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I dedicate this book and the story within it to my friends and family who have always supported me throughout

the years.

Table of Contents

Our Story Begins... .............................................................1 Meeting With the King........................................................8 The Mission..........................................................................18 Lucius the Black-Hearted.....................................................30 Departure............................................................................. 37 The Journey Begins... ...........................................................47 Shadow on the Plains..........................................................52 The Tragedy of Field's Heart..................................................56 Abigail................................................................................. 59 Into the Forest... .................................................................69 The Dragon's Cave................................................................85 Firebreath's Tour...................................................................112 The Mountains...Again.........................................................117 Cry of the Griffin..................................................................121 Brightwing's Tale................................................................126 Night in the Desert..............................................................133 Ambush in the Night............................................................140 Abigail's Ride.......................................................................145 Lucius' Fury.......................................................................... 156 The Lair............................................................................... 161 Battle in Lucius' Castle........................................................174 Nighthawk's Sacrifice...........................................................179 The Promise......................................................................... 188





Our Story Begins...

Destiny This word has a lot of meaning. What is it, an excuse for ones fate? Different people have different beliefs about this curious phenomenon. However, there is one thing that is certain; it has a way of finding us when were not looking. Usually, it comes through a series of clues, and sometimes, it comes to us all at once. In the tale you are about to hear, such an event happens to one very important person. He is a young boy named Jonias, and he is about to go on a journey that will change his life forever. At first he feels lost, and feels as though hes alone and incapable of completing the task, but with the help of his companions, he sheds these feelings and starts to believe in himself more and more as he travels along this new path his life has taken. Our story begins in a small village appropriately named Kings Village, located in the vast lands of God's Haven. It is a short horse ride, or walk as some prefer, from there to the castle of King Lawrence. His is one of countless kingdoms scattered across the land, and one of the smaller ones. The village has many inhabitants, regardless of its size, as well as an abundance of commerce. If one were to arrive from the castle, the first thing that might catch the traveler's attention after entering the gate is the noise of the towns markets. Every day, crowds of people, both citizens of King's Village and travelers from far away, flock around the rows of tables and stand under the multicolored awnings. The shopkeepers are friendly, but

some find them odd. Some of them, mainly the ones visiting from distant lands, wear colored robes and large turbans, and speak in unfamiliar languages. Others, though not so foreign, still appear rather odd upon first glance. People constantly come and go to buy, sell, and trade for various items, such as fruits and vegetables, herbs and spices, clothing and other linens, soap, candles, and animals. A short walk from the large merchant section of the village, and one can find the furnace owned by the village's blacksmith, Zeke. He runs a large stall that billows clouds of thick, black smoke every day. The sounds of him hammering away and whistling happily are common as he strives to make items of the best quality. Every so often, his apprentice can be seen carrying scrap metal or tools from one place to another; he isn't seen much as he prefers to remain behind the scenes, maintaining the stables, sorting materials, and so on. Zeke has a minor role in this story; he is Jonias father. He is a tall, but heavyset man and wears old pants and a white shirt with a work apron, heavily stained from wiping his hands on it and from the dust that comes from hammering away at a particular project. Although he can appear to be rather intimidating, hammering away on work that demands such a great deal of physical strength, he is actually extremely kindhearted. A further walk beyond that, and one would pass some small houses on one side and the tavern on the other. In addition to good food and drinks, the tavern also has a room where travelers can spend the night. Not many people show up here, due to the fact that a lot of suspicious people show up from time to time, but the place is full of lively conversations of those who are willing to stop by. This is one of many places where new rumors are spread or discussions about how things are going in a person's life are held.

Next door to the tavern is the hospital. It has a few rooms with a large dormitory with several beds that are finely made and usually, One can sometime find one or two people here, either resting after a long journey when the tavern is filled, or recovering from an illness or injury. The nurse can be seen, along with her assistant, running back and forth to make sure all of her patients and guests are properly taken care of. Past the hospital are some larger houses. These are where the wealthier families in the village live. While the smaller houses have a fence surrounding the back yard, usually with a few smaller animals, the larger houses often have a stable with a few larger animals, such as a horse or cow, as well as a number of small animals, such as chickens or goats. However, just like the smaller houses, a traveler can catch the sight of laundry being placed on a clothesline to dry or the smell of food being cooked. Past all of the houses and other buildings is the church and cemetery. The church is a small, yet impressive, building made out of fine white brick, and is decorated with a few small stained glass windows. People come here whenever a funeral, wedding, or regular service is being held, or when they need to talk to the priest about something. The church has one room, which is used for the services, and several rows of pews. These are no more than large, wooden benches with cushions attached to them; simple, yet more comfortable than regular chairs. The cemetery is quite a bit larger than the church. It is a vast grassy area directly next to the church with hundreds of rows of headstones, and even a few slate mausoleums. It has a large black fence surrounding it with a gate in the front, which is kept locked at night to keep thieves and other criminals out.

Finally, we come to Jonias. His house is in between the church and a few houses, and it only takes a few minutes to walk each way. Being the son of the blacksmith, his family is able to afford one of the larger houses. As it is still early morning, Jonias and his mother, Rose, are still in bed. Zeke leaves for work in the early hours of the morning and is sometimes gone most of the day, depending on how much work he has to do. But regardless of being in such a highly demanding and time-consuming position, the family is still able to spend time together. Jonias is a thirteen-year-old boy, but is rather small for his age. His short hair is dark brown, but the sunlight shining through the window made it appear as though it were almost tan-colored. The sunlight creeping through the window reaches his eyes, which causes him to wake with a start. He slowly pulls the blankets off and sits up, still halfasleep. He looks around the room briefly, yawns, and then gets up to change out of his night clothes, which were nothing more than light shorts. Once he finished changing, he decided to go out into the backyard, and enjoy the morning sunlight. Noticing his mother was not awake yet, he decided to feed the animals. First, he got some seed for the chickens. They were kept in a small wooden structure with wire mesh wrapped and stapled around the edges. Next, he went to take some grass to the goats. They were in a small fenced-in area of the yard. As he walked over to their pen, they noticed him approach and were suddenly excited. Once he fed them, he gave one of the smaller ones a pat on the head, and went over to where the hay was kept. He grabbed a bundle and heaved it over to a large wooden stable where two horses were kept. When he came over, they both stepped out and walked over to him. One was brown and had a black mane and tail

that both nearly touched the ground. The other, her foal, started excitedly running back and forth in the stable, nearly knocking Jonias over in the process. When the horses were both fed, he decided to sit inside the stable with them to relax. The heat of the sun had intensified in the short time it took to feed all of the animals and the stable provided muchneeded shade. When Jonias was well-rested, he went back inside. He made his way to the kitchen to find his mother making breakfast. Rose is a woman of average height with brown hair that went past her shoulders. She is a kindhearted woman who is willing to do what she needs to do to help her family. As soon as she noticed Jonias standing there, she looked over and told him, Im making your favorites: crisp bacon with scrambled eggs. Its almost ready. Knowing Zeke would be coming back long enough to get breakfast, and that he tends to have a bit of an appetite while working, she made sure to cook plenty of the delicious food. While the food was being finished, Jonias set the table, and soon, the two began eating their breakfast. It smelled heavenly, and Jonias was filled with renewed vigor as he ate, ready for whatever he needed to do that day. When they finished eating, they commenced with doing the remaining chores. This mainly included cleaning up the kitchen and getting the laundry started. Rose also made sure to set aside some food for Zeke when he arrived. When everything was done, the two sat down on the small couch in the living room. And now we wait for your father to get home, Rose said with a sigh. It had been around noon by this point, and sure enough, Zeke was home, and when he stepped in, he was immediately overcome with hunger from the smells of that mornings breakfast.

Mmmsmells nice. But before I eat, Ill need to wash up, he said, and laughed to himself. He left to take a shower, and a while later, he went to the kitchen to fill himself with the wonderful food. He had several large pieces of bacon and a few heaping spoonfuls of scrambled eggs. When he was done, he cleaned the dishes he used, and the three of them decided to go for a walk and enjoy the afternoon sunshine. Its a bit warm out today, but still; fresh air does a man good, Zeke mused. They walked down a small alley behind their house, which led to one of the back roads nearby. After walking for a while, they arrived at a tall oak tree, and sat down to rest in the shade. A few moments later, they could hear the strong, rapid beating of hooves on the dirt path. The three looked and saw a young man riding down the path on a large, white horse. He seems to be in a hurry, Zeke said when he noticed the man. When he noticed the three sitting there in the grass, he stopped. He dismounted from the horse and walked over. Im sorry for the interruption, he began, but I have a letter here from his majesty. Its addressed to you, Jonias. Me? Jonias asked. Yes, the messenger replied. You had better take a look at it. From the way the king was acting when he gave it to me, it sounds urgent. Jonias took the letter and read it over a few times. When he felt confident that he understood, he turned to his parents, and summarized the contents of the letter. The king wants me to see him. He doesnt say why, but he says it's imperative that I meet with him

at once. After doing so, he turned back to the messenger and said, Thank you, sir. The messenger turned and mounted his horse, and was soon riding away toward the castle. After the messenger was out of sight, Jonias and his parents headed home. His mind raced frantically during the short walk. This would not only be the first time Jonias had spoke to the king, but it would also be his first visit to the castle. Keeping these things in mind, he wanted to take great care in his preparations.

Meeting with the King

He had to hurry. He got the best clothes he had and changed into them. When he was ready, he went out to the stable in the backyard. He walked over and called the brown horse out, and naturally, its foal followed. A nudge from its mother made it walk back inside; it peeked out like a mischievous child usually does, which earned a silent chuckle from Jonias. He went to the shed where the riding equipment was kept and, seeing it, the brown horse followed him. The shed was more of a small cupboard, but somehow, it still fit everything they needed it to. He grabbed the thick leather saddle, worn from being used so many times, and the other necessary equipment. After he applied everything in the correct manner, he exited through the back gate and rode off toward the castle. The ride was fairly easy. It was a straight, but narrow road, and was very smooth. As he rode, he pondered many things about why the king summoned him. Maybe he wants me to be a knight in his court, or maybe he wants me to marry his daughter, or maybe he He continued to ponder things like this as he rode, getting closer and closer to the castle. The time flew by and before long, he was at the castle gates, and was immediately overcome with awe once he saw them. They were made of brass rods that had been welded together and painted in the shiniest gold paint and adorned in the finest of gems. A guard in ornate silver and bronze armor stood at each side. Once they noticed him riding toward the gates, they called out to him.

Halt! the first one said. State your business! demanded the other. "I have a letter from the king. He requests to see me as soon as possible," he stammered. Then he shakily took the letter from his pocket and presented it to them. The first guard took the letter and read through it a few times, and once he was finished reviewing and scrutinizing it, he nodded to the other guard, then turned back to Jonias and spoke again, a bit more calmly this time. "Very well. Follow me," he said, and escorted Jonias inside the gates, and stopped when they were in front of the huge marble castle. "OK, this is where I leave you. You can leave your horse in that stable over there," he said, indicating a large wooden building. "May good fortune be upon you and those close to you and may you gain knowledge from your meeting," he said before walking away. Thank youfriend, Jonias thought. As the guard walked toward his position at the gate, Jonias rode over to the stable and dismounted. It looks much bigger when you're standing in front of it. The stable is a large white building that shows no unique features or fancy decorations. The inside is just as plain, but there was plenty of space, so it didn't matter. There were a few other horses already in there. He walked over to one of the larger stalls where a mare, a stallion, and two foals were sleeping. He decided to walk away and let them rest. He found an empty stall and led his horse inside. She didn't seem too nervous, though was curious of her new surroundings. He spoke to her in a reassuring voice.

"Shh Just relax. You won't be here for very long. I have to go talk to the king. Once I'm finished, I'll come right back here. You deserve a good rest, and if you get lonely, you can go visit those others over there," he indicated the stall with the four horses he saw before, and she seemed to understand, "but they're sleeping right now, so don't disturb them." He gave her a quick pat on the neck, and she returned the gesture by putting her head on his shoulder, their way of giving someone a hug. He returned the gesture, and stood there for a short time, then stepped back and turned to leave. However, before leaving, he took off all of the riding equipment and put it in the spaces provided, then said goodbye and walked back toward the castle. The way back seemed longer than before. When he finally made it, he stood and looked up at the entrance. He wasn't just nervous; he was afraid, though he was in truth more afraid of what the king had wanted to discuss with him, of all people. The castle towered over him and he suddenly felt as though he was the size of a mouse. He stood there for a few moments, which actually felt like a few hours. He took a few deep breaths, opened the massive doors, and stepped inside. He was astonished by the scene that met his eyes once he was inside. The room he found himself in, the entrance hall, was decorated with all sorts of fancy fabrics and glittering gems that reflected the warm glow of the sunlight. The floor had a carpet made of velvet crimson that spanned across the whole room. The rails on the stairways were made from wood, but framed in pure silver. The walls were covered at various intervals with many large and colorful paintings and tapestries. The stained glass windows seemed to amplify both the sunlight coming in from outside and also the light that


was already being reflected by the room's decorations, and at the same time give the room the appearance of a rainbow. All the fears Jonias had seemed to melt away, and he was hypnotized by the beauty before him; he was ecstatic! This place is beautiful! he thought. What I would give to live here, or any place as beautiful as this. I can't wait to see the look on everyone's faces when I tell them about this place! After a few moments, he was stirred from his reverie by a sudden grip of reality. Jonias shook himself vigorously and thought, There's no time to be daydreaming! I have an urgent meeting I have to attend to! I have to get going! Frantically, he began looking around for a way to the king's room. At first he didn't know where to look, but after a few minutes of scanning the room, he decided to try one of the staircases. When he went up to the next floor, he walked back and forth down the many long hallways, checking each of their rooms as he passed them. Sometimes he would come to an empty room, and other times, there would be someone in there. A few times he did stop to chat with one of the people he saw, but once again, the voice inside his head chided him, and he resumed his search somewhere else. This castle is so big! It's almost like a maze! he thought as he searched. He made his way to another staircase, but all of the rooms up here were empty except for a variety of different items, from extra furniture to the next year's supply of food and things of other unknown importance. After a few more minutes of seemingly fruitless searching, he gave up, admitting to himself that he was definitely lost.


I'll never find his room! I don't know where anything in this castle is. I guess I should have visited this place a bit more often, he joked. The townspeople were never called to the castle, except in special circumstances; almost like this one, except they were often informed of why they were being summoned either in the letter they received, or by the messenger who gave them the letter. Though he was disheartened by not being able to find his destination, Jonias trudged along, hoping that he would find the king's room at least by accident. As he began to backtrack once again, reexamining the pictures and decorations he saw along the way, he received a rather unexpected, but welcome surprise. A servant passing by one of the rooms called out to him, "Excuse me, sir, are you lost?" Jonias replied with an unintentional hint of rudeness, "Yeah, hopelessly lost." "So, what is it you're looking for, then?" "The king sent me a letter requesting me to meet with him, he began, showing the letter to the servant, and so here I am, but I can't find his room. I've searched almost everywhere, but I can't seem to find it. This place is so big!" "I understand completely, the servant said with a laugh, and finished with, Follow me." "Really?" "Yes. I've lived here most of my life with my family, so I know this castle really well. I know where the king's room is, and I would be more than happy to take you there." "Thanks a lot!"


The two began walking and as the servant led him down one hallway after another, Jonias suddenly felt like he was back in familiar surroundings. Didn't I just walk this way? he thought as they passed the hallway with the extra stuff in its rooms. When they turned down a hallway that was lined with portraits of previous kings, Jonias thought, I could have sworn that this was a dead end. I guess not. After a few short minutes of passing the portraits and a few other rooms along the way, the two arrived at their destination. "Here it is," the servant began. "What the king wants to talk to you about is none of my business, but I feel it is a great honor to be summoned by him, so make the most of it. Be sure to remember your manners when you speak to him, and don't be afraid. He's one of the nicest kings we've ever had here, trust me. He'll take care of you." "Thank you so much," Jonias replied. The servant dismissed Jonias' gratitude with a quick response and a laugh. "No problem at all. As I said before, I'm glad to help. I'm a servant, so escorting people is one of many things I'm asked to do, but lately, it seems as though all I've accomplished lately is milling about randomly, as you saw, and generally being bored. Anyway, I'm rambling. You have an important meeting that can't be delayed any longer, so I'll see you later, I guess? Bye, then." After the servant was finished, he turned and walked back in the direction the two had come from. When the servant was out of sight, Jonias turned back and faced the room with a great sense of apprehension. Once again, his mind was filled with thoughts of fear, doubt, and confusion. What does he want to talk to me about? I guess the only way to find out is to go in, but I don't


know if that would be the best thing to do. Maybe I'll wait out here for him to come and get me. Almost immediately after, a thought of realization rang through his mind, and nullified his worry. What am I thinking? He's not going to come out here and get me! I have to go in myself. I can't be afraid. I just have to remember what the servant told me. With that thought, as well as the servant's statements from before ringing in his ears, he gathered up his courage and took a few steps towards the door. Out of all of the other doors he saw, this one was the most extravagant. It was made of finely-polished oak wood that was framed in the finest gold he had ever seen and at regular intervals of the radiant surface were many small gemstones of various colors and shapes, and the whole door had been emblazoned with the crest of a lion that seemed to jump off of the door and into the hall. This door was also the tallest and widest. He mused to himself that it might be big enough to allow a giant to enter without much difficulty at all. After examining the door and all of its magnificent decorations for a while, he shook himself, and stepped toward the door, choosing to pass through, rather than allow himself to be entranced by its splendor. Cautiously, he reached toward the beautiful surface with its many colors and shapes, and was surprised to find that when he touched the wood of the door, it didn't feel like wood at all; instead it felt like he was touching either one of the soft tapestries he saw earlier or a soft metal of some kind. He relaxed a bit as he reached for the finely crafted door handle. It was made of a polished brass-like metal, and was a bronze color. He took a few deep breaths as he grasped the handle in one hand. It felt cold to the touch; Jonias

thought that it was his fear that made it feel that way. With a great deal of effort, he turned the knob and pushed the door open, and immediately froze; when he opened the door, there was a creak loud enough to wake the dead. He nervously stepped into the room, and when he did, he was overwhelmed. His first thought was, Never in my entire life have I ever seen anything so beautiful! When he stepped in, he was greeted by an image that people only ever see in their most wondrous dreams. The carpet was of a bright emerald green color that seemed to sparkle when the sunlight touched it. Also in the room were a large couch with a few large chairs. All four of these items were the same emerald green color as the carpet and were embroidered with a fine gold thread. On the back of each, he noticed a prominent tree pattern that was sewn on in ivory white thread. Transfixed by the beautiful appearance of the furniture, he suddenly had a desire to take a nap on the couch. As he started to approach it, thoughts of seriousness reprimanded him and he froze in place as they played through his mind. Wait a moment! I don't have time to take a nap, let alone daydream. Find the king and see what he wants. That's what I need to do right now. There will be plenty of time to sleep later. He shook himself back to reality after a few moments, and sighed before turning to find the king. As he followed the path indicated by the gold patterns embroidered on the edges of the emerald carpet, he was left speechless as he walked, suddenly feeling as though he was in a large hallway; not a room. The carpet was still emerald green, but in the middle of the carpet was a long strip of a darker green color bordered with a neat row of diamonds and pearls and trimmed in gold and silver. The light


reflected by everything here was indescribable. Along the walls were multiple green tapestries similar to the ones that he saw in the entrance hall. He looked back and forth as he walked down the path marked with delicate and expensive material, and thought to himself, This must be the way. His instincts confirmed this, and as he kept walking forward, unconsciously guided by a force from above, his eyes fell upon a great golden throne decorated with all sorts of rubies, sapphires, emeralds, and other precious stones. Sitting in the throne was the king himself. He was an old man dressed in great flowing robes that matched the color and embroidery style of the rooms carpeting. Upon his head of coarse, gray hair sat a large golden crown. On each of the crowns points was a diamond that looked as though it contained a portion of the purest sunlight. His face was that of a typical king; kind, but solemn. He had his hands rested in his lap and when he saw Jonias coming, he stood up and approached him. Then all was still. Neither of them spoke for minutes, which actually felt like hours, until King Lawrence broke the silence by saying, Welcome, Jonias. Im sure youre wondering why I called you here. I'll get to that. There is no time to waste. We have much to discuss. These words caused the previous thoughts and feelings of anxiety and curiosity to return. What could he possibly wish to tell me? What sorts of things do we have to discuss? Lawrence seemed to be able to read his thoughts. "You're wondering what we have to talk about, I assume?"


Jonias nodded. "It's a quest; a life or death mission of sorts, that I need you to complete on the behalf of not only me, but all of God's Haven. It will require all of the courage you possess, as well as a few other important skills you'll have to learn on the way." "What sort of mission? Why me?" Listen carefully, and Ill tell you.


The Mission
Before I give you the details of this mission, I must start back from the beginning, the king said, to which Jonias respectfully nodded; allowing the king to continue. Many years ago, there was a powerful mage known as Lucius. He always had a lot of potential, even in his youth. Sadly, he began to show interest in dark magic. He was warned of the risks, and had been told many times that such magic is forbidden, but he insisted on learning how to use it. No tutor will ever teach such things, and the books containing these dark spells are hidden away where nobody could ever hope to find them. After pausing to give Jonias a chance to understand what had been said so far, King Lawrence continued speaking. As time passed, Lucius grew more powerful, insane, and ambitious. Not only did he wish to be the most powerful wizard alive, but at this point he had his eyes set on using his magic to gather an army of followers, hoping to use this army along with his own dark power to overthrow every kingdom across the land, and become the sole ruler of God's Haven. So what does this have to do with me? Jonias asked. Nearly fifteen years ago, Lucius attempted his conquest of the entire land. Many lives were lost, many towns, kingdoms, and villages were erased from existence, and everyone prayed for a miracle. I was an assistant to the previous king of this castle at the time, so I remember those events all too well. Lucius, known at this point in the war he had

declared upon us as Lucius the Black-Hearted, had made his way here, killing those who fought back or refused to join him along the way. He threatened to destroy this castle and everyone in it if he wasn't given total surrender, but the king refused to stand down. He was able to hold Lucius back for a time, but sadly the war had taken its toll on our fighters. We were losing fast, but the king still had hope. He inspired us to have faith when there was none, and in time, our faith was rewarded, and we had the miracle we were praying for. The king had somehow learned the secret behind Lucius' power, and had thought of a plan to utilize it. In the end, the king had sacrificed himself, but it wasn't done in vain; the king successfully drained Lucius' power, and the dark mage was forced to retreat, disappearing before he could be captured. The king called me over to him as his life slowly faded away. His first dying wish was that I was to be the new king, and to help restore all that was lost in this tragedy. From there, he spoke to me, almost as though he were in a trance. He told me that in time, Lucius would regain his lost power and attempt to overthrow all the kingdoms of God's Haven once again, but his efforts would not escalate as far as they had back then. He said that a chosen warrior would appear and destroy Lucius, thus freeing everyone of his tyranny forever. Jonias, you are that warrior. Once the king had finished, Jonias could do nothing but stare wide-eyed at the king; the terrible truth behind what he had just heard cut like a knife straight to the heart. Through his fear, Jonias managed to say, He's a madman with a lot of power I could never hope to possess. How am I supposed to confront someone like that?


Lawrence's face became grave. He looked at Jonias, and attempted an explanation while finishing his story in the process. I'm not exactly sure how you will win this fight, but you will be victorious when the time comes. For about a week now, I've been having dreams that the time has come for you to step forward and prepare yourself. In them, an angelic voice, almost like that of the king from fifteen years ago, has told me that you alone are the one. You, as the chosen warrior, have to fight to return peace to the land, and I must equip you with the knowledge and tools you need. Lucius has regained his power, and has begun his assault once again. This hasn't been officially confirmed, but in my heart, I know it's him. I've received word of mysterious attacks on a couple of the other kingdoms, saying that a few people were seriously injured, and that those were injured couldn't describe their attacker either due to fear or simply not knowing what they look like. Jonias calmed down, and said, So this is why I was summoned here, then. Everything you have just told me is the knowledge you were supposed to equip me with. Yes, was the king's reply. I know I can't turn away now, but I can't make this journey alone! Jonias exclaimed. Of course not, the king said. While you alone will be the one to confront Lucius in the end, you will need allies to accompany you on this journey. Have no fear, young one. I will be sending three of my best knights to accompany you on this difficult task. I have made sure they are ready. You'll be in good hands with them. Wait here for a moment. He turned and walked towards his throne, then stopped by an emerald chair in


the corner of the room where a servant was seated. This servant was a young girl who looked up happily when the king addressed her. Lawrence knelt down, and whispered something in her ear. She nodded and smiled, indicating that she understood. Go ahead and send them in," he said to her. Knowing what to do, she happily stood up and left the room. After the young girl left, Lawrence went back to his throne and sat down. "You seem a bit tense, he said to Jonias. Why don't we go sit down by the window. I think you'll find it much more comfortable after standing on your feet for so long, especially after everything you've just been told, and I'm sure you've been pretty active prior to coming here, as well. Jonias couldn't believe what he was hearing. He smiled and said, I have had a rather eventful day so far. Thank you. After they walked to the front of the room, Lawrence turned two of the chairs sideways so he could see the door and also so he and Jonias could look out the window. After moving the chairs, he invited Jonias to sit down in the chair closest to the window. Lawrence then sat in the chair by the door. The cushioning in the chair felt like clouds, and Jonias felt like he would sink right through the chair to the floor if it hadn't been a solid piece of furniture. He really felt he was dreaming now, even thought this was clearly not a dream. Lawrence spoke again after the two were seated and comfortable. "You recall that I was speaking with a servant, correct?" "Yes."


"I was telling her to send in the three knights I mentioned to you beforehand. They were busy training in the barracks; as I mentioned before, I have saw to it that they were ready to make this journey with you. As they are among the best I have in my service, they're the only ones I would entrust a mission as serious as this to. Jonias was at a loss for words. "Thank you very much, Your Majesty," he replied. "It is my great responsibility to make sure you have everything you need, even more so, seeing as I, too, have been given special instructions from one even greater than all of us." A few moments later, there was a knock at the door, to which Lawrence replied Enter! The door opened, and the servant walked in followed by three armored men. Lawrence nodded and uttered a word of thanks to the servant, and dismissed her. Smiling, she left, gently closing the door behind her. The three knights walked into the room and stopped, and Lawrence stood up and approached them. Jonias was overcome by the sight of the knights standing before him. As soon as he saw them, he immediately felt a great sense of security. One of them spoke. "You summoned us, Your Majesty?" Lawrence read the expression on Jonias' face and, smiling, took some time to introduce the three knights standing before them. Jonias, the men you see here are Isaiah, Matthias, and Lionheart. They will be accompanying you on your journey." Jonias looked at the three with a visible expression of awe and respect. He got up from the chair, and walked over to stand next to the king.


As Jonias looked at the three knights, he suddenly felt a great aura of protection emanating from them. All three had magnificent armor crafted from pure metal, but Jonias wasn't looking at just that; he was looking at the whole picture: both the magnificent suits of armor, and the man inside each one. Words cannot describe the effect created by the presence of the three knights; all three filled the room with their mightiness, and looked as though they could each be one of the legendary knights children heard about from their parents and from distant travelers. Isaiah was wearing pure silver armor that reflected the rainbow colors of the sun shining through the stained glass window. On his breastplate was an emblem of the moon. His face was partially concealed by the visor that covered it, but Jonias could still see fire in his eyes; he was anxious to get going. Matthias also had silver armor, but his breastplate had an emblem of an eagle. Also, he was holding his helmet at his side, making his head and face visible. His face had a youthful appearance to it and his hair, though it didn't look like it because of the light coming through the window, was a deep brown color and just barely shoulder length. Jonias felt as though he was staring at an angel or some other omnipotent being once he saw Lionheart. He had solid gold armor on that had a scarlet cape fastened at the shoulders. His breastplate bore an emblem of a lion upon it, and he, just like Matthias, was holding his helmet at his side, so his head and face were both visible. Upon first glance, one would see the face of a young man, but a closer look would reveal a face aged from years of experience as a knight; it can be assumed that he is a born warrior. His long, blond


hair flowed to halfway between his shoulders and waist, and a thick mustache adorned his face. From Jonias' perspective, all light seemed to radiate from Lionheart. After introducing the three knights, Lawrence introduced the knights to the one they would be protecting for the duration of the journey ahead. "Everyone, this is Jonias. He is the young man I told you about before. You all know what is at stake here. I have informed him of the situation at hand, but now I place him in your capable hands. You must protect him at all costs." They all nodded to show that they understood, and after the king had finished, Lionheart spoke. It is an honor to meet you, indeed, but from what our king described to us, time is unfortunately not on our side. Now, young Jonias, shall we begin? Youll have to go back into town and pack some things, of course. Well go with you, as we've already packed. We'll have to be as quick as possible. After Lionheart's words, Lawrence addressed them Jonias and the three knights. "Be safe on your journey, all of you. You will be kept in my prayers. I anticipate a swift return. I believe in you all, especially you, Jonias; don't let the evil win. Go forth and be valiant in your fight, and remember to have faith, even in times when it appears as though there is nothing to have faith in." After his deep and inspiring message, the four left. Once they had made their way outside, they stopped by the entrance. Jonias quickly told them, "Before we leave, I have to go back to the stable and get my horse. I can't go anywhere without a ride, and I don't think my parents would be too happy if I came back without her."


The others left to do the same. "Yeah, we understand. We keep ours in the barracks stables. We'll meet back here, and then we can head into town," Matthias said. After that, the group dispersed; Jonias trudged toward the massive white building, while the knights traveled in the opposite direction towards the barracks. When Jonias made it to the stable, he stopped, stood outside the stable for a short moment, then finally opened the door and went inside. He walked over to where he left his horse, and was relieved to find her asleep and snoring softly. Quietly, he opened the stall door, and walked in. The straw felt like soft grass as he stepped over it. He walked over to where she lay, and knelt down beside her. Gently, he placed one hand on her side and the other on her long, brown-colored face. She stirred when she felt his soft touch, and opened her eyes. When she looked up at him, he spoke to her in hushed whispers. "Shh, I told you I'd be back. We have to get home quickly. I don't have time to explain, but we'll be traveling with a few knights. They're all getting their horses from the barracks right now. We'll be meeting up with them before we head back to town. We won't be staying long, however. I've just found out that I've been chosen to be a great hero. We should head back to the castle; the others might already be waiting for me." Once he finished speaking, he stood up, and collected the riding equipment from the shelf. His horse stood up and walked over so he could put everything back on, and once the saddle and other equipment was in place, he led the horse back outside, mounted, and rode back towards the castle. Within a few moments, the knights had returned, and all four were ready to go; however, before they departed, Lionheart spoke for the knights. "It should only take us a

few minutes to town. However, since we don't know exactly where your family lives, we'll let you lead us there. Don't worry, we'll be sure to explain to your parents what's going on. Also, while having serving as an escort or as a bodyguard is new to us, we are used to traveling; especially for combat purposes. In the past we've fought some pretty brutal wars, though you probably can't tell with us having all this armor on, but you have nothing to fear; we are quite capable of defending ourselves. If we weren't, we would've already met our unfortunate ends. We will make sure the task is completed successfully, and we will give our lives to protect you, if we must. Well, enough talk. Let us be off!" After Lionheart's stirring address, the four of them rode back through the castle gates, and were on the path back to town. As they rode along the dirt path, Jonias, still somewhat numb from everything he the king had told him, began to worry. It felt as though the journey took hours, rather than minutes, due to how tense things had just become. As they progressed closer to the town, his mind immediately went to thoughts of sadness and anxiety. A lot had happened in just that one day; a lot more than he usually experiences. Getting to visit the castle, speak to the king, and meet some of the royal knights was like a dream come true. Finding out that he was the chosen warrior, as King Lawrence had stated, however, would take some time to accept. Having to face a dark wizard in battle was something that made him feel uneasy; he had no magic powers to speak of, nor had he ever known anyone with magic powers. To make matters worse, he had never been involved in any kind of battle, nor had he received any kind of battle training, having felt that it wasn't necessary during this time of peace. Knowing that we was headed toward a


battle that was heavily in his opponent's favor placed an indescribable sense of fear upon him. Having three of the king's best knights eased his fear slightly, but if it came down to a battle of spells rather than swords, they would be at a great disadvantage. On top of that worry, the thought of not seeing his parents for a long time, or worse, never again, was too much to handle. He rode in silence, concerned about the role he was now in. I don't think I can do this, but what choice do I have? I have to accept my fate. I am the chosen one, so there is no turning back. The prophecy the king told me abouta prophecy mentioned in the previous king's dying wordsdid mention me, after all, and by name, too. I only hope that my parents don't worry about me too much, but knowing that I could possibly lose my life; knowing that they could lose their only son I just can't imagine how they'll handle it. I can't imagine any parent being able to stay strong in such a situation. That very concern is enough to ignite fear into even the most hardened warriors, I think; however, I'm no warrior. I guess I just have to let things happen on their own. I have no control over that, so I probably shouldn't worry too much. The king said I would be victorious when the time came, and until then, I have these guys protecting me, so things should end well. After what felt like an eternity to Jonias, he was back in the village with the three knights still with him. They looked side to side, and Jonias felt a bit of relief as he saw the people and places that he knew so well. He stopped and looked over at the busy marketplace for a moment, then continued moving toward his house. The four of them rode past the tavern, hospital, the furnace used by the blacksmith, and a number of houses. As they passed, people looked on nervously, wondering why three knights would be coming


here, while some cast nervous glances towards Jonias; clearly they were rather curious as to why he had three of the king's knights following him. A short time later, they reached their destination. They all dismounted, and Jonias approached the front door. Time seemed to stand still as he reached out and knocked on the front door, not knowing how to explain to his parents that he would be gone for maybe a few months or even longer. A few moments after he knocked, the door opened and his mother was standing there, ready to greet them. Youre finally back. I was beginning to worry," his mother said, before noticing the three knights. Once she saw them, she asked, Who are they? The knights introduced themselves, and Rose replied, It's nice to meet you. Thank you for helping my son get home safely. Matthias spoke. "We apologized for arriving so late. Your son had a rather important matter to discuss with the king. "Don't worry about it too much, Rose told him. A part of me knew my son would be gone a while. A meeting with the king is always an important matter, and he makes sure to cover every detail, so you never know how long it will take." Matthias agreed with a laugh, and thanked her. "So, what did he say?" Rose asked Jonias. You look worried about something. This time, Lionheart spoke. We had better go inside. I feel that you have a right to know what transpired, but I'll let your son fill you in on the details.


Rose helped the four of them get the horses to the back yard, and all five of them went into the kitchen afterward. "You're father had to go back to work shortly after you left, she told Jonias. One of those special requests he usually gets sometimes." Then, after getting each of them something to drink, she sat down at the table, and listened as Jonias began to describe his conversation with the king, making sure he remembered everything the king had said to him.


Lucius the Black-Hearted

He paced back and forth in his dark chamber. He was impatient about something. Lucius the Black-Hearted cursed the air for no apparent reason, and he continued to rant and rave about his previous attempt at conquest. Almost fifteen long years ago, he tried claiming these lands as his own, and he was stopped from doing so, much to his frustration. Remembering that he was stopped by that one king that refused to surrender annoyed him, but he was satisfied that the elderly ruler had been dealt with. The room seemed to cool Lucius a bit, but he was still agitated due to his previous failure. He vowed that he would gather an army to make the land his, much like he did all those years ago, but this one would be much larger and far more intimidating. Having succeeded in restoring his powers in recent times, he decided it was the perfect time to strike. Venturing to some of the kingdoms closer to his own domain, he decided to have a little fun with some easier spells. He had created a false assassin using a simple illusion spell, and ordered it to follow him from one village to another, giving it strict orders to stay hidden in the shadows, and attack when nobody was watching. None of the victims were killed, but this was intentional; Lucius' plan is to launch a full attack while they're all busy trying to sort out these mysterious attacks. The chamber he stood in, which he used as his throne room, was pretty much always kept pitch black. There was a single dying candle on one of the walls, but that didn't


bother Lucius. The room has no windows, so absolutely no light is able to come in from outside, either. The only furniture in the room was the chair he sat in; it was slightly too small and in far too poor condition to actually be called a throne; and a single tall bookshelf filled with all sorts of spellbooks, worn and dusty from age, and some hadn't been used in years. He moved his deep, black eyes about this room, apparently looking for something else to focus on, though it is unknown how he is able to actually see anything through this veil of darkness. This room is one of many countless rooms in what he calls his "castle." The unique part about it, however, is that it is not actually a castle. It is actually one of many volcanoes that were at one time active, but now lie dormant as they have for many, many years. Of all of the volcanoes in the area, this is the largest. However, even though the volcanoes have all been dormant for who knows how long, the immense heat can still be felt, and the deathly smell of sulfur and thick clouds of volcanic ash also remain. Because of the stifling heat and poor air conditions, no plant or animal life exists there. The arid lands are avoided, even by experienced travelers. On top of the inhospitable conditions, Lucius was able to create a moat around the volcano he claimed as his castle. Because of the temperature of its surroundings, the moat is able to inflict serious burns on anyone that would fall in. Though there is a drawbridge over the castle's main entrance, it is hardly used and. In the event that someone were to make it safely over the moat, most likely by finding a way over the drawbridge, and get inside the volcano, they would then have to make their way through the labyrinth inside, which could easily take an eternity, due to the


absence of any kind of light source. In other words, getting to Lucius was an extremely difficult task. Lucius pulled up his large, jet black hood and began to walk toward the "throne," his robes, which were also the same jet black color, flowed as he walked, even though there was no real wind. It is extremely difficult to get a good look at him, partly because of the blackness of the robes he wears, and also partly because of the darkness of the room, but perhaps that was for the better. He's the type of being a person would only encounter in the worst of nightmares. His skin is rather pale from staying hidden in the shadows of darkness a lot, and his face is drawn and sunken, like that of an old man, but he was far from old. Actually, he was a young man who had been aged by the elements, particularly the strain his magic caused to his body and to his mind. After he walked over to his "throne," he sat down, and began to think deeply. He was immediately relaxed as soon as he sat down, either by the dark surroundings, or for some other unknown reason. He spoke to himself, albeit rather quietly, and with what seemed like a great deal of difficulty and pained effort. His voice was extremely raspy, like that of someone who hasn't spoken in a long time. Now, there has to be a way I can extend my rule faster," he rasped. "I've gotten their attention, thanks to my clever plan of using my own assassin, created by magic, to cause panic among them. While they try to figure out who or what is doing this, I'll be biding my time, growing stronger with each passing moment. I'll become the king of this whole land, and nobody will be able to stop me this time! The single lit torch in the room, being mere moments from burning out, created an ominous, almost demonic, glow around

Lucius as he spoke to himself, and laughed after his declaration. He then sat in silence for what felt like hours upon hours, then finally, when he had finally gotten an idea in his evil mind, he moved a bit. Ah ha! he shouted after getting an idea, and quickly he stood up from wrecked perch he called a throne. I know a way I can really put some fear into the hearts of those fools, and I won't even have to leave this room. As soon as he said this, he stood up from the ruined chair. After he got up, he began to walk over to one of the large bookshelves. Once he was there, he scanned its contents for one of the bigger books. Once he found the one he was looking fora large, onyx-colored tome that was bound in leather cracking from age and colored black from what appeared to be some massive fire damagehe took it and sat back down in his shoddy "throne." He opened it up after brushing the thick layers of dust off and scanned its many pages for a spell he could use to fulfill his wicked desires. There was one spell in particular that he wanted to find. One that would allow him to attack without actually having to leave the volcano-labyrinth castle; a means of indirectly conquering the land; of course, he still planned to do most of the attacking himself, and consequently planned to do so on this particular night. After a few long minutes of searching the massive volume, he finally found the spell he wanted. He silently uttered the spell to summon one of the assassins from earlier, then began to read over the spell he had found in the book. He cast the dark spell, directing it at the fake human figure in front of him, and in a matter of moments, this new spell began to have its effect.


The room was filled with a flickering light and a swirling cloud of black smoke. The cloud began to envelope the assassin's body as though it were a silk cloth being wrapped around the assassin by some invisible figure. The assassin made no movement; no cry of pain or other indication of any kind of effect. Patiently watching and waiting, Lucius looked back at the book, and back at the figure before him. Within moments, the figure had been transformed into something different. The new being that had been created by the effect of this mysterious spell was almost like the smoke that enveloped it: a dark and ethereal presence that filled the pitch black room. Lucius had uttered a transfiguration spell. The evil magic had transformed the false assassin into a new creature: a shade. The shade wore a ragged black cloak, its face concealed by the large black hood. As it stood on the cold earthen floor, black fog seemed to emanate from its hands and feet, and its robes rippled as though an icy wind blew through them. Satisfied by his dark handiwork, Lucius conjured a few more of these beings into existence. A few moments later, he had finished. Impressed with the plan he had suddenly conjured up, he laughed to himself, then got up and carried the book back to its shelf. He then sat the massive spellbook back on the shelf, and turned to face the small group of shades before him. He looked at the first one he had summoned, then to each of the other five, then took a step back, and addressed them. All of you, he began, have been summoned here to continue the panic that I have started. I have attracted the attention of all those other fools, but I feel that the time has come to step things up a bit. I need to spread my influence

quicker. It is for that reason that I am sending all of you in my place. Before, I took one assassin with me, and kept my presence hidden while the assassin was sent to attack. For this phase of my plan, however, I feel that it is necessary for me to stay and observe your progress from here. Once he said this, he turned to face his throne, and, with his hands held out in front of him, whispered a few short words. Within moments, a black stone basin, full of water, materialized. Turning back to the shades, he continued. This, he said, indicating the stone basin, is what I shall use to watch you. I will use my magic to summon you back here if I feel you have completed my orders, or if the situation calls for a retreat. Let us hope the latter isn't necessary, for your sake. He stood in silence briefly, then looked at the first shade he had summoned. You! he shouted. Come forth. The shade did as commanded. Lucius addressed his follower. No army is complete without a commander. You will be the commander of this small army. But first He placed his hand on the shoulder of the creature before him, and uttered a quick spell. Soon, this shade was wearing a different outfit altogether. The shade no longer wore tattered black robes; it now wore a full suit of armor. The armor was made of an unknown black metal and adorned with crimson spikes on sections of the arms and legs. A blood red cape flowed from the shade commander's shoulders. The helmet was all black, except for a dark red plume on top. The shade's evil yellow eyes shone through the visor. The shade gripped the handle of the greatsword at his waist; the dark knight was ready to obey whatever orders he was given. You are now ready to lead your army, Lucius said as he admired the knight of darkness that now stood before him.

Before you can go anywhere, I must give you your orders. I am going to send you from one town or village to another. Once you have arrived, you are to pass through, and do whatever you must in order to get the attention of their ruler. My goal is to use the element of fear to demoralize these fools, and ultimately force them to submit to my will. He cackled, then uttered a spell that gave each of the other five shades a suit of armor made of the same black metal as their commander's. Finally, he told them, Don't forget that I will be watching you! before casting a spell to teleport them to their first destination: a nearby village known as Twilight Field. Once they were gone, Lucius returned to his throne, and cast a scrying spell upon the surface of the water that filled the black stone basin. It immediately began to glow, and the shade-knights could now be seen setting off to do as they were ordered, their commander leading the way. Lucius the Black-Hearted was back, and stronger than before!


So, that madman is at it again? Rose whispered, a slight trace of fear in her voice. According to what the king told me, Jonias replied. "It's up to me to stop him. I have to leave as soon as possible. According to the prophecy he described to me, only I have the power to destroy Lucius," he felt a sense of fear mixed with confidence as he recited the king's words. Well, I guess it cant be helped. If you were mentioned in a prophecy, then what power do we have to argue? You have my full support. I believe in you, my son. Get back as soon as you can and be safe. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers, Rose told him. Jonias lifted his backpack, weighed down by some clothing and other belongings he had packed as well as some supplies Rose had given him to take along, and strapped it on, but before he left, he turned to his mother, and looked at her. He made sure to get a good look at his mother's face, because he knew he would not be seeing it for quite some time, but who knows how long that time may be? As he stood there, looking at her, he began to cry. At first, it was silent, a slight shudder and soft moisture leaking from his eyes, but then it increased in volume, until it was finally audible. Rose, too, started to cry. She pulled him close to her, and the two of them wept together, mother and son. They wept for the time they would spend away from each other. They wept at the possibility of never seeing each other ever again. They stood there in that tight embrace for what seemed like an eternity, and when neither one had any tears left to weep, they released each other.

She looked at him and whispered to him, "I love you, son." He responded likewise. "I love you, too, mother." After they were finished with their heartfelt and emotional goodbye, Jonias regathered himself as much as he was able to, and turned to leave. His mother, hoping for a swift, and victorious, return, said to him, "I'll make sure to let your father know where you have gone when he gets back. I'm proud of you, son." Once all of the personal matters were finished, the four of them; Jonias, Isaiah, Matthias, and Lionheart; walked silently to the backyard of Jonias' house to get their horses. As they mounted, all the while remaining silent, most likely out of fear of not knowing fully what was ahead of them, they thought of what sort of dangers they would face; both before and after confronting Lucius. After they all mounted, they went from the yard, one by one with Rose closing the fence behind them, and made their way to the crowded streets. Once they had their horses, they turned in the direction of the church, and they were ready to go. However, before they could move, Jonias decided to say a few things that were on his mind. "I want to say that, even though the odds seem heavily against us, I think that, with all of the encouragement we've received so far, we can consider it very likely that we will succeed this mission and come home safely. I know that when the time comes, I am the one who will have to end this for good, but I'm confident that I will gain the strength I need to be victorious. I am ready to go now, but I don't think it would be proper to leave without saying goodbye to everyone here. I'd like to take care of that while I have the chance. The others, apparently moved by his speech, nodded their heads in solemn


agreement. They looked around at the various buildings surrounding them, then back at Jonias. After a short moment, Lionheart spoke for all of them. "Young Jonias," he began, "if you feel that it would only be a proper exit if we wished all of the townsfolk a kind farewell before we leave, then proper it must be. We shall say goodbye to everyone here, but we must not take to long in doing so. Remember: if we are to catch Lucius, we have to be quicker than him, and that means leaving with time on our side. The sooner we are able to depart, the more likely we are to succeed. It would be in our best interest to leave before nightfall, so a brief word or two will have to suffice. You know everyone here better than we do, so you shall lead and we shall follow." When he finished these statements, they turned in the direction of the castle. Jonias wanted to talk to everyone on this part of the town, and then turn around to stop by the church and speak to the priest before leaving. They went to see the barman first. He wasn't standing outside; he rarely does, due to the fact that the bar is always busy except for those few times when people were off traveling and didn't have time to stop for a drink; so Jonias told the others to wait outside while he went in. He dismounted from his horse, and opened the heavy wooden door. As it creaked open, he cautiously stepped inside and looked around. Many of the bar's patrons were deep in conversations and gossip, but some of them still looked up at him when he entered, and continued to watch him as he walked in. Many of the people who come here were not the sort one would plan to socialize with frequently, if ever, but they are good to talk to if a person wishes to get caught up with the latest happenings.

At this particular moment, there were two men engaged in conversation regarding a few of the merchants. Jonias tried not to pay any attention to them, and tried to find the barman. He looked and looked for him frantically. Where is he? he thought. I know he's here somewhere. He never leaves this place when there are customers waiting. He continued to look around some more and his patient search rewarded him. After a few long moments of searching, Jonias finally found him where he usually is: behind the counter serving travelers with local food and drinks, and even a few imported items. Jonias walked over to the counter and waited for everyone to get what they wanted and sit back down so he could talk to the barman. Once the barman had finished helping everyone with their orders, and his customers had left to take their seats, the barman looked over and smiled when he saw Jonias. "Hello, Jonias. How are you? Good I hope." He said these things with a bit of a tone that sounded almost like a hyperactive child who had eaten too many sweets. The barman continued to smile, as if he knew something big was about to happen and he wanted in on the action. Jonias managed a slight smile, but it quickly faded when he remembered what he came to do. The barman sensed something was wrong, and decided to ask what the problem was. "What's bothering you, my boy?" he asked, concerned. Jonias hesitated a bit; he didn't know how what to say. He remained silent for a moment until he knew what words to use. He started to speak, and the words came almost naturally, but at the same time, solemn and almost strained. "The reason I'm upset is


complicated, but it comes down to this: I was He lowered his voice to a whisper when he noticed that some of the patrons were staring at him, fearing that they were possibly attempting to eavesdrop, and started over. "Earlier, I was summoned to the castle to speak to King Lawrence. He told me of a prophecy from a long time ago; one that involves me. Then he told me about this crazed wizard named Lucius. According to the prophecy, Lucius' power will return, and he will try to do what he did nearly fifteen years ago. The king also told me that the prophecy had stated that I am the warrior chosen to destroy Lucius. The king said that lately he had been having dreams about Lucius' return, and that in those same dreams, he was told that the time had come for me to prepare for the battle ahead. Before I left, I wanted to say goodbye to everyone since I have no way of knowing whenor ifI'll be back." Once he finished, he cleared his throat once again, and the barman gave him a glass of water. "Thanks," Jonias said gratefully. "No problem," was the barman's reply. After a few short moments, the barman spoke again, still in the hushed whisper that Jonias used. "Sothe king has asked you to confront Lucius. You're in for a rough battle, indeed. Do you remember where the king told you he had heard this prophecy from? Jonias took a drink of water, then paused. He said that the prophecy was among the last words of the previous king. The barman looked at Jonias solemnly, and said, I see. Our last king stayed strong until the very end. God bless his soul. He left to get himself a glass of water. Once he


returned, he decided to give Jonias some words of encouragement before the young man left for some unknown period of time. If it's written in a prophecy, then it has to be true. If you were the one chosen to do this, then I believe you'll be victorious. I remember the last time he attacked; that was a war with few survivors. He's not going to make this an easy task. You show Lucius that you're not afraid of him. Show him that we won't surrender our lands without a fight. I know you can do it. Also, you'll be a man soon enough. Not only will this journey will help you grow into a man we can all be proud of, but it will also help you gain a great deal of knowledge that will last you a lifetime. Jonias thanked him, finished the glass of water, and turned to leave. As he did so, the barman's words echoed in his mind. You show Lucius that you're not afraid of him. Show him that we won't surrender our lands without a fight. I know you can do it. Jonias was convinced that the barman would be the main person, next to his parents, that he thought about. Those words are going to keep playing over and over again in my head the whole time I'm on this journey. I just know they will. I do believe him, though. I am close to adulthood, and this is the perfect opportunity for me to grow up, both mentally and physically. Once he stepped outside, he informed Isaiah, Matthias, and Lionheart of what transpired between him and the barman, and remounted his horse, which Isaiah had been holding on to.


Once he was securely in the saddle, they rode again, this time stopping to visit the nurse. They exchanged goodbyes, and she gave him words of encouragement, and promised to take care of his parents. After their short stop at the hospital, they rode up to the rainbow of fabrics and other items to visit the merchants. Jonias greeted them, and informed them of the task he now had to embark upon. Nobody present had expected the scene that followed. A few of the foreign merchants, who usually showed no signs of emotion, suddenly burst into tears. They had only known him for a short time, but were close friends with his family. You come back soon, okay? one wailed Yes. Be careful, managed another. Also, they decided to give him a bag of supplies to take along on the rough journey ahead. "Consider it an act of kindness," one said, "for all of the times you and your family showed us gratitude." Jonias thanked the men, and he put the bag of supplies in with the rest of his belongings, and when he, Isaiah, Matthias, and Lionheart were finished talking to the merchants, they turned and headed toward the church, stopping to say goodbye to some of the other villagers as they passed by the houses. A few people wanted to join the four on their quest, while others gave Jonias and the three knights some more provisions for their journey. A few had promised to watch over Jonias' parents while he was away. Jonias made sure to thank everyone for their kindness before leaving. Once they arrived at the


church, Jonias noticed the priest standing outside to enjoy the sunlight, making it rather easy to get the old man's attention. "Hello, young Jonias," the priest said. "What brings you out here to see little old me?" he asked with a laugh. Jonias smiled, and managed a small laugh. When the two were calm, Jonias informed the priest of the task he was about to perform, making sure to remember all of the important details of his conversation with the king. After Jonias finished, the priest took time to comment. "I'm sorry to hear that you have to leave, especially on such a journey that might end your life before it has had a chance to begin. I wish you the best of luck on your mission. I will keep praying for you everyday. I wish you a swift return." Jonias thanked the priest for his kind words, and was hurt knowing that he wouldnt be coming here for some time. Once the four had finished talking to the priest, they rode past the church and headed for the gates leading the other way out of town. The small metal gates were similar to those guarding the entrance to the cemetery However, these gates were in better condition, and were painted a bright gold color. Once they had reached the golden gates, they stopped briefly. Lionheart wanted to take a brief moment to get some important reminders out of the way. The majestic knight said, "Before we head out into the great unknown, I think it would be a wise idea to make a plan of action we can follow while on this journey." The other two knights knew what he meant, but Jonias was confused. "What do you mean by a 'plan of action'?" he inquired.


Matthias clarified the term for him. "A plan of action is simply a list of how we'll be taking care of things while we're on this journey." "What sort of things?" Jonias asked. "When to stop and rest for the night, when to get up in the morning and start riding, when to stop and restock our supplies; things like that," Isaiah replied. Once Jonias had understood what the knights were talking about, Lionheart listed the guidelines he thought were best to follow. "We'll ride in the early hours of the morning, when it's light enough to see, but still cool enough to travel comfortably. Then, we'll stop around noon and rest for a while, stopping to wait out the weather if we need to, and maybe get something to eat and drink while we do so. After that, we'll ride until it gets too dark to see; right around sunset would be a good stopping point. Once the sun begins to set, we'll find a place to camp for the night, preferably someplace hidden from view, such as a forest. Once that's taken care of, we'll get a fire set up and have dinner, and go to sleep for the night once we're finished. In the following morning, we'll get up early, and get something quick to eat and drink, and then we'll begin riding for the day. This is the cycle that we'll follow. Also, we need to make sure the horses get plenty of rest, food, and water, and make sure we don't try to overexert the horses or ourselves. Next, we need to be on the lookout for predators or any other such dangers while we're traveling or while we've stopped to rest. Finally, we need to be sure that we're prepared for sudden changes in the weather, such as a drop in temperature if we have to pass through the mountains."


When Lionheart had finished outlining the plan of action the four travelers would follow while on their journey, Jonias, Isaiah, and Matthias all nodded in approval, and the four passed through the village gates, crossing over the one barrier separating them from civilization and isolation. Their journey has now begun!


The Journey Begins...

The ride started slowly and it the travelers felt as though they were going in circles, passing by familiar-looking terrain. They made their way through what seemed like an infinite expanse of road, grass, and trees. They frequently found themselves having to stop and decide which way to go whenever they reached a fork in the road. Just as they had decided before they began their journey, they made sure to stop whenever the sun began to set, or whenever they needed to rest and get something to eat and drink. Jonias grew impatient as they traveled through yet another forest. Where are we? It feels like every path we take, we end up even farther behind. I hate it! he yelled, mostly to the air. His sudden outburst was to be expected. All four of them were all growing impatient as they had now been traveling for almost ten days. Shortly after leaving the forest, they suddenly heard the rushing of water, and their vigor was renewed tenfold. Lionheart was the first to speak. I hear it!" he exclaimed. "It's faint, but I can hear it close by. Its over there! Follow me! The search didnt take long. After a short time of riding, they were in front of a rushing river. The river was crystal-clear and when they saw it, they felt much better. "I think it would be a good idea to rest here for a while," he said. "Later, we can decide which way to go from here. It feels like we're headed in the right direction. We just have to figure out how to cross this river."


After he spoke, all four dismounted in the grass nearby. They made sure to refill their water bottles while Matthias decided to search the forest for food. Jonias decided to sit down along the edge of the river. As he watched it, he was hypnotized by the calming rhythm made by the rushing water. He placed his hand in the rapid waters, but quickly withdrew it. The water was ice-cold to the touch. After he had warmed his hand, Jonias laid back and stared at the afternoon sky. Moments later, the three knights had returned, and the four agreed that it was time for lunch. They worked together to get a makeshift resting area prepared, and moments later, lunch was being prepared. AAH That is much better! Lionheart exclaimed after finishing his portion of the satisfying food. Once all four were sufficiently rested, Lionheart felt it was time to brainstorm a way of how to cross the river. Matthias pondered their predicament. It's too wide to jump over, and it's too fast to swim through, plus our supplies aren't exactly water-proof, and we can't take the horses through it. Also, we have no way of knowing how deep it is, so wading through the water is out of the question as well. Well have to either find some way of making a bridge, or backtrack through the forest and find another path to follow. The truth of Matthias' words struck the other three deeply. If they had to backtrack, all of the time they spent riding up to this point would be a waste, and time was not on their side. Lionheart reached the conclusion none of them had wanted to face. We don't have time to build a bridge here. We'll have to find another path. They nodded in silent agreement, lamenting the loss of so much valuable time.


Once they had gathered their supplies, and remounted the horses, they turned and began the familiar path back through the forest. After spending some time navigating the area for a path across the river, they were relieved when their search not only yielded a way past the river, but also an abundance of fruit trees. They quickly gathered what they could, and resumed their journey after a quick break. Having their morale restored by their recent turn of luck, they continued following the path they had found, and time just seemed to fly by and the four travelers were covering much more terrain than before. Eventually, the sky began to grow dark. With the sky not providing them enough light to travel by, they chose to stop and set up a campsite for the night. They settled on a flat patch of grass hidden by a few trees. After having a short dinner, the four went to sleep by the fire. The next morning came in a hurry. They woke, had a quick breakfast, gathered their things, and continued the journey. This day's journey seemed to go much smoother and was much more enjoyable, as well. There was so much to look at as they rode: the birds in the sky, the deer prancing through the trees, among other things. Eventually, they had reached a large field. The dirt path disappeared altogether and there was nothing except the morning sun and yellow-white grass in every direction. The four travelers chose to keep going. However, they made sure to keep their guard up; the field was much too quiet. They continued in the direction they had been traveling while scanning their surroundings. All was silent until Jonias heard something. Do you hear hoof beats nearby? They sound awfully close. The three knights heard it as well. Hmmwe cant be getting followed. We would have most likely noticed it by now, Isaiah noted. In any case, we should continue to be

on our guard just in case. This new mystery was soon solved. The hoof beats grew louder and there were now sounds of whinnying mixed in. The excitement happened to be a herd of wild horses. Wow! Jonias exclaimed. There were many; almost too many to count. They were moving too fast to tell, but it looked like there were between fifty and a hundred of them. It was a rainbow of colors; some were white, some were gray, some were brown, and some were even spotted, but Jonias gaze shifted to one in particular. The one he noticed was running and prancing about all by itself; this one was different than the others. It was solid black from head to toe; a shade of black so dark, that it seemed to make the night sky look like a normal evening sunset. Its tail and mane flowed freely as it skittered about all by itself; it was hard to determine the exact length, but Jonias could tell that they were really close to touching the ground, if they didnt already. He dismounted, turned, and looked toward the herd, as the others cautioned him Dont startle them! and Be careful! but Jonias had already darted off towards the herd, or more specifically, the black horse which stood out from the rest. As he was running, the black horse, having apparently heard the commotion, turned and seemed to notice him, as well as the others, who were standing a short distance away. When it did, Jonias froze. He didnt want to frighten it, so he stood completely still. The horse looked him over for a moment, and began walking towards him. Jonias didnt know what to do next; he was too scared to move, but he wasn't sure why. Though the horse made no motion of wanting to harm him, Jonias didnt want to risk it. A short moment


later, and the two were face to face. The black horse looked at him with a calm expression; one that Jonias could have sworn was saying, I know who you are. Then it spoke. Dont be afraid, Im not going to hurt you.


Shadow on the Plains

Jonias stumbled back and almost fell. What did you just say? he exclaimed. I just told you that I wont harm you, the horse said. My name is Shadow. Whats yours? My names Jonias, he stammered. Nice to meet you, Shadow. Once the introductions were taken care of, Shadow asked Jonias, What brings you out here? Decide to go on a vacation? Its something like that, Jonias began. He then described to Shadow everything that had happened to him, up to that point, especially making sure he got all of the details of King Lawrence's words. The reason we, he paused to indicate himself and the three knights standing nearby, are here is because of a mission our king sent us on. I was informed that this man named Lucius the Black-Hearted, a dark wizard who had once waged war on numerous kingdoms in an effort to take control of everything, has regained his evil powers and is attempting to finish what he started fifteen years ago. His ultimate goal is the same now as it was then: he wishes to gain complete control of the land for his own selfish desires. He won't stop until his wicked dream is a reality. It doesn't matter who or what he has to destroy in order to do it, but it's safe to say that he won't be dissuaded. Our king chose me for this quest because of a prophecy he received after Lucius had been defeated the last time. The prophecy, the previous king's dying words, foretold or Lucius'


return to power and the emergence of the one who would receive the power to restore peace to the land when it was needed. King Lawrence believes that I am the one described in the prophecy, promising me that when the time comes, I will be the one to defeat Lucius and restore peace to the land. He sent the three knights I mentioned before on this journey with me so I would have some protection along the way. Although I am honored by the king's words and actions to help me complete this mission, I can't help wondering what will happen should I fail. So many people are counting on me With that, the young boy, chosen by a fifteen-year-old prophecy to become a hero, let out a quick sigh, and stared back at Shadow. A few moments after Jonias had finished speaking, Shadow broke the eerie silence that had been invoked by the boy's description of his mission and the doubts that he faced, saying, Speaking of them, indicating the three knights, who are they? Jonias looked over to the three knights, then turned back to Shadow, and said, How about I let them introduce themselves? Shadow, pleased by the idea, followed Jonias as he went to rejoin his knightly companions. The knights turned once they noticed Jonias and the black horse approaching. Hello, everyone, Jonias said. This is Shadow. Hes the horse that I walked over to. I told him about the mission we're on. He was curious about you guys, so I thought I'd bring him over here and let you get acquainted. Lionheart was the first to reply. It is an honor to meet you, Shadow.


Thanks, he replied swiftly. After Lionheart spoke, Isaiah and Matthias each took a moment to introduce themselves. After all the introductions were made, and words of gratitude were exchanged, Shadow declared to the knights, It is an honor to meet such noble men as you. After a brief pause from everyone, Lionheart addressed Shadow once again. I had a thought about something. Jonias has already informed you of the motives behind our journey. So my question is this: Would you like to travel with us? Shadow's initial response to Lionheart's question was to suddenly begin running, jumping, and rolling everywhere out of excitement. The black horse's antics had instigated a wave of laughter from the others. They were all laughing so hard, tears flowed from their eyes. Jonias was on the ground, visibly pained from the unexpected, yet entertaining, scene he had just witnessed. I take that as a yes? Lionheart asked him through a chuckle. Yes! The answer is yes! I will go with you! Shadow exclaimed happily. When the five had regained their senses, Lionheart had described their plan of action to Shadow. The other three nodded to show that they understood as Lionheart looked at them. After Jonias and the three knights had remounted their horses, the five travelers were on their way. Moments later, the group of five began to notice a dirt path before them. Sensing that it would lead them in the right direction, they began traveling along this new path. After following the trail for a while, they began to notice a small group of buildings in the distance. They looked like small, black objects obscured in


shadow, but became recognizable as the group drew closer. When the black shapes from before were in full view, a dark sense of reality gripped the group of travelers. The pitiful scene before them was a small village, burned to cinders by some unknown disaster. A small ruined sign lay on the ground nearby. The sign looked like it had been blown apart by something; the charred remains of the post were still in the ruined sign's proper position. The wooden face of the sign had a small, barely visible, flame on the corner and was blackened with ash. Regardless, the five could still read the words Welcome to Fields Heart printed on the sign's charred surface.


The Tragedy of Fields Heart

Oh, no What has happened to this place? Shadow asked. That's what we're about to find out, Lionheart declared to the others. We should search for survivors. There has to be someone here who could tell us what happened. Jonias took the opportunity to give his thoughts. It might be a good idea to spread out and search all of the buildings here. We may even find some food or other supplies that haven't been destroyed. Good idea, Lionheart said with a smile. I agree, Isaiah replied. I like this plan, Matthias said with a nod. After deciding who would search where, the group began to walk into the wreckage that was once the proud village of Fields Heart. They could still make out a tavern, inn, and a few houses that had not been destroyed. Jonias searched these places while the knights searched some of the wrecked wooden structures. The young boy found nothing except ruined furniture and broken dishes, and walked back to the village entrance in despair. The knights, seeing his frustration, asked for his assistance in searching some of the other places. The village's dirt roads had been stained a very dark black, and they cringed when they detected the scent of burned flesh. The travelers found no survivors, but


did manage to find some food that was still fresh, making sure to add it to their belongings. They began to despair, until Shadow heard something. What was that? He asked out loud. The others, confused, looked at him with a look of concern upon their faces. What was what? Jonias asked. Almost immediately, they all had heard the mysterious sound. It sounded like a sob or a scream that had been unsuccessfully stifled. They heard it coming from a house that had had its roof blown off and its walls charred to the point of disintegrating, yet was still standing. The five hurried over to the house in question, and as they got closer, the cry grew louder. Jonias and the three knights all dismounted from their horses, and left them in a ruined stable near the house, though Shadow insisted on searching the house for the source of the noise he heard. They agreed, and the five of them walked inside; the door had been destroyed and reduced to splinters. The fragments were scattered throughout the remnants of the living room. The walls were completely black from extreme fire damage and the air smelled of burnt wood and fabric. Most of the inside walls had been smashed to bits. All five kept up their guards as they made their way through the mostly wrecked house, the cry gradually increasing in volume as they traversed closer to its source. After what seemed like an eternity of searching, they had discovered the source of the noise. The sound was coming from one of the bedrooms, or rather what used to be a bedroom. This room was in the worst condition out of all the rooms in the house: the door was destroyed, along with part of the door frame, the windows were shattered and the glass


was scattered along the floor, the curtains were charred and torn, and the furniture was completely destroyed, pieces of ruined wood and fabric scattered everywhere. The mysterious cry was quite audible by now, due to the absence of any other sounds. It was as though death itself had issued a mandatory silence on reality, except for that one cry. One at a time, they silently entered the room, so that they wouldn't frighten the individual they might find. As they made their way inside the room, Lionheart sternly told the other four to keep quiet. Within no time at all, they had found themselves in front of the bed, or rather, what was left of it. The mattress and bed sheets were nowhere in sight, but the remainder of the bed's frame was there, turned on its side. Cautiously, Jonias peered over. Between the ruined bed and the charred wall, he noticed an unidentifiable form, crouching in the shadows in the hopes of remaining concealed from harm. Nearby, a piece of splintered wood fell from the blasted remains of the door frame, and landed on the floor with a resounding crash. The sound startled each of them; the mysterious person jumped in fright, and turned to face them. Upon seeing the group of five, the unknown person jumped up and ran to the empty doorway. The survivor slowly turned and looked at them, the sunlight shining through what was left of the window frame as if it were a spotlight from Heaven itself and resting upon the figure of the only living citizen of Field's Heart remaining. Shadow was the first to break the deathly silence, saying, Why, its only a little girl, not thinking much of his remark, until he got some stern glances from the others, and immediately realized that what he said was rather rude, but the insult had already been made, and it was too late to take it back.


She continued to stand near the remains of the door frame like a statue, still frozen in total fear, and illuminated by the sunlight coming in from the window. She looked at each of the people standing before her. However, once she had heard Shadow's remark, her look of fear had turned to a look of anger, and her glance suddenly shifted in his direction. She walked up to him, and when the two were face to face, she stood there for a moment, and seemed to relax a bit, but that was short-lived. As Shadow began to attempt an apology, mostly because Lionheart had ordered him to do so, the girl took one quick glance at him, and when he was in mid-sentence, she raised one hand, and like a flash of lightning, had struck Shadow across the face; to which the others let loose a quick gasp of surprise. Now that she was standing right in front of them, they had a clear view of her appearance. She was a bit shorter than Jonias. Her hair was dark blonde, but filled with dirt and debris; this most likely occurred when she was hiding in this room as the house was being destroyed. Her face was pale, mostly from fright, like one that has lost all the blood in their body, but her hands began to relax as she lost her sense of fear, as well as the feeling of anger she had just a moment ago. Once she was relaxed, her skin began to regain its natural tone. The dress she wore was in some ways just a large apron; it was white, but it was hard to determine because of all of the stains that covered it. The fabric seemed to stiffen from being soiled so much. In some places, the fabric was even torn. Her feet were


bare. They had become as dirty as the rest of her. After she had calmed down completely, she looked at the five figures standing before her. Finally, she looked back at Shadow, walked back up next to him, gazed into his deep black eyes, which were now filled with the pain and shock of what had just happened, and said, Im really sorry. I didnt mean to hurt you. Shadow wasnt convinced; he simply looked away and continued to sulk. After a few moments of this, he looked back at her and, with some difficulty, managed to utter, WhyWhy did you do that? I said Im sorry, the girl repeated. She then told everyone why she acted in such an impulsive manner, especially Shadow. Your comment made me so furious; it reminded me of some of the things that some of the people that live here, mostly men, would say to me. They always threw insults at me; saying that I belong in the house, and I should be helping my mother with the cooking, cleaning, and other housekeeping tasks. They often said these things to me because sometimes they would ask for volunteers to help build a house or something, and I would be one of the first people to offer to help. Naturally, I would be allowed to help, and someone would be asked to show me what to do. However, only just moments after I got started with the work, someone would come by and make some rude or even vulgar statement towards me. Some of the older folks, mostly men, didnt believe in a woman building a house, or working at a forge, or things like that. After she had finished this explanation, she looked back at him, and asked, Are you okay? She began to comfort him, saying things such as, Shhyoull be alright now. I


really am sorry. Youll be fine. I promise, and stroking his long face the whole time. She pulled a handkerchief from one of her dress pockets, and used it to wipe away Shadow's tears, and as she did, he began to calm down. Soon, his tears stopped and he was calm. Thanks, he said. She gave him a long hug and then stepped back a couple steps and gently patted his soft neck, and as she did so, he said, By the way, my name is Shadow. Whats yours? She stopped and looked at him, and at the others, and smiled. My name is Abigail. Its nice to meet you. By the way, who are you guys? she asked. Jonias was the one to introduce everyone. Once that was done, Lionheart spoke. Trust me, dear one. We will not harm you. Were on a quest of our own, and you're welcome to come along if you wish. It might be a good idea to get away from here, considering that everything here has been ruined. Trust me; you would be in good hands, he told her. She looked up at him, then at the others. Lionheart held her small, soft hands in his; they looked like that of a small child, even though she was clearly a teenager, maybe thirteen or fourteen years old. I do need protecting, she mused, and after a short pause, added, Someone really awful came through here earlier and left the mess you see now. Its because of that person that Im all alone. I would like to go with you, but first, you need to know who it was that did this. You need to know more about me. Ill try to tell you everything; I was able to hide in this room and watch from the window, so I didnt see everything, but I heard the commotion too well. Regardless, it might still take me a while to remember everything that


happened. The others formed a small circle, and sat down. Then she faced them and prepared to tell them her story. It was early this morning. Everyone had been up by now and was doing their daily business: shopping, going for a walk, visiting a neighbor, and things like that. We were fine; it was quite relaxing and people were laughing and joking with each other. I sat near a food cart that was full of freshly picked vegetables ready to be sold, observing things from the sidelines, and exchanging words with the cart owner. A few people approached me to say good morning, or to have a small chat. When they said their fill of words, they walked off to chat with someone else, or attend to other matters. She shifted; the bed was still on its side, and as it was just the wooden frame, it was quite uncomfortable, made even more so due to the fact that the room was quite small. Once she was comfortably seated again, she continued. Then all of a sudden, things just got real tense. It felt like we were being watched. Out of nowhere, a young woman cried out in pain. When we looked back to see what had happened, the woman was lying face down with a black arrow sticking out of her shoulder. A few people had looked around to see who had fired the arrow, butnobody was there. Soon the sky turned dark, and there were streaks of lightning everywhere. Some people were struck down by these unnatural bolts of lightning, while others had been mysteriously whisked away by clouds of black fog. Everyone was running and screaming to find a place to hide, while buildings were being destroyed and animals and humans alike were being scattered throughout the area. Suddenly, amidst the sudden chaos that had erupted, he appeared! She shuddered as she finished her sentence.


Jonias slowly raised his hand, and Abigail turned and looked at him, and asked, What is it? Excuse me, but who is this 'he' you mentioned? Jonias asked. Abigail thought for a moment, then said, If I remember correctly, I think his name is Lucius, or something like that. I heard someone ask, and he gave this dramatic speech about himself. That explains it, Lionheart said. I had a bad feeling that an evil force was responsible for this mess. Please continue. The others nodded, having felt the same upon arriving at this wrecked village. At Lionhearts request, Abigail resumed her recollection of that day's events. He uttered a few words about himself, revealing that he was the one that caused the odd change of weather, almost as though he was boasting about his grim accomplishment. His voice sounded like that of an old man who hadn't drank any water for years; its shrill tone instilled a grave sense of fear in everyone's hearts. I remember his words well. 'All of you! Listen to me,' he began, 'I am the man responsible for the sudden storm. Such a tragedy; homes destroyed, people killed, livestock disappearing right before your eyes. I am willing to stop this, if you are willing to cooperate with me.' One person demanded to know his name, while another wanted to know what his demands were. He answered both questions in his demonic voice, with a grim satisfaction that shook even the bravest of men. 'My name is Lucius. You may have heard of me. Fifteen long years ago, I was close to having everything: all of your lands to rule as I see


fit, servants to carry out my personal wishes I almost had the power of a god! However, I was caught off guard by an old fool of a king, and severely weakened by his wasted sacrifice. My power is coming back to me, and now I will make all of you fools pay for your insolence! Let this be a lesson to stay out of my way! As for my demands I'm not asking much, you see. You will all surrender to me! Bow down, and accept me as your new ruler! If you do that, then I will make this storm disappear, and your miserable lives will be spared.' Then he pointed at the woman who had been struck by the black arrow, and said, 'However, if you refuse, then you shall all end up like her over there, or like some of those poor souls that were hit by my lightning bolts, or even those that had the honor of experiencing my dark clouds.' Shaken, but refusing to surrender their homes, the people voiced their refusal, one after another. Lucius was furious. He told them that they would regret their words, and that he would then take the land by force. I remember that he had made the storm disappear, and then turned the sky red. Within moments, pillars of flames came down from above, incinerating everyone almost immediately. In a flash, none of them were alive; the only trace of what had occurred was the blackened soil beneath where they stood. The only reason I survived is because I was able to sneak into this room as the lightning strikes began. I remember thinking that it was all over for everyone here, including me. I thought that, even though I had been able to make it safely into where we all are now, who's to say that the lightning wouldn't destroy this house with me in it. After Lucius showed up, I was afraid to think about what he would do to me if he found me hiding here. After he had murdered everyone here, he looked up at the sky, said 'What a pity,' cackled evilly to the


wind, then disappeared in a flash of his black magic. Once Abigail finished recounting this unexpected encounter with death, she burst into tears. The others sat in silent horror after hearing about what terrible acts had transpired earlier that day. Lucius committed mass murder and reckless destruction. He had to be stopped; this, they all knew. If he was allowed to continue like this, unrestricted and hungry for vengeance, the land would truly belong to him. Abigail had to come with them; now she truly was alone. She had no living family or friends, and her home had been left in ruins. After what felt like hours, Lionheart broke the silence, addressing his companions. What happened here was a grave and terrible tragedy. We have to act quickly if we hope to prevent such a disaster from happening anywhere else. This girl is now alone in this world. It's up to us to make sure that she remains safe. Then he turned towards the weeping girl, and continued. Abigail, she lifted her head, and her eyes met with his; the girl's tear-streaked face exposed all anguish she had just endured and the living nightmare she had witnessed. Lionheart sighed, then spoke again, There is something you have to understand. You cant reverse what happened here, but with your help we can work to prevent it from happening elsewhere. We also promise to keep you safe from danger, and to help you in any way we can. After he made this bold statement and the invitation to join the group and briefly summarized their chosen plan of action to the young girl, he smiled, and calmly said, You can ride on Shadow. Im sure he won't mind. Shadow looked over with a smile of his own. He had already begun to like Abigail and wanted to get to know her

better; as someone more than just a girl. He wanted to have the opportunity to know her as a friend. He also wanted to be able to comfort her as she did him; this was a favor he knew he had to repay. He got up and walked over to her. He addressed the girl, voicing the thoughts in his mind to her. Abigail, I would be honored to have you ride on me. Also, when the time is appropriate, I will do what I can to comfort you. However, before we get going, you should at least learn the basics of riding a horse, that is if you haven't before. She shook her head, simply stating that she was never given that opportunity. Shadow smiled, then continued. Then follow me outside, and I'll teach you a few things, he said. She stood up to follow him, and looked him in the eyes. She had stopped crying, but her face was still moist from the tears. She approached him in the crowded room, and buried her face in his soft neck, wiping away the tears with a handkerchief. For a few moments, the two stood there in an embrace that seemed to stop time altogether, then Abigail stepped back and looked him in the eyes again. Shadow looked at her and said soothingly, I dont know what its like to experience something like this, having the ones you know and love murdered right before your eyes, but I do know what it feels like to be alone. In my herd, Im sort of an outcast; no one wants to talk to me or anything. As soon as they see me, they walk away. Im not the leader, but I dont think Id want to be. None of them want to be near me, and even the leader said I should probably keep some distance between us. I was crushed; the ones I was supposed to be the closest to ended up wanting to be as far away from me as they could. I


think that I can help you through this. She whispered a small thank you and the two turned and left the room, leaving the others behind. The two of them exited the ruined house and walked to the front of what used to be a merchant's tent and stopped. Shadow turned to her and said, The first thing you need to do is get on me. Ill help with that. He laid down on the ground next to her and said to her, Dont be afraid. You just have to sit down on my back and hold on. She did as instructed and he stood up once she was secure. She sat up straight and looked ahead; one hand resting on Shadows neck and the other on her lap. Now, when were riding, youll probably fall a few times, but thats okay. When that happens, you just get back on. Normally when you ride, you hold on with your legs and your hands are placed where they are now. Thats what you do when were just standing like this; nice and relaxed. Now when were actually moving, you hold on to my mane; not too tightly unless Im going at full speed or if Im going too fast for you, which you could also wrap your arms around my neck; and maintain your balance with your legs. Ill take care of the rest. Lets go see if the others are ready. By the time they made it back, the others were already standing in front of the ruins of the house, ready to continue their journey. Abigail mentioned that she had lived in this village her whole life with her parents, and shared some of her favorite memories with them and with the friends she had made over the years. It crushed her knowing that she would never see any of them again. With one last look at that house, the weakened structure that had served as a hiding place from death itself, and the rest of the village, they exited the village with more determination than before to complete their mission.


Moments after they left the ruins of Field's Heart, they found themselves on a rugged dirt path, the faded footsteps of past travelers leading their way. They followed the path to the edge of a large forest and stopped. The mass of trees towered ominously above them and ran in every direction; they all stared in awe, rendered speechless by the scene in front of them. We have to go in there? Abigail asked; her voice came with a hint of fear. They all knew the answer to that was 'yes' and prepared to go in, making sure to watch out for any dangers it might contain, and soon, they were enveloped in darkness formed by the massive trees surrounding them.


Into the Forest...

Reluctantly, they stepped in. It wasnt as bad as they initially thought; there was plenty of light coming in from above even though the trees were huddled close together. They felt that were safe because the thickness of the forest and the multitude of paths would provide plenty of hiding spaces, should such a thing be necessary. Speaking of which, some of the trees had been hollowed out so that they could be used by someone passing through, and it looked as though some of these makeshift caves had been used frequently. The group of travelers continued, while keeping their guard up, however; everything was quiet except for the occasional twittering of birds and the rustling of leaves they made. They were all speechless; they had never beheld beauty of this magnitude. The eerie silence left an ominous feeling in the air, but they didn't know exactly what it was. Regardless of the concern, they kept going. The five of them continued on their path through the forest, following the smooth, winding path while observing the natural beauty the forest presented them, when suddenly their reverie was interrupted. They heard a sharp rustle of leaves and then a booming crack. Someone was following them and had stepped on a fallen tree branch. They tried to ignore it and continued, when they heard a gruff voice call out to them, Over here. They looked around, and their gaze stopped when they noticed a pair of glowing yellow eyes peering out of a large bush. Naturally, they were curious; they walked over to see what the owner of


the voice wanted. When they stopped just inches away from the source of the mysterious voice, the figure emerged. When they saw the one that had called out to them, they didnt know what to do or say; Abigail hid behind Shadow, fearing they may have just encountered a robber, and that they were in some new danger, but the others faced the mysterious figure, each with a number of questions that were begging to be asked. Once Abigail was noticed, the figure approached and spoke to her. Little girl, are you afraid of me? As he came closer, her fear intensified and she continually clung tighter to Shadows soft mane; he actually winced and asked her to not pull so hard. The others assured Abigail that no harm would come to her with them there; if this being that stood before them was looking for a fight, they would be ready. She stepped out, cautiously at first, and stared at the ground. She whispered, I dont know whether to be afraid of you or not. Are you a friend or foe? Her question was met with deep laughter. Me? Im a friend, and who are all of you? I live in this forest. Not many come through here very often, however, so it tends to be quite lonely, even with all the animals that live here. I am curious as to why youve come this way. The fear began to diminish, and they soon began to trust him. Since he was standing directly in front of them, and the sunlight shone down upon him, the others were now able to see what he looked like. He stood about six feet tall and was quite muscular. He wore nothing except a torn pair of tancolored trousers and tattered shoes. The rest was bare; at least it was supposed to be. This curious new friend was covered in black feathers that reflected the sun's rays, and his wings

fluttered softly when a slight gust of wind blew past. They were soon able to identify what this man was; he was a birda raventhat had somehow taken the form of a man. Knowing that he was a raven, and that ravens are frequently associated with death due to them often being found in graveyards at night or appearing where a human or animal was recently killed, the others understood why Abigail was afraid of their avian friend. My name is Nighthawk. Im sure you have a lot to tell me, as well as a lot you wish to ask me. I assure you that there will be plenty of time for that later. Come; let us go somewhere better than this dirt road. I trust you've had a long journey and could use a good rest, he said. He turned and they followed him. Knowing that they had a mysterious new ally, they were quickly relieved. They knew that they would need all the help they were able to receive. Nighthawk led the travelers down a path that was somewhat like what they were already following, but at the same time, different. There was a bit more life; more birds, more plants, more everything. They also noticed that they weren't traveling on a dirt road, they were passing through the grass and trees. They stopped once they had reached the base of a massive oak tree. They all sat down inside the shelter the massive hollowed-out trunk provided, and Nighthawk listened respectfully as the others introduced themselves. After the introductions had been made, the group of travelers set about explaining their mission, their reason for traveling. Jonias did this, and Nighthawk focused his bright, yellow eyes on the young man, eager to hear about what brought them to the forest. Well, Jonias began, this whole thing is a bit confusing, but at the same time, really important. One day I got a letter from the king back where myself and these three live, he

indicated the three knights, and went to see what he wanted. Thats when he informed me of a dark truth that I wasn't expecting. Because of a signa prophecy he heard nearly fifteen years ago from the king who had served before himI was asked to confront and destroy a dark wizard named Lucius Nighthawk cut him off in mid-sentence by raising a large, clawed hand. Wait a moment Did you say his name was Lucius? he asked. Yes I did. Why? Jonias replied. Would that be Lucius the Black-Hearted? If so, then I have a bit of a tale to share with you. Yes, that would be him. He began destroying everything and everyone using his dark magic with the cruel desire of conquering the whole land nearly fifteen years ago. My king informed me of his previous attacks, and also informed me that he has regained his power and according to a prophecy that was made after his previous attempt was stopped, I have to destroy him. The three knights were asked to accompany me on this journey, but our group has grown a bit since then. Nighthawk heaved a great sigh, a hint of grief and anger apparent in his voice, and spoke. What you are about to hear is extremely difficult for me to tell, as it involves a great deal of painful memories. His eyes were grave and his tone was serious as he addressed everyone. I am more than familiar with Lucius. I was a victim and a survivor of his attacks. He had attacked my villagemy homeand had destroyed everyone who tried to resist him. My village was in ruins, and I was all alone. I was one of few survivors.


The only reason I made it out of there alive is because my mother had helped me hide. I still have memories of my parents being slaughtered while I was forced to watch from far away. As Jonias said, it was fifteen years ago when Lucius first made these attacks, and though I was just a child at the time, I can still remember everything that happened the day my home was destroyed as though it had happened yesterday. After Lucius had departed, I left the village to prepare myself for the day when I would avenge my friends, my parents, and my home. I had never felt so alone in my life; I often wasn't able to sleep well because of my parents not being there. I can remember crying out for them, only to realize that they were gone forever. Other nights, I would often lie awake in a cold panic from the nightmares I had. As time passed, I learned how to take care of myself, and had gotten used to traveling place to place on my own. That's how I ended up here. Since then, I've made this forest my home, and have spent countless hours training my body and my mind. I remember training myself endlessly after I had become accustomed to living here. This tree that we sit under now is the same tree that I slept under for the last fifteen years. I remember making my own weapons using fallen tree branches, vines, rocks, and anything else I was able to find. I trained myself in combat using my custom-made weapons, and I learned to train my mind by watching the animals of the forest. I was happy when I had heard of his defeat, but I just wish I had been the one to do it, or at least fight in that battle. He looked up to the sky, a slight smile adorning his feathered face. Abigail was the first one to respond to what he had told them. So you spent all this time preparing yourself, yet you never got the chance to face him yourself? she asked.


Nighthawk looked at her with a soft expression. Actually, he said with hesitation, there was a time when I had confronted Lucius. The others were shocked at what they had heard. Seeing their surprised expressions, he began to describe the tough battle he had had with Lucius all those years ago. It was several months after I came here and began training myself. I remembered getting this sudden chill like something evil was nearby. I was curious, so I took one of the weapons I had madea small sling made from fabric from the shirt I wore at the time, vines from this forest, and some rocks I had found in a river close to hereand departed in the direction I felt the evil feeling was coming from. Eventually, I found myself at the edge of a small village, and a short distance ahead of me, Lucius was there, terrorizing the villagers in the only cruel ways he knew how. However, please don't ask me to describe what I witnessed, he shuddered fearfully. Seeing him there, I did the best I could to mentally prepare myself. This was my chance to end his reign of terror single-handed, and avenge the lives of the loved ones that he had taken away from me. I gathered all the courage I could, and began to walk towards him. As I approached, he turned to face me, and the villagers there had scattered to find somewhere to hide. He looked at me, silently; his icy gaze had me frozen in fear, but I refused to let my fear show itself. After a moment of staring back into his cold eyes, I issued the challenge that I had prepared myself for. I was ready for this, and I wasn't about to let it pass by. He laughed evilly, then mocked me saying, 'You wish to fight me? You must be extremely eager to die! But if you insist, who am I to refuse?' I replied by stating


that I was there to avenge the lives of my friends and my family, and that I vowed to defeat him no matter what it took. Accepting my challenge, he stepped a short distance away from me, turned my way, and said, 'Draw your weapon!' As instructed, I pulled out the makeshift sling, placed a rock inside, and began to swing it, faster and faster, while watching his movements carefully. He demanded that I hurry up and attack before he made an attack for me. Finding the perfect opportunity, I let the sling loose, and watched at the rock flew towards him. With a wave of one hand, he invoked some unknown magic that made the rock stop in midair and vanish right before my eyes. I was in disbelief. He chided me once more. 'You thought you could defeat me using mere child's play? Fool! You aren't even worth my time if all you can do is throw rocks at me.' Suddenly, I was blinded by rage, and the desire to avenge my friends and family consumed me. I looked around for something else I could use, and my focus shifted towards the blacksmith's forge. Quickly, I darted towards it, hoping that I could at least find a suitable dagger to defend myself with. I wasn't sure if he had made any attempt to stop me or not; all I thought about was finding a strong weapon and finishing this nightmare once and for all. My search yielded a strong-looking greatsword, similar to the weapon you three knights carry. I picked it up, briefly checking its weight and decided that it would have to do. It felt sturdy enough, and looked sharp enough to cut through just about anything. Satisfied with new weapon and refilled with the belief that I could end this, I went back to face Lucius. He seemed impressed with the sword I now carried, but unafraid. As I

faced him, he made a comment about evening the odds, and conjured his own sword out of thin air. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, but if swordplay was how this battle would be decided, then so be it. Within a split second, he charged at me with his sword raised. I prepared myself for his attack, and when he slashed at me, I dodged the strike, and countered with an attack of my own. I caught him off guard, knocking the sword out of his hand, and leaving him defenseless. His next move caught me by surprise, and pretty much ended the battle in a flash. He somehow teleported behind me and by the time I was able to react, he fired a spell, some sort of magical flame, at me. Before I could dodge or deflect it, the fire had hit me in the back, and I was unable to move because of the pain I felt. It was unbearable; almost like my entire body and mind were both on fire at the same time. I gathered the strength to look around me, and I noticed that Lucius had disappeared. What happened after that is a blur; I was in so much pain that my body just wouldn't respond to anythingI couldn't move, I couldn't talk, I couldn't do anythingfinallyI blacked out. When I woke up, I found myself in a soft bed. I sat up, and looked around the room I was in, and I had noticed an old woman was sitting beside the bed. She had a concerned look in her eyes, but when she saw that I was awake, she smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. I remember asking about where I was and she filled me in on what had happened. Shortly after Lucius's spell hit me, I had passed out from the pain. They didn't think that I would survive. The woman told me that I had been asleep for three days, and that during that time, I was completely unresponsive. Not wanting to give up on me, they had applied some medicine to my back. It still burned, and I noticed the bandages once I


had looked down. After I had made as much of a recovery as I could, they gave me some food, new clothes, and the sword I had used against Lucius as well as a real sling. They felt I deserved it after showing such natural skill with both weapons. After gathering my newly received provisions, I came back here. Once Nighthawk finished, the eerie silence returned as everyone took a moment to reflect upon everything Nighthawk had told them. Their new ally had survived an encounter with Lucius thanks to his mother's sacrifice, and he had barely survived a fight against the dark wizard after being caught off guard, thanks to the kindness of an elderly woman. To make things even more remarkable, Nighthawk had survived both of these encounters when he was just a child; a child whose life was changed in the worst way possible by the man they had learned was their common enemy. Nighthawk looked at Jonias with a look of determination upon his face. Young man, if you would allow me, I would be willing to join you on your quest. I promise to aid you in any way I can. When you finally do confront Lucius, you will need to be ready to fight with everything you have. I can teach you to wield a sword and fight with physical strength. Unfortunately, I don't know any magic, so I can't help you there. Jonias replied. We would be honored to have you fight with us. Thank you. The boy's words were met with a slight nod, and a smile; a silent gesture of gratitude. This unexpected encounter with one who knew what their enemy was capable of was a pleasant surprise, and they were glad to have Nighthawk the Raven on their side. However, there was one question that was still unanswered.


Nighthawk, Abigail said, shyly, There's something that I'm curious about. And what would that be? the raven inquired. Based on what you told us about your previous encounters with Lucius, I can't help but wonder she hesitated, unsure of how to phrase the next part of her question, and unsure of how he would respond to it. She closed her eyes, sighed, then opened her eyes, looked up at the sky, then back at Nighthawk, and finished the question she had for him. I was wondering Were youhumanonce? She looked at him nervously as he sat in silence. He returned her gaze and smiled calmly. There's no need to be embarrassed or ashamed of your question, he assured her. To answer your question, Abigail, I he took a swift pause, cleared his throat, and continued so that the others could hear. Yes. I was human once. They were all equally puzzled. But if you were human, then how are you a raven now? What happened? Abigail inquired, curious to know more about their new friend and ally. Were you affected by a spell that forced you to take your present form, or was it something else? He smiled, impressed with her sudden curiosity and happy that she had gotten over her fear of him. Actually, there was magic involved, but the magic that caused this, he began, indicating his own body. It's not what you would expect. He shifted slightly, cleared his throat again, then began the explanation of his transformation from human to raven, triggered after his confrontation with Lucius. Do you recall when I said that Lucius hit me in the back with a magic fire. They all nodded. At first it appeared as though fire


was all it was. The pain was unbearable and it felt as though I was burning from the inside and the outside simultaneously. It turns out that the spell had a major added effect on me. Although, I didn't know anything about until a few months after the battle. It was then that I began to feel the additional effect of that spell. It was pretty scary at first, but over time, I became used to the new me. At first, the changes were subtle. For example, I was suddenly able to see in the dark with no trouble, while I had previously had great difficultly navigating in the dark. As time passed, the changes became more dramatic and more noticeable. I remember waking up one morning to find that my body suddenly felt a bit lighter than it had before. Up to this point, the changes were just minor physical changes, such as enhanced senses and improved flexibility and such. Eventually, I remember finding these black feathers by me every time I woke up. Then, I noticed wings growing out of my back, right where Lucius' spell had hit me, and the black feathers I kept finding were growing all over my body, until finally, the rest of my body had changed. Once it did, I felt as though something about me was wrong. When I first saw my reflection in the water, I thought I was dreaming. I couldn't believe that I was looking at myself. As I stared into the water, a bird stared back. I thought my mind was playing a trick on me at first. Once I began to understand that this was really me, I became curious about what had transformed me. At first, I had guessed it to be some unintended effect of that spell, but wasn't entirely sure. Thankfully, I got my answer in the dream I had that night, and I found that my guess was right. In the dream, I saw Lucius standing in front of me, saying that even though I was able to survive his magic, there was no way that I'd be able to survive now that I had taken


the form of a raven. His idea was that since people are afraid of ravens and how they are seen as a symbol of death, they would all be afraid of me. I also remember him saying that the spell's added effectthe transformationwas his way of making sure I never forgot about our encounter. Like I'd forget a battle with the man who destroyed my home and murdered my family and friends! Anyway, after that comment, the dream ended with him saying that since I was no longer human, I'd have to get used to eating the insects that cling to the trees. Well, I may be a bird now, but thankfully I never had to change my diet. He finished the last comment with a laugh. The next night, I had another dream of Lucius taunting me. With this dream, however, he just kept laughing at me, telling me that there was no way I'd be able to survive in this form and repeated some of his comments from the previous dream. I can't wait to see the look of surprise upon his face when he finds out that I've been able to survive pretty well in my new form. However, there is one thing about this that has always intrigued me. It was a fire spell that made me into this, a ravena creature completely unrelated to fire of any kind. I remember thinking that, since I was hit by magic fire, I should have turned into a phoenix, since the phoenix is a bird of fire. Then I remembered that phoenixes are also a symbol of rebirth. When a phoenix is about to die, it bursts into flames, and is reborn from its own ashes. There's no way that Lucius would want me being resurrected repeatedly. The last thing he'd want to worry about is a foe who is virtually immortal. He reflected upon that grim conclusion somewhat solemnly.


This time, Jonias was the one to ask the question. So how has it felt, having to live your life the way you do now? Nighthawk pondered the question for a moment before answering. As I said before, it was scary at first, but once I got used to it, I've really enjoyed it. Of course, it did take some time to get used to having wings and a tail, having a beak, and having my feet the way they are now. I basically had to relearn how to eat and walk, and I had to teach myself how to fly. It took maybe a few months before I was able to fly without crashing into things, though part of the problem was that I had initially lacked the endurance and strength needed to maintain flight. He laughed at how bad his flying was when he started learning, and described a few of the accidents he had. He also told them that, some time after his unexpected transformation, he had chosen to rename himself Nighthawk, having felt that it was a fitting name for a raven. He also believed this name gave him an intimidating and unfaltering new identity; one that could strike fear into the heart of any foe. Having learned so much about their new friend, they all had a new-found admiration and respect for him. He had been through so much, and had witnessed and experienced things that no child should ever be forced to endure. Feeling that enough of the important information had been exchanged, they set up camp for the night. Jonias got the fire started while the knights removed their armor and placed it by their horses, just as they had done each night before that. As they sat by the tree, Abigail went to get water while Nighthawk brought them some fruits and berries from the forest. As they ate, they made sure to inform Nighthawk of their travel procedure, to which he nodded his approval. Once they were all


finished, the cooking supplies were cleaned and put away, and everyone laid down to sleep for the night. One by one, they had fallen asleep, and were all sleeping peacefully, except for Shadow. He had some trouble getting to sleep for a time, but finally, he was able to fall into a quiet, yet restless, slumber. A few hours later, Jonias felt something soft trying to move him. Dazed, he reached one hand up and rolled over onto his back; once his hand had touched a familiar face, he paused. Shadow, is that you? he asked. Yes. It's me, came the whispered reply. What are you doing? Jonias asked him. Don't you know how late it it? I cant sleep. Shadow sighed heavily, then said, There's something that has me worried. What's troubling you, Shadow? Jonias asked, concerned. Im worried about what Nighthawk told us, about the tragedy he witnessed, Shadow admitted. Jonias sat up and faced Shadow, an inquisitive look on the boy's face. Shadow hesitated briefly before explaining exactly why he was worried. His parents and friends were murdered and his home was destroyed while the only thing he was able to do was watch; one of the many attacks launched by Lucius all those years ago. Some time after the destruction of his home, Nighthawk, having vowed to get revenge for what happened, prepared for battle with that madman, and was almost killed after he finally did confront him. Finally, we find out that the spell that nearly ended Nighthawk's life all those


years ago turned him into what he is now. All of that happened to him while he was only a child, and because of that, he was forced to grow up much faster than a child should ever have to. Knowing that, I cant help but worry that Nighthawk could end up taking out his anger and hatred towards Lucius out on us. Also, what do we do if Nighthawk is recognized once we do finally confront Lucius? A battle between those two could get us all killed! Even worse, Lucius could unleash his hatred of Nighthawk on us. What would we do if something like that were to happen? Wow I didnt think about that, Jonias admitted. However, hes still a friend, and he knows our enemy firsthand. He knows what he's up against. I'm also confident that he'll be able to help me prepare for the fight ahead, as he promised. On top of that, the fact that Lucius is our common enemy is good enough for me. I think that we should all trust him. Good night, Shadow. Good night, Jonias. Shadow then looked around and decided to lie down next to Jonias. Jonias moved over so that Shadow had enough room. Then, the two closed their eyes, and were soon asleep. The next morning came suddenly, and they worked in a frenzy to pack their things. Once they were all ready to go, Nighthawk led them along the path they had taking the day before, and once they were back on the dirt road, they were swiftly headed towards their next destination. In little time at all, they were out of the forest, and back to being surrounded by open lands. The sudden flood of sunlight caught them off guard, and they


shielded their eyes from the morning light. As they trekked further ahead, they noticed a sudden drop in temperature. Ahh! Its a bit frigid out here. If there's one thing that I have a hard time with, this kind of weather would be it. Birds aren't built for the cold, Nighthawk said as he shivered. Regardless of their discomfort, they stayed together, encouraging each other along the way, and soon they found themselves at the foot of an enormous mountain range.


The Dragons Cave

It grew colder and colder as they ascended the rocky path. The group had their doubts as to whether they would make it through the mountains or not, but realized that they couldnt turn back. I don't think I've ever been this cold before! Matthias thought aloud. The others, apparently sharing his sentiments, weren't exactly sure who had it worse: the knights with their metal armor, or Nighthawk with his thin feathers and lack of a shirt. Their determination to keep going no matter how tough the situation became rewarded them: as they got higher and higher into the mountains, the temperature began to rise little by little, and soon, they were able to detect the presence of smoke. It reminded Jonias of the stove his family owns, and the smell made him hungry for his mother's home cooking. Suddenly they found themselves forced to pass through thick, black clouds of the smoke they had smelled before. Breathing wasn't too difficult, as they were able to shield their faces from the soot that covered them. However, their vision was severely impeded, so they relied on their sense of touch, feeling the rock walls as they progressed to make sure they were headed in the right direction. After walking for a few minutes, the smoke cleared, and they could now see their surroundings, and were surprised at what they found. They had reached a higher part of the mountain. When they looked over the cliff they had been standing near, they saw the dirt


path and the base of the mountain. When they looked ahead, however, they noticed several large caves scattered here and there on the plateau they had reached, and suddenly, they felt as though they were not alone. Of course! Lionheart exclaimed, which earned a confused glance from Jonias and Abigail. Dragons live in these mountains. Thats why all of these caves are here. This also explains the smoke we passed through and the sudden increase in temperature. It is said that when dragons have made their home in a particular mountain range, the temperature in the part of the mountains the dragons occupy is always warm, and large caves, such as these, can be found throughout the dragons' territory. As long as we're here, we need to be careful; not all dragons are friendly. It's said that they often attack humans and animals, even other dragons. However, if they aren't able to see us, we'll be safe. Keeping this in mind, they stopped to plan what to do next. They needed a rest anyway, and knew that they would need their strength for when they had to descend the mountain. We have to explore the caves; it will let us know more about this place and, lets face it, we need supplies and, if it's possible, a place to spend the night, Isaiah chimed in. They agreed, but before leaving, they decided to split into groups. Jonias went with Lionheart, Isaiah and Matthias went together, and Abigail, Shadow, and Nighthawk went as a group. Having agreed to meet back where they were at that moment before it got dark and report on what they found, they went their separate ways and began their search through the vast expanse before them. Jonias and Lionheart decided to investigate a row of caves close by. Their search proved to be valuable. In the first cave, they noticed signs of what looked like a campfire

that had been left ages ago. In the second, they found two dragons sleeping and wisely decided to leave before the cave's inhabitants woke up. The third cave yielded a rewarding discovery: there was an old tattered backpack that contained a couple small water canteens and some dried herbs and spices wrapped in brown paper; the backpack was in no condition to be used, so Jonias emptied its meager contents into his own backpack. They examined a few more caves, but weren't entirely thrilled by what they found; each one had a single dragon that looked at them with a look of curiosity. In each case, the two made the decision to back away slowly before they were attacked. They decided to try looking through one more cave before heading back to meet with the others, hoping that they would be able to find some more provisions. This last cave was a blessing in disguise; the dragon inside was a sky blue color that reflected the light beautifully, even in the cave. Jonias and Lionheart admired the large creature's beauty, but still felt it would be wise to depart. However, as the two began to make their exit, the young dragon, having noticed its odd visitors, spoke. Greetings travelers, it said. The two were frozen in place, paralyzed by the very same thing: this dragon just spoke to them. Immediately, they were on their guard. Lionheart whispered to Jonias that dragons are normally unable to speak, but there have been rare exceptions. However, such occurrences were often caused by the use of some unknown type of magic; one capable of changing the mind of a savage beast into something different, often used to enslave them. Seeing the look of concern upon their faces, the dragon spoke again. Relax, humans. There's no need for you to be afraid of me. Come inside my cave and rest yourselves. The two looked at each other, nodded, then dismounted their horses and

cautiously stepped inside. After hearing the dragon ease their fears and welcome them inside, they realized that this was a young female. Jonias was immediately reminded of his mother after hearing the dragon's calm voice. The two sat down on the rocky floor of the cave, and breathed a sigh of relief. It felt good having a moment to rest after their exhausting voyage into the mountains and the search for supplies almost immediately after. She allowed the two to relax in the calm silence of her cave before addressing them again. There aren't many humans who pass through these mountains. What brings the two of you to a place like this? Lionheart answered. The two of us are actually traveling with a few others. We're on an important journey and were just passing through. We chose to stop and explore these caves for whatever supplies we could find. She looked at him for a moment and asked, What sort of journey brings you up here? Jonias and Lionheart looked at one another, unsure of what to say. Could she be trusted? The dragon, sensing their fears, said, I assure you I can be trusted. Just let me know what it is you need, and I will see that you receive it. The two were relieved, and Lionheart mentioned that having a dragon as an ally could prove to be very helpful. The dragon suddenly chimed in again. By the way, she began, excitedly, I hope you can forgive my rudeness. In all the excitement, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Sapphire.


It's nice to meet you, Lionheart replied before introducing himself and Jonias. The two then shared everything that had happened to them up to that point: the king's request, the discovery of the ruined village, the meetings with their new allies, and anything else the two had felt was necessary. The dragon listened intently as the two described everything, and once they had finished, she spoke again. Its a pleasure to meet you both. You have had a rough journey, and I can't help but fear that it will become more difficult as time passes. You mentioned that you are in need of supplies. As I said before, I shall see that you receive whatever you need to aid you on your journey. The two made sure to mention that they were in need of food and water for everyone, and thanked Sapphire for her kindness. Once the three had finished their business in the cave, Sapphire asked if she could meet the others, and was granted permission to do so. Jonias and Lionheart mounted their horses, and they, along with Sapphire, returned to the meeting place the group had agreed upon. When they got there, they saw that the others had not yet returned from their search, so Jonias and Lionheart dismounted their horses, and took a seat near a small cliff. Sapphire laid down nearby, and looked towards the sky with a smile. Unknown to them, the rest of the travelers weren't having much luck with the search, and as a result, were growing increasingly discouraged.


Matthias and Isaiah came to another one. This one had better have something in it! Matthias said impatiently. They went inside and saw nothing, except for some broken dragon eggs. Lets head back, Isaiah said with a frustrated sigh. Good idea, Matthias replied and the two headed back. They were lost, and they knew it. They had never traveled through mountains before and, as a result, had a hard time navigating the area. They went through one steep climb after another and passed several empty caves. Abigail began to lose hope. Its no use; theres nothing up here. Hey, don't you worry. I promise, well find something, Nighthawk said comfortingly, trying to conceal the doubt in his own heart. Shadow was worn out from the strenuous activity that the search had forced them into. You know, horses arent built for climbing, especially steep cliffs like this, he complained. I cant keep this up much longer. Agreeing that they were all just as exhausted, they too decided to head back. Moments later, everyone had returned, and once the others were seated as comfortably as possible, all of them, with the exception of Jonias and Lionheart, stared in awe at the dragon laying near by. Nervously, they all shifted their gaze in Sapphire's direction, then back to Jonias and Lionheart, who were both sitting calmly. Lionheart settled the others, allowing the blue dragon to introduce herself, and to inform them of the good news.


Hello, everyone. My name is Sapphire. I met your friends after they had found my cave. They described the journey that you are all taking, and informed me that you are in need of food and water for the long road ahead. I have never had the opportunity to travel myself, but I have heard how tiring it can be. However, after and hearing about the grim destination that lies ahead of you from your friends, I understand that you need all the help you can get. That's why I chose to come back here and speak to all of you. I can bring you food and water, and you're all welcome to stay with me for the night. But you know, having passed by all the caves up here will have most likely gotten the attention of the other dragons that live here. The travelers tensed up upon hearing Sapphire's words. Fear not, she told them, I'm not the only dragon with a kind heart here; the others will be glad to assist you in any way they can. Allow me to take care of letting them know you're here. I'm sure you have many questions for me, but there will be time for that later. I'm sure you are all in need of a good meal and a nice rest. They nodded in agreement; they had been on the move all day and hadn't had any time to rest, and were glad to have gained some potentially powerful allies. She led them to her cave, and allowed them to leave their things there. Once that was finished, she asked them to follow her once more, telling them that she could lead them to a place where they could get something to eat. Noticing a pleasant aroma in the air, they quickly realized that Sapphire was leading them to the dragons' kitchen. As they walked, Sapphire gave them some insight on the dragons that lived in this particular mountain peak, telling them of their history. Dragons have lived here for many years. However, there was something that happened long ago that changed us into the intelligent beings we are


now. They looked at their new friend with curiosity. I'm not the only dragon capable of speaking; all of us can talk and think as a human is able to. Long ago, a human who had passed through here stopped to rest. He chose to sleep in one of the caves, but he hadn't realized that he had found himself in a cave that belonged to a small family of dragons; a male, a female, and their young. The two adult dragons looked at him, interested in the mysterious intruder. Unafraid, he introduced himself to them, and the dragons merely growled in reply. He asked if they didn't mind him spending the night in their cave. They replied, but he still couldn't understand them. Soon, after asking a number of other questions, he grew frustrated with his inability to communicate with the two dragons. Desiring the ability to understand what the dragons were saying to him, the man was desperate and willing to try anything. Remembering that he was gifted with a knowledge of magic, he attempted a spell that would let him communicate with the two dragons telepathically. However, his spell backfired. He repeated his earlier questions, only this time, he asked the questions using only his mind. They sat in silence for a moment before the man finally asked, 'What's wrong?' Once he had spoke aloud, the dragons finally replied. The two told him that they weren't able to understand his silence. He was surprised to find that his spell had actually given the dragons the ability to speak. However, he wasn't discouraged; glad that he could now communicate with them, he repeated his request to spend the night, to which the dragons agreed, and began to ask them about how they live, among other things. The next morning, the wizard departed from the mountains. Some time later, the two dragons found that they possessed more than just the ability to speak; they had become


intelligent. They described their experience with some of the other dragons, and it was said to be dismissed as a dream. Realizing that they couldn't convince the other dragons, they chose to make a record of their experience, just as humans everywhere have done. The male flew to the nearest human village and returned with a backpack filled with paper, quills, and ink. Their writing led to the creation of our own library. As time passed, other dragons became intelligent, as though the spell had been cast over the entire brood, not just the two encountered by the wizard. That is the reason why I am able to speak to you now. In addition to being able to speak, read, write, and think, throughout the years, the dragons have also taught themselves how to cook, make clothing, and just about anything else a human can do. Impressed with what they had just learned, they continued to follow their friend with a new found sense of respect and admiration; thanks to a magical failure, the dragons here had all gained human intelligence, while still possessing their own instincts, strength, and a few other things that dragons are known for. After passing by a number of caves and following a few branching paths, they had arrived at their destination. They were amazed at the massive cavern in front of them. The entrance was huge; one that put King Lawrences castle gates to shame. They looked up and noticed clouds of smoke coming from a few holes in the outside wall. Seeing the thick black smoke, they realized that this was the same smoke they passed through before. They concluded that the winds had blown the smoke and caused it to fill the mountain path. Sapphire, noticing their amazement at the structure before them, addressed the weary travelers once again. Yes, she began, the outside is magnificent, but just wait till you


see the inside. They couldn't wait to see it for themselves, curious to see exactly what wonders awaited them inside. As soon as they opened the doors, the delicious smell of food being prepared wafted up to greet them; their hunger magnified tenfold in an instant. They began walking down the massive staircase, happy when they noticed that there was plenty of walking space and light in the tunnel. As they descended, they took care to examine the murals that adorned the walls. As soon as they had reached the bottom, they found themselves a short distance from another pair of doors like the ones outside, and once they passed through this doorway, they had found themselves in a large dining hall. There were a lot of stone tables set up, with dragons seated at some of them; some were busy enjoying a meal while others were deep in conversation. The arrival of their new guests didnt seem to interrupt this one bit. A few minutes later, after what felt like a long period of waiting and looking around, Sapphire called to an older dragon she had recognized. He walked over and she related the situation to him. The dragon was huge, which intimidated the weary travelers, especially when they saw how much bigger he was than Sapphire. He gave a friendly smile once Sapphire indicated the group of visitors; his sharp fangs now quite visible. Once Sapphire had told him of the situation, the elder dragon called to two other dragons that were standing off to the side of the room. Realizing they had been summoned, the two walked over. Listen well, he began in a loud, booming voice, futilely attempting to whisper, we have some new visitors here. He indicated the group of travelers, just as Sapphire had moments before. They're traveling on a personal journey, and are in need of food and

water. Have some provisions set aside and have them ready for when our guests are ready to depart. Also, have some food brought out for them. They look as though they could use a good meal to liven them up again. The two bowed their heads respectfully, and headed towards another room, which Jonias figured was likely the actual kitchen. After the two younger dragons left, the old dragon turned back to face the group, and said, Youll love our food. A lot of the meals we prepare are human recipes that we've learned over the years while others are things that we have created on our own. There have been some successes and some failures, but that is just a part of cooking. Now, enough of listening to me ramble on; I expect youre all weary from your travels. Come! Be seated and enjoy yourselves; maybe you'll make some new friends. In the meantime, I'll see to it that the food you receive is our very best quality. He bowed to them and headed towards the kitchen. Well, shall we go sit down? Sapphire asked. Her question was met with a resounding Yes! and she led them to their seats with a laugh. The tables looked much more magnificent when viewed up close; each one looked as though it was carved out of pure diamond that sparkled as the lights reflected off of them. The large surface was adorned with swirling lines, patterns, and shapes. It was an indescribable sight. They each sat in one of the matching chairs, and made themselves comfortable. There was one thing that they couldn't quite understand, however; if dragons walk on four legs, then why make chairs? Looking around to some of the other tables, they noticed that, even though dragons do walk on four legs, these dragons still sat in the diamond chairs and ate just as humans do; the sight was an interesting one to behold.


Curious to explore the massive dining hall for himself, Jonias looked around the room, and was awed by the view. The floor looked like the kind that is often found in a castle; it consisted of a checkerboard tile pattern that reflected everything as though it were a large mirror. The walls were adorned with all sorts of pictures and poems from the dragons extensive history. Jonias looked over to a corner of the room, and saw that there was a single podium that held a large book. Interested, he walked over, and opened the massive volume only to find that it was an ancient cookbook, but was still legible and in good condition. He read over some of the recipes and was amazed at the vast number of foreign dishes. Seeing the young boy take an interest in the dining hall and its unique and amazing decorations, Sapphire left the table, and joined him in sifting through old cookbook. He smiled once he noticed she was there, and together, the two looked at some of the old recipes. When Jonias found one he didn't recognize, Sapphire would briefly describe it. He liked having her there, not because she was a dragon, but because he felt that she was a wonderful guide, and a great friend. He also seemed to think that she acted a bit like him, in that she had a desire to learn. Lastly, the dragon's willingness to help him and his friends on their journey reminded him of King Lawrence and many of the people he knew back home, and their willingness to help in any way possible. Sapphire had him look at the ceiling and he was not disappointed with what he saw: the ceiling of the cave appeared to have been made of the same material as the floor, but was a magnificent marble color, and huge, golden chandeliers, each with an freshly lit ivory


white candle, adorned it at regular intervals. The lights had a warm glow to them that suddenly filled Jonias with a sense of homesickness. He looked away and silently started to cry; the tears flowing slowly at first. Sapphire, having noticed her friend's sadness, draped a large, blue wing around him, and asked, Jonias, whats wrong? Is there something about the ceiling that you don't like? He tearfully replied, No, it's not that. I love this place, and have never seen anything like it, but somehow, it reminds me so much of my home. Everyone in my town is just like this; friendly, and always ready to help you. The only real beauty is the castle nearby, but it's still my home. I know that I have to continue my journey and face this powerful enemy, but at the same time, I dont want to leave this place. Its almost like a palace. Sapphire drew him close and held him in a soft embrace. Being hugged by her, a dragon, feltdifferent, yet at the same time, it felt familiar; Jonias was reminded of his mother, and of the day he left on this journey. Being held in Sapphire's forelegs and wrapped in her wings made him feel protected, just as his mother's embrace always made him feel. Sapphire calmly told the young boy, I understand that you miss your home, but Im sure that your friends and family are all thinking about you and wishing for you to come home safely. She spoke with the same confidence that all of the other villagers had when he had informed him of this dangerous quest he suddenly had to embark upon. The two stood there for a moment in silence, then Sapphire spoke again, this time addressing Jonias' previous comment about the dining hall and sharing some of her own


feelings toward this place, as well as a little bit of background information about it. This place is like a palace, she agreed, it took at least five hundred years to build, and no one really knows how the dragons from that time were even able to build it. Something that still amazes me about this dining hall is that it always has this shine to it, as though the builders cast a spell upon it, keeping it protected against any kind of damage; even time. When you stand in here, you cant even tell that we're in a cave. Sensing that her friend had calmed down, she held him for a moment, then patted him on the back. The two looked at each other briefly, then Sapphire smiled and asked, Thats better now, isnt it? He nodded, dried his eyes, and thanked her, and the two left to rejoin the others back at the table. Not long after Sapphire and Jonias rejoined their friends, the long-awaited feast was brought out. As the variety of dishes was brought out, they could smell the different kinds of food. All of it smelled heavenly, and made them even hungrier. There were soups and salads of many different varieties, sauces and dressings for them, many different kinds of meat, a number of different vegetables, and a few other things. While they waited for the food to cool, Sapphire graciously described the food that had been placed in front of them. After Lionheart said a short grace, he and the others thanked Sapphire for allowing them to receive such generous hospitality. She dismissed his complement, saying that she was glad to help. Finally, they ate. The food was still warm, and it had a rich texture to it; the kind that causes the food to melt in the mouth. Table manners were forgotten as plates were filled to capacity and the cups they were given, which were actually small bowls, were


filled with a rich green tea. Like the food, the tea was made from scratch, and they were all immediately satisfied. After they had ate and drank their fill of the generous feast they had received, they sat in silent bliss. None of them had ever tasted anything so delicious before. Sapphire began to tell them about some of the pictures and other decorations on the wall. Her explanation was interrupted when the heavy doors slammed open. Everyone looked over to see what had happened, then went back to their business when they saw it was only another dragon entering the dining hall. He apologized for the commotion, then sat down at one of the tables. Sapphire, seeming to have recognized this dragon, quickly moved from her seat, saying that she'd return as soon as possible. Happy to see this dragon, Sapphire ran over to where he sat, and exclaimed, Hello, Hampton! Startled, he looked at her with a look of surprise upon his face. Oh, Sapphire, he said with a slight laugh, it's only you. Hello. Soon, the two were deep in conversation. Back at their table, the others looked over at the table that Sapphire had darted toward, wondering what it was about that other dragon that got her so excited. Guessing he was likely a friend of her's, they went back to their own conversation, this time discussing what to do once they resumed their journey. Moments later, Sapphire returned to the table, and quickly apologized for her sudden departure, explaining that the other dragon was her older brother. She finished describing the various decorations on the walls, and mentioned that she had wanted to be an


artist when she was younger. A while later, they decided to leave the dining hall, and find somewhere to spend the night. As they got up to leave, Sapphire quickly asked, When are you guys planning to leave here? Lionheart replied, We'll be leaving tomorrow. If possible, we'll leave sometime in the morning. But not before breakfast! Isaiah chimed in with a laugh. Lionheart agreed that it would be wise to get a quick breakfast before leaving. When they made it to the door, the elder dragon they had spoken to before reappeared, reminding them to stop by before they left so they could pick up the provisions they had requested. After that was taken care of, they headed back outside. The next concern on their minds was where they were going to spend the night. Jonias immediately asked to stay with Sapphire; his request was met with a smile from the blue dragon. Then, not wanting the others to be left out, she said to them, When we get back to the caves, I'll ask some of the other dragons if you can stay with them. Before we do that, though, we'll have to return to my cave so you can get your belongings. Her words were met with their approval, and they made the short walk back to Sapphire's cave. Jonias quickly laid his blanket out, then rejoined the others after they had gathered their things. To their surprise, they learned that there were quite a few of the dragons that were willing to share their home with the visitors. Jonias and the others remembered Sapphire telling them that humans didn't pass through often the mountains very often, and had found


out that the dragons were always happy when they did because of the knowledge they could gain from the stories the people would often share. Realizing that night was still a few hours away, the three knights dispersed, one by one, to decide which dragons they would be spending the night with, while Jonias decide to go talk to some of the other dragons. However, before Nighthawk and Abigail had a chance to explore as the others did, they were stopped by Sapphire. Wondering what she could want with the two of them, they looked at each other with a look of concern upon their faces. Calm down, she told them. I just have something I want to ask you two. What could you want to ask us? Nighthawk replied. Sapphire answered the raven's question with a smile. I want to know if the two of you would be interested in receiving some new clothes. Abigail smiled back. Yes, that's fine with me, she said. And what about you, Nighthawk? the dragon asked. I have no problem with receiving new clothes, was his initial response. However he said quietly. What's wrong? Sapphire asked. Nighthawk looked at her, his yellow eyes suddenly filled with a mix of sadness and embarrassment, sighed, then spread his magnificent black wings. Understanding what he was trying to say, she assured him that they would be able to find something to fit over his wings, to which he replied with a smile.


Abigail was the next one to ask a question. So, where do we have to go to get our new clothes? Sapphire looked at her and at Nighthawk before saying, Remember what I told you before, about how some of the dragons had learned how to make clothing? The two nodded, and Sapphire spoke again. I can take you to one who is quite skilled in such needlecraft. All she would need from you are your measurements and time to make the clothing. Just follow me. After we're finished there, you'll be able to decide who you'd like to stay with tonight. The two then smiled and followed their friend, thankful for her unexpected gift. After having the opportunity to relax and meet some unexpected new friends, everyone's spirits were restored. They made sure to take care of sleeping arrangements before socializing, and in the process, they came to notice that the dragons home wasn't as foreign as they had initially thought. Things here had opened up to them in a new, almost magical, majesty. These dragons weren't at all savage; their kind hearts cast a sort of protective light on the group of travelers. Knowing they had some powerful new allies they could always return to, their fears had been calmed, at least for now, it seemed. Once nightfall had arrived, everyone made their way to the cave where they had chosen to spend the night. After Jonias had returned to Sapphires cave, he sat down in the spot he had prepared for himself before. As he sat there in silence, his mind drifted to memories of his home, his friends, and his family. He missed them greatly, but he knew that he couldn't turn back now; time was running out, and everyone was depending on him to restore peace

to the land. He couldn't let them all down. He had to win. This new sense of responsibility startled him a bit, noticing how this journey had changed him. He laid on his back and stared at the empty cave ceiling, not knowing exactly what to expect as he continued the quest he had destined to embark upon. When Sapphire returned, Jonias sat up and faced her with a look of concern on his face. She returned his gaze with a solemn, apologetic expression, saddened by the serious realization that this young boy was putting his life at risk to hunt and destroy a man who had spent years upon years training himself in the dark magical arts. She remembered hearing stories of a great war that took place fifteen years ago, not realizing that this man called Lucius the Black-Hearted was the one responsible for that terrible tragedy until Jonias and Lionheart had revealed Lucius to be the reason for their journey. Noticing Jonias' sorrow, Sapphire went over and laid down beside him. Her presence provided the young boy with a sense of peace that seemed to calm all his fears in an instant. Jonias smiled as Sapphire looked at him with the familiar, protective gaze his mother often had whenever she comforted him. This felt like one of those moments from so long ago, a moment when his mother seemed to understand what he was feeling without him having to say anything. He thanked her for being there, and told the blue dragon about how she had reminded him of his mother. She graciously accepted his complements and his gratitude, stating her eagerness glad to help a friend. Jonias yawned as sleep began to take hold of him, and shivered slightly. Sapphire gently pulled him close to her, and immediately, he felt the gentle warmth her soft body provided. As Jonias rested his weary head against the dragon's scaly chest, and closed his

eyes, Sapphire wished him a good night, and gently placed one of her sky blue wings over him before laying her head on the rocky floor of the cave. After a few moments of watching the sleeping boy she held by her side, the blue dragon drifted off to sleep herself. The next morning, Jonias awoke to find himself still in the dragon's protective embrace, and noticed a translucent blue screen over his eyes. After his eyes had adjusted to the light, he recognized that the soft blue veil over him was one of Sapphires wings. Though he was awake, he chose to remain were he was, wanting to let Sapphire wake up on her own. Once she was finally awake, the two sat up and smiled at one another. After a quick stretch, Sapphire happily said to the young boy, Good morning, Jonias. After a few moments, the two friends got up from where they sat and, after Jonias had repacked his belongings, headed outside. Even though they were in the mountains, the sun shone brightly. Jonias viewed it as a beacon from Heaven itself, giving him the courage needed to continue his journey. The two decided to head down to the dining hall to get breakfast and also to see if the others were up yet. The elder dragon, having noticed the two, happily called out, Good morning, friends! The two returned his greeting and headed towards one of the tables. As they went to sit down and wait for some breakfast, Jonias noticed that, while the decorations and the furniture were almost the same as before, however this time, the candles had been extinguished, the sunlight shining through the cave windows in their place. The light illuminated the cave, and, reflecting off of the large dining tables and the extravagant floor, appeared to spotlight the various paintings and other works of art that


adorned the walls. After they had seated, they broke into conversation while they waited for their food. Jonias, after you leave here, where do you plan to go next? Sapphire asked him. I'm not really sure, he replied. Our plan so far has just been to travel forward, and stop whenever we reach a village or something, or when we need to rest for a bit. My king didn't know where Lucius was hiding, but he was still confident that I would be successful when the time comes. She nodded, saying, Somehow, I feel that, as your journey continues, your destination will be revealed. You said that your mission is to destroy Lucius, right? Something tells me that he's hiding, waiting for the right time to declare another war on everyone, and when the time is right, his location will be revealed to you. As Jonias pondered Sapphire's cryptic words, he couldn't help but think that she was right. Lucius is hiding somewhere while he launches his attacks from far away; clearly his idea of a game. If Jonias is really the one destined to defeat the dark mage, then eventually, their final destination will be revealed. After a few moments, Jonias' contemplation was interrupted by the smell of warm food and fresh fruit juice being placed on the table. The breakfast was simple, but good. There was a dish of bacon and eggsthe same thing he had for breakfast on the day he departed on this journeyalong with a plate of crisp, warm toast; a tray with butter and assorted kinds of jam was placed next to it. They both dug in to the hot food; Jonias decided to help himself to some toast spread with butter, while Sapphire took some bacon and eggs, and both decided to have some of the sweet-


smelling juice. There was plenty of food and drink, so the two made sure to eat their fill of the wonderful food. Once they had finished, they went back outside to enjoy the mountain sun. Suddenly, Sapphire smiled, looked at Jonias, and said, I just remembered something. Confused, Jonias asked, What is it? I know someone who can help you on your journey, Sapphire beamed. Climb on my back, and I'll take you to him. Jonias stepped back as his friend crouched down so he could climb on her back. Having never ridden a dragon in his life, he didn't know what to expect, only thinking that it couldn't be too different from riding a horse. He took a quick breath, released it, and approached Sapphire. Cautiously, he climbed on, and took a moment to adjust himself, Sapphire aiding him by shifting her body slightly. Feeling her rider was secure, Sapphire looked back and calmly told Jonias, Just hold on, and let me take care of the rest. Looking toward the sky, she spread her wings, and readied herself for flight. In a flash, she leaped up, and as soon as the mountain breeze filled her enormous wings like sails, the blue dragon was flying toward the sun. Once Sapphire was confident that she was flying at a reasonable pace, she broke the silent air, telling Jonias, You know, I'm probably as nervous as you are right now. Really? Jonias asked. Why?


This is the first time I've ever carried anyone on my back, she answered. Since humans are rarely seen up here, I've never had the opportunity to try it. So, where are we going? Jonias inquired. See that grassy hill down there? That's where my friend lives. Jonias peered down at the hill Sapphire had pointed at. A short moment later, Sapphire had landed and helped Jonias dismount. Jonias turned and was surprised when he saw the massive cave in front of him. The entrance much wider than the two of them together, and they were in the middle of a dense forest, the trees near the cavern's opening casting an almost ominous shadow on the ground below. After Jonias took a moment to admire the forest, Sapphire ushered him inside the cave. The inside was slightly dark, but as the two moved further into the cave, they could see small torches mounted on the wall. The fickle flames illuminated their path, and soon, they were in a large room with two smaller, though still massive, caves. While Jonias was visibly intimidated by the unfamiliar labyrinth, Sapphire was unfazed. She led Jonias to the room on the left, saying that the other one was most often empty. Sapphire entered the large room while Jonias cautiously followed behind. Once both were in the room, illuminated by a few dying candles on each wall, Jonias wasn't as afraid as he had been. Looking around the room, he saw several large bookshelves, a few of which were filled to capacity. Sapphire lightly tread toward the end of this makeshift library, Jonias following behind while observing the contents of the bookshelves. There was a large desk here, but it was barely visible; most of the desk was concealed by a large dragon. Even


with the room's low lighting, the dragon's blood red scales still radiated majestically. He towered over the desk, silently focused on something there. As he concentrated on the something in question, his folded wings fluttered slightly, and his tail rose and fell rhythmically. Jonias could hear a faint scratching noise coming from where the dragon was seated, and quietly asked Sapphire what it was. After answering the young boy's question, explaining that the dragon was busy writing something, revealing that to be the reason for him being so focused and not noticing that the two were there, Sapphire crept up to the large dragon and lightly tapped him on his muscular shoulder. A short moment later, the dragon stopped writing and looked over at Sapphire, a smile forming on his face upon noticing the familiar visitor. Oh, good morning, Sapphire. What brings you here? The red dragon asked. I have a friend with me, Sapphire replied. He's right behind you. The dragon shifted his body slightly, then turned around to face Jonias. The dragon smiled upon seeing the young human standing in front of him, then said, It's been a long time since a human has visited this place. What's your name, young man? My name's Jonias, he replied. It's nice to meet you, the dragon said. My name's Firebreath. I live alone in this cave, but Sapphire and some of the other young dragons often visit me here. The room we're in now is my personal library. What brings you way out here?


Sapphire was the one to answer. He and his friends are on a personal mission to defeat this evil wizard. The others are back with the rest of the dragons. Jonias and his friends arrived yesterday, and spent the night. I'll let Jonias explain give you the details. Firebreath listened intently as Jonias described his quest, the young boy taking care not to leave anything out. Once Jonias had finished, he stood in silence while the red dragon took a moment to reflect upon what he had just heard. After pondering the young hero's words, Firebreath spoke again. I remember hearing of this Lucius character you mentioned. He had once threatened to take control of the entire land, and destroy all those who opposed him as well as those he deemed unworthy of his rule. Personally, I feel that defeating him was nothing short of a miracle! To think that someone like that had been outsmarted by an old king Hearing that he's attempting his dark plans again does not surprise me at all. That madman was relentless. Anyway, it's an honor to be talking to someone mentioned in a prophecy. Your path is certainly a difficult one. I have faith that you will be victorious in your battle, but even so, I would like to accompany you on your journey. A dragon's strength is legendary, as I'm sure you've heard, and you will no doubt need all the help in preparing yourself for the fight ahead. Jonias granted Firebreath permission to join him and the others on their journey, and thanked the dragon for his willingness to help. However, Firebreath said quickly, before we leave, there are a few things that I'd like to take with me.


Jonias nodded, and he and Sapphire watched as Firebreath took a few books from one of the shelves, and placed them on the desk next to the book he had been writing in before. As he placed the books, along with some quills and ink, into a large backpack he picked up from one corner of the room, he told Jonias a little bit about himself. The truth is this: I'm actually a bit of an author and historian. That's why all of these books are here. I like to read about all sorts of history, mythology, and other types of lore. I often write my own stories, and was actually working on one when you two showed up. I tend to draw inspiration from a lot of the books I have here, as well as things I hear from the visitors I usually have. This library became what it is now because of the many years I've spent collecting books and listening to many different stories. A lot of my time is spent in this room, creating my own legends and such. Once Firebreath had finished, he followed the other two out of the library, and out of his cave. After the three were outside, Jonias took a moment to adjust to the change in light before remounting Sapphire. Finally, Sapphire and Firebreath took flight, and were soon headed back towards the mountains. Once they were above the rocky plateau, Jonias, Sapphire, and Firebreath noticed the others were gathered below. As the two dragons began their descent, they flew towards a empty space on the ground. Sapphire helped Jonias dismount, and Firebreath followed the two as they went to rejoin their friends.


Lionheart, having noticed the three approaching, stood up and walked over to them. There you are, the knight said, relieved. We were getting a little worried. None of us knew where you had gone, so we decided to wait here. Thanks, Jonias replied. Noticing the large red dragon standing behind Jonias and Sapphire, Lionheart asked them, Who's this? I'll explain once we're back to the others, Jonias answered. After the entire group was reunited, Sapphire took a moment to introduce her friend to the others, then allowed them to introduce themselves. Once the introductions were taken care of, Firebreath spoke again. It's an honor to meet all of you. Jonias has informed me of the grim task he has to perform. As such, your friend has allowed me to join you on your difficult journey. I promise that, with my strength, you will reach your destination safely. However, before we leave, there's something I'd like to do for you.


Firebreaths Tour
Anxious to hear what their new friend had in mind, the others sat silently, politely allowing the dragon to continue. I'd like to give you guys a small tour. There are a few places up here that I like to visit every once in a while. I'd like to show them to you, and I promise you won't be disappointed. They stood up, curious to see what Firebreath had planned to show them. Asking everyone to follow him, Firebreath began walking past a few of the smaller caves. As they followed him, he said, Some of the things I'm about to show you are a bit of a secret. Sometimes, I do a little exploring of my own, and I've discovered things that few here know about. Everyone's interest grew upon hearing the dragon's words. I trust youve visited our dining hall already. The others nodded. Ill show you something I found close to it. He led them down the familiar path toward the dining hall, but instead of taking the quick ascent that would take them to it, he led them down a lower path. As they took this side road, they noticed that they were going uphill, passing a few of the caves they had visited the previous day. After the short uphill walk, they noticed that they were actually behind the dragons' large dining hall. Upon examining their surroundings, they were amazed by the view they were witnessing.


They were on top of a steep, grassy hill that overlooked a large portion of a forest nearby, unsure if it was the forest where they had met Nighthawk. Nevertheless, the forest looked different from that altitude, as though it were alive. They scanned the horizon, and took the time to absorb the beauty of where they stood, listening as Firebreath told them, I occasionally come here to watch the sunset. I always find it to be quite relaxing, and in the past, I would usually come here when I needed to clear my mind or to calm down a bit. Once they were finished, Firebreath led them back the way they came, showing them a few other things along that path, until they were back by the dining hall. After he allowed them to rest for a moment, Firebreath offered to show everyone his cave. They eagerly accepted, and he, with Sapphire's help, flew everyone back to the forest cave he had made his home. Though they had often heard that caves could sometimes be found in the forest, they were still surprised when they saw Firebreath's cave. Once they had made their way into the center room, they stopped, and Firebreath turned to face them. The cave on your left is where I sleep, while the cave on your right is my personal library. The only thing I have in my room is my bed, nothing exciting there. The library, however, is where I often spend my time. As he mentioned the library, everyone looked up at him with a desire to browse it. Upon stepping inside, the immense quantity of books, as well as the desk at the back of the room, caught everyone's fascination. Firebreath described some of the books, as well as everything he said to Jonias before; his interest in history and his personal hobby as an author. Once the tour of his cave was finished, Firebreath led everyone outside, and let


them absorb the fresh forest air before, with the help of Sapphire, taking them back to their prior meeting place. After they had regrouped and relaxed, the group decided to fetch their promised provisions from the dragons and wish everyone farewell before leaving. Once that was done, they gathered their belongings from Sapphire's cave and prepared to make their exit; Lionheart added the food and other items from the dining hall to the backpacks while Nighthawk and Abigail quickly left to change into their new clothes. As they turned to leave, Sapphire suddenly called out, Wait! They stopped, and turned facing their friend with a hint of impatient curiosity. Before you go, there's someone else I'd like you to meet. Making sure they had everything, they followed Sapphire as she led them to another cave, this one just slightly larger than her own. A few moments later, the others heard the sound of two voices: Sapphire's own voice, and an unfamiliar second voice. As she stepped outside, Sapphire was followed by another sky blue dragon, however this dragon was slightly larger and was male. Once the dragon was fully visible, the others recognized him immediately; he was the dragon that Sapphire had darted toward while they were eating dinner the previous evening. Everyone, Sapphire smiled, This is Hampton. As I told you yesterday, he's my older brother. I felt I should introduce him to you before you leave, since I didn't get the chance to do so before.


Once all the introductions were completed, Hampton addressed the group. I had a feeling I'd be meeting you eventually. You're the visitors some of the others have been talking about, and from what my sister has told me, it appears as though she's taken a bit of a liking to all of you. Jonias looked at the ground upon hearing Hampton's last comment, but not because of what the dragon had said; Jonias felt a sense of empathy toward Sapphire, seeing the young female look away from her brother out of embarrassment toward his words. Jonias agreed that Sapphire had grown fond of him and his friends, but, after recalling how she had comforted him before, the young boy almost felt as though the kindhearted dragon had adopted him, while being just a friend to the others. Hampton, suddenly noticing Jonias' sudden shyness, told the young boy, Don't worry about it too much. Sapphire's always had a habit of being overly social and friendly like this, especially toward visitors. Jonias smiled, happy to have a friend like Sapphire. The two dragons wished the travelers a successful journey and told them that they were always welcome to visit. The heroes, thanking their friends and promising to return victorious and also promising to return for a visit, made their way to their intended path, and soon, they were on the move once again. Feeling relieved that the descent was a little smoother, as well as a renewed confidence in their goal, the travelers were able to move at a quicker pace. After making the journey out of the mountains, they were back on a dirt road surrounded by a few small trees. They continued for what seemed like miles, and once the sun had set, they stopped to rest for the night, taking temporary shelter near a few of the trees they saw before.

The next morning arrived quickly, and everyone was awake just as the sun was rising. Since they had all woken up at the crack of dawn, they chose to have a quick breakfast. Having their rations refilled made breakfast much more enjoyable; they were glad to be able to enjoy something besides just fruit with bread and water. Matthias volunteered to do the cooking, and began setting out the cookware while Isaiah and Nighthawk went to get firewood and the rest sat in silence. Once the fire was lit, Matthias had his desired ingredients placed in front of him, and hummed happily to himself as he prepared breakfast. Moments later, the wonderful smell of food filled the air, and soon, the food was being divided equally: a kind of stew made from fruits and berries. Matthias also used the little bit of bread they had been carrying to thicken it, as well as some fresh maple syrup and cinnamon received from the dragons; the syrup was used as a sauce, and the cinnamon was used to season the confection. As soon as everyone was served, Matthias prepared some tea, another item the dragons had given them, and added a little bit of syrup to sweeten it. Once everyone had ate and drank their fill, the cooking utensils were cleaned in a small pond nearby and everything was repacked. Once everyone was ready to go, they travelers continued along the dirt road. They traveled for miles, briefly stopping in a small forest to rest and eat lunch. After gathering some fruit and refilling their water supply, they left the forest, and kept on going. A short time later, they had arrived at the base of another mountain range. Feeling the need to continue, they began their ascent up the rocky path.


The Mountains...Again
As they began their ascent, they noticed that, while the temperature began to fall as it had before, it wasn't nearly as cold as the last set of mountains. They started to traverse into this new set of mountains, but this time, the temperature only rose to what it would feel like in mid-spring. This happened at the same time the path began to descend. They soon found themselves in a deep canyon. The sunlight was not as strong as before, it was much further away now. They walked some more and noticed several large nests on the ground. My, I think these are some rather large birds nests. Wouldnt you think? Shadow mused; Firebreath almost immediately corrected him. No, these arent birds eggs; these are griffin eggs, Firebreath said. They spoke only in hushed whispers, not wanting to attract attention to themselves. If there are eggs here, then the mothers have to be flying around nearby. They did not want to stay there too long, and eventually made their way out of the field of nests. They were still in the canyon, but it opened up more and they were able to see more clearly. After walking for a short while, they saw nothing; nothing except for a pool of water concealed behind a small forest of thick evergreen trees. They made their way through, carefully, and eventually, they had made it to the ponds edge. The water was beautiful; it was extremely clear, and reflected their image as


though the surface were a large crystal mirror. None of them had anything to say except Wow! and they sat down by it and decided to rest. They dipped their hands in, and quickly regretted it. The crystal clear water felt like ice, and immediately, the travelers were all shivering. After drying their hands, they noticed that the small forest wasn't thick enough to block all of the frigid air. When the wind blew, they huddled together to keep warm, but that did not work as well as they had hoped. Having been sufficiently rested, and also wanting to get moving so they could warm up a bit, they left from the pool of ice water, and got back onto the path. They kept going, noticing more trees along the way. These trees were still saplings; they were only a fraction of the size of the evergreens, and some had no leaves yet. The travelers were amazed at the thought of plant life thriving in such conditions, or any life for that matter. They continued walking in peace; they did not hear even a single sound, and, after a short time, saw not even a single plant. They interpreted this as an omen, a sign to watch their step. They cautiously gazed about their surroundings and relaxed a little when they didn't see anything to fear. They came to a large alcove. The cold rock formed a vast overhang above them, and dowsed them in sudden darkness. Not wanting to travel in blindness, Lionheart pulled a stick out of one of the backpacks, and, with the help of Firebreath's flame, made a torch. When the torch went out, they relied on their sense of touch to guide them, following the wall closest to them with their hands until the overhang disappeared and the light returned. They greeted the sunlight with sighs of relief and continued following the path at their previous pace.

To pass the time on this slow journey, Jonias decided to start up a conversation with Firebreath, wanting to know more about the dragon's previous words. So, Firebreath, he began, what else do you know about griffins? You were able to recognize the eggs. What should we expect if we see any? Firebreath thought for a moment. Well, lets see. The males are typically the size of a large horse at least, and the females are just slightly smaller than that. You'll be able to tell the difference if we see any. They are half-feline and half-bird creatures, half-lion and half-eagle being the most common variety. They're fierce hunters, gliding through the sky in search of prey. Lucky for us, they only prey upon smaller animals, so there's a high chance we'll be safe even if we do see any. We'd be in good shape if we were to have them on our side; they are fierce in battle loyal to their friends and allies. They would willingly give their lives to protect their home or their loved ones should they find it necessary. This information created a multitude of emotions inside Jonias: he had a new-found desire to meet one, yet feared what might transpire in such an event; he wanted to watch them hunt, yet wasn't entirely thrilled by the image it invoked; he wanted to have their assistance, yet wondered how willing they'd be to join such a desperate conflict; these and a number of other concerns drifted within the young boy's mind. His anxiety grew as they continued walking. When they grew weary, they stopped for a brief rest. They took this time to eat a snack, and talk more about griffins. Firebreath continued his explanation about griffins, when prompted by Jonias. Ah, yes, he began, as I mentioned before, the half-lion and half-eagle variety is the most common. For this particular kind, they have the head, wings, and forelegs of an eagle, and

the body and hind legs of a lion. Regardless of the specific kind, however, griffins can be a wide range of different colors: snowy white, black as midnight, golden as the sunyou name it. The feathers that cover the bird half of their body are softer than those of any bird you will ever find. The same is true for the feline half; the fur on their body is softer than any animal in the wild. Also, their wings are powerful; an adult is capable of flying for days or even weeks without stopping. The main detail, however, is that their wingspan tends to vary depending on what type of bird is represented. In addition to differences in body size, their wingspan, feather and fur length, and a few other details can differ because of gender as well as age. For example, a two-year-old female might be smaller than a male of the same age, but her feathers might be longer and might be a brighter color than the aforementioned male. When you meet one, I've heard that the experience is indescribable; it's a majestic sight to behold. Jonias, I can sense your anticipation, and I feel a bit of the same. I, too, long to meet these magnificent creatures. You can learn so much more about them by actually meeting or watching them. After hearing the elaborate description, their excitement grew, and all of them wanted to experience such a majestic encounter. Jonias leaned against Firebreath, and closed his eyes, deep in thought about everything he had heard just now, and everything he had seen and heard on his journey, and exhausted from the weight placed on him by this journey. The others sat in silent concentration as well, and would have fallen asleep if the following event had not transpired.


Cry of the Griffin

A long, sharp eagle cry suddenly rang out and filled the air and interrupted the travelers' thoughts. They stirred instantly; Jonias, immediately awoke from his reverie, stood and cast a worried glance between the sky and the dragon beside him, Nighthawk and the knights were on guard, and Abigail clutched to Shadow for dear life. What was that?! she cried as she wrapped her arms around Shadows neck, and buried her face in his soft mane. What they saw next was that of a dream. They looked toward the horizon and saw a large, black shape flying toward them. Since it was still far away, it looked like a flying shadow, but as it came closer, they were able to distinguish the expansive wings, angelic feathers, and leonine body of a griffin. As he grew closer, Abigail pressed harder into Shadow; her gaze darting back and forth repeatedly between the fast-approaching griffin and the deep black of Shadows body. Within a few short moments, the griffin had landed just a few feet from them, letting loose another loud cry upon doing so. The magnificent creature before them was just as Firebreath had described: tall in stature, bright golden feathers and fur covering its muscular body, its piercing gaze eying the group just a short distance away. Firebreath looked at it nervously, yet had an indescribable sense of appreciation in his heart upon seeing a creature he had longed to meet after hearing about it. Shadow fearfully whispered, Whoa, it is bigger than me! His fear was eased by a gentle touch


and some kind words from Abigail. Firebreath also quickly reminded everyone that they were safe in the midst of such an intimidating creature. The griffin cast an imposing image as it stood in place. After a long moment of silence and stillness, the griffin stepped forward, quietly approaching the nervous group of travelers, and as it did so, the creature's muscular body rippled, and its powerful wings fluttered softly with each move. Its fur and wings were a bright shade of gold that seemed to illuminate everything. Just as with Lionheart, all light seemed to be coming from the griffin. The majesty of its appearance was just as Firebreath had described, like something out of a dream. The feathers covering its wings, and part of its body, looked like they were woven with fine thread made from clouds. The griffin's eyes and talons were a cool jet black color. When it was directly in front of them, it stopped and looked at each of them. The griffin, the vision of a dream made real, eyed them with great curiosity. All the awe-struck travelers could do was stare in admiration at the creature before them. Sensing their anxiety, it spoke, easing their fears. The griffin's voice was calm yet forceful, much like the voice of a stern military commander addressing those he had been ordered to protect. Greetings, travelers, the griffin said. I am Brightwing. I welcome you to these mountains, even though there isn't much to see here. Not many travelers pass through here. Im sure youve had a hard journey, so why don't we find somewhere quiet to relax. Im curious about who you are and why you'd come to a place like this.


They hesitated for a moment before introducing themselves. Abigail, however, stayed silently by Shadow's side. Brightwing looked over, and, presumably sensing the nervousness those two shared, calmly stepped up to them. You two do not have anything to fear. I promise you, he said. Abigail looked up at him, while Shadow stood frozen in place. What is your name? Brightwing asked the girl. Abigail, she answered silently. Abigail Thats a nice name; perfect for a girl like you. She managed a smile. Come here. Youre safe. Once she calmly approached, Brightwing brought her close to him and held the young girl in a gentle, yet protective, embrace. He held her with his powerful talons as she buried her face in his neck feathers. While Abigail stood there, Brightwing addressed Shadow. And who are you? he asked. Feeling slightly relaxed, Shadow introduced himself to the griffin. Nice to meet you, was Brightwing's reply. When Abigail was fully calm, she let go and sat down on the ground next to him. She had already begun to like and trust him; he was someone who, from her perspective, understood the emotions of others and how to calm someone when they weren't feeling well. This was the kind of friend she wanted: someone who wasn't afraid to show


compassion when it was needed. Granted, Shadow let her hug him, but the only times he really returned the gesture where when they first met and when they were climbing the dragons' mountains in search of supplies. After the introductions were made, and everyone was sufficiently calm, they gathered around Brightwing. The golden creature spoke again, his voice a booming, but calm, rumble. As I mentioned before, I can lead you to somewhere you can rest. Since I now know who you are, I'd really like to know why you're here. But for now, follow me. As the kindhearted griffin commanded, the travelers followed their new friend through along the canyon path they had already begun to follow. A while later, they had come to a large open area. The scenery was indescribablea vast field of grass could be seen in the distanceand the soft warmth of the sun had returned. Brightwing led them to a large cave nearby. It was a plain cave with no ornate decorations, but there was plenty of room inside. Unfortunately, the sunlight was only able to reach to the first foot or so of the cave, so the rest was left in total darkness. Firebreath, after Nighthawk handed him some more sticks, made a small campfire so they could all see, and he and the others gathered around it. After the travelers were seated as comfortably as possible, Brightwing waited intently to hear their story. What reason did this these travelers have for joining together? What was the purpose of their journey? What brought them to such a desolate place? These and other questions raced though the griffin's mind as his gaze shifted among each of them. Jonias, feeling a sense of obligation to do so, volunteered to describe their mission, the reason for their journey. Everyone sat silently while Jonias mentally prepared himself for the grim recollection of everything they had heard and seen on their journey; all that

could be heard was the sharp crackling of the wood used for the fire. After gaining a sufficient level of confidence, he cleared his throat, and began the story.


Brightwings Tale
He recounted the tale of their journey up to that point. He was nervous at first, but as he progressed, he became more and more courageous, adding vigor to the story as he continued. He paused occasionally to let Brightwing comment, or to let the others explain something. When Jonias was finished, Brightwing shifted, then spoke again. Hmmyou have had it rough, Brightwing said solemnly. Luciusand the evil that he's known foris bad news, so be careful when challenging him. He inflicts terror on everyonehuman and beast alike. None are spared. It is because of him that my kind was almost eliminated, and who knows how many of the other species he attacked. Not long before he showed himself in these mountains, we fled, having heard of the death and destruction he had caused. The panic caused upon learning of his terror, and learning that we were his next targets is something I'll never forget; parents hurriedly gathered their children and left the mountains in the hopes that they would be able to find shelter from certain death. The canyon had been deserted within mere moments. We had hoped that running away would keep us safe. We knew that we were no match for him. It seemed as though we had evaded his wrath for a time. Sadly, our safety was not to last. He was somehow able to find where we were hiding, and viciously hunted us down. Those that he captured were brutally slaughtered he shuddered. Whether his victims were male, female, or child mattered not to him. He enjoyed causing this massacre.


I had witnessed some of this ruthless slaughter from a distance, but I could still feel the agonizing pain that they were in. I hardly slept due to the nightmares I had of that incident. The meager number of us that survived returned to these mountains and worked to rebuild our home and our lives; families were recreated, nests were rebuilt, and we became closer than ever to one another. At this point, we were like an extended family. I'm sure you noticed a bunch of nests when you first arrived. They others nodded. While our numbers have been restored since then, there still isn't as many of us as there was before Lucius attacked, so those eggs are our future, the next generation. After the war ended, all of us learned how to use magic from the humans. Their eyes widened upon hearing this. We had made the decision to teach our children how to use magic if such a great tragedy were to happen again. If they are lost, then we will surely become extinct, as I fear that without the proper teaching and necessary care, we won't be able to survive another attack. Brightwing sighed, cleared his throat, and continued, his voice suddenly carrying a bit of an ominous tone. Since that day, I have wanted to avenge those who were killed by that demon so that none of my kind would have to experience such nightmares. At the time, I was just a bit older than you were, Jonias, so those memories are still quite vivid. After we had learned magic and rebuilt our home, we tried to live as we did before, choosing to pass our knowledge of magic onto our children when they were old enough. This is the tradition we've followed since. A few years after Lucius was defeated, we returned to our peaceful lives, having the confidence that he was gone for good. It was


right around that time that I fell in love with a young female I had once hunted with. After getting to know her, we were inseparable, and soon, we had agreed to start a family together. According to human customs, we got married, he said with a smile. Time passed, and soon, we had children. The day they hatched was the happiest day of my life. My family is extremely close, even though my kids have since grown up and left to live their own lives. It's been pretty peaceful here, but Lucius can't be allowed to do what he did before. We've worked so hard to reverse the damage he caused. After he was defeated, we were all relieved, our fallen loved ones having been avenged. Having learned that he's back, I would be honored if you would allow me to accompany you. I can get you through these mountains, and I noticed that my ability to use magic has sparked your interest. Jonias, it would be my honor to prepare you for your fight against Lucius. His dark magic is powerful, but with the holy magic the humans shared with my kind, you are sure to emerge victorious. After Brightwing had finished speaking, they all sat there in the warm silence of the cave; the flames sparkling and illuminating their faces while they silently reflected upon what they had learned. Noticing that it was nightfall already, they prepared their sleeping arrangements, had a quick dinner, then stepped outside to gaze at the beautiful sky above them. As they looked up at the star-filled skyFirebreath's gaze transfixed upon the full moon overheadthey took a moment to absorb the peacefulness that currently surrounded them.


After a few long moments of standing outside, they returned back to the campfire inside the cave. Feeling exhausted from the progress they had made that day and the weight of what their new friend and ally had told them, they got ready for bed. One by one, they laid back, covered up, and laid there in peaceful silence after wishing each other a restful sleep. Jonias' mind drifted to memories of Sapphire and the others in the dragon village. As sleep took hold of them, one by one, they closed their eyes and drifted off to the realm of dreams, their dreams being filled with images of everything up to that point; their journey thus far, the destruction they had seen, the joy they had experienced, the tragedy they heard about, and so much more. It was indescribable; almost like a storybook that has too many details to list, or an experience that no words can describe. However, Abigail remained somewhat awake, tossing in restless sleep. Brightwing was also awake; he was watching over them, wanting to make sure they got to sleep comfortably before returning to his wife. Feeling content that the sleeping travelers were in no danger, he turned to leave, making a mental note to return to them in the morning. As he took a quick glance back at them, he noticed Abigail tossing in her sleep. When he did, he turned around and crept carefully to her side, making sure he didn't disturb the others. He lay down next to the young girl, and draped one huge, golden wing over her. Next, he lowered his great, feathered head and began rubbing his face against hers. As he did this, he whispered gently, Abigail, be at peace. Youre safe with your friends and youre safe with me. You have nothing to fear; if anyone dares to bring harm to you, we will stop them. Shhget to sleep now; we have a busy day ahead. He continued


this as he whispered more calming words to her. She must have heard his comments, because she quickly calmed down, as a smile crept over her face. Her breathing returned to normal, and she rolled over and wrapped her arms around his soft, feathery neck, and drew herself close to him in a tight embrace. Smiling, Brightwing wrapped his wings tighter around her and rested his great head on her shoulder, and soon, they were both asleep. The next day began slowly; they woke one at a time, with Abigail being the last. She was still huddled against Brightwings warm, golden body and was still wrapped in the great, golden cocoon of his wings. He whispered to her, Abigail, its time to wake up now, and gently withdrew his wings from around her small body. She let go of him and sat up. When she looked around, she blinked her eyes to keep the sunlight out. Together, the two of them got up and went outside; the rest of the group was standing nearby. Having gathered outside the cave, the travelers had a tasty breakfast prepared by Firebreath, preferring to enjoy the warm glow of the morning sunshine. They ate fried ham and drank some of the cold water gathered from the pond in the evergreen forest. During breakfast, Firebreath spent most of the time staring up at the sky, watching birds fly past and taking notice of the soft, white clouds that drifted overhead. Brightwing told the group to wait while he went to inform his wife of what he was about to do. While the others waited for him to return, they finished their breakfast, and prepared themselves for that day's travels. A while later, Brightwing returned. Seeing that they were ready to go, he motioned for them to follow. As they moved along the path ahead of them, Lionheart took a moment to explain their intended plan of action to their new friend and ally. Brightwing nodded to

show that he understood. The path they were following was a lot smoother than they expected; this observation was met with a sigh of relief from all of them. Within maybe fifteen to twenty minutes, they were out of the mountains and back on a regular dirt road. The relief they felt was short-lived, however; while the path was straight and the surroundings were plain, the absence of plant and animal life and the eerie silence it created left an ominous tone in the air. This made Firebreath nervous; he described to Brightwing how he liked to observe nature and mentioned to everyone that something didn't feel right. This lack in other life meant they were possibly headed for something big, but none of them had any idea of what it could be. They kept walkingFirebreaths gaze darted uneasily back and forthand a short time later, the temperature began to change. Nighthawk was the first to notice this. Hey, does it seem to be getting a bit warmer to any of you? he asked. The others soon felt it too; what had began gradually and suddenly turned drastic as the temperature quickly climbed in a few moments. It was easily around one hundred degrees, possibly a bit more. Out of the entire trip, they had officially reached the toughest obstacle yet. The heat didnt bother Firebreath, since dragons thrive in the heat, but the rest of the group felt like turning back and trying to find another path. Firebreath mentioned that they still had some water. Everyone except Firebreath, comfortable in the sudden heat wave and stating that he was fine, got a much-needed drink of water, which immediately restored their energy. Feeling revived, they faced the environment with a renewed sense of


determination. Their perseverance paid off; soon they came to a vast expanse of nothing except harsh winds and fields of brownish-white sand in every direction. They had come to a desert. Unfortunately, there was currently a raging sandstorm, which made things worse. They covered up the best they could and pressed on against the wall of sand and wind. They couldnt see where they were going, but instinct told them they were going the right way. Eventually, after what seemed like hours, the storm died down. They were able to walk a bit faster now that their visibility had returned, and soon, they couldnt even see the mountains they departed from. They kept walking, even though they felt as though they were going nowhere, and before long, it was too dark to see. Because of the storm, they lost a lot of time, and fell way behind their original schedule; this invoked a lamenting sigh from everyone once they had realized this. Night fell quickly, and soon they were in total darkness. This presented a new challenge: a desert is as much of a hazard during the day as it is during the night; during the day, a desert is dangerously hot, and at night, it is unbearably cold. Firebreath was now feeling the harsh bite of the desert temperature along with everyone else; because his kind is extremely vulnerable to cold, the large, red dragon was now frantically shivering. The travelers hurried to make a fire and get the sleeping equipment out and ready. Dinner was prepared, but since the fire kept dying, keeping themselves and their food warm was a constant battle, especially for Firebreath. The dinner was modestjust a thick meat and vegetable soupbut it was enough to fill everyone. The mild warmth came as a comfort, which made the group felt a bit better. The first night in the desert had begun.


Night in the Desert

Dinner was finished, and the dishes were cleaned and put awayand the fire was reignited yet again. Everyone hurried to get wrapped up in whatever they could in order to keep warm, but the cold still pierced through them. Brightwing, though he shivered slightly, was unfazed by the desert frost due to his thick fur and feathers providing him with sufficient warmth. Even after removing the solid metal they had been traveling around in, the three knights were still feeling the cold. Abigail and Jonias were in almost the same predicament as the three knights, having relatively thin clothing. Nighthawk was shivering a bit; his thin feathers did little to keep him warm. The horses thin hair let a lot of the cold in, and they shivered greatly. Firebreath, however, had it the worst. He was still shivering greatly, even with the warmth his quilt provided. The others, realizing that he could die if he got too cold, thought of a way they could gather around him in an effort to keep all of them warm. Firebreath began crying softly. Abigail, upon noticing this, asked him, What are the tears for? He replied in a panicked whisper, still frantically shivering from the cold. The last time I ever felt this cold, he tearfully began, was this one time, maybe five or six years agoI don't remember exactlyI had gotten myself caught in an avalanche while I was visiting some other mountains with a few of my friends.


He shuddered as the grim memories came flowing back. Trying to maintain his composure amidst the brutal elements, he continued. Being here isn't the same as being buried alive by a mountain of snow, but being surrounded by this sheer cold is pretty close to what I experienced then. As the others moved their blankets near him, he continued his recollection of the avalanche and of the immense mental and physical damage it inflicted. As I mentioned before, I was with a few of my friends. Everything was fine until a bunch of fog rolled in. Because of the thickness of the fog, we weren't able to see where we were going; I could actually feel myself drifting away from the flight path we had been taking. It didn't take long before I was completely separated from them. I kept flying, and calling for them, just in case they were close. The fog had finally cleared, and that was when I realized that I was alone. What did you do? Abigail asked. He cast her a sad glance, then continued his story. Naturally, I looked around for them and kept calling their names. I didn't hear anything, so I grew extremely worried. I never gave up hope. Even as night approached, I never gave stopped searching. My panic and my fatigue increased. Soon, I was in a daze. I didn't know where I was anymore. All I knew was that I wanted to find my friends and get home. I never knew how it felt to be truly alone until that moment, and I never want to experience that again. He stopped to catch his breath as he now wept freely, the emotional scars from back then clearly visible in the dragon's words and upon his face. The others gave a few words of condolence, relaxing their friend and giving him the courage to continue.


I had no idea whatsoever of where I was going; I just kept drifting silently. Because of that, I eventually drifted right into something firmand extremely cold; I was instantly alerted by the impact. That was when I saw that I had crashed into a snowcovered peak. It caught me off-guard; before I could fly away, I was swept away by a wall of snow. I had hit the mountain so hard that it knocked a literal mountain of snow loose. He sighed heavily. It's nothing short of a miracle that I made it through that. How exactly did you survive? Jonias inquired. Firebreath was happy to answer his friend's question. Immediately after the snow hit me, I hit the ground hard. I could feel the weight and deathly chill of the snow covering me, even through the coma I was in after literally being thrown to the ground by the avalanche. I didn't feel anything after thatnot even fear. I thought death had taken hold of me, but it wasn't so. At first, I only heard voices, but when I opened my eyes, I found myself in a cave surrounded by my friends. I tried to stand, but I couldn't even move because of how numb I was. I took a look around me, and absorbed all that I could: my friends, the bit of sunlight illuminating the cave, the indescribable joy I felt at being alive and having my friends with me, and so much more. When I spokemy voice was barely audible, which made this difficultI tried so hard to remain calm, but I just couldn't because of all the different emotions I felt at that moment. I thanked them for saving my life and for being such amazing friends. After I had finished, I was informed that I had been sleeping for nearly three days.


How were your friends able to find you if you were all separated? Isaiah asked. One of them had found me after hearing the commotion the avalanche had caused. At first, he tried to dig through the snow by himself. When that task became too difficult, he started crying out for help; that was when the other two found me. They had finally moved the mountain of snow, and they were overcome with grief when they found me buried beneath it. They weren't sure how long I had been buried when they found me, but they did tell me that my body felt like ice and that I wasn't moving. After freeing me from the snow, the three of them carried me to the cave where I woke up, nearly three days later. What was that like, hearing that been you had asleep all that time? Abigail asked. To tell you the truth, it was really frightening. I was so close to death his voice trailed off upon giving the grim reflection; there was more that he wanted to say, but he words just wouldn't come forth. He cleared his throat and tried again. The knowledge that I was at death's door haunted me relentlessly. He managed a faint smile, then went on to describe how his friends had brought him back from the brink of death. When I first woke up, my body was completely numb, so I felt nothing. My friends did everything they could to keep me warm. One of them eventually tried breathing fire on me; I actually felt that, so they stuck with it. I was slowly recovering as time passed, but I still had some doubts about whether I would actually make it; the recurring nightmare of being buried in snow didn't help. My friends, on the other hand, refused to quit; I remember the pep talks they gave me to keep my spirits up, and the routine they created in


order to take care of me: one of them would stay with me while the others went to gather food and water for us all. Altogether, we were in that cave for almost a month before I was fully recovered. Thanks to my friends, my fears and doubts were completely erased. Once their blankets were in place, they negotiated sleeping arrangements. Isaiah, Matthias, and Lionheart laid down next to their horses, Jonias laid down between his horse and Firebreath, Nighthawk laid down on the other side of Firebreath, and Abigail laid down between Shadow and Brightwing. Firebreath draped his quilt and his wings over Jonias and Nighthawk, pulling the two close in an effort to keep all three of them warm. Abigail huddled up close to Brightwing and was enveloped in his warm, protective embrace; having his golden wings gently wrapped around her relaxed the young girl instantly. This worked much better, especially after it became apparent that maintaining the fire was a lost cause. They were holding in sufficient body heat, which comforted them amidst the harsh elements, and soon, all of them were asleep. This sleep was restless, however, due to the cold winds that kept blasting over them throughout the night. As they slept, the pitiful campfire had been reduced to nothing more than a pile of glowing cinders, turned into a smoldering omen by the harsh desert winds. Lucius rarely slept; he was often busy conducting raids, such as the ones he had conducted in recent weeks. He was able to watch everything the through the stone basin he kept in front of him, and made full use of it; often spending days at a time gazing into the glowing surface of the water within it, spying on his enemies and monitoring his minions as they carried out his dark orders.


By this point, he was well aware of a certain child headed for his lair, but was unafraid; Lucius had started watching Jonias some time after he had left home. Not long after Lucius sent his shade-knights to raid some poor, unsuspecting habitation, the image in the stone basin changed to that of Jonias and those following him. The dark wizard was curious to find out why this mere boy would be revealed to him, but all soon became clear: this boy was supposed to have the power to destroy him. He laughed at the thought, stating that no child was a match for his superior skills. Even now, as Jonias and his friends slept in the desert, Lucius was studying them, watching every move they made. The dark wizard grew tense as he took note of the allies the young boy had gained over time: Nighthawk, the young fool who had challenged him fifteen years ago; Brightwing, this was one of the griffins he had once hunted; Firebreath, having a dragon with him could potentially give him an advantage if they were to battle; Abigail, a young girl who had, unbeknownst to him, survived one of his earlier attacks by hiding from him; the three knights, though they've followed Jonias since his journey began, they're nothing to fear; and Shadow, him and the other horses were worthless and nonthreatening. Lucius decided to eliminate them in their sleep; they wouldnt be expecting an attack in the middle of the desert. He summoned two more of the shade-knights and gave them a single order: Bring me the boy, and kill the rest! The two gave a gesture indicating that they understood their master's order before an entire squadron of the shadeknights was dispatched to the location where Jonias and his friends slept.


The party was still asleep in the cold desert sands, completely oblivious to the danger they were now in.


Ambush in the Night

It was the middle of the night by the time they arrived. Formed from dark magic and infused with the sole desire of carrying out their master's dark wishes, they marched on, unaffected by the harsh elements of their surroundings. Soon, they were in range. From here, they could carry out their attack without being noticed; this time, Lucius had sent several archers along with his army of shade-knights. Receiving the signal to attack from his commander, one of the archers fired a single arrow towards the makeshift campsite. Abigail was the first one to wake up. She opened her eyes with a jolt and quickly sat up. She looked around uneasily at her friends, then turned to face the horizon, standing slightly in order to get a better view. Naturally, this woke up Shadow and Brightwing. The two looked at her and Brightwing asked, Abigail, what is it? Crouching back down, she looked back at the two, and answered solemnly, II don't think we're alone. Somethingno, someoneis out there, waiting to attack us. Shadow looked at her as though she just woke up from a bad dream, but Brightwing knew better. He stood up, looked in the direction Abigail was facing, and announced, Shes right, there is something over there; something big. I can sense pure evil coming from that direction. As he said this, a black arrow embedded itself in the sand right in front of Abigail. The realization that they were under attack was not received well; Shadow backed


up quickly and began breathing heavily. Abigail remained just as before, and now all three knew for sure that something was coming their way. Shadow, Abigail, you wake up the others. Ill keep watch, Brightwing whispered. Everyone was woken upthis was an easy task because no one was truly asleep and quickly readied themselves when Abigail informed them of the danger they were in. Isaiah, Matthias, and Lionheart drew their swords. Firebreath assumed the fierce battle pose dragons were known for. Nighthawk drew his sword. Brightwing readied himself both physically and mentally; he had a suspicion that he would be needing the extra preparation. The rest stayed back of the group stayed behind. Soon, a war-chant could be heard, loud and clear over the night sky there in the middle of the desert; the middle of nowhere. After the cries came the eerie silence that often followed death. In no time at all, the travelers could see them; rows upon rows of what looked like black shadow figures. Abigail shuddered in fear, telling the others that these black shadow creatures were the exact same things she had described before, back when they had first met her. Brightwing smiled back at her and promised that everything would be fine. She smiled back, and hugged him, all traces of fear gone from her mind. Soon, the shades were among them. They were within arms reach, and the evil aura emanating from them made the travelers uneasy. For the next several moments, time seemed to freeze; nobody moved a muscle or made a sound. The tense confrontation of the minds seemed to last for hours and hours. After an eternity of silence, the commander spoke.


He spoke in a deathly whisper. My master has ordered us to bring the boy to him, and to kill the rest of you. Surrender to us now, and we may spare your miserable lives. A split second later, Lionheart proudly declared, We will never surrender! The commander of the shade-knights was angered to hear this remark, but was satisfied in knowing that he would at least be able to fulfill his master's desire, making a grim statement. Fight all you wish, but you will all die just the same. What transpired next is hard to describe; it happened all at once. Upon receiving the order from their commander, the shade-knights broke rank and charged toward Lionheart and the others. He, as well as Isaiah, Matthias, Nighthawk, Firebreath, and Brightwing formed a wall in front of Jonias, Abigail, and the horses, and waited. The attack began in a flash; Isaiah, Matthias, Lionheart, and Nighthawk lashed out with their swords, Firebreath attacked with his front claws and his flames, and Brightwing fought back with his powerful talons. At the same time, the shade-knights had fought back with their own black swords. Neither side gave in. The attacks were lightning-quick and powerful; each side parrying the others every move. The battle raged back and forth endlessly, forcing itself further and further into a stalemate. Seeing that their victory was imperative, Brightwing made a bold declaration, It's now or never! The others looked at him, wondering what could have prompted this sudden outcry. After forcing his attackers away, Brightwing closed his eyes, and began to focus. As he meditated, the air around him seemed to glow. A brief moment later, and his front legs


were glowing. He snapped his eyes open, reared up, and took a single large swipe at the dark beings before him. In a flash of light, several of the shade-knights had been vaporized. It was now clear to his friends what had just happened: Brightwing unleashed some of the holy magic he mentioned before. Upon witnessing their comrades being disintegrated by the blinding white light, many of the shade-knights turned and fled from the battle. Seeing that his defeat was suddenly imminent, the commander, vowing that Lucius would destroy them all, followed his knights in retreat. When the remnants of the defeated army had left, the battle-weary heroes set about reorganizing their campsite. Abigail, still shaken by the surprise attack and their miraculous victory, simply stood in place and stared at the sky, still shivering from the cold. Her mind drifted from the danger her and her friends had survived back to happier times, back to the days she spent with her parents and her friends. Suddenly, she felt a light tap on her shoulder, and turned to find a familiar golden face smiling back at her. Brightwing pulled her to the side while the others were working diligently to gather their belongings. Don't be alarmed, he said. I have something personal I'd like to discuss with you. Come with me. He turned, motioning for her to follow, making sure the others knew to wait for them there. His sudden mysterious behavior made Abigail a bit nervous, but trusting her friend, she followed him. What's wrong? Where are we going? she asked. He said nothing as the two continued the long walk through the icy desert sands. Moments later, Brightwing stopped and turned around, making sure the two were alone.


OK, he began. Here goes. The reason I wanted to talk to you alone is because I have some personal questions I'd like to ask. Also, I have a bit of a surprise for you. Abigail's heart now raced frantically; she was anxious to know what Brightwings surprise was, yet she was concerned about the kind of personal questions her friend wanted to ask. He smiled and reassured her that she wasn't in any danger, and her anticipation grew while she waited to hear what Brightwing had to say next.


Abigails Ride
Her heart continued to race as she stared into her friend's smiling face. What could he have to say to me that required us to be so far away from the others, and what sort of surprise could he have for me? she thought. Her questions were soon answered. Brightwing began slowly, First, I'd like to get the personal stuff out of the way. He sighed, and became silent. So, what's on your mind? she asked. He cleared his throat and continued. Well, there's something that has me a bit concerned. Ive noticed that when I met all of you, you clung to Shadow a lot, but now, you tend to stay by me even though you have only known me for about a few days. Why the sudden shift? Abigail nervously replied, IIt'scomplicated. I mean, I like you both very much, but there'ssomething that you have that he doesn't. I don't really know how else to explain it. He laughed. I see. Don't worry about it. I'm sure you'll figure it out soon enough. She felt a bit better already. Anyway, Ive noticed how tense you are sometimes. I can recall when you told me about what happened to your home, and between that and the nightmare we just made it through, I don't blame you for being so emotional. This surprise I have for you is something that I think will help you relax. After everything

you've been through, you deserve a chance to be able to calm down a bit. She smiled and thanked him, and let him continue. I'd like to give you a ride on my back. She was speechless after hearing her friend's request, her face having the expression of not knowing exactly how to react. Brightwing restated what he just said, confirming that he was sincere about helping the young girl relax, before saying, While we're in the air, maybe we can talk about other things besides your feelings toward me and Shadow. While it is something I'm curious about, I won't pressure you if you don't feel comfortable discussing it. She smiled and nodded, happy to have the chance to spend some time with her new friend. I accept, she answered after a brief pause. Brightwing nodded and walked up to her side, laying down beside her. He looked back to her and smiled, inviting her to climb on. While she was excited at this moment, she was also a bit nervous. Its quite simple, really. All you have to do is sit down on my back and hold on to me, just like when you ride on Shadow's back. She remembered what the black horse had taught her back when they were still in the ruins of her home village, and regained her confidence. After placing her hands on Brightwing's shoulder, Abigail carefully climbed on to his huge, golden back. Due to him being a bit bigger than Shadow, this turned out to be a challenge, so he helped her up by lifting her with one wing. When she was on securely, he slowly stood up, looked back to her, and said, Now just relax, and hold on to me. Im going to walk around this area a bit so you can get accustomed to how this feels, then when you're ready, well actually begin the flight. She shifted herself, and held on to his feathery neck.

Once she had readied herself, Abigail asked Brightwing to start moving. True to his word, Brightwing walked around the area a bit. Once Abigail was familiar with how his body moved, and felt she had a secure grip on him, she calmly declared, I'm ready. Upon hearing this, he stopped and looked up at the moonlit sky for a moment, and told Abigail to hold on as tight as she could. Once she did as instructed, the powerful creature crouched, then leaped forward, and within mere moments, he was running at full speed. Abigail loved this feeling, even though she struggled to hold on. She loved the feeling of the wind rushing past her and filling her hair, and was relieved when she noticed that the air that blew past wasnt cold at allthe rush of wind felt quite pleasant. Moments after he had reached his maximum running speed, Brightwing opened his great golden wings, and Abigail grew nervous, though a quick smile from him made her feel better. With his wings spread wide, he kept his pace, crouched slightly, and took a mighty leap, his powerful legs propelling him upward. After his leap into the air, he flapped his wings with great ferocity, and rose higher and higher with each passing moment; Abigail felt weightless during the ascent, and tightened her grip as she noticed the ground moving further away from them. Once he had carried them to a suitable altitude, miles upon miles above the expansive desert sands, Brightwing leveled off and used a few slow strokes of his powerful wings to maintain his current altitude and pace. Within moments, he had transitioned into a smooth glide, floating through the sky as though it were a massive ocean of stars and clouds. Abigail was awe-struck by the sudden clarity their surroundings held, and soon, the


hypnotic rhythm of her friend's body combined with the peacefulness the night sky now held had lulled her into a light slumber. Moments later, she was stirred from her sleep by Brightwing's voice. How about we continue our discussion from before? he asked. She took a moment to wake herself, then nodded, having felt he had a right to know the reason for her mixed feelings. He waited calmly for her answer; he did not have to wait long, as she already knew what she wanted to say. The truth is, Abigail began, both of you are close to me now, but as I mentioned before, the reason why I went from keeping close to Shadow to keeping close to you, basically out of nowhere, is because there's something you have that he doesn't. She thought a moment and Brightwing looked back at her, remembering her words from before, and anticipating what she had to say next. She felt conflictedtorn between two friends yet couldn't understand why. She sat silently for a few moments. Once she had regained her composure and thought of something to say, she cleared her throat and continued. She started by describing her initial encounter with the others. When I first met everyone else, I was afraid. Im sure you know why. Brightwing nodded. Anyway, Shadow had made a remark that brought back some bad memories. His comment made me so mad, I hit him in the face. Brightwing smiled as he tried to picture that occurrence. After I did that, he started crying, so I comforted him and apologized, and told him, and the others, why I did that. Once that was resolved, and the introductions were done, I told them about what happened earlier that day. Lucius had showed up to my home village a while before they did, and he left the place a mess. I broke down in tears after I had

finished, and Shadow came over and comforted me just as I had comforted him moments before, while the others gave me words of encouragement. I immediately began to like him; he told me a bit about himself and I noticed that we were in a similar situation. Were both alone, but in different ways. Everyone in the herd he was in avoided him, while I watched as my friends and family were viciously killed. Before we left, one of the knights said that I'd be able to ride on Shadow during the journey. Shadow agreed, and after I told him that I had never learned how, the two of us went outside, and he gave me a brief explanation of the basics. You actually did it about the same as him; he laid down next to me and after I got on, he said to just sit down and hold on. After I had gotten used to that, we met back with the others, and continued traveling. Sometimes, he would help me calm down whenever I woke up from a nightmare, stay with me whenever I felt lonely, or keep me warm whenever I was cold. We met Nighthawk in a forest we passed through after leaving my home. While he's pretty nice, he still scares me a bit, mainly because of what Lucius did to him when he was a child. Some time after meeting Nighthawk, we had made it to a range of mountains. That was where we met Firebreath. Then, we made it to another range of mountains, where we met you. I was really afraid of you at first was because I had never seen one of your kind, nor had I encountered a creature of your size; I had the same fears when we first met Firebreath and the other dragons. That was the reason you were clinging to Shadow earlier, I presume? Brightwing asked. Abigail simply nodded in response.


Once you assured me that youre a friend, and that no harm would come to me, my fears were eased. Even though we had only just met, I felt that I could trust you. Then, when you spoke to me that night, and wrapped your wings around me, it felt like something out of a dream; I had never felt anything as soft or as warm as you before. That night, you comforted me and kept me warm, and even now, I feel safe with you. Shadow isn't able to provide that kind of comfort. Brightwing, feeling honored by the young girl's words, gently rubbed his face against hers. She returned his embrace, and his gratitude. Brightwing, this flight is amazing. I know I was afraid at first, but that's only because I had never experienced anything like this before. In my home village, we didn't have anything that would allow humans to fly. Some people would watch the birds, and talk about wanting to join them, but sometimes, such comments were merely a joke. When I was younger, I had learned about your kind, and dragons, and other such creatures. One of the things I had learned was that griffins and dragons are two very dangerous creatures, so you can imagine how surprised I am to be traveling with you and Firebreath. Brightwing smiled at this statement, not surprised that humans would consider dragons, or even his own kind, dangerous. She finished her thoughts with a statement of well-deserved gratitude. Brightwing, she whispered as she looked into his eyes, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me this once in a lifetime opportunity. I know we got a bit distracted, but I truly like both of you. However She sighed. Like I said before, Shadow isn't able to comfort me the way you are. A calm


silence, mixed with the quiet howling of the wind and the soft movements of Brightwings wings, followed. Once Abigail had finished, Brightwing faced forward, and said, I thank you for your honesty and your gratitude. I know its not easy to talk about such personal matters, but you showed great courage by doing so. It makes me happy to know that you like us both, and that you hold us both in such high regard. I had no idea that the two of us had so much in common. I'm glad I got to meet you and the others, even if it was because of a shared enemy. Abigail smiled and patted his neck softly. She calmly told him, I'm just as honored as you are. I only had a few friends, and I was never able to travel. Now look at me; I'm on a journey and I've made a lot of new friends I probably wouldn't have met otherwise. A moment later, he replied, Thank you very much, Abigail. I am sincerely honored by your kind words. Brightwing, Abigail said suddenly, There's something I'd like to ask you. Ask away, he replied with a smile. That's what friends are for, right? She smiled and nodded, then let out a quiet sigh before asking the question she had on her mind since leaving the mountains. Brightwing, I was wondering if I'd ever be able to meet your wife. She seems really nice, and I was actually hoping you would've introduced us before we left. Brightwing smiled. She's the best friend I've ever had. I would be honored to introduce you to her, but we have a more important task ahead of us right now. Abigail


nodded, remembering the reason she began traveling with the others. She closed her eyes, let out a sigh, and rested her head against the back of Brightwing's feathered head, wrapping her arms around his neck. Noticing his young friend had began crying softly, he calmly told her, Abigail, everything will be fine. You'll see. You have a great group of friends with you, including me. ShhDon't cry. We're all in this together. I promise you, everything will be fine. She sighed, then quietly replied, Its OK. Im not sad; Im just really happy. Like I said before, I had never done anything like this before. I was never able to travel. I did have a few friends back home, but a lot of the time I spent was with my family. You guys are the greatest friends I've had in a long time. While I would have preferred it to be under better circumstances, I was given the chance to leave home and go on a journey, and I gladly took it. A moment later, Abigail's tears stopped, and the young girl was calm again. OhI see. Im sorry. I misunderstood you, Brightwing said. He took a quick glance overhead, and looked back at Abigail. It's such a relief to have that chaos behind us. She nodded in agreement, happy to have survived yet another run-in with Lucius' army. Let's head back. The others are probably worried about us, and they might have the camp back together by now. Abigail voiced her approval, and braced herself for whatever adjustments Brightwing had to make in order to return to their friends. First, Brightwing gently stopped by spreading his wings. Hold on, he said before turning around. In no time, they were traveling back the way they came. As he flew, he suddenly asked, If memory serves correctly, you had already rode on Firebreath, right?


Yes, that's correct, Abigail answered. After Brightwing's gentle descent, the two had landed in the same part of the desert they had walked to before. Abigail took a moment to clarify her flight with Firebreath, and apologized for the confusion. After we met, he showed us where he lived, and took us past a few secret areas he liked to visit. This particular flight was just you and me. That was one main difference, while the other was that you're a different creature altogether. On that note, if we ever get the chance, I'd really like to do this again. Count on it, Brightwing answered. I'd be happy to give you another flight. Just remember that I also have to teach Jonias how to use magic. Abigail, remembering Brightwing's promise from the other day, nodded respectfully. As the two walked back, Brightwing addressed a few other concerns Abigail had, reminding her that she wasn't alone, and that she had friends to talk to. Moments later, they had arrived back at the campsite to find that the others were sleeping, and noticed that the bags had already been packed. Brightwing commented that they would be able to get an early start on the next day's travel, making up for the time they lost in the sandstorm. Brightwing laid down next to Shadow, while Abigail, exhausted by the events of the previous day, and her nighttime flight with Brightwing, chose to stay where she was, only moving to make herself comfortable upon her friends soft back. After adjusting himself to make both of them comfortable, Brightwing closed his eyes, and soon, he and Abigail were sleeping peacefully. The next morning came in a hurry, and the morning's effects on the desert sands could already be felt: the sand was hot to the touch, and the air was extremely dry. When

everyone was awake, they gathered their belongings, and continued their journey amidst the discomfort they felt. Having enjoyed the comfort his gentle movements provided, Abigail chose to ride Brightwing, much to Shadows dismay. The black horse walked up beside the two and wished them a good morning. Shadow and Abigail soon broke into conversation. I'm sorry I chose not to ride you today, she apologized. His body's a bit softer than yours, so even when he's running, it doesn't hurt my legs too much. It's fine, was Shadow's reply. As long as you're comfortable. I know it seems like I've been ignoring you lately, but I promise you that's not it at all. Really? Sure, you've suddenly started staying by him, he indicated Brightwing, just like you did with me at first, but saying you've been ignoring me might be exaggerating. You may be giving him the attention you gave me, but I'll get over it. Thanks, she said. That was actually why Brightwing wanted to talk to me alone. He noticed how my attention was divided between the two of you, and he was curious about my sudden shift toward him. The truth is that he's able to comfort me in a way that you can't. That's why I've been so attached to him lately. I think I understand. It's because he's actually able to show affection in ways that I can't. Abigail nodded. Don't feel bad. We're two different creatures, so it's natural that our ways of showing affection are drastically different.


Thank you, Shadow. At first, I was conflicted by my feelings for the two of you, but I realized that I like you both, just the same, and there's nothing wrong with that. You may have your differences, but that's part of why I like you. I've never had friends like either of you before I joined this quest we're on. Shadow felt better upon hearing Abigail's words, and Brightwing smiled upon hearing the young girl repeat to Shadow the same thing she had told him the night before. Abigail stretched and let out a big yawn, and a few short moments later, she had fallen asleep; her face was rested against the back of Brightwings soft, golden head, and her arms were wrapped around his neck, her hands interlocked at his chest. Shadow looked over and smiled upon seeing how peaceful she looked. The group continued the long and arduous walk out of the desert and the seemingly endless trek to the lair of Lucius the Black-Hearted that followed. Speaking of the lair of Lucius the Black-Hearted


Lucius Fury
Back there, Lucius had been in his chamber, peering deeply into the stone basin he kept in front of his throne. He had seen everything that had happened the previous night, and was furious when he witnessed his soldiers' defeat. His hands were clenched around the arms of his throne so tightly, they had turned white. He trembled in rage as he watched them being forced into a stalemate, which turned into a potential defeat in the form of a bright white light. Once he saw their retreat, he lost it. With a shout of anger, he lashed out with one arm, sending the stone basin crashing to the floor. Swearing loudly at the mess of water and stone fragments, he waved his hand, and muttered a few words. Moments later, the stone basin was restored, and Lucius peered into its depths once again, his whole body seethed in anger toward his soldiers at their failure to complete the mission he sent them on, and toward the travelers for somehow surviving his sneak attack. How dare they!? he shouted. Lucius continued to stare at the image being displayed upon the water's surface. As he did, he began to think deeply about something. After what felt like an eternity, he moved the stone basin aside, and walked over to a large bookshelf, pulling out one book that seemed perfect for the situation. The cover was adorned with all sorts of unknown


symbols, but Lucius knew what the runic words meant. He returned to his throne, and opened the book once he was seated. This was yet another one of the dark wizard's sinister spellbooks. He opened the book and deftly thumbed through it until he came to something that caught his eye. Leaving the book open to that spot, he shifted his gaze back to the stone basin. He was waiting for the remnants of his army to return, for he had a surprise for them. Led by their commander, the surviving knights kept up their unexpected retreat. The army was in a hurry to get away from the battle that they couldn't win. At the same time, however, they weren't in a hurry to return to Lucius. They knew he'd have something to say about their failure and their retreat from battle. Even so, they invoked the dark magic Lucius used to send them to the desert, and made their way back to his lair. Upon their return, they slowly filed into the room, fearfully facing their master. Lucius merely sat in deathly silence as the commander made his way to the front of the now pathetic looking group of shades. They looked fearfully at him, not knowing what to expect. After an eternity of silence, Lucius spoke. The dark wizard was calm at first, but this was merely an illusion of calmness. His face grew redder and his voice grew louder as he continued berating the shades for their failure, their cowardice, and their incompetence. He chastised them for running away and for failing to destroy Jonias group and failing to bring the boy back. I told you to bring that boy back to me and kill the others! It was a simple task, yet you failed. You should have been able to defeat them with no effort, but your attacks were met with equal force. I find such a thing hard to believe, considering how you severely outnumbered them.

However, he said, his voice suddenly calm, One of the archers did fire an arrow at their camp. That should have been enough, but thanks to your terrible aim, your attack did nothing more than alert them to your presence. They knew you were coming, and were able to prepare for your attack. Furthermore, while you had no intention of retreating, I saw you had no choice but to do so, like you felt as though all that mattered was your unnatural lives. The spell the griffin used on you was some sort of purification spell; used to purge the sort of magic that beings like you are born from. Knowing that, I have no choice but to take a new approach. They shifted uneasily, but appeared grateful that he had spared them. All of you stay here. They did as commanded, however there was still some unease within the group. Seeing their master's piercing gaze instantly rendered them silent. Lucius looked back down at the spellbook in his lap, and finding the spell he needed, called them closer. When he faced them, the room grew silent. After uttering a spell to replenish the portion of his dark army that had been destroyed in their recent battle, he addressed them once more. All of you look here, and listen well! he shouted. Take a good look at this! He indicated the image displayed in the stone basin, using some unknown magic so they could all see it. These fools are on their way here as I speak. The young boy I ordered you to bring to me was named in a prophecy that was given immediately after I was last defeated. That prophecy states that he alone has the power to destroy me; those others are merely traveling with him in an effort to keep him safe on his journey. It is imperative that he is brought to me so that I can personally see to it that the prophecy is erased! However, your


recent battle showed me that he cannot be touched as long as he is with them. Knowing that, I have come up with a new plan. He looked back down at the spellbook, then back at his army of shades. He surveyed the entire group, then laid out his new plan of dealing with his would-be destroyer. My new plan is to allow them to come to me, but it won't be as simple as they think. Ill be waiting in this very room, and you will be hidden out in the hallways. When they arrive to confront me, I will call for you. When I do, you will come in and eliminate them all, except for the boy. He indicated Jonias. You will save that boy for me. His emotions grew erratic; he began to laugh with a maniacal intensity. After a while, he restated his previous sentiments amid his sudden insanity. After the others have fallen, the boy will be helpless. You will bring then bring him to me, and he will die by my hand! Once he is gone, the prophecy will be buried along with the man who gave it. My dreams of conquering this land will finally become a reality! I'll have infinite power! No one will be able to stop me! After making his bold declarations, he continued his insane cackling. Once that was done, he addressed them once again. Now, I will make it so that not even that griffin's holy magic can harm you. You will be unstoppable! Let the preparation commence! Having regained their attention, and their confidence, he read over the spell he had chosen to use. He placed his hands up and began uttering the required incantations. The spell took effect almost immediately. The shades were enveloped in a bright, white light similar to the light Brightwing had summoned before. Suddenly, the light had


dissipated, fusing itself into the shades' armor. After the light had subsided, the shades' armor was now lined with streaks of dark silver highlights among the pitch-black metal. A new auraan aura of darkness with a trace of holinessnow emanated from them. Admiring his handiwork, he told them, Not only will you be unharmed by holy magic, but your strength has increased. You may not feel anything right now, but when the time comes, you will surely feel it then. Nowgo! His army, led by its commander, left the room to prepare for the ambush ahead. Lucius was alone once again. The room had returned to a state of death-filled silence. Lucius returned the ornate spellbook to its shelf, and resumed his critical gaze upon the stone basin upon returning to his throne. Im ready for you, boy, he said. Just try to destroy me. Confronting me will be the last mistake you ever make. That will teach them to rely on the words of an old fool. Then, he returned to his insane cackling.


The Lair
It took them at least two days after the battle to cross the remainder of the desert. Once they were through, they breathed a collective sigh of relief. The weather had changed again; this time to a light breeze and a mild spring temperature. I never want to see sand again, Jonias complained. The terrain they found themselves upon eased their weariness thanks to its beautiful scenery and pleasant weather. They were able to follow a straight path once again, happy to have a little bit of peace on their journey. The path, which looked as though it hadn't been used in quite some time, led through a small grassy field and a small forest. They took all the time they could to appreciate the natural things they found here, knowing the dangerous battle that awaited them. They walked and walked, and after three days had passed, they passed through a vast expanse of nothing. While they traveled as much as possible, they still made sure to get adequate rest. During this time, Jonias began his training with Nighthawk and Brightwing; if he was to win this fight, he had to be prepared for anything. The travelers reflected upon everything they had experienced up to that point; their memories, both good and bad, kept them going. Firebreath, on the other hand, took the time to work on his book. He thought about chronicling their journey, but decided to save that endeavor for later.


In the time they took to rest during their continuing journey, Firebreath had finished his book. Everyone was eager to hear the story, and the dragon happily obliged. The story began, and Firebreaths almost musical-sounding voice immediately transported them to another world. They huddled together and listened respectfully to the tale of a young knights quest to become a hero. They laughed when the knight did something foolish, cheered when he won a battle, and cried when one of his best friends died in battle. In the end, the knight had fulfilled his quest, and was respected by everyone. After Firebreath had finished reading the story, his friends applauded, impressed with his skill at storytelling. Their time of fun, however, would soon come to a sudden end. Knowing they had a journey to complete, Jonias trained as much as possible, and they prepared to continue their travels. The next day, they departed while the sun was still rising, and by noon, they had made a remarkable amount of progress. After a quick lunch break, they kept going. As they progressed, they noticed that the path had started to gradually disappear. As they kept moving forward, the ground turn into a dry, crackling mass, and the temperature rose dramatically. Upon scanning the horizon, they noticed the reason for the emptiness. What they thought was a desert was actually a range of volcanoes. As they walked, the clouds of smoke reduced their visibility drastically, and the smell of sulfur in the air and the faint heat became almost unbearable. They covered their faces and persevered over the cruel elements, and soon, they were in the heart of the


volcanic ruins. They were all dormant, yet the temperature and air quality were still affected as though the volcanoes were still active. They kept going regardless of the dreary climate, the arid conditions an ominous premonition of things to come. Abigail began to cry. How horriblenothing could live here, she wept, also adding that their current surroundings reminded her of some of the nightmares she had. She continued to weep and soon ran out of tears. Brightwing and Shadow both comforted her by describing some of the beautiful scenery they had passed, and reminded her of that she wasn't alone. She was calmed by their words, and thanked them both for being such good friends. They kept going and eventually stopped when they noticed one volcano that stood out from the rest: a large moat surrounded it, making it seem like someone had built a castle out of the volcano itself. They were all speechless at what they witnessed. This volcano, the biggest one there, extended high into the sky and spread out in all directions. The volcano's blood-red color made it clearly visible in the midst of all the smoke and the pitch-black of the other volcanoes. The intimidating structure dwarfed everything else and an aura of pure evil seemed to emanate from it. As they stared at the the volcano, a grim realization had hit them: this was it. This volcano was the lair Lucius had made for himself, spending the past fifteen years preparing for another attempt at conquest. This was it. This was their final obstacle. The problem that faced them now was the question of how to get inside. They couldn't see any lights inside, so they were unsure whether the place had any kind of windows. In the midst of that, an even bigger problem


faced them: in addition to the large moat surrounding the makeshift castle, the drawbridge was raised, denying them access to what seemed like their only way in. Seeing that the drawbridge was raised, they thought of trying to cross the moat. That plan was quickly dismissed; Matthias walked over to the water's edge and was instantly driven back by the intense heat. They felt disheartened, but knew that they had to get in somehow. They took some time to ponder a solution to their predicament. They had thought endlessly, determined to get inside no matter what. One idea seemed too simple to work, but it was logical, so they went with it. For that particular plan, Brightwing and Firebreath would fly over and pry the drawbridge open, allowing all of them to cross. The two approached the water, but Brightwing was driven back by the heat, leaving Firebreath to fly over alone. Grabbing hold of the massive wooden structure, he pulled it with all of his strength. It didn't move. He tried again from a different part of the drawbridge. Again, nothing happened. Disheartened, they went back to planning. The plan they eventually went with came about after Abigail noticed a large window towards the top of the volcano. This time, Brightwing and Firebreath would carry everyone else in through the window. They felt that this could work, and thought about how to get everyone inside safely and quickly. Among the preparation came the realization that Shadow and the other horses would have to stay behind. Shadow lamented this, but was forced to comply after trying to think about how they'd get him inside.


They were satisfied with the results of this plan. Jonias, Isaiah, and Matthias all road with Firebreath, while Lionheart, Abigail, and Nighthawk all rode with Brightwing. Abigail indicated the window she had noticed before, and Brightwing ascended toward it while Firebreath followed. Once the eight were inside, they took a moment to regroup and come up with a plan for exploring the area and ultimately finding Lucius. They agreed to break into groups. This would allow them to cover more ground. If any dead ends or secret passages were found, they were to report them. Lionheart suggested they meet back in the room they started and describe everything they found. They discussed who would be in group. This didn't take long. They agreed upon the following groups: Abigail went with Brightwing, Jonias went with Isaiah, Nighthawk went with Firebreath, and Matthias went with Lionheart. The four groups wished each other well on their search and went their separate ways. The inside of the castle was confusing as well as intimidating. There was almost no light, and the hallways were somewhat narrow, which made it hard to traverse through them. About the only thing that was visible was the inner walls and the floor; they were the same color as the outer wall. Everything else was cloaked in the shadows that seemed to fill the entire area. It appeared as though the inside of the volcano had been replaced with an endless labyrinth, designed to divert anyone who entered. Each group encountered their share of successes as well as obstacles.


Abigail was frightened by the darkness of the place, muttering that the shadows gave their surroundings an eerily familiar appearance. Not wanting to be stranded in such an awful place, she stayed astride Brightwing the whole time. She buried her face in his feathery neck and he would often stop to say a few words of encouragement. He promised they would soon be out of there and that they would all be safe. He promised that Lucius would be defeated and everyone would be able to live without fear. Abigail eventually calmed down, but still kept her face hidden, hoping that it would make the darkness go away. Lucky for Brightwing griffins are able to see in the dark, so their search wasn't as difficult as it would seem. Unfortunately, their search yielded nothing of any interest. They didnt find any secrets, but they did come across a few dead ends; mostly hallways that had been blocked by fallen rocks. When Brightwing felt their search was going nowhere, he turned and headed for their previously agreed meeting place. Jonias and Isaiah had a tough time. They ended up going in a direction that led to a hallway with absolutely no light and multiple dead ends. Theres no way through! Jonias yelled out of frustration. Youre right. Lets go back, Isaiah replied, feeling equally frustrated. The team of Nighthawk and Firebreath had the same advantage as the team of Abigail and Brightwing: Nighthawk was able to see in the dark, and both were thankful for it. Unfortunately, the two had to walk single-file because of how narrow this particular hallway was. This proved to be more discomfort for Firebreath than Nighthawk because of the dragon's enormous size. Ultimately, their search was more discomfort than anything.


There were no branching hallways or anything, from what they could see, which made their return a difficult task. They were disheartened after arriving at the end of the seemingly endless hall they were following. Firebreath looked around. There isnt anything of interest here. Nighthawk sighed, looked around, and then calmly replied, Yeah, thats unfortunate. I was personally hoping that there would have been more than just this hallway here; it just led up to this wall. Firebreath was unamused by his friend's joke, or rather, the attempt at such humor. You think we should head back and wait for the others? he asked. Firebreaths solemn reply followed, Yes, it would be a wise choice. I dont think I can stay here for another moment; I can hardly move! he said frantically. Firebreath maneuvered his way back around after a few long moments, and he and Nighthawk made their way back to wait for the others. Matthias and Lionheart had the best luck. Their path happened to be well-lit amidst the darkness elsewhere, and there was plenty of room for them to move freely. They found no dead ends, but they did find a storeroom filled with bookshelves. They had found a study room. The two exchanged confused glances, wondering why such a room would be in such a dark place, and decided to explore it, hoping to find some answers. The large tomes were dusty and worn from age and apparent lack of use, and their spines bore titles written in all kinds of strange symbols.


Curious, these books, Matthias whispered as he scanned the shelves closest to him. I wonder Why would Lucius need a room like this? He continued his search. Hmm I wonder what this could be, Matthias said as he turned and noticed a desk in the corner of the room. It was just a small square table that fit neatly in its place, forming a curious sort of jigsaw puzzle with the rest of the room. The desk had a single chair placed by it and there was the remnants of a candle with a quill and ink bottle placed at the top. Under the desk he found three large notebooks of paper. He scanned all three and found them empty. Firebreath would love these things. Now that I think about it, he paused, this looks a bit like his own study room, only a lot smaller. A bit strange He shook his head. Maybe it's just me. He placed the paper, quill, and ink bottle in his backpack and continued his examination of the bookshelves. Lionheart looked around the room carefully, examining the books, looking near the desk, and checking for any small crevices. He was looking for anything else they might be able to use. When they found everything that they could and finished examining the room, they left, and made their way back to wait for the others. The way back will be easy to find, he confidently told Matthias. Eventually, all four groups were in the room and they took turns describing what they found. First, Brightwing shared what he and Abigail discovered. Isaiah spoke next. Once those two had finished, Matthias reached into his backpack and pulled out the writing materials. As he handed them to Firebreath, he said, Here. I found these in the room Lionheart and I discovered. I thought you could use them. Firebreath took them carefully and placed them with his things.


Think you, Matthias, Firebreath replied. Lionheart took a moment to describe the room he and Matthias discovered, then let the dragon share what he found. Nighthawk and I found a bad path; the hall was too small for me so we weren't able to explore it very well, and the only thing we found was a wall at the end; no rooms or branching hallways anywhere. It was quite uncomfortable, actually I'm sorry, guys. Then he was silent. Thats OK. You werent required to find anything. As long as you looked; thats what were concerned about right now, Lionheart said. So, whats next? Firebreath asked. They all knew the answer: their next task was to get to Lucius chamber and finish him off. They decided to go the way Matthias and Lionheart went. They agreed that this was a wise decision. The path was still well-lit and Firebreath and Brightwing both had plenty of room to move around comfortably and get a better look at things. They passed the study room and peeked in. Remembering what Lionheart had said before, Firebreath also thought it looked like smaller version of his own study room. They passed the study room and kept going; not having to stop or take a detour thanks to the lack of debris and the straightforwardness of the path. Soon, the path grew darker and darker as they traversed through there until it was as dark as the rest of the dark maze. Eventually, they were forced to keep one hand on the wall to keep their way. Brightwing and Nighthawk didn't have any problems finding their way, so they led while the others followed the best that they could. They all stopped when they came to a door.


It was made of cold metal and was heavily rusted. Lionheart made his way to the front of the group and volunteered to test the door. He tried the door handle and it turned with a squeak and a click, and the door opened. As it did, the others cringed at the piercing noise it made as it scraped across the black stone floor. When the door was open, they peered inside the room. It was dark, yet crowded, so they let Nighthawk up front. He squeezed in and quickly scanned the room. When he had finished, he turned to them, and described the room's contents. The room is really small. All I could see at first was a large bookshelf. He took another look around and paused, then turned back and described his findings. I just saw a second door at the side of the room, but it was closed. Though, the wood that it's made from is falling apart, which actually makes having it closed pointless. Anyway, near the bookshelf is an old, wooden chair with someone sitting in it. They all knew who the someone was. This was it. All they had to do now was enter the room and confront him. They had come to the end of their journey. There was no turning back; Lucius had been waiting for them to arrive, and his patience was rewarded. One by one, they came into the room. Firebreath whispered, I swearIm going to develop a serious case claustrophobia if I have to endure any more of this. Brightwing silently agreed with his friend's comment, feeling the same discomfort from the crowded hallways from before, and now, this room. They stood frozen in place, not saying anything. A moment later, it was Lucius who broke the silence. So, you have finally arrived. I have been waiting for you.


Jonias looked eyed the man nervously. We have to destroy him? Jonias thought. Having heard about the destruction Lucius had caused before, he knew it would not be an easy fight. He thought about all of the kind words he had received, and remembered the training he had endured, and suddenly felt a bit better. He knew he would be victorious he had to win this battle; there was too much on the line to give up now. Though he was known to be merciless, right now, Lucius had only made them uneasy instead of afraid. His casual nature disturbed them. They could feel something wasn't right; Nighthawk was observing their adversary closely, hoping to find out just what that something was. He whispered to Jonias, This is strange; he rarely gets calm like this. He's up to something, so watch out. Jonias nodded and continued to watch Lucius. Lucius then spoke. You do realize, he said in his demonic rasp, that you have ventured to your own doom? Your whole journey was pointless. The time you dedicated to finding me was a waste. You have failed. What are you talking about? Nighthawk asked. The fight hasnt even begun yet. Lucius looked back over at him, and gave a smug reply. Thanks to this little trinket in front of me, he indicated the stone basin, I have been watching him, he pointed at Jonias, for some time now. I know why you're all here; I know about that boy and the prophecy of how he's supposed to defeat me, and I know about all of you. He made his last comments as he eyed the others, then resumed his gaze upon Nighthawk, his voice now


a grim rumble. Especially you. I remember how you approached me fearlessly, and how you thought you could defeat me all by yourself. Nighthawk eyed him cautiously, the old memories flooding back, and his rage building. He remembered everything perfectly: his training in the forest, the journey he took to find the man responsible for the death of all those he held dear to him, and finally, the fight between him and Lucius. He remembered the outcome of that battle as though it happened yesterday. Once he had picked up the sword from the blacksmith's forge after his own weapons failed, Lucius had used magic to conjure his own, then when the dark wizard saw that the fight wasn't going as he had hoped, the crafty wizard struck him from behind, and left him to die. He was saved by the village's inhabitants, and upon leaving, made a vow that their next battle would end differently: either he would finally destroy Lucius, or he would die trying. However, he knew that it would have to be Jonias that ended this nightmare, so even though he saw red, he stood there, motionlessly eying the man who had taken everything from him. Meanwhile, the room grew tense; they were all waiting in anticipation for Lucius next move. After what felt like hours, he pushed the stone basin aside, stood up, and addressed them. You look bored, or maybe you're all just eager to die. His casual tone was maintained; he enjoyed toying with them like this. Sensing their fear, he continued, I am bored, and I am looking forward to your demise, so lets get this over with. He finished


his taunts with an evil grin. The group readied themselves for the fight; Jonias closed his eyes and began focusing his thoughts, ready to apply what Nighthawk and Brightwing had taught him.


Battle in Lucius Castle

He turned, and slowly walked over to what remained of the old, wooden door. When he was within arms reach of the door's handle, he stopped and faced them again. I sincerely hope you were able to get in enough training; youll need all the practice you can get if you hope to survive. Of course, even though you were able to train yourselves, it will all be for naught. No amount of training could bring you victory over me. Although, if you really wish to try, you have to go through something else first. Then he began to cackle relentlessly; his demonic rasp echoing throughout the room with its evil tone. The group flinched at the sound as it reverberated off the stone walls, but immediately galvanized themselves, thinking about nothing except whatever Lucius was about to reveal, and how to defeat it. Their wait was short-lived; they could hear the restless scrape of metal against stone echoing from the other side of the door. What is that? Abigail fearfully screeched, mostly to Brightwing. Lucius was more than happy to answer. Youre about to find out, little girl, he answered with a grin, rightabout NOW!!! Upon his last shout, he disappeared from view as the door exploded into splinters to reveal a mob of ominous dark figures. Their hearts sank once they recognized them; this was the same army of darkness they had fought before, but their armor was different.


Within minutes, the room was filled to capacity with them. Firebreath grew increasingly uncomfortable as the as the shades swarmed into the room, and it wasn't because of the lack of free space; the evil aura they felt during their previous encounter was overwhelming, but he could also feel something else within that aura, though he wasn't sure exactly what it was. The others could feel it, too, wondering what Lucius could have possibly done to his army before they got there. Firebreath very rarely showed fear, however, just as he did when he told the others about the time he had been buried in an avalanche, he was shaking frantically as he glanced over the force of darkness they had barely defeated before. He had suddenly figured out what had caused the shades' aura to change, but was unable to tell the others due to the immense terror he felt. The shades had been infused with holy magic somehow. He had once heard a rumor that it was possible to mix holy and unholy magic, as well as the consequences of doing so. He shuddered and shut his eyes; the dragon had never expected to witness a successful attempt at the forbidden combination of magic, nor did he ever want to, but he was now forced to fight the creations of said magic. Nighthawk stayed like a statue, unmoved by the sudden intruders, staring at Lucius the whole time. The others were on their guard, moving towards the walls and shelves, but keeping their eyes on the abominations that towered before them. When the last ones were in the room, all grew quiet. Nighthawk and Lucius eyed each other precariously; neither one blinking nor moving a muscle. After a few long moments of this silent confrontation, Lucius looked around the room, and studied his


minions and his targets. Feeling a malicious sense of satisfaction toward what he saw, he returned to his throne, and assumed a majestic posture. All eyes were suddenly on him; the demonic creatures looked to their master, waiting for the order to attack, while Jonias and the others waited, a new sense of courage burned in their hearts. They were ready to fight. They attempted to scan his face, but the room's low lighting and the hood concealing their foe's face made this impossible. However, while they couldn't see it, Lucius' face showed no emotion; no fear, no anger nothing. He finally shattered the silence by shouting shrilly, My minions, ATTACK!! Annihilate them! But remembersave the boy for me. Jonias suddenly trembled with insurmountable fear; he was not surprised that Lucius found out about him, and he now knew that Lucius was personally planning to destroy him, but he was unable to imagine what Lucius was planning to do to him. In an instant after Lucius had given the battle cry, the room was filled with the noise of battle: the clang of steel, the shouts of pain or other emotions, the sounds of trampling footstepsit was impossible to keep track of what was going on. In the commotion, Abigail had fought her way out into the hall, unreachable by the shades. Meanwhile, Jonias and the others were horrified upon learning that the shades now had a resistance to the holy magic, especially Brightwing. Realizing that his magic had been rendered useless, Jonias was forced to rely on his combat training. The current battle raged on in a furious flash of black, silver, red, and other colors.


The fight raged on for at least a half an hour; maybe more. By the time it was done, a number of the shades were lying on the ground from exhaustion or injury, while others were unable to fight after losing their sword in battle. Abigail fearfully peered back into the room while the others made their way over to where Abigail stood, exhausted and in pain from their injuries. None of them were life-threatening, but they were bad enough. Brightwing received deep gashes on his legs and body and his wings had been punctured in a few places, Firebreath sustained similar injuries, Nighthawk had cuts on his arms and chest, Jonias had a few minor cuts, and the three knights all sustained cuts on their arms and legs. Abigail rejoined the others, feeling a bit better with the shades out of the way. Regardless of their pain, they still rejoiced; the battle with the shades was over, and now they were one step closer to victory. Lucius looked over the carnage with fiery rage; he was not expecting the battle to end this way. He was not expecting his army to be defeated. He looked to see how many of his soldiers were left and lamented when he counted around twenty or so still able to stand. His fists were clenched again and the skin turned white. He trembled uncontrollably, his infinite rage quite visible now, and called out to them. All of you that remain, come here now! Even the ones who received what would normally be fatal wounds for any natural creature came staggering forward; he would show


no mercy regardless of any injuries they had; this was something they had learned from their previous failure. Once they had gathered, he berated them, Once again, I order you to bring me the boy and kill the others, and once again, you have failed me. I used my magic to make you stronger and more resistant to their attacks. Your victory was guaranteed! So please, answer this: how is it that you were defeated again? It just doesnt seem possible. I told you of my plans and I gave you an order. I expect my orders to be fulfilled, do you all hear me? Your failure to defeat them disappoints me, but at least they are now injured, so now is my time to strike. Now my victory is assured! The group battered heroes had retreated to the hallway, taking time to regroup while Lucius lectured the remnants of his army. While Brightwing used his magic to heal everyone's wounds, they made an effort to eavesdrop on everything Lucius was saying. As Lucius was speaking at an earsplitting volume while lecturing the beaten shades, no effort was actually needed to eavesdrop on the dark wizard at that moment.


Nighthawks Sacrifice
They heard all of it; the call to order, his criticism of their second failure, and the talk of following plans. They galvanized themselves for their next battle: the fight to defeat Lucius. They all knew it wasn't over, so what they heard next came as little surprise. All I need you to do this time is fight them back, so that I can get the boy myself. I really should punish you since you were told to destroy the others, yet they were able to repel you, but I wont. This is your last chance. Don't screw this up, or you will not live to repeat your mistake. They listened to the last of his words, and immediately hurried to block the remaining shades from getting to Jonias. The effort was futile, however, as they were forced back into the room, and were once again locked in mortal combat. Seeing that Jonias was now vulnerable, Lucius stood up, and shouted an incantation towards the young boy. Jonias, not sure what his prophesied foe had just done, but eager to end the battle, raised the sword Nighthawk had lent him, and took a step toward the throne. The effect of the spell was felt almost immediately after that first step; Jonias was lifted off the ground and was now being carried toward the large, black throne of Lucius. When Jonias was about a foot away, Lucius released him from the hold he had, letting the young hero fall to the stone floor. This knocked all of the wind out of him. Clutching his chest, he lay there, breathless, for what felt like an eternity.


Lucius stared down at Jonias pitiful form and scoffed. What a weakling, he said, You're supposed to defeat me? Don't make me laugh! He continued to stare for a little while longer before repeating his spell from before; Jonias was forced to his feet. Once that was done, Lucius shouted a declaration of victory. Everyone in the room shuddered in fear at the dark wizard's words. Somehow, they felt like one way or another, their fight was about to end, and there was nothing they could do about it. While Jonias was still dazed, struggling to remain standing, Lucius uttered another incantation. When he tried to turn and face the others, he discovered he couldnt move. The others looked on in horror, unsure of what Lucius had just done to their friend. They looked at each other, hoping one of them would have an answer. Suddenly, Abigail, amidst the poor lighting, had caught a glimpse of Nighthawk's now tear-streaked face. I know what hes done, he cried. Lucius has Jonias immobilized with a paralysis spell. I'm not entirely sure what's going to happen next, but I do know that your friend noour friendis in grave danger. After he said this, Nighthawks face grew solemn as he viewed the shocked expressions of the others. He stood up slowly, not paying any attention to the minor cuts he endured, and looked at the others. They saw the sad look upon his face, and suddenly shared his sentiments: they had to at least try to help Jonias. However, none of them expected his next actions. After casting a glance toward Jonias and Lucius, he looked back at the others, and began speaking, his words from the heart sounding like some sort of prophecy.


I am honored, he began, tears flowing from his eyes, to have met each of you. Youve changed my life in more ways than youll ever know. After Lucius took my loved ones and my home from me, I felt like I'd never be able to open up to anyone like that again, yet you changed that: you befriended me, you laughed with me, you let me travel with you, and we shared many great experiences together. Ill never forget any of you, and I'll never forget any of the wonderful times we shared. Lucius, hearing Nighthawk's words, interrupted. Aww How touching I think I just might start crying myself. He watched Jonias as he struggled to break free. You'll never break free from my magic! It's foolish to even attempt it! He returned his sharp, taunting gaze back to Nighthawk. You know You probably should hold on to those memories, because once I'm done with your little friend here He motioned toward Jonias, then raised his hand in the air, using his magic to conjure a sword of the same form the shades' commander had used. Those memories will be all that you have left of him! Then came the demonic cackling from before. Nighthawk, aware of what Lucius was planning, and aware of what would have to happen in order for Jonias to emerge victorious, stepped forward slightly. He addressed the others again, his voice now a gravely calm. All of youmy friends I'm afraid this is goodbye. Abigails eyes welled up with tears. Nighthawk? What are you saying? Youre coming with us. Were a team. Don't you remember that? We just have to find a way to save Jonias. Please, help us save him, so that he can save everyone else, she sobbed.


He turned, and looked deep into her eyes. Abigail, my friend, I know of a way to save him, but it's something I have to do alone. She took a moment to think about his words and the calm tone he used. When she, and the others, realized what he meantwhat he intended to doAbigail ran over to him, and grasped his hands in hers, and pleaded with him. No, Nighthawk, please! No! You cant! You can't do this! There has to be another way! There just has to be! Then she wept bitterly and buried her face in his hands. He knelt down in front of her and brought her tear-streaked face up to his. Please, Abigail Dont grieve for me. This is the only way. You have to accept it; there is nothing else we can do now. Then, he gently placed his hands on her shoulders and pulled her close. There, he held her in their firstand lasthug. She continued to weep as he held her close and rubbed her back with one powerful, yet gentle, hand. ShhshhshhAbigail, dont cry. Please calm downfor me. Dry your tears; I dont want to remember you that way. I want to remember your smiling face. He gently pulled her away and wiped her tears; she had already stopped crying but her face was still wet. Having regained their composure again, the two smiled at each other. Thats the one. She hugged him again, and then the two separated. Lucius interrupted again. I'm not sure what you're planning over there, nor do I really care, but I can assure you that your friend is finished. Nothing you do will save him! The sword was raised, ready to make one final strike.


Nighthawk stood up and looked back over to where Jonias stood, motionless and helpless. He reflected upon what he had just told the others, and faced his friend and his mortal enemy without fear. Somehow, he had already known about this; he recognized the paralysis spell, and the hopeless situation his friend was in. He thought about what he was about to do; he didnt want to do it, but now the situation was dire, and it was the only option. He had accepted this. He bravely approached the two, his mind focused and his steps deliberate. As Nighthawk approached, Lucius, still holding the sword, began uttering yet another spell. As he progressed through the ancient phrase, magical flames spun together in his hand. As the flames grew, he grinned more and more. In a few moments, the entire sword was engulfed in the dark fire. After the spell was finished, and his new weapon was ready, Lucius drew his hand back, and, by way of the same magic he used to forcefully pull Jonias to him, threw the sword as though it were a javelin. Neither he nor Jonias knew what would happen next. As the flaming black sword sped closer and closer toward its intended target, Nighthawk ran at full speed and pushed Jonias away. The attack intended for Jonias had hit Nighthawk instead. The sword had pierced the raven's chest; Abigail turned and buried her face in her hands when she saw the sword's end sticking through Nighthawk's back. Lucius was absolutely furious; he had intend to kill Jonias, not that fool. With the boy dead, the prophecy would cease to exist, just like the man who first gave it. While he felt some satisfaction in seeing Nighthawk dealt with, Jonias was his real target; the others


were only distractions. His anger distracted his thoughts and caused him to release the spell; Jonias ached all over, but returned to his feet, having regained the ability to move. Seeing that Jonias was free was a relief to the heroes, but not to Lucius; in his rage, the dark wizard sent Nighthawk crashing through the wall behind the heroes after invoking a demonic red aura. The resounding crash and the shock of the spell snapped Lucius back to reality; he walked over to Jonias and glared at him. However, once he noticed the large gap in the wall, he bolted toward the others. He stopped dead when he was close enough to see the wreckage of what he had done and peered in horror at his vile, unintended handiwork; strewn about in the hallway were large fragments of the wall, a carpet of dirt over everything, and the broken body of Nighthawk; the bloodstained black sword, which now rested in the pile of debris, had been snapped in half. Once he was aware of his friend's selfless act, Jonias ran past Lucius, knocking him over, climbed through the remnants of the ruined wall, and, after frantically digging through the debris covering his friend, dropped down beside Nighthawk, and wept bitterly. No Why? Why did you? Please say something! Brightwing came and placed one still-tattered wing affectionately around his friend's shoulders while the others stayed closely behind. He whispered softly, He knew what he was doing. He sacrificed everything he had to give you the chance to live so that you could fulfill your destinyand fulfill that prophecy. I dont think he would want to remember you in tears. Smile; the time you spent with him will never be forgotten.


Jonias thanked him softly and looked back down at Nighthawk. His heart rejoiced when, even through his injuries, Nighthawk coughed heavily, and strained to sit up. Matthias and I saw hurried to clear more of the debris away, and Jonias immediately knelt down and placed an arm around his friend's shoulders to support him. Joniasyoure still alive. I'm happy to see that, Nighthawk said in his kind, yet firm voice, now unusually raspy, due to his most recent injuries. I was afraid for you. It's like I knew that something like this would happen. That is why I did it. I knew I wouldnt have a chance against him, but I believe that you do. Lucius knew about the prophecy as well, that's why he wanted to kill you personally. He was so determined to destroy that prophecy He may have failed this time, but he'll be back. This won't end until he's dead. Promise me youll take care of each other until then. Everyone made the promise to take care of one another. Nighthawk managed a weak sigh before saying, I grow weary He coughed heavily; this time, blood flowed from his mouth, as well as the wounds on his chest. Oh, no Jonias said gravely; he knew for sure now that Nighthawk would not survive; nobody could survive injuries like these. This whole time nobody was watching Lucius. He stood a short distance from the others, eying them frantically while plotting a plethora of new ways to get all of them out of his way. Having decided that this would be a good time to sneak away, he crept out into the other hallway, and began thinking of a new plan.


The remaining shades had already disappeared, though the signs of battle were still there. The bookshelf had been knocked over, bloodstains decorated the floor, and black and gold feathers had been scattered everywhere. Lucius, standing quietly in the hallway littered with the splintered wooden fragments of the door, leaned back against the wall. After declaring to himself that the war had only begun, he began a spell that would take him away from that forsaken place. He would make a new lairone that nobody would ever dream of finding. After saying the correct words, the spell was complete. He was whisked away in a flash of wind and a blinding blue lightning, and a moment later, he was gone. The heroes continued to watch over Nighthawk as he steadily grew worse; he coughed harder, and blood flowed more frequently and more heavily. They knew he would not live much longer. Brightwing, Jonias whispered. The griffin faced him. Do you thinkyou could use your magic to heal him? The young boy asked. The griffin shook his head sadly. While I'm experienced in that, he paused. The injuries we sustained before were relatively minor. Healing them was no problem. His injuries are far too severe, and I don't have the strength to attempt even a basic healing spell. I'm sorry. Brightwing, who was normally very composed, was now crying softly. Nighthawk looked at Jonias, and seeing the young boy's sadness, called him closer.


Jonias, he began weakly, I He shuddered. I want to do one last thing for you. Come here. Jonias complied and Nighthawk had wrapped his warm and protective arms around and soon had him in one final embrace. Goodbye, my friends. He looked at the others. I will miss all of you, but I will never forget you. Jonias, don't ever forget my training. Keep at it, and defeat Lucius for me. Jonias helped him lay flat on the floor, and he and the others all wept. Nighthawk's breath now came in short, ragged gasps, and he neither spoke nor moved. His breathing slowed. He looked Jonias in the face one last time. His eyes were becoming cloudy, yet even as death came to claim him, a faint smile was upon his face. He had no regrets; he was proud to die helping a friend. He released a few more breaths, then closed his eyes one last time. Nighthawk the Raven was gone forever.


The Promise
The tears flowed freely. They all wept like they had never wept before. After crying for what felt like hours, they had no more tears to shed. I cant believe hes really gone, Abigail choked. Neither can I. He was a great friend with a heart of gold. Even through all the tragedy he experienced, he was still positive and still determined, Brightwing said. They stayed there for a brief moment, mourning their friend, then soon, Firebreath spoke, and everyone listened. We cant leave him here, he said. He has to be buried somewhere. We should probably start heading out now. They agreed; they also felt he should have a proper funeral as well. They looked for anything they could use to carry him on. After wrapping his body in the blanket he had used, the knights placed him on a stretcher made from fragments of the toppled bookshelf. After gathering their composure the best that they could, they made their way back to the room they had discovered upon their arrival to the now-former lair of their enemy. They made their way back to where Shadow and the other horses stood.


Wanting to know what happened, Shadow opened his mouth to speak once they returned, but chose to remain silent after he saw the injuries his friends had sustained, and the makeshift stretcher they now had with them. After everything had been adjusted properly, they departed from the field of volcanoes. After continuing in the same direction they had followed during their entire journey, they eventually came to a large, grassy field, illuminated by the bright gold rays of the early morning sunrise. The grieving travelers couldn't believe that morning was already approaching. After passing through this field, Firebreath noticed a large hill close by. It was a long and difficult climb, but, after a series of encouragements amongst themselves, they eventually made it to the top. They stopped at a cliff overlooking the horizon and gently placed the stretcher, which held Nighthawks body, on the soft, wet grass. Using their claws, Firebreath and Brightwing dug a hole, and the stretcher was placed inside it. After the hole was refilled, Abigail made a cross using sticks from one of the backpacks and string she had, unbeknownst to the others, received from the dragons. She knelt down and whispered one last goodbye to her friend, while the others respectfully stood back. The freshly-dug grave emitted a majestic radiance over them all, as if Nighthawk was speaking directly to their hearts to calm them. This funeral was like most. At the same time, it was different. While a funeral is typically held at a church, and is attended by friends and family of the deceased, they were nowhere near a church, so this grassy cliff would have to do. One thing that was still the


same, however, was that they were all Nighthawk's friends. Brightwing mentioned that it would be respectful to give a brief eulogy for their fallen friend; the others respectfully agreed. Each of them spoke, with Jonias going first; about the times they enjoyed with their fallen comrade. They each spoke of stories he shared and conflicts he helped resolve. They spoke of the day they first met him. Jonias took some time to thank Nighthawk for the training he had given him, and made a promise that he would never forget it. Each reflection evoked more tears. Once they had no more to say, they held a moment of silence, remembering what a great friend he was. Once that was done, Abigail carefully adjusted the cross and made a promise that she would stay strong and maintain her courage, no matter how scary things were. Suddenly, the sun's warm rays were focused on that one spot. Immediately, the clouds gathered, the sky grew dark, and a thunderstorm began. The others turned and began to descend the hill, wanting to find shelter from the storm. Jonias, however, had stayed behind. Jonias, are you coming? Firebreath asked him. Yeah, just a moment, he replied. He stood solemnly and looked down at the grave for a while. The rain grew in intensity and Jonias turned his attention toward the gray storm clouds above. The flow of precipitation moved over him; the wind made him shiver slightly. When the brief chill had passed, he looked at the grave, then back at the sky.


Morning was here now, but the sudden storm concealed it. It appeared as if Heaven itself grieved the premature loss of this noble life. Jonias closed his eyes, sighed, then opened them again, and then he decided to say a few things, speaking from his heart and directly to Nighthawk as he stared at the mass of dark clouds. Nighthawk, he began, I will never forget you. You were an amazing companion, and an even greater friend, and well all miss you. I promise that I will take care of the others, and I know that they'll take care of me. I promise that your death will be avenged and Lucius will be destroyed. The prophecy will be fulfilled. I know these things wont be easy, but I promise to never give up or look to the negative side of things. I will ask for help when I need it; you don't have to worry about that. Suddenly, the rain stopped and Jonias was enveloped by the sun's warm, golden rays. Thank you for listening. Youve changed my life in a lot of ways, too. Then, he turned and began walking down. The others were waiting for him at the bottom. Ready to go, now, Jonias? Firebreath asked him. Yes, he calmly replied. He shed all the tears he needed and said everything he wanted to say. He now possessed renewed vigor that would give him the emotional support he needed to complete his mission. They turned from the mountain, and were once again on their journey, heading in the direction they took to get to the mountain. It was a quiet walk; each step taken with


deliberation and purpose. They were relieved that the rain had stopped; the calm and comfortable weather a blessing amid such terror. As they walked, none of them spoke; they were all deep in thought. They thought long and hard about the battles and the obstacles they would face in the days, weeks, and months to come. As they trudged on, the sky brightened and the clouds parted, giving way to sunshine once again. The weather was now clear, which bolstered the groups spirits, and rays of warm sunlight were now cast upon them like a spotlight, guiding them to their destination. They knew they were safe, and they knew they had nothing to worry about. Nighthawk would be watching over them, and no matter what, they would have each other. The one thing they did not notice, however, was that a single, large band of light refracted away from them and rested upon the grave of Nighthawk, illuminating the cross adorning his final resting place with a halo of light. What does this mean? Only time will tell. In the meantime, the first part of the adventure ends here.


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