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Title: Started: Submitted: Total score: Midterm 1

May 23, 2012 11:39 AM May 23, 2012 12:18 PM

Time spent: 00:38:11 51/100 = 51% Total score adjusted by 0.0 Maximum possible score: 100

1. The one-drop rule has been applied to: Student Response 1. Africans in Africa 2. Indians in the United States Blacks in the United 100% 3. States 4. a and c 5. all of the above Score: 1/1 Value Correct Answer Feedback

2. Over time what factors have contributed to racial outmarriage in our country Student Response 1. more racial diversity has emerged 2. more progressive attitudes towards outmarriage have developed 3. a lower percentage of first generation individuals are in the country 4. a and b Value Correct Answer Feedback

5. Score:

all of the above 1/1


3. Which physical features can be a part of how Blacks judge if they look White? Student Response 1. skin color 2. nose 3. hair 4. a and c 5. Score: all of the above 1/1 100% Value Correct Answer Feedback

4. The instructor participated in a study where a questionnaire was sent out to many interracial couples accross the nation. The instructor used this study to refute which myths about interracial couples. Student Response 1. Interracial Couples as Rebellious 2. Interracial Couples as Exhibitionist 3. Interracial Couples as Desperate Individuals 4. A and B 5. Score: All of the above 100% 1/1 Value Correct Answer Feedback

5. The advantage of the Lilly data in looking at who outdates is that it: Student Response Value Correct Answer Feedback

1. is a national probability sample 2. includes Hispanic and AsianAmericans 3. asked about important demographic factors 4. a and c 5. Score: all of the above 0/1 0%

6. From which region in the United States are people most likely to outdate? Student Response 1. West Value 100% Correct Answer Feedback

2. South 3. NorthEast 4. NorthCentral Score: 1/1

7. According to functionalists, the ideas of racial purity prove to be useful to groups who want to maintain: Student Response 1. an ideology that promotes group unity 2. power over other individuals 3. racial superiority 4. a and b 5. Score: all of the above 0/1 0% Value Correct Answer Feedback

8. During slavery, interracial sexuality was encouraged for: Student Response 1. white men 2. white women 3. black women 0% Value Correct Answer Feedback

4. a and c 5. all of the above Score: 0/1

9. Compared to other racial groups the tendency of Blacks to outmarry is: Student Response 1. higher than all other racial minority groups 2. lower than all other racial minority groups 3. the same as other racial minority groups the same as all other 0% 4. racial minority groups except Native-Americans Score: 0/1 Value Correct Answer Feedback

1 0. Why has the one-drop rule developed in our society? Student Response 1. to justify the physical eradication Value Correct Answer Feedback

of AfricanAmericans in our society 2. to support interracial unions 3. to justify notions of black physical inferiority 4. a and c 0%

5. all of the above Score: 0/1

1 1. Social myths that have been used to discourage interracial marriage include: Student Response 1. Jungle Fever 2. people in interracial marriages are rebellious 3. people in interracial marriages desire attention 4. b and c 0% Value Correct Answer Feedback

5. all of the above Score: 0/1

1 2. Theoretically the social pressure towards interracial dating should be: Student Response 1. higher than the social pressure against interracial marriage Value Correct Answer Feedback

2. lower than the social pressure against interracial marriage the same as the 3. social pressure against interracial marriage Score: 0/1 0%

1 3. According to Yancey and Lewis, one of the stages of assimiation that Gordon discusses is: Student Response 1. Cultural Pluralism Value 0% Correct Answer Feedback

2. Melting Pot Assimilation 3. Anglo-Conformity Assimilation 4. Marital Assimilation Score: 0/1

1 4. The Mestizos are: Student Response 1. the new group that emerged from White, Indian and Black interracial sexuality 2. the new dominant group in Mexico after independence was achieved from Spain 3. a group that represents melting Value Correct Answer Feedback

pot assimilation 4. a and c 0%

5. all of the above Score: 0/1

1 5. Which characteristics tend to fit more with Indian-White relations than with Indian-Black relations? Student Response 1. Divide and conquer strategy was used against them Sexual relations 2. between these two groups is downplayed by Ethnic Studies programs 3. Virginia gave their chldren free education 4. Interracial unions were used to gain more soldiers Score: 0/1 0% Value Correct Answer Feedback

1 6. According to Spickard, patterns of outmarriage include which of the following patterns? Student Response 1. The number of interracial marriages increase for the group the longer they are in the United States. 2. The families of the partners in interracial marriages Value Correct Answer Feedback

are generally the first to object to the marriage. 3. The educated are less likely to outmarry than those with lower educated. 4. A and B 0%

5. All of the above. Score: 0/1

New score: 1/1 This score has been adjusted by the grader.

1 7. The theme of novels that are designed to discourage interracial marriage and parenting is: Student Response 1. anti-miscegenation thesis 2. tragic mulatto 100% Value Correct Answer Feedback

3. white purity 4. segregation stories Score: 1/1

1 8. Over time the acceptance of mixed blood Native-Americans by other Native-Americans has ______________ Student Response 1. declined 2. grown 0% Value Correct Answer Feedback

3. stayed the same Score: 0/1

1 9. Spickards theories about interracial marriage can be described as: Student Response Value Correct Answer Feedback

large scale 0% 1. sociological theories that describe much of social reality 2. specific theories about interracial marriages 3. always inaccurate attempts to explain interracial marriages 4. b and c 5. all of the above Score: 0/1

2 0. In recent years elections to remove antimiscegenation passages have occurred in: Student Response 1. Texas 2. South Carolina 3. Alabama 4. b and c 100% Value Correct Answer Feedback

5. all of the above Score: 1/1

2 1. Interracial dating differs from interracial marriage in that: Student Response 1. dating is a less serious type of Value Correct Answer Feedback

relationship than marriage 2. marriage is more likely to challenge the higher positions of Whites in society 3. those in the South are willing to interdate as much as those in the West but they are not as willing to intermarry 4. a and b 100%

5. all of the above Score: 1/1

2 2. According to the text, second generation Japanese-Americans are known as: Student Response 1. Issei 2. Nisei 3. Score: Sansei 0/1 0% Value Correct Answer Feedback

2 3. The tendency of Latino-Americans to outmarry is Student Response 1. lower than that of African-Americans higher than that of 2. Asian-Americans 3. about the same as that of AfricanAmericans 0% Value Correct Answer Feedback

4. about the same of that of AsianAmericans Score: 0/1

2 4. It generally takes how many generations for immigrants to freely outmarry? Student Response 1. 2 2. 3 3. 4 0% Value Correct Answer Feedback

4. 5 Score: 0/1

2 5. The triple melting pot theroy includes which three groups as the American melting pots? Student Response 1. Protestant, Catholic and Jewish 2. First generation, Second generation and Third generation Lower class, Middle 0% 3. class and Upper class 4. High school dropouts, College gradutes and Postgraduates Score: 0/1 Value Correct Answer Feedback

New score: 1/1 This score has been adjusted by the grader.

2 6.

About what percentage of Whites are estimated to have some African ancestry? Student Response 1. 5 2. 10 3. 20 4. Score: 35 0/1 0% Value Correct Answer Feedback

2 7. What is the role of white racism in understanding the color complex? Student Response 1. it is totally unrelated to the color complex 2. it works against the color complex it makes the color 3. complex possible 4. it forces all Blacks to accept the color complex Score: 1/1 100% Value Correct Answer Feedback

2 8. The people on the West coast who are most likely to outmarry are: Student Response 1. those socialized on the West coast 2. those who moved to the West coast from somewhere else in the United States those who are 3. immigrants from 0% Value Correct Answer Feedback

other countries Score: 0/1

2 9. According to Yancey and Lewis, annexation is Student Response 1. a process that requires members of a group to leave one society and enter another 2. when societies differentiate over time due to changes in the economy when dominant100% 3. subordinate relationships arise from the incorporation of all or a segment of one society into another Score: 1/1 Value Correct Answer Feedback

3 0. The offspring of Latinos and Blacks tend to have the racial identity of: Student Response 1. Latinos 2. Blacks 3. Mixed Race they do not tend of 4. have any racial identity Score: 0/1 0% Value Correct Answer Feedback

3 1.

According to Spickard, Ethnicity is: Student Response Important in the 1. study of intermarriage 2. the exact same thing as race 3. is nonexistant Score: 1/1 Value 100% Correct Answer Feedback

3 2. The Japanese term gaijin means foreigner. IT Student Response carries a pejorative 1. connotation 2. denotes a person who is desired for marriage 3. indicates someone who is always an enemy Score: 1/1 Value 100% Correct Answer Feedback

3 3. According to this myth interracial couples are nonconformist Student Response 1. Jungle Fever Interracial Couples 2. as Rebellious 3. Interracial Couples as Exhibitionist 4. Interracial Couples as Desperate Individuals Score: 1/1 100% Value Correct Answer Feedback

3 4. Contemporary pressure for Blacks to adhere to the one-drop rule comes from: Student Response 1. white supremacist 2. blacks opponents of transracial adoption 3. the Republican party 4. a and b 100% Value Correct Answer Feedback

5. all of the above Score: 1/1

3 5. Why did lighter skin Blacks have advantages to become leaders in black communities after the civil war? Student Response 1. They were treated more favorably by Whites 2. They had access to social resources that field slaves did not know about 3. They were more intelligent than unmixed Blacks 4. a and b 100% Value Correct Answer Feedback

5. all of the above Score: 1/1

3 6. How did interracial sexuality affect the economic opportunities of white slave-owners

Student Response 1. it had no effect decrease their 2. economic fortunes 3. increased their economic fortunes Score: 0/1


Correct Answer



3 7. According to Yancey and Lewis, antimiscengenation laws were: Student Response 1. gateways leading to the emergence of a seperate and unequal doctrine. 2. never questioned until the 1960s. 3. crafted for dealing with interethnic marriages. 4. A and C 0% Value Correct Answer Feedback

5. All of the above Score: 0/1

New score: 1/1 This score has been adjusted by the grader.

3 8. Before the Loving decision, the justification of why states were able have antimiscegenation laws was because courts argued that states had the right to: Student Response 1. regulate social relations 2. to eliminate multiracial children 3. to strengthen 0% Value Correct Answer Feedback

traditional families 4. to maintain white supremacy Score: 0/1

3 9. Interracial relationships among famous athletes and performers led support to this myth. Student Response 1. Jungle Fever Value 0% Correct Answer Feedback

2. Interracial Couples as Rebellious 3. Interracial Couples as Exhibitionist 4. Interracial Couples as Desperate Individuals Score: 0/1

4 0. According to Yancey and Lewis reasons why people do not interracially date include: Student Response 1. Just not attacted to people of other races 2. Do not like attention interracial relationships receive. 3. Family members make it harder for people to interracially date. 4. a and b 5. Score: All of the above 1/1 100% Value Correct Answer Feedback

4 1. A group that we have score and alienation from is called a Student Response 1. out-group Value 100% Correct Answer Feedback

2. in-group 3. majority group 4. minority group Score: 1/1

4 2. The color complex is a phenomenon that: Student Response 1. is only experienced in the black community 2. is experienced by all people of color may be experienced 100% 3. by nonblack minorities but most of the research concerns AfricanAmericans 4. is only a myth Score: 1/1 Value Correct Answer Feedback

4 3. Stereotypes of Asian-American females include them being: Student Response 1. exotic beauty 2. submissive Value Correct Answer Feedback

3. docile 4. b and c 0%

5. all of the above Score: 0/1

4 4. According to the tables in chapter 12 of Spickard the group that is least desirable for outmarriage for Japanese Americans and Chinese Americans is: Student Response 1. Whites 2. Blacks 3. Korean 0% Value Correct Answer Feedback

4. Mexican Score: 0/1

4 5. For Japnese-Americans, marriage to outgroups such as an eta or Okinawan is: Student Response 1. not desirable for an Issei 2. unimportant to the Sansei 3. simply did not happen 4. a and b 100% Value Correct Answer Feedback

5. all of the above Score: 1/1

4 6.

Spickard divided the eras of black intermarriage into which four sections. Student Response Value Correct Answer Feedback

Pre-civil war, Civil 0% 1. war, Post-civil war, Modern times 2. 1865-1920, 19201945, 1945-1960, After 1960 3. First generation, Second generation, Third generation, Fourth generation Score: 0/1

New score: 1/1 This score has been adjusted by the grader.

4 7. According to Spickard it is difficult to tell about the hierarchy of choice of African-Americans because... Student Response 1. Blacks do not tend to have racial preferences on who they marry. Blacks choices were 100% 2. so shaply circumscribed by whites that it is hard to tell what black people's chocies are as opposed to what was imposed upon them. 3. The choices of blacks greatly differ by economic class. Score: 1/1 Value Correct Answer Feedback

4 8. Triacial Isolates are created by:

Student Response 1. The decimation of Native-American tribes 2. the propensity of Indians to mate freely with Whites and Blacks


Correct Answer


the development of 0% 3. distinct cultures that differ from other racial groups 4. a and b 5. all of the above Score: 0/1

4 9. Today research indicates what about where biracial families live? Student Response 1. they live in majority white communities 2. they live in predominately minority communities 3. they live in multiracial communities research has not yet 100% 4. documented where biracial families live Score: 1/1 Value Correct Answer Feedback

5 0. Major events that effect the tendency of Asian-Americans to outmarry include: Student Response Value Correct Answer Feedback

1. their recent immigration 2. their physical looks 3. wars in Asian countries 4. a and c 100%

5. all of the above Score: 1/1

5 1. Stereotypes are Student Response A part of every 1. society 2. Problematic enough even if they capture a truism 3. Even more damaging when they are untrue 4. A and C 5. All iof the above Score: 0/1 Value 0% Correct Answer Feedback

5 2. According to Spickard, most interracial couples before the Civil war: Student Response 1. became marriages 2. were between free whites and blacks 3. were between white men and black women Value Correct Answer Feedback

was uncommon 4. because of legal restrictions Score: 0/1


5 3. Factors that have shaped the historical interracial sexuality of Blacks include: Student Response 1. one-drop rule 2. slavery 3. Jim Crow legislation 4. a and b 5. Score: all of the above 1/1 100% Value Correct Answer Feedback

5 4. Early media images of Japanese American men included images of them as: Student Response 1. sexy erotic romantic partners 2. diobalical evil geniuses 3. sexless and effeminate 4. b and c 100% Value Correct Answer Feedback

5. all of the above Score: 1/1

5 5. According to Spickard, the children of Japanese American intermarriage:

Student Response 1. has become easier over time 2. expereinced isolation from the Issei 3. have the choice to align with their nonJapanese parent's group 4. a and b


Correct Answer



5. all of the above Score: 0/1

New score: 1/1 This score has been adjusted by the grader.

5 6. According to Yancey and Lewis, what is the newest trend in the media as it concerns the portrayal of interracial romance? Student Response 1. Media has tended to emphasis the difficulty of maintaining an interracial romantic relationship. Media tends to 2. ignore the racial aspect of such relationships. 3. Media tends to focus on only black/white interracial relationships. 4. Media tends to focus on white men, instead of white women, in interracial relationships. 100% Value Correct Answer Feedback



5 7. The offspring of marriages between Asian women and European-American soldiers enjoy a status that is: Student Response higher than both 1. parent groups 2. higher than the Asian parent and lower than the white parent 3. the same as both parent groups 4. lower than both parent groups Score: 0/1 Value 0% Correct Answer Feedback

5 8. Factors that theoretically increase the number of multiracial marriages include Student Response 1. unbalanced sex ratios within a racial group 2. small size of minority groups 3. younger individuals in society 4. a and b 0% Value Correct Answer Feedback

5. all of the above Score: 0/1

5 9. The color complex concerns the racism/prejudice that

Student Response 1. Whites have directed at people of color 2. people of color direct at Whites 3. people of color direct at themselves 4. a and c


Correct Answer



5. all of the above Score: 0/1

6 0. According to Ferber, the person that white supremacists are supposedly trying to protect is the: Student Response 1. black man 2. black woman 3. white man 4. Score: white woman 1/1 100% Value Correct Answer Feedback

6 1. According to Ferber, fear of interracial sexuality has led contemporary white supremacists to focus upon Student Response 1. the protection of white women 2. the killing of black men 3. the raping of black women 4. a and b 0% Value Correct Answer Feedback

5. all of the above Score: 0/1

6 2. The potential passing of Whites today differs from the historical passing of Blacks is that: Student Response 1. Whites today can live within his/her own culture 2. there is no fear of discovery for White passers 3. passers today can informally maintain their own racial identity 4. a and b 0% Value Correct Answer Feedback

5. all of the above Score: 0/1

6 3. In blaxploitation films darker skin color is correlated with: Student Response 1. poverty 2. masculinity 100% Value Correct Answer Feedback

3. power 4. stupidity Score: 1/1

6 4. The study of multiracial families can help us to

Student Response 1. understand rules of racial endogamy 2. challenge the notion of race 3. help us to understand how people legitimate racism 4. a and c 5. Score: all of the above 1/1


Correct Answer



6 5. One of the reasons why multiracial individuals today may feel less of a need to pass is because: Student Response 1. it is more difficult to fool Whites today 2. prejudice has been eradicated today Civil Rights 3. legislation has removed some of the advantages that passing offered 4. the black community can provide multiracial individuals with the resources they use to get from passing Score: 1/1 100% Value Correct Answer Feedback

6 6. If you were a female and you wanted to make sure that you had a good opportunity to meet a man then you would be best off in a city with a sex ratio of_________

Student Response 1. 75

Value 0%

Correct Answer


2. 100 3. 125 Score: 0/1

6 7. The internment experience of the Japanese has had what effect on their propensity to outmarry? Student Response 1. decreased it because they resented majority group members 2. increased it because Japanese want to make sure they were not racially isolated again decreased it because 0% 3. the isolation forced the Japanese to basically marry within their race 4. increased it because majority group members felt guilty about how they treated the Japanese and made efforts to get to know them after the war Score: 0/1 Value Correct Answer Feedback

6 8. What aspects of Black/White sexualitiy occured after the Civil war? Student Response 1. European women Value Correct Answer Feedback

became brides of black soldiers. 2. A state court eliminates an antimiscengentiaon law. White terrorist 3. groups start to "protect White womanhood." 4. A and B 5. All of the above. Score: 0/1 0%

6 9. Interracial sex during slavery was: Student Response 1. always coercive rape sometimes coercive 100% 2. rape but could always a form of statutory rape 3. never coercive rape but always a form of statutory rape 4. never coercive rape but sometimes a form of statutory rape Score: 1/1 Value Correct Answer Feedback

7 0. In order to pass a multiracial person must have ___________ traits that resemble the majority group Student Response 1. social Value Correct Answer Feedback

2. educational 3. economical 4. Score: phenotypical 1/1 100%

7 1. The concept of social pollution: Student Response 1. helps to describe the one-drop rule 2. is a concept that describes the caste system in India 3. helped to legitimate the type of separation that Jim Crow brought 4. a and c 0% Value Correct Answer Feedback

5. all of the above Score: 0/1

7 2. Triracial Isolates are excellent examples of: Student Response 1. Eurocentrism how new racial 2. cultures can be generated 3. cultural pluralism 4. a unified resistance of racial minorities against majority group members 100% Value Correct Answer Feedback



7 3. According to Yancey and Lewis, what is true about black-white interracial marriages? Student Response 1. They are less numerous than White-Other marriages. 2. They are less numerous than White-Hispanic marriages. They have a higher 0% 3. societal profile than other types of interracial marriages 4. a and b 5. All of the above Score: 0/1 Value Correct Answer Feedback

New score: 1/1 This score has been adjusted by the grader.

7 4. Characteristics of minority groups include: Student Response 1. have less members in society than members of the majority group 2. set apart in terms of physical or cultural traits disapproved of by dominant group 3. suffer discrimination and subordination within society Value Correct Answer Feedback


b and c


5. all of the above Score: 1/1

7 5. According to Spickard, the image of black men that most whites have had is one where blacks are seen as Student Response 1. Violence 2. Animalistic 3. Sexually powerful 4. B and C 5. Score: All of the above 1/1 100% Value Correct Answer Feedback

7 6. Factors that influenced the propensity of Native-Americans to outmarry include: Student Response 1. Their historical propensity to marry outside their tribe 2. their desire to assimilate into the dominant culture 3. their relatively small numbers 4. a and c 100% Value Correct Answer Feedback

5. all of the above Score: 1/1

7 7.

According to Yancey and Lewis, the additional issues facing people in interracial marriages include: Student Response 1. Encountering Discrimination 2. Negative Perceptions 3. Problematic Social Acceptance 4. a and b 5. Score: All of the above 1/1 100% Value Correct Answer Feedback

7 8. Which theoretical framework is the source of social domination theory? Student Response 1. Functionalism 2. Conflict 3. Score: One-Drop Rule 0/1 0% Value Correct Answer Feedback

7 9. The race of Buffalo Soldiers tend to be Student Response 1. White 2. Indian 0% Value Correct Answer Feedback

3. Black 4. mixed race Score: 0/1

8 0. Myth of interracial relationship that states that sexual curiosity is the reason interracial relationships are formed. Student Response 1. Jungle Fever 2. Interracial Couples as Rebellious Interracial Couples 3. as Exhibitionist 4. Interracial Couples as Desperate Individuals Score: 0/1 0% Value Correct Answer Feedback

8 1. Latino-American interracial sexuality differs from interracial sexuality of other racial groups in that it: Student Response 1. is more accepted by majority group members 2. resulted in the creation of a new race 3. involves more minority males than minority females 4. a and b 100% Value Correct Answer Feedback

5. all of the above Score: 1/1

8 2. Race is: Student Response Value Correct Answer Feedback

1. a social construction 2. a culturally universal way humans foster discrimination 3. based on biological differences 4. a and b 0%

5. all of the above Score: 0/1

8 3. The major emotion behind saving face is Student Response 1. shame 2. fear 3. anger 4. a and b 0% Value Correct Answer Feedback

5. all of the above Score: 0/1

8 4. Immediately after the Civil War, the number of black men/white women relationships: Student Response 1. increased 2. decreased 3. Score: stayed the same 0/1 0% Value Correct Answer Feedback

5. The potential costs of passing include: Student Response 1. the potential loss of ones family of origin 2. ones self esteem 3. fear that one will be discovered 4. a and c 5. Score: all of the above 0/1 0% Value Correct Answer Feedback

8 6. The size of the minority group can theoretically affected interracial marriages because: Student Response 1. if the minority group is not large then there is not a good pool of potential in-group members to marry 2. a large minority group can influence outmarriage through social expectations 3. a large minority group can terrorize interracial couples 4. a and b 5. Score: all of the above 0/1 0% Value Correct Answer Feedback

8 7.

This color tax is: Student Response 1. the money a man had to pay for his dark skin date the extra cost of 2. lighter skin slaves 3. the relative difficulty that darker skin Blacks had in negotiating a fair deal for an automobile 4. the extra money a darker Black paid to join certain social organizations in the black community Score: 0/1 0% Value Correct Answer Feedback

8 8. According to Spickard, passing can be... Student Response 1. Unintentional 2. A brief trip accross the color line 3. An attempt to live life totally as a white person 4. B and C 5. Score: All of the above 1/1 100% Value Correct Answer Feedback

8 9. The majority group:

Student Response 1. consists of the same racial and ethnic groups today as 100 years ago 2. is losing power in our society


Correct Answer


have more power 100% 3. disproportionally than other groups in our society 4. b and c 5. all of the above Score: 1/1

9 0. The proponents of social domination theory argue that interracial marriage threatens the current racial hierarchy in our society because it: Student Response blurs the lines 1. between the racial groups 2. promotes racial unity 3. encourages rebellion against racism 4. illustrates racial equality Score: 1/1 Value 100% Correct Answer Feedback

9 1. According to Spickard, which group of blacks felt the strongest pressure towards interracial mixing Student Response 1. The lower class Value 0% Correct Answer Feedback

2. The middle class 3. The upper class 4. The elite Score: 0/1

9 2. Which group of Japanese Americans was most supportive of interracial marriage? Student Response 1. Issei 2. Nisei 0% Value Correct Answer Feedback

3. Sansei Score: 0/1

9 3. Passing allows certain racial minorities to: Student Response 1. gain the benefits of majority group members 2. learn to think like a majority group member 3. interracially marry 4. a and c 5. Score: all of the above 0/1 0% Value Correct Answer Feedback

New score: 1/1 This score has been adjusted by the grader.

9 4. According to Spickard, interracial mixing is:

Student Response 1. An important feature of the world history, but not of American history 2. An important feature of American history, but not of world history


Correct Answer


An important 100% 3. feature of both world and American history 4. Not an important feature of either world or American history Score: 1/1

9 5. According to Spickard, class analsyis of Japanese American marriage patterns is Student Response Value Correct Answer Feedback

used to show how 0% 1. upper-class Japanese Americans are more likely to outmarry 2. impossible because of the lack of historical data on class 3. more insightful than gender analysis 4. limited to Christian Japanese Americans Score: 0/1

9 6. How did interracial sexuality affect the political activism of white women before the civil war?

Student Response 1. they were less prone to support abolition since they did not want to have sex with black men 2. they were more prone to support abolition since they felt sorry for black women 3. they were less prone to support abolition since they wanted to enjoy the economic advantages of this interracial sexuality


Correct Answer


they were more 100% 4. prone to support abolition since interracial sexuality challenged the egalitarianism in their own marital relationships Score: 1/1

9 7. The justification for overturning all antimiscegenation in the Loving decision was based upon the principle of: Student Response 1. Anglo-Conformity 2. cultural pluralism 0% Value Correct Answer Feedback

3. melting pot assimilation 4. colorblindness Score: 0/1

9 8.

The incest taboo is an example of Student Response 1. in-group 2. out-group 3. endogamy 0% Value Correct Answer Feedback

4. exogamy Score: 0/1

9 9. Because of the historical advantages that mixed Blacks have enjoyed over unmixed Blacks, mixed Blacks tend to make _________ money today than unmixed Blacks. Student Response 1. more Value 100% Correct Answer Feedback

2. less 3. the same amount of Score: 1/1

1 0 0. The ideal that best explains minority group identification for offspring that are partially Black is: Student Response 1. Anglo-Conformity 2. one-drop 100% Value Correct Answer Feedback

3. mixed race 4. pluralism Score: 1/1

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