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Research Problem This study aims to identify the strong points employed by Philippine Airline and Cebu Pacific

Airline to catch the interest of potential passengers. 1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents? 1.1 Age 1.2 Gender 1.3 Address 1.4 Social Economic Status 2. How do Philippine Airlines and Cebu Pacific Airlines differ in terms of: 2.1 Providing good customer service 2.2 Ensuring customer safety 2.3 Sustaining long-last good impression in the minds of the passengers 2.4 Maintaining good sanitation on the planes used for travelling and airport facilities. 3. How do the companies promote their airlines? 3.1 various TV, print, internet and radio advertisement 3.2 fare promotions 3.3 publicity 4. Is the image of the company significant in the passengers choice? 5. Does the way the employees/crew of Philippine Airline and Cebu Pacific Airline treat customers affect the overall perception of the passengers toward the company?

Research Objectives This study has the following objectives: To identify the strong points employed by Philippine Airline and Cebu Pacific Airline to catch the interest of potential passengers. To identify the factors that influence passengers choice of airline company. To classify the difference in approaches the two airline companies are using to ensure customer satisfaction and develop passengers conformity with the company. To determine if the various fare promotions, advertising campaigns, and publicity made by the two airline companies influence the decisions of the passengers in choosing the company to go with for traveling.

Significance of the Study The results of our study will benefit first both Philippine Airlines and Cebu Pacific Airlines. They will know the effects of the factors that they offer to their passengers that influence them to choose which airlines they prefer. After we finish this study, the results of all the data we will gather will surely benefit both airlines. They will know the feedback of the factors they offer to their passengers. Second, will be the passengers, for they will know which airline will offer them satisfaction. All factors that both airlines offer to their passengers will have an impact on them. They will know what airlines will give them more attention and satisfaction.

Third, will be the researchers. They will know which airline suits the choice of their passengers. They will gain knowledge of all the data and results that we will gather. And develop ourselves by this experience while conducting this research. And last will be the other researchers, who will develop the same research in the future. This will provide them more ideas or information about the study.

Scope and Limitation This study focuses on determining the factors that influence the passengers decision in choosing which airline gives a comfortable flight, good facilities, and reasonable price. Passengers ages 18 51 years were the chosen respondents for this study. The data gathering was done within Metro Manila.

Conceptual Framework




Profile of the respondents: Age Gender Socio Economic Status

Distribution of questionnaires Analysis of data gathered Interpretation of data

Perception about the airline that help them to choose between the two airlines.

The study focuses on consideration on the profile of selected respondents such as age, gender and socio economic status. The researchers want to know about the

perception and consideration of the customers in choosing the two airlines, in terms of the quality of the services and benefits that will eventually help them in analyzing the effectiveness of passengers choice. Definition of Terms 1. Airline - An airline provides air transport services for passengers and/or freight. 2. Airport - Location where aircraft such as fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, and blimps take off and land. 3. Capacity - The ability or power to contain. 4. Conformity - Is the act of matching attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors to what individuals perceive is normal of their society or social group. 5. Crews - Is a body or a class of people who work at a common activity, generally in a structured or hierarchical organization. 6. Destination - The place to which someone or something is going or being sent. 7. Reservation - Is an arrangement to secure accommodations at a restaurant or hotel, on a boat or plane. 8. Passengers - are term broadly used to describe any person who travels in a vehicle. 9. Perception - The ability to seem hears, or become aware of something through the senses. 10.Plane - An aircraft capable of flight using forward motion that generates lift as the wing moves through the air. 11.Sanitation - Is the hygienic means of promoting health through prevention of human contact with the hazards of wastes. 12.Satisfaction - Is the pleasure that you feel when you do something or get something that you wanted or needed to do or get. 13.Travel - Is movement of people between relatively distant geographical locations for any purpose and any duration. 14.Treatment Is a medical attention given to a sick or injured person or animal.

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