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Term 2 Week 5

Kia ora tatou

25 May 2012

This week we have had the budget announcing some very significant changes to education, I urge all parents to be informed about these and hopefully encourage you all to have an opinion. Also to express that opinion to the decision makers. , The Minister of Education has announced that Class Sizes will increase to 1:27.5 .
Year Level Current English medium ratios 1:15 1:23 1:29 New English medium rations 1:15 1:27.5 1:27.5 2012 Salford School ratios 1:18 1:22 1:25/27

Pita Pit Orders Every Monday Sushi Orders $5 Every Tuesday Subway Orders Every Wednesday Heat-Ups Every Thursday Sausage Sizzle Every Friday $1.50 each 30 May Southspell 4 JuneQueens Birthday 6 JuneZone X Country1.00pm 11 JuneBOT Mtg 18/20 JuneERO 21 JunePTA Quiz Night

Year 1 Years 2-3 Years 4-6

Larger classes do not provide an environment conducive to good teaching no matter how qualified the teacher. All young children deserve the very best start at school - that's smaller class sizes and a teacher who is able to spend time helping them to learn, grow and extend their potential, The policy makers will listen to parents and voters who, if they are loud enough and public enough tell them they are wrong. The Government is suggesting the quality of teaching will not be affected by increasing the size of the classes.

I am telling you emphatically it will impact directly on your child and their achievement. Quality programmes, innovative teaching practice, individualised instruction will be seriously compromised. Crowd control is NOT quality teaching. Are there any examples at all with a government purposely applying a system where numbers of students go up and numbers of teachers come down, potentially, and that improves the outcomes for students, are there any examples of that in the world anywhere?

I can assure you this is not in the best interests of education or your child. This is purely a fiscal decision that will impact greatly on student learners. This year at Salford School, we have 6 year 1 3 classes that have a staffing ratio of 1:22 maximum. We deliberately keep the junior numbers low to ensure these students get an excellent start. Our new entrant class has 1:18. The change will mean we will lose 2 classroom teachers next year. I cannot stress how important it is for the parent voice to be heard, you and you alone will win this. Please stand up for what is right for our children, your children. Regards,


The hunt is on for reading books. Teachers are struggling to get enough readers for a reading group. Please look in your book cases, child's room, for any readers that may be tucked away. PLEASE send these back to school AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

Ongoing issues, please ensure hair is brushed every day and long hair tied back. We must all be vigilant to try to eliminate the problem.

Accelerated Literacy Learning

Mrs Wheeler and I attended this Progress Every young person has for Students initiative the skills and qualificarecently in tions to contribute to their Wellington. and New Zealands future We have a target group of 10, year 3 writers that will benefit from this Ministry funded initiative. We are excited to be participating in this project and hope to be able to share our successes with you all.

Salford School Annual Report for 2011 School Charter 2012

These guiding documents are available from the office. There are copies in the foyer for you to read.

WAVERLEY KINDY Kids visit ROOMS 9 and 10

What a great team of little ambassadors we have in the new entrant classes. They shared many new experiences they have had since leaving kindy themselveswhich wasnt all that long ago. Such as computers, reading and the current science Inquiry experiments with bubbles. Thank you Rooms 9/10


There are still far too many clothing items un-named and unclaimed. If you are missing a named item, ask your child to check student notices and collect their missing uniform item from the office. Un-named items remain in the lost property.


Leilani Henry and Robbie Cole present bags of bulbs to Rebecca Amundsen of the Glengarry Community Action Group as part of our efforts to support our extended community. The bulbs are to be planted in the Lithgow St community garden and in tyre planters around the Glengarry Shopping centre. Hopefully we have helped spread a pretty purple picture for spring.


: The annual meeting and election of officers was held at the beginning of the month. Thank You to those who attended.

Heat- Ups
A reminder to all parents that these are available daily for family meal leftovers. BUT

Officers elected are: Chairperson - Lyndal Ludlow Secretary - Ainslie Bruce Treasurer - Sonya Donnelly Our efficient and hard working secretary of several years Gillian Graham has stepped aside as her association with Salford draws to a close at the end of the year. We can't thank Gillian enough for her many hours of work and support. We are glad she is staying with the committee until the end of the year. The meeting also worked at defining some definite roles within the committee and future meetings will see these roles filled by great committee members. Keep your eyes and ears open for how you can become involved! Regards, Lyndal

Thursdays ONLY
for pies and pastries.
Thank you for your co operation.

Public Health Nurse Visits for Term 2

Thursday, 14th June 2012 If you would like to make a time to meet and discuss any health issue you feel your child may have, call Gillian Sim on 0274223699 and make a time to meet.

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