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Have you ever been driving down the road and bam!

Your tire blows out because yo u just hit a pothole in the road. Hopefully, your going slowly enough that you c an maintain control of your car and pull off to the side of the road. But what i f you re not? What if you are going to fast and lose all control of your car, resu lting in hitting a tree, guardrail, or even worse another car. The roads of pitampura are in a very poor condition .All that is left of the ro ad is potholes and some more potholes...There are a host of problems with respec t to roads (or the lack of them thereof), open drains, leaking water pipes and n o footpaths. The traffic lights on the main roads also never work. .The people living in nearby areas especially the daily commuters are having a harrowing time .The potholes make the experience as straight out of hell. The ve hicls are swinging to one side or other at any moment. The fear of overturning i s constanly looming on the minds of the people. Potholes in Pitampura's roadways are a very common thing; they are everywhere es pecially after the winter season. Hitting potholes doesn t always result in tire blowouts, and sometimes they don t da mage your car in any way. You hit them and continue on driving. Of course someti mes you are less fortunate though and the damage may not even be evident It has been estimated that poor road conditions have cost Pitampura drivers near ly seven billion dollars each year in annoying and costly vehicle repairs that a re left up to the car owners to cover. added to this the garbage is dumped in the vacant site and on the road to make t he matter worst. None of the street lights are switched ON. also the dogs are disturbing public. There are many shops are placed on road this makes rushes for vehicles. these poor condition of the road often leads to traffic jams .. since the roads are not constructed properly or are under construction , therefore there is less space for the vehicles to pass which is leading to traffic jams and the residen ts are delayed in their work .. No matter if your a motorist, biker or a cyclist, you'll have witnessed at least once in your lifetime an accident or near accident where the main negligent par ty was the actual road surface itself. It is a problem that anyone who uses our roads is aware of and it is a problem that is getting worse. When you hear of a road traffic accident you automatically think of a vehicle collision. Poor road conditions amount for a high percentage of road traffic accidents each year incl uding deaths.

The issue at hand is whether government should spend more money on improving roa ds and highways rather than improving public transport.In my view government sho uld spend money on improving roads and highways.This is because it is only throu gh better roads we will be having better transportation and also roads indicate culture of nation One reason i think emphasis should be kept on road improvement is that most of t imes mobility of vehicles gets zeroed down if roads are in bad condition.Especia lly rainy seasons aggravate the running coditions of road.If mobility of vehicle s is affected other areas like business also gets affected.Because consider a ve hicle carrying goods which are to be sold in other area.If u cant reach the plac e in time we will be loosing the market share.So for any country building good r oads should be prime points on to be done list.

Finally i think setting up good roads and highways is important because with out roads there is no point in improving transportation.For example there is no poi nt in travelling in good vehicle on bad road or highway.Further it will lessen t he performace of vehicle.We will feel comfortable even in normal vehicle if the road is good.Improving road conditions should be first step.And then we can cons ider improving transportation facilities.

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