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Directions: Please answer your questions by filling in the corresponding bubble sheet and bringing it to a SEED location near you. Make sure you download and print out the correct bubble sheet according to the diagnostic test and location. 1. Life originated approximately (A) 3.8 billion years ago (B) 4 billion years ago (C) 65 million years ago (D) 2.5 billion years ago 2. According to most scientists, all the following gases were present in Earths earliest atmosphere except (A) CO2 (B) O2 (C) NH3 (D) H2S 3. In the 5 kingdom system, to which kingdom are bacteria assigned? (A) monera (B) protista (C) animalia (D) archaea 4. What do plants store glucose as? (A) starch (B) cellulose (C) dextran (D) glycogen 5. What is a covalent bond? (A) a pair of electrons shared between atoms of greatly different electronegativities. (B) there is no electron deficit in the valence shell of an atom. (C) a pair of electrons shared between atoms of similar electronegativities. (D) when two or more molecules combine. 6. An atom has 15 protons, 16 neutrons, and 12 electrons. What is its atomic number? (A) 15 (B) 16 (C) 12 (D) 31 7. In the following four compounds, which contains a hydrogen atom that is most likely to take part in hydrogen bonding? (A) H2 (B) CH4 (C) BH3 (D) CH3OH

8. Where does ribosomal synthesis occur? (A) the nucleus (B) nuclear envelope (C) nuclear lamina (D) ribosomal subunits 9. What is the function of the mitochondria? (A) produce proteins (B) digest cellular waste (C) convert energy into forms that are usable by the cell (D) produce lysosomes 10. Which cell structure uses selective permeability? (A) extracellular matrix (B) cell junctions (C) plasma membrane (D) integrin 11. What process is responsible for transporting sodium ions to the outside of the cell and potassium ions to the inside of the cell? (A) endocytosis (B) simple diffusion (C) facilitated diffusion (D) active transport 12. Which of the following types of organisms is likely to have been capable of energy metabolism? (A) photoautotroph (B) chemoautotroph (C) chemoheterotroph (D) none of the above 13. Glycolysis occurs in (A) animal cells (B) plant cells (C) animal and plant cells (D) animal cells and non-photosynthetic plant cells 14. Which of the following does not form during glycolysis? (A) pyruvate (B) NADH (C) ATP (D) FADH2 15. In which process does a substance gain electrons? (A) Hydrogenation (B) Phosphorylation (C) Reduction (D) Oxidation


16. If a chloroplast has been deprived of CO2, which molecule cannot be produced? + (A) NADPH + H (B) H2O (C) ATP (D) glucose 17. In photosynthesis, where is the main source of carbon from? (A) carbonate rock in the soil (B) carbohydrates in the soil (C) water (D) carbon dioxide 18. What is the role of H2O in photosynthesis? (A) be split to help make carbon dioxide for the Calvin cycle. (B) absorb light energy. (C) provide oxygen for the light-independent reactions. (D) provide electrons to the light-dependent reactions. 19. What type of leaf tissue will contain guard cells? (A) cuticle (B) upper epidermis (C) mesophyll (D) lower epidermis 20. What did Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins work establish? (A) DNA is the genetic material. (B) within a given species, the relative amount of bases in a DNA sample is present in a characteristic ratio. (C) DNA is helical in shape. (D) each strand of DNA is made up of a polynucleotide chain. 21. What is the function of DNA Ligase? (A) break the bonds between the parent strands of DNA (B) join Okazaki fragments together (C) remove the RNA primers (D) polymerize an incoming nucleotide to the existing strand 22. Where does polypeptide synthesis begin? (A) endoplasmic reticulum (B) cell nucleus (C) Golgi apparatus (D) lumen 23. Where will a tRNA molecule with an anticodon sequence of 3 AAG 5 bind on a messenger RNA codon? (A) 5 TTC 3 (B) 3 CUU 5 (C) 5 CUU 3 (D) 3 UAG 5

24. In what form do retroviruses carry their genome? (A) RNA (B) cDNA (C) protein (D) DNA 25. Which of the following can destroy bacterophage DNA? (A) restriction enzymes (B) plasmids (C) ligases (D) vectors 26. What is the purpose of a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)? (A) amplify a segment of DNA into many copies (B) insert new nucleotide segments into a plasmid (C) make a complementary strand of DNA (D) link together multiple fragments of DNA 27. List in order the steps in which HIV replicates. I. The virus makes NA from RNA using reverse transcriptase. II. Viral proteins are synthesized and new viruses are assembled and bud off. III. HIV enters the cell. IV. DNA enters the nucleus of the host cell and is integrated into the hosts DNA. V. The synthesized DNA is used to make a complementary strand of DNA. VI. RNA is transcribed from the DNA (A) III, II, I, IV, V, VI (B) III, IV, V, VI, I, II (C) III, I, II, V, VI, IV (D) III, I, V, IV, VI, II 28. Where do restriction enzymes naturally occur? (A) bacterial cells (B) viral cells (C) eukaryotic cells (D) plasmids 29. What type of protein are spindle fibers composed of? (A) actin (B) tubulin (C) myosin (D) troponin 30. In which cell cycle does DNA replication occur? (A) interphase (B) G1 phase (C) anaphase (D) prophase



31. Homologous chromosomes originate (A) during S phase of interphase (B) during M phase of mitosis (C) during fertilization (D) after cytokinesis 32. In which phase do homologous chromosomes separate and migrate to opposite poles? (A) prophase I (B) prophase II (C) anaphase I (D) anaphase II 33. What is an animal cell with one set of chromosomes rather than two called? (A) haploid (B) diploid (C) single (D) abnormal 34. Why did Gregor Mendel perform thousands of crosses between the same two plants, essentially running the same experiment over and over? (A) He wanted to be sure that his parental plants were true breeding. (B) He had difficulty keeping track of his plants. (C) The more crosses he did, the more mathematically accurate his results would be. (D) He wanted to be sure that he had attained all possible results. 35. How many different gametes are formed from a parent with a genotype of YYRr? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 36. If a female has the genotype AABb, what fraction of her eggs will be the genotype Ab? (A) 1 (B) 1/2 (C) 1/4 (D) 0 37. When a person with type B blood is given type A blood, why is there a fatal reaction? (A) Antibodies from the type B blood attack the antigen in the type A blood. (B) The antigens in the type A blood attack the type B blood. (C) The blood types mix to form type AB blood with both A and B antigens. (D) No reaction occurs, blood type A is the universal donor. 38. What is epistasis? (A) Both alleles for a trait are expressed, producing a phenotype seen in neither parent. (B) Multiple alleles govern a trait, resulting in more than two phenotypes. (C) One allele dominates another allele, resulting in only two different phenotypes. (D) The expression of one gene modifies or suppresses the expression of another.

39. What does the HardyWeinberg equation allow you to determine directly? (A) Gene frequency and the genotypic frequency of the population (B) Gene frequency and the phenotypic frequency of the population (C) Gene frequency and the future distribution of the gene frequency (D) Gene frequency and the past genotypic frequency by regression analysis 40. What is the definition of a population? (A) a group of organisms of the same species that live in a given geographical area. (B) all the organisms that live in a given geographical area. (C) a group of organisms that are capable of producing fertile offspring. (D) all the organisms of a given species that are able to reproduce. 41. Why did Darwins peers dislike his theory of natural selection? (A) geological evidence showed that the earth was not old enough to allow the time for natural selection to occur. (B) farmers were unable to successfully breed livestock for desired traits. (C) his voyage around the world yielded no outstanding observations to support his theory. (D) science lacked an explanation of the mechanism by which traits were inherited. 42. Convergent selection pressures can lead to: (A) Homologous structures (B) Analogous structures (C) Comparative morphology (D) Adaptive radiation 43. Which phylum includes liverworts, hornworts, and mosses? (A) seed plants (B) bryophytes (C) algae (D) Rhodophyta 44. Which statement about Fungi is incorrect? (A) The partitions of the hyphae are called septa. (B) Mycelia consist of individual filaments called hyphae. (C) A fungal mycelium has low surface-area-to-volume ratio. (D) Rhizoids are modified hyphae. 45. Which characteristic do reptiles not have? (A) internal fertilization (B) amniotic egg (C) yolk sac (D) external fertilization 46. Which germ cell layer or layers form the skin, nervous system, and cornea and lens of the eye? (A) endoderm, mesoderm (B) mesoderm (C) ectoderm (D) mesoderm and ectoderm

47. Where does the urea cycle occur? (A) blood stream (B) liver (C) kidneys (D) all of the above 48. In the thick segment of the ascending loop of Henle, NaCl enters the medulla by (A) passive transport osmosis (B) NaCl does not enter the medulla. (C) active transport (D) osmosis 49. Which is not an example of nonspecific defenses? (A) skin (B) mucous membranes (C) acid secretion in stomach (D) antibody production 50 What causes a resting potential in a neuron? (A) excess sodium inside the cell. + (B) open K channels. (C) depolarization + (D) open Na channels. 51. What is responsible for breaking down proteins into smaller polypeptides and dipeptides in the stomach? (A) pepsin (B) pepsinogen (C) amylase (D) hydrochloric acid 52. Why are steroid hormones different from other hormones? (A) they are composed of amino acids (B) they are secreted directly into bodily fluids (C) they have intracellular receptors (D) they use signal-transduction pathways 53. When does germination begin? (A) the sporophyte emerges from the seed (B) the seed becomes surrounded by soil (C) when the zygote undergoes its first division (D) the seed swells from the uptake of water 54. How does phototropism contribute to homeostasis in plants? (A) It insures that the roots grow into the soil. (B) It enables vine-like plants to climb towards the light. (C) It insures that the shoots of the plant get the maximum amount of light. (D) It prevents the plant from growing crooked.

55. What type of light is the best at interrupting night length? (A) Red light (B) Far-red light (C) Ultraviolet light (D) White light 56. Which internal factor controls the flowering of a plant? (A) light (B) darkness (C) temperature (D) hormones 57. What are epiphytes? (A) Epiphytes are plants that grow on top of other plants. (B) Epiphytes are plants that grow on top of the water. (C) Epiphytes are plants that require animal protein to grow. (D) Epiphytes are plants that never produce seeds and only undergo asexual reproduction. 58. Which biome is characterized by permafrost? (A) taiga (B) tundra (C) deciduous forest (D) taiga and tundra 59. Which of the following organisms are K-selected? (A) apple trees (B) house flies (C) humans (D) frogs 60. Which two elements are added to global cycles by human activity? (A) oxygen and hydrogen (B) sulfur and hydrogen (C) carbon and sulfur (D) carbon and hydrogen



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