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41 (1997)




Department of Electrical

of artificial
and Computer Engineering, Received

intelligence in power systems

University 7 October of Alberta, 1996 Edmonton. Alta., T6G 2G7. Canada

S. Madan *, ICE. Bollinger

Abstract Application of Artificial Intelligence technologies (mainly in the form of Expert Systems) to power systems has been an active area of research for about a decade and significant successes have been achieved. This paper lists the literature related to artificial intelligence applications to power systems and notes the artificial intelligence technologies that are becoming important in conjunction with expert systems. 0 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.
Keywords: Artificial intelligence bibliography; Expert systems: Knowledge based systems; Power engineering; Power systems

1. Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been defined as the study of how to make computers do things which at the

moment, people do better [12]. An Expert System (ES) is a computer program that assimilates and reasons with knowledge obtained from some expert(s) with a view to solving problem(s) or giving advice. Thus expert systems are software packages which translate
human expertise into computer programs. Portability of

software makes the use of expert systems very attractive where human expertise is scarce or costly or is likely to be lost through mobility. Application of artificial intelligence technologies to power systems has been an active area of research for about a decade and significant successes have been achieved. Among the artificial intelligence techniques, expert or knowledge based systems have been the most successful. Hence the primary focus of this bibliography is on expert systems as applied to power systems. In 1989, [14] presented a bibliographical survey of expert systems in electric power systems. Since that time, seven years have passed and many papers have been written in this area. This work attempts to continue the work in [14] and list the references from 1989 onwards to June 1996. We have divided the literature of expert systems for power systems into eleven broad
* Corresponding 037%7796/97/$17.00 PII SO378-7796(96)01 author. E-mail:

areas. This classification scheme follows closely from [lo] in [3]. The areas are (Alarm Processing, System Diagnosis, Faults and Protection); Security, Restoration, Controls, Environment for Operational Aids, Scheduling, Development Tools and Aids, Planning, Forecasting, Miscellaneous papers and Conferences. However, it may be pointed out that the scope of several papers extend over more than the area under which they have been cited. The references related to artificial intelligence applied to power systems are listed and commented to convey to the readers the contents of the listed references. The paper is organized as follows: The next section discusses the limitations of the expert systems. Section three presents the state of the art of application of artificial intelligence techniques to power systems. Section four identifies future directions which this research may take. The last section is the conclusion of the paper.

2. Limitations

of expert systems

The references cited below present an impressive record of the achievement of the researchers in applying the expert system technology to power systems. Yet, there are limitations of expert systems. Rule processing, symbol manipulating machine intelligence may probably never replace human intelligence because we ourselves are not thinking machines. Human beings

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have an intuitive intelligence that reasoning machines are not able to match. What are these limitations? The most important concern is their reliability. Expert systems are limited by the information in their knowledge-bases and by the nature of the process for putting that information in. They cannot report conclusions that are not already implicit in their databases. The trial and error process by which knowledge is elicited, programmed and tested is likely to produce inconsistent and incomplete databases; hence an expert system may exhibit important gaps in knowledge at unexpected times. Moreover, expert systems are unlikely to have complete, clear functional specifications, and their designers may be unable to predict reliably their behavior in situations not tested. If the databases are not structured as modules. it may be difficult to modify and maintain them. In many domains where the brute search force cannot substitute for understanding, rule based computers may not deliver an expert performance.

3. State of the art 3.1. Knowledge acquisition barrier

Expert systems have one prime difficulty in the sense that it is difficult to build expert systems that can fully capture the expertise of the human experts. This appears to be in the knowledge acquisition stage. Some of the reasons for this knowledge acquisition barrier are: 1. Experts find it difficult to articulate their expertise. 2. The inability of the knowledge engineer to ask pertinent questions from the domain engineer to extract relevant information. 3. Experts are afraid of passing on their expertise because of fear of losing their importance. Knowledge acquisition has remained as the biggest bottleneck. It is a fundamental expert system problem. This problem is being countered to some extent by using the Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). In fact, the literature that applies ANNs to power systems has become so extensive, that it merits a separate paper. Hence in this bibliography, references in which only ANNs have been applied to power systems have not been cited. Only, references which make comparison between the ANNs and the other AI techniques or use the ANNs in conjunction with the other AI techniques have been included. 3.2. Other techniques Being aware of the present limitations of expert

systems enables one to employ their real capabilities to the best. With the progress of research in artificial intelligence, it is likely that clear models of human problem solving processes can be defined and used in expert systems to overcome the above discussed limitations. In this context we note the growing importance of other AI methodologies that are being used in conjunction with the the expert systems. These methodologies are: Case-Bused Reasoning: Computer systems that solve new problems by analogy with old ones are often called case-based reasoning systems. A casebased reasoning system draws its power from a large case library, rather than from a set of first principles [9]. Refs. [130,133] use the case-base paradigm. Machine Learning: Learning can be defined as any change in a system that allows it to perform better the second time on repetition of the same task or another task drawn from the same population [13]. Learning is both a capability and an activity. Since the inception of the computer era, researchers have been trying to approximate such capabilities in the computers. The subject of machine learning is concerned with the study and the computer modeling of the learning process. Examples which use machine learning are [42,97,170,223,257]. Fuzzy Logic: Fuzzy logic is synonymous with the theory of fuzzy sets. The fuzzy set theory relates to classesof objects with unsharp boundaries in which membership is a matter of degree. Examples which use fuzzy logic are [74,92,148,166,216,266,278,280]. Genetic Algorithm: A genetic algorithm is a search method which is based on the process of natural selection. It is not a simulated reasoning process. The idea is to use a set of candidate descriptions, so called population, and to gradually improve the quality of this population. This is carried out by constructing new descriptions, assembled from parts of the best descriptions in the current population. These newly generated descriptions form the second generation, and again the best descriptions are combined to form the next generation, until descriptions of sufficient quality are found or no further improvement occurs. Examples which use genetic algorithms are [46,82,225,226,256,272,297]. 3.3. Deployment of expert systems In the last few years, few expert systems have moved from the prototyping stage to being put into service by the power utilities. Some of them are [16,19,64,70,81,101,114,117,122,279].

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4. Future trends 4.1. Integration ojAI in EMS

At this juncture, ways have to be devised to integrate artificial intelligence applications in the Energy Management System (EMS) environment. Reference [236] is an attempt in this direction. This paper analyzes the reasons why integrating an expert system or other type of AI applications in an EMS environment is more complex and costly than adding a conventional advanced application program. Reference [ 1741 describes some results in this direction. 4.2. Massively parallel AI

For some power system applications there is a need to do computation in the real time mode. With the improvements in computing power, it is time to re-look at parallel way of firing of production rules. In this connection the work of [l] may become relevant. The emergence of powerful computers has enabled the development of massively parallel artificial intelligence. In [8] a number of papers show that massively parallel computing enables the AI researchers to handle significantly large amounts of data in real time. This means that it is feasible to use very large knowledge bases containing large number of facts for interactive or real time engineering applications. 4.3. Data mining Time is now ripe for using machine learning algorithms. Some work in this area has been reported as in [42,97,170,223,257]. In particular, we feel that Data Mining algorithms (which are extension of machine learning algorithms) can be of great use. Data mining is defined as the nontrivial extraction of implicit, previously unknown, and potentially useful information from data. This field focuses on the classification of new, useful and interesting relationships that may exist within the large archives of information [6]. Power utilities typically maintain large archives of operational and contingency data. The discovery of relations from archived data is a potentially powerful application of machine learning algorithms. This sort of work has its origin in efforts to automate knowledge acquisition for expert systems This notion of discovery has been given various names, including knowledge extraction, database exploration, data pattern processing, data archaeology, information harvesting, software and data dredging. It is also known as Knowledge Discovery in Databases where the discovery algorithms focus on data stored in databases, such they can exploit the inherent opportunities presented by organization of data in databases.

why ask an expert for decision rules if they can be induced from the archived data? In fact this approach was taken in the eighties by Michalaksi and Chilausky [l l] to induce classification rules for diagnosing soybean diseases, using the archived cases. The rules induced across cases were more accurate at classification than those provided by human experts. Data mining and that part of machine learning dealing with induction learningfiom examples overlap in the algorithms used and in problems addressed. The main differences are: 1. Data mining is concerned with finding understandable knowledge, while machine learning is concerned with improving the performance of a learning agent. 2. Data mining is concerned with very large, real-world databases, while machine learning typically (but not always) looks at smaller data sets. So ej$cient Iearning questions are much more important for data mining. 3. Machine learning is a broader field which includes not only learning from examples, but also reinforcement learning, learning with teacher, learning by analogy, etc. So one can say that data mining is that part of machine learning which is concerned with finding understandable knowledge in large sets of real-world examples. 4.4. Expert database In [141] the authors used the database technology in conjunction with expert systems. The idea was to exploit the common storage area for the expert system and the> database systems. Attempts to develop an integrated expert database model is now receiving a lot of attention from AI and database researchers alike. Expert Database System (EDS) has been defined as the system that support applications that require knowledge-directed processing of shared information [5]. The EDS architecture can be loosely coupled in which an expert system retrieves data from the database system. On the other hand in the tightly coupled system, either the expert or the database system or both understands how the other function and take advantage of this knowledge. 4.5. Causal based or model based The expert systems presently in use are most often rule based. The knowledge that is used is in the form of pattern-action rules which encode empirical associations about the system knowledge domains. These surface systems show good performance as long as they operate within the scope of their heuristic knowledge. However, they fail dramatically beyond the boundaries


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of the knowledge domain. More robust and powerful systems can be built by encoding not only the empirical knowledge but also functional, causal or other forms of deep knowledge. Since human experts use deep models to solve wide range of problems this model seems suitable for complex problems [2].
4.6. Application areas

6. ISSN of International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering and Communications is 09691170. 7. ISSN of Electrical Engineering in Japan is 0424-7760. 8. ISSN of International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy System is 0142-0615. 9. ISSN of Power Engineering Journal is 0950-3366. 10. ISSN of Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering is 0840-8688. 11. ISSN of EPRI Journal is 0362-3416.

In the application ered:


side, following

areas can be cov-

I. A. Gupta, Parallelism in Production Systems, Department of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pitman Publishing, 128 Long Acre, London, First Edition, 1987. 2. R. Davis, Reasoning from first principles in electronic trouble shooting, in M.J. Coombs (ed.), Developments in Expert Systems, Academic Press, 1984. 3. T.S. Dillon and M.A. Laughton (Eds.), Expert System Applicalions to Power Sysfems, U.K. Prentice Hall International, 1990. 4. IEEE Tutorial Course, Distribution Automation, 88EH0289-8PWR, 1988. 5. K. Jeffery, Expert Database Systems. The APIC Series, Academic Press, London, 1992. 6. M. Holsheimer and A. Siebes, Data Mining: The search for knowledge in databases, Report CS-R9406, ISSN 0169-l 18X. 7. P.K. Kalra, Fault diagnosis for an HVDC system: a feasibility study of an expert system application. Electric Power Systems Research, 4 (2) (1988) 83389. s. H. Kitano and J.A. Hendler, Massicely Parallel Artificial Intelligence. AAAI Press/The MIT Press, Menlo Park, California, 1994. 9. J. Kolonder, Case-Bused Reasoning, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1993. State of the art, in T.S. Dillon and 10. CC. Liu and T.S. Dillon, M.A. Laughton (Eds.), E.xpert System Applications to Power Sysfems, U.K. Prentice Hall International, 1990. 11. R.S. Michalski and R.L. Chilausky, Knowledge acquisition by encoding expert rules versus computer induction frome examples: a case study involving soybean pathology, in Mamdani and Gaines (Eds.), Fuzzy Reasoning and Applications, London Academic Press, 1981, pp. 247-271. 12. E. Rich and K. Knight, Artificial Intelligence, McGraw Hill, Inc., 1991. 13. H.A. Simon, Why should machines learn?, in Machine Learning: An Artificial Intelligence Approach, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 1983, pp. l-23. 14. Z.Z. Zhang, G.S. Hope and O.P. Malik, Expert systems in electric power systems-a bibliographical survey, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 4 (4) (1989) 1355-1361. PI


System: is defined as a sys-

tem that enables an electric utility to remotely monitor, coordinate and operate distribution components in a real-time mode from remote locations [4]. More than 125 individual distribution functions have been identified. The three basic capabilities are: monitoring, control and protection. These functions can benefit by the application of the experts knowledge.
High Voltage Direct Current Transmission Systems:

In [7] the author, demonstrated the feasibility of using expert systems for HVDC systems for protection purpose. Practical results are still awaited. Environmental Considerations: Environmental considerations are becoming important for power plants. Environmental engineering considerations involve multi-disciplinary knowledge of chemistry, biology, fluid mechanics, mathematics, statistics, economics and law. Individual engineers are not always well versed in these areas. Expert systems can serve as valuable support tool to supply solution-directed knowledge in unfamiliar objects. Moreover this subject is dependent upon empiricism.


In this paper we have attempted to list major publications involving application of artificial intelligence techniques in power systems from the year 1989 onwards. The motivation is to help the researchers in this field to have a list of all relevant references at one place.

Alarm processing, tection

system diagnosis, faults and pro-

References Notes on rejkrences:

1. IEEE Press is at IEEE Service Center, Piscataway. NJ, USA. 2. IEE Press unless otherwise specified. is at Michael Faraday House, Stevenage, England. 3. ISSN of conference proceedings published by the IEE Press is 0537-9987. 4. ISSN of Electric Power Systems Research is 0378-7796. 5. ISSN of Electrical Technology is 09655433.

15. A.P. Apostolov, D. Novosel and D.G. Hart, Intelligent protection and control during power system disturbance, Proc. 56th Annual American Power Conf:, Part 2 (of Z), Chicago, IL, USA, 56, 1994, pp. 1175- 1181. Publ., by Illinois Inst. of Technology, Chicago, IL, USA, ISSN: 0097-2126. Intelligent emergency control strategies proposed. 16. S.C. Bell, J.R. McDonald, S.D.J. McArthur, G.M. Burt, R. Mather and S.M. Burt, Integrating model based diagnosis into a decision support system for protection engineers, Proc. 30th Universities Power Engineering Con& Part 2 (of 2). University of Greenwich, London. UK, 1995, pp. 423-426. Currently implemented at Scottish Powers corporate headquarters.

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17. J.P. Bernard and D. Durocher, Expert system for fault diagnosis integrated in existing SCADA systems, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 9 (1) (1994) 548-554. Relieves operators of overload of alarm messages. 18. J.P. Bernard and D. Durocher, LANGAGE: An expert system for diagnosis in a real-time context, Proc. 9th Conf. Artl@ial Intelligence for Applications, Orlando, FL, USA, 1993, pp. 328336, IEEE Press, ISBN: 0-8186-3840-O. 19. R.W. Bijoch, S.H. Harris, T.L. Volkmann, J.J. Bann and B.F. Wollenberg, Development and implementation of the NSP intelligent alarm processor, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 6 (2) (1991) 806-812. System in operation for 4 months. 20. P. Brezillon, D.Y. Bau, P. Fauquembergue, A. Hertz and A. Maizener, Elaboration of the sept expert system as the coupling of a simulator and a diagnostician, Proc. 3rd Inr. Conf Induspp. 54-60, Publ. by ACM, New York, NY, USA, ISBN: O-89791-372-8. For repair and maintenance of substations. G.M. Burt and J.R. McDonald, Potential advantages of a diagnostic expert system for assisting operator response to system events, Third Int. Conf Power System Monitoring and Control, London England, IEE Press, 1991, pp. 222-224. E. Cahill, A qualitative simulation of faults on NGCs transmission system, IEE Colloquium on Ar@cial Intelligence in Simulation (Digest No. 022), London, UK, 1991. NGCs grid consists of about 200 substations interconnected by over 7000 km of transmission lines. F. Eickhoff, E. Handschin and W. Hoffmann, Knowledge based alarm handling and fault location in distribution networks, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 7 (2) (1992) 770-776. MS. Elliott, Computer-assisted fault-tree construction using a knowledge-based approach, IEEE Trans. Reliability, 43 (1) (1994) 112-120. System performs better than the manual procedure. M. Enns, L. Budler, T.W. Cease, A. Elnweihi, E. Guro, M. Kezunovic, J. Linders, P. Leblanc, J. Postforoosh, R. Ramaswami, F. Soudi, R. Taylor, H. Ungrad, S.S. Venkata and J. Zipp, Potential applications of expert systems to power system protection, IEEE Trans. Power Deliu., 9 (2) (1994) 720-728. Presents result of Working Group on application of Expert Systems to PS protection. D.G. Esp, A.O. Ekwue, J.F. Macqueen and B.W. Vaughan, AHFA-a real-time expert system for the incremental diagnosis of multiple faults on a transmission network using the sequence and timing of switching indications, Proc. In?. Conf Control, Coventry, UK, I (389) (1994) 141- 152, IEE Press. Successfully diagnosed 95% of the faults in the two month evaluation trial period. P. Fauquembergue, A. Maizener, J.M. Parant, L. Perrot, and H. Bertrand, Monitoring of protection system behavior using and expert system which analyses substations sequential events recordings field experience at Electricite de France, F@h Int.
ConJ on Developments in Power System Protection, York (368) trial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Expert Systems, Charleston, SC, USA, 1990, Intelligence and

30. A.A. Girgis and M.B. Johns, Hybrid expert system for faulted section identification, fault type classification and selection of fault location algorithms, IEEE Trans. Power Deliu., 4 (2) (1989) 978-985. Combines database and numeric algorithms. 31. R.P. Graziano, V.J. Kruse and G.L. Rankin, Systems analysis of protection system coordination: A strategic problem for transmission and distribution reliability, IEEE Trans. Power Deliv., 7 (2) (1992) 720-726. 32. P. Godfrin, Operational expert system to analyze and locate faults occurring on MV networks, Proc. IEEE Power Industry
Computer Application Conf., Salt Luke City, UT, USA, 1995,







23. 24.


pp. 306-311. IEEE Press (IEEE cat. no. 95CH35798). K. Hasan, B. Ramsay and I. Moyes, Object oriented expert systems for real-time power system alarm processing, Part I, Selection of a toolkit; Part II, Application of a toolkit, Eiectl-. Power Syst. Res., 30 (1) (1994) 69-75177782. Evaluates 3 realtime toolkits. S.B. Jadid, B. Jeyasurya and S.A. Khaparde, Power system fault diagnosis expert system using PROLOG, 4th IEEE Region 10th Int. Con+TENCON, Bombay, India, 1989, pp. 778-781, IEEE Press (IEEE cat. no. 89CH2766-4). Flexible for different Power System environments. B. Jeyasurya, S.S. Venkata, S.V. Vadari and J. Postforoosh, Fault diagnosis using substation computer, IEEE Trans. Power Deliu., 5 (2) (1990) 1195-1201. Decentralized approach of fault diagnosis. R. Karunakaran and G.G. Karady, Artificial neural networks as a dispatchers aid in alarm processing, Proc. First Int. Forum on Applications of Neural Networks fo Power, 1991, pp. 169-173, IEEE Press (IEEE cat. no. 9lTH0374-9), ISBN: O-7803-0065-3. Can deal with multiple faults. T. Kawada, T. Yamagiwa, E. Mori, H. Yamada and F. Endo, Predictive maintenance systems for substations, Proc. 3rd Int.
Conf. on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials,



39. 40.




(1993) 42-45, IEE Press, ISBN: 0-85296-568-O. Expert System tested for two years by Electricite de France. 28. Y. Fukuyama and Y. Ueki, Development of an expert system for analyzing faults in power system using artificial neural network based waveform recognition, IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems, Part 2 (of 5), Singapore, 1991, pp. 1137-1140, IEEE Press (IEEE cat. no. 91CH3006-4). ISSN: 0271-4310. Combined use of Expert System and Artificial Neural Networks. 29. Y. Fukuyama, Y. Ueki and K. Kaneko, Development of an expert system for analyzing faults in power systems based on waveform recognition by artificial neural networks, Electr. Eng. Japan, 112 (3) (1992) 735-742. A hybrid system consisting of Expert System and Artificial Neural Networks.


43. 44.

Tokyo, Japan, 1991, pp. 1144-l 148, IEEE Press (IEEE cat. no. 91CH2937-l), ISBN: O-87942-568-7. K. Kawahara, H. Sasaki, J. Kubokawa, M. Kitagawa, and H. Sugihara, Expert system for designing transmission line protection system, Inf. J. Electr. Power Energy Syst., 17 (1) (1995) 69-78. The expert system has been demonstrated at the Chugoku Electric Power Company System. M. Kezunovic, C.W. Fromen and D.R. Sevcik, Expert system for transmission substation event analysis, IEEE Trans. Power Delioery, 8 (4) (1993) 1942- 1949. M. Kezunovic, K. Watson, B. Don Russell, P. Heller and M. Aucoin, Expert system applications to protection, substation control and related monitoring functions, Electr. Power Syst. Res., 21 (1) (1991) 71-86. Survey of present research efforts, has 63 references. R. Kbosla and T.S. Dillon, Neuro-expert system approach to power system problems, Int. J. Eng. Intelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering and Communications, 2 (1) (1994) 71-78. Proposes an integrated model to overcome limitations of Expert Systems and ANNs. C.J. Kima and B.D. Russell, Classification of faults and switching events by inductive reasoning and expert system methodology, IEEE Trans. Power Deliv., 4 (3) (1989) 1631-1637. Utilizes induction method to classify faults. D.S. Kirschen and B.F. Wollenberg, Intelligent alarm processing in power systems, Proc. IEEE, 80 (5) (1992) 663-672, ISSN: 0018-9219. 30 References. L.L. Lai, Development of an expert system for power system protection coordination, Fourth Int. Conf Developments in
Power System Protection, Edinburgh, England (302) (1989) 310-

314. IEE Press, London, England. 45. L.L. Lai, Computer assisted learning in power system relaying, IEEE Trans. Education, 38 (3) (1995) 217-222.


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117- 131

46 L.L. Lai, F. N. Che, K. Chu, P. Rajroop and X.F. Wang, Design neural networks with genetic algorithms for fault section estimation. Pror. 29th Universities Power Engineering Con$, Part 2 (of 2), Galway, Irel., 1994, pp. 5966599. System can locate faults even if failure in operation of relay or breaker. 47 S.J. Lee, S.H. Yoon, M.C. Yoon and J.K. Jang, Expert system for protective relay setting of transmission systems,IEEE Trans. Power Deliv., 5 (2) (1990) 120221208. This method would expedite the process of relay setting with increased accuracy and consistency. 48. M.M. Mansour, M.A. El-Hadidy, M.S.M. Rizk and Y.G. Moustafa, Expert system enhanced by interfaced short circuit calculations for Egypt power network fault diagnosis, Proc. 7th Press (IEEE cat. no. 94CH3388-6). 49. J.R. McDonald, G.M. Burt and D.J. Young, Alarm processing and fault diagnosis using knowledge based systemsfor transmission and distribution network control, Proc. IEEE Power Engi1991, pp. 280-286, IEEE Press (IEEE cat. no. 92CH30700). Describes two expert systems. T. Minakawa, Y. Ichikawa, M. Kunugi, K. Shimada, N. Wada and M. Utsunomiya, Development and implementation of a power system fault diagnosis expert system, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., JO (2) (1995) 932-939. Describes a fault diagnosis expert system installed at the Tohoku Electric Power Company. J.A. Momoh and L.G. Dias, Rule based decision support connected distribution system, IEEE Trans. Power Sysr., 9 (2) (1994) 782-795. J.A. Momoh, D. Sobajic and J. Dolce, Evaluation of intelligent systems for fault diagnosis, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Systems, Man and CJjbernetics, Part 1 (of 3). San Antonio. TX, USA, 1994, pp. 4133418, IEEE Press (IEEE cat. no. 94CH3573-5). CA. Protopapas, K.P. Psaltiras and A.V. Machias, An expert system for substation fault diagnosis and alarm processing, IEEE Trans. Power Deliv., 6 (2) (1991) 648655. On PC and Prolog based. B. Ramsay, K. Hasan and I. Moyes. Electric power system alarm management with an OOP toolkit, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 8 (4) (1995) 461-467. Describes the project between University of Dundee and Scottish HydroElectric plant. S. Rementeria, C. Rodriguez, J. Perez. J.I. Martin, A. Lafuente and J. Muguerza, Expert systemsneural networks in power grid fault diagnosis: an empirical comparison, Int. J. Engineering (1) (1995) 33-44. Neural Network approach operates faster. T. Saengsuwan, C. Fernandez and P.A. Crossley, Back-up protection expert system, Proc. 29th Universities Power Engineering Conjl, Part 2 (of 2), Galway, Irel., 1994, pp. 5933595. Uses Expert System shell GoldWorks III, tested on a simulator. Y. Sekine, Y. Akimoto, M. Kunugi, C. Fukui and S. Fukui, Fault diagnosis of power systems, Proc. IEEE, 80 (5) (1992) 673-683, ISSN: 00189219. 46 references, H. Sherwali and P. Crossley, Expert system for fault location on a transmission network, Proc. 29th Universities Power Engineering Conj:, Part 2 (of 2), Galway, Irel., 1994, pp. 751-754. L.J. Shih. W.J. Lee, J.C. Gu and Y.H. Moon, Application of df dt in power system protection and its implementation in microcontroller based intelligent load shedding relay, Industrial
and Commercial Power Systems Technical USA, 1991, pp. ll- 17, IEEE Press (IEEE Conj:, Memphis, TN, Intelligent tions, 3 Svstems for Electrical Engineering and Communicaneering USA, Society Transmission and Distribution Conf., Dallas, TX, Mediterranean 3), Antalya, Electrotechnicul Conj:&MELECON, Turkey, 1994. pp. 901-906, IEEE Part 3 (of






65. 66.

51. 52.






70. 71.


neural networks, IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems, 22nd ISCA, Portland, OR, USA, 1989, pp. 224332246, ISSN: 02714310. Uses pattern recognition. B.D. Stedall, P.J. Moore and A.T. Johns, Application of expert systems in power system protection, Proc. 29th Universities Power Engineering Conf. Part 2 (of 2), Galway, Irel., 1994, pp. 7599762. Discusses the application of expert systemsto adaptive distance relays. J.C. Thompson, R.P. Broadwater, S. Rahman and A. Sargent, Expert system for integrated protection design with configurable distribution circuits: Parts 1 and II, IEEE Trans. Power Deliv., 9 (2) (1994) 1115-I 121/l 122-l 128. Uses RDBM technology. Z.A. Vale, Intelligent tutoring systems for power system control centers, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part 2 of (3), San Antonio, TX, USA, 1994, pp. 1832-1837, IEEE Press (IEEE cat. no. 94CH3571-5). Z.A. Vale, A.M. Moura, M.F. Femandes and A. Marques, SPARSE-an intelligent alarm processor for Portugese substation control centers, Int. J. Engineering Intelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering and Communications, 2 (1) (1994) 31-38. In operation in Portugal. Z.A. Vale and A.M. Moura, Expert system with temporal reasoning for alarm processing in power system control centers, IEEE Trans. Power Systems, 8 (3) (1993) 130771314. K.P. Wong and K. Doan, Explanation-based generalisation method for learning network fault diagnosis rules, Proc. 2nd Int. Conj: Advances in Power System Control, Operation Management, 1994, pp. 855-860, IEE Press. K. Yabe, K. Yoshida, N. Rostamkolai, P.E. Nielsen and D.J. Leonard, New concept of an artificial intelligence based smart relay, Int. J. Engineering Intelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering and Communications, 2 (4) (1994) 213-221. H.T. Yang, W.Y. Chang and C.L. Huang, On-line fault diagnosis of power substation using connectionist expert system, IEEE Trans. Power Systems, 10 (1) (1995) 323-331. Practically verified at Taiwan Power secondary substation. H.T. Yang, W.Y. Chang and CL. Huang, New neural networks approach to online fault section estimation using information of protective relays and circuit breakers, IEEE Trans. Power De&u., 9 (1) (1994) 220-230. 2. Yongli, Y.H. Yang, B.W. Hogg, W.Q. Zhang and S. Gao, Expert system for power systems fault analysis, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 9 (1) (1994) 5033509. Field tested in China. D.J. Young, K.L. Lo, J.R. McDonald. R. Howard and J. Rye, Development of a practical expert system for alarm processing,
IEE Proc. Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 139 (5)

(1992) 437-447.


72. N. Balu, T. Bertrdm, A. Bose, V. Brandwajn, G. Cauley, D. Curtice, A. Fouad, L. Fink, M.G. Lauby, B.F. Wollenberg and J.N. Wrubel, On-line power system security analysis, Proc. IEEE, 80 (2) (1992) 262-280, ISSN: 0018-9219. Overview of PS security analysis and identifies areas needing research, 41 references. 73. J. Bian and P. Rastgoufard, Power system voltage stability and security assessment, Electr. Power Syst. Res., 30 (3) (1994) 1977201. Reviews recent research in this area, 21 references. 14. SC. Bell, A.R. Daniels and R.W. Dunn, Security-constrained reactive dispatch using fuzzy logic, Proc. 30th Universities Power Engineering Conj:, Part I (of 2). University of Greenwich, London, UK, 1995, pp. 61-64. Results presented for 20 machine, 100 bus reduced model of the UK National Grid. 75. C.S. Chang and T.S. Chung, Expert system for comprehensive on-line economic-security controls of distribution

51. 58. 59.

cat. no. 91CH2990-O),

ISBN: 0-7803-0021-l. 60. D.J. Sobajic, Y.H. Pao and J. Dolce, On-line monitoring and diagnosis of power system operating conditions using artificial

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systems, Electr. Power Syst. Res., 24 (3) (1992) 1655172. Presents an architecture to assist the operator. C.S. Chang and T.S. Chung, Expert system for on-line security-Economic load allocation on distribution systems, IEEE Trans. Power Deliv., 5 (1) (1990) 4677473. PC based, uses Prolog, Fortran and C. R.H. Chen, J. Gao, O.P. Malik, G.S. Hope, S.Y. Wang and N.D. Xiang, Multi-contingency preprocessing for security assessment using physical concepts and CQR with classifications, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 8 (3) (1993) 840-848. R.D. Christie, S.N. Talukdar and J.C. Nixon, A hybrid expert system for security assessment, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 5 (4) (1990) 1503-1509. Offline hybrid system that uses OPS5 and FORTRAN. J.W. Cote and CC. Liu, Voltage security assessment using generalized operational planning knowledge, IEEE Trans. Power Sysl., 8 (1) (1993) 28-34. Tested on IEEE 30 bus system and LA Water Power 182 bus system. M. Daneshdoost, Neural network approach to power system security, Proc. Optical Engineering, Midwest, Rosemont, IL, CIS.4, 1990, pp. 270-275, Pub]. by Int. Sot. for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, WA, USA, ISSN: 0277-786X. Takes into account nonlinear nature of power systems. K. Demaree, Sr. T. Athay, K.W. Cheung, Y. Mansour, Sr. E. Vaahedi, A.Y. Chang, B.R. Corns and B.W. Garrett, On-line dynamic security analysis system implementation, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 9 (4) (1994) 1716- 1722. Presents experience from implementation of the on-line transient stability analysis system at the B.C. Hydro control center. M.A. El-Sharkawi and S.J. Huang, Application of genetic-based neural networks to power system static security assessment, Proc. ISAP, 1 (1994) 4233429, ISBN: 2-910085-14-7. The proposed approach reduces neural network learning time. A.A. Fouad, S. Vekataraman and J.A. Davis, An expert system for security trend analysis of a stability-limited power system, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 6 (3) (1991) 107771084. N.D. Hatziargyriou, G.C. Contaxis and N.C. Sideris, A decision tree method for on-line steady state security assessment, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 9 (2) (1994) 105221061. Y.Y. Hong, Implementation of enhanced network sensitivities in rule based systems for line flow security analysis-case studies for a practical power system, Electr. Power Syst. Res., 33 (2) (1995) 1199124. The IEEE 30-bus system and a practical 265bus system in Taiwan are used as examples. G.B. Jasmon, K.L. Khor and A. Mohamed, Solution of power system security problems using an expert system, Proc. 28th SICE Annual Conf:, Tokyo, Japan, 1989, pp. 965-968, IEEE Press (IEEE cat. no. 89TH0298-0). Prolog based. B. Jeyasurya and S.S. Venkata, Knowledge-based approach for power system dynamic security assessment, Proc. 3rd Inr. Co@ Industrial and Engineering Applications of ArtiJicial Intelligence and E.xpert Systems, Charleston, SC, USA, 1990, pp. 645-652, Publ. by ACM, New York, NY, USA, ISBN: O-89791-372-8. Decision tree based. U.G. Knight, M.J. Short, D. Indjic and S. Ho, Expert system for security and economic monitoring, Proc. Int. Conf. CONTROL, Parr l(of 2). Coventry, UK, I(389) (1994) 124-129, IEE Press. Objectives are to emulate the monitoring functions of a Junior Control Engineer. S. Madan and K.E. Bollinger, Artificial Intelligence Assisted Voltage Stability Enhancement, Canadian Conf: Electrical and Computer Engineering, Calgary, 1996, pp. 392-395. Reviews research in applying AI to voltage stability. R.J. Marceau, F.D. Galiana and R. Mailhot, Dynamic security assessment through large-scale software integration, Proc. IFAC Symp. Control of Power Plants and Power Systems. Munich, Germuny, IFAC Symposia Series (9) (1992) 457-462, Pergamon








Press, Tarrytown. NY, USA, ISSN: 0962-9505, ISBN: 0-08041709-4. M. Muslu and R.D. Shultz, An expert system for contingency analysis in power systems, Proc. 22nd Annual North Americun Power Symp., Auburn, AL, USA, 1990, pp. 373-380, IEEE Press, Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, USA (IEEE cat. no. 91TH0343-4), ISBN: O-8186-21 15-X. Turbo Prolog based. G. Ramakrishna and N.D. Rao, Fuzzy logic framework for control of switched capacitors in distribution systems, Proc. 1995 Canadian Conf. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Part 2 (of 2), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 1995, pp. 676-679. D. Reichelt and H. Glavitsch, Features of a hybrid expert system for security enhancement, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 7 (2) (1992) 907-913. L. Wehenkel and M. Pavella, Decision Tree Approach to Power Systems Security Assesment, Electr. Power Energy Syst., 15 (1) (1993) 13-35. L. Wehenkel, T. Van Cutsem, M. Pavella, Y. Jacquemart, B. Heilbronn and P. Pruvot, Machine learning, neural networks and statistical pattern recognition for voltage security: A comparative study, Int. J. Engineering Intelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering and Communications, 2 (4) (1994) 233-245. K. Yabe, J. Koda, K. Yoshida, K.H. Chiang and P.S. Khedkar, D.J. Leanard and N.W. Miller, Conceptual designs of AI-based systems for local prediction of voltage collapse, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., II (I) (1996) 137-145. A suite of AI technologies are used to predict local voltage collapse. CC. Yang and Y.Y. Hsu, Estimation of line flows and bus voltages using decision trees, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 9 (3) (1994) 1569- 1574. Results demonstrated for power system having 170 buses and 207 lines.

[C] Restoration
98. M.M. Adibi, New approaches in power system restoration, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 7 (4) (1992) 142881434. Discusses system wide coordination. 99. M.M. Adibi and R.J. Kafka, Power system restoration issues, IEEE Computer Applications in Power, 4 (2) (1991) 19-24. 100. M.M. Adibi, R.J. Kafka and D.P. Milanicz, Expert system requirements for power system restoration, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 9 (3) (1994) 1592-1600. 101. T. Brunner, W. Nejdl, H. Schwarzjirg and M. Sturm, On-line expert system for power system diagnosis and restoration, Intelligent Systems Engineering, 2 (1) (1993) 15-24. Real time system for a utility in Singapore. 102. P.H. Darnault, J. Fandino, J. Bigeon. J.C. Sabonnadiere, E. Mondon, Y. Harmand and L. Pierrat, An expert system as a guide for information synthesis and decision making in the restoration of power system after a blackout, Electric&e de France, Bulletin de la Direction des Etudes et Recherches, Serie B: Reseaux Electriques, Materiels Electriques (4) (1990) 29943, ISSN: 0013-4503. 103. B. Delfino, M. Invernizzi and A. Morini, Knowledge-based restoration guidelines, IEEE Computer Applications in Power, 5 (3) (1992) 54-59. 104. L.H. Fink, K.L. Liou and C.C. Liu, From generic restoration actions to specific restoration strategies, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 10 (2) (1995) 7455752. 105. Y. Fukuyama and Y. Ueki, Application of generic algorithms to service restoration in distribution systems, Electr. Eng. Japun, 115 (3) (1995) 30-38. 106. K. Hotta, H. Nomura, H. Takemoto, K. Suzuki, S. Nakamura and S. Fukui, Implementation of a real-time expert system for a restoration guide in a dispatching center, IEEE Truns. Power Syst., 5 (3) (1990) 103221038.


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107. S.B. Jadid, V. Vidyasagar, S.A. Khaparde and SK. Banerjee, A knowledge-based approach for power flow rerouting during restoration, Proc. Sixth National Power Systems Co@, Bombay. India, 1990, pp. 163-168, Publ. by Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, India, ISBN: O-07-460147-4. Results shown for IEEE 14 bus system. 108. N. Kakimoto, B. Lin and H. Sugihara, Expert system for dispatch control in restoration of EHV power system after complete blackout, Electr. Eng. Japan, 15 (3) (1995) 15-29. 109. N. Kakimoto, B. Lin and H. Sugihara, Expert system for voltage control in restoration of EHV power system following complete blackout, Electr. Eng. Japan, 115 (1) (1995) 35-50. N. Kakimoto, B. Lin and M. Hayashi, Expert system for initial stage restoration from system blackout of EHV power system, Electr. Eng. Japan, 111 (1) (1991) 95-107. 111. N. Kakimoto, M. Emoto and M. Hayashi, Expert system for restoring trunk power systems from complete system collapse, Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, 51 (1) (1989) 39-58. Uses Lisp. A.G. King, J.R. McDonald, G.M. Burt, J. Spiller, D. Brooke and R. Samwell, Power system restoration using expert systems, Proc. 29th Universities Power Engineering Conf., Part 1 (of 2), Galway, Irel., 1994, pp. 224-227. A Expert System is under development for restoration, to be integrated into Decision Support System. 113. D.S. Kirschen and T.L. Volkmann, Guiding a power system restoration with an expert system, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 6 (2) (1991) 558-566. Restoration plan is adaptable if problems occur during restoration. 114. S. Koeing, L. Mohr, G. Krost, D. Rumpela and U. Spanel, Expert system in training power system restoration at the Stadtwerke Duisberg AG, Int. J. Engineering Intelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering and Communications, 3 (3) (1995) 175- 183. The system is in operation at the Stadtwerke Duisburg AG (Duisburg Municipal Utility) in Germany. 115. Y. Kojima, S. Warashina, S. Nakamura and K. Matsumoto, Development of a guidance method for power system restoration, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 4 (3) (1989) 1219-1227. Restoration plans are flexible. 116. Y. Kojima, S. Warashina, M. Kato and H. Watanabe, Development of power system restoration method for a bulk power system by applying knowledge engineering techniques, IEEE Trans. Power S~~sst.. (3) (1989) 1228-1235. 4 117 K. Kuroda, Y. Takegoshi, Y. Yamashita, M. Ito and S. Fukui, Verification of a knowledge-based restoration guidance system in a local dispatching centre, Int. J. Electrical Power and Energy System, 15 (3) (1993) 185- 192. Field tested at Kobe Dispatching Center for 18 months. 118. K.L. Liou. CC. Liu and R.F. Chu, Tie line utilization during power system restoration, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., JO (1) (1995) 192-199. 119. K. Matsumoto, T. Sakaguchi, R.J. Kafka and M.M. Adibi, Knowledge-based systems as operational aids in power system restoration, Proc. IEEE, 80 (5) (1992) 689-697, ISSN: 00189219. Background of PS restoration is discussed, 57 references. 120. E. Mondon, B. Heilbronn, Y. Harmand, O.E. Mondon, B. Heilbronn, Y. Harmand, 0. Paillet and H. Fargier, MARS: An aid for network restoration after a local disturbance, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 7 (2) (1992) 850-855. Uses blackboard architecture. 121. A.L. Morelato and A.J. Monticelli, Heuristic search approach to distribution system restoration, IEEE Trans. Power Delic., 4 (4) (1989) 2235-2241. 122. T.K. Ma, C.C. Liu, M.S. Tsai, R. Rogers, S.L. Muchlinski and .I. Dodge, Operational experience and maintenance of an on-line expert system for customer restoration and fault testing, IEEE Trans. Power S-vst., 7 (2) (1992) 835-842.

123. T. Nagata, H. Sasaki and R. Yokoyama, Power system restoration by joint usage of expert system and mathematical programming approach. IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 10 (3) (1995) 1473- 1479. Introduces the concept of restorative operation cost. 124. R. Nadira, T.E. Dy Liacco and K.A. Loparo, A hierarchical interactive approach to electric power system restoration, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 7(3) (1992) 1123-1131. 125. Y.M. Park and K.H. Lee, Application of expert system to power system restoration in local control center, Znt. J. Electr. Power Energy Syst., 17 (6) (1995) 407-415. 126. D. Rumpel, G. Krost and T. Alder, Training simulator with an advising expert system for power system restoration, Proc. IFA C
Symp. Control of Power Plants and Power Germany, IFAC Symposia Series (9) (1992) Systems, Munich,

127. 128.


130 131



Press, Tarrytown, 041709-4. S. Shah and S.M. Shahidehpour, Heuristic approach to load shedding scheme, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 4 (4) (1989) 1421~ 1429. Implemented on 6 bus and IEEE 30 bus system. K. Shimakura, J. Inagaki, Y. Matsunoki, M. Ito, S. Fukui and S.I. Hori, A knowledge-based method for making restoration plan of bulk power system, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 7 (2) (1992) 914-920. J. Shinohara, I. Kozakai, M. Kunugi, J. Nagata, and H. Saito, Knowledge-based behavior interface: its application to power network restoration support system, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., II (1) (1996) 383-389. K. Okuda, K. Nakagawa and K. Yamazaki, Case-based construction method for a fault-restoration support system in secondary power system, Electr. Eng. Japan, 112 (4) (1992) 21-32. S. Warashina, Y. Kojima, S. Nakamura and K. Matsumoto, Restoration guidance system for trunk line system, Electr. Eng. Japan, 110 (2) (1990) 60-73. The guidance system is flexible w.r.t. the state change of the system and intention of the system operators. Q. Zhang, Y. Takaoka, M. Sakamoto. K. Kidokoro, K. Hirobe and R. Mizoguchi, Generation of operation sequences for accident restoration of primary substations based on a re-usable knowledge base, Artt$cial intelligence in Engineering, 9 (2) (1995) 95-105. B. Zhou, N.A. Chowdhuym and D. Slade, A case-based intelligent agent for power system resoration, Canadian Conf. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Calgary, 1996. pp. 369-372. Has an object-oriented graphic interface.

451-456, Pergamon NY, USA, ISSN: 0962-9505, ISBN: O-OS-

134. I.P. Adamchuk, System for the automatic design and interpretation of expert algorithms of program-logic control of the operational modes of power blocks, Sov. J. Comput. Syst. Sci., 28 (5) (1990) 116-120, ISSN: 0882-4002. 135. M. Azzam and M.A.S. Nour, Expert system for voltage control of a large-scale power system, Modelling, Measurement Control A: General Physics, Electronics, Electrical Engineering, 63 (l-3) (1995) 15-24. The expert system works in decentralized mode. 136. L.M.F. Barruncho, J.P. Sucena Paiva. C.C. Liu, R. Pestana and A. Vidigal, Reactive management and voltage monitoring and control, Elecfr. Power Energy Syst., 14 (213) (1992) 144-157. 137. 1. Batur, A.N. Guven and N. Ozay, A proposed application of an industrial DOS computer for distributed substation monitoring and control, IEEE Trans. Power De&c., 9 (2) (1994) 729735. 138. G.M. Burt, J.R. McDonald. A.G. King, J. Spiller, D. Brooke and R. Samwell, Intelligent on-line decision support for distribution system control and operation, fEEE Trans. Power Syst., 10 (4) (1995) 1820-1827.

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139. E. Carpaneto, G. Chicco, R. Napoli and F. Piglione, Best-first strategy for voltage and reactive power control, Third Znt. Conj: Power System Monitoring and Control, London, England, 1991, pp. 279-281, IEE Press. Prolog based. 140. C.S. Chang, D. Sutanto and W. Laths, Automatic control of voltage instability by an expert system utilizing pattern recognition techniques, Third Znt. Conf Power System Monitoring and Control, London, England, 1991, pp. 128- 133, IEE Press. Can adapt for different types of disturbances. 141. S.J. Cheng, O.P. Malik and G.S. Hope, A data base management system and its application in a voltage and reactive power control expert system, Electr. Power Syst. Res., 16 (2) (1989) 147- 155. The prototype is in Quintus Prolog. 142. B. Chokri, M. Rabei and D.X. Dai, An integrated power system global controller using expert system, Canadian Conf Electrical and Computer Engineering, Calgary, 1996, pp. 446-449. The task of voltage regulation, transmission line overload alleviation and correction for steady state voltage stability. 143. L. Dubost and A. Hertz, Expert systems as network control support tools, Electricite de France, Bulletin de la Direction des Etudes et Recherches, Serie B: Reseaux Electriques, Materiels Electriques (2) (1990) 7711, ISSN: 0013-4503. Shows the importance of symbol based information processing. 144. A.O. Ekwue, D.G. Esp, J.F. Macqueen, B.W. Vaughan. M.J. Short, U.G. Knight and L. Kiernan, System monitoring expert system, Znt. J. Engineering Intelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering and Communications, 3 (2) (1995) 87794. 145. A.O. Ekwue and J.F. Macqueen, Developments of artificial intelligence techniques for voltage control, ZEE Power Division Colloquium on Artificial Intelligence Applications in Power Systems. London. UK, 1995, pp. 2:1l2/6. 146. T.F. Godart and H.B. Puttgen, A reactive path concept applied within a voltage control expert system, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 6 (2) (1991) 7877793. Tested on IEEE 118 bus system. 147. T.F. Godart, H.B. Puttgen and J.F. Jansen, Expert system applications to power engineering control design, Proc. 5th IEEE Znt. Symp. Intelligent Control, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 1990, pp. 1145-1150, IEEE Press (IEEE cat. no. 90TH0333-5), ISBN: O-8186-2108-7. Describes two expert systems. 148. C.G. Groom, K.W. Chan, R.W. Dunn and A.R. Daniels, Fuzzy logic techniques applied to power system conrol, Proc. 29th Universities Power Engineering Conf:. Galway, Zrel., 1994, pp. 832-835. Results for IEEE test network and reduced UK National Grid system. 149. Y.Y. Hsu, K.L. Ho, C.C. Liang, T.S. Lai and K.K. Chen, B.S. Chang, Voltage control using a combined integer linear programming and rule- based approach, IEEE Trans. Power Sysr., 7 (2) (1992) 744752. The Expert System was applied to correct abnormal voltages during emergency conditions. 150. B. Jeyasurya, Artificial neural networks for power system steady state voltage instability evaluation, Elertr. Power Syst. Res., 29 (1994) 85-90. 151. P.K. Kalra, A. Srivastava and D.K. Chaturvedi, Possible applications of neural nets to power system operation and control, Electr. Power Syst. Res., 25 (2) (1992) 83-90. Neural networks are proposed to deal with nonlinearities. 152. A. Keyhani, S. Hao and W.R. Wagner, A rule based approach to construction of a local network model for decentralized voltage control, Electr. Power Syst. Res., 16 (1989) 119-126. 153. W. Laths, Y.L. Zhu, D. Sutanto and IF. Morrison, Automatic control of system voltage stability by an expert system, Proc. Tenth Power Systems Computation Conf., Graz, Austria, Publ. by Butterworths, London, UK, 1990, pp. 1057-1064, ISBN: O-408-05175-2. The Expert System is based on the analysis of simulations of post-disturbance events. 154. T.L. Le, M. Negnevitsky and M. Piekutowski, Expert system application for voltage control and VAR compensation, Znt. J.


156. 157.














Engineering Zntelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering and Communications, 3 (2) (1995) 79985. S. Matsuda, H. Ogi, K. Nishimura, Y. Okataku and S. Tamura, Power system voltage control by distributed expert systems, IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., 37 (3) (1990) 2366240. T. Minakawa, Scheme and design for advanced energy control centers, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 6 (2) (1991) 372-378. D. Niebur, Expert systems for power system control in Western Europe, IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 11 4 (1991) 34-40. Describes 12 Expert Systems. B. Nilsson, K. Lindholm, K. Autio and B. Jokinen, Advanced system for energy management in Helsinki, Third Int. Conf Power System Monitoring and Control, London, England, IEE Press, 1991, pp. 186-191. N. Pitrone, On-line management and control of the distribution electric network, Proc. 7th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conf -MELECON, Part 3 (of 3). Antalya, Turkey, 1994, pp. 944-947, IEEE Press (IEEE cat. no. 94CH3388-6). Perspective developments are also outlined. B. Ramsay, S. Zitouni, A. Moffatt and I. Moyes, PC-based expert system assistant for power system operational control, Electr. Power Syst. Res., 22 (1) (1991) l-6. An application for Scottish Hydro-Electric Plant. M.M.A. Salama and A.Y. Chikhani, An expert system for reactive power control of a distribution system-I: System configuration, IEEE Trans. Power De/iv., 7 (2) (1992) 940-945. M.M.A. Salama and A.Y. Chikhani, Simplified network approach to the var control problem for radial distribution systems, IEEE Trans. Power Deliv., 8 (3) (1993) 1529- 1535. The proposed method is easily adapted in the Expert System configuration, 34 references. K.F. Schaefer, C. Schwartze and J. F. Verstege, CONTEX. An expert system for contingency selection. Electr. Power Syst. Res., 22 (3) (1991) 1899194. A.M. Sharaf, J. Heydeman and G. Honderd, Application of regression analysis in novel power system stabilizer design, Electr. Power Syst. Res., 22 (3) (1991) 181-188. The method relies on extensive nonlinear digital or analog simulation. S.P. Singh, G.S. Raju and A.K. Gupta, Sensitivity based expert system for voltage control in power system, Znt. J. Electrical Power and Energy System, 15 (3) (1993) 131-136, ISSN: 01420615. Comparison is made between centralized and decentralized approach. K. Tomsovic, A fuzzy linear programming approach to the reactive power voltage control problem, IEEE Trans. Power Syst. 7 (1) (1992) 287-293. S.V. Vadari and S.S. Venkata, Expert load shedding: a hybrid load shedding expert system in the real-time EMS environment, Proc. Tenth Power Systems Computation Co&, Graz, Austria, 1990, pp. 9299935, Pub]. by Butterworths, London, UK, ISBN: O-408-05175-2. G.L.H. Van, I.E. Lane and G.P. Hancke, System impact of decentralized AI controllers operating on domestic devices in the intelligent home, Proc. 1994 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Con& Hamamatsu, Japan, 1994, pp. llll1114. V.V.S. Vankayala and N.D. Rao, Conceptual ANN-ES scheme for power system security assessment and preventive control, Can. J. Electr. Comput. Eng., 17 (I) (1992) 48-50, ISSN: 0840-8688. S.M. Wang, M.S. Tsai, C.C. Liu, J. Cote and Y. Sun, Inductive learning in power system voltage control, Proc. 29th IEEE Conf: Decision and Control, Part 6 (of 6). Honolulu, HZ, USA, 1990, pp. 306553066, IEEE Press (IEEE cat. no. 90CH2917-3), ISSN: 0191-2216. Uses decision tree to incorporate learning abilities in an Expert System.


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171. R. Yokoyama, T. Niimura and Y. Nakanishi, Coordinated control of voltage and reactive power by heuristic modeling and approximate reasoning, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 8 (2) (1993) 636-642.

[E] Environment for operational


172. Knowledge-based support system for voltage collapse detection and prevention, EPRl EL-7168. 1991, 196 pp. 173 R. Adapa, M. Giuffre and D. Johnson, Control centre advisor for load management, Int. J. Engineering Intelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering and Communications, 2 (2) (1994) 115120. Takes into account the role of non-utility generators. 174 J.J. Alba, J. Sanchez, M. Tora. A. Reig, L. Legorburu and F. Marquinez, Integration of knowledge-based tools in an EMS environment: Guidelines and case study, Int. J. Engineering Intelligent Systems ,for Electrical Engineering and Communications, 2 (2) (1994) 121- 127. The experience described in this paper is derived from the development of a set of intelligent tools for Power System operation. 175. C. Booth, J.R. McDonald and R.W. Stewart, Enhanced power system control and management via intelligent substations, Proc. 2nd Inr. Conf: Advances in Power System Control. Operation Management, Hong Kong, 2 (388) (1994) 542-547, IEE Press. Proposed method reduces the SCADA load. 176. G.M. Burt and J.R. McDonald, Realtime decision support system for the operation of a 132 kV power network, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Advances in Power System Control, Operation Management, Hong Kong. 2 (388) (1994) 548-553, IEE Press. Two experts systems for alarm processing and diagnosis. 177. G. Chang. J. Zrida and J. D. Birdwell, Knowledge-based distribution system analysis and reconfiguration, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 5 (3) (1990) 744749. Prolog based. 178. B.H. Chowdhury, L. Swan and D. Clark, Expert system as a system operators aid in real-time solutions of the optimal power flow. Electr. Power Syst. Res., 26 (I) (1993) 21-30. Tested on modified IEEE 24 bus system. 179. R.D. Christie, Impact of artificial intelligence on plant and system operations, Proc. 33rd Power Instrumentation Symp., Toronto. Ont, Canada, 1990, pp. 1933197. Publ. by ISA Services Inc, Research Triangle Pk, NC, USA. ISSN: 0074-056X. 180. R. Criado, D. Matauco, F. Lasheras, J.L. Fernandez, P. Basagoiti and J. Serna, SEACON: an online expert system for contingency analysis and corrective solutions in transmission, Int. J. Electrical Power Energy Systems, 14 (4) (1992) 303-309. 181. I. Dabbaghchi and R.J. Gursky, Abductive expert system for interpretation of real-time data. IEEE Trans. Power Deliv., 8 (3) (1993) 1061llO69. Explains real time operating state of a substation to the operator. 182. B. Delfino, G.B. Denegri, M. Invernizzi, A. Canonero and P. Forzano, Intelligent supporting aid for resolving operations under overload conditions in electric power systems, Electrical Power Energy Systems. 12 (3) (1990) 183Sl91. 183. M. Djukanovic, D.J. Sobajic and Y.H. Pao. Neural net based determination of generator-shedding requirements in electric power systems, IEE Proc. Generation. Transmission and Distribution, 139 (5) (1992) 4277436. The approach is for fast stabilization of multimachine Power Systems. 184. R. Doraiswami and J. Jiang, An intelligent sensor to monitor power system stability, performance and diagnose failure, IEEE Trans. PoM,er Syst., 5 (4) 1432-1438. 185. John Douglas, Delivering on-line expertise, EPRI J., 14 (3) (1989) 24-33. 186 I.M. Elders, G.M. Burt. J.R. McDonald, J. Spiller, J. Brooks and R. Samwell. Proc. 1995 30th Universities Power Engineering Co& Part 2 (of21, University of Greenwich. London. UK, 1995, pp. 4433446.

187. N.L. Goes, E.F. Richards and E.D. Tweed, An electric control center operators assistant expert system, Electr. Power Syst. Rex, 25 (3) (1992) 239-246. Tested on 34 bus model of an actual electrical system. 188. J. Grahovac and S.P. Simonovic, Expert system for budget preparation and optimal operation of an interconnected power utility, Optimizing the Resources for Water Management-Proc. by ASCE, Society of Civil Engineers, Boston, MA, USA, 1990, pp. 34438, ISBN: O-87262-756-X. 189. T. Haba, S. Maeda, D. Watanabe, C. Fukui and M. Nomoto, An expert system for switch operation planning on line dispatching, Electr. Eng. Japan, 114 (3) (1994) 59-73. 190. Y.Y. Hsu and CC. Su, A rule-based expert system for steadystate stability analysis, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 6 (2) (1991) 771-777. Applied to Taiwan PS. 191. S. Ito, S. Mori and E. Kawagoe, Human oriented operation guide for substations, Proc. 1994 IEEE Int. Conf. Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part 2 of (3), San Antonio, TX, USA, 1994, pp. 1104- 1109, IEEE Press (IEEE cat. no. 94CH3571-5). 192. R. Jian-wen, Y. Yi-han, Q. Xu and A. Refsum, General training simulator for electric power system operator, Proc. 30th Universities Power Engineering Conf., Part 2 (of 2), University of Greenwich, London, UK, 1995, pp. 838-841. An expert system and an artificial neural network are introduced to give the system some intelligence. 193 K.H. Jung, H. Kim and Y. Ko, Network reconfiguration algorithm for automated distribution systems based on artificial intelligence approach, IEEE Trans. Power Deliv., 8 (4) (1993) 1933-1941. Prolog based, uses list processing and recursive programming. 194 K. Kawahara, H. Sasaki, J. Kubokawa, H. Sugihara and M. Kitagawa, Expert system for supporting protective relay setting for transmission lines, Fifth Int. Conf Developments in Power System Protection, York, England (368) (1993) 2033206, IEE Press, ISBN: 0-85296-568-O. PC based and uses OPS83. 195. J. Keronen, Analysis of knowledge-based system applications for power system operations (Dissertation), Technical Research Centre of Finland (73) (1991) 59 pp., ISSN: 0358-5069. Applications for switching planning, restoration. and fault diagnosis. 196. J.J. Keronen, Expert system prototype for event diagnosis and real-time operation planning in power system control, ZEEE Trans. Power Syst., 4 (2) (1989) 544-550. 197. H. Kim, Y. Ko and K.H. Jung. Algorithm of transferring the load of the faulted substation transformer using the best-first search method, IEEE Trans. Power Deliv.. 7 (3) (1992) 14341442. Uses Prolog. 198. T. Kimura, S. Nishimatsu. Y. Ueki and Y Fukuyama, Development of an expert system for estimating fault section in control center based on protective system simulation. IEEE Trans. Power Deliv., 7 (1) (1992) 167-172. 199 D.S. Kirschen. B.F. Wollenberg, G.D. Irisarri, J.J. Bann and B.N. Miller, Controlling power systems during emergencies: The role of expert systems, IEEE Computer Applications in Power, 2 (2) (1989) 41-45. 200 Y. Kono, H. Suzuki and K. Matsumoto. Expert system applications to power systems operation, Proc. 5th IEEE Int. Symp. Intelligent Control, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 1990, pp. 11391144, IEEE Press (IEEE cat. no. 9OTH0333-5), ISBN: 0-81862108-7. Expert systems applications in Japan is briefly reviewed. 201 C. Lan, Z. Sen and S. Ying, An operator expert system in electric power systems, First Int. Conf Computational Graphics and Visualization Techniques, Sesimbra. Portugal, 2, 1991, 372376. 202. MI. Lehtonen, J.J. Keronen and J.K. Autio, Expert system for operators assistance in public power supply systems, 10th Int. Conf. Electricity Distribution, Brighton, England, J989, IEE Press, pp. 293-296. Applied to 110 kV substransmission network of the Helsinki Energy Board.

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203. C.C. Liu, T.K. Ma, K.L. Liou and MS. Tsai, Practical use of expert systems in power systems, Int. J. Engineering Intelligent
Systems for Electrical Engineering and Communications, 2 (1)

219 R.E. Tyson and G.T. Heydt, Expert system and dynamic programming hybrid for unit commitment, Proc. Twenty-First Annual North American Power Symp., Rolla, MO, USA, 1989, pp.

(1994) 11-22. 54 references. 204. Y. Liu, Z. Du, W. Wang and D. Xia, Generator-shedding decision by neural network based on continuous mapping analysis, Proc. ISAP, Montpellier, France, I (1994) 249-253, ISBN: 2-910085-14-7. Results on a real 50-machine system is given. 205. H.Y. Marathe, CC. Liu, MS. Tsai, R.G. Rogers and J.M. Maurer, An on-line operational expert system with data validation capabilities, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 6 (2) (1991) 882-889. 206. E.M. Martinez and E.F. Richards, An expert system to assist distribution dispatchers in the location of system outages, 35th
Annual Rural Electric Power Conf, Dearborn, MI, USA, 1991,



pp. AZ-1 to 5, IEEE Press (IEEE cat. no. 91CH3002-3), ISSN: 0734-7464, ISBN: O-7803-0059-9. 207. J.R. McDonald, G.M. Burt and D.J. Young, Alarm processing and fault diagnosis using knowledge based systemsfor transmission and distribution network control, fEEE Trans. Power Syst., 7 (3) (1992) 1292- 1298. Describes two expert systems. 208. R. Mohamedi, C. Belhadj, S. Lefebvre and X. Do, Expert system for steady state voltage stability, Proc. Canadian Conf pp. 697-701, IEEE Press. 209. J.A. Momoh, A.U. Chuku and G. Powell, Expert system aided contingency analysis and corrections, IEEE Int. Conf Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 1990, pp. 260264, IEEE Press (IEEE cat. no. 90CH2930-6) ISSN: 0884-3627, ISBN: 0-87942-597-O. 210. T. Nagata and H. Sasaki, Personal computer based expert system for power system operation education, Int. J. Electr.
Power Energy Syst., 18 (3) (1996) 195-201. Electrical Canada, and 1994, Computer Engineering, Part 2 (of 2). Halifax.

222. 223.


2-11, IEEE Press (IEEE cat. no. 89TH0284-O), ISBN: 0-81862005-6. C. Wang and S. M. Shahidehpour, A decomposition approach to non-linear multi-area generation scheduling with tie-line constraints using expert systems, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 7 (4) (1992) 1409-1418. A.M. Wildberger and M.A. Rossi, Expert system aid for power system operators, Proc. 53rd Annual Meeting of the American Power Conf., Chicago, IL, USA, 1991, pp. 33338, Publ. by Illinois Inst of Technology, Chicago, IL, USA, ISSN: 00972126. Objectives are alleviation of thermal overloads or unacceptable voltage levels. J.F. Witte, S.R. Mendis, M.T. Bishop and J.A. Kischefsky, Computer-aided recloser applications for distribution systems, IEEE Computer Applications in Power, 5 (3) (1992) 27732. J. Ypsilantis and H. Yee, Survey of expert systems for SCADAbased power applications, Fourth Conf. Control Engineering, Gold Coast, Australia, 1990, pp. l77- 183, Publ. by IE Australia, Barton, Australia, ISSN: 0313-6922. 53 references, gives a preliminary design of a learning expert system. S. Zitouni and M.R. Irving, NETMAT: a knowledge-based grid system analysis tool, Int. J. Electrical Power and Energy System, 18 (I) (1996) 37-46. Results presented for IEEE 30 bus system

[F] Scheduling
225. D. Dasgupta and D.R. McGregor, Thermal unit commitment using genetic algorithms, IEE Proc. Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 1994, pp. 4599465. 226. D. Dasgupta and D.R. McGregor, Short thermal unit-commitment using genetic algorithms, Proc. 5th Int. Conj: Tools with Artificial Intelligence, Boston, MA, USA, 1993, pp. 240-247, IEEE Press (IEEE cat. no. 93CH3325-83, ISSN: 1063-6730, ISBN: O-8186-4200-9. 227. S. Li, SM. Shahidehpour and C. Wang, Promoting the application of expert systems in short-term unit commitment, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 8 (1) (1993) 286-292. 228. H. Ogi, Y. Takeshima, J. Shinohara and K. Haruki, Expert system with cognitive model for power system outage scheduling, Power Industry Computer Application, Seattle, WA, USA, 1989, IEEE Press (IEEE cat. no. 89CH2747-4) pp. 1799185. 229. Z. Ouyang and S.M. Shahidehpour, A multi-stage intelligent system for unit commitment, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 7 (2) (1992) 639-646. Multistage neural network, expert system approach is followed. 230. Z. Ouyang and SM. Shahidehpour, Short-term unit commitment expert system, Electr. Power Syst. Res., 20 (I) (1990) 1~ 13. 231. M.S. Salam, A.R. Hamdan and K.M. Nor, Integrating an expert system into a thermal unit-commitment algorithm, IEE
Proc. Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 138 (6) (1991)

211. T. Niimura, K. Ooi, R. Yokoyama and T. Matsumoto, An expert system for interactive operation guidance in power system emergency control, Proc. IASTED Int. Symp., Expert Systems Theory, and Applications, Zurich, Switzerland, 1989, pp. 63-67. 212. D. Novosel and R.L. King. Using artificial neural networks for load shedding to alleviate overloaded lines, IEEE Trans. Power Delis., 9 (1) (1994) 425-433. Results shown on IEEE 30 bus system. 213. D. Novosel and R.L. King, development of a pattern recognition approach to underfrequency relaying, IEEE Proc. Southeastcom-Technologies Today and Tomorrow, 1990, IEEE Press (IEEE cat. no. 9OCH2883-73, pp. 145-149, ISSN: 0734-7502. 214. S.J. Ranade, M. Uraguchi and P. Tan, An expert system prototype for secure operation guidelines for electric power system line-overloads, Proc. 5th IEEE ht. Symp. Intelligent Control, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 1990, IEEE Press (IEEE cat. no. 90TH0333-5), pp. l127- 1132, ISBN: o-8186-2108-7. 215. N.N. Schulz and B.F. Wollenberg, Expert system to aid evaluation and generation of switching procedures. Proc. 57th Annual
American Power Conf., Part 2 (of 31, Chicago, IL, USA, 1995,

pp. 1481- 1486. 216. P.J.M. van Son, Introduction of expert systems and fuzzy logic into the operation environment of power plants and power systems. (Survey), Proc. IFAC S.vmp. Control of Power Plants and Power Systems, Munich, Germany, IFAC Symposia Series (9) (1992) 477-479, Pergamon Press, Tarrytown, NY, USA, ISSN: 0962-9505, ISBN: o-08-041 709-4. 211. D. Srinivasan, A.C. Liew, C.S. Chang and J.S.P. Chen, Intelligent operation of distribution network, ZEE Proc. Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 141 (2) (1994) 106 116. 218. M.S. Tsai, CC. Liu, V.N. Mesa and R. Hartwell, IOPADS (Intelligent operational planning aid for distribution systems), IEEE Trans. Power Delic., 8 (3) (1993) 1562-1569.

553-559. 232. D. Srinivasan, C.S. Chang and A.G. Liew, Multiobjective generation scheduling using fuzzy optimal search technique, IEE Proc. Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 141 (3) (1994) 233-242, ISSN: 1350-2360. Uses pattern recognition technique and fuzzy logic to reduce the time of computation. 233. SK. Tong, SM. Shahidehpour and Z. Ouyang, A heuristic short-term unit commitment, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 6 (3) (1991) 1210-1216. Tested on an IBM-PC under the EASE plus NEXPERT shell and the C language. 234. C. Wang and SM. Shahidehpour, Optimal generation scheduling for constrained multi-area hydrothermal power systems with cascaded reservoirs, J. Optimization Theory and Applications, 78 (1) (1993) 59976.


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[G] Development

tools and aids


236. J. Bann, G. Irisarri, D. Kirschen, B. Miller and S. Mokhtari, Integration of artificial intelligence applications in the EMS: issues and solutions, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 11 (1) 1996 475-482. Proposes an environmnet which supports all the interfaces between the Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications and the EMS. 237. A. Bykat, Using CLIPS for AXAFs power automation knowledge-based system, Proc. 29th Inter-society Energy Conversion Engineering Conf., Part I of (4), Monterey, CA, USA, 1994, pp. 7-12, IEEE Press (IEEE cat. no. 94CH3478-5). 238. E. Castillo, A. Cobo, J.M. Gutierrez, A. Iglesias andi H. Sagastegui, Causal network models in expert systems, Microcomputers in Civil Engineering, 9 (5) (1994) 315-328. 239. A.T. Holen, A. Botnen, P. Stoa and J.J. Keronen, Coupling between knowledge-based and algorithmic methods, Proc. IEEE, 80 (5) (1992) 745-757, ISSN: 0018-9219. 240. M. Huneault, C. Rosu, R. Manoliu and F.D. Galiana, A study of knowledge engineering tools in power engineering applications, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 9 (4) (1994) 1825-1832. 241. G. Johannsen and J.L. Alty, Knowledge engineering for industrial expert systems, Automatica, 27 (1) (1991) 97-114, ISSN: 0005-1098. 85 references. 242. L.P. Jojo and R.M. OKeefe, Experiences with an expert systems prototyping methodology, Expert Systems, 11 (1) (1994) 13-21. Uses information on four development projects at General Electric Industrial and Power Systems. 243. R.L. King and D. Novosel, An architecture for the intelligent detection and alleviation of overloaded transmission lines, Third Biennial Symp. Industrial Electric Power Applications, New Orleans, LA, USA, 1992, pp. 184-195. 244. R.L. King and D. Novosel, An architecture for the intelligent detection and alleviation of overloaded transmission lines. Electr. Power Syst. Res., 30 (1994) 241-249. 245. H. Marathe, C.C. Liu and T.K. Ma, Relation-checking algorithm for maintenance of rule-based systems, Electr. Power Energy Syst.. 12 (4) (1990) 235-241. 246. F. Mateos, P. Basagoiti, G. Pastor, E.G. Echabe, D. Matauco, R. Criado, F. Lasheras, J.G. Bellido and J. Randez, An expert system for contingency analysis in transmission networks, Proc. 2nd Int. IEEE Conf: Tools for Ar@ial Intelligence, Herndon, VA, USA, 1990, pp. 457-462, IEEE Press (IEEE cat. no. 90CH2915-7), ISBN: O-8 186-2084-6. 247. 1. Nashid and K.L. Lo, Expert systems and their applications to power systems Part 1: Components and methods of knowledge representation, Power Engineering J., 7 (1) (1993) 41-45. 248. K.L. Lo and I. Nashid, Expert systems and their applications to power systems Part 2: Search methods and languages, Power Eng. J., 7 (3) (1993) 141-144. 249. K.L. Lo and I. Nashid, Expert systems and their applications to power systems Part 3: Examples of Applications, Pow,er Engineering J., 7 (5) (1993) 209-213. 250. N.D. Rao and J. Shao, Implementation of expert systems with a relational database manager, 33rd Midwest Symp. Circuits and Systems, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 1990, pp. 985-988, IEEE Press (IEEE cat. no. 91CH2819-I), ISBN: O-7803-0081-5. Uses a query-by-example (QBE) relational database manager as a tool for setting up Expert Systems. 251. G.W. Rosenwald, C.C. Liu and S.L. Muchlinski, New equivalent class validation algorithm and its application to power systems, Int. J. Engineering Intelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering and Communications, 2 (4) (1994) 223-232. 252. D. Rumpel and G. Krost, Natural language interface and database issues in applying expert systems to power systems, Proc. IEEE, 80 (5) (1992) 758-764, ISSN: 0018-9219. 253. B.S. Stognii, V.G. Levitskii. A.V. Kirilenko and A.F. Butkevich.




Expert facilities for conducting numerical experiments in power engineering, Electronic-Modeling, 9 (4) (1992) 703-710, ISSN: 0275-9136. S. Talukdar, V. C. Ramesh, R. Quadrel and R. Christie, Multiagent organizations for real-time operations, Proc. IEEE, 80 (5) (1992) 765-778, ISSN: 0018-9219. 74 references. K. Tomsovic and C.C. Liu, Bounding the computation time of forward-chaining rule-based systems, Data Knowledge Engineering, 10 (3) (1993) 317-334. E.C. Yeh, Y. Sun, S.S. Venkata and Z.Sumic, Design By Expectation: A framework for engineering design optimization, Proc. 6th Znt. Conf. Tools with Artl$cial Intelligence, New Orleans, LA, USA, 1994, pp. 105~111, IEEE Press. Provides a collaborative scheme for Genetic Algorithms (GAs) and domain-specific knowledge for engineering optimization. J. Yoshizawa, H. Ogi, T. Takano and K. Matsumoto, Automatic knowledge acquisition method for switching sequences and its evaluation, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 9 (2) (1994) 884-890. Proposes a new knowledge acquisition method.

[H] Planning
258. R. Adapa, Expert system applications in power system planning and operations, IEEE Power Eng. Rev., 14 (2) (1994) 12-14. 259. R. Adapa, N. Balu, A. Ipakchi, A.B.R. Kumar and V. Brandwajn, Expert systems in power system planning and engineering: Transient stability input and output data analysis, Znt. J. Engineering Intelligent Systems ,for Electricul Engineering and Communications, 2 (1) (1994) pp. 65-70. 260. A.A. Al-Arashi, C.B. Cooper and M.H.J. Bollen, Knowledge based system for distribution system design, Proc. 30th Universities Power Engineering Conj:, Part 1 (#2), University of Greenwich, London, UK. 1995, pp. 65-68. Prolog based. 261. A. Shehri, M. Guizani. C. Belhaj and M. Aref, AI technique for load flow planning and contingency analysis, Proc. 6th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conj:. Ljubljana, Slovenia, Yugoslavia, 1991, pp. 1396-1399, IEEE Press (IEEE cat. no. 91CH2964-5), ISBN: 0-87942-655-l. 262. N.J. Balu. R. Adapa, G. Cauley, M. Lauby and D.J. Maratukulam, Review of expert systems in bulk power system planning and operation, Proc. IEEE, 80 (5) (1992) 727-731, ISSN: 00189219. 263. G. Brauner and M. Zobel, Knowledge based planning of distribution networks, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 9 (2) (1994) 942948. 264. A.K. David and R. Zhao, Advances in AI Applicationsfor PoMjer System Planning. Brighton. England, 1990, pp. 36-41, IEE Press, ISSN: 0537-9987. 265. A.K. David and R. Zhao, Integrating expert systems with dynamic programming in generation expansion planning, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 4 (3) (1989) 1095-l 101. The interactive program is written in Prolog with numerically intensive portions in C. 266. A.K. David and R. Zhao. An expert system with fuzzy sets for optimal planning, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 6 (2) (1991) 59-65. For long-range power system expansion planning. 267. Y.Q. He and A.K. David, Advances in global optimisation for generation expansion planning, IEE Proc. Generation, Transmission and Distribution. 142 (4) (1995) 423-428. 268. Y.Y. Hong and C.C. Liu, A heuristic and algorithmic approach to VAR planning, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 7 (2) (1992) 505512. Tested on IEEE 30 bus system. 269. W.S. Jwo, C.W. Liu, C.C. Liu and Y.T. Hsiao, Hybrid expert system and simulated annealing approach to optimal reactive power planning, ZEE Proc. Generation. Transmission and Distribution, 142 (4) (1995) 381-385.

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270. Y. Kono, A. Doi and Y. Omichi, Development of a knowledgebased system for voltage/reactive power operation planning, Electr. Eng. Japun, 111 (6) (1991) 25535. Knowledge base has about 700 production rules. 271. K.D. Le, Current Issues in Operational Planning, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 7 (3) (1992) 1197-1210. 212. G.B. Sheble and T.T. Maifeld, Unit commitment by genetic algorithm and expert system, Elecrr. Power Syst. Res., 30 (2) (1994) 1155121. 273. J.R. Shin and Y.M. Park, Optimal long-term transmission planning by expert system approach, Proc. IEEE Region 10 Conj: Computer, Communication, Control and Power Engineering, Part 2 (qf55), Beijing, China, 1993, pp. 713-717. ISBN: 0-7803-12333. H. Tanaka, S. Osaka, H. Suzuki and J. Kawakami. Experiences of expert systems for power system operation and planning, ZFAC ZFORS ZAEE Symp. Energy Systems, Management and Economics. Tokyo, Japan, 1989, pp. 151~ 156, Pergamon Press. Elmsford, NY, USA, ISSN: 0741-l 146. R. White, Feasibility of an expert system for planning commitment schedules of generating units, Proc. 52nd Americun Power Conf., Chicago, IL, USA, 1990, pp. 3244329, Pub]. by Illinois Inst of Technology, Chicago, IL, USA, ISSN: 0097-2126.[Z] Forecasting276 A. Asar and J.R. McDonald, Specification of neural network applications in the load forecasting problems, IEEE Trans. Control Systems Technology, 2 (2) (1994) 1355141. 277. A. Asar, J.R. McDonald and W. Rattray. Experience with artificial neural network models for short-term load forecasting in electrical power systems: a proposed application of expert networks, 3rd Int. Conj. Artificial Neural Networks, Brighton, England, 1993, pp. 1233 126, IEE Press. 278. P.K. Dash, A.C. Liew and S. Rahman, Fuzzy neural network and fuzzy expert system for load forecasting, ZEE Proc. Generation, Trunsmission and Distribution, 14.3 (1) (1996) 1066114. Expert networks are combination of Expert Systems and Neural Networks. 279. K.L. Ho, Y.Y. Hsu, CF. Chen, T.E. Lee, C.C. Liang, T.S. Lai and K.K. Chen, Short term load forecasting of Taiwan Power System using a knowledge-based expert system, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 5 (4) (1990) 1214-1221. Prolog based and uses 5 year database. 280. Y.Y. Hsu and K.L. Ho, Fuzzy expert systems. An application to short-term load forecasting, IEE Proc. Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 139 (6) (1992) 471-477, ISSN: 0143-7046. 281. E.C. Kalkani, Model-based reasoning in selecting characteristic daily load curves for power system pricing update, Proc. 9th Znt. Cons. Applications of Art$icial Intelligence in Engineering, University Park, PA, USA, 1994, pp. 3055312. 282. G.L. Torres, CO. Traore, P.J. Lagace and D. Mukhedkar, A knowledge engineering tool for load forecasting, 33rd Midwest Symp. Circuits und Systems, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 1990, pp. 144147, IEEE Press (IEEE cat. no. 9lCH2819-l), ISBN: O7803-0081-5. Examples are from Hydro-Quebec Power System data. 283. M.L. Markovic and W.F. Fraissler. Short-term load forecast by plausibility checking of announced demand: an expert-system approach, European Trans. Electrical Power EngineeringlETEP, 3 (5) (1993) 353-358. Prolog based, has 250 rules. 284. I. Moghram and S. Rahman, Analysis and evaluation of five short-term load forecasting, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 4 (4) (1989) 148441491. Reviews 5 short-term load forecasting techniques. 285. S. Rahman and D. Hazim, A generalized knowledge based short term load forecasting techniques, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 8 (2) (1992) 5088514.

[J] Miscellaneous
286 Y. Akimoto, H. Tanaka, J. Yoshizawa, D.B. Klapper, W.W. Price and K.A. Wirgau, Transient stability expert system, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 4 (I) (1989) 312-320. Guides user in carrying out transient stability studies. G. Bretthauer, E. Handschin and W. Hoffmann, Expert systems application to power systems-state-of-the-art and future trends, Proc. ZFAC S,vmp. Control of Powr Plants and Power Systems, Munich, Germany, IFAC Symposia Series, 9 (1992) 4633468, Pergamon Press, Tarrytown, NY, USA, ISSN: 09629505, ISBN: O-08-041709-4. A. Carabules, Inferential hardware-software configurations for expert systems applicable to power engineering, ModeNing, Measurement Control A: General Physics, Electronics, Electrical Engineering, 52 (2) (1993) 37-45. P.G. Cardinal, Expert system for computer generation of cable, conduit and tray schedules for industrial power and control systems, Proc. 1994 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Technical Conf:. Zruirte, CA, USA, 1994, pp. 31-36, ISBN: 0-7803-1878-l. K.H. Choi, K.I. Nishiya. J. Hasegawa and K. Nara, Development of expert system assisting power system operators to determine deicing countermeasures against snow accretion on transmission lines, Electr. Eng. Japan, 111 (3) (1991) 57-68. M. Daneshdoosti and R. Shaat, PC based integrated software for power system education, IEEE Trans. Power SJrst., 4 (3) (1989) 128551292. M.B. Djukanovic, D.P. Popovic, D.J. Sobajic and Y.-H. Pao, Prediction of power system frequency response after generator outages using neural nets, IEE Proc. Gelteration, Transmission and Distribution, 140 (5) (1993) 389-398. M.A. EI-Sharkawi and R.J. Marks, What role can neural networks play in power system engineering?. IEEE Power Engineering Review, 14 (2) (1994) 12- 14. A. Germond (Convenor), An international survey of the present status and the perspective of expert systems on power system analysis and techniques, Electra, pp. 72293. A.J. Germond and D. Niebur, Survey of knowledge-based systems in power systems: Europe, Proc. IEEE, 80 (5) (1992) 732-744, ISSN: 0018-9219. 61 references. E. Hobson and G.N. Allen, Effectiveness of Artificial Neural Networks for first swing stability determination of practical systems, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 9 (2) (1994) 1062-1068. K. Iba, Reactive power optimization by genetic algorithm, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 9 (2) (1994) 685-692. Applied on 51 and 224 bus systems. G.D. Irisarri, M. Rafian, B.N. Miller and E.J. Dobrowolski, Heuristic Scenario Builder for power system operator training, Proc. IEEE, 80 (5) (1992) 6988711, ISSN: 0018-9219. W.E. Kazibwe and H.M. Sendaula, Expert system targets power quality issues, ZEEE Computer Applications in Power. 5 (2) (1992) 29-33. D.P. Kothari and A. Ahmad, Expert system approach to unit commitment problem, Proc. 1993 IEEE Region 10 Corz/: Computer, Communication, Control and Power Engineering, Beijing, China, pp. 5-8, 1993, IEEE Press. ISBN: o-7803-1233-3. Y.Y. Lubarskii, V.M. Nadtochii, R.S. Rabinovich, V.G. Ornov and M.G. Portnoi, Expert systems for power networks, Electrical Technology, l-3 (1991) I- 10, ISSN: 0965-5433. E.A. Mohamed and R.M. Hamouda, A knowledge based power system contingency selection techniques, ModeDing, Measurement Control A, 53 (2) (1993) 23-32, ISSN: 0761-2508. K. Onodera and Y. Katoo, Successful preventive maintenance program for an electric power plant, Proc. Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symp., Atlanta, GA, USA, 1993, pp. 146153, IEEE Press. ISSN: 0149-144X, ISBN: 0-7803-0943-X.



















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K.E. Bollinger

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304. J.M. Pelletier and A. Boyer, SESA an expert system for auxiliary power services design, Proc. IEEE Region IO Conf Computer. Communicution. Control und Power Engineering, Beijing. China, IEEE Press, 1993, pp. 3755378, ISBN: O-7803-1233-3. 305. T.M. Peng, G.G. Karady and D.K. Ranaweera, A knowledge based model for the study of power system steady-state operation. Electr. Power Syfst. Res., 21 (3) (1991) 231-239. 306. A. Petroianu. Major trends in Energy Management Systems, Elektron (Johannesburg), 7 (4) (1990) 9, 11~ 12. 307. S. Rahman, Artificial intelligence in electric power systems: A survey of the Japanese industry, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 8 (3) (1993) 1211~1218. Based on visit to 8 Japanese R and D laboratories, 100 references. 308. S. Rahman and M. Lauby. Identification of potential areas for the use of expert systems in power system planning, E.upert Systems with Applications, 6 (2) (1993) 203-212. 309. T. Ruokonen, Expert systems in the power industry-A future vision, Proc. American Control Co& San Diego. CA, USA, 1990. pp. 2000-2002, Publ. by American Automatic Control Council, Green Valley, AZ, USA (IEEE cat. no. 90CH2896-93, ISSN: 0743-1619. Advocates concept of a expert center. 310. J. Schlabbach. Expert system measures harmonics and EMC, IEEE Computer Applications in Porter, 7 (3) (1994) 2629. EMC is electromagnetic compatibility. 311. G.B. Sheble and G.N. Fahd, Unit Commitment Literature Synopsis. IEEE Trans. PoM,er Sj>st., 9 (I) (1994) 1288135. 80 references. 312 N. Singh and H. Glavitsch, Detection and identification of topological errors in online power system analysis, IEEE Trans. Power Syst.. 6 (2) (1991) 3244331. Tested in a real EMS environment. 313 D.J. Sobajic, Y.H. Pao and M. Djukanovic, Fast frequency assessments for memory-augmented static contingency analysis, E.upert System Application to Pou,er Systems, IV Proc., Melbourne. Vie., 1993. pp. 3322337. ISBN: O-646-12722-5. 314 D.J. Sobajic. Y.H. Pao and M. Djukanovic, Fast assessments of frequency transients for memory augmented static contingency analysis, Int. J. Engineering Intelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering and Communications, 1 (2) (1993) 67-74. 315 J. Spina, W. Meyer, J. Scherer and R.M. Wood, Commercial applications of knowledge based systems: initiatives in the electric power industry, Proc. 14th Annual Int. Computer Software and Applicutions Conf:. Chicago. IL. USA. 1990, pp. 420-423. IEEE Press (IEEE cat. no. 90CH2923-I). ISSN: 0730-6512. Approach is to build several kinds of technical support so that utilities themselves can develop expert systems. 316 Y. Sun. C.C. Liu. R.D. Christie, J. Nordstrom, M. Hofmann, G. Stemler and 1. Thurein, RETEX (RElay Testing Expert): An expert system for analysis of retesting data, IEEE Trans. Power De&., 7 (2) (1992) 9866994. 317 H. Tanka and T. Sakurai. Study of an operational intelligent systems application to power systems. Int. J. Engineering Intelligent Sj,stems fin Electrical Engineering and Communications, 3 (1) 1995 17-23. Describes the current status of intelligent system applications within Tokyo Electric Power to power systems. 318 T. Taylor and D. Lubkeman, Applications of knowledge-based programming to power engineering problems, IEEE Trans. Porter Sjat.. 4 (1) (1989) 3455352. Reviews prototype projects developed at North Carolina State University. 319 G. Torella, Expert systems for the diagnostic of auxiliary power units (A.P.U.), Dayton, OH. USA. 1992. pp. I-20, S.4E Technicul Paper Series, Pub]. by SAE. Warrendale, PA, USA. 920990. ISSN: 0148-7191. G.L. Torres and D. Mukhedkar, An expert system 320 B. Valiquette, based diagnosis and advisor tool for teaching power system operation emergency control strategies. IEEE Trans. Pon,er Syst.. 6 (3) (1991) 1315-1322. Improves student-computer interaction.

321. S.S. Venkata, Z. Sumic, S. Vadari and C.C. Liu, Applying Al systems in the TD arena, IEEE Computer Applications in Power, 6 (2) (1993) 29934. 322. J.G. Waight, K. Nodehi. A. Bose, E. Dobrowolski and R.G. Wasley, Transportable simulator trains control center operators, IEEE Computer Applications in Power, 5 (2) (1992) 23328. 323. K.P. Wong, Applications of artificial intelligence and expert systems in power engineering, Knowledge Engineering Reoiew, 5 (2) (1990) 1277140. Review article, 35 references. 324. K.P. Wong, Artificial intelligence and neural network applications in power systems, Proc. 2nd Int. Conj: Advances in Power System Control. Operation Management, Hong Kong, I (388) (1994) 37-46, IEE Press. Review article, 88 references.

[K] Books and conferences

for the Electric 325. J.A. Naser (Ed.). E.xpert Systems Applications Powver Industry, v.1 and 2, Pub]. by Hemisphere Publishing Corporation. 1990, ISBN: I-56032-102-4. 326. Proc. symposium on expert systems application to power systems; (2nd at Seattle in July 1989, 3rd in Tokyo/Kobe in April 1991, 4th in Melbourne, 1993). 327. Proc. Annual American Power Conf. (56th in 1994) ISSN: 0097-2126. 328. Proc. IEEE Annual Symp. Reliability and Maintainability. 329. Proc. Annual Frontiers of Power Conf. (26th in 1993), ISSN: 0730-7985. 330. Proc. IEEE Southeastcon. IEEE Press. ISSN: 0734-7502, ISBN: 0-7803-1257-O. 331. International Conf. Dev*elopments in Power System Protection (5th in 1993), IEE Press. ISSN: 0537.9987. ISBN: 0-85296-568-O. 332. Proc. IFAC Symp. Control of Power Plants and Power Systems, ISSN: 0962-9505. ISBN: 0-08-041709Pergamon Press. 4.333. Proc. American Control Conf., ISSN: 0743-1619, ISBN: O-7803-0210-9. 334. IEEE Power Industry Computer Application Conf. (17th in 1991). 335. Biennial Symp. Electric Industry Applications, IEEE Press, ISSN: 0378-7796. 336. Annual Rural Electric Power Conf. (35th in 1991), IEEE Press, ISSN: 0734-7464. 337. Midwest Symp. Circuits and Systems (33rd in 1990), IEEE Press. 338. International Conf. Power System Monitoring and Control, IEE Press. International Conf.. IEEE Press.340. Proc. An339. IEEE Regional nual North American Power Symp. (53rd in 1991), ISBN: O-8 186-2005-6. and Commercial Power Systems Technical 341. Proc. IEEE Industrial Conf., IEEE Press. 342. Proc. Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conf.-MELECON (7th in 1994), IEEE Press,

Acknowledgements Sanjay Madans graduate studies have been supported by the Canadian Commorn~~ealth Scholarship and Fellowship Award and by NSERC in Canada. He is also thankful to his employer M/s National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd., New Delhi, India, for allowing him to pursue his Ph.D. program at the Univeristy of Alberta.

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Sanjq Madan obtained his B.Sc. (EE) with Honors from Regional Engineering College, Kurukshetra University, India; M.Tech. (EE) from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India and M.Sc. (CS) from Univeristy of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada in 1987, 1989 and 1994 respectively. He is now a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Alberta. He has worked in a power utility in various capacities for more than three years. He served as a committe member for Bureau of Indian Standards for Power System simulation studies

and tools. His current research interests include Power Systems, Expert Systems and Data Mining. Kenneth E. Bollinger obtained his B.E. and M.Sc. from University of Saskatchewan in 1966 and 1968 respectively. He has been involved in teaching and research activity in power system control for the past three decades. He is involved in a consulting capacity with Canadian and US power companies when specialized problems in power control arise. He is a member of IEEE-PES and a P. Eng. in Alberta, Canada. He is now a professor emeritus in the department of electrical and computer engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.

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