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May 27, 2012

Peggy Smith Pat Gardner Zoey Keith Flo Weaver Virginia Tippins Orabel Holstead Malachi Taylor Bobbie Hooper Homer & Lou Rhea Jean Asbury Russell Wallace Don Gulledge Dana Seals Elmer Wilder Edward Reed Lawrence Walker Gayle Walker Rosa Rigney Mike Coffey Phyllis Jones Joshua Sullivan Paul Jones Norman & Eleanor Gulbransen Ted Crigger Sherry Branum Tony Winkler Juanita Hensley Sue Pfoff Lloyd Wynn Ann Williams Tim Strange Pastor Larry Fraizer Kyle Kitts Roy & Laurel Perkins Jessica Hawley Della Greene Eldridge Tucker _____________ CHILDRENS DRAMA PRACTICE Childrens Drama Practice Thursday 6:30 7:30 p.m. For more info, see Steve or Hazel Ray. ____________ ACTIONS TEACH If a child sees his parents day in and day out behaving with selfdiscipline, restraint, dignity and a capacity to order their own lives, then the child will come to feel in the deepest fibers of his being that this is the way to live. If a child sees his parents day in and day out living without self-restraint or self-discipline, then he will come in the deepest fibers of being to believe that that is the way to live. _____________ WEDDING CONGRATULATIONS

WEATHERING THE STORMY SEAS Storms at sea have a way of sneaking up too quickly, without any warning. Just when the waters look calm and tranquil, we are drifting along peacefully, the blue sky suddenly fills with dark, ominous clouds, and we are taken into the throes of a typhoon Jesus and his disciples were once caught in a terrible storm at sea. And while the disciples cringed in fear and trembled, Jesus slept and when aroused by his desperate disciples, commanded the storm to cease. Jesus still commands the storms. And he still causes them to cease. Even when our confidence in our own navigational skills has dwindled, we can still find comfort within the storm. Storms pass. They dont last forever. Getting through them can be tough, but never impossible. And once youre through, you can get back on course. Even if its a different direction. (Copied)
*Roger* _______________ COMING SOON May 27 th May 28 nd Jun 2 rd Jun 3 th Jun 17 th

Our sports-themed series will teach how to be a Game Changer for the Kingdom of God. Just as there are pivotal moments or plays in every ball game that can swing the outcome, there are Game Changing moments in our lives that can result in great victories for God. Kids will learn that the Bible is full of game changing moments and that there will be many opportunities in their own life to make a play or to do something that will have a huge, positive impact on their life and the life of others. But it will take courage and confidence in God to make the big play. _____________ VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Vacation Bible School is scheduled for June th nd 18 22 from 6:00 9:00 P.M. Classes for Nursery High School. For more info see Steve and Hazel Ray. _____________ We now have a Facebook Page. Check it out The Russellville Church of God. If you want anything added to this page just let us know.___ __________---______________ PLEASE NOTE: There WILL NOT be a 6:00 p.m. Service today. Please have a safe Memorial Day & remember those who have and are risking their lives for our freedom. We all owe thanks to our military & veterans!

There WILL NOT be a P.M. Service today Memorial Day Church Office Closed Dustin Hayes/ Lindsey Long Wedding Special Speaker Alex Abiola Missionary to Africa HAPPY FATHERS DAY N0 P.M. SERVICE ______________ ATTENDANCE 62.03 201.00 57.00 50.02 20.00 713.50 600.00 SUNDAY SCHOOL SUNDAY MORNING SUNDAY NIGHT FAMILY TRAINING OUTREACH 99 234 104 275


$ 5,902.76

East Andrew Johnson Hwy Russellville, TN 37860 (423)587-0988 Email:

(P.O. Box 59) 5848

$__ 25.00_ $ 7,631.31

To Stevie and Amanda (Rigsby) Ray. Stevie and Amanda exchanged their wedding vows yesterday at Still Hollow Farms in Greeneville. Stevie and Amanda, we wish you a Long and happy life together.

Sun May 27 th Mon May 28 -



May June June June June

27 rd 3 th 10 th 17 th 24


Toni Shultz Joanna Keith Ann McGhinnis Toni Shultz

Tue May 29 th


Wed May 30 Thu May 31 st

ARK Jane Biggs Carolyn Johnson rd June 3 Debbie Ward Edna Mitchell th June 10 Jodie Pratt th June 17 Jessica Hayes Rebekah Hillon th June 24 Jane Biggs Carolyn Johnson May 27 Church Security May 27 Dustin Hayes
th th

Fri June 1 nd Sat June 2 -


No 6:00 P.M. Service Today HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Linda Thompson Shelly Shropshire HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Harold & Angela Jones MEMORIAL DAY-CHUIRCH OFFICE CLOSED HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Jerry Smith Jacob Coffman HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Blake Evans HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Jay Landers HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Jon & Pam Bewley Kim & Phyllis Stephens HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Joe Ward Madison Johnson HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Roger & Barbara Rigney

Pastor Jonathons Word of the Week

Mathew 24:14 - And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

The Russellville Church of God has begun a new outreach ministry. We will preach the gospel across the seas to the uttermost parts of the earth. For the first time in our church history we will be streaming our services live on the Internet. I truly count it a blessing from God to be able to send His word to anyone with Internet and a computer/mobile device. Just think, shut-ins, sick, elderly, incapacitated etc. anyone who is not physically able to attend church can now join us live via the Internet. Please help us spread the word about this new ministry. If you know of someone who would love to join us on the web, please assist him or her in learning how by visiting:

Senior Pastor / Music Minister Associate Pastor / Youth Pastor Childrens Ministry Minister of Outreach/Evangelism

Roger Rigney Jonathon Bewley Joe Ward Ray Pratt

Sunday Worship 9:45am Sunday School 10:30am Morning Worship 6:00pm Evening Service Wednesday Night Service 6:45 Youth / 7:00 p.m. Adults & Children


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