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No matter how well we prepare, sometimes, unexpected things may happen. Other times, we may simply be unable to prepare.

Tell about a time when you were unprepared for a situation.

Before beginning, plan carefully. Preparation, the most important step before every project or anything you plan to achieve. A well begin is half done, we all prefer our plans follow the schedule, things go easy and smooth and come up as we expect. But life is full of uncertainty, plans can never catch up with changes, you never know what will happen next. No matter how well we prepare, unexpected things happen while we dont notice. The movie The Adjustment Bureau, talking about arrangement. In the movie, life of every human being is all arranged perfectly by The Adjustment Bureau when human born on this world. Their job is make sure your life, even the smallest details during every single day, follow their plan, if unexpected incident happened, they adjust it to the right way. The leading man, a politician named David Norris, should have a bright future, according to the plan done by The Adjustment Bureau. Life is full of changes, unexpected thing happens on his way to work, a careless agent in the bureau break the plan, makes David meet a girl that he shouldnt ever known in his life time. David immediately falls in love with the girl, but the bureau already takes actions to do whatever they can to fix the mistake. When David finds out their existence and it is them who keeps interfering their love, he tries to against them and turns the unexpected event into parts of his life arrangement. The movie depicts how hard each of them, David and The Adjustment Bureau, deals with their own unexpected events. In reality, if The Adjustment Bureau really exists, they arranged our life and all we have to do is follow their arrangements, then we dont need to worry about unexpected incidents that may change our whole life. If so, The Adjustment Bureau seems to be a good existence. Unexpected event makes people bushed, everyone get a kind of experience like that in their lifetime. In my twelfth grade, everyone looked forward to our last sports day in high school. Competitions between classes made every student full of fighting will. Competitions started from the very beginning of the sports day, the parade, competed

creativity and momentum. Classes dressed up in different costumes and performed in front of guests and parents. Our class practiced and prepared the dance every day for a month before the sports day. Every practice made us more confident to our performance. On the sports day and its our turn to parade into the campus. We nervously walked in and about to perform our dance. We stood in front of hundreds of people for couple minutes waiting for music to come out. The atmosphere became more and more weird, and everyone stared at our class standing there, felt embarrassed. After some awkward moments, finally weve been told that our music disc could not play. Unexpected event always makes people not knowing what to do. But the performance had to be done, while they still searching for solution, someone had find a way out, the first row of our troop started singing the song and dance with their singing. The rest of us followed their movement. Our performance completed in a strange way, but every audience cheered for our quick response to the emergency. I like to arrange every detail of my life, even small thing like taking a bus. I plan which way should I take and how can I arrive my destination within the shortest time. I wont leave home without a careful plan. In my first year in university, away from home, everything seemed so fresh to me. One leisurely afternoon, no class, my roommate and I decided to go somewhere we never been to, without a plan. I thought it would be interesting, like an adventure. We boarded on a bus at random, not knowing where to go. At first it was quite excited, unfamiliar street and different stores. We got off the bus at an unknown stop where most people did. We looked around, the buildings nearby seemed a little old, old design and exterior. There were few stores but some grocery store. We walked couple blocks, found nothing interesting, we decided to go back to downtown. On our way to bus station, we encountered some vagrant gather together. They looked at us with an uncomfortable smile. We, two young girls, got scared. We picked up the pace, tried to get away from them as soon as possible. Some of them started shouting some bad words at us and laughing loudly. We were frightened and there were almost no other passers around. We ran to a taxi pooling over across the street, got in the car run away from that scary place. The bad experience shows me how important the plan is. I paid a big price for that experience, the taxi fee, really taught me a lesson.

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