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Can't See The Forest For The Tree's

I ask all of my Christian readers to hear this. Deceived souls do not enter into the kingdom. It is not possible. In these times we Christians must be on our most serious guard against deceptions of any kind. weather they be personal, professional, economic or political. Deception is already the norm for today. It is imperative that each genuine Christian be ready to identify deception when it occurs or at least shortly thereafter. Why? Because the devil is good at deceit. I will tell you what else he is good at; Building deceit upon deceit so that when you believe one lie, it becomes easier to believe other lies. Why is it that our media keeps so much truth and real events transpiring in our world a secret from you and won't cover them or when they do only give you half the story? So that they can build an alternative message to the masses in order to better control them with new lies when the time is right. This is why it is imperative that we understand our times in as clear a light as the Lord will let us understand and not be swayed by satan's deceivers in the news, politics and the markets. They are not there to enlighten you, they are there for the most part, to deceive you. To keep critical information from you while feeding you a false line about the reasons for and cause of many key events going on. Understand The Fullness of Evil This is the real problem that most American Christians really have. They do not understand God and they certainly don't understand their enemy. Consistently Americans impute their own simplistic morality to others in our most complex and decadent world. They do not understand what they are dealing with. Why do they not believe what God is telling them about our times? Because they don't understand the nature of evil. They are not capable of understanding it on a cosmic scale and sine they do not really believe that stakes are eternal, they cannot get their heads around the lengths the devil and his children will go. How far will they go? A couple of days ago, I wrote a piece about Black America and the coming curse upon it. But you know what? I doubt one person in the thousands that swings by this site really comprehended what I was saying. They certainly did not think such a thing could happen to them. In their ignorance they say, 'God would not let that happen' and stubbornly resist any possibility of what man under the direction of Lucifer is capable of. They think the holocaust was a terrible thing that will never happen again. While our President, Congress and Senate pass laws that have already codified a new Holocaust into Federal law (to imprison. torture and kill without trial or hearing anyone they please) and are, as we speak

setting up a system of Concentration Camp Management where they can 're-educate' Americans. This not something that is coming, these things have already happened, but the MSM is not telling most Americans. The laws have already been passed, the official manuals have already been written. To me, it is just amazing how Americans even some Christians who kind of have a handle on things in our times from a spiritual perspective but still are in denial about what I can only call 'the fullness of evil'. They will not contemplate a system of camps in America like the Nazi's had. The will not contemplate that Auschwitz was a public private partnership between a major German-US corporation (IG Farben) who used slave Labor to make war materials and then used the same camps to exterminate Jews, Communists, Poles, Slavic's and anyone the State deemed an 'enemy of the state'. The incarceration of increasing numbers of people in the concentration camps assured at least the quantity of the labor supply even as the brutality of the regimen inside the camps depleted the number of available laborers. The SS used gas chambers and other means to "weed out" prisoners who were no longer able to work. - US Holocaust Museum The German Constitution was essentially done away with under Hitler so that men could be imprisoned on a whim and used for labor in a massive satanic war machine whose job it was to Steal, Kill and Destroy. What was the language it used? What were the words it used back then to lull the unsuspecting into a state of slumber and spiritual sloth? Surprisingly they sound like words that could be uttered today. Who said this and when? The large-scale economic unification of Europe can be achieved in various ways. States which economically complement Germany or resemble it in economic structure can largely be unified with it. This is especially true of the Scandinavian countries and the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg. With other states the ties will be less close. Such a central European economic community under German leadership will require a solution of the following problems among others: - The central European currencies must be placed on a uniform basis by establishing a fixed rate of exchange between those of the other countries and the Reichmark. - Customs barriers in central Europe must be abolished. Damage to individual industries can be avoided by the conclusion of quota, price and sales agreements among economic groups in the respective countries. In the same way agriculture could be protected by measures to be adopted by Reich agencies and their counterparts in the other countries concerned. - ???? Who was it? Willy Brandt? Chancellor Merkel? Joseph Goebbles? Barak Obama? Lady Thatcher? Official EU Policy? Official Nazi Policy? I'm not going to answer that question for you right now. Keep it in the back of your mind as you read on because you really need to pay attention. Today, the technology exists to Sterilize large parts of humanity. Wealthy men who are already in the business of providing vaccines to Africans and what the Nazi's called 'racially' inferior. His name is Bill Gates, you can find a picture of him here smiling with the head of the NAACP while he has his minions create his Nazi sterilization brews for Africans. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is gaining a reputation for funding technologies designed to roll out mass sterilization and vaccination programs around the world. One of

the programs recently funded by the foundation is a sterilization program that would use sharp blasts of ultrasound directed against a man's scrotum to render him infertile for six months. It might accurately be called a "temporary castration" technology. Read more about it here: ...Now, the foundation has funded a new "sweat-triggered vaccine delivery" program based on nanoparticles penetrating human skin. The technology is describes as a way to "...develop nanoparticles that penetrate the skin through hair follicles and burst upon contact with human sweat to release vaccines." - Natural News Now before you think this is just wild eyed conspiracy theory, Bill Gates himself has propsed using vaccines to Sterilize people. This is NOT the first time. Where did the idea to hit mens scrotum with ray's come from? Did he think it up all by himself? Nope. He did not. It comes right out of the Third Reich. When Hitlers henchmen were deciding on the final solution to the Jewish question at a place called the Wansee conference. This is where the Holocaust was planned and its methodolgies and timetables were assembled. This was one of the ideas kicked around. So, where would a man like Gates get the idea of hitting someones genitals with some kind of XRay or radiation? From about March 1941 to about January 1945, sterilization experiments were conducted at Auschwitz, Ravensbrck, and other places by Dr. Carl Clauberg. The purpose of these experiments was to develop a method of sterilization which would be suitable for sterilizing millions of people with a minimum of time and effort. These experiments were conducted by means of X-ray, surgery and various drugs. Thousands of victims were sterilized. Aside from its experimentation, the Nazi government sterilized around 400,000 individuals as part of its compulsory sterilization program. Intravenous injections of solutions speculated to contain iodine and silver nitrate were successful, but had unwanted side effects such as vaginal bleeding, severe abdominal pain, and cervical cancer. Therefore, radiation treatment became the favored choice of sterilization. Specific amounts of exposure to radiation destroyed a persons ability to produce ova or sperm. The radiation was administered through deception. Prisoners were brought into a room and asked to complete forms, which took two to three minutes. In this time, the radiation treatment was administered and, unknown to the prisoners, they were rendered completely sterile. Many suffered severe radiation burns. - Dark Biology Castration by x-ray, however, is not only relatively cheap, but can also be performed on many thousands in the shortest time. I think that at this time it is already irrelevant whether the people in question become aware of having been castrated after some weeks or months once they feel the effectsHeil Hitler! Yours, Viktor Brack [Viktor Brack (Oberfuehrer (Senior Colonel) in the SS and Sturmbannfhrer (Major) in the Waffen SS; Chief Administrative Officer in the Chancellery of the Fhrer)] When they start sterilizing you, they will not tell you. The new 'SS' and men like Obama (pay him enough money and I just don't think there is not much he would not support) will give the go ahead to start in the Black, Native American and Latino Communities. Forced sterilizations are already the law in places like China. Like most deceivers, he will go to very great lengths to pretend he is your friend and will throw a few crumbs your way to 'convince' you of his friendship (scholarships and schools, etc). The facts are as my insider buddies have told me, a

very, very different Bill Gates is the reality and his smiles are part of an act. I am reliably informed he once had secret cells within his corporation named after infamous Nazi's like Mengele. Which version of Windows did you say you were using? Does anyone really care about this? I know black America is sill stuck on stupid, displaying all the tendencies of the mentally disabled. Listen... you don't need to convince me of your mental competence... I am not the one you will need to convince. The one you will need to sway is the guy in the white smock with a syringe in his hand or a funny looking table that is about to shoot your reproductive system with massive does of radiation while you are told to 'sit' and answer some unimportant questions. That's who you will need to convince of your mental competence...and based on our previous patterns of self destructive and idiotic behavior... your Daddy's genetic line will end with you. Some think I am too hard on Black America. I am not. I am too easy on them ( I say 'them' because I cannot consider myself part of spiritually lost Black America). No I am, much, much too easy. There is nothing really that can be done to save it as a people, they are too far gone. But I do think some, perhaps quite a few will begin to open their eyes up and 'smell the sulfur' that surrounds major policies in today's news that reflect the occult government of the Nazi's.There will be hope from them. Those who do not want to see, I have to let them go. Their condition is terminal.. they are dead men walking. They are like the Jews of Nazi Germany in the 1930's were - in denial about what Hitler really intended on doing to them. They figured it would all blow over. It did... ...after Hitler murdered 6 million of them. The Wannse conference... it was not broadcast on NNN (the Nazi News Network). Its notes were not published in the Hitler Times. It plans were not revealed on Goebbles' personal Blog. They planned and executed it all in very strict secrecy. No one was told save those who had a very strict 'need to know'. Brothers, the political and economic deceptions are being constructed for the express purpose of getting your hearty approval to your own murder. Physical and spiritual. That is the whole purpose of it. You don't think another holocaust is possible? You don't think many, many more mass murders are not in our future? Christians in particular have been warned by Christ that in the last days that this is exactly what to expect. But the devil is not going to stop (or even start) with Christians. Yes, they are his primary target but not his only one. All the seed of Adam is in his crosshairs. He has plans for you and me. It is his children who are pushing population control here on earth. Why? The devil wants to depopulate the earth. He hates man and always has. His stratagem is as well thought out as it is diabolical. He is pretty much going to get his way. The earth will just about be depopulated, were it not for God's intervention at the very end of satan's global nightmare. For those days shall be tribulation, such as there hath not been the like from the beginning of the creation which God created until now, and never shall be. And except the Lord had shortened the days, no flesh would have been saved; but for the elects sake,

whom he chose, he shortened the days. Mark 13:19-20 Brothers, we Christians should NOT be too concerned about saving out lives down here. Our main concern is to make sure we do not miss the mark and lose our souls to the place prepared for the architect of all this evil down here on earth. And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will warn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, who after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him. Luke 12:4-5 This is what need to concentrate on. Making sure our calling and election are sure. Wherefore, brethren, give the more diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never stumble: 2 Peter 1:10 We cannot allow ourselves to be deceived by this wicked system. We must not allow it to happen to us. In the end times there are two and only two types of people. Those who know that truth and those who fall for satanic deception. What you know and do about Christ and how you interact in this satanic age will determine your fate forever. There is no such thing as a deceived Christian getting into heaven. If you love the truth, the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth. If you do not love truth the only thing left is to accept one of the many made-to-order deceptions of our age. Call it the devils '31 Flavors' of deceit. Pick your favorite one... tailor made just for a person like you. There is conservative deceptions, and liberal deceptions; there is anarchist deceptions and Mormon Deceptions, Jehovah Witness deceptions and Masonic Deceptions; There are retirement deceptions and Medicare deceptions, there are entertainment deceptions and sport deceptions. Satan is most creative when it comes to fooling and distracting the human race and when it comes to deception, he is an equal opportunity provider. I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service. And be not fashioned according to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:1-2 So for those of you who have problems with some of the things I say, especially about things like camps and mass murder on the Horizon, I can only say that these are things that not only my studies have shown me are coming but that God specifically showed me in Dreams and visions and commanded me to not forget them. I know what is coming and I know that it cannot be stopped. I am not afraid. Why not? Think about this one long and hard for one day, most of you will be faced with a life costing choice. Do you really want to stay here, save your life for a couple of more years to live in a world where only worshipers of satan (beast/dragon/antichrist) are left alive... running things? Do you really want to live in a place with a bunch of (let me get just a little ethnic here) crazy-as* folks choppin' off people's heads because they won't bow down before an image (Rev 13:15) are in

charge of things? Are you really going to trade those few months of horror in a world full of satanists running an insane asylum in exchange for Life Eternal? Listen, the world is going to go literally and absolutely insane with hate and violence in those days. This is what satan's new order is going to really bring in. He promises peace but when has he ever spoken true? If he says peace... expect the graveyard to start to fill up exponentially for he is a liar and the father of it. Brothers to me it is a no-brainer. I don't want to be here any longer than God wants me here. If God grants me the privilege (yes PRIVILIGE) of dying for his namesake, I can count myself blessed. And I heard the voice from heaven saying, Write, Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from henceforth: yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors; for their works follow with them. Revelation 14:13

Brothers in closing the only thing I can tell you is that deceit is real. It is much deeper that most of you are right now willing to accept. I could tell you but you just would not want to believe it because it would offend your 'sacred cows' and pet delusions. But one thing I do want to stress to all of you in these times that I think is going to be imperative that you do. Be careful of the new forms of digital entertainment. There are some who have developed extremely effective methods of Psychological conditioning using far more effective forms of 'subliminal messaging' and 'digital behavioral' enhancements than anything you are ever going to read on the net. How effective? What If I told you they have been able to show a film with these 'enhancements' to prisoners subliminally directing them to kill one another and sure enough and sure enough that is exactly what they did in each and every experiment? Or that they can make subjects go out and buy things they don't need.... Steal things, hit people or do other things totally outside of the subjects personality? Would you believe me if I told you that this has been done, proven and is very effective? So my advice to you is that you steer clear of movie theaters, especially those owned by foreign governments because some of them are light years ahead in this kind of research than the US is. Your mind, political views and purchasing patters are going to be seriously, seriously under assault in the years ahead and you will never understand why or who is behind it or that you have been conditioned. This kind of thing is coming at you from numerous directions. OK, not one in a thousand of you are going to do anything about what I just said, but you have been warned. This new digital psychological adjustment technology is absolute dynamite and can change your behavior. It is down to such a science that they can predict patterns of behavior in effected areas within a pretty accurate margin for error. You want some axe murders in Deluth? A couple of dozen flash mobs in Houston? A string of rapes in Miami, Coke sales to triple in in LA? Twenty or so hit and run 'accidents' in school zones in Portland? Sweeheart... why are you taking that axe into the kids bedroom...? This is not conspiracy theory. They can do it...


Mark S. Watson

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