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How Seven-Segment Displays Work

A seven-segment display is a group of light emitting diodes (LEDs) arrange in a figure 8 pattern. The understand how the display works lets investigate how an LED works

When charge carriers flow through a diode, the electrons flow one direction, here to the left, and the holes or positive charge in the opposite direction, here to the right, see Figure 1.

Figure 1 Charge Carriers in a Diode1

The higher energy electrons travel in the higher energy conduction band of the diode. The holes travel in the lower energy valance band. The negative charge of the electrons is attracted to the positive charge of the hole. When the electron falls into the hole, recombination has occurred, see Figure 2. From modern physics, we have learned to be at the lower energy level of the valance band the electron must be given up energy.

Figure 2 Recombination of a Hole and an Electron2

This energy release is in the form of a photon, see Figure 3. The higher the energy given up, the high the frequency of the wave. We observe this energy in our eyes as the color of the light.

1 2

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Figure 3 Light Emission3

Our eyes are only sensitive to a limited range of frequency. Lower energy waves are perceived as red, see Figure 4. The higher energy waves are perceived as violet.

Figure 4 Energy Specta4

Seven Segment Display

Eight of the LEDs may be arranged in the figure 8 pattern shown below in Figure 5. This is referred to as a seven-segment display. There are 7 segments in the figure 8 pattern. The decimal point is ignored in the naming of the display.
14 1




6 7

9 8

Figure 5 MAN72A Schematic

3 4

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The various segments may be light up to form the numeric digits from 0 to 9 (see Figure 6).

Figure 6 Seven-Segment Digits

Or a slightly corrupted alphabet may be used (see Figure 7). Displays with more segments yield a much more realistic alphabet. The seven segment display does not allow true descenders on letters such as g, j, p, q, and y. It also does not allow diagonal strokes on letters. The boxy nature of the seven-segment display would also make letters such as O and D and the number 0 indistinguishable.

Figure 7 Seven-Segment Letters

The voltage drop across an LED segment is typically in the 2 volt range. The output from a display driver is in the range of 5 volts. A 220 to 330 resistor is commonly placed in series to limit the current and provide a voltage drop in the 3 volt range.

Other LED Displays

There are displays to avoid these problems such as the 16-segment display (see Figure 8) and the dot matrix display with text (see Figure 9) or graphics (see Figure 10).

Figure 9 Dot Matrix Display Figure 8 16 Segment Display

Figure 10 Dot Matrix Graphic

Laboratory Exercise
In this laboratory exercise the common anode (pin 3 or pin 14) will be connected to the positive terminal of the 6 volt lantern battery. Then each segment that is to be illuminated will be grounded through a resistor to the negative terminal of the 6 volt lantern battery. As an example the circuit for the digit 8 is shown in Figure 11. Interior Holes In Proto Board

2 3 4 5 6 7
Jumper Wire

14 13 12 11 10 9 8

6 Volt Lantern Battery

Side Buss of Proto Board

Figure 11 Schematic for Digit-8 on MAN72A

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