California State University Spanish 102 Midterm

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California State University, San Bernardino Midterm Covering chapters 4 and 5 Each question is 2 points.

Please do not write on the exam. Use a scantron I. Listening First read the questions carefully. Then listen to the dialogues and answer the questions correctly. True = A False = B Students and their work 1. Luis is a cook at the restaurant El Matador. 2. He does not like working there. 3. Luis has a lot to do 4. Luis, clean and attends the tables, serve food and, sometimes, you should wash the dishes. 5. Luis likes his job as a waiter. 6. Vocabulary II. Choose the correct answer 6. ___ I wear a coat when ... a. I have a lot of heat. c. I go to the pool. b. good weather. d. I have very cold. 7. ___ Robert always wants to be with Amanda because ... a. Amanda does not like! c. Amanda is angry! b. Amanda is in love! d. Always dream! 8. ___ I am going to bed because ... a. I have much sleep. c. I have a hurry. b. I am very happy. d. I shave in bed. 9. ___ My wife is angry because ... a. I speak Spanish very well. c. no makeup for me to go dancing. b. Always clean the house very well. d. I always come back very late from work. 10. ___ Alice has to clean the house, preparing food and bathing before work; ... a. hungry. c. is very busy. b. afraid. d. in a good mood. 11. ___ To bathing water is needed and ... a. soup. b. word. c. gifts. d. soap. 12. ___ In the morning I wake up, bath, ... and go to college. a. I take my clothes c. I wear the clothes b. I stay at home d. back to bed 13. ___ On December 24 Hispanics celebrate ...

a. Christmas. b. Easter. c. Ramadan. d. Christmas Eve. 14. ___ - Hi, Carmen! How are you? - Hi, Steve! Sorry, I have no time to talk (talk). I need to run ... a. because I have a hurry. c. when I spend time alone. b. because I'm very tired. d. when I'm diving. 15. ___My Friend Alberto is always ... Is never sad. a. boring b. c moody. happy d. angry 16. ___ A person who works in a shop repairing cars is ... a. driver. b. singer. c. counter (a). d. mechanic. 17. ___ In the phrase "Work wanted" work is ... a. jobs. b. company. c. workshop. d. game. 18. ___ A worker / A worker works on ... a. a clinic. b. a factory. c. a banco.d.una hairdresser. 19. ___ A ... decides whether a person accused of a crime is guilty or innocent. a. lawyer b. Police c. social worker d. judge 20. ___ Sometimes when we do something, say ... a. "I have to ..." b. "I try to ... "C. "I have wanted to .. 'd. "I go to ..." 21. ___ The person who defends criminals is ... a. the / the lawyer / a. b. the / the worker / a. c. the / the doctor / a. d. the / the engineer / a. 22. ___ The person to whom we give money in a restaurant is ... a. the cashier. b. the plumbing. c. the Supervisor. d. the barber. 23. ___ The ... of secretaries, receptionists and cashiers are relatively low. They earn little money. a. salaries b. furniture c. courses d. gifts 24. ___ A doctor ... their patients. a. b closes. examines c. I prepare dinner d. clothing makes them 25. ___ Which of these activities is not an activity of the Spanish class? ... a. Learn new words. c. Asking the teacher / the teacher. b. Waiting on tables. d. Answer questions.

IIl. Grammar Choose the correct answer. 26. ___ - You stop early? -No, usually ... at one. a. I go to bed b. lie c. we lie d. go to bed

27. ___ - Do you hear the fireworks? - No, no ... nothing. a. hear b. hear c. I hear d. hear 28. ___ - What do you bring to parties of Lupe? - Always ... refreshments. a. bring b. bring c. brings d. bring 29. ___ - Michael wakes up late? - No, generally ... at seven. a. wake up b. c awakening. I wake up d. wake up 30. ___ - Lunch you always at home? - No, many times ... with my classmates in the cafeteria. a. lunch b. handfuls c. d lunch. lunch 31. ___ - Want a drink? - No, thanks, no ... thirst. a. have b. I c. I have d. is 32. Ernesto ___ ... dream, but not to lie. a. I have b. is c. is d. is 33. I do not want to go to the movies today because ... very tired. a. I have b. I c. I d. am 34. ___ - What are you doing at seven o'clock every day? - I take a shower and after ... I dress. a. I shower b. shower c. d showers. showering 35. ___ - Did you go to bed early on Friday night or stay up late? - ... Very late, at midnight. a. They go to bed b. Lay down c. Lie d. We lay Complete the paragraph with the correct forms of pronouns: me, you, us, him, them. a. I b. you c. I d. We e. them I'm Johnny. I'm in the fourth grade at Washington Elementary School. Every day when I get home, my mother and I talked about school. She _____ 36) asks if I have homework and I usually ________ 37) I say no. She ______ 38) says he is surprised da (surprised) and I explain that we always do homework in class. She generally does not believe me and says that _____ 39) going to ask my teacher if it is true what I _________ 40) I say. 41. Ricardo ____________ speak Spanish very well. a) know b) know c) know d) I 42. You want to go to the movies with us tonight? No thanks. __________a study. a) see b) going c) going d) go 43. ____blusa is new. a) b) A c) A d) 44. ___________ To the cinema yesterday and watched a romantic movie. a) went b) see c) speak d) met 45. What did you do last night? I ______ at home to study.

a) studied b) stayed c) went d) bought IV. Culture Culture Choose the correct answer. 46. How do you say @ in Spanish? It says .... a. point b. @ c. mouse d. rat 47. To express "link" in Spanish we say ... a. link b. c file. fax d. stripe

48. What does this gesture? a. Yes b. No. c. Excellent! d. good friends 49. What does this gesture decier? a. money b. I want to eat c. Eye d. Excellent!

50. Frida Kahlo was the wife of ... a. Fidel Castro b. Diego Rivera c. Cesar Chavez V. Reading Read carefully read and then answer the questions. Rosa's family My name is Rose. I have fifteen years and I'm from San Jose, Costa Rica. My family is relatively large. We are seven, my father, my mother, two brothers (18 and 19 years old), two grandparents living with us, and me. The rest of my family, my uncles and cousins live near San Jose. I have thirty-three cousins. My father's name is Salvador. He's a doctor. She is 50 years is high and a little fat. He has brown hair and black eyes. Read a lot and also writes novels. My mother's name is Louise. She teaches Spanish at a school near our house. My mom speaks Spanish (of course!), Italian and French very well. She cooks almost always, but do not like cleaning, so we have a lady who cleans the house every day. My brothers called Richard and James. Both studied at the university here in San Jose. Ricardo studied biology and wants to be doctor. Jaime wants to be a dentist because he says that dentists earn much money.1 Every day we had dinner at 7:00 pm. After dinner, my brothers play football in a park behind our house. I only watch because they say that girls do not play football. What an injustice! My family is very Catholic and we all go to Sunday mass. After Mass we eat in a fancy restaurant downtown. Sometimes my guys eat with us. In the afternoon the adults rest and

listen to the radio, my brothers and I study or go to the movies. 1ganan ... make a lot of money Is it true (T) or false (F)? 51. ___ Rosa is the largest. 52. ___ Rosa's father has an interest in literature. 53. ___ Rosa's mother is multilingual. 54. ___ Rosa's mother does all the housework. 55. ___ Rosa's brothers are college students. 56. ___ Rose is not happy with the ideas of his brothers, probably think they are sexist. 57. ___ Rosa and her family go to church once a week. 58. ___ On Sundays the family eats and rests at home all day. 59. ___ The guys go to the movies with me and my brothers. 60. ____The Rose family is not Catholic. Vl. WRITING 40 pts. (Do not repeat a word more than twice.) Write about your last weekend. What did you do? Was up early? Did you clean the house? Was it a movie? Did you go to a party? etcetera. Include fifteen or more activities you did (or did not) and explain why. (Use the past tense. Write 20 sentences. Please do not write a list. Pring and skip lines My last weekend

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