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Rpublique Tunisienne Ministre de lEnseignement Suprieur et de la Recherche Scientifique

Universit de Carthage Institut Suprieur des Langues de Tunis

The Impact of tourism advertising campaigns

The case of post revolution Tunisian Tourism

A professional paper submitted for the requirements of the License degree English for Communication

Prepared by Bilel SFAXI

Supervised by Professor Tahar BAYOULI


Table of contents Acknowledgements Introduction..1 Chapter 1. General context of tourism sector in Tunisia 2 1) Geographical and historical overview of Tunisia . 2

2) Different tourism products in Tunisia ... 4 3) Advertising expenditures in 2009 and 2010 . Chapter 2. Post revolution tourism . 6

1) Revolution in Tunisia 6 2) Impact of Revolution on tourism. 7 Chapter 3. Advertising campaigns launched in 2011and 2012.. 8 1) I love Tunisia. ... 8 2) Tunisie vous de voir 9 3) Tunisie Tous Les Rves Possibles.. 10

4) Tunisie redcouvrir ..11 5) Tous unis pour vous accueillir 12

Chapter 4. The impact of tourism advertising campaign on tourists ... 13 1) Methods used when collecting data .. 13 2) Analyzing and interpreting data.17 3) General conclusion.. 27 4) Recommendations 28 5) References.......................... ... 29

Acknowledgements I would like to thank my parents and all the people who have helped me doing this paper and especially my cousin Jouda Sfaxi, and all who have gave me great assistance, support and advice. I would like also to thank my Supervisor, Sir Taher BAYOULI, for his unlimited academic and professional assistance during the second semester.

The tourism industry is an extremely sensitive and vulnerable activity which can be impacted significantly by important events such as terrorism, political insecurity, and natural disasters (Coshall, 2003). Indeed, the Tunisian tourism sector was deeply affected by the revolution. The year was unprecedented in the recession of the tourism sector and other related sectors. Quite understandably, thousands of tourists expressed their fear and decided not to come visiting Tunisia since there was no longer political stability. Besides, the media were revealing and showing to the entire world images of social unrest and empty hotels, which consequently discouraged tourists. In response, considerable efforts were made to cope with this situation and authorities started promoting the Tunisian tourism destination through several communication strategies and especially launching advertising campaigns in order to attract tourists, and mainly the French ones, to come and visit Tunisia. This paper is made up of 4 chapters: the first chapter is devoted to describing the general context of tourism sector in Tunisia, the second chapter considers the post revolution context in Tunisia, and the third chapter describes the advertising campaigns launched in 2011 and 2012. The last chapter is devoted to measuring the impact of tourism advertising campaigns on tourists.

The ultimate purpose of this project is to measure the impact of tourism advertising campaigns, launched after the revolution, on tourists and to end with few recommendations concerning the advertisements based on the questionnaires findings. Indeed, the problematic asks the following question: do tourism advertising campaigns, launched after the revolution, have an impact on tourists. Consequently, two hypotheses can rise: tourism advertising campaigns launched after the revolution have a small impact on tourists and tourism advertising campaigns launched after the revolution have a great impact on tourists.

Chapter1. General context of tourism sector in Tunisia

1) Geographical and historical overview of Tunisia

Figure 1: location of Tunisia in the Mediterranean Basin and its coastal area Due to the geographical and strategic location, being situated in North Africa and being at the middle of the Mediterranean Sea and being between Algeria and Libya, Tunisia is one of the most visited places in the world. A three thousand year old country, represents nowadays the first Arab and African destination, and is ranked among the first thirty destinations worldwide1. The development of the tourism sector is back to the 1960s.the Tunisian government and private groups have joined their efforts in order to develop this sector 2.However, Tunisia has been sponsoring this sector by the late 1990s3.the Europeans

are the most common visitors to Tunisia, indeed, the four traditional markets are France, Germany, Italy and the United kingdom4. Tunisia is a rich cultural country since 8 historical features have been rated by the UNESCO as a World Heritage ( The site Carthage, being one of these historical monuments, portrays an exotic historical era of the Roman Empire.

Figure 2: Thermal Baths of Antoninus: Carthage,Tunisia (

The other 7 sites are Amphitheatre of el jem , Medina of Tunis, Ichkeul National Park, Punic Town of Kerkouane and its Necropolis, Kairouan ,Medina of Sousse and Dougga (cometotunisia) in Tunisia

2) Different tourism products Tunisia benefits from several tourism products. Seaside resorts (tourisme balnaire), strengthened by hundreds of sunny days all long the year, are considered to be the dominant types of tourism5. The second Type is the Saharan tourism .Indeed, the beginnings of this sector is back to the late 1980s. Another important product is the cultural and religious tourism. Strengthened by about thirty centers, the Thalassothrapie is also another product. Tourism in Tunisia is made up of other growing sectors like Golf, seminars and business tourism. There are also minor sectors like hunting, diving, fishing boating and sport. 3) Advertising expenditures in 2009 and 2010 The ONTT (Office Nationale de Tourisme Tunisien) has devoted lot of money in 2009 and 2010 in order to promote Tunisia in the international markets and especially in the French one.

Table 1: devoted advertising budget European countries (ONTT annual report 2009) In 2009, compared to 2008, the ONTT reports that the budget allocated to institutional publicity has increased by 32% reaching 23.760 million dinars compared to 17.950 million dinars in 2008 (ONTT, 2009).Taking the example of France, being the first non-Arab country with the biggest number of tourists (with nearly 2 million visitors to Tunisia) and one of the top 4 principle markets to Tunisia, 1 001 280 were devoted to press advertising and 573 772 were devoted to billboard advertising representing respectively 46% and 43% of the total budget devoted to advertising in France in 2009 (ONTT,2009). Moving to 2010, the amount of money dedicated to advertising has increased from 2009 to 2010 by 22%. Indeed, the ONTT has organized 46 media trips: 78% were devoted to print media, 20 % were devoted to TV and 2% were dedicated to radio (ONTT, 2010).

Chapter 2: Post revolution tourism

1) Revolution in Tunisia The jasmine Revolution was an historic moment, ending a 23 year regime of dictatorship under Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and starting a new era of democracy, freedom and liberty. Several political and socio-economic circumstances accumulated and ended with a revolution. Politically speaking, online censorship and lack of freedom of expression were present .Indeed, authorities-in the era of Ben Ali-were eager to stop NGOs (e.g. Human Rights Watch) from denouncing or criticizing abuses6. The Constitutional Democratic Rally (RCD) was the only ruling party in the country for 23 years. Furthermore, media blackout was omnipresent during the protests till the day Nessma, a private TV channel, had managed to devote a program issuing to the troubles in Tunisia7. Socio-economically speaking, Mohamed Bouazizi was one of hundreds of thousand unemployed people (700000 unemployed in 2011 and reaching 18, 57% in the same year and unemployed young men who are between 18 and 25 has reached 31,4% ) ( were living under miserable conditions. Furthermore, The rate of growth had declined; indeed, economic growth rate dropped from nearly 5% in 2010 to 1% in 20118.Indeed, unemployment rates were unbalanced since in western regions the number is bigger than in eastern regions : unemployment in the region[of Sidi Bouzid ] is at a staggering 55 per cent9. Tunisia Tries to Silence Human Rights Watch 7 How Tunisia's revolution began 8 THE JASMINE REVOLUTION AND THE TOURISM INDUSTRY IN TUNISIA 9 Shafted: Revolution fails to produce jobs for Tunisian miners

2) Impact of revolution on tourism The contribution of travel and tourism to total GDP was almost 9% in 2009 and is expected to be 14% in 2021(Becheur, 2011). The revolution has negatively affected the tourism sector. Within the first seven months of 2011, tourism revenues fell by 47% and overall tourist arrivals had declined by 39% from January to July 2011.Furthermore due to the revolution, 17 hotels were closed. Moreover, the number of European entries has declined by 49%. Till July 2011, the number of tourists from France, for instance, Tunisias first destination, reaching 437,586 and marking a decrease by 46.5 %. While nearly all the European markets have seen a slight decline, the exception comes from the Asian market .In fact; the number of tourists coming from China has tripled after the revolution. In 2011, the number of visitors has reached 11,872compared to 2010, when only 4,612 visitors with an increase reaching 157, 4% (Businessnews). Undergoing a small comparison, concerning European entries, its evident that the horrifying images of Tunisias revolution broadcasted on television, in addition to the reports on newspapers and other mass media, have frightened potential tourists and significantly weakened the tourism industry (Becheur, 2011). However, we can guess that the impact of news in china, reporting Tunisia, was not as frightening and dangerous as in the European media and specifically the French media.

Chapter 3: Advertising campaigns launched in 2011 and 2012

Advertising forms part of the marketing (communication) mix (Borden, 1967, as cited by Fauconnier and van der Meiden, 1993:12). In the last decades, lot of money has been spent to help promoting the image of Tunisia through advertising campaigns. according to World Bank Report, dated in 2002, the National Tourism Office invest 28 Million (Mabrouk et al ,2008)10 .In 2009, moreover, the Ministry of Tourism- with the aim of revitalizing Tunisia as a destination by 2011 has launched a 4step marketing plan: one of the 4 steps is to diffuse 30-second TV spot advertisements broadcasted on European TV channels in an estimated cost of 12.08 Million .After the revolution, few tourism advertising campaigns have been launched either online (internet and social media)or offline (magazines, radios and billboards):

10 The Tunisian Tourism Cluster

1. I love Tunisia

I love Tunisia was the first advertising campaign tackling the tourism crisis in Tunisia .The campaign was just launched one month after the revolution on February 14th, 2011. The opportunity of being in the same day with Valentines Day was taken into consideration. I Love Tunisia is a promotional campaign launched by the Ministry of Tourism. Being a cheap advertising campaign, it cost 800011 (nawaat, October 2011). The campaign is mainly made to create a big Buzz on the internet .This campaign had essentially two slogans enfin libre de bronzer and Tunisie,admirez-la de prs. This campaign has got either TV coverage ( TF1and M6) or online media covevage and mainly from the French one,indeed , EUROPE 1,Le Point, Le nouvel Observateur, LE FIGARO, Rue89 and LA TRIBUNE have devoted several articles hailing this campaign.


2. Tunisie vous de voir

Tunisie a vous de voir advertising campaign is massive promotional campaign broadcasted in TV, printed in press (tourismag) and was launched on May 9, 2011, it was

financed by the Tunisian government, costing 3 million (tourismag).


Tunisie. Tous les rves possibles

The promotional campaign entitled Tunisie. Tous les rves possibles, was Launched by the ONTT (Office Nationale du Tourisme Tunisien) on 16 january 2012. It was launched in metro billboards and urban billboards (affichage metro et urbain) in two main French cities: Lyon and Nice. This campaign has two major goals. The first one is to promote Tunisia as a winter destination and especially the two southern cities: Tozeur and Douz. The second goal is to diversify the products through promoting Sahara tourism.

4. Tunisie redcouvrir

After the revolution citizens have become more aware and conscious regarding the promotion of the image of Tunisia .This promotional initiative was launched on February, 26, 2012 by Tunisians living in Switzerland .The initiative resumes in pasting advertising postures on cars of Tunisians living there. The posture contains the logo TUNISIE A REDECOUVRIR, meaning in English to rediscover Tunisia, enabling to create a free-ofcharge advertising campaign through the daily movement of these cars across Switzerland. This type of advertising, apart from being a personal initiative, is part of the street marketing. Indeed, it is considered as one of the oldest ways of advertising. It is also the concept of promoting products on the streets. This concept of marketing has different formats from distributing fliers, stickers to animations and goodies (Koudeta).

5. Tous unis pour vous accueillir

Television spot Tous unis pour vous accueillir

Coming just after Tunisie A Vous De Voir, the promotional campaign, named Tous Unis Pour Vous Accueillir , was launched on 10 June 2011 by the Office Nationale du Tourisme Tunisien. The ultimate purpose of this advertising campaign is to urge French tourists to visit Tunisia. In terms of form, this promotional campaign takes the format of a publicity spot. Moreover, it has been broadcasted on mainstream French TV media like TF1. In terms of content, this TV spot portrays the image of a futuristic Tunisia and emphasizing on several ideas such as the courtesy of Tunisians, exotic sceneries and the solidarity of Tunisian people.

Chapter 3.The impact of tourism advertising campaign on tourists

1) Methods used when collecting data In order to measure the impact of tourism advertising campaigns on tourists, we have carried out a field survey. Indeed, these campaigns are just 2 (I Love Tunisia,Tunisie a vous de voir )and were taken as an illustration of post revolution campaigns. The manner of collecting information was to give a questionnaire to a tourist, after introducing oneself, and letting him answer the 13 questions. Its worth mentioning that in question number 10 En vous montrant laffiche : vous souvenez vous lavoir dj vue ? we are obliged to show print advertisements to the tourist in order to let him answer the question . Indeed, the survey has been carried out at the airport of Tunis Carthage from Monday 23rd; April 2012 to Saturday 28th April 2012 had taken the form of a Questionnaire, containing 13 questions. Moreover, the sample was 30 people, 25 of them were French and the other 5 were from different nationalities.

2) Questionnaire used

Questionnaire Ce questionnaire vise mesurer limpact des campagnes publicitaires sur le tourisme tunisien aprs la rvolution, nous vous demandons de bien vouloir rpondre aux questions suivantes : 1. Partez-vous en vacances ? 1 fois/an 2 fois/an 3 fois et plus/an Trs souvent 2. tes-vous habitu visiter la Tunisie ? Oui Non 3. Pour quelles raisons visitez-vous la Tunisie ? Vacances Thrapie Raisons professionnelles Tourisme mdical

Autres ( prciser) .. 4. Comment avez-vous connu(e) la tunisie comme une destination touristique Publicit :(Affiches et panneaux publicitaires) Une suggestion dami(e) Publicit parue dans tv /radio Publicit parue en ligne

Autres ( prciser) ..


Quest ce qui vous attire le plus en Tunisie ? Paysages Mer Scurit Prix attractifs Autres ( prciser) ..


Quels aspects devraient permettre aux touristes de se sentir comme chez eux La scurit Laccueil Le confort Autres ( prciser) ..


La rvolution en Tunisie serait-elle un frein pour la choisir comme destination ? Oui Non


La situation scuritaire en Tunisie est beaucoup plus meilleure aprs la rvolution. 1. 2. 3. 4. Pas du tout d'accord Pas d'accord Ni d'accord ni pas d'accord D'accord 5. Tout fait d'accord


Avez-vous entendu parler de la campagne publicitaire I love Tunisia Oui Non Tunisie vous de voir Oui



En vous montrant laffiche : vous souvenez vous lavoir dj vu ?

Oui Non 11. Si oui sur quel support media ? Tl Internet Radio Magazine Affichage urbain 12. Comment considerez vous ces affiches publicitaires ? Trs bonne Plutt bonne Je ne sais pas Plutt mauvaise Trs mauvaise 13. Aprs la rvolution du 14 janvier, 2011 est-ce que lune des affiches publicitaires a influenc votre choix sur la Tunisie comme une prochaine destination touristique. Certainement oui Probablement oui Je ne sais pas Probablement non Certainement non Si oui laquelle ? ge : Sexe Homme Femme

Nationalit : Profession : . 3) Analyzing and interpreting data In this part we are going to present several deductions from data obtained. I. Partez-vous en vacances ?

1 fois/an

Tourists answers 9 12 7 2 30

% 30% 40% 23% 7% 100%


2 fois/an 3 fois et plus/an Trs souvent TOTAL RESPONSES

Partez-vous en vacances ?
1 fois/an 3 fois et plus/an 7% 30% 2 fois/an Trs souvent


We can deduce from this pie chart that 70 % of polled tourists like to go their vacations abroad either once or twice a year. II. tes-vous habitu visiter la Tunisie ?

Oui Non

Tourists % answers 15 15 30 50 50 100

tes-vous habitu visiter la Tunisie ?

Oui Non




This pie chart tells us that 50% of polled tourists are accustomed to visit Tunisia and the other part of polled tourists is not accustomed to visit it.


Pour quelles raisons visitez-vous la Tunisie ?


Tourists answers 17 1 14 0 2

Pour quelles raisons visitez-vous la

Tunisie ?
Vacances Thrapie Tourisme mdical

Vacances Thrapie Raisons professionnelles Tourisme mdical Autres ( prciser)

Raisons professionnelles Autres ( prciser) 17 14

Tourists are coming to Tunisia for mainly two things: the main one is for leisure activities and the second is for professional reasons.


Comment avez-vous connu(e) que la Tunisie tait une destination touristique ?

Publicit :(Affiches et panneaux publicitaires)

Tourists answers 5
14 12 10

Comment avez-vous connu(e) la tunisie comme une destination touristique ?

Publicit :(Affiches et panneaux publicitaires) Une suggestion dami(e) Publicit parue dans tv/radio Publicit parue en ligne Autres ( prciser)

Une suggestion dami(e) Publicit parue dans tv/radio Publicit parue en ligne Autres ( prciser)

13 3 4 13

8 6 4 2 0

The data presented in this bar chart is very telling. Indeed, tourists who have known Tunisia as a tourism destination from advertising campaigns are only 12 compared to 26 people who have known Tunisia either by the word of mouth technique, being defined by the (Business Dictionary), as Oral or written recommendation by a satisfied customer to the prospective customers of a good or service or by other different means.


Quest ce qui vous attire le plus en Tunisie ?


Tourists answers 16 15 4 15 10
0 4

Quest ce qui vous attire le plus en Tunisie ?

10 15 Paysages Mer Securit 15 16 10 20 Autres ( prciser) Prix attractifs

Paysages Mer Securit Prix attractifs Autres ( prciser)

3 main things, according to the bar chart above, attract tourists: they are respectively the landscapes, the sea and the suitable prices


Quels aspects devraient permettre aux touristes de se sentir comme chez eux ?

Answers Tourists answers

Quels aspects devraient permettre aux touristes de se sentir comme chez eux ?
4 8 22 11 La securit Lacceuil Le confort AUTRES 20 30

La securit Lacceuil Le confort AUTRES

11 22 8 4


In this multiple choice question, the great majority of tourists like to be welcomed.What comes next is security and comfort.


La rvolution en Tunisie serait-elle un frein pour la choisir comme destination ?


Tourists answers

La rvolution en Tunisie seraitelle un frein pour la choisir comme destination ?


4 26 30

13% Oui Non

This question is indeed about whether the revolution would be a barrier for choosing Tunisia or not. While 55 % of polled people were not ready to come visit Tunisia exactly 1 month after the revolution (EUROPE 1), 87% of the polled tourists indeed have revealed that the revolution would not be an obstacle ,after more than one year of the revolution, for choosing Tunisia as a tourism destination.


La situation scuritaire en Tunisie est beaucoup plus meilleure aprs la rvolution.

pas du tout d'accord pas d'accord ni d'accord ni pas d'accord
D'accord Tout fait d'accord

Tourists answers
2 3 17 7 1

La situation scuritaire en Tunisie est beaucoup plus meilleure aprs la rvolution.

3% 7% 10% 23% pas du tout d'accord pas d'accord ni d'accord ni pas d'accord D'accord Tout fait d'accord

7% 10% 57% 23% 3%





While 17 % of polled tourists do not agree with people saying that the security situation is better than it used to be before the revolution, 26 % of polled people agree that security has improved after the revolution.


Avez-vous entendu parler de la campagne publicitaire ? Tunisie a vous de voir

I love Tunisia

Avez-vous entendu parler de la campagne publicitaire

Tunisie a vous de voir I love Tunisia non oui non oui 0 oui 5 5 I love Tunisia Series1 non 25 10 15 20 25 30

Tunisie a vous de voir oui non 2 28

Its obvious, from the bar chart above, that I love Tunisia advertising campaign is more known from the part of tourists. While 5 tourists have heard about I love Tunisia advertising campaign, only 2 tourists have heard or seen Tunisie vous de voir .one of the reasons that made the results like that is that the first campaign has got much more media attention mainly from the French ones. Another reason is that I love Tunisia was the first tourism advertising campaign after the revolution.


En vous montrant laffiche : vous souvenez vous lavoir dj vu ?


Tourists answers 8 22 30

En vous montrant laffiche : vous souvenez vous lavoir dj vu ?

Oui Non 27%


27% 73% 100%


Despite the fact that the advertising campaigns were launched more than 1 year ago (14th February, 2011 and May 9th, 2011), 27 % of polled tourists still remember these advertisements. XI. Si oui sur quel support media ?


Tourists answers 2 3 0 1 5 8

Si oui sur quel support media

Tl Internet Radio 27% 9% 0% Affichage urbain Magazine

Tl Internet Radio Magazine Affichage urbain

18% 27% 0% 9% 45% 100%

18% 46%


The results appearing in the pie chart above, demonstrating that 45% of polled tourists have seen one of the advertisements on postures (affichage urbain), correspond to the findings appearing in the 2009 annual report of the ONTT reporting that 45, 30% of the total institutional publicity budget is devoted to advertising posters.

Graph 1:devoted budget by medium (Source ONTT annual report, XII. Comment considrez-vous ces affiches publicitaires ? When asking tourists to give their opinion about the advertisements, I insisted that they should give their opinion on all the advertisements together and not one by one.


Tourists answers 3 19 6 1 1 30

% 10% 63% 20% 3% 3% 100%

Comment considerez vous ces affiches publicitaires ?

3% 3% 10% 20% Trs bonne Plutt bonne Je ne sais pas Plutt mauvaise 64% Trs mauvaise

Trs bonne Plutt bonne Je ne sais pas Plutt mauvaise Trs mauvaise TOTAL RESPONSES

When asking tourists about their appreciation of the advertisements, the majority of them have revealed a positive attitude towards them, this leads us to what Van Raiij has said when he says that: the appreciation of a advertisement should enhance their willingness to buy a product or a service (Van Raiij, 1993). Infact, 10% of polled tourists have ticked trs bonne and 63% of polled tourists have ticked plutt bonne . XIII. Aprs la rvolution du 14 janvier, 2011 est-ce que lune des affiches publicitaires a influenc votre choix sur la Tunisie, comme une prochaine destination touristique.


Tourists answers 1 2 11 6 10 30

Certainement oui Probablement oui Je ne sais pas Probablement non Certainement non

3% 7% 37% 20% 33% 100%

Aprs la rvolution du 14 janvier, 2011 est-ce que lune des affiches publicitaires a influenc votre choix de la Tunisie, comme une prochaine destination touristique.
3% 7% 33% 37% 20% Certainement oui Probablement oui Je ne sais pas Probablement non Certainement non


Reaching the last question in the questionnaire, the advertisements had a stimulus only on 10% of the polled tourists; however, great deals of them (53 %) were not influenced by one of the two advertisements.

4) General conclusion Last but not least, several points might be drawn. Indeed, while only 1person visits Tunisia for therapy or medical tourism, these two laters should get much more media attention in order to let tourists get acknowledged of these two products. The second point is that through the question number 6, reception is a very important factor enabling tourists to feel as in their countries. The following point that needs to be highlighted is it is useless to put such terminology that is related to revolution (e.g. un champ de ruines, les fics sont mchants, les balles fusent, la tension est son comble), since 87% of tourists declare that the revolution would not be a barrier for choosing Tunisia as a destination. The following point that needs to be highlighted is rather contradictory: while the number of tourists who have known I Love Tunisia (an online advertisement) is 5, the number of tourists who have known Tunisie a vous de voir (an offline advertisement) is 2 (see question 9). Furthermore, security situation needs to be improved since 17% of polled tourists do not agree with whom who say that security situation is better than it used to be before the revolution, security situation needs to be improved. Last but not least, as the findings of the last question, of the questionnaire, reveal that these two advertisements have only an impact on only 10% of tourists, effective, efficient and seductive advertisements have to be done in order to have much more impact on tourists and on their willingness to visit Tunisia. Finally, we can confirm the following hypothesis, saying that tourism advertising campaigns, launched after the revolution, have a small impact on tourists only 10% of polled tourists.

5) Recommendations Several recommendations, regarding this questionnaire and this paper, might be taken into consideration for forthcoming similar research subjects. 30 tourists are not enough, 100 ;however, might be enough for the requirements of a complete sample A field research should be done in the place where the campaigns were launched (e.g. France) All the advertisements should be included when tourists are asked to give their opinion about the ads. As the findings in the questionnaire (question 5) have demonstrated that one of the main things attracting tourist is the attractive prices, advertising agencies and specialists may consider this particular point in the forthcoming advertisements. as70 % of the polled tourists like to spend their vacations abroad either once or twice a year, this fact might be used for forthcoming advertisements.

References Coshall, J. T. (2003). The threat of terrorism as an intervention on international travel flows. Journal of Travel Research, 42(4), 4-12. Fares Mabrouk, Matt McDonald, Stela Mocan, Timo Summa, The Tunisian Tourism Cluster The Microeconomics of Competitiveness, Harvard University, May 2008 Jacob L.Mey, Sarah Blackwell, Claudia Caffi, Bruce Fraser, Hartmut Haberland, Neal R. Norrik, Theodossia Soula Pavlidou, Ken Turner.(2008). Journal of pragmatics 40 (2),206-207 Van Raiij,w.fred, Postmodern consumption. Journal of Economic Psychology, 14(3), (1993)541-563 Seriez-vous prt prendre vos vacances en Tunisie aujourdhui ? O sont passs les fonds investis pour promouvoir le tourisme tunisien ? www.koudeta.wordpress Street marketing definition Nouvelle campagne de promotion de la Tunisie Une campagne dcale pour relancer la destination Tunisie Le nombre de touristes Chinois a tripl en 2011 Tourisme, la dernire campagne de lONTT descendue par les Tunisiens, applaudie dans lHexagone par Amel Djait the-world-factbook Unveiling Tunisia: Exotic Introduction to the Arab World archaeological sites

Figures, tables and Graphs












coastal 2







( Table 1: devoted advertising budget European countries (ONTT annual report 2009)..page4

Annexes Questionnaire Dans le cadre dune tude se rapportant mesurer limpact des campagnes publicitaires sur le tourisme, nous vous demandons de bien vouloir rpondre aux questions suivantes : 1. A quelle frquence voyager vous ? Trs souvent Souvent Rarement Trs rarement 2. Quels aspects devraient permettre aux touristes de se sentir comme chez eux La scurit Laccueil Le confort Autres ( prciser) .. 3. tes-vous habitu visiter la Tunisie ? Oui Non


Quest ce qui vous attire le plus en Tunisie ? Paysages Mer Scurit Prix attractifs Autres ( prciser) ..


Pour quelles rasions visitez-vous la Tunisie ? Vacances Thrapie Raisons professionnelles Tourisme mdical

Autres ( prciser) .. 6. La rvolution en Tunisie serait-elle un frein pour la choisir comme destination ? Oui Non


La situation scuritaire en Tunisie est beaucoup plus meilleure aprs la rvolution.

6. Pas du tout daccord 7. Pas daccord 8. Ni daccord ni pas daccord 9. Daccord 10. Tout fait daccord


Avez-vous entendu parler de la campagne publicitaire I love Tunisia Oui Non Tunisie vous de voir Oui Non En vous montrant laffiche : vous souvenez vous lavoir dj vu ? Oui Non



Si oui sur quel support media ? Tl Internet

Radio Magazine Affichage urbain 11.

Comment considerez vous ces affiches publicitaires ?

tres bonne plutt bonne je ne sais pas plutt mauvaise tres mauvaise 12. Est-ce que lune des affiches publicitaires a influenc votre choix de la Tunisie, aprs la rvolution, comme une prochaine destination touristique. Certainement oui Probablement oui Je ne sais pas Probablement non Certainement non

ge : Sexe Homme Femme

Nationalit : Profession : .

Used Pictures (advertisements) during the experiment I love Tunisia advertisement

Tunisie. A vous de voir advertisements (A set of advertisements)

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