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AIM: Learning personality adjectives and adjectives used for describing holiday resorts and other places. TYPE OF EXERCISES: synonyms, opposites, match the meaning, fill in the gaps, find the word in the text, add the correct suffix to make a suitable word. WORD-FORMATION: ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS. We can make adjectives from nouns or verbs with the suffixes -er / -ous / -able / -ive/ -ate / -ing. Likewise, we can make adverbs from adjectives by adding -ly. write > writer fury> furious drink> drinkable produce > productive consider> considrate amaze > amazing happy > happily Be careful! Sometimes the spelling changes when you add a suffix. If necessary, use a dictionary to help you find the correct spelling.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Write the related adjectives. read _______________ mischieve ______________ depend _____________ rely ______________ wash ______________ comfort ______________ act _______________ love ____________ shop _______________

10. interest ______________ 11. pass _______________ 12. enormity ______________ 13. courage _____________ 14. passion _____________ 15. care _____________ 16. affection _______________ 17. enjoy ______________ 18. support ____________

2. Complete the following text describing Johny, a teenager, by making correct adjectives or adverbs. Choose from the suffixes above. I quite liked Johny when we first met. However, although lots of my friends said they found him 1_____________ (attract), I didn't fancy him at all. He invited me out and I must admit that I found more 2_____________(tempt) his sports car than himself. However, it was really 3_______________(enjoy) to spend time with him. The stories of his travels around the world were4___________(fascinate) and there was something 5____________(mystery) about his past that also attracted me. Moreover, we were both very keen on sailing . Soon I realised I was 6_____________(deep) in love with him. His sense of humour and his gift for poetry were so 7_____________(captivate). Now, three years later I 8____________ (absolute) adore him and I cannot understand why I didn't fall for him the moment we first set eyes on each other. He is a very 9______________(care) person and an animal 10______________(love). He is always 11__________(affection) and 12___________ (love) towards me and 13_________(passion) about the causes he believes in and the people he cares for. I hope we shall always love each other as much as we do now.


3. Complete these sentences with the correct adjective. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. gossip chatterbox trouble-maker wet-blanket loner 6. killjoy 7. Don Juan 8. bore 9. jet-setter 10. eccentric

a. He knows he's attractive to women. They always fall for him. He's got lots of girl-friends. He's a _______________ b. He just can't stop talking. He goes on and on exitedly, about totally unimportant things. He's a ______________. c. He likes to spend a lot of time alone. He's not keen on parties and usually does things on his own. He's a ______________. d. She's very rich and spends her time between grand social occasions and luxury holidays in different parts of the world. She's a ______________. e. He's always been a bit peculiar. He doesn't do normal or conventional things and he doesn't mind. He's an _____________. f. He loves to discuss and pass on news or rumours about people's private lives. He's a ________________ g. She goes on and on telling people about her children, her house , her job, her opinions. I could go to sleep when I'm with her. She's a _______________. h. He's very strict and correct. I think he doesn't like other people to enjoy themselves. He's a ______________. i. She's always causing difficulties for other people by interfering in their lives. She's a ______________. j. She's so negative and boring. She has a depressing effect on any group of people she's with. She's a _______________. 4. Match the opposites. 1. clever, bright, smart 2. extroverted 3. rude, impolite 4. cruel 5. generous 6. unsociable 7. faithful, loyal 8. tidy a. introverted b. tight-fisted, mean ,thrifty c. corteous, well-mannered, polite d. gregarious , sociable e. unfaithful, unloyal f. half-witted, stupid , dumb g. untidy h. kind-hearted


5. Fill in the gaps with the adjectives in the box. BRIGHT MEAN FAITHFUL SOCIABLE KIND-HEARTED DUMB RUDE POLITE

1. Sam's really _____________. He always cares about everyone and has the best intentions possible. 2. I didn't like Jake's ____________ behaviour. He shouldn't have insulted Robbert that way. 1. If the police ask you about the robbery, act ____________. 2. Lina was never _____________ to her husband, poor chap!. She didn't stop seeing other men when she married. 3. Sarah was a very ____________ student. All her marks were "excellents". 4. My grandfather was a loving man but so____________! He didn't even give me a present on my birthday. 5. I made a few ____________ remarks about her dress just to make her happy. 6. I want to be alone, please. I'm not in a ___________ mood. 6. Odd one out. Two of the words are synonyms, the third one is not. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. innocent / peculiar / naive confident / ambitious / pushy bossy / despotic / weird inquiring / confident / nosy sensitive / permissive / broad-minded frank / direct / obstinate weird / pig-headed / eccentric h. i. j. k. l. stubborn / big-headed / obstinate sel-assured / confident / peculiar sensitive / sensible / down-to-earth relaxed / tense / calm pig-headed / reliable / trustworthy

7. STEREOTYPES. Choose one adjective for each nationality, according to the stereotype. SPANISH . BRITISH. ITALIANS. DUTCH. FRENCH. Warm AMERICANS. IRISH. Clever / passionate / cold Reserved / cheerful / chic Hard-workers / meticulous / charming Tolerant / chic / fiery / hedonistic / friendly Materialistic / affectionate / calm Adventurous / humorous / stylish


8. Read these advertisements from a "Lonely hearts" and "sits. wanted" column in a newspaper. A) I'm looking for Mr Right, is that you? Are you a non-smoker, non-drinker, intelligent, smart, romantic, easy-going, funloving, mature, good-looking, generous, sensitive and into soul music, dancing, cinema and most racquet sports? If so, write to Jenny soon. Box n DD2211 Find words that mean: 1. Well-dressed and with a good appearance. ____________ 2. Concerned about and looking after others. ____________ 3. Isn't complicated and doesn't make any problems. ______________ 4. Sensible and well-balanced. _______________ 5. Understanding and aware of other people's problems. ____________ B) THE FEMININE TOUCH Trustworthy, sociable cleaners available to clean your vilas and apartments. Denia and Benidorm. Family run, reasonable rates. Excellent service. Tel. Andy (0064) 550123174 1. 2. 3. Find words that mean: Out-going, gregarious. ____________ Reliable. ____________ Moderate. _____________ C) Qualified English electrician. Honest, reliable, wellmannered and friendly. All electrical work undertaken, also alarms. Torrevieja and surrounding areas. Tel. 646230769 Find words that mean: Not telling lies; not cheating or stealing. ______________ Polite. ______________ D) Gentleman, easy-going. 5'11'', 13 stone, smart, calm, goodnatured, home-loving. Likes wining, dining, dancing, diving, trekking. Looks for slim lady, mid-fifties, cheerful, stylish, sporty, adventurous, about 5'6'' tall for long term relationship. Call me now. 639625769. Find words that mean: Kind; ready and willing to help others, even by sacrificing one's own interest.____________ Bringing or suggesting happiness. _____________ Fashionable. ____________ Going out for a drink of wine. _____________

1. 2.

1. 2. 3. 4.


5. Going walking in the mountain. _____________ 9. DESCRIBING PLACES. Which adjectives would you use to describe a city and which to describe a small village in the country?. idyllic / rural / lively / peaceful / crowded / urban / clean / safe / filthy / cosmopolitan / boring / industrial / agricultural / quiet / picturesque / bustling TOWN SMALL VILLAGE

10. FALSE FRIENDS.These words are tricky because they dont mean what they apparently mean. Look in a dictionary for the correct word. ESTA PALABRA suburb idiom lagoon villa attic camp camping quiet local motorist commodity crime exposition fabric SIGNIFICA NO SIGNIFICA suburbios idioma laguna pueblo, villa tico Campo camping Quieto local(sitio cerrado y cubierto) motorista comodidad crimen exposicin fbrica QUE SE DICE


11. Complete the following text about Alicante with the words given in the box. ALICANTE Alicante, with a 1_______________ of over 300,000 combines both classic and modern. It offers business and pleasure, 2_________________ and educational opportunities, and manages to fit mountains and beaches within its city 3________________. It even has an island off the coastthe only 4________________island in the 5___________________. Alicante has a long history reaching back to 6___________________ times, with archaeological 7______________ from the third millennium before Christ. Santa Mara, the oldest church in the city was built in the 8__________________ Gothic style between the 14th and 16th centuries over the ruins of the main mosque during the 9_______________ domination. Today this beautiful coastal city is a 10_______________ tourist area thanks to its 11________________ beaches, its excellent climate and its superb 12______________. It offers visitors charm, tradition, monuments and tourist 13 ________________throughout the whole year. Alicante, the Roman Lucentum or city of the light, is a prosperous town in ongoing evolution, with the added dynamics of being one of the offices of the 14______________ Union. The harbour, near the most popular 15________________ in Alicante, La Explanada, has been the strength of its 16________________ for centuries. Today, we can enjoy this rehabilitated harbour in a different way, thanks to the ultramodern 17__________________ area dedicated to leisure and entertainment, which has become a not-to-miss night 18____________________. Alicante and its province exert an 19__________________ on all who come here: culture, art, shopping, crafts, sports, cuisine, fiestas... Not a minute to get bored! REMAINS INHABITED ECONOMY ATTRACTION PEDESTRIAN POPULATION MOORISH FACILITIES PREHISTORIC SPOT PROMENADE ENTERTAINMENT LIMITS IMPOSING FIRST-RATE SANDY LAND OF VALENCIA CUISINE EUROPEAN 12. AMERICAN ENGLISH. Some words are said differently in American English and in British English. Can you match these words used in the description of places? British English 1. pavement 2. taxi 3. flat 4. underground 5. shop 6. chemist's 7. car park 8. queue 9. garden 10. holiday 11. rubbish 12. cinema American English a. parking lot b. garbage c. drugstore d. cab e. vacation f. yard g. apartment h. (movie) theater i. sidewalk j. subway k. line l. store


AIM: To make students be aware of the environmental problems and give them enough vocabulary to talk and write about them. TYPE OF EXERCISES: Match the words, match the meaning, complete the definitions, complete the text, idioms, word formation. 1. Match the meanings. 1. pollution 2. waste 3. deforestation 4. fumes 5. poisonous 6. environmentally-friendly 7. rubbish tip/dump 8. greenhouse effect 9. rain forest a. desechos, vertidos b. efecto invernadero c. venenoso, txico d. humos, vapores e. contaminacin f. bosque tropical g. vertedero h. deforestacin i. inofensivo para el medio ambiente

2. Match the words on the left with their meaning on the right. a. that causes injury or damage. b. treat (substances already used for industry, etc) so that further use is possible. c. box, carton, container, packet. d. substance used in, or obtained by chemistry. e. odds and ends, bits of paper, wrappings, bottles, etc. left lying about in a room or public place. f. anything that contaminates, e.g. exhaust fumes from motor-vehicles. g. container used to store recyclable goods. h. form of oxygen with a sharp and refreshing smell. i. materia prima; in the natural state, not manufactured or prepared for use.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

litter raw materials recycling bank harmful ozone chemical pollutant recycle package

1._______ 2________ 3_________ 4________ 5________ 6________ 7_______ 8________ 9_________


3. Complete these definitions with the words in the box. They are all serious threats to the environment. RUBBISH GREENHOUSE EFFECT WASTE OZONE LAYER EXTINCT CLIMATE POLLUTION SUPPLY OVERPOPULATION RAIN FORESTS DISPOSING ROOM

A. Much of the world's water __________ is being polluted with nuclear and industrial __________. This is killing the marine mammals, plant-life and, of course, the fish which are a source of food for us all. B. The world is suffering from ____________, that is, the population is growing too fast. There isn't enough __________ for all of us, and certainly not enough food for everybody. C. _____________ of the air by gases from coal, oil, fertilisers, rubbish and plastics is causing a ______________. The ____________ is breaking down and the earth is getting hotter. D. As the population of the world increases, so does the amount of _____________ we produce. ______________ of the rubbish is a major problem in many countries. E. ______________ are being cut down or burnt at an alarming rate. They affect the world's ____________ and contain many species of birds, animals, flowers, trees and insects which are becoming ____________. 4. What are the risks implied in every description above. Write the correct letter. 1. air pollution ________ 2. rubbish _________ 3. water pollution_______ 4. deforestation___________ 5. overpopulation___________

5. Complete this text which gives you some tips to live a greener life and help the environment. PEOPLE WHO ARE GOING FOR GREEN Making a world of difference - together Waste disposal, acid rain, animal extinction, pollution and _______________are some of the most dramatic results of not looking after the environment. Follow the __________ Code by... 1. CUTTING DOWN WASTE Re-using carrier bags, bottles and _______________is cheap and reduces waste. Recycling paper, cans, bottles, plastics and rags means that the same _________materials are being used more than once, thus extending their life and maximising their value. Use recycling banks. 2. SAVING ENERGY AND NATURAL ______________ Turn off electricity and gas when not needed: it is NOT more expensive to turn lights on and off. We should always turn off unused lights and _____________and only heat water when we need it. Don't leave appliances such as TVs on standby. Use water_____________: We shouldn't leave taps running or dripping. Don't have long showers or full ___________________. _____________your home also saves energy, since walls are the largest area of heat loss.


3. TRAVELLING SENSIBLY Next time you go to use your car- think. Do you really need to DRIVE to whereyou are going? Could you get a ____________from a friend who's going in the samedirection? By making fewer car journeys and car sharing, we could all _____________the car fumes that cause so much air pollution and reduce our energy ______________. Maybe you could walk or cycle instead. Walking won't cost you a penny in petrol and cycling will help keep you ____________ and healthy. If you don't feel that energetic, or it's a long journey, consider using public transport. If we all used public transport more there would be less_______________. Sitting in traffic___________ increases petrol consumption and ________________ fumes. 4. PREVENTING POLLUTION Don't burn _____________ which gives off poisonous fumes and gases, especially plastics. Buy ____________________ cleaning products: detergent, soap, hair spray... 5. LOOKING AFTER THE LOCAL ENVIRONMENT Clear up litter: litter makes everyone's environment__________. The best thing is not to drop litter such as _____________, chewing gums, papers and packages in the first place. You can also help by joining a voluntary group that clears up litter or cleans up_________. .... GET INVOLVED AND MAKE A__________________. Wisely / lift / harmful / cut down / grafitti / consumption / green / fit / jams / baths / packages / cigarette-ends / raw / appliances / insulating / commitment / congestion / waste / unpleasant / environmentally-friendly / resources / deforestation 6. IDIOMS. Match the following idioms with their meaning in English. Then write a synonym idiom in Spanish. ENGLISH IDIOM 1. to be green with envy.__ 2. to have green fingers.__ 3. to be as green as grass.__ 4. to be in a state of nature.__ 5. to give oneself airs.__ 6. to pay the earth for sth.__ 7. to be all at sea.__ 8. to be between the devil and the deep blue sea.__ 9. to be in deep water.__ 10. to be like a fish out of water.__ a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. MEANING inexperienced show off, try to impress; claim to be what one is not. bewildered, confused. have talent at gardening in trouble very envious lacking experience and thus ill-at-ease pay a very high price for sth naked, with no clothes on in a dilemma; with a choice between two equally unpleasant alternatives SPANISH IDIOM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


7. WORD FORMATION. The following suffixes tell you what grammar category words belong to. E.g. "classical" (suffix "al" > adjective). Have a look at them. SUFFIX -al (adj. or noun) -ous (adj.) -less (adj.)= "without" -an (adj.) -y (adj.) -ion (noun) -ty (noun) -ance (noun) -ly (adverb) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. EXAMPLE classical(< classic), brutal (< brute), arrival (< arrive) envious (< envy), miraculous (< miracle) useless (< use), speechless ( < speech) Mexican ( < Mexico), American (< America) rusty (< rust), cloudy (< cloud) production (< produce), calculation (< calculate) difficulty (< difficult), subtlety (< subtle) clearance (< clear), disapperarance (< disappear) happily (< happy), seriously (< serious) 9.beautiful. ____________(noun) 10. possible. _____________(adv) 11. coast. ______________(adj) 12. elegant. ____________(noun) 13. rain. _____________(adj) 14. eternal. ___________(adv) 15. with no fear. ____________(adj) 16. with no use._____________(adj)

Write the related adjectives, nouns or adverbs. flexible. ___________ (noun) chemical. ___________ (adverb) complicate. _____________ (noun) harm. _____________(adj) nerve. ____________(adj) accident. ____________(adj) wind. ____________(adj) Brazil. ___________(adj)

8. Complete the following text by making correct nouns, adjectives or adverbs. Most suffixes are above, others are not. THE AMAZON FOREST The Amazon forest, in Brazil, covers five million square kilometres- an area as big as the whole of Europe _____________(EXCLUDE) Russia. It contains one third of the world's trees. However, the trees are _______________(DISAPPEAR). By 1974, a quarter of the forest had already been cut down. In the following year, 1975, 4% of the ____________(REMAIN) trees went. If the _______________(DESTROY) of the forest continues at the same rate, there will be nothing left by the year 2005. _______________(SCIENCE) say that the _____________(DISAPPEAR) of the trees is already causing changes in the climate. In Peru, there is less snow than before on the high peaks of the Andes ______________(MOUNTAIN) system. In Bolivia, it is less _____________(RAIN) than before and more ______________(WIND). In some parts of the ______________(BRAZIL) north-east there is now very little rain. What will happen if more of the Amazon forest is cut down? _____________(ACCORD) to climatologists, two things are ____________(LIKE) to happen: the world's climate will be _____________(SERIOUS) affected, and the air that we ______________(BREATH) will suffer a loss of oxygen. What is the _____________(EXPLAIN) for this? Trees absorb the gas carbon dioxide from the air, and give out oxygen into the air. The trees of the Amazon rain forest are ____________(CHEMICAL) very active, and some scientists believe


that they provide 50% of the world's annual____________ (PRODUCE) of oxygen. If we lose the tropical forests, the air will contain much less oxygen and much more carbon dioxide. We will find ______________(DIFFICULT) in breathing. The temperatures will rise; the ice-caps at the North and South Poles will melt; the sea level will rise, and hundreds of _______________(COAST) cities will be flooded. Scientists do not all agree about the exact figures_ the ______________(CALCULATE) can be done in different ways with different results. But all scientists agree that if we destroy the Amazon it will be an ______________(ENVIRONMENT) suicide_ like losing an ocean. Life on earth will become difficult, and it may become impossible. Then, all our efforts to save the human race will have been ________________(USE). 3. THE ROLE OF MEN AND WOMEN IN SOCIETY AIM:To make students think about their relationship with people of the opposite sex. KIND OF EXERCISES: Match the definitions, fill in the gaps, sayings, reading comprehension. 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Match the words (1-12) with their definitions (a-l). feminist____ 7. exploitation____ discrimination_____ 8. sex-object____ unisex_____ 9. the weaker sex____ male-chauvinist____ 10. equality____ money-earner____ 11. independent____ citizen____ 12. sexism____

a. Bread-winner; person who works to support a family. b. Supporter of feminism, a movement for recognition of the claims of women for rights (legal, political, etc) equal to those possessed by men. c. Person regarded only as a source of sexual pleasure. d. Designed to be suitable for both sexes in style or function. e. Women in general. f. Acting or thinking upon one's own lines; free from control; not dependent on or controlled by others. g. Person who lives in a town, not in the country. h. Selfish use, use for one's profit. i. Unfair or unreasonable discrimination between the sexes. j. Man who believes that men are superior to women and acts accordingly. k. Different treatment to certain people, countries, races... l. The state of being the same in size, amount, number, degree, value, etc. 2. Complete the following sentences using the words in exercise 1. 1. She was so angry at his sexist remarks that she called him a ____________ pig. 2. Feminists consider women are treated as _____________ in beauty contests. 3. She never borrows anything; she's too ______________ for that. 4. Mummy's the ______________ in our family. Dad's too ill to work. 5. Suffragettes were among the first ______________ in Britain. 6. Juanito Mhleg is German by birth but is now a Spanish _______________.


7. Is there racial _______________ in your country?. 8. Women are still struggling for true _______________ with men. 9. The woman has been seen as physically weak and socially unimportant. Still today some men consider women as ________________. 10. A new _____________ hairdressing saloon has open in town. 11. The ______________ of child labour was something common in the 19th century. 12. There was clear _____________ in the selection of staff. The lady from Cambridge had better qualifications than the man they chose in the end. 3. Fill in the gaps with the words in the box. Women's rights

1_________________believe that women should be regarded as equal to men and deplore 2__________________ against women in the home or place of work. 3____________________ keep claiming they are naturally superior and refer to women as 4_____________________. Feminists are no longer happy to be regarded as 5__________________in terms of economic, political and social status. They criticize 6________________ and the use of glamorous female models in advertisements, which they describe as the 7_________________ of female beauty, since women in these situations are represented as mere 8_________________. There is an 9______________biological difference between men and women: men are physically 10_________________ than women, while women are, as a whole, more 11________________, which makes them too instinctive and 12________________ in critical situations. While most women have, till very recently, devoted to getting13___________________, giving 14___________________, raising the children and 15___________________ a home, husbands have often been the main 16_____________________ in the family. However, we no longer live in the 17______________________societies of the past, and women are successful in the economic18____________, achieving equal status and personal independence as19________________. Let us hope, however, that the revolution stops before we have a boring world in which sex doesn't make much difference. We already have 20______________hairdressers and fashions. What 21____________? STRONGER BIRTH FEMINISTS KEEPING DISCRIMINATION UNISEX IMPULSIVE MALE-DOMINATED MONEY-EARNERS NEXT UNDENIABLE EMOTIONAL PREGNANT FIELD MALE-CHAUVINISTS SECOND-CLASS CITIZENS BREAD-WINNERS BEAUTY-CONTESTS EXPLOITATION THE WEAKER SEX SEX-OBJECTS



4. Read the following text about an English househusband and answer the questions. "I was made redundant from my job as a children's books editor five years ago, and I now stay at home with my six-year-old son while my wife works as a human resources manager. I tried hard to find work at first- I'd have done anything. But the work situation is ban in Newcastle and there was nothing going. I was very depressed, especially as my wife's career was on an upward spiral. I wasn't jealous, just sorry for myself. But, after six months of me staying at home with our child, we decided it worked quite well. Now I have a new perspective of life. The bit I hate is reading my bank statement and asking my wife for money. She pays the bills and gives me housekeeping. My brother made fun of me when she told me off for not vacuuming. He said he could never live like I do." Jim, 34, househusband. Questions 1.Why did Jim decide to stay at home? 1 2 2.How did Jim feel at the beginning? Why? 3.What doesn't he like about being a househusband? 4. Jim's brother said he couldn't live like he does. What do you think? Do you understand Jim? Could you do the same? 5. Match the words in English with their meaning in Spanish. 1. Commit a. frontera 2. carry out b. ataque 3. race c. cometer 4. persuade d. incomprensin 5. caring e. criticar 6. criticize f. llevar a cabo 7. boundary g. Independientemente de 8. misunderstanding h. raza 9. assault i. carioso 10. regardless of j. persuadir 6. Fill in the gaps this text about "Domestic Violence" with the words in the box. There is still a lot of confusion and 1______________ about domestic violence_ what it is, who suffers from it, who 2______________ it and why. Violence or abuse suffered by women in their home which is 3______________ by their partner, ex-partner or anyone they are living with is known 4_____________ domestic violence. Victims of domestic violence are 5____________ women, but this is not always the case. Women experience domestic violence 6_______________ of their social group, class, age, 7_______________, disability, sexuality and lifestyle _ it knows no 8_______________. Violence



and abuse can begin at any time _ in the first year or after years of 9______________ or living together. Domestic violence can take a number of forms such as physical 10_____________, 11_____________ abuse, rape and threats. In addition, it may include mental and verbal abuse and humiliation. Your partner may not give you any money, constantly 12____________ you or forbid you to see your friends and family. He may be 13_____________ one day and violent the next. He may offer "rewards" on certain conditions, or in an attempt to 14______________ you that the abuse won't happen again. However persuasive he may seem, it is likely to get worse over time. CARRIED OUT / RACE / PERSUADE / CARING / USUALLY / COMMITS / CRITICIZE / BOUNDARIES / MISUNDERSTANDING ASSAULT / SEXUAL / AS / MARRIAGE / REGARDLESS 7. Match 1-9 with a-i to make English sayings about love. Then match with the meaning below. 1-9 Love is Love me, Prosperity makes friends, Better be alone Beauty is Alls in fair Absence makes the heart Love makes the world Love will go a-i MEANING

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

a. in love and war b. go round c. love my dog d. blind e. through stone walls f. but skin deep g. love my dog h. than in ill company i. adversity tries them. MEANING: La belleza est slo a flor de piel (Es mucho ms importante el interior de las personas, lo perdurable; la belleza es pasajera) El amor atraviesa montaas. El amor es ciego. Todo vale en el amor y la guerra. La prosperidad hace amigos, la adversidad los pone a prueba. La ausencia aviva el amor. Quien quiere a Beltrn quiere a su can. Ms vale solo que mal acompaado. El amor hace girar el mundo.



AIM: To provide students vocabulary related to the world of technology so that they can understand texts about this topic and give their opinion. TYPE OF EXERCISES: word formation, fill in the gap, match the definition, match the other part of the sentence, synonym, complete the text, false friend, choose the right one. 1. Complete the following table of word family VERB NOUN geneticist / genetics clone accessible influence vary accusingly investigate argumentative critically choice systematically know intelligent program Inventively equip developed / developing 2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the previous exercise 1. Peter is very ___________ about computer viruses. He studied Information ___________. 2. Most people believe that the worst __________________ in the twentieth century was the nuclear bomb. 3. We have a lot of new ______________ in the office: answering machines, computers, etc. 4. I have a great new __________________. It translates everything from English to French. 5. Mini disks are an important ___________________________ in music technology. 6. In the near future, the information that is contained in books will be stored digitally on CD ROM and will be ____________________ anywhere in the world. 7. In the not-distant future machines and robots will have artificial ____________________. 8. They were ____________________ in the way they approached the problem. 3. Match the appliances from the list with their uses.

ADJECTIVE technological

ADVERB scientifically


1. answer machine 2. camera 3. cash dispenser 4. dishwasher 5. photocopier 6. tape machine 7. mixer 8. sewing machine 9. vacuum cleaner 10. fax 11. air conditioning 12. iron 13. heating 14. microwave

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n)

To take your call if you cant stay in To do your own dressmaking. To get rid of dust and dirt. To take money when the banks are closed. To take a snapshot for your album. To deal with dirty cutlery and crockery. To have several pages all the same. To keep a room cool in summer To keep a room warm in winter To beat eggs, cream, etc. To make clothes straight and smooth To cut down cooking and heating time to minutes To send an urgent written message in seconds To watch a programme you missed the night before

4. Match the computer words from the list with the correct definition. modem clip software disc bug hardware virus network PC peripherals laptop CD ROM disk drive mouse 1. __________________________ The physical parts of a computer. 2. __________________________ The programs that are used in the computer 3. __________________________ A concave circular steel tool which stores information. 4. __________________________ An error in a program or in the computer itself. 5. __________________________ A program that can move from one computer to another damaging other programs stored there. 6. __________________________ A device which sends information to another computer. 7. __________________________ A system of computers, terminals and data bases connected by communication lines. 8. __________________________ Personal computer. 9. _________________________ A small, portable, personal computer. 10. __________________________ Compact disc with Read Only Memory that holds text, video clips and music. 11. _________________________ Small piece of silicon inside a computer which holds large amounts of information and can perform complicated mathematical and logical functions. 12._________________________ A slot in the computer where you put a floppy disc. 13. _________________________ Something that allows you to move the cursor around the screen easily. 14. _________________________ Other machines that are connected to a computer as part of the installation ( a printer, a scanner). 5. Find the synonyms for the underlined words or expressions


entry into get information from store be connected to be linked to step forward jump on the new-technology bandwagon enormous strides are being made in information technology 1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.

We can access to a computer system. __________________________________________ You can hook up to an access system which allows you to use some of the Internets services.______________________________________________ Computers retain information in a computer memory for further reference.____________ Everyone wants to get in on new technology.____________________________________ Information technology is advancing by leaps and bounds. _________________________ The automatic cash dispenser system was a huge breakthrough. _____________________

6. Complete with the correct word freeze radical 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. surfing gadget school appliances computing printer generation advances

He has a comprehensive knowledge of ______________________. _________ in modern day communications mean that distances no longer mean anything. Computers are bringing about ________________________changes in working practices. Some people say that the computer is the ________________________ text of tomorrow. In my opinion, we are still a long way from replacing books altogether. A whole _____________________ of children is growing up with computer technology. Most modern kitchens have many __________________________. A remote control for the TV is a really useful _________________________. A ________________________ prints out text or graphics in black and white or colour. A screen can _____________________ if the computer doesnt have enough memory. Joe does most of his Net _____________________ during the evening and night.

7. False friends. These words are tricky because they dont mean what they apparently mean. Look in a dictionary for the correct word. ESTA PALABRA SIGNIFICA access library topic actually large NO SIGNIFICA QUE SE DICE

8. What are the points for and against using The Internet? Complete each part of the sentence with one of the endings and you will find some.


A. Points for a) It provides students with free access to ... b) It can be accessed by almost anyone with ... c) It offers its users the possibility of ... d) It offers you the opportunity to participate in ... e) The World Wide Web allows users to publish multimedia pages,... f) You can read on-line magazines and newspapers, go shopping or ... g) You can talk to experts on ... h) The information is available to you ... i) You can send messages, letters, documents, etc to ... 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1. ... a PC and a telephone line. ... a multitude of resources: text and interactive multimedia. ... any one else that has an e-mail address. ... a certain field you are interested in. ... discussion forums on thousand of topics. ... containing text, graphics, sound and video, for other people to view. ... contacting people from all over the world. ... simply sail around other sites of interest. ... in your own home.

B. Points against a) Some unscrupulous people may misuse it to ... b) It is a non physical world, which is very difficult to control: ... c) There is very little ... d) It deprives people of communication with ... e) Parents and children who spends hours glued to a computer screen are at risk ... f) Information on the Internet is too disorganized and unrelated to the school curriculum,... g) An extreme tiredness and academic problems to aggressiveness, a no interest in hobbies are ... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ... spread their racist ideas and pornographic material all over the world. ...the consequence of spending too much time in front of the computer. ... so it is not of great use in helping students to get better results. ...their own family and friends. ...regulation about it. ... nobody owns it, nobody runs it. ...retreating into isolation and losing their grip on reality.

A. a) ____ b) ____ c) ____ d) ____ e) ____ f) ____ g) ____ h) ____ i) ____ B. a) ____ b) ____ c) ____ d) ____ e) ____ f) ____ g) ____ 9. Match the words to their definitions 1. Chromosomes a. part of a cell containing the genes


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Microscope Cells Examine Inherited Trap DNA Genes Pattern

b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i.

organization, arrangement instrument which makes things look bigger capture study carefully basic unit of all life passed from generation to generation unit of heredity deoxyribonucleic acid

10. Read the text and find words that mean: How to clone a human If it works in humans as it has in other mammals, cloning will be technically possible, but also terribly inefficient and risky. According to experts, producing a single viable clone will require scores of volunteers to donate eggs and carry embryos most of which will have major abnormalities and never come to term. The clones that do survive could suffer more subtle problems that might show up well after birth. Heres how it might be done: 1. Doctors harvest up to 15 eggs each from up to 40 donors who have been injected with fertility drugs. About 400 eggs are produced. 2. Cells are taken from the cloning candidate. 3. The nucleus of each egg is sucked out with a fine needle. Then the DNA free eggs and the donor cells are placed next to one another and zapped with electricity, which causes them to fuse. Some of the rebuilt eggs divide to form embryos. 4. Because embryos often fall to implant , each surrogate mother gets several at once. Even so, up to 50 surrogates could be needed ( not necessary all at once ) to ensure nine to 10 pregnancies. Of these, most will terminate early by miscarriage or by abortion when abnormalities are found. The single viable baby may be normal. Or maybe not ( Taken from Time , February 19, 2001) 1. __________________________ Propagate or reproduce (an identical individual) from a given original; to replicate (an existing individual) 2. __________________________ Members of a class whose females secrete milk for nourishing their young. 3. _________________________ Dangerous, hazardous. 4. __________________________ People having great knowledge, experience or skill in a certain field. 5. __________________________ Capable of succeeding. 6. __________________________ ovum


7. __________________________ Organisms in its early development stage, before they have a distinctive form. 8. _________________________ not obvious. 9. __________________________ People used as a source of biological material ( as blood or an organ). 10. ________________________ Ability to conceive and reproduce. 11. _____________________ A central element around which other elements are grouped. 12. _________________________ extracted 13. _________________________ Women who bears a child for a couple unable to produce children in the usual way 14. _________________________ Spontaneous expulsion of the embryo or fetus from the uterus before it has developed sufficiently to live without maternal support. Complete the following text with words from the list product turn back research ethical reproductive surrogate mother soul duty male interfering reproduce egg science genetically ovum

Different opinions about cloning human beings


2. 3.




The Roman Catholic Church: The entire question is whether life is a gift of love or just one mortal industrial (1)______________. So, we condemn any (2)__________________ that involves creating and experiment with human embryos since the (3) ______________ is created at the moment of conception, and that embryo is worth of protection. The libertarians: We dont like politicians or clerics (4) __________________ with what should be purely individual decisions. Cloning is just another (5) ________________tool Infertile couples: We are interested in giving the gift of life: It is not an (6) ___________ issue. We have a (7) ___________________ here. Some people need this to complete the life cycle, to (8) ____________________________. The vast majority of people: We view the situation with the feeling that (9) ___________ is dragging us into dark woods with no paths and no easy way to (10) _______________. Ian Wilmut, the scientist who cloned Dolly: I am against human cloning. I was only trying to help farmers produce (11) _________________________ improved sheep. Lesbians: We would have the chance to give birth with no (12) ____________________ involved at all; one woman could contribute the (13) ____________, the other the DNA. Men: We could potentially become dads alone: replace the DNA from a donor (14) ______________________ with ones own and then recruit a (15) ___________________ to carry the child. (Edited from an article in Choose the most suitable word for each space (only one of the three given is correct) Mobile phones



One of the last technology breakthroughs to appear among us and cause a great (1)___________________ has been the mobile phone. As a matter of fact, mobile telephones, nowadays, a (2) _____________________subject about which everybody has an opinion. Most people strongly believe that a mobile phone is a really (3) __________________ gadget which undeniably helps us in our daily life. Apart from being very handy and allowing a lot of mobility, this modern (4) _____________________________ phone may even help you in difficult moments. Many teenagers agree how useful it is to be (5) ____________________ at any time and to be able to send messages to their friends. Then, it isnt at all surprising the fact that traditional (6) ________________________ telephony has been replaced thanks to a quicklydeveloping (7) ___________________ that in, some cases, provides access to the Internet and incorporates a personal video camera. We may agree that the above-mentioned is true but some peoples (8) ________________________________ will stand. It cannot be denied that mobile (9)______________________ are still quite expensive, especially if you own a card phone instead of a battery one; so, those people who like being (10) __________________ to the phone for a long time should avoid using a mobile phone. Besides, there is no doubt that (11) _______________________ is still developing and some companies do not provide it throughout the entire service area, which can be a serious (12) ______________________. There are, finally, those who emphasize the consumerist tendency that mobiles encourage, especially among youngsters, who are easy victims. Summing up, it is necessary to (13) ________________________ in mind that mobile telephony is developing faster and faster and this can be really useful in our modern society where the quicker is the (14) ___________________________. The trouble is that before buying a mobile we sometimes dont think about our pocket, where we are phoning and who is going to use it, or (15) ________________________ misuse it! In my opinion, thinking twice would be a really good idea. 1. concussion 2. controversial 3. tool 4. cordless 5. easy 6. telephonist 7. device 8. opinions 9. rates 10. hit 11. cover 12. drawback 13. carry 14. best 15. misuse stir controversy useful beeper available telephony advice thoughts at cost price glued hedge suitable take better rape mark controversially profit short-distance willing telephonic stratagem objections prize punch coverage point for bear worse take advantage




1. Synonyms of teenagers ___________________ ____________________ ___________________ ____________________ ___________________ ____________________

___________________ ___________________ ___________________


AIM: To make students be aware of the problems involved in drinking alcohol and give them enough vocabulary to talk and write about them. TYPE OF EXERCISES: match the definition, synonyms, fill in the gaps, complete the text. Match the words with the definition. drink drinker drinkery drink-driving drink up drinking problem drink-drown drinking-up time drinkless drinking-club drinking-habit drink-money drinky drinkeress drinkable

1. ___________________________ To take (liquid) into the stomach. 1. __________________________ That may be drunk, suitable for drinking, potable. 2. __________________________ The action of driving or attempting to drive a motor vehicle with an excessive proportion of alcohol in one's blood (esp. with an amount that exceeds a legally fixed limit). 3. __________________________ Intoxicated. 4. __________________________ The person who drinks. 5. __________________________ A female drinker. 6. __________________________ A place for the supply of (intoxicating) drink. 7. __________________________ An association for the purpose of drinking in company. 8. __________________________ Addiction to alcoholic liquor. 9. _________________________ An addiction to alcohol, a tendency towards alcoholism. 10. _________________________ To finish a drink. 11. _________________________ A short period after the legal closing-time in a public house which is permitted by law for the consumption of drinks bought before it. 12. _________________________ Without drink or liquid to quench one's thirst; dry. 13. _________________________ A gratuity to be spent on drink; a douceur. 14. _________________________ Tipsy; drunk. 2. Match the correct word in English with each definition 1. Drinks which do not contain alcohol.

a. hangover


2. Alcoholic drinks. 3. People who dont drink alcohol at all. 4. When you get drunk and wake up the next morning with a headache. Match the words with the definition. alcohol alcoholic alcoholism alcoholist alcoholize

b. teetotallers c. soft drinks d. spirits


1.___________________________ An essence, quintessence, or spirit, obtained by distillation or rectification. 2.___________________________ Addicted to alcohol /The person who is addicted to excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks, a drink addict. 3. __________________________ The action of alcohol upon the human system; diseased condition produced by alcohol. 4. __________________________ The person who is addicted to, or advocates, drinking alcoholic drinks. 5. __________________________ Saturated with alcohol; subjected to the influence of alcohol. 6. __________________________ An instrument for measuring the proportion of absolute alcohol in a liquor. 4. Find a synonym for the underlined words or expressions. spirits taken to damaging drunkard hooked on drunk as long as it is not drunk to excess
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

accidents breath test

paraplegic stopped non- alcoholic drink


He doesnt drink any alcohol. He prefers soft drink such as fruit juice. ...................................................................................................................................................... Shes a slave to alcohol She is a heavy drinker........................................................................... Liquor is to blame for a lot of car crashes. And many young people are disable. ...................................................................................................................................................... Alcohol is harmful to your health. However, some people think it isnt if drunk in moderation. ...................................................................................................................................................... He is addicted to drink................................................................................................................. He is intoxicated / blind / pissed. ................................................................................................ Recently hes started drinking. .................................................................................................... The police ordered him to take breathalyzer test / sobriety test / drunkmeter test. ...................................................................................................................................................... Ive given up drinking. ................................................................................................................ Complete with the correct word tipsy limit legal sip sober drunk

consumption alcoholic



1. Alcohol is a _______________________________ drug that has never been restricted in our society. Its __________________________ is even learnt at home at early ages. 2. Some people like to ___________________ a glass of wine slowly, just to be sociable. 3. When you drink glass after a glass, you soon become __________________________ and if you continue, you will get ___________________________________. 4. Some people are dependent on alcohol. They cant do without it. They are _________ 5. Well talk about it when youre ___________________________________. 6. His drinking is causing _______________________________. 7. No thanks, twos my ________________________________. 6. Fill in the gaps risk aimed experts 1. influence lifts affect campaign leads driving age prevention avoid effects involve short and long term drink and drive

People who drink alcohol and drive put other drivers at _________________. As I see it, anyone caught driving under the ____________ of alcohol deserves to go to prison. 2. Our teacher has requested that we all take part in the ___________________________ against drunk driving. 3. Its essential that young people understand the risks ________ in drinking and driving. 4. If you have to drive, ____________________________________ drinking alcohol! 5. The police believe that accident __________________________________ depends on educating the public about the __________________________ of alcohol on the body. Public broadcasts should be ____________________________ specially at teenagers. 6. My parents insisted that I never take _________ from friends who have been drinking. 7. One solution to the problem of teenage road accidents is to raise the legal ._____________________________________ to 21 years. 8. Drunken driving often ____________________________ to injury and death because young people are unaware of how drinking affects their judgement and reaction time. 9. ____________________________ on alcoholism believe that the only way to prevent this alarming tendency is to teach teenagers the facts about the effects of alcohol on the body and to make them aware of the risks they take when they _______________. They are unaware of the ___________________________ dangers of alcohol. Even a small amount of alcohol can ______________________ the way we drive.

7. Complete with the correct word tastes manipulate brands concerned target profit

fun profitable



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

___________________ for drinks often show attractive young people having a good time. This type of advertising encourages young people to associate alcohol with ___________. Young people are a natural ____________ for advertisers who work for liquor companies. Promotions and advertising campaigns aim at introducing young people to different _______________________________ of liquor. Companies advertise drinks at cheaper prices together with free T-shirts, caps and posters in order to encourage teenagers to try new ___________________ in hard liquor. Perhaps they should also show teenagers how they are ________________ by advertisers who are not _________________ about the consequences, but only about making a profit. Liquor companies only care about making a ________________________ on alcohol. Selling liquor to teenagers is obviously a _____________________________ business. The aim of opening a bar or pub is probable to make a quick profit.

8. Drink-driving is a serious problem society has to face. Is there a solution? Complete the text with the correct word. invisible out of license death automobilemorgue jail dose mutilated fragile morgue work severe influence pay continue automobile out of effective affective common sermons A very effective punishment What is the number one cause of (1) ____________________ among young people in the United States? (2) _____________________ accidents. And what is the number one cause of these (3) ________________________________ accidents? Drunk driving - also known as driving under the (4) ________________________________ ( of alcohol ). In California the laws against drunk driving are very (5) _______________________. If you are arrested for drunk driving the law says you must (6) _____________________ 960 dollars or (7) ____________________________ in a special community assistance program. If you are arrested a second time you lose your (8) ____________ for one year. If you are arrested for drunk driving a third time you must go to (9) _____________ for six months. Unfortunately, these severe laws are not very (10) ________________________. Five (11) ______________________________ ten young people arrested in California for drunk driving a first time (12 ) ___________________________ to drink and drive. Recently, however, a California (13) _____________________ found a very effective punishment for young people who are arrested for driving under the influence. They must visit the city (14) ___________________! Well, the punishment was so (15) _____________ that only six (16) ________________________________ 400 young people who visited the (17)



__________________ in past months returned to the road to drink and drive again. Now it is the most (18) ________________ punishment given to young drunk drivers in California. What happens at the morgue? The young drivers see the (19) ____________________ bodies of young victims of automobile accidents, caused by drunk driving. And why is this punishment so effective? A California judge explains that adolescents feel (20) _________________and immortal. To convince them that human life is (21)___________________________, a strong (22) ______________________________of reality is more effective than 100 (23) ______________________________________. (Taken from Irving Schwartz)


AIM: To make students be aware of the consequences of smoking and to provide them the vocabulary related to this subject so that it can be discussed in class. EXERCISES: Match the definition, synonyms, fill in the gaps, complete a text. Match the words with the definition. smoking machine smoke-shop smoke night smoky smoke smoker smoke- talk smoke joint smoke room smoke-in smoke test smoke-merchant smoke-ho

1. __________________________ To inhale (and expel again) the fumes of tobacco, or other suitable substance, from a pipe, cigar, or cigarette. More recently, also with reference to marijuana, opium, or other illegal drugs. 1. __________________________ A stoppage of work in order to rest and smoke. More generally, a tea-break, a rest period. Also, a cup of tea or a snack taken at work. 2. __________________________ A gathering for the purpose of smoking or otherwise inhaling cannabis. 3. __________________________ A bar selling inferior liquor .( U.S. slang ) 4. __________________________ A tobacconist. 5. __________________________ An evening meeting accompanied by smoking. 6. __________________________ One who smokes tobacco, opium, or the like. 7. __________________________ A place in a club-house, hotel, or the like, set apart for the accommodation of those who wish to smoke. 8. __________________________A tobacconist's shop, formerly one in which accommodation for smoking was provided; also, a place where people gather to smoke and talk. 9. _________________________ A social meeting accompanied by smoking (U.S.)



10. _________________________ A method of testing the state of drains and pipes by means of smoke. 11. _________________________ A device which draws air through a lighted cigarette, etc., so that the smoke may be used for scientific study. 12. _________________________ Having the flavour or odour of smoke; tasting or smelling of smoke. 2. Find a synonym for the underlined words or expressions damages forbidden in jeopardy this is a no-smoking area chain-smoke ashtray

Smoking is detrimental to your health your health................................................................... 1. You cant smoke here. ............................................................................................................. 2. Youre putting your childs health at risk by smoking like that. ............................................. 3. I need a container for discarding the tobacco ashes. ................................................................ 4. They light another cigarette immediately the have put out the one before.............................. 5. I think smoking should not be banned in all public places. ..................................................... 3. Complete with the correct word permitted back 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. illnesses give up awareness cut down brand

For safety reasons, smoking is not ________________________here. We want to increase public _______________________ of the dangers of smoking. She smoked behind her parents ____________________________. If you decide to _____________ smoking, you will live longer. Cigarette? - no, thanks, Im trying to __________________________. The world spends a lot of money on smoking-related ________________________. Smokers choose a certain _________________________ of cigarettes because it shows the kind of person they are.

4. Complete with the correct word aspiration allowed peer pressure image projection rebellion coolness advertising sexiness raised bothers wide

Why do teenagers start smoking? If you ask them, here are the four most important reasons:



(a)______________________________, group acceptance if their friends smoke, many teenagers will begin smoking simply to maintain their acceptance within the group. 2. (b)_________________________ there is definitely an image attached to smoking by (c)____________________. For women it is one of the (d) ______________________ and desirability, and for men it is one of rugged individualism, fun or (e) _________________. If a teenager buys into that image, then smoking begins. 3. (f) _________________________ many teenagers take up smoking because they know it annoys, (g) _____________________, infuriates their parents and other adults. There is also a certain element of doing what is not (h) _____________________ or walking on the (i) ______________________ side worked in as well. 4. Adult (j) ______________________ some teenagers believe that by smoking they are acting as an adult. If the teenager is (k) _______________________ in a community where most of the adults smoke, then this is perhaps a logical conclusion. (Taken from The Teenagers Guide to the Real World by Marshall Brain) 5. Complete with the correct word stink hooked expectancyaverages health addictive messy hygiene expensive

Why would adult smokers love to quite smoking? If you ask them, here are the four most important reasons: 1. Smoking has serious (a) ___________________ consequences. On average, each minute of smoking reduces a persons life (b) _________________________ by a minute. When you consider that a two-pack-a-day smoker consumes on the order of 600.000 cigarettes in a lifetime, and it takes three to five minutes to smoke a cigarette, this is a significant factor. 2. Smoking is (c)_______________________. Once you get (d) ____________________ it is very difficult to stop. Once hooked, you have to stop every half an hour or so and smoke another cigarette. You have no choice! 3. Smoking is extremely (e) _______________________. Cigarettes range in price from a nickel to a dime each, so if you are consuming 40 a day the cost (f) ________________ about 1.000 dollars per year: There must be a better way to spend 1.000 dollars! 4. Smoking has effects on personal (g) _____________________________. Cigarettes are (h) __________________ and they make your hair, clothes and breath (i) __________. (Taken from The Teenagers Guide to the Real World by Marshall Brain)




AIM: To make students be aware of the dangers of taking hard drugs, such as cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, etc. and give them vocabulary to talk and write about them. TYPE OF EXERCISES: match the definition, synonyms, fill in the gaps, complete the text, match the information, 1. March the words with its correct definition 1. cold turkey dope-peddler dope-ring ecstasy a) a seller of illicit drugs. b) a method of treating drug addicts by sudden and complete withdrawal of the drug, instead of by a gradual process. c) a group of people engaged in obtaining, selling, and using narcotics. d) drugs associated with the rave culture.

2. Replace the verb underlined in each sentence with a verb from the list, so that the meaning stays the same dope-fiend mind wrecking/ ruining Are on drugs / do drugs traffickers a cocaine addict

1. Peter is a drug-addict......................................................................................................... 2. She has a son who is addicted to cocaine drugs ............................................................... 3. Drugs are destroying the lives of many people. ............................................................... 4. People think many teens take drugs.................................................................................... 5. It is imperative that drug pushers be punished severely. .................................................... 6. Hes stoned out of his head ................................................................................................. 3. Complete with the correct word well-being anxious addiction addictive brain collapse pills immoral weary short-acting preventdealers leads alerted

1. Young people need to be _____________________ to the dangers of drug abuse. 2. This drug can produce ________________________. 3. Crack creates a sensation of total _____________________ that wears off after only about twelve minutes. After twelve minutes crack users begin to feel acutely depressed, _______________ and _______________________ and want to smoke more of the drug. 4. Speed affect our ______________________, liver, lungs, etc. and people are likely to suffer from mental illness,____________________________ or die. 5. This drug _______________________ to depression and psychological dependence. 6. Cocaine is highly _____________________ and extremely _______________________. 7. Drug _______________________ are destroying society by destroying its children.


8. The teenagers popped ________________________ into drinks and waited for a reaction. 9. How can we ___________________________ the sale of these drugs to youngsters? 10. People who sell drugs behave in an ______________________ and irresponsible manner. 4. Complete with the correct word. being enhance belladona substances narcotic stupefy mood opium expand relief

Human beings have been experimenting for thousands of years with a variety of naturally occurring (1) _______________________________ that act on nervous tissues: alcohol to intoxicate a weary mind, (2) ________________________ to calm an angry intestine or to poison an adversary, (3) ____________________________ to overcome worry and strain. The (4) ______________________ of pain, in particular, is an age-old aim of humankind, and various (5) _________________________ and sleep producing agents were probably used by primitive people. But for many human beings there is another kind of painthe pain of (6) ____________________________ and from time immemorial some people have been trying to (7) ____________________ their vision, (8) ____________________ their appreciation of their world, change their (9) ________________________, alter their inner existence, or (10) ____________________________ their awareness with the use of such drugs as alcohol, opium, and cannabis. (Taken from Encyclopdia Britannica, 1994) 5. Match the drug with its correct information Opiates ____________________________________ 1. Cannabis ____________________________________ 2. Crack _____________________________________ 3. Speed ____________________________________ 4. Cocaine ____________________________________ a) Its derivates may come in many forms, including morphine, opium and heroine. b) It is known as dope, bhang (marijuana), ganja, and charas (hashish) c) It is usually sniffed ( damaging the membranes of the nose) d) It is an amphetamine used as a drug to produce a sense of well-being and excitement. e) It is usually sniffed ( damaging the membranes of the nose) f) It is typically smoked in a joint or pot. g) injecting the drug with a dirty or used needle can lead to infectious diseases, even AIDS. h) It is a synthetic drug which stimulates the heart and respiration, constricts blood-vessels, and induces sleeplessness. i) It is smoked like a cigarette reaching the blood stream and the brain quicker than cocaine. j) A potent, crystalline form of cocaine made by heating a mixture of it with baking powder and water until it is hard, and breaking it into small pieces.


6. Complete the following text about the drug problem in Spain with the correct word. pot smoking hard sophisticated links traffickers destined teens growth crime broken into survey joint heroin

Another factor which has helped to push up (1)_____________________________ is Spains growing drug problem. Because of her proximity to North Africa and her (2) ________________________ with Latin America, drugs are not difficult to obtain. According to a (3) ____________________________ by the armys drug control unit, 60 per cent of the soldiers have experimented with drugs by the time they enlist at the end of their (4) ______________________________. Even that number could be an underestimate. The popularity of (5) ______________________ has increased significantly as a result of unemployment and it is difficult to find a young Spaniard of either sex nowadays who has not at some time smoked a (6) ______________________ or marijuana. But the real problem is the spread of (7) ______________________ drugs. This did start at almost exactly the time of Francos death, perhaps reflecting a perception among (8) __________________________ that democratic Spain was a good new market. The sudden beginning and rapid (9) _________________________ of the problem can be measured by the number of robberies at chemists shops. In 1975 not a single pharmacy was (10) _____________________________ anywhere in Spain. Five years later the figure was 1,900. Bt that time Spain had 80,000 (11) ____________________________ addicts and 60,000 cocaine addicts. Although it now has some of the most (12) ______________________________ drug detection equipment in the world, Madrids Barajas airport remains an important point of entry for drugs (13) ___________________ not only for Spain but also for the rest of Europe. ( Taken from The Spaniards by John Hooper )


AIM: To learn types of clothes and materials, to describe these clothes and the way people look in their clothes and to study the influence of fashion on teenagers. TYPE OF EXERCISES: Translation, fill in the gaps, complete a text, figurative meaning, synonym, antonym, choose the correct word, idioms. 1. Translate these words into your own language
Types of glove: Driving glove Types of sweater: V-neck cardigan

Nightwear: Night-gown


Mitten Evening glove Short glove Wrist- length glove Types of skirt: Sheath skirt Yoke skirt Ruffled skirt Straight skirt Culottes Kilt Gather skirt Kick pleat skirt Knife pleat skirt Types of sock and hose: mid-calf length sock ankle sock knee-length sock Short sock Knee sock Tights Stocking Fishnet stocking Headgear / Types of hat: Trilby Boater Top hat Bowler Cap Hunting cap Pillbox hat Balaclava Knit cap Cartwheel hat Rain hat Types of neck: Plunging neckline Bateau neck Square neck Round neck Sweetheart neckline V-sjaped neck

Polo- neck sweater Knit shirt polo Crew neck sweater Slipover Underwear: Briefs Boxer briefs Vest Bodysuit Camisole Half-slip Slip Bra Girdle Types of trousers: Jeans Shorts Ski pants Knickerbockers Pedal pushers Jump-suit Bell bottoms Dungaree Types of sleeves: French cuff Three-quarter sleeve Batwing sleeve Cap sleeve Bishop sleeve Leg-of-mutton sleeve Puff sleeve Tailored sleeve Epaulet sleeve Kimono sleeve Shirt sleeve Types of dress: Sheath dress Coat dress Drop waist dress Trapeze dress Polo dress Pinafore

Baby doll Bathrobe Pyjamas Negligee Types of coat: Raincoat Trench coat Duffle coat Overcoat Three-quarter coat Windcheater Sheepskin jacket Car coat Cape Types of jacket: Safari jacket Blazer Bolero Waistcoat Twin-set Suit Single-breasted jacket Double-breasted jacket Types of collars: Shirt collar Tailored collar Dog ear collar Peter Pan collar Shawl collar Collaret Bow collar Sailor collar Jabot Polo collar Turtleneck Types of blouse: Classic blouse Sailor tunic Polo shirt Button-through smock Overshirt Body shirt

2. Complete with the correct word collars sleeves cuffs underwear dressing gown mac

nightdress overcoat

jumper tights

overalls shoelaces


heels 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.






In the summer I always wear shirts with short _____________________________. When he opened the door, he was wearing his pyjamas and his __________________. If you dont wear ________________when you are repairing a car, you will get dirty. I didnt get wet in the rain because I put on my plastic _______________________. My youngest daughter knows how to tie up his ________________________. The waitresses in this restaurant all wear white _____________________________. Before women used to wear lace ______________________ over their head at church.

3. Complete this part of the song Without you it is just impossible Blues by Dod Billion grease stained holes worn ingrained creased My favourite white shirt Is marked and (1) ___________________. You cant see for dirt And the dirts (2) ________________________. My socks have got (3) _________________ in them, And most of them are (4)___________________. My shoes have got no (5)________________ on them, The heels are badly (6) ____________________. My trousers are (7) _______________________ And my jacket is (8)______________________. It is covered in (9)________________________. And I feel so (10)_________________________. 4. Complete the text with the correct form of the verb dress get dressed undress wear fit suit try on take off put on torn faded jaded soles

It is Peters first meeting with Alices parents. He has been very nervous for several days because he didnt know what to (1)___________________. When he goes out with his friends he normally (2)_______________quite casually, but Sunday lunch with strangers is different. It is twelve oclock definitely time to (3) _______________________ He puts on a shirt and (4) ________________________the trousers that his mother had bought him the week before. They (5) ___________________ him well, but they look too new. He (6) ________________ them (7) ____________ and ____________ his white trousers and a tie. But that doesnt look right either. white just doesnt (8) ______________him. He (9) _________and starts again. 5. Some materials and textures can act as adjective as well as nouns ( first column ). However, most adjectives can also add a letter or two to make another adjective with a different, more figurative meaning ( third column). Cover the second and fourth column with nouns that go with the adjectives if possible.


Texture / Material A leather A silk A velvet satin rubber tweed woollen Linen Cotton flannel Nylon Denim Acrylic Corduroy suede

Clothing jacket

Figurative adjective A leathery

Noun Steak

6. The following words can be combined with dressed to describe the way people look in their clothes. wellcasually badly oversmartlyuntidily Which of these words is similar in meaning to the words below? Scruffy ______________________________ Relaxed ______________________________ Elegant ______________________________Excessively elegant ______________________ 7. Match the synonym and opposite for the words in the box. fashionable formal scruffy attractive clothed thick cool sexy complex well cut informal heavy Synonym smart sloppy bare nude it really suits you badly cut / styled unflattering, straightforward Antonym

Stylish Casual Lightweight Simple Beautifully Styled Flattering Alluring Naked 8. Complete these sentences with some words from the previous exercise. 1. Arlene likes fashionable clothes. She dresses in a very ________________________ way. 1. I was so surprised how untidily dressed that director. He was rather _________________.


2. You are looking terribly elegant today. Your new suit is quite ______________________. 3. Kates got on a very sexy dress. She thinks she looks ____________________________. It doesnt leave much to the imagination. 4. I dont think this jacket is suitable for formal occasions. I think it is more appropriate for ____________________________________ wear. 9. Choose the correct one. 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. If I wear long sleeved shirt, I usually ( put up / take up / roll up / get up ) the sleeves. You are too fat! You have definitely ( grown out of / put away / worn out / tried on). The dress is too short. Why dont you have it left out / set in / let down / taken round ) I want to buy a coat. Lets ( look into / look around / look up / look through) some shops. Some teenagers ( go out with / go in for / go through with / go back on ) strange haircut. My hands were so cold that I couldnt ( open / remove / put out / undo ) my coat buttons. Those jeans are too big.Why dont you have them (taken in / let out / taken up/ let in)

10. Choose the correct word 1. Most teenagers want to be ( of fashion / fashioned / fashionable / fashion ), but they dont want to look exactly ( alike / like / similar / same ) everybody else. 2. Not all clothes are ( fitted / suitable / comfort / equal ) for teenagers school, perhaps because they are not ( formal / strict / uniform / suited ) enough. Or simply not (comforting / comfort / comforted / comfortable ). 3. Sometimes teenagers buy the ( false / mistake / wrong / error ) size and find that their jeans are too ( straight / close / stiff / tight ), especially if they are a bit ( slim / overweight / thin / enormous ). 4. If you buy light ( of cotton / in cotton / cotton / cottoned ) clothes, they might not be (warm / cold / hot / cool ) enough for winter. 5. Some teenagers buy shoes that are not (tight / enclosed / firm / waterproof ), and if they are not (worn / clothed / dressed / fitted) for the cold, they might look good, but feel terrible! 6. At school, the children have to wear a special (appearance / style / uniform / trousers ) 7. When my father goes to a party he always wear a ( bow / butterfly / knot / lump ) tie. 8. I was given a beautiful ( skin / fur / hair / peel ) coat for my birthday. 9. You look really silly! Your T-shirt is on ( upside down / inside out / round and round / side by side ) 10. He doesnt want a pattern. He prefers a ( plain / simple / clear / only) colour. 11. She has just bought a new summer ( costume / outfit / suit / clothing). 11. Match the following idioms with their meaning in English. Then write a synonym idiom in Spanish. ENGLISH IDIOM MEANING



1. to be in your shoes 2. the boot is on the other foot 3. to pull your socks up 4. to keep your shirt on 5. to wear the trousers 6. to talk through your hat 7. to be a wolf in sheeps clothing 8. to be dressed up to the nines 9. to be dressed to kill 10. to get your knickers in a twist

a. to be on the opposite situation b. to get upset c. to be in charge d. to make an effort e. excited f. to talk rubbish g. to look gentler than you are h. to be very smartly dressed i. to get over to be very smartly dressed j. to be in the same situation

1. ________________________ ______________________ 2. ________________________ ______________________ 3. ________________________ ______________________ 4. ________________________ ______________________ 5. ________________________ ______________________ 6. ________________________ ______________________ 7. ________________________ ______________________ 8. ________________________ ______________________ 9. ________________________ ______________________ 10. ________________________ ______________________


AIM: To provide vocabulary related to education ( learning, exams, university, school, etc.) so that students can give their opinions about this topic. TYPE OF EXERCISES: match the definition, complete with the correct preposition, verb (make, do, take) and phrasal verb, fill in the gap, word formation. 1. Match each person with the most suitable definition. 1. Classmate a. drives but has not passed the driving test yet. 2. Tutor b. teaches at university. 3. Professor c. conducts an examination of pupils, candidates for degrees, etc. 4. Pupil d. trains a sports team. 5. Principal e. is a fellow student in the same class. 6. Learner f. looks after his pupils studies. 7. Coach g. Is a faculty member of the highest rank in a college or university. 8. Graduate h. studies at primary or secondary school. 9. Examiner i. is the headmaster of a school. 10 Lecturer j. holds an academic degree. 2. Complete each sentence with the correct form of do, make, take. 1. She __________________ just ____________________ exercise two. 2. I find Literature difficult, but I ________________________ my best.


3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

She cant go to the party. She ___________________________ a History exam. The students had to _________________________notes in the lecture. We ___________________________very well this term. Peter should ___________________ himself more seriously. He _________ any progress. I dont know the answer, so I _________________________ a guess. You all like tired. Lets _____________________ a break! Your composition is good, but you __________________________ a lot of errors.

3. Complete with the correct preposition. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. If you dont understand, put _________________ your hand. Students have to pay attention _____________ their teachers. Kate has a degree ______________ law. The teacher punished my sister _______________ chewing gum in class. When I was at school, I was very good __________________ History. What is the answer if you multiply 67 _____________ 95? I have to write a composition _________________ Points for and against smoking. Im going to study ____________ a degree in Geography at Manchester University. Mary stayed up until midnight last night to revise ____________ her Literature exam. I hope to graduate _________ university in five years time. I dont think your comment is relevant _________________ our discussion. It is typical ________________ her to make mistakes in the exam. Dad was disappointed ____________________ my attitude to studying. My teacher was aware _____________ the difficulty I had _______________ History. I have explained it to him several times but he just cant get it ___________ his head.

4. Choose the correct word 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Mary took two exams and managed to ( go past / fail / pass / succeed ) them all. Bob ( teaches / learns / goes / educate ) twenty children how to play football. I cant come to the theatre tonight. Im ( reading / studying / correcting / doing )for a test. My sister always got good ( grades / marks / points / notes ) in English. The years I ( went / had / passed / spent ) at school are the worst years of my life. Some teenagers find most ( lectures / lessons / classrooms / signatures ) rather uninteresting. At school, children have to sit at their ( chairs / desks / posts / parts ) and ( pay / make / have / follow ) attention. 8. Teachers ( read / sit / write / talk ) on the blackboard and ( ask / make / do / get ) students questions. 9. Students have to ( do / make / get / ask ) homework and (write / hand / pass / complete) it in on time. 10. Kate wants to ( study / train / get ready / make ) as a teacher and then get a job at a primary school. 11. Carol didnt (enter / go in / get ready / take ) for the examination.


12. Jack is going to ( fail / miss / pass / search ) the end of year examination. He hasnt studied hard. 13. Toms parents were very upset when they read his school (report / papers / diploma / account) 14. Helen has a quite a good ( result / pass / understanding / head ) of Mathematics. 15. In Spain, children start ( primary / secondary / kindergarten / nursery) school at the age of six. 16. David has a (certificate / paper / degree / mark ) in English from Oxford University. 17. His favourite ( subject / topic / class / theme ) at school was Biology. 18. Their Geography teacher ( sets / makes / obliges / put ) them many exercises for homework. 19. If you want to pass the exam, you have to study ( quite / enough / hardly / thoroughly). 20. According to the (time / timetable / hourly / hours), the Maths lesson finishes at twelve oclock. 5. Complete each sentence with one of the words from the list. heart gifted break rules qualifications punish cheat copy pay memorise underline attends absent practise comprehension carelessly raise education time qualifications 1. Before her History exam, Arlene had to learn a list of dates by _____________________. 2. I havent spoken German for five years and I am a bit out of _______________________. 3. Bringing your mobile phone to the class is against the ____________________________! 4. Our English teacher is never on _____________________________. He is always late. 5. __________________________________ your hand if you have any questions. 6. My grandfather said that his teachers used to ______________________________ him by making him stay behind after school. 7. I saw Caroline trying to _______________________________ in the test. 8. ____________________________________ the most important rules. 9. It is difficult to ___________________________ attention in a noisy class. 10. Your project is the same one as Kathys. Did you ________________________ his work? 11. You should ___________________________ the lessons at weekends. 12. ___________________________ the words you dont understand in red. 13. Jim didnt have any problems passing his exams. He was a very _______________ pupil. 14. Jack _____________________ classes in photography. 15. Time for ______________________. The bell has rung. 16. I find listening _________________________ tests quite easy. 17. Your son has been ________________________ from school for three days this week. 18. Nowadays it is very important to get a good _________________________. 19. Laura has good ideas, but writes very _______________________. 20. My daughter is going to leave school with many useful _______________________. 6. Complete each sentence with one of the phrasal verbs from the list keep up with stand in for make out get on with write down pick up look up

1. If you dont know the meaning, ______________________ the word in the dictionary.


2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The teacher speaks so fast that I cant _________________________ what she is saying. Stop talking, and __________________________ your work! Peters son finds it hard to ______________________________ the rest of the class. I can see the blackboard, but I cant ________________________ what the words say. Last summer Johnny went to France on holiday and managed ______________________ the language. 7. Mr Smith is going to ________________________ your teacher because she is ill. 7. Complete the following text by using suffixes and prefixes to make suitable words. WHO PAYS FOR UNIVERSITY EDUCATION? University education is an ( 1) _________________________(EXPENSE) privilege. Until ( 2 ) __________________________(COMPARISON) recently, a large majority of the students in ( 3 ) _____________________(HIGH) education came from middle or upper class families who could afford to keep their sons and daughters at college or University until they got a (4) _________________________________(QUALIFY) for one of the traditional (5) _____________________(LIBERTY) professions (doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers, etc. But attitudes are changing. In the first place, it is now a general (6) ___________________________ (BELIEVE) that real equality of opportunity has nothing to do with a family's (7) ____________________________(ECONOMY) situation; so a student who shows genuine academic (8) ____________________________(ABLE) should be given the means to receive a full education. The fact that someone's parents are (9) ________________________________ (WEALTH) is not in itself a reason that they deserve the chance. Secondly, a lot of people think that Universities should make their teaching more (10) _______________________ (PRACTICE): they should provide training only in socially (11) ________________________(USE) areas instead of emphasising theoretical and abstract (12) ____________________________(KNOW). Not everyone agrees, of course. Recently there has been strong (13) ____________________________ (CRITICIZE) of the role of private enterprise in financing University studies because the banks and the big industries use the money they give the Universities to influence and control the (14) _______________________(NATURAL) of the studies. The problem is that if the University (15) ______________________(AUTHORIZE) try to keep private finance to a minimum, they need more money from the (16) ___________________________________(GOVERN); but a growing number of taxpayers (17) ________________________(COMPLAINT) about having to pay more money so that a select group of (18) ____________________________(TEENAGE) can get a good education and then take well-paid jobs in the future. SOLUTIONS
1. Describing people and places Ex. 1, p.1. 1. Readable 2. Mischievous 3. Dependable 4. Reliable 5. Washable 6. Comforting 7. Active 8. Loving 9. Shopping 10. Interesting 11. Passive 12. Enormous 13. Courageous 14. Passionate 15. Careful 16. Affectionate 17. Enjoyable 18. Supportive 1. Attractive 2. Tempting 3. Enjoyable 4. Fascinating 5. Mysterious 6. Deeply 7. Captivating 8. Absolutely 9. Caring 10. Lover 11. Affectionate 12. Loving 13. Passionate 39

Ex. 2, p.1.


Ex. 3, p.2 Ex. 4, p.2 Ex. 5, p.3 Ex. 6, p.3 Ex. 7, p.3

a. Don Juan b. Chatterbox c. Loner d. Jet-setter e. Eccentric f. Gossip g. Bore h. wet-blanket i. trouble-maker j. Kill-joy 1f /2a/3c/4h/5b/6d/7e/8g 1. Kind-hearted , 2. Rude , 3. Dumb, 4. Faithful, 5. Bright, 6. Mean , 7. Polite, 8. Sociable. a. Peculiar / b. Confident / c. Weird / d. Confident / e. Sensitive / f. Obstinate / g. Pig-headed / h. big-headed / i. peculiar / j. Sensitive / k. Tense / l. Pig-headed Spanish: passionate, British: reserved, Italians: charming, Dutch: tolerant, French: hedonistic, Americans: materialistic, Irish: humorous.

Ex. 8, p.4 A) 1. Smart, 2. Generous, 3. Easy-going, 4. Mature, 5. Sensitive. B) 1. Sociable, 2. Trustworthy, 3. Reasonable. C) 1. Honest, 2. Well-mannered D) 1. Good-natured, 2. Cheerful, 3. Stylish, 4. Wining, 5. Trekking. Ex. 9, p.5 Town: lively/ crowded/ urban/ filthy/ cosmopolitan/ industrial/ bustling Small village: idyllic/ rural/ peaceful/ clean/ safe/ agricultural/ quiet/ picturesque Ex. 10, p.5 Suburb/ barrio residencial/ suburbios/ slums Idiom/ frase hecha/ idioma/ language Lagoon/ albufera / laguna / small lake Villa/ chalet/ pueblo,villa/ village Attic/ buhardilla/ tico/ penthouse Camp/ campamento/ campo/ countryside Camping/ ir de acampada/ camping/ camp-site Quiet/ tranquilo, callado/ quieto/ still Local/ local, de un lugar/ local(sitio cerrado)/ venue Motorist/ automovilista/ motorista/ motorcyclist Commodity/ artculo, mercanca/ comodidad/ comfort Crime/ delito/ crimen/ murder Ex. 11, p.6 1. population/ 2. entertainment/ 3. limits/ 4. inhabited/ 5. Land of Valencia/ 6. prehistoric/ 7. remains/ 8. imposing/ 9. Moorish/ 10. first-rate/ 11. splendid/ 12. cuisine/ 13. facilities/ 14. European/ 15. promenade/ 16. economy/ 17. pedestrian/ 18. spot/ 19. attraction 1i, 2d, 3g, 4j, 5l, 6c, 7 a, 8k, 9f, 10e, 11b, 12h.

Ex. 12, p.6 2. Ecology Ex. 1, p.7 Ex. 2, p.7 Ex. 3, p.8 Ex. 4, p.8 Ex. 5, p.8

1e, 2 a, 3h, 4d, 5c, 6i, 7g, 8b, 9f. 1e, 2i, 3g, 4 a, eh, 6d, 7f, 8b, 9c. A supply/ waste, B overpopulation/ room, C pollution/ greenhouse effect/ ozone layer, D rubbish/ disposing, E rain forests/ climate/ extinct. 1C, 2D, 3 A, 4E, 5B 1 deforestation, 2 green, 3 packages, 4 raw, 5 resources, 6 appliances, 7 wisely, 8 baths, 9 insulating, 10 lift, 11 cut down, 12 consumption, 13 fit, 14 congestion, 15 jams, 16 harmful, 40


17 waste, 18 environmentally-friendly, 19 unpleasant, 20 cigarette-ends, 21 grafitti, 22 commitment. Ex. 6, p.9 1f: Verde de envidia, 2d: Drsele a uno bien las plantas, 3 a: Estar verde/ estar pez, 4i: Ir como Dios te trajo al mundo, 5b: Darse uno aires, 6h: Pagar un ojo de la cara, 7c: Estar confuso, 8j: Estar entre la espada y la pared, 9e: Estar metido en un lo, 10g: Estar como pez fuera del agua. 1. flexibility, 2. chemically, 3. complication, 4. harmful, 5. nervous, 6. accidental, 7. windy, 8. Brazilian, 9. beauty, 10. possibly, 11. coastal, 12. elegance, 13. rainy, 14. eternally, 15. fearless, 16. useless. 1. excluding, 2, dissapearing, 3. remaining, 4. destruction, 5. scientists, 6. disappearance, 7. mountainous, 8. rainy, 9. windy, 10. Brazilian, 11. according, 12. likely, 13. seriously, 14. breathe, 15. explanation, 16. chemically, 17. production, 18. difficulty, 19. coastal, 20. calculation, 21. environmental, 22. useless.

Ex. 7, p.10

Ex. 8, p.10

3. The role of men and women in society Ex.1, p.11 Ex.2, p.11 Ex.3, p.12 1b, 2k, 3d, 4j, 5 a, 6g, 7h, 8c, 9e, 10l, 11f, 12i. 1. Male-chauvinist, 2. Sex-objects, 3. Independent, 4. Money-earner, 5. Feminists, 6. Citizen, 7. discrimination, 8. Equality, 9. The weak sex, 10. Unisex, 11. Exploitation, 12. Sexism. 1. Feminists, 2. Discrimination, 3. Male-chavinists, 4. The weaker sex, 5. Second-class citizens, 6. beauty contests, 7. Exploitation, 8. Sex-objects, 9. Undeniable, 10. Stronger, 11. Impulsive, 12. Emotional, 13. Pregnant, 14. Birth, 15. Keeping, 16. Bread-winners, 17. Male-dominated, 18. field, 19. Money-earners, 20. Unisex, 21. Next 1. Because he lost his job as a children's book editor and couldn't find another rewarding job. 2. He felt depressed and sorry for himself. 3. He hates it when he reads his bank statement and realises he has to ask his wife for money. 4. Open question 1c, 2f, 3h, 4j, 5i, 6e, 7 a, 8d, 9b, 10g. 1. Misunderstanding, 2. Commits, 3. Carried out, 4. As, 5. Usually, 6. Regardless, 7. Race, 8.boundaries, 9. Marriage, 10. Assault, 11. Sexual, 12. Criticize, 13. Caring, 14. Persuade. 1d. El amor es ciego, 2c. Quien quiere a Beltrn quiere a su can, 3i. La prosperidad hace amigos, la adversidad los pone a prueba, 4h. Ms vale solo que mal acompaado, 5f. La belleza est slo a flor de piel, 6 a. Todo vale en el amor y la guerra, 7g. La ausencia aviva el amor, 8b. El amor hace girar el mundo, 9e. El amor atraviesa montaas.

Ex.4, p.13

Ex.5. p.13 Ex.6, p.13 Ex.7, p.14


Technology VERB ------clone NOUN technology/technologist science / scientist geneticist / genetics clone / cloning 41 ADJECTIVE technological scientific genetic clonal ADVERB technologically scientifically genetically ---

Ex. 1, p.15


access influence vary accuse investigate argue criticise choose --know --program invent equip develop Ex. 2, p. 15 Ex. 3, p. 16 Ex. 4, p. 16 Ex. 5, p. 17

access influence variety accusation investigation argument critics / criticism choice system knowledge intelligence program / programming invention equipment development

accessible influential varied accused/ accusing investigative argumentative critical chosen systematic knowledgeable intelligent programmable/ programmed inventive --developed / developing

------accusingly ----critically --Systematically Knowledgeably intelligently --Inventively -----

1. knowledgeable / technology, 2. Invention, 3. Equipment, 4. Program, 5. Development, 6. Accessible, 7. Intelligence, 8. Scientific 1 a, 2e, 3d, 4f, 5g, 6n, 7j, 8b, 9c, 10m, 11h, 12k, 13i, 14l. 1. Hardware, 2. Software, 3. Disc, 4. Bug, 6. Virus, 7. Modem, 8. Network, 9. PC, 10. Laptop, 11. CD ROM, 12. Clip, 13. Disc drive, 14. Mouse, 15. Peripherals. 1. entry into / get information from, 2. be connected to / be linked to, 3. Store, 4. jump on the newtechnology bandwagon, 5. enormous strides are being made in information technology, 6. step forward 1. Computing, 2. Advances, 3. Radical, 4. School, 5. Generation, 6. Appliances, 7. Gadget, 8. Printer, 9. Freeze, 10. Surfing. ESTA PALABRA access library topic actually large SIGNIFICA acceder biblioteca tema realmente grande c) 7 c) 5 d) 5 d) 4 NO SIGNIFICA acceso (entrada a lugar) librera tpico actualmente largo e) 6 e) 7 f) 8 f) 3 g) 4 g) 2 QUE SE DICE approach bookshop clichd nowadays,at present.. long h) 9 i) 3

Ex. 6, p.17 Ex. 7, p. 17

Ex. 8, p. 18 Ex. 9, p. 19 Ex. 10, p. 19 Ex. 11., p. 20 Ex. 12, p. 21

A. B.

a) 2 a) 1

b) 1 b) 6

1 a, 2c, 3f, 4e, 5h, 6d, 7i, 8g, 9b 1. Clone, 2. Mammals, 3. Risky, 4. Experts, 5. Viable, 6. Eggs, 7. Embryos, 8. Subtle, 9. Donors, 10. Fertility, 11. Nucleus, 12. sucked out, 13. Surrogates, 14. Miscarriage. 1. Product, 2. Research, 3. Soul, 4. Interfering, 6. Reproductive, 7. Ethical, 8. duty , 9. Reproduce, 10. Science, 11. turn back, 12. genetically , 13. male , 14. ovum , 15. egg , 16. surrogate mother. 1. stir, 2. Controversial, 3. Useful, 4. Cordless, 5. Available, 6. Telephony, 7. Device, 8. Objections, 9. Rates, 10. Glued, 11. Coverage, 12. drawback, 13. Bear, 14. Better, 15. Misuse. 42


5. The world of teenagers Ex. 1, p. 22 young people / youngsters / youths / adolescents / the youth of today

A. Teenagers and drugs: alcohol. Ex. 1, p. 22 1. Drink, 2. Drinkable, 3. Drink-driving, 4. drink-drowned, 5. Drinker, 6. Drinkeress, 7. Drinkery, 8. drinking- club, 9. drinking-habit, 10. Drinking problem, 11. drink up, 12. drinking-up time, 13. Drinkless, 14. drink-money, 15. Drinky 1c, 2d, 3f, 4. 1. Alcohol, 2. Alcoholic, 3. Alcoholism, 4. Alcoholist, 5. Alcoholized, 6. Alcoholometer. 1. non-alcoholic drink, 2. Drunkard, 3. spirits / accidents / paraplegic, 4. damaging / as long as it is not drunk to excess, 5. hooked on, 6. taken to, 7. Drunk, 8. taken to , 9. breath test, 10. Stopped. 1. legal / consumption , 2. Sip, 3. tipsy / drunk, 4. Alcoholic, 5. Sober, 6. Concern, 7. Limit. 1. risks / influence, 2. Campaign, 3. involved , 4. Avoid, 5. prevention / effects / aimed, 7. lifts, 8. driving age, 9. Leads, 10. experts / drink and drive / short and long term, 11. Affect. 1. Advertisements, 2. Fun, 3. Target, 4. Brands, 5. Tastes, 6. manipulated / concerned 7. profit, 8. Profitable. 1. Death, 2. Automobile, 3. Automobile, 4. Influence, 5. Severe, 6. Pay, 7. Work, 8. License, 9. Jail, 20. Effective, 21. out of, 22. Continue, 23. Judge, 24. Morgue, 25. Effective, 26. out of, 27. Morgue, 28. Common, 29. Mutilated, 30. Invincible, 31. Fragile. 32. Dose, 33. sermons

Ex. 2, p.23 Ex. 3, p.23 Ex. 4, p.23 Ex. 5, p.24 Ex. 6, p.24 Ex. 7, p.25 Ex. 8, p.25

B. Teenagers and drugs: Tobacco Ex. 1, p.26 Ex. 2, p. 27 Ex. 3, p. 27 Ex. 4, p. 27 Ex. 5, p. 28 . Smoke, 2. smoke-ho, 3. smoke-in, 4. smoke joint, 5. smoke- merchant, 6. smoke night, 7. Smoker, 8. smoke room, 9. smoke-shop, 10. smoke-talk, 11. smoke test, 12. smoking machine, 13. smoky. 1. Damages, 2. this is a no-smoking area, 3. in jeopardy, 4. Ashtray, 6. chain-smoke, 8. Forbidden. 1. Permitted, 2. Awareness, 3. Back, 4. give up, 5. cut down, 6. Illnesses, 8. Brand. a) peer pressure, b) image projection, c) advertising, d) sexiness, e) coolness, f) rebellion, g) bothers, h) allowed, i) wide, j) aspiration, k) raised. a) health, b) expectancy, c) addictive, d) hooked, e) expensive, f) averages, g) hygiene, h) messy , i) stink

C. Teenagers and other harder drugs Ex.1, p.29 Ex.2, p. 29 Ex..3, p. 29 1b, 2a, 3c, 4d. 1. dope-fiend, 2. a cocaine addict, 3. wrecking / ruining, 4. are on drugs / do drugs, 5.trafficker, 6. mind. 1. alerted, 2. Addiction, 3. Well-being, 4. Weary / anxious, 5. Leads, 6. Addictive / short-acting, 7. 43


Ex. 4, p.30 Ex. 5, p. 30 Ex. 6, p. 31

Dealers, 8. Pills, 9. Prevent 10. Immoral. 1. Substances, 2. Belladona, 3. Opium, 4. Relief, 5. Narcotic, 6. Being, 7. Expand, 8. Enhance, 9. Mood, 10. Stupefy. 1a/ g, 2 b / f, 3 e / i, 4d, 5 h / c. 1. Crime, 2. Links, 3. Survey, 4. Teens, 5. pot smoking, 6. Joint, 7. Hard, 8. Traffickers, 9. Growth, 10. broken into, 11. Heroin, 12. Sophisticated, 13. Destined.

D. Teenagers , clothing and fashion. Ex. 1. p. 32 Tipos de guantes: Guante para conducir Manopla Guante de brazo largo Guante corto Guante a la mueca Tipo de falda: Falda de tubo Falda de campana Falda de volantes Falda recta Falda pantaln Falda escocesa Falda fruncida Falda con tabla abierta Falda con tablas Tipos de calcetines y medias: Calcetn largo a media pierna Calcetn largo al tobillo Calcetn largo ejecutivo Calcetn corto Calcetn calceta Panti medias Medias Medias de malla Tipos de sombrero: Sombrero de fieltro Sombrero canotier Chistera Sombrero de hongo Gorra Gorra noruega Sombrero sin alas Pasamontaas Gorro de punto Pamela Sombrero de marinero Tipos de escote: Escote bajo Escote de ojal Escote cuadrado Tipos de jersey: Jersey de cuello en V Jersey de cuello vuelto Polo Jersey de cuello redondo Chaleco de punto Ropa interior: Calzoncillos Calzoncillos Camiseta Corpio Camisola Media combinacin Combinacin con sostn Sujetador Faja Tipos de pantalones: Vaqueros Pantaln corto Pantaln de tubo Pantaln bombacho Pantaln pescador Traje pantaln Pantaln acampanado Mono Lencera: Camisn Camisn corto Albornoz Pijama Salto de cama Tipos de abrigo: Impermeable Trinchera Trenca Abrigo Abrigo de tres cuartos Cazadora Zamarra Chaquetn Capa Tipos de chalecos, jerseys y chaquetas: Cazadora Chaqueta americana Bolero Chaleco Jerseys combinados Traje chaqueta Chaqueta Chaqueta cruzada Tipos de manga: Tipos de cuello: Manga recta de tres cuartos Cuello camisero Manga de murcilago Cuello con hechura de sastre Manga corta sencilla Cuello plano con orejas Manga comn fruncida Cuello plano tipo Peter Pan Manga de jamn Cuello de chal Manga de globo Cuello de volantes Manga de hechura sastre Cuello de lazo Manga con hombrera Cuello marinero Manga kimono Cuello con chorrera Manga camisera Cuello con aletilla Cuello vuelto Manga rangln Tipos de vestido: Tipos de blusa: Vestido recto entallado Camisera clsica Vestido abrigo Blusa marinera Vestido de talle largo Camiseta 44


Escote redondo Escote de corazn Escote de pico Ex. 2, p.33 Ex. 3, p.33 Ex. 4, p. 33 Ex. 5, p. 34 Texture / Material A leather A silk A velvet satin rubber tweed woollen Linen Cotton flannel Nylon Denim Acrylic Corduroy suede Ex. 6, p.34

Vestido de campana Vestido de camiseta Pichi

Blusn Camisa Pantiblusa

1. Sleeves, 2. dressing grown, 3. Overalls, 4. Mac, 5. Shoelaces, 6. Aprons, 7. Shawls, 1. Stained, 2. Ingrained, 3. Holes, 4. Torn, 5. Soles, 6. Worn, 7. Creased, 8. Faded, 9. Grease, 10. Jaded. 1. Wear, 2. Dresses, 3. get dressed, 4. tries on, 5. Fit, 6., 7. puts on, 8. Suit, 9. Undresses. Clothing jacket scarf suit skirt gloves jacket Sweater Dress Shirt Nightgown Stocking Skirt Shirt trousers shoes Figurative adjective A leathery Silky A velvety satin rubbery tweedy Wooly Noun Steak Hair skin / surface / voice finish Lips Set Argument, thinking

Scruffy = untidily dressed / badly dressed Elegant = well dressed, smartly dressed Relaxed = casually dressed Excessively elegant = over-dressed Synonym Fashionable Informal / scruffy Cool Straightforward Well cut It really suits you Attractive / sexy Nude / bare Antonym Sloppy Smart / formal Thick / heavy Complex Badly styled / cut Unflattering Unattractive / plain clothed

Ex. 7, p. 34 Stylish Casual Lightweight Simple beautifully Styled Flattering Alluring naked Ex. 8, p. 35 Ex. 9, p. 35 Ex. 10, p. 35

1. Stylish, 2. scruffy / informal / casual, 3. smart / formal, 4. alluring / attractive, 5. scruffy / informal / casual. 1. roll up, 2. grown out of, 3. let down, 4. look around, 5.go in for, 6.undo, 7. taken in, 1. fashionable / like, 2. suitable / formal / comfortable, 3. wrong / tight / overweight, 4. in cotton / warm, 5. waterproof / dressed , 6. uniform , 7. bow, 8. fur, 9. inside out, 10. plain, 11. outfit .



Ex. 11, p.36

1. j estar en tu pellejo 2. a - se ha vuelto la tortilla, se ha dado la vuelta a la tortilla 3. d - esforzarse, poner empeo 4. e - sulfurarse 5. c llevar los pantolones 6. f - hablar por hablar, hablar sin ton ni son 7. g ser un lobo disfrazadode cordero 8. h - ir de punta en blanco, ir de tiros largos 9. i vestirsre para matar, vestirse para dejar a todos boquiabiertos 10. b - ponerse nervioso

E. Teenagers and education Ex. 1, p36 Ex. 2, p. 37 Ex. 3, p. 37 Ex. 4, p. 37 1e, 2f, 3g, 4h, 5i, 6 a, 7d, 8j, 9c, 10b. 1. Has done, 2. Do, 3. Is taking, 4. Take, 5. Have done, 6. Take / hasnt made, 7. Have, 8. Take, 9. Have made 1. Up, 2. To, 3. In, 4. For, 5. At, 6. By, 7. About / on, 8. For, 9. For, 10. From, 11, to, 12. Of, 13. With, 14. Of / with, 15. Into. 1. Pass, 2. Teaches, 3. Studying, 4. Marks, 5. Spent, 6. Lessons, 7. Desks / pay, 8. Write / ask, 9. Do / hand, 10. Train, 11. Enter, 12. Fail, 13. Report, 14. Understanding, 15. Primary, 16. Degree, 17. Subject, 18. Sets, 19. Thoroughly, 20. Timetable. 1. Heart, 2. Practice, 3. Rules, 4. Time, 5. Raise, 7. Cheat, 8. Memorise, 9. Pay, 10. Copy, 11. Revise, 12. Underline, 13. Gifted, 14. Attends, 15. Break, 16. Comprehension, 17. Absent, 18. Education, 19. Carelessly, 20. Qualification. 1. look up, 2. write down, 3. get on with, 4. keep up with, 5. make out, 6. pick up, 7. stand in for 1. Expensive, 2. Comparatively, 3. Higher, 4. Qualification, 5. Liberalist, 6. Belief, 7. Economic, 8. Ability, 9. Wealthy, 10. Practical, 11. Usual, 12. Knowledge, 13. Criticism, 14. Nature, 15. Authorities, 16. Government, 17. Complain, 18. Teenagers.

Ex. 5, p.38

Ex. 6, p. 39 Ex. 7, p.39




Brain, Marshal. The teenagers Guide to the Real World. Fdez. Carmona, Rodrigo (2000). English Grammar with Exercises. Madrid, Longman. Hooper, John. The Spaniards. McMarthy, Michael y O'Dell, Felicity (1994). English Vocabulary in Use, Upper-intermediate and advanced. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Merino, Jos y Parker, Karen (1991). Refranes ingleses para estudiantes de ingls. Madrid, Anglo-didctica. Thomas, B.J. (1989). Advanced Vocabulary and Idiom. England, Longman. Wellman, Guy. Wordbuilder.(1990). Heinemann Spanish Idioms (1990). GB, Harrap's. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (encyclopedic edition) (1992). Oxford, OUP. Encyclopedia Britannica (1994). Diccionario Visual.Oxford (1996) Websters Dictionary (1988). Harbor House Publishers. Websters Thesaurus (1988). Harbor House Publishers. Costa Blanca News (newspaper). Friday, March 8-14, 2002-04-29 Cosmopolitan (magazine). January 1996. Cosmopolitan (magazine) October 1995. Alicante step by step (tourist brochure).(2002) Turisme, Generalitat Valenciana ( Agncia Valenciana del Turisme. Helping the earth begins at home (informative leaflet) (1994). UK. Central Office of Information for the Department of the Environment. Introducing the Green Code (informative leaflet) UK. Going for Green.. Domestic Violence. Don't stand for it.(informative leaflet) (1994). UK. Home Office Public Relations Branch. Time. February 10, 2001.


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