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HYPOCRISY ALERT: Linda Parks Gives Herself a Pay Raise

Republican turned Independent Congressional candidate Linda Parks (CA-26) loves to mislead voters by bragging about all the times she turned down a pay raise as a Ventura County Supervisor. But new documents show Linda Parks signed and authorized a pay increase for herself. In fact, since taking office Parks pay has increased by over $20,000. Linda is a professional political opportunist, who will say whatever it takes to get elected, while going behind voters backs to give herself a pay raise, said Amber Moon of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Ventura County voters simply cant trust Linda Parks. Shes hiding her Republican history, refusing to take real positions on the issues and is now lying about her pay.

Background Parks Signed Waiver To Accept 5% Pay Increase. On January 28, 2011, Parks signed an unqualified waiver of compensation that stipulated that she elected to receive the 5% increase to my biweekly salary that I became eligible for effective 12/27/2009. The waiver further directed the Ventura County Human Relations Department to revoke all prior waivers and voluntary directives to reduce salary and benefits. [Board of Supervisors, Unqualified Waiver of Compensation, 1/28/11] Parks Highlighted that She Refused Pay Raises on Campaign Website. Parks hypocritically highlighted that she refused several pay raises on her campaign website under the heading honesty count. [, accessed 5/21/12]

Parks Claimed She Would Refuse To Accept Pay Raise. In February 2005, the Ventura County Star reported that Parks voted to renew an expired ordinance that allowed for salary increases for supervisors, but claimed she would refuse the raise for herself. [Ventura County Star, 2/9/05] Parks Publicly Declined Two Pay Increases During Her First Year in Office. The Ventura County Star reported that Parks declined a 4% and 1% pay raise in 2003. Parks said it was time for the whole county to tighten its belt. [Ventura County Star, 12/12/03] Parks Salary Increased By at Least $20,000 Between 2003 and 2011. The Ventura County Star reported that between 2003 and 2005 Parks earned $84,115 as supervisor for Ventura County. On her Financial Disclosure Statement Parks reported earning $104,553 from Ventura County in 2011. [Ventura County Star, 2/9/05; U.S. House of Representatives Financial Disclosure Statement, filed 5/4/12] ### For Immediate Release, May 25, 2012 CONTACT: Jennifer Crider & Amber Moon (202) 485-3440

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