electrical devices; problems about energy efficiency which involve using the formula for efficiency; anagrams based on keywords in the presentation; completing sentences about energy transfers; multiple-choice review of the presentation.

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KS4 Physics Contents August 2005 Energy

Renewable Energy
This interactive presentation is designed to teach: that the Sun is the ultimate source of most of the Earth's energy resources; about the variety of renewable energy resources, including solar, wind, waves, biomass, geothermal and hydroelectric; that electricity is generated by means of a variety of renewable energy resources; about the environmental implications of generating energy from renewable resources.

Renewable Energy contains 18 slides.

Particles and Energy

This interactive presentation is designed to teach: how the kinetic energy of gaseous particles is affected by temperature; the relationship between pressure and the temperature of gaseous particles; that the energy produced in a nuclear reaction is related to the mass that is converted into energy and the speed of light; how an electron gun works; how to calculate the kinetic energy of an electron beam.

Particles and Energy contains 24 slides, which include 2 Flash activities: interactive animation showing gaseous particles in a piston and how their motion is affected by temperature and how the pressure generated is affected by volume; interactive formula triangle for the kinetic energy of electrons = charge x voltage.

Energy in the Home

This interactive presentation is designed to teach: about different ways that energy is used in the home; about the different methods that can be used to reduce heat losses in houses; about the economic considerations when insulating a house; why vacuum flasks are good at keeping things hot or cold.

Energy in the Home contains 30 slides, which include 7 Flash activities: labelling a pie-chart showing the distribution of energy used in the home; selecting the level of insulation of a house to see the effect on the energy lost and the fuel bill; true-or-false quiz based on statements about insulation and heat loss; identifying the type of heat transfer that different methods of insulation prevent; arranging different insulators in order of cost-effectiveness; anagrams based on keywords in the presentation; multiple-choice review of the presentation.

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KS4 Physics Contents August 2005 Radioactivity

This interactive presentation is designed to teach: about some sources of the ionizing radiation found in all environments that cause background radiation; about the importance of safety when handling radioactive sources; about the penetrating power of different radioactive sources; the characteristics of alpha and beta particles and of gamma radiation; some uses of radioactivity, including sterilization, radiotherapy, leak detection and thickness control; that there are different methods of detecting radiation, including photographic film, a Geiger-Muller tube, a spark detector and a cloud chamber.

Radioactivity contains 34 slides, which include 1 Flash activity: drag and drop exercise to test understanding of the uses of radioactivity.

Radioactive Decay
This interactive presentation is designed to teach: about Rutherfords experiments into atomic structure and the origins of radioactivity; that radioactivity arises from the breakdown of an unstable nucleus; the characteristics of alpha and beta particles and of gamma radiation; the meaning of the term 'half-life'; some uses of radioactivity, including radioactive dating of rocks and nuclear power.

Radioactive Decay contains 29 slides.

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KS4 Physics Contents August 2005 Earth and Beyond

Earths Structure
This interactive presentation is designed to teach: that the Earth's outermost layer is composed of plates in relative motion; that plate tectonic processes result in the formation, deformation and recycling of rocks; that longitudinal and transverse earthquake waves are transmitted through the Earth, and how they travel through the Earth's layered structure; about the ideas and evidence for continental drift theory.

Earths Structure contains 24 slides, which include 6 Flash activities: animation to show movement at a conservative plate boundary; animation to show how an a earthquake happens when plates become locked at a plate boundary; animation to show movement at a destructive plate boundary; animated diagram to show how seismic waves connect the focus and epicentre of an earthquake; animation to show seafloor spreading when plates move apart at a plate boundary; animation to show plate tectonics and the stages of continental drift.

Earth and Beyond

This interactive presentation is designed to teach: the relative positions and sizes of planets, stars and other bodies in the universe, including comets, meteors, galaxies and black holes; how stars evolve over a long timescale; that gravity acts as a force throughout the universe; about the use of artificial satellites and probes to observe the Earth and to explore the solar system; about some ideas used to explain the origin and evolution of the universe; about the search for evidence of life elsewhere in the universe.

Earth and Beyond contains 34 slides.

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