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Bachelor of Science in information technology BSCIT Semester VI BT0059 - Information System Security 2 Credits - Assignment (30 Marks) Attempt

t all questions (all questions carry equal marks) 1. a) Define Information Security and discuss the potential risks to information systems b) Explain and differentiate between the following malware. I) II) III) IV) V) Virus and worm. Trojan horse and Tracking cookies. Spam and zombies. Adware and spyware. Pop-ups and Pop-under.

b) Explain the various information security tools that can be employed to minimize the effects of the malware above. c) What is software Vulnerability? 2. a) Describe the process of system development life cycle (SDLC). b) Describe the following models of SDLC. i) Water fall model. ii) Prototyping. iii) Spiral model. iv) RAD. c) What is a metric? Explain various types of metrics you know. 3. a) Discuss the responsibility and responsibilities or duties of the chief information officer. b) What are uncertainties? Discuss various risk management techniques you know. c) Briefly explain the incident response process.

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology BSc Semester VI Subject Code BT0060 Subject Name Database concepts with Oracle 4 Credits Assignment (60 Marks) Marks Compare Structured Query Language (SQL) and Procedural 1) Language / Structured Query Language (PL/SQL) with an example. 2) 3) 4) 5) What are the advantages of %TYPE declaration? Write a PL/SQL procedure for finding factorial of a given number. Differentiate between PL/SQL functions and procedures. Write syntax of creating PL/SQL Trigger and given an example. Differentiate between shared pool and large pool of Oracle memory component. Write features of centralized database and distributed databases. What are the approaches which are used while designing the distributed database? Explain Explain the different types of physical files in the Oracle 9i. What is cursor? What are the types of cursors? 5 5 5 5 10





9) 10 a) 10 b)

5 2.5 2.5

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology BScIT Semester-6 Subject Code BT0058 Subject Name Optical Base Network (NGN) 2 Credits Assignment (30 Marks) 1. Write about New Generation Networks. 2. What are the different switching techniques? Compare all. 3. Explain the functioning of Optical sources and detectors. (10M) (5M) (5M)

4. Explain the mechanism of signal transmission in Optical fiber with necessary figures.(10M)

Bachelors of Science in Information Technology BSc IT Semester VI Subject Code BT0057 Subject Name Quality Management Principles 2 Credits Assignment (30 Marks) 1. Define the term Quality. Explain the relationship between requirements and characteristics in conjunction with the software quality. (5 Marks) 2. Explain the factors that determine the measurement of software quality. (5 Marks) 3. What are the basic Principles of overall software Quality? (5 Marks) 4. What are the various levels proposed in CMM Model? Explain each. (5 Marks) 5. How does the cost of software contribute in the quality of Software? Discuss (5 Marks) 6. What are the various Quality Management Principles? (5 Marks)

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology BScIT Semester VI Subject Code BT0056 Subject Name Software Testing & QA 2 Credits Assignment (30 Marks) Note: Answers should be in your words. You can refer any book but DO NOT copy the contents Q.1: What is Testing? Explain the different approaches and Importance of Testing. [3] Q.2; Write a note on SQA function and SQA role. [5]

Q.3: What is the purpose of SQA Plan? Explain briefly the Standards, Practices and Conventions of SQA Plan. [5] Q.4: Explain different methods available in White Box Texting with examples. [5] Q.5: Explain the use of decision tables in testing. [2]. Q.6: What is the difference between Verification and Validation? Explain in your own words. [5] Q.7: What is the use of ISO 9126 Standard Quality Model? Explain. [3] Q.8: Briefly Explain the Software Configuration Management Activities. [2]

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