Gods/Goddess Project Priya Grover Mrs. Williams 208 April 12, 2010

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Gods/Goddess Project Priya Grover Mrs.

Williams 208 April 12, 2010

Prologue One day at Mt. Olympus, Artemis (the Goddess of the Hunt, animals, & the Moon) and Apollo (the God of the Sun) were taking a stroll. They were catching up on gossip, news and family stuff. Did you hear what Hades did to Persephone? asked Apollo. Yes! Simply atrocious! Hes making her go to the Underworld AGAIN for 4 months. I replied Thats what I think! Why cant Hades do something nice for once? I dont know! But you know Hades. Hell do anything to bother us; especially for Zeus. Yeah, I feel really bad for all the mortals on Earth. When Demeter is mad; shes basically has steam pouring out of her ears. And shes directing all her rage on them Me too. On a much lighter note, isnt today a nice sunny day? Yes. I wish I was like this all day, every day. You know what? It could be at Earth. Whoa! Wait a minute! Before you go changing the mortal world, think about those with skin care problems. Like who? Its perfect! There will be light so everybody can see. Also, Sun helps crops grow so that mortals can eat-- It might help crops grow, but the darkness does too. If the mortals have sun all the time, the crops will dry-out and burn. I interrupted. Apollo snickered at the thought. I whispered, I will do my hardest to stop you. And with that, a huge bear came crashing out of the forest! Im sorry you have to die this way, I thought. You are the Goddess of Animals after all, the bear growled. With a mighty roar the bear charged at Apollo. Apollo already had a fireball in his hand and threw it at the bear with great magnitude. Surprisingly, the bear dodged the fireball. That should keep him busy for a while, Artemis thought. I started towards home, but then paused in the middle of the forest. Artemis thought, Will the bear need help? She quickly called to a blue jay. Can you inform me of the safety of the bear, worried Artemis. Of course, tweeted the blue jay. Forty-eight hours later in her house...

Im so glad Im home and can now get a good night sleep. Artemis says gratefully, The next morning Artemis sprang out of bed, threw some clothes and went off to the stables. Moonlight, Artemis yelled, Why dont we take a ride to the castle? Arriving at the castle, she ran up the stairs hollering, Father, father, I need you to call the council. Why, my daughter? boomed Zeus Apollo is going to do something to Earth! He wont stop if I call him so if you call the council, he has to come. Very well Suddenly there was a big POP and all the Gods & Goddesses were there. My fellow friends, I have heard of a terrible deed is going to be done to Earth. Apollo is going to make Earth sunny all the time. Luckily my daughter Artemis told me before It was going to happen. She also says she has a solution. Artemis. Yes, I have a solution. It is to have the sun up for 12 hours and the moon up for 12 Artemis answered. The hall was suddenly filled with murmurs of approval. So lets vote! Who likes Artemis idea? Zeus asked. All but one hand went up. Then its settled. The sun will be up for 12 hours and the moon will be up for 12 hours. Also the mortals will call the time when the sun is up, a day. With another enormous POP he and the other Gods and Goddesses were gone. There were just 2 people left. Im sorry. I just acted without thinking. I have to stop doing that said Apollo, ashamed. Its okay, but next time, please listen to me. smiled Artemis. Apollo smiled back. That is how day and night were formed.

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