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Respondent 1 Name (optional) Gender Age Designation Years of Experience Products/services of the company Small size/Large size Number

of employees Public/Private Question 1 Reason 1 Economic Reason 2 Easy Reason 3 Wide Audience Somewhat Identical Somewhat Identical Somewhat Identical Namrata Pandey Female 36 Branch Manager 11 Banking Small 20 Private

Respondent 2 Sushil Kumar Mahajan Male 32 Chief Manager 8 Banking Small 30 Private

Question 2 Question 3 Question 4

Economic Easy Wide Audience Somewhat Different Somewhat Identical Somewhat Different

Card ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Internet Type Comapny Wesbite Job Portals Social Networking Sites Social Networking Sites Job Portals Job Portals Social Networking Sites Job Portals Social Networking Sites Comapny Wesbite Job Portals Comapny Wesbite Comapny Wesbite Job Portals Job Portals Job Portals Social Networking Sites Comapny Wesbite Social Networking Sites Social Networking Sites

PrintMedia Type Magazines Newspapers Magazines Newspapers Academic Journals Academic Journals Academic Journals Magazines Newspapers Academic Journals Newspapers Newspapers Newspapers Newspapers Magazines Newspapers Academic Journals Newspapers Magazines Newspapers

Respondent 3 Vinod Batra Male 30 Financial Planning Associate 5 Insurance Small 20 Private

Respondent 4 Raj Kumar Chahar Male 28 Deputy Manager 4 Banking Large 40-45 Private Ltd.

Respondent 5 Uzma Ejaj Female 32 Financial Planning Associate 6 Insurance Small 20 Private Ltd.

Economic Easy Wide Audience Somewhat Identical Somewhat Different Somewhat Different

Economic Easy Get only Intreted People Somewhat Different Somewhat Identical Somewhat Different

Economic Easy Get only Intreted People Somewhat Identical Somewhat Identical Somewhat Identical

PlacementConsultants Type Contingency Employment Agencies Niche/Industry Specific Consultants Retained Search Firms Retained Search Firms Retained Search Firms Contingency Employment Agencies Niche/Industry Specific Consultants Niche/Industry Specific Consultants Contingency Employment Agencies Retained Search Firms Contingency Employment Agencies Retained Search Firms Niche/Industry Specific Consultants Retained Search Firms Retained Search Firms Retained Search Firms Contingency Employment Agencies Niche/Industry Specific Consultants Niche/Industry Specific Consultants Niche/Industry Specific Consultants

CampusSelection Type Individual Campus Job Fair Job Fair Individual Campus Joint Placement Individual Campus Individual Campus Individual Campus Joint Placement Job Fair Job Fair Individual Campus Joint Placement Individual Campus Joint Placement Individual Campus Job Fair Job Fair Job Fair Job Fair

EmployeeReferrals Type Contingent Contingent Regular Contingent Contingent Regular Contingent Regular Regular Regular Contingent Contingent Regular Regular Contingent Regular Contingent Regular Regular Regular

Respondent 6 Sakshi Sawhney Female 30 Relationship Manager 4 Banking Large 40-45 Private Ltd.

Respondent 7 Mangat Lal Male 37 Assistant Manager 13 Banking Large 25 Private Ld.

Respondent 8 Sangram Singh Male 42 Manager 16 Banking Large 35 Private Ltd.

Respondent 9 Meeta Pandey Female 40 Manager 13 Banking Small 8 Private Ltd.

Economic Easy Wide Audience Somewhat Different Somewhat Identical Somewhat Different
Respondent1 Rank/Preference

Economic Easy Wide Audience Somewhat Identical Somewhat Identical Somewhat Identical
Respondent 2 Rank/Preference

Economic Easy Get only Intreted People Somewhat Identical Somewhat Different Somewhat Identical
Respondent 3 Rank/Preference

Economic Easy Wide Audience Somewhat Different Somewhat Identical Somewhat Different
Respondent 4 Rank/Preference

11 13 5 2 20 19 4 8 1 12 16 8 10 14 17 15 7 9 6 3

12 15 6 1 13 20 7 14 3 11 17 9 8 16 19 18 4 10 5 2

11 19 5 6 13 12 3 14 4 15 18 9 10 20 16 17 2 8 1 7

8 18 9 6 19 14 10 17 5 11 16 1 3 7 20 13 15 2 12 4

Respondent 10 Khushboo Gupta Female 30 Backup Branch Manager 6 Banking Small 10 Private Ltd.

Respondent 11

Respondent 12

Respondent 13

Respondent 14

Economic Easy Wide Audience Somewhat Identical Somewhat Different Somewhat Identical
Respondent 5 Rank/Preference Respondent 6 Rank/Preference Respondent 7 Rank/Preference Respondent 8 Rank/Preference Respondent 9 Rank/Preference

4 6 13 18 12 10 14 11 20 5 8 3 1 7 15 9 16 2 17 19

8 17 7 1 19 13 6 18 3 12 15 9 11 20 14 16 4 10 5 2

6 7 19 5 12 8 17 10 18 4 20 2 1 11 9 13 15 3 14 16

4 8 20 17 9 13 16 10 18 5 11 1 2 7 12 6 5 3 19 14

8 15 12 7 19 14 11 16 6 9 18 10 2 13 20 17 4 1 5 3

Respondent 15

Respondent 16

Respondent 17

Respondent 18

Respondent 19

Respondent 10 Rank/Preference

Respondent 11 Rank/Preference

Respondent 12 Rank/Preference

Respondent 13 Rank/Preference

Respondent 14 Rank/Preference

11 15 4 3 20 16 7 17 2 12 18 10 8 13 19 14 6 9 5 1

Respondent 20

Respondent15 Rank/Preference

Respondent1 16 Rank/Preference

Respondent 17 Rank/Preference

Respondent 18 Rank/Preference

Respondent 19 Rank/Preference

Respondent 20 Rank/Preference

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