$3.5 Billion Man With Pictures 2

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A 736% increase in first year revenues, just from using 4 of the ideas!...

Our business will never be the same! Thanks! Thom Jameson, President Creative Services, Inc.

What His Clients, Customers and Consultants Say About His Character and Integrity and His Training, Systems and Support

Founder and CEO, TopLine Business Solutions 1

Everyone wants to be successful. It doesnt matter if you work for someone else, you own your own business, or you would like to start a business. The ultimate goal is to achieve a level of success that will enable you to live the lifestyle of your choosing. The sad thing is, there are far too few people who are either currently successful enough to live their desired lifestyle, or who are on a well-defined road that will take them there in a reasonable amount of time. Its not that there arent established and proven plans and systems to follow, its more a matter of people not seeking out the help they need, designing such a plan, and then diligently following it. And the reason? Its largely that they dont know what to do, where to look, and how to find the help they need. This book is filled with success stories of people who have found the help they need and are busy creating their own lives lives of their choosing lives that they can live on their own terms without compromise, apology, or regret. These people are clearly in charge and in control of their destinies and as such, are making valuable contributions to the people they touch. Some of what youll read in these pages are accounts from people who own their own businesses they want to make their businesses run more effectively, more efficiently, and more profitably. Theyre interested in obtaining the financial freedom and the time freedom from their business that they hoped their business would provide them when they first went into business. They have no desire to work as an employee for someone else. But in the process of being self-employed, they found themselves a slave to their business and had less time and earned less money than if they worked for someone else. Youll read how they have learned how to turn their businesses around and have regained control over them. Youll also read stories of people who dont want a brick and mortar business, but have always wanted to use their business or life experience to help other business owners develop their businesses. There are some great stories here, and in many case, theyre not only informative, theyre inspiring. Finally, youll see some comments from others who have benefited from the various books, programs, and courses I have written or created, and what they either think about them, what they have learned from them, or how they have benefited from them.

As you read these pages, think about your own personal situation, what your personal or business goals are, and if there is something you can draw from these people and their experiences. Then if you would like more information, you can contact me on my personal line at 480.969.1738. Ill be happy to discuss your situation with you and help you in any way I can. Yours for success Martin Howey

About Martin Howey

Unquestionably one of the busiest and most respected business consultants in North America and many foreign countries, Martin Howey enjoys spending time with his wife Cheryl and their 6 children and 17 grandchildren. In the business world, his more than 40 years of practical handson know-how and experience has generated more than 2 billion dollars in sales for his clients. The successes Martin has created for some of his corporate clients have been impressive and many, and have earned him substantial sums of money, recognition and notoriety.

Martin Howey
CEO and Founder, TopLine Business Solutions

Having contributed to the financial success of more than 10,000 small businesses throughout the world, Martin has identified the patterns that limit and restrict business growth, and more importantly, knows what to do to prevent it from happening or to reverse the trend if it has already infected a business. Martin is one of only a very few people who realize that most industries know and use only one particular marketing approach, even though there may be dozens of more effective and profitable strategies and options available to them. Martins uncanny ability to increase business income, wealth and success by uncovering hidden assets, overlooked opportunities and undervalued possibilities has captured the attention and respect of CEOs, best-selling authors, entrepreneurs and marketing experts worldwide. His clients range from corporate giants to small business owners in nearly every business, industrial or professional niche. One thing in common, however, is that virtually all have profited greatly from Martins expertise.

The success achieved by Martin Howey, his clients and/or consultants trained by him, as represented in the testimonials and other statements contained herein, do not predict in any way the results you may achieve. The success of any marketing or business development strategy or concept is largely dependent on factors outside the control of Martin Howey & Associates and TopLine Business Solutions. No representations or guarantees of success or income in using these techniques are made or implied by Martin Howey or TopLine Business Solutions.

Comments From Business Owners And Marketing And Business Development Consultants Who Have Experienced Martin Howeys Training And Support
Dear Martin & Chad, I cannot thank you enough for the gift that the two of you have bestowed upon me. Your course was everything I had hoped for and then some, the wealth of information, tools and materials is second to none! As good as the materials are that you provide, their value is tripled in my eyes by the support and unfettered access that you provide should a problem arise. I dont say these words lightly and they are not part of an adrenaline rush from just having left the seminar. I came into this knowing I could do this but I have left knowing that there is no doubt that I will be as successful as I choose to be. With what you have provided to me there is no way I can fail. I came to the seminar hoping to learn enough of a system/structure for my practice to replace my existing income and job and when you said a six figure income can be accomplished I was figuring $100K to $125K but I am now looking at the opportunity to double this annual income or better. I have attended and paid for other business seminars/business opportunities in the past where 75% of the seminar was a sales pitch to buy more of their products and systems. I am still in a bit of shock that there was no Up-Sell involved in this program. The information and materials provided are truly a bit overwhelming but they are absolutely in-valuable to my business. While I have an extensive business background and have been playing around with consulting prior to coming to your seminar, you have added the needed structure and tools to reach a level of professionalism that I was lacking. I am more grateful than either of you will ever know for having made your acquaintance and getting to know you a bit over the last few days. I will be in touch soon to update you on my progress as I have a few meetings already scheduled. I also am here to help you in any way I can by way of testimonials or if you need to have a prospect call you are certainly welcome to do that as well. I will resend over my testimonial to you tomorrow or Friday at the latest as Im not happy with the one that I did on site. Thank you for everything. Sincerely, Edward P. Wronski =========

Hi Martin & Chad, Well, less than a month after training I have my first consulting client! I'm earning double what I have in the past and I am thrilled! This is the small ($200K) construction company that Martin helped me with the layout in Publisher. He opted for a higher flat retainer than a lower retainer plus contingency and I am fine with that. This is just the beginning and I will be getting larger retainers PLUS contingency in the future. I walked him through my competitive intelligence report (on powerpoint - thanks for your help, Martin!) using gotomeeting.com, since he is in California and then through the Business Growth Calculator and it worked incredibly well (no surprise to you!). I had also mailed him my book and a free report - more credibility builders.) I'm meeting with the fireplace guy Friday so I'm pulling together a report for him. Thank you both so much!! I value tremendously your ongoing support. Anne ========= Hello Martin, I just wanted to share a recent success. I have been helping a client with their business. One item that came up was the newsletter they were doing. It was not very effective and I saw a lot of potential in it. Even though he is a paying client, he insisted several times that my name and information should be included in the newsletter with a note of thanks because of all of the great ideas I was able to bring to his business. Of course I accepted and now my information will go out in front of over 1,100 of his clients for the next few issues. I have so much passion for this and am enjoying it tremendously. I can't wait to take this full time and show what I can truly do. Thanks again for all of your help as always. Larry ========= Martin, It was an honor and privilege to meet and be trained by you this past week. Thursday

evening when I returned to my hotel room after training I reflected on the video testimonial I recorded for you that afternoon. Id never done one before and sort of bumbled my through it. I was disappointed with it because it did not completely convey my impression of you and the training I was receiving. I began the attached memo that evening and finished it this afternoon. My contact information has been included as I stand behind my comments. I trust that you will share my contact information with others in a manner you feel is appropriate. Regardless, I wanted you to have my thoughts for your records. By the way, I bought a camera tripod today...Im going to try to shoot another video testimonial for you. If it works youll have it later this week. Best personal regards, Thomas Flint ========= Martin, your cordial way of being and willingness to sacrifice your time to meet with Kaili and I is one of the hallmarks which separate you from any we have ever seen or dealt with. I will peruse these sites, but I honestly think I've seen enough through our intercourse, conversation, and how you've treated me like a person rather than an object. I'm anxiously awaiting training. Warmest Regards, Rob Enslow ========= (Comments from Martin speaking at a marketing conference) Hello Martin, I just wanted to take the time and send you a personal thank you. I really appreciated your time and effort. The presentation was GREAT and I am getting nothing but rave reviews. Partially due to the time you gave my attendees and the awesome job you did. I also want to thank you for being such a good personal friend and mentor. I've got lots of love for you man and I hope I made you proud. I know I was no Joel Bauer but I am not trying to be. I am only trying to be me and I think it was enough. Thank you thank you thank you for coming through and adding some REAL old school class to my event. You REALLY went all out and I thank you for blessing me and my attendees. I thank you also for getting those workbooks to them. I know they are going to

cherish them as much as I am going to cherish the fact that you not only showed up and knocked them dead with your presentation but also went that extra mile for me and my attendees. My family and I thank you so very much. God bless you and yours and I do hope we can continue to work together in the future. If you should ever need anything from me please feel free to ask. Mark Ress ========= Ive just spent 3 days with Martin Howey and want to let anyone know that has an opportunity to do business with Martin, that its one of the best decisions youll ever make. Martins given me so much information that will impact my business in a positive manner, that I cant begin to thank him for the investment of time that hes made in my business. BJ Denton ========= Im working with a contractor who has been in business for 5 or 6 years. He wants help on everything in all areas of his business. The good news is, he wants to grow and grow pretty big. Thats good! To be honest, he overwhelmed me because there are so many areas he needs help in. Because he didnt have much time to meet, it forced me to pick a couple of areas and prioritize and identify the things that would give him the most value for his money right up front. I was able to pass some work on to this client because of some relationships I had in the past. This further strengthened my relationship and positioning with him. John Bell ========= Im blown away by the amount of information Martin Howey has and the strategies that can grow your business. Theres no question that if you utilize just a tenth of his ideas that you can double and triple your business profits and grow! Brian Erickson =========

Ive looked at many different kinds of business solutions. Ive spent several days being trained by Martin Howey, and I cant speak highly enough about it. I now have a toolbox of information an overload of information to be able to share with my clients, and Im excited to do that. David Clarke ========= To tell you the truth, coming into the training I was pretty skeptical about it, given my dozen years of business ownership. But after talking with Martin and spending time in the group, I was amazed. I didnt expect to get any new ideas, and I got a wealth of new ideas. I think Martin would be absolutely outstanding to advance any business no, SKYROCKET any business to the next level and well beyond. Gary Williamson ========= Were only about half way through the training, and so far, I can tell you that Martin is the real deal. The wealth of information that he shares backed up by real experiences real things that work for real businesses. I know that I can immediately turn around and apply these strategies to help my clients get some real results, real fast. Thank you, Martin! Jason Leister ========= I have one thing to say. If youre looking to improve your business or if youre looking to be a business consultant, hook up with Martin Howey. Theres no way you can do better than that. Its as simple as that. TopLine has got the best information that you can apply to your business and to yourself. So do yourself a favor and call Martin! John Fischette =========

After 4 days in training with Martin, Im very happy with what Ive learned so far. Its been invaluable, and I can use much of it in the next few days when I get back. So if youre in doubt at all, dont be. He can help you get what you are looking for. Jorge Marquez ========= In the last few days of training with Martin Howey, Ive learned an awful lot about how to build a great business model a lot of systems that can help my clients and my future clients grow their business. Im looking forward to implementing all the things that Ive learned from Martin this week. Patrick Canning ========= Ive just spent the last few days working with Martin Howey, and I can tell you that it has been a fun-filled and fun-packed time. We have had a great time talking to each other about all our business ideas. I guarantee you that if you just take one small solution you will immediately grow your bottom line. Terry Mason ========= I was SOOO happy to have you in Denver. You were critically valuable to the event. Your great energy and great ideas really rounded out the experience for many of the attendees. In so many ways, I feel like a complete newbie at business when I look at all you've done. Jeff Walker ========= Martin, I just really wanted to thank you for your integrity and your honesty. I was extremely skeptical in coming here.


My wife was raised by an Interrogator. But once we met you and got to hang out with you, we really felt good about it. My brains a little mushy right now. The quality of information you give, your commitment and the incredible volume of stuff you give is just fantastic. Im just really happy to have met you and am looking forward to working with you for a long time. If youre thinking of coming here and working with Martin get down here! Andre Lereu ========= Martins seminar was a real life-changing event. Martin really knows his stuff and he really tells it like it is from the heart. I recommend that anyone attend if youre looking for ways to change your business, your income, and multiply your free time. I know youll find just as I did that its a life-changing event! Brian Garland ========= I just attended a seminar with Martin Howey. I want to tell you honestly that it was a life-changing event a tremendous value and its impacted my business in a very, very, very positive way. I know that by implementing the strategies and systems that Martin teaches that my business will improve in ways that I never thought of, and that the results will be exponential. Gene Brugger ========= I just want to thank you so much for your course and the tools youve given us. I know that my husband and I can succeed now in what were doing. I just want everyone to know that I dont trust too many people, and Martin is one of the most ethical and trustworthy people Ive met and that makes the program even better.


I know that we will have a continual lifetime relationship with him which is even better for me. Kristina Lereu ========= The stories relating to the material made the content come alive. I do feel like family and believe completely in the content, implementation planning, sincerity and integrity represented by Martin Howey. My expectations coming into the training were really high, but you have greatly exceeded my expectations! I can identify at least four things that I can take back and put into my consulting business on Monday and take my consulting business to where it hasnt been before. And thank you so much for the referral program I believe it is going to take my business over the top. Thank you so much! Jody Gouge ========= Dear Martin, Chad and Ty: I am back again. I just feel it is necessary to tell you gentlemen again how much I appreciate what you have accomplished. I have written a bit in my career. I know what it takes to write a comprehensive document. I know what kind of logistics management it takes to execute printings, bindings, correlations, coordination's of so many documents and files. I know what it takes to manage communication flow, e-mails, phone calls, letters and meetings. I know what it takes to bring it all together into a comprehensive, well managed, well executed, professional presentation and a professional and meaningful experience. One more time.........BRAVO!!


You are doing it right and all your hard work, long hours, interrupted personal lives and commitment is respected and appreciated by me and I am sure by many many more who do not express it. THANKS AGAIN. Billy Kapler ========= Dear Martin, Chad and Ty: As you know, I have been a business consultant for 14 years and before that a successful business owner for 15 years. I am an avid reader of business management books and business improvement books. I have attended a great number of business seminars, many given by the top business consultants in the country. The three days I just spent with you have been nothing short of sensational. I came with the hopes of improving our approach to our work with a more structured step by step approach to our consulting AND YOU DELIVERED. I came with the hopes of finding a more effective method for marketing our consulting practice AND YOU DELIVERED. It was all so comprehensive, so well thought out, so well structured it is amazing. And the tools you have provided are EXCEPTIONAL. Gentlemen, the truth is you went FAR FAR BEYOND MY HOPES AND EXPECTATIONS. BRAVO!! I know you can't see, but I am giving you a standing ovation. You delivered beyond my wildest expectations. I can't wait to implement all you have provided. I will keep in touch and share with you our new successes. BE WELL. Billy Kapler ========= Dear Martin, A prospective consultant contacted me with some questions about your opportunity. I gave him my unedited opinion on Topline and the results that are possible if someone just puts what you teach into practice. Your training is the reason I've been too busy cashing checks to write you for a few weeks. My business has tripled since the training. Just wanted to pass that along... Thanks, Jason Leister =========


Thank-you, Martin, for all your encouragement, support, words of wisdom... no wonder your proteges are so successful!! Makes it kind of hard to quit when someone is pulling for you and proud of you... Caryn Swartzentruber ========= Hi, Martin... I am amazed with your story. I have not attended your seminar, gone through all the books, or had the exposure of your clients. Yet, I feel I could go out there right now and be a marketing consultant! How fortunate your clients are to have such an excellent set of tools to help them stay focused and build their consulting businesses. Most fortunately, however, is having you as their teacher. I feel inclined to want to become an education consultant someday. I am trying a new classroom method this year and, if it turns out to be as successful as I think it might, I would want to market it. If I had not been exposed to you, I would never have thought it possible to do such a thing. Thank you for including me in your communication loop. You are very kind. And I am applying these lessons from you. Paul Johnson ========= Thank you as always for your prompt response.I took your business growth calculator and changed it so it is easier for me to work it and I feel more comfortable with, and show the results I believe the prospects are interested in and also added a balance sheet section, as that is something I also know how to improve. I am enclosing a copy in case you are interested in looking at it. Regards Jorge Marquez ========= (Email from David Frey to someone inquiring about TopLine) Tim, The guy who wrote Mining Local Gold was probably referring to last October.


In regards to what I do. I stopped taking on coaching clients or that type of stuff a couple of years ago. I now use all my marketing skills to market my own products Now, if you want to become a marketing consultant or add that service offering to your business, there's only one person I recommend...it's Martin Howey. You can go check out his site at http://www.TopLineBusinessSolutions.com Make sure to download his prospectus. He has probably the best marketing consulting training I've ever seen and his program doesn't require franchise fees or ongoing royalties or stuff like that. On top of that Martin is an impressive fellow. You ought to just give him a call and talk to him about his program. He's very accessible. Anyway, if you're thinking about becoming a marketing consultant (or adding that discipline to your service offerings), his program is heads and shoulders above what you'll find out there. About the vacation packages. The way they work is that you buy the packages and then a physical vacation package with info and tickets will be sent to you. Then you give (or sell) that to your customers or prospects. They take the package and order their vacation over the phone. I think they have to fax something in as well. That's pretty much it. Hope this helps. David Frey ========= Hi Pat, What a nice message to wake up to in the morning. Thank you so much. Messages like this really make all the different for me. I too do a lot of postcard marketing. In fact, I'm about to do a very large postcard campaign right now. I'm always a bit anxious when I do it because everything could be exactly right and the campaign could still bomb for some reason. But hey, that's marketing. Pat, I'm not sure how much Martin is charging for his program or how he plans to implement it in other countries but I can tell you this, Martin built a small business consulting franchise company in the UK last year starting from scratch to over 7 Million pounds in value in less than 10 months!


I watched him do it. It was amazing. Unfortunately, he had a crooked partner who forced him out of the business and so he's started his program again in the U.S. But he's made some changes and updates in his new program that made it even better. Anyway, I rarely endorse other people but Martin is exceptional. And the best thing is that he has integrity. Something that is lacking in many business people now days. Anyway, thanks so much for your kind note Pat. All the best to you! David Frey ========= Hi Martin, Just touching base to let you know that I have upgraded my computer and can now access your Publisher files!! I am also now able to access those files you copied onto the CD's at training - obviously some incompatibilities between W98 and XP. I signed up my first client using the "Martin Howey method" this week - a small (single practicioner) Chiropractor who is currently working at about 50% capacity and has really done no marketing at all. He has about 1200 patients and even more importantly 500 inactive patients (plenty of potential there!!). His new clients come predominantly through Word of Mouth. The first couple of things we'll be working on are reactivating those lost patients and implementing a proactive referral system. Oh yeah - I signed him to a retainer plus contingency % of all revenues over a baseline just like you said, and there was little resistance at all. I really like this idea!! The other idea of yours I implemented successfully this week was to ask for referrals at a "Moment of Truth" - in my case just after I successfully completed a project. Asked two clients, got two referrals from each of them on the spot. Another idea I really like!! Hope you are well. Look forward to catching up soon. Cheers, Pat Pat Hollis Australia ========= Hello Martin, Let me start by saying THANK YOU! And I sincerely mean it. I consider what you have developed - to be the most extraordinary opportunity for anyone with drive and ambition. I also feel it is very kind and considerate of you to extend me this offer. I am working on raising that initial investment and getting the time off to attend. The TopLine Opportunity (for me) represents an exit strategy from employment, and the beginning of


really applying myself at my passion. I can't describe to you in words what this opportunity means for myself and my family. Your patience and generosity is greatly appreciated, and I will not let you down. You can count on me participating in March. Life comes down to a few key moments. . . This is one of them. Please say hi and thank you to Chad for me as well, and I will be in touch. Sincerely and Gratefully, Tares Figueroa P.S. Thanks for taking the time out to meet with me, and correspond by email. ========= Any time you make an investment, you need to be careful where you invest your money. If youre investing in your future, I would say first, Martin is a guy you can trust. There are a number of other opportunities out there a lot of them are really bad news. Martin, in my opinion, has excelled in following through in what he promises. He doesnt over promise. He doesnt have a system that is complex. He doesnt have a system that turns into another stream of revenue for him. He gets paid to train people, and then he provides a service beyond that training that is above and beyond what anybody else ever has done and what anyone could expect. Ive been involved in programs with some of the top name marketers in the business, and Ive never treated any of them the way Martins treated me, and Ive paid them a lot more money that I paid Martin. You can trust him. Hes dependable. He follows through on what he says. And he continues to work hard to innovate and improve the program that he offers. Scott Sheldon ========= When I left that meeting, my head was just spinning with ideas on how to get this thing rolling and how to get started and how to get my clients. That was one of the reasons I went there, and that was definitely a big part of the training. Obviously we can be as intelligent as we can be, but if we have no clients to work with, the whole thing doesnt really pay off. And definitely, I was very motivated and full of ideas of many, many different ways that Chad and Martin had shown us to get clients. Scott Brouwer =========


Hi Jerry, Thanks for your email. Hey, I was once a "displaced" executive and its the best thing that every happened to me. Listen Jerry, there's no need to get into a franchise. There's no need to pay high monthly fees for being a business consultant. If you're thinking of getting training and want a system thats working well, talk to Martin Howey at Top Line Business Solutions. I think you can get some information on what he offers at http://www.TopLinePreview.com I suggest you talk to Martin on the phone personally just to get a feel for what he's all about. I've sold several Marketing Bootcamps to people who have taken his course and he's the only business consulting training company that I have heard great things about. Y2 Marketing people and Action Intl. people complain incessently about their companies. On the other hand, Martin's students seem to get clients very quickly. Anyway, that's been my observation. Have a great day and good luck to you. David Frey ========= As usual, Im blown away by the whole concept of Topline. The ideas I got from what you taught will take my business up several levels. If it doesnt, its because I was asleep at the wheel and failed to implement what you so freely gave. The people on the follow up conference call were so helpful and of course, you chaired it masterfully. Don Harvey ========= Martin, Thank you for the bank letter and invitation. I spoke to about 50 members of our most popular service club yesterday. I was amazed at how I flowed through the presentation. I had 20 copies of 19 Secrets and they were all gone immediately. I obviously got the names of those in attendance (3 CPAs, 4 different bank officers, 2


business owners and the general manager of our local distribution Co. I have called the respective banks to set up a time when I could explain and show our workshop format. I have called two of the CPAs but both said it would be May before they could talk with me. I need to design a good business card, purchase a better printer and learn about Publisher. It is so overwhelming to me! Thanks again for your confidence in me. Don Harvey ========= Sunday morning. Good morning Sir: I got your call yesterday afternoon. Wife and I had gone to see the "Passion of Christ" so obviously didn't have my phone. Later, I tried several times but your line was busy. I talked with a Denise from Boston Friday re/ the business. I feel she is very interested. Hey, I just figured out how I can pay off my balance: Use me as a professional referral source. I get these folks so pumped up; they almost want to write me a check (almost) I have written letters to three (3) attorney friends of mine using the CPA letter. I have made three (3) written proposals to banks and have a meeting with a chiropractor sometime this week. I have not as yet, determined what my market is and I'm just floundering in shallow water. I want very much to give workshops but the meetings I've had with the bank people have really turned me off. There is so much arrogance and ego with these people. You try and help them and they are almost afraid they will step in something if their nice. Like we talked, my age makes it hard to adjust to the young society in that I have no hidden agenda and that's what is so hard for me to sell. I'm working on a brochure and a press release. I expect businesses to call me for help.(Yes, I'm serious) I don't want to knock on doors and get 9 "No's" before one maybe. I call my wife naive. Maybe I'm the one. Give me a holler when you have time. Don Harvey ========= I spoke to about 50 members of our most popular service club yesterday. I was amazed at how I flowed through the presentation.


I had 20 copies of 19 Secrets and they were all gone immediately. I obviously got the names of those in attendance (3 CPAs, 4 different bank officers, 2 business owners and the general manager of our local distribution Co. I have called the respective banks to set up a time when I could explain and show our workshop format. I have called two of the CPAs but both said it would be May before they could talk with me. As usual, Im blown away by the whole concept of Topline. The people on the conference call were so helpful and of course, you chaired it masterfully. Thanks again for your confidence in me. Don Harvey ========= Having completed the TopLine training, I can say that my expectations were not only met, but were exceeded. In addition to learning about a number of approaches to generate qualified leads, I was also pleased with the business analysis tools that will enable me to generate contracts with highly suitable prospects. I intend to develop contracts based on a smaller retainer with a larger contingency component, and I believe that this approach will allow me to greatly increase my income while at the same time provide great results for my clients. Martin Howey is not only one of the most knowledgeable people Ive met, hes also one of the most ethical. He has delivered completely what he has promised to me. Im very pleased to be associated with TopLine, and highly recommend it to anyone seeking a successful consulting career. Mike Behan ========= Hi Martin! First off thanks for a fantastic three days. You and Chad did a great job with the program. You had some good people going through your training too. Your program is everything you said it is and more. Just the license rights to the materials alone are worth what you are asking.


Again, thanks for a really great three days. You did a super job! Make it a great day! Preston Campbell ========= I was really pleased with the content and program-like approach youve taken. The broad content makes for a great springboard into more of an in-depth approach into any one or many different areas. FYI, I set up a meeting w/ my prospective client (the Just For Lunch franchise owner) for Monday morning. If you have any specific franchise advice in the meantime, I sure would appreciate it. Jim Hern ============ Thanks for the vote of confidence, Martin. I'll need it as I transition away from my current position. In terms of the seminar, I was really pleased with the content and program-like approach you've taken. The broad content makes for a great springboard into more of an in-depth approach into any one or many different areas. FYI, I set up a meeting w/ my prospective client (the "Just For Lunch" franchise owner) for Monday morning. If you have any specific franchise advice in the meantime, I sure would appreciate it. I'll keep you posted. Also, Dan and I will be on the call tomorrow night. Best regards, Jim Steigerwald ========= I had the good fortune of sitting on the plane with a 47 yr old business man returning home to visit his parents( he currently lives in Reno Nevada)--who own an Italian deli- In Providence R.I.-flat sales of 800K for the last 8 yrs-This family has owned and operated this deli for 37 years and is looking to sell . The son feels that their is much greater value given the excellent reputation if they drive sales and sell later--if at all--but the parents are thinking about retiring..., but using the takeaway close not sure it is a big enough-I usually work with bigger clients--not sure if it is a fit, but its worth for both of us to get together and investigate. Unlike the other consultants who demand BIG money upfront, I


do business with a share on the back end-, and a small retainer to make sure you have skin in the game--so maybe something will come of it--but I had this guy eating out of my hand. He gave me his business card BEFORE I had a chance to ask him for one, and agreed to meet in 4 weeks when he gets back. M. Manuel ============ Martin, Once again, you have outdone yourself. Absolutely amazing. You are one of a kind. It is tremendous fun for me to be involved with someone who has true passion for what they do as well as genuinely cares for the success of others. Thank you for the great tools. I have already downloaded mine and have saved them to my hard drive (I also went back in and confirmed they were all there and played appropriately.) Feel free to delete my files whenever you need to. Larry Pacheco Jr ================ I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to all of you dear people. I had a great time learning with you, everyone brought a unique outlook to the training. I am very excited to see how each one of us will grow our businesses and the opportunities for future synergy that lay ahead. A Texan once said something about being in the arena and it kept me thinking about the quote, so I looked it up. It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall... THEODORE ROOSEVELT I guess Texans arent so bad eh? (-: I will be in touch. Rosa Bell =========


Hi Martin: The teleconference was fantastic and I was really impressed with David Frey. It just reinforced for me the fact that I made the right decision to join the TopLine Team. The news about the copywriter is very exciting indeed! I sure hope you're successful in lining him up. I am really looking forward to meeting you and Chad and, of course, going through the training. By the way, I don't recall discussing the consultant's membership site. How do I get in? I'm planning to join you for dinner tomorrow evening, so I'll see you in the hotel lobby at 7:00. Best regards, Jim Steigerwald ========= Hi Martin, I would like to thank you & Chad for a tremendous experience at the training last week.The quantity & quality of the training was matched only by your energy- it was a challenge to keep up with you. Both Gary & I are more than happy to be part of the TopLine group. I am looking forward to the teleconference later today. I would like to get access to the consultant's web site- perhaps you would let me know the address, or do you want me to use the one you already gave Gary? Again, thank you both very much. Best regards Mike Behan. ========= Martin, Your stuff works great! I was with a client yesterday and made a suggestion about how to incent people to perform at higher levels. The client loved it. You have me thinking so differently about how I can add value to clients. Thank you. John Pryor =========


Martin, Thanks for the Million Dollar feedback. I'm energized to work to close these deals over the next few weeks. Also, i love your comments re: failure and learning experiences. i'm ready to learn! You also remind me of something that is so important: if I stay in full integrity with my values and maintain a genuine desire to do what is in the best interest of the client, that will come through and lead me to the best decision for me, too. Re: your comments about my website. i did receive them. they were short and sweet, telling me to do a better job at it. so, i have some work to do to really grab people and make a compelling case. thanks for that feedback, too. Thanks again...all for now, John Pryor PS - Your stuff works great! I was with a client yesterday and made a suggestion about how to incent people to perform at higher levels. The client loved it. You have me thinking so differently about how I can add value to clients. Thank you. Martin, your stuff works great! I was with a client yesterday and made a suggestion about how to incentivize people to perform at higher levels. The client loved it. You have me thinking so differently about how I can add value to clients. Thank you. ========= Martin, Thanks so much for the pep talk. You are one of the kindest and most caring person I have met in a long time and I feel blessed to have met you. This is my new e-mail address. I am going to work now. Thanks again. Always, Marie Golloway ========= When you go through the class, and Ill be honest, that first night, we started at 7:00 in the morning and ended at 6:00 or 7:00 at night, I was exhausted. I was so revved-up. And


I thought, you know, if I dont have anything else after this you know, if this was the ONLY day for that amount of money, it would have been worth it, because the system works. He has it outlined for you this is what you do, this is how you go, this is how you approach the person, this is what you can start doing for them. And once your foot is in that door, all of that you already know you can apply it. This is a system to open that door for you and to open their minds to allowing you to come in to them. Marie Golloway ========= Martin, Thank you. I also really enjoyed connecting with you on Friday. That's why i booked a later flight. Martin, i cannot tell you how much it meant to me when you said that we were a lot alike. I knew before i arrived in AZ that I would be meeting a special man. I did not know how special until I had the opportunity to be with you in person last week. And for you to say we are alike in even some ways...well, it touched my heart. I have what i call my "Foxhole Theory". My foxhole theory is this: every now and then i come across a person in my life whom i would want in my personal fox hole. I can only imagine what life in a real foxhole could be. I imagine that, if in one and under fire, i would want people with me who would lay down their life for me if it became necessary. And i would lay down my life for them as well. So, i do not run across too many people in life for my foxhole. Martin, I would want you in my foxhole. While i do not expect us to be under live fire and have to give our life for another, we certainly encounter situations in life when having a trusted colleague, advisor, and friend is very valuable. I experience a selflessness, an authenticity, and an extremely high level of integrity in your presence. As you said, it does not have to be verbalized. In fact, it cannot be verbalized. It can only be expressed in being in your presence. It transcends business relationships, too. Because it is lived. Thank you for sharing yourself with me and the world. John Pryor ========= Well, how about some business now:


i just got off the phone with my friend in CO and pitched the idea of a Topline-like business model for putting her content out in the market. She said she was so excited that she was shaking. She wants me to develop a proposal and review it with her on Friday. My request: if you had anything in terms of a roadmap that you followed to develop the Topline model. Anything that would help me frame it, pitch it, market research it, market it, price it, execute it, etc. i would be grateful. I believe that you have an outstanding delivery model that could be duplicated with different content. The content i'm talking about is Leadership and Mgmt development, Training and Development content. Finally, I started to share what i learned last week, including the consulting model, with my wife, Carolyn, today. She asked if she could go to AZ and learn the system. I was amazed. I think she was thinking about how to best support my business and contribute to it. One conversation and she was interested. Wow! With gratitude, John Pryor ========= Martin, Many thanks for the beautiful experience. I am very glad that I made the decision to come to Phoenix, everything was TopLine quality, the course and material are incredible. Most of all I consider my self very lucky to have had the opportunity to meet people like Yourself and Chad, I learned a lot from you and not only business wise. Actually there were some problems like some people from texas and others that cook pizza with hair dryer, but I am sure that in the future you wont have this problems again. Everybody in the group was very nice. Please your assistance and support it is very much needed. At the moment I am one man army, even though it is fun, sometimes it gets tough. Taking your course and receiving your material gave me a big boost to my confidence, having also your support I feel that I have a secret gear that will make me the best consultant I can be, a Topline Consultant. Martin thanks again, I am sure that this is the start of what it will be a long term personal and business relationship that will be mutually beneficial Best regards Vincenzo Lufino =========


Dear Martin, Business and life will never be the same as a result of your week of gifts. There is simply not enough time in the day after the TopLineTransformation-Training. The greatest gift were some new friendships with people I can relate to. Thank you! With Love and appreciation, Cesar Curiel ========= Martin, You're a wonderful human being! Thanks to you for taking the time and energy to put together such a dynamic and thorough program together! You are a tremendous inspiration to guys like me. I've downloaded all my material, now I'm re-reading and assimilating it. I might not be as fast out of the gate as some (per my Corporate 500 job), but - I'm one of the most tenacious and perseverant individuals you ever meet. I'll keep working at the basics and startup material, then gradually work into my first batch of accounts..... Once again Martin, many thanks for being who you are. Rick Frazier PS.......I had a meeting with my CPA this morning to do my taxes for 2003. He consented to doing a JV with me-he keeps the books on 411 small/med size businesses! ========= Thank you very much for the opportunity to attend the class... It was, to say the least, one of the most intriguing, energetic and knowledge filled experiences that I've had... The bonus of having Joel Bauer there was just over the top! I will have one hell of a time trying to digest all of the material and the vast amount of knowledge gained. Thank you and your dad... You guys are great. PS, please send me the pictures of me, you and your dad; as well as


the pic of me and Joel as soon as possible... Thanx again for all your help and knowledge... Rob Breault ========= Martin and Chad: I thoroughly enjoyed and benefitted from the training. It's the first time I can remeber that I have attended a 4 day program/meeting in which I couldn't wait for each 10-12 hour day! I certainly felt that I received more than fair value. You should be proud (and feel justified in raising your price!) regarding the overall apllicability and quality of your program. As you can imagine, I also learned a lot from the other participants! While my immediate intentions are different from most of the other attendees, I know I now have a system I can implement when the time is right . I do plan on utilizing the material in the upcoming months in local speaking engagements. Also, I see a number of creative applications in the current corporate environment in which I work. Your program is the equivalent to a Master's degree in "real world" business! I look forward to working with you in the future! While I know you understand my reluctance to have my name distributed (my profile at my current company is rather high, and I would be concerned on the potential impact), I would be willing to help you in any other way I can. For example, if you have someone with a profile similar to mine who is looking to get the training and system, call me and I would be happy to contact that person and discuss my experience. Thanks for a great week! Regards, Barry Duke PS: Most importantly, I enjoy working with people of character! ========= Hi Martin, There are a couple of things I could really use help on. 1. Could you please read the attached BIO and give me your feed back. Additions, deletions and enhancements. 2. Could I please use you as a reference and or testimonial? Even just to comment on the ads that have crossed your desk. 3. Once the BIO is good to go could I please get you to convert it to PDF format.


I know I have been slow getting things going. I know there is nothing wrong with the system. As a matter of fact the calls that I have taken I explained that if it does not work its because I did not take action on it. I have had a lot on my plate including up and coming litigation with my ex-wife for $100K she took from my corp and never put back. I also had my children for summer vacation in June and that took me out of the circle for one month. I got your voice mail at the time I was in Canada with my kids. I have gone back a forth with what marketing program I was going to use, however now I will just get something out there. No excuses, I know all of this stuff works and is very powerful. In the next month I will focus on marketing and getting my web site up. In the next 60 days I will commit to getting 5 clients. I appreciate the teleconferences and all that you do. Look forward to hearing from you, Greg Waldner ========= Hello Martin, Wanted to give you an update on my business. 1. Met today with a client i have been coaching. Have been pitching business consulting services. Made the presentation, designed a success blueprint for the business, and gave him the business improvement ideas He wants me to build and run a new division of his company ! Year 1 consulting fees of app $40 -$50M ! Choice of either 51% or 49% ownership interest ! Split of net income, before taxes, based on ownership interest ! I work app 2 days per week in the business while building it ! I consult with him on the strategic direction of his overall business ! The goal: build this to a $500M annual revenue business, with a margin of 65% 75%, and sell it. ! His main business is a $1MM business with a margin of app 20% ! My goal: build it and put it on autopilot within a 12-18mos

Sent out 300 marketing letters for RI-based businesses o Auto dealers and repair o Mortgage companies


! ! !

Engineering firms Getting some returned mail Sent letters out 6/25 and 6/29 No calls yet

Made the powerpoint presentation to my attorney - the day before, a referral i made to him came through (timing is everything) - he gave me great feedback on the presentation - spoke to him today. wants to get together with me to consult with him about how to improve his business Having a great week, John Pryor ========= Martin, Thanks for the shot in the arm last week. I dont think that anyone could have read your message without doing a bit of soul searching. Thanks for caring about our success and making the way so clear. John Davis ========= Martins Comments Regarding Grant Segall Got a call from Grant, one of our consultants. One of his clients has a Pharmacist Booking Agency... helps pharmacists get work on a fulltime or part-time basis. He sent out 500 letters (cost $250), got 5 calls and signed up 2 pharmacists on the spot. Maybe more in the pipeline, but don't know just yet because it's too early... just happened. Each pharmacist is worth a minimum of $300 per week (if they only work 2 days a week). This guy netted $600 week ($300 x 2 pharmacists) x 52 weeks = $31,200 MINIMUM. Of course, if they work more hours or days per week, that number goes up dramatically. ========= Subject: Dane, did you hear any of the Martin Howey interviews? They are still up on the site.


Please let me know you honest opinion Sincerely, Michael -----Reply------------Hi Michael, WOW! I did listen to just about everything on your site regarding Martin Howey and read the free downloads and everything else I could find. I also called Martin last week and we talked for about an hour and a half. What he is offering is exactly what I have been looking for. You know, I wish I had known about it sooner. I have been a business & technology consultant for about 12 years and have always pushed my clients to find and implement proven systems. It wasn't until when I recently helped my brother find a system similar to Martin's for the insurance industry and saw how well thought out it was and also how well it worked that I even began to wonder if someone had created a system that would be useful for my consulting business. I think we all want to think that our own businesses are so unique or complex that nobody would be able to produce a system that would work for us. I see that all the time in my own clients, and I should be ashamed to say that I am always the last one to take my own advice. That's when I started looking for a system for myself and found your site again. I have purchased some things from you in the past and have listened to many of your free audio interviews. I have always thought that we think similarly and we definitely study the same stuff, so when I saw Martin's consulting system on your site I was immediately intrigued and spend about 2 days reading and listening to everything you have. Then I called Martin and we had a great conversation. Martin had some great advice for me. I have been struggling for years with being as profitable as I should be. Martin explained that I have been working with the wrong level of clients and working too hard for what I was getting. He explained about only working for 10's and only on your terms - like he teaches in his trainings - and to let everything else go and be happy about it. That idea alone would be enough to make a huge difference in my business, but combined with everything else his system contains I'm confident that just about every rough spot and problem area in my business will be addressed and streamlined.


Martin said the next training will be in June, and I am going to be busy this month trying to make that happen. I truly believe the training will be more than worth the cost. Your free interviews with Martin are great. Dane Shakespear ========= Martin, I loved the referrals newsletter. I met with my accountant yesterday. He wanted a stack of my cards and has multiple clients in mind for me to speak with. Also, one of my existing clients gave me three referrals. He wants to make the connections with me. Now, that's a warm referral. I have 3 deals on the line this week, covering all three aspects of my business. And interest from a 4th. 3 of the 4 deals came from referral sources. John Pryor ========= Hi Martin, You message rolled in as I was typing my email to you... As I mentioned earlier, I was very impressed by the system you put together. I want to thank you for giving me all these great tools. Having them, one can only fail by not using them. For the last couple of days, I've been playing catch up in the office after being away for a week. Started creating some waves: Bought a couple of domains for the web site, puchased a business telephone line, met with BonaSource (the "bent screwdriver" guys) today, and am meeting with the accountant tomorrow. Judy at that hamburger place was away, and should be back tomorrow, so I am planning to see her as well. I will find out where they made those screwdriver and let you know. Thanks again, Alex Makarski ========= Martin,


Just want to say thank you for the system that youve given me. I did mention in my telephone conversation that my first client is in an unusual situation when he is trying to explore the new market they havent played in preciously, and because of that I had to tweak some parts of the Audit document. Here is something that is probably even more important to mention. First, I did the buyer analysis for this client. Although this company sell a very complex technology product (information portals and content management systems), I used you Buyer Analysis form with no modifications at all. In about 5 hours I got about 4 interviews, and 2 of them were very insightful. What I did was very simple: go to Google, search for CMS and portal vendors, read their case studies and call the companies featured in the stories! The reason it took me 5 hours was that these companies are generally large businesses and just takes time to navigate through their org chart and find the right person to speak with. But this approach works! Second, my web site just went live. If you check out this web site, the amount of original content (i.e. something I couldnt borrow from your system and had to write myself) amounts to maybe 2 paragraphs! I really didnt have to write anything! It also goes without saying that the freemiums I am featuring there came right out of your Special Reports binder. Third, my business card. I am glad you liked it. I like it too. With the exception of my logo and contact information, it is, again, written by you! I cant even remember the specific document that says Do you know which half of your marketing budget is wasted?. But I remember flipping the pages of one of your binders one night and how that little piece jumped at me. And I thought This should be on the front of my business card. Whats important is that it made my card unusual, and the people respond to it. Forth, when I go to the networking events and talk to people, I use the scripts from you Marketing manual. Fifth, with the very first client, I used the contract and the 4-page follow up letter that you provided in the system. I am only starting out but I have a hunch there will be the sixth, seventh, and 728th example of what I can take directly out of your system and apply to my business. It really is foolproof and is a manifestation of the principle If youre not sure what the next step is, just open the manual. Thank you Martin. Regards,


Alex Makarski ========= Hello Martin and Chad, First off, Yolanda and I wanted to express our gratitude and sincere appreciation for not only a fantastic program delivered flawlessly, but additionally your genuine hospitality as well. Tony and Yolanda Seruga ========= Martin, and Chad, Words cannot describe my sincere gratitude for the knowledge you shared over the past 4 days. But it was more--it seems to me that you built your program with the small to mid-size businessman's interests in mind--coupled with your sincere desire to help both me(your consultant) and the passion to help create wealth and jobs for the small business owner and the families that they support. It is also the American dream to follow your heart and do what makes you happy--and it is clear to me, that you both LOVE what you do...and you DO it exceptionally well, with humility and passion thrown in for good measure. I look forward to implementing your system, and creating freedom for me to spend more time with my wife and kids, and wealth for my clients and my family. May success continue to be with you always! Mark Manuel P.S. I had the good fortune of sitting on the plane with a 47 yr old business man returning home to visit his parents( he currently lives in Reno Nevada)--who own an Italian deli- In Providence R.I.-flat sales of 800K for the last 8 yrs-This family has owned and operated this deli for 37 years and is looking to sell . The son feels that their is much greater value given the excellent reputation if they drive sales and sell later--if at all--but the parents are thinking about retiring..., but using the takeaway close" not sure it is a big enough--I usually work with bigger clients--not sure if it is a fit, but its worth for both of us to get together and investigate.,Unlike the other consultants who demand BIG money upfront, I do business with a share on the back end-, and a small retainer to make sure you have "skin in the game"--so maybe something will come of it--but I had this guy eating out of my hand. He gave me his business card BEFORE I had a chance to ask him for one..and agreed to meet in 4 weeks when he gets back...since he is leaving on Thursday and my


surgery is scheduled for 2 pm on Tuesday, I will not be able to meet this time..but hopefully will do some business...we'll see. ========= Martin, Thank you for your encouraging words and gracious support. I truly meant what I said to you on the last day regarding your kindness and compassion in the business world. I still have questions, of course, but I want to let the dust settle and try to work through them before I call you for help. I have already begun contacting people and look forward to an exciting week. Thanks again Martin, and God Bless You. Lake Furney ========= No worries about the name mix up, I was only giving you a hard time. Thank you for your kind words again in the last email. Its good to know that my questions were perhaps meaningful for others rather than a nuisance. My laptop is a Sony Vaio VGN-A150. I got a 200 dollar rebate from Office Depot. I selected it primarily for its display which I hope will give me an advantage of visual impact with my clients. It has performed well so far, and there is a pretty robust support system for it. Let me know if I can help with anything else. Lake Furney ========= Dear Martin, Thank you for a great training session. I think the world of you and your knowledge. You and Chad are class acts and very enjoyable to work with. I also have to say that my classmates offered so much with respect to their knowledge, questions and the entertainment factor. The hours just seemed to fly by. I am also anxious to get started using your systems. I do need to build my confidence in your process. I know after the first and second clients that I sign up, I will be just fine. I will be making calls this week. In fact, I would really like to go after the chemical company that I mentioned and given our agreement would like your input and possibly get your help on a call. I know I could help this company exponentially grow their company and it would be a great financial opportunity. Please let me know when you are available to strategize.


Thanks for all the words of encouragement. They mean a lot coming from a man like you! Best Regards, Debbie Deioma ========= Martin, Just to keep in touch. I have signed my new agreement with the Executive Search Firm. Here's the details. The new baseline is $225,000 (easy to achieve) I get 20% over the baseline. I get a minimum retainer of $2,000 / month to up to $4,000 based on cash flow. I will receive 30% of all successful searches completed by my Firm. The minimum fee will be $10,000 X 30% and the maximum fee for a placement will be $25,000 X 30%. I expect to close about 2.5 to 3.5 deal / month or about $40,000 to $60,000 X 30% = $12,000 to $18,000 / month + the 20% above the baseline. In total this client can give me between $20,000 to $30,000 / month in a very short time. Basically I will receive 50% of all revenue (exept for the baseline) and the projection is to achieve $800,000 1st year ( that's about 400K) and 1.2 Million year 2 ( that's 600K). I will have to spend more time with this client because of the nature of the work, however I know that within 3 months I will be hiring individual Recruiters to work in the Recruitement section and expand the business. At first I will and I am ready to spend the time and effort because I believe in what they are doing. Martin I am prepared and ready to work very hard for the rewards. I have decided to take on only clients that I know will provide me with the highest return. At the present time I have 4 clients and that basically takes all my available time. I will speak to you later this week about our own arrangements. I have put a list of prospect for the next training and will be following up with them this week. Well that's about it say hello to Chad for me and if you need anything don't hesitate to contact me. Thanks,


Andre Larabie PS - I appreciate your assistance last week. Your comments and Chads comments are basically what led to this deal being put together. I stand to make over $400,000 to $500,000/year with 1 client and I love it. ========= I had no idea that after training with Martin Howey, CEO of TopLine Business Solutions, that my entire concept of what marketing was all about would be completely altered. Martin gave me the ability to stand out, to differentiate myself and to help my clients in return, in addition to giving me literally, over 300 additional tools and resources proven systems and resources that will enable me to make millions of dollars just by applying his turnkey systems. Martin Howey has made a huge difference in leveraging my familys future, taking care of my children, and spending more time with my wife. I now spend a fraction of the amount of time, working more wisely, working smarter, than working harder as a result of Martins insights and proven systems. I can think of no one Id rather train with. Joel Bauer ========= Martin, I have no problem if you want to use it as a tool. I hope others may get encourage by the type of deals that can be done and get off their >>>>>>>> and do something about it. I know that with my prior way of operating that their is no way that I could or would have put together a deal like the one I put together. I appreciate your assistance last week. Your comments and Chad's comments is basically what led to this deal being put together. I stand to make over $400,000 to $500,000/year with 1 client and I love it. IF YOU HAVE A CONFERENCE CALL COMING IN THE FUTURE AND YOU WOULD LIKE ME TO SPEAK ABOUT SOME OF MY TECHNIQUE DON'T HESITATE TO ASK ME. Thanks again for your support. Andr Larabie =========


Martin, you never cease to amaze me. The support you (and Chad) are giving me is so great it nearly brings tears to my eyes. I mean that. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I hope you know that I wont always need the hand holding. Once I do something right once, Ive got it. Note the operative word there! ;-) OK, I like the last one with the logo, so Ill verify thats the right one and use it. Ill let you know tomorrow how the meeting went. I cant thank you enough Martin. I eagerly look forward to the day that I can do something extraordinarily nice for you. In Gratitude, Lake ========= Dear Martin, Thank you Martin for all the genuine love you spread through the room via your knowledge and expertise. Youre a REAL deep individual and Im so glad I got the opportunity to meet you and look forward to working with you and Chad. I cant wait to deposit my first million in the bank and make my first 10% tithing of that amount thanks to you. Chad, thanks too for your input and support. Business and life will never be the same as a result of your week of gifts. There is simply not enough time in the day after the TopLine-Transformation-Training. The greatest gifts were some new friendships with people I can relate to. God bless you and yours. Now for the serious business news: As soon as I landed I could not stop thinking about who Id call first. On the plane I was talking with the couple sitting next to me. The wife was interested in starting a Daycare Referral service and I told her that it was right up my alley. In training I learned to never say no or we cant do that. They said that if they ever got off their butts and started this they would call me. I said good, because we are selective about who we choose to work with and I would probably not be calling them. They would have to show me they are serious. On Wednesday, I signed the T-Shirt company which turned out to be a real good resource for other potential prospects. He has already (since Wednesday) lined me up with a


Hockey Clothing Line (mom & pop type shop), Landscaping & Fencing company, his tax guy, a five clinic doctors office and his cousin who is supposed to be a CEO or Vice Pres. of one of the nations largest meat packing company. IM EXCITED!! Out of those Im shooting for appointments next week. Yesterday, I met with a pastor of a local church that has a Christian school on site. The meeting went well since they are having financial difficulties right now I offered to do the church for free IF I can get a cut off of the Christian school since thats where most of their money is coming in right now. I told them that I could turn both around for them GUARANTEED! The reply was that a big convention of their faith is coming up in November, and that if I can convince one of their bishops, I could probably become the consultant for the whole thing. They are almost 1 million strong in members, and I couldnt honestly tell you how many churches but in California alone theyve got A LOT!! I know they are WORLD WIDE though with their corporate offices here in California about 25 minutes from my home. Last night I was speaking to my neighbor who works for a software company and claims that hes in good with the higher ups. I explained to him what it is Im doing now and he was all for it. He said if I can prepare for him a packet or some kind of information hed give it to the right lady at his job to try and get me in there. They are headquartered in Australia with local corporate offices here in California. Might need Andre out there in Australia if this goes good. I dont think Id want to travel out there but you never know. Money talks, b.s. walks right. A former student of mine called me today letting me know he might have a lead for me with a guitar shop. Hes going to try to get me in there next week hopefully. I almost forgot. I also met with our refi lady who is a broker, real estate agent, notary public, etc., etc. Basically a one woman show. I explained to her about doing seminars for her clients and she said she was all for it. Id have to be the one to whip it together but that she could supply the people. Ill have to see though with her because she made it seem like she was just too busy and I dont know if I liked her lack of enthusiasm. I want people who are TENS right Martin?! Next week Im doing the Business network groups for my local area and a Latino Business Group. I met one guy already passing out donuts at one event and told him I could easily improve his results of clients by 1000% if he let me do some workshops for his clients. I told him that it beat the heck out of handing out donuts right? Basically he contacts his people as the hero Im such a nice caring guy paying for this Business Development Consultant to do a workshop/seminar to help you out. The tickets are normally $197 but Ive worked out something with the firm if you will all just come in for the free training. He REALLY liked that idea and said to call early next week to try and book something since he had travel plans.


I also am tentatively scheduled for early next week probably Tuesday with the TeleRadiology company. The owner there has a wealth of contacts so Im hoping that one goes GREAT! I contacted my friend late last night who is going to pitch me to his celebrity lady friend. If this goes well she can BLOW MY CAREER UP! They have a non-profit organization that Id like to help with. WHEW! Ive said a mouthful and Im apologizing for two things. Sorry for not replying and contacting you guys sooner but as you can see have been busy AND SO SORRY THIS MESSAGE is sooooooooooo long. Promise next time it wont be so long. I just hope I close some of these prospects and I dont burn out. I need to relax and KNOW this stuff. Theres so much but I just need to take small bites out of it instead of trying to swallow the whole thing. Ive been studying too at night and during the day when I get a chance. May success, wealth & blessing be with you always, Cesar Curiel ========= Had some REALLY good experiences today and signed my second deal in less than two weeks. This coming Saturday it will be two weeks since completing training and I have yet to uncover all my leads. Todays client is going to hook me up big time. Hes connected really well with the city and chamber members. I was asked to attend this Fridays Latino business group meeting. I met with a local chamber of commerce business network group this morning and it went VERY well. Out of 49 people I got 9 We need to talk and two appointments right there on the spot. There were a few more individuals that were just trying to get advice and information from me for free after hearing me speak. This is a potential diamond mine. I was trying to memorize the 30 second elevator speech and finally thought screw it. Ill just speak and see what comes out. Ill see how much of my training sunk in. The chair person of the Latino business group Im meeting with was there and came up to me excited making sure Id be at their event on Friday. I told him yes. He asked if I needed anything and I told him Some real, serious and committed appointments. He said it should be no problem to spread the word around through his connections. Hes the main guy and is well connected with the city. The fact that I am part Latino really impressed him. Thats two different strong contacts for two different cities and one of them is booming with growth Im told. They told me that my services are greatly needed and that I should do well there. Heres the kicker because I was a first timer guest I got these leads for


free and a nice catered breakfast. All it cost me was some research online, a couple phone calls and getting up REAL early in the morning to attend this event. Thanks for everything Martin! Cesar Curiel ========= Ive got 9 signed clients, and approaching 15... It feels great go be in a position where I can pick and choose who I want to work with. I completed the TopLine workshop a little over 2 months ago, and I never thought that in just 2 weeks that I would have ended up with 4 clients. Now Ive got 9 signed clients, and approaching 15 if all goes well. For sure, there will be 12, and the other 3, Im debating whether or not to accept as clients, because I want my existing clients not to be neglected. It feels great to be in a position to where I can pick and choose who I want to work with. Before TopLine, I had very little or no experience at consulting. Before deciding on TopLine, I had investigated several other programs. The reason I chose not to join any of the other groups is because the TopLine program seemed to fit my needs better as someone who is new to consulting and business development. My biggest fear before signing on was the investment of time, money and dedication. But now Im thrilled with the results so far and I cant wait to experience more successes. I can honestly say that if anyone is even thinking about becoming a TopLine consultant, I would tell them what was told to me Just wait and youll see what Im talking about. After the first 2 hours of the training, youll be blown away! That statement was so true, and holds true even more now that I am a consultant that is in demand and quickly making money! Cesar Curiel ========= I was very impressed by the system you put together. I want to thank you for giving me all these great tools. Having them, one can only fail by not using them. I heard about other systems but they were mostly marketing, not as much business development. The biggest concern was the money I had to pay for this system. The turning point came when I heard Martin describing how consultants would go into a business and implement some very creative solutions that the business owners never


thought of. And that solution would create a dramatic change in their business. I listened and thought, This is exactly the stuff that I want to do. Another concern was that, Okay, those guys are creative. But who knows how good the system actually is? Now I can tell you that the system is outstanding. It is THE most comprehensive and the most structured system I have ever come across. And you just cannot fail. You can have a system that is step by step, paint by the numbers you just flip the manual open, follow the chart and the diagrams and implement the tools and the approaches that are taught, and your success is guaranteed. This is the most trusted system out there! Alex Makarski ========= I can honestly say that the reason I am a consultant is because of the excellent training I received from Martin and the crew at TopLine. I spent 20 years working in business development and had reached a crossroads in my career. I really wanted to start my own consulting business, but lacked quality systems and procedures. I reviewed all the consulting programs in the marketplace, but having discovered the TopLine model and the consultants trained by Martin, I knew that TopLine was for me. The training is intensive, but enjoyable. And the follow up support is second to none. Martin is unique, in that he genuinely wants to see you succeed in business. I fully recommend TopLine to anyone, who like me, wants to become a consultant. John Corcoran ========= Hello Martin and Chad, First off, my wife and I wanted to express our gratitude and sincere appreciation for not only a fantastic program delivered flawlessly, but additionally your genuine hospitality as well. T. S. ========= Hey Martin, I wanted to show you this. Really incredible set of events with my client.


As you know we just put together our second Ad for the Rochester Business Journal. The only thing we knew about this months edition was that it was going to be Human Resource oriented. Well, through the process of the Top Line Business Audit we determined that one very unique element to my clients business practices was the extraordinary procedure they go through to match up an applicant. We coined this part of the process "Fit and Feel". After finding a qualified applicant my client visits the work place and goes through a check list to determine whether his applicant is the right fit. So, our Ad was totally geared towards this "Fit and Feel" concept. Also we were able to get the RBJ to do an interview with Brian (President) and the article ended up being put in this edition with his picture. On the page right next to the end of the article is our Ad. To our complete surprise, the headline/theme for the ENTIRE edition was called "Finding The Right Fit". Unbelievable, and in looking at other advertising, nothing even comes close to hitting the mark... where we appear to be literally working with RBJ :) See attached for our Ad, notice those other bulletin board, platitude laden Ads next to it :) ***Pages 2-4 are the picture of Brian then the full story... HUGE press day :) Finally because business is really booming we have decided to open up another office in Syracuse 3 months ahead of schedule to take advantage of the holiday season. My contingency kicks in this December so this one client looks more likely now to be more like a 200k a year client. Wishing You Success, C.B. Schottland ========= The TopLine workshop leaves you empowered and confident. Ive learned new and profound ways and techniques to acquire clients. I now know how to analyze their business in ways I never even thought possible. I know how to pinpoint weak spots and then optimize them for greater efficiency. And this gives me the confidence to go into any company or organization and help them efficiently operate and grow and increase their bottom lines. This experience has exceeded all my expectations! Larry Ostrovsky =========


It seems as though I havent even had a chance to unpack my bags yet from getting back from the trip. I have picked up several clients two clients specifically, I have two more coming on board, so Ill have a total of four. Easily these four clients will put me in the sixfigure range from my consulting business. Its quite exciting for me to take the training and apply it, and see the results, and take it to the marketplace and impact businesses and their income as well as my income. So many businesses out there are in need of our services, and with the training I feel so empowered to be able to write my own ticket. When I came into this I was worried about if I could do it, and number two, would it be worth it? And without a doubt, there is a resounding YES! to both of those questions. The training has allowed me to take a step by step approach a brand new rookie at consulting, having never done this before. Matt Connelly ========= For what Im able to bring to the table for my clients, my monthly retainer, is hardly what youd pay someone to work in the office who is not nearly as productive, when Im talking just under $30,000 over the course of the year. Im very confident in presenting that, and when you do present it present it in the light that you know that youre absolutely worth that number, and its amazing how many people will go along with you. I suppose I could have sold [this client] on a higher retainer, but well just work on growing his profits and make the money that way. But I just threw it out there and he agreed to it. When the persons ready to get rolling, and youve done your job on the front end, going through the consulting process, showing them the Growth Calculator, showing them that you know your stuff, going through the competitive research and identifying minor little changes that can make a great impact on his business, and then showing him those things right on the spot, a lot of companies, especially successful ones, will see your investment and not even be worried or concerned with it. Its a big confidence factor. Some of the consultants will actually raise their retainer so they can get away from certain clients and they end up having more clients banging on their door.


Very often, when a consultant raises their retainer, the perception of value increases along with that. Its definitely a confidence thing, and probably 9 out of 10 consultants are probably under charging for what they can bring to the table. Especially if theyve gone through the TopLine training and have their support. The monthly fees are just a drop in the bucket compared to what we can earn them on the back end. Matt Connelly ========= Hello everyone, My name is Daryl Rogers. I have been consulting in business & technology for about 13 years. I began consulting for airlines & the travel/shipping industry, analyzing their business processes and then installing systems to produce consistent results. Out of that evolved a software company which grew into providing FedEx-like cargo tracking and anti-terrorist systems to US airlines, the postal service, and US Customs. It didnt take long to decide it was a lot more fun building businesses than actually running them, so I sold the company (just before Sept 11th) and got back into consulting for smaller entrepreneurial businesses. Later in consulting for a Financial company in Texas, my advice was to find someone who had already perfected a system for operating & marketing their type of business and pay whatever it would take to duplicate a proven system for their company rather than reinventing the wheel. We did it and it was a huge success. After months of envy that they could just buy a turn-key solution that produced predictable results, and also being completely convinced that a solution didnt exist for MY business (sound like any businesses you talk to?) I decided to take my own advice, which led me to Martin & Chad. Martins first advice was that I was working too long, too hard, for too little money, and for the wrong clients. The Topline system gave me everyting in a week that I had been struggling to put into practice on my own for years. I was too busy working In my business to have the time to work ON it. Just like our business clients. Even when we know what we want to do with our own businesses AND HOW TO DO IT, I have decided that sometimes it is nearly impossible to be objective about your own businesses. And that, my friends, is why this business works. I havent met a business owner yet that doesnt have the same problem. I look forward to working with you all. This is a powerful system we are all a part of. I


hope we can all take advantage of it and benefit from each others ideas and experiences. Daryl Rogers ========= My name is Bob Johnson, and I have just finished a training program with Martin. I have an extensive in management in every field but marketing. So this has been pretty new to me. If anything, my head is still spinning and everything is so comprehensive. Im sure, though I missed some things in training, I know where to go to get the answers. Im kind of overwhelmed right now, but I feel I wont have much of a problem getting started. Im going to work on contacting some CPAs and work through them to get their clients to get my business started. Im sure Im going to be up and running in no time. Bob Johnson ========= I just completed the three-day training with Martin with TopLine Business Solutions. This has probably been the most interesting thing Ive ever embarked on. Its been well thought out, well designed all the bases have been covered, and all my questions were answered. Im looking forward to getting out in the field and finding a market that I can service. My hats off to Martin for building a better mousetrap. Ram Anand ========= Gregg Greer landed a client who will pay him 20% of their entire gross revenues... not just the amount he creates for them, but everything they earn. He got signed Agreements with 3 more clients, and created a potential annualized income of more than $100,000, and a "piece" of one of his clients' companies... all within a 60 day period. Gregg still has the capacity to handle several more clients, and his income could easily reach the $300,000 to $400,000 mark in just his first year!


Gregg Greer ========= Its Sunday morning. I arrived home last night late, and Im sitting here reviewing some of my materials, and I would have to tell you that I would highly recommend this TopLine training to anyone who is thinking about a business opportunity for whatever reason. You want to work less? You dont want to work more? You dont want to travel? You want to have control of your time? You dont feel like youre earning the money that youre worth? For whatever rationale youre even investigating this, please take the time to investigate. I heard about Martin Howey and was impressed with his success in helping thousands of other businesses create great wealth. When anyone is looking for a business opportunity, they have to ask a question, How long have the guys been doing it, and does it really work? And thats where the rubber really hit the road for me. After talking to some of the consultants and folks that spoke so highly of Martin, and without the result of DOD financing Dear Old Dad I wrote the checks. And I have to tell you, I was very impressed, when on the first day of training when I was listening to Martin reinforce the fact that were going step by step, that were in no rush, that we start at 7:00 in the morning and we finish when we finish, and were going to make sure we deal with every issue and every question. By the end of a couple of hours on the first day, I knew I had made the right decision. Im excited about my first client because I know exactly what I need to do and the kind of program Im going to take them through. And frankly, thats whats always been missing from so many other seminars. Theres never been a template to follow to make sure you have a tactical program that helps you implement and correct the problem and generate great wealth for your client. This has been a life-changing experience for me, and I think youre crazy if you dont participate in the TopLine program. Mark Manuel ========= THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH for sharing with me and trusting in me. You seriously have a WEALTH of information to give. God bless you for wanting to give of yourself so much and help improve the quality of life for others. May success, wealth & blessing be with you always, Cesar Curiel


========= Hi Martin, Things are going well. I plan on our first group consulting starting the week of June 12th. I have 3 agreements signed and working on 4 and 5 as we speak. The proposal letter I have used is attached. I have Confidential Business Audits scheduled. All of our prospects have very similar or like challenges and goals restructuring profit models, systemize operations, and expansion. We have structured a game plan for financial evaluation and implementation. I am open to any and all suggestions. I am confident we can positively impact all our clients top & bottom line. I just wonder if there is a particular route or path I should take. Any particular flow chart or manual youd normally send to? Martin, as always that for your time and help. Regards, Troy ========= Ive spoken to 4 of the Accountants this morning that I mailed with the standard affinity letter on Monday. Guess what - 3 appointments! It was a bit ironic. In each case I asked for the secretary and in each case I ended up being put through to the main man. None of them recalled the letter (?!) but each agreed to see me. Do this - it works... Tuesday was much more helpful for me than I realised at the time. Since then Ive secured 7 new appointments - all in the next 2 weeks, including one with The CEO at The Birmingham Mint, (turnover 20m!). Im laying claim to your crown as King Telephoner!!! Thanks for the help, Nigel Botterill ========= Your program appealed to me as it gave me the opportunity to fulfill my ambition of being financially independent doing what I loved doing helping people and building businesses through effective marketing.


To succeed in this business there are two rules: Rule 1 Follow the system. If it doesnt work, ask for support to help you. Rule 2. Follow the system. My clients treat me with absolute respect and I quickly become an indispensable member of their team.( 3 months tops!) They are always pleased to see me and look to me to help to move their business forward. The major impact I have had on my clients is giving them the belief they can win! They have more fun. My goals are to double my target in half the time, winning new clients, improving customers services to such a degree there is spontaneous congratulatory phone calls about the service, and improve customer retention from 46% to 94%. Your support has been overwhelming in its quality, volume of ideas and sheer creativeness.(Martin obviously had a truly outstanding master probably from another planet as it is out of this world) The biggest change in me has been the ability to accept rejection. Theyre not rejecting me personally, but they simply dont understand what I can do for them. I truly believe that there must be something wrong with business leaders that DO NOT take up my proposals. Financially, this businesses can take me anywhere I choose. Im shooting for financial freedom within five years. The biggest key to success is to simply attempt to visualize you achieving it, because if you can see it then dont worry about the other important elements. The system, the support and the materials are all there... they work as long as you do. Overall, the training was outstanding. At night I chose to read the materials rather than sleep, the subsequent support has helped me focus and leap over the post training shock. The help, advice and guidance Ive received has been overwhelming. Thank you for helping me develop so quickly towards my true potential and providing, in an outrageously short time, a route to financial security for myself and my family and the option of early retirement if I should ever choose to opt out of a role that enables me to help people, earn large amounts of money and most important, have lots of fun! Regards, Robert Umpleby ========= First and foremost I'd like to take this opportunity to thank a few individuals. NO this is not my Academy Awards speech although if I ever got to that red carpet I know it would


probably tough choosing who I'd have on my arm walking down the red carpet. Hmmmm Debbie or my wife. J/K ;) Now before you guys trip I'm not a bad husband for not choosing my wife first, I'm just a good playa! Just Kidding. Thank you Martin for all the genuine love you spread through the room via your knowledge and expertise. You're a REAL deep individual and I'm so glad I got the opportunity to meet you and look forward to working with you and "Was it the Chad?" I can't wait to deposit my first million in the bank and make my first 10% tithing of that amount thanks to you and Tony. God bless you and yours. Chad thanks too for your input and support. My only complaint was that you "think" you belong on the cover of PlayGirl magazine or Muscle magazine ;) J/K Keep up them protein shakes. BTW what was the name of the stuff you were drinking? Seriously I'm interested. Thank you Troy for helping supply the nourishment in the afternoon. I know Travis was loving it so he could keep his energy and metabolism up. Thanks for all the lunches too Martin and Chad. DANG those Oriental Chicken salads were good!! Why don't you guys box me one up and ship it out to me. :) Now for the serious news: 1. As soon as I landed I could not stop thinking about who I'd call first. 2. On the plane I too was talking with the couple sitting next to me Mark. The wife was interested in starting a Daycare Referral service and I told her that it was right up my alley. Remember Lake never say 'no' or 'we can't do that'. They said that if they ever got off their butts and started this they would call me. I said good because we are selective about who we choose to work with and I would probably not be calling them. They would have to show me they are serious. 3. On Wednesday I signed the T-Shirt company which turned out to be a real good resource for other potential prospects. He has already (since Wednesday) lined me up with a Hockey Clothing Line (mom & pop type shop), Landscaping & Fencing company, his tax guy, a five clinic doctor's office and his cousin who is suppose to be a CEO or Vice Pres. of one of the nation's largest meat packing company. I'M EXCITED!! Out of those I'm shooting for appointments next week. 4. Yesterday I met with a pastor of a local church that has a Christian school on site. The meeting went well since they are having financial difficulties right now I offered to do the church for free IF I can get a cut off of the Christian school since that's where most of their money is coming in right now. I told them that I could


turn both around for them GUARANTEED! The reply was that a big convention of their faith is coming up in November and that if I can convince one of their bishops I could probably become the consultant for the whole thing. They are almost 1 million strong in members and I couldn't honestly tell you how many churches but in California alone they've got A LOT!! I know they are WORLD WIDE though with their corporate offices here in California about 25 minutes from my home. 5. Last night I was speaking to my neighbor who works for a software company and claims that he's in there good with the higher ups. I explained to him what it is I'm doing now and he was all for it. He said if I can prepare for him a packet or some kind of information he'd give it to the right lady at his job to try and get me in there. They are head quartered in Australia with local corporate offices here in California. Might need Andre out there in Australia if this goes good. I don't think I'd want to travel out there but you never know. Money talks b.s. walks right. 6. A former student of mine called me today letting me know he might have a lead for me with a guitar shop. He's going to try to get me in there next week hopefully. 7. I almost forgot. I also met with our refi lady who is a broker, real estate agent, notary public, etc. etc. Basically a one woman show. I explained to her about doing seminars for her clients and she said she was all for it. I'd have to be the one to whip it together but that she could supply the people. I'll have to see though with her because she made it seem like she was just too busy and I don't know if I liked her lack of enthusiasm. I want people who are TENS right Martin?! 8. Next week I'm doing the Business network groups for my local area and a Latino Business Group. I met one guy already passing out donuts at one event and told him I could easily improve his results of clients by 1000% if he let me do some workshops for his clients. I told him that it beat the heck out of handing out donuts right? Basically he contacts his people as the "hero I'm such a nice caring guy" paying for this Business Development Consultant to do a workshop/seminar to help you out. The tickets are normally $197 but I've worked out something with the firm if you will all just come in for the free training. He REALLY liked that idea and said to call early next week to try and book something since he had travel plans. 9. I also am tentatively scheduled for early next week probably Tuesday with the Tele-Radiology company. The owner there has a wealth of contacts so I'm hoping that one goes GREAT! 10. I contacted my friend late last night who is going to pitch me to his celebrity lady friend. If this goes well she can BLOW MY CAREER UP! They have a nonprofit organization that I'd like to help with.


WHEW! I've said a mouthful and I'm apologizing for two things. Sorry for not replying and contacting you guys sooner but as you can see have been busy AND SO SORRY THIS MESSAGE is sooooooooooo long. Promise next time it won't be so long. I just hope I close some of these prospects and I don't burn out. I need to relax and KNOW this stuff. There's so much but I just need to take small bites out of it instead of trying to swallow the whole thing. I've been studying too at night and during the day when I get a chance. Congratulations to Lake for getting out there and setting up your first few appointments. I knew you could do it man. Also congrats to Mark who even though he was in pain on the plane still worked a little salesmanship and got a possible prospect. YOU GO TEAM!! BTW: I've attached the pics I took from our training and night out. Sorry some are a little blurry and sorry if the pics are of something you did not want everyone to see but you guys had your clothes on for most of them anyway. ;) My family is doing fine John thanks for asking and YOU KNOW I'm ALWAYS practicing the moves. Care to dance again Debbie? Sorry Travis but did not get your email address to copy you on the pics... :( Bye Ya'll May success, wealth & blessing be with you always, Cesar Curiel ========= What really struck me, is that in all my years in selling, Ive never had a client ask me for my business card and then follow up with me. The sort of approach that Martin showed us is that you want people calling you. You want to be held out as the expert. And I use that take-away, very soft informational close to illicit that kind of excitement by sharing the information, by educating the client, by sharing other successes. Mark Manuel ========= Hi Martin. I was getting off a plane in DC from Russia just in time to join the teleconference on Thursday. What a terrific call!


And the radio interview was an inspiration. Time to get out my Hartunian publicity system and send some press releases. The system is WORKING great overseas and I'm ready to hit hard locally...starting with my wife who just became a realtor. Best regards, Lawrence Bernstein ========= Hello everyone, My name is Dane Shakespear. I am located in St. George, Utah - a nice little retirement community (with 10 golf courses) just north of Las Vegas. I have been consulting in business & technology for about 13 years. I began consulting for airlines & the travel/shipping industry, analyzing their business processes and then installing systems to produce consistent results. Out of that evolved a software company which grew into providing FedEx-like cargo tracking and anti-terrorist systems to US airlines, the postal service, and US Customs. It didn't take long to decide it was a lot more fun building businesses than actually running them, so I sold the company (just before Sept 11th) and got back into consulting for smaller entreprenurial businesses. Later in consulting for a Financial company in Texas, my advice was to find someone who had already perfected a system for operating & marketing their type of business and pay whatever it would take to duplicate a proven system for their company rather than reinventing the wheel. We did it and it was a huge success. After months of envy that they could just "buy" a turn-key solution that produced predictable results, and also being completely convinced that a solution didn't exist for MY business (sound like any businesses you talk to?) I decided to take my own advice, which led me to Martin & Chad. Martin's first advice was that I was working too long, too hard, for too little money, and for the wrong clients. The Topline system gave me everyting in a week that I had been struggling to put into practice on my own for years. I was too busy working In my business to have the time to work ON it. Just like our business clients. Even when we know what we want to do with our own businesses AND HOW TO DO


IT, I have decided that sometimes it is nearly impossible to be objective about your own businesses. And that, my friends, is why this business works. I haven't met a business owner yet that doesn't have the same problem. I look forward to working with you all. This is a powerful system we are all a part of. I hope we can all take advantage of it and benefit from each others ideas and experiences. Dane Shakespear ========= Hi, I'm Alex from Richmond Hill, Ontario (we're just north of Toronto). I went through the TopLine training in July 04. Powerful stuff. Meeting a great group of people there was also very nice. I have been a consultant for the last 11 years, always with the enterprise software twist and always working for someone else. Some 3 year ago I drifted into a sales and marketing role. Not knowing much about either, I quickly found that sales and no marketing means a lot of pain, even when youre on a constant diet of Zig Ziglar and Tony Hopkins. Through reading every single marketing book or system I could get my hands on or could (or sometimes couldnt) afford, I figured that whatever I do going forward will have direct response at the heart of it. Then I learned about Martin, and the stars have aligned. Right now I am crazily busy working with my first 2 clients (one of them being my former employer). And busy is fine because hey, I am a new business and because I enjoy doing it. I look forward to seeing you all here. Alex Makarski ========= Hi everyone, my name is Matt Connelly and I am from Chicago, IL. I am relatively new to Topline and I love the consulting business! I have been involved in online marketing for a little while and also have been in the direct marketing arena for several years. The training I received from Topline was great and I am using it to bring in clients and really expand my consulting business. I hope all of us can use this forum to support each other in the field.


I wish the best of success to us all! Thanks, Matt Connelly ========= I cant thank you enough for creating a business model that gives the best of the two worlds: support & systems of a franchise and the flexibility of an independent. By working these two systems simultaneously Ill be able to create a very successful consulting business and not have to worry about how and where I get my clients from. This will enable me to provide very well for my family. Alex Makarski ========= Awesome! GOD you are such an amazing man. I hope that doesn't offend you. I'm not taking the lord's name in vain. I really thank GOD for you. You are expressing the magnificence that we are all given the potential to be. I feel like I have moments of that, but I really look forward to the ability to bring powerful ideas to any situation AT WILL like you do. This is great. It has inspired a whole different approach for this bank administrator than the one I used for the bank manager. The bank manager told me that if this works, that it could be used bank-wide. If I could corner this niche with 20 or so branches, I would be sitting pretty. Thanks as always Martin. Your account in the Karma bank is drawing hefty interest. :-) -- Lake Furney ========= Hi Martin, I started networking through several local chambers here where I live. Every time I go to a networking meeting I come back with a lead (sometimes a good one, and sometimes just a lead). What I wanted to write you about is how seemingly competitive our field is. The Richmond Hill chamber has a Y2Marketing consultant, there is lady from The Growth Coach (www.thegrowthcoach.com) in the Aurora chapter. The Markham Board of Trade has a guy from Action Intl. And it goes without saying that there is a whole bunch of independents as well.


There are several conclusions that I draw out of this: 1. Opportunities abound. When you see so many people fishing you know there is a lot of fish in the pond. 2. It is to my advantage to be independent of any specific marketing consultancy in my branding and positioning and still have the best mastermind network and support from TopLine (I guess that would qualify as inter-dependency as per Stephen Coveys model). When its a pure franchise, instead of benefiting from name recognition you find that people pigeon hole you into Y2M does this or Action Intl does that. I cant thank you enough for creating a business model that gives the best of the two worlds: support & systems of a franchise and the flexibility of an independent. 3. There is some serious money that can be found in partnering up with other marketers, especially the independents. We all are different and bring different skills and experience to the table. This is just a thought but it looks like thats the way all gurus operate, so why cant this be transferred into the consulting field. Trust, of course, is paramount. Proper positioning and specific demarcation lines are important as well. Again, just a thought spurred by several nice conversations with a couple of such people. The list goes on, I just dont want to turn a quick note into a war&piece. Just thought Id share it. Regards, Alex Makarski ========= Hello, my name is Bill Barbour. I am from Scotland, UK. Recently, I was trained in TopLines Business Development Consultancy System. Its made a tremendous difference to my confidence and bottom line performance. Id say its the most powerful system Ive ever benefited from, from any training course, and Ive been in many, believe you me. Bill Barbour ========= I am Leonardo Habegger, from Switzerland. I attended Martins seminar one and a half years ago, and it was absolutely fantastic. I learned so much.


In the meantime, I have a book thats number one in Switzerland, and our weight loss system has been highly, highly successful. Weve had over 25,000 people go through the training. I implemented Martins step-by-step program with different clients who have been as successful as my weight loss system. I can recommend Martins training very, very much. Its great step-by-step, and he is the real thing. So, go for it! Leonardo Habegger ========= Hi Martin and Chad TopLine's Classroom site is shaping up really well. I'm grateful for the time you are devoting to making this a success. For me it reinforces the feeling of being part of a great knowledge community with likeminded business development consultants who share resources. I've just logged into the the Classroom site and clicked on the Forum. It works for me. (It was working before the conference call but not during the call.) I'm about to send by airmail post two copies of my wife's new music CD, one for you each of you. Look out for them in your mail early in the New Year I would guess. It's a small thank you for the great priviledge of being part of the TopLine knowledge community. Kind regards Bill Barbour Scotland ========= Martin, The short answer is feel free to give him my information. If you have a couple of extra minutes though, read the long answer. One of the things I most admire about you is your selfless generosity in helping other people. I have NEVER met anyone in my life that goes so far out of their way to help other people be successful. I believe


that one of the secrets to success in life, not just business, is giving of ones self to people. You are an enlightened master of that as far as Im concerned. Evoking the law of reciprocity is what you call it, but I know that you know its much more than that. Imagine what this world could be if people, corporations, cities, states, countries all GAVE of themselves from a true sense of a desire to help rather than a whats in it for me? attitude. In summary; I will help anybody, anytime, anywhere that you ask me to if for no other reason (but we know there are many) than out or respect and appreciation for the fine example you have set for all of us. Thank you for everything Martin, and Ill be happy to help in anyway I can. Your Friend For Life, Lake Furney ========= Martin, I want to thank you again for helping me experience the best day Ive had in this business so far. My meeting with SuperRupair went fantastic. They were actually lighting up at some of the ideas I was sharing and liked the ads a lot. I told you on the phone that I feel like I reached another level today, and I have you to thank for it. My meeting with the medical billing guys went fantastic as well. I was totally in command of my thoughts and directions that they could take. I am confident that they recognize the potential in working with me, and theres a possibility they may end up making me a full partner. I really feel like Ive reached another level of knowing what Im doing, and I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for that. When Im making in excess of six figures, I hope youll allow me to treat you to something special and that youll celebrate with me somehow. There are so many things I want to do for so many people, and the type of income that I can envision will allow me to do that, and that is priceless. God Bless You Martin. You are awesome. Love, Lake Furney ========= Martin, First let me say that the time I spent in Phoenix in your seminar was some of the best time spent in many years learning principals and concepts that not only will help Dan and I in the ATM program but will also help me in the Financial Services business and real estate investment program I am engaged in. I am currently assisting Dan and


Aaron with the ATM program but I have also another project that is ready to consume my time and energies. What I have learned will be of extreme value for all of these endeavors. I hope that I don't forget what you had shared with us and that I can help others benefit from your knowledge and experience. Respectfully, Steve Oberan ========= Hello Martin, I got back from LA and Chicago on Saturday night (17th). Both seminars were fantastic. I picked up new clients, qualified prospects, joint venture partners, and new friends. My new product was show cased and I got a lot of publicity as the LA seminar was hosted by one of my friends/mentors (Linda Hollander). The Profit Diva web site will be launched on Monday (May 23rd)and I will get back to you regarding the endorsement to your consultants. Just to give me an idea of the potential profits, I wanted to ask this question... how many consultants will be receiving the endorsement email? Also, is June 1st okay with you (for it to go out then)? It occurred to me that even though I am not a consultant of Topline Business Solutions, I've been trained by the same manuals etc that your Topline Consultants have been receiving (because you wrote the Quantum ones and David made it clear to us that you wrote most of it). Since I contacted you, you've spent time with me on the phone and email and have helped me without me paying you a dime for it. You're also about to increase my 'bottom line' (through the endorsement) without getting anything from it. For all these reasons, I feel that a testimonial is in order, so here goes (tell me if the testimonial is okay): "Having Martin Howey as a mentor is one of the best things any business owner can do to take their business to a new level of success. He genuinely wants you to succeed. I've been through several courses and training programs over the years and what usually happens after the course is that you're on your own, unless the training company has a benefit in your success. Topline Business Solutions is different. Long after the training is over, Martin gives you continuous support. You're never left on your own... simply ask for his help and you've got it. Martin has had a significant impact on the growth of my business." Habiba Abubakar President & CE0, Emprez U.K. =========


Martin, These words below are my heartfelt and sincere thank you to you for the testimonial: I am honored to be associated with you Martin, and I consider myself priviledged to have been trained by manuals and processes you wrote for quantum. It means A LOT to me to read your testimonial. Those words coming from a pro like you... it makes me pat myself on the back. I've had 12 testimonials back so far (all positive) and yours is one of the ones that made me feel so happy, so elated. Thank you Martin. Do you know that my training at Quantum was what opened my eyes to real marketing? Prior to that, I had spent a few years working for law firms, financial institutions and other blue-chip organizations... and I can tell you that the marketing I did there was CRAP. We had huge marketing budgets but it was wasted on marketing strategies that now I know don't work. I still keep in touch wihtmy colleagues from the corporate world and now I feel like I know more than the director at my first marketing job in a law firm that was number 10 in UK (Macfarlanes). Please let me know if there's anything I can do for you. Have you had any thoughts about my joint venture proposal? ...HABIBA ========= Alex Makarski has offered you an endorsement about your position, Owner at TopLine Business Solutions: "Martin is one the best consulting coaches out there. He has a knack for making complex things seem simple and is an inexhaustible source of positive energy. They say perpetual engine does not exist. They're wrong: It is called Martin Howey. Martin is a coach and a doer. His advice is practical and to the point. Pick his brain, it will make a difference in your business, as it did in mine." What a 3 days. B4 I came to training, I knew it would be good. I did not expect that it would be spectacular. Thanks! Alex Makarski =========


Martin, I would like to say again that I really enjoyed the time I spent with you and the other attendees during last weeks' TopLine Business Solutions workshop. As I was sitting in the Phoenix airport Sat PM, I thought over my performance for the testimonial video. I started GNF Grp about 3 years ago and its business is done over the phone and via emails, so I haven't done any public speaking during this time. Prior to starting GNF Grp, I did a fair amount of public speaking for my various career endeavors, but I could tell I'm a little rusty. I know I speak too fast when I speak before a group, so when I was doing a fair amount of public speaking I had to concentrate on slowing my speaking cadence down. If I don't, my diction suffers. So I'm not real happy with my performance for the various testimonial videos. Also, with yours I forgot to make it an endorsement of the TopLine Business Solutions workshops and not a general business consultant one like the ones for the other business consultants attending the workshops. I will do a video email later this week endorsing the TopLine Business Solutions workshops that I will send to you. Perhaps you can use the video email for your workshop promotions. I really enjoyed the business consulting experience last week. Good group of attendees and I'm looking forward to developing this area of my GNF Grp business during the upcoming years. You did a great job of working through the various areas of the business consulting material. Take care and have a nice Thanksgiving. We'll talk again in a couple of weeks during our first group teleconference. Ron Nelson ========= Martin, When I first heard about your program, it sounded very interesting and right up my alley, but I was a little skeptical. That skepticism lasted until the first time we sat down as a group for the kick off dinner. As we were going around the room introducing ourselves, I was in a state of shock as to the level of experience of the people attending. They all had solid business background credentials. From that moment on, it only got better and better. When you stated in your introduction letter and I will quote The training days will be long and information-packed. Many different subjects will be covered and it will require nearly all of your brain cells some of which may have been lying dormant for some time, that was an understatement. I


found myself mentally exhausted at the end of each day, but excited and looking forward to the next day. The principles you taught us over the three days were outstanding! The amount of material that you gave us, while overwhelming, was the right tools necessary to go into the consulting business. I felt like I left with an MBA in Marketing and Sales. The support and encouragement you gave us, both at the seminar, after we left there and to this day, was and is truly the most impressing thing about working with TopLine and you. I would highly recommend this program to anyone that is looking to go into the consulting business. Martin, I look forward to working with you and TopLine Solutions for many years to come. Sincerely yours, John R. Beck ========= I have to admit that I was hesitant in attending the TopLine training I was uncertain if I would be able to apply the material. But I am amazed at how much Ive gained how much Ive learned. Im so excited to get back an implement the ideas. Ive wanted to quit my job for the last 2 or 3 years but I havent found a vehicle to do it. Finally I have. Just from what Ive gained from this workshop, Im overwhelmed and Im very thankful. Ive been through a lot of seminars never been through a consulting seminar, but I really feel this is where the good Lords leading me, and I feel that this is my calling. I regret not coming two months earlier as I originally planned because I would have quit my job by now and had my first few clients and my first workshop. There is no doubt that I can be ridiculously successful in a short time. Thank you, Martin! Tim Perry ========= I could listen to Martin for hours in rapt attention. I dont think Martin could spend too much time on any topic. Martin is probably one of the most honest, ethical, and sincere men I have ever met. I feel honored and privileged to have met Martin and have participated in his training.


I actually have to pinch myself to make sure this has been real. Ive wanted to attend Martins training for over two years! I cant believe Ive completed Martins training! Thomas Flint ========= To: Prospective TopLine Business Solutions Consultant From: Thomas Flint Subject: TopLine Business Solutions Consultant Training My name is Thomas Flint. Im Director of Supply Chain Management and a consultant for a procurement and expense reduction consulting firm in Chicago, Illinois. I recently attended TopLine Business Solutions Business Consultant training conducted by TopLine Business Solutions Chief Executive Officer, Martin Howey. Several weeks ago I made a decision to invest in professional development training from TopLine Business Solutions and Martin Howey. In retrospect, having completed the training two days ago, I can sincerely state this was one of the smartest, most profitable, investments I have ever made. I absolutely have no buyers remorse. As procurement professional, I am cautious, conservative, pragmatic, and skeptical when considering spending money. It is my responsibility as an agent with fiduciary responsibility to conduct due diligence and analyze value, return on investment, and total cost of ownership on expenditures. I conducted such due diligence, research, and analysis on TopLine Business Solutions prior to investing my personal funds. As a result, I chose to invest my money and time in TopLine Business Solutions training because of the breadth, depth, integrity, quality, and substance of TopLine Business Solutions executive management, reputation, and training program. It is my sincere belief that I will recover 100 percent of my investment, or more, within thirty days or less. If you are considering attending TopLine Business Solutions training you should know that TopLine Business Solutions under-promises and over-deliversyou will not find even one ounce of hyperbole. Martin provided literally over thirty-two hours, thirty-three pounds, and hundreds of suggestions and tips during my training. Just one topic, on just one page, in just one of TopLines training manuals was worth several times my entire tuition and travel costs as


it solved a real-life problem my company was experiencing with several of our existing clients. Martin Howey is a gentleman and a teacher in the truest sense of the words. His concern for the success of his students is visible and sincere, and extends beyond your time and training in Tempe. You will receive many times more value in earning potential and practical solutions to real-life consulting issues than the dollar value of your entire investment in Martins training. I recommend Martin Howey and TopLine Business Solutions without hesitation, qualification, or reservation. Sincerely, Thomas Flint ========= After completing the TopLine training Im embarrassed it has taken me this long to expose myself to this program (3 - 4 years). Martin, you have exceeded my expectations. Now I know you must hear this often, but I sincerely mean this. I have everything I need to get back to my home base and hit the ground running. I have the confidence and all the tools I need. Im very, very satisfied! Martin, Chad Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Anthony Wallace ========= Martin has fantastic ideas. We are loaded for bear ready to go as soon as we get back home. Weve been to many seminars, boot camps, training sessions and the like. Spent a great deal of money. Supported Amazon.com for years, buying all the business success and consulting books. This has been the only thing weve come away with such an amazing plan and no possible way to fail. I believe this information will work for any consultant and it will improve any business.


Martin has done so much for us, provided so much more than we could possibly have asked for. I cant thank you guys enough! Dana Johnson ========= After years and years of going to many seminars this is the best one weve been to. To the point and gives us action items to do. I enjoyed it all. I came expecting to have trouble staying focused and awake never happened. I learned so much in 3 days it was phenomenal. I am leaving here, not only excited, but positive that this is the answer we have been looking for. We have attended so many seminars. None have given us guidance. They only told us what we were doing wrong and what needed to be different. Not how to accomplish this. TopLine has given us guidance and tools. We really are excited to get back home and get started with our consulting business. We recommend it to anyone! Sue Smith ========= I just spent 3 days with Martin and I cannot believe the fantastic material hes delivered. I know that I have at least 3 to 6 good, quality ideas that I can bring back to the table that I KNOW will increase my bottom line at least 10 to 15 percent minimum if not 25 percent. Top notch stuff! Martin, thank you very much I really enjoyed it! Rick Quinlan ========= Hi Martin, Thanks for the email. You probably dont know this yet, but meeting you has had a very positive affect on me. I meet a lot of brilliant, educated and successful people but there is


something about the way you think that gets ME thinking in a way that doesnt happen often. I appreciate your wisdom immensely. I look forward to connecting again soon. =-) And thanks again for dinner! Im so glad you were available. Warmly, Melanie Benson Strick The Entrepreneur's Success Coach ========= "The support I've received from Martin has been quite awesome. When I send him an e-mail his reply is virtually instantaneous and always full of practical advice and new ideas. I've been in business over 20 years and he is quite simply one of the most impressive people I have ever met. In 9 months since joining him, I have built a successful business with many new clients and much of my success has been down to the encouragement and support he has provided. He is an inspiration." Nigel Botterill ========== Martin, It was a real honor to have you in my program. You are a wonderful human being and I appreciated the opportunity to learn from you this past weekend. In fact, your presence made my program so much more valuable for everyone else who attended because of your wisdom you shared so freely with us. And, you never stop giving. Thank you so much for "letting me in" on your new email sequence to that cold list. That's very generous of you. Thank you. Martin, I'd very much like to find a way for us to do some things together. Maybe to begin with we could just make it a point to connect for a phone call every few weeks or so just to keep the conversation and ideas going. I'm sure we'll find something emerging out of conversations. Let me know your thoughts on this. Now I'm off to a day at Disneyland with my family and a special treat - a visit to the famous Club 33 ;-)


Best, Adam Urbanski ========== Martin, You are the most ah-inspiring person I've ever met. It's amazing how you give and give, and then turn around and thank others for giving to you... Thanks for taking the time to chat with me yesterday. For your kind words. And for the two programs you sent my way - I really appreciate it. I really would like it if we could find a way to join efforts and put some sort of program together. So let's keep in close touch. Adam Urbanski, President Marketing Mentors Inc. ========= I rolled out kinda good today, met with The AutoWorks, a little "greet-n-meet" kinda thing. Bottom Line, I'll save their Business. Vince and Gina took over the Business from Russ 2 years ago, sinking fast. I'll do the CBA tomorrow and with your cooperation I would like to review the content and what you will suggest as how to best proceed to help them. They are good folks, great service, honest, and the only problem is that they just do not know how to make more Customers to give them a chance. I have several Ideas, and I'm really intersted in what approach you would suggest. Steve Weaver ========= I rarely endorse other people but Martin is exceptional. And the best thing is that he has integrity. Something that is lacking in many business people now days. If youre thinking about becoming a marketing consultant (or adding that discipline to your service offerings), his program is heads and shoulders above what youll find out there. David Frey


============ I was once a displaced executive and its the best thing that every happened to me. Listen Jerry, theres no need to get into a franchise. Theres no need to pay high monthly fees for being a business consultant. If youre thinking of getting training and want a system thats working well, talk to Martin Howey at Top Line Business Solutions. I suggest you talk to Martin on the phone personally just to get a feel for what hes all about. Ive sold several Marketing Boot camps to people who have taken his course and hes the only business consulting training company that I have heard great things about. Y2 Marketing people and Action Intl. people complain incessantly about their companies. On the other hand, Martins students seem to get clients very quickly. David Frey ============ Martin, I have been researching & studying some of the best business minds and their successful approaches to growing businesses. I now want to share this information, knowledge & resources with business owners in my own local region. I have to say, at great personal expense, I have devoted myself to acquiring this knowledge from some of the best, like yourself, Martin. I have been an apprentice for many years developing myself with the great advantage that I can personally seek worldclass advice when required from my mentor & Internationally known, Leading Business Growth Expert Mr. Martin Howey... and I want you to know that this apprentice listens to the Master. Darryl Horgan Australia ============ Dear Martin: As you know I came through the training group in November 2006; I was unable to take full advantage of the materials or the course because I was the primary caretaker for a terminally ill Dad.


I want to thank you for the incredible additional work you have done for this group. Your loyalty and dedication for all your consultants to succeed was evident to me with the last group. That being said, the resources and tools you have provided this group are outstanding. If one takes action on even 25% of all the templates & scripts through word documents, audio etc that you have given this group I do not see how anyone could not have massive success. Since I was part of another group, I want to thank you for all the extra work you have done for us. I know that I intend on using it. And I truly hope everyone in this group does as well because Shameless really liked you guys a lot or how else could I sit through Martin again! Seriously, thank you so much for your devotion. And if I had mastered video like Jeremy has this would be in a video email to you so you could see how much I appreciate you and the hard work you have done for all of us. Thank you so much. Gail PS please everyone do not make mention of all these additional tools on the Wednesday group calls because it was not given out before. I think Martin you have lost your mind as we already have 2,500 pages of material that I have been utilizing already. This is so much more than I ever anticipated coming back so I have this unique group to thank for Martins extremely generous additional tools that I would not have had use of but for you guys!!!! ============ Hey Martin, I had my meeting with my case study from training. He is also an accountant. By the end of the meeting he was asking me to present the material to his staff. He also said he was already thinking of two wealthy referrals he wants me to work with. They are accountants as well. He also couldn't wait to give me a testimonial. I will email over the weekend with more of the details. The calculator blew him away. It was very exciting. Thanks Martin. Larry Pacheco ============


I just wanted to thank you once again for an amazing conference call. I wont be able to sleep for another hour or so until the adrenaline goes down a little. If anyone of us does not make it it wont be because of the lack of tools, resources and the way you have made yourself available. I really enjoy our group and hope each one of them goes to their full potential. I think I could create a similar option that Michael Blythe had with a property manager. Do you have a copy of the article he ran? I would love to use it. I am also very excited about your talk of the surprises you were making for our group. Those are going to be priceless and I cant wait to get a hold of them. I continue to be amazed by your passion and authentic desire for all of us to be successful. Thanks for giving so much of yourself. Larry Pacheco ============ Martin, You are a world class guy! By the way, Eddie Cross has got some business out of the Philippines! Michael Blythe ============ Hi Martin I want to personally thank you again for allowing me to attend your awesome training. I have learned and gained so much information. I want to update you with regard to my progress and venture here in Philippines. I will lead my first two day business seminar in Laoag, Philippines. One hundred persons are registered and scheduled to attend. We have arranged fees to be measurable to Philippines cost of living. I will make a reasonable profit but the practice alone will make me more successful in the States and other locations. Thank you again for opening a world of business development and solutions. I will return to the States on March 16th. I'll call you to share my great business consultant endeavors. Blessings, Eddie Cross


============ Martin, Thank you very much. I two of your books from Lulu.com and found out the answer why things were so tough from time to time in my consulting work. I had learned from Peter Sun and a couple of other consultants to get my money up-front for an analysis fee and then work on contingency. I made some sales but it was always tougher than I had liked. But, one thing about me, I'm persistent. After reading your book on consulting, I see where I missed it. You gave me a REAL KEY that will build my business fast and I am sure will allow me to take your course in the future. As I see it, when you do a questionnaire both you and the prospective client can readily see the weak areas, PLUS you have knowledge of the business that the prospect doesn't want to fall into the hands of competitors. This gives the consultant FAR MORE POWER to close the deal than I ever realized. That has been where I have been missing it!!! I see TWO new clients this week as a result of this.... THANK YOU!!! I also see that I would be better off using your system and paying the price than leaving thousands of dollars on the table. I can SEE, really SEE at least a $200,000 dollar year for me. YAHOO! Thanks for putting the materials out. Millard Grubb ============ Hi Martin, Just wanted to say thank you for you help with the press releases. I re-wrote them. They are now both published at www.RestaurantMetrics.net/news.htm (just in case you were curious to see the final take), and one of them with be included by Microsoft in their press kit that they will be sending to the media at the trade show. Without your advice I just wouldn't look professional and wouldnt have achieved my objectives. Thanks.


Alex Makarski ============ Martin, Just wanted to say a great big thanks for putting the mind map presentation on the consultants site. I have listened to it twice and my wife has listened to it once this week. We have begun moving through the implementation steps and look forward to the beginning of marketing for the Added Dimension of my consulting practice. One bit of very positive feedback on the video it should come with the following warning WARNING D0 NOT LISTEN TO THIS PRESENTATION IF YOU NEED TO SLEEP IN THE NEXT 6 HOURS!!! I started listening to the program and making notes from the mind map about 9:00 Tuesday evening. I laid down to try and sleep about midnight but couldnt get my brain to turn off until about 3:30 a.m. Youre the best. Thank you for all that you do! Best Regards, BJ ============ Hello Anne, I am writing in response to your email regarding the Topline Business Solutions training. First of all, let me tell you... the Topline Business Solutions training is NOT one of those 3-day pitch fest seminars by some gurus that give you little information with the hope to sign you into a more expensive program. The Topline Business Solutions training is the ONLY training you would ever need to become a marketing and business growth expert, whether you decide that you want to become an expert to grow your current business or you want to become a marketing and business growth consultant. To help you make an informed decision on whether to take the training, I think it would be better for me to list the benefits that I have experienced from it. Here goes: 1. Martin Howey is the President, lead trainer and lead coach. Whether he trains you or not, you still get the attention, knowledge and expertise of the Topline Business Solutions team during and after you graduate from the program. They are VERY DEVOTED to helping you succeed, so they don't just take your money, train you and leave you. I took the training 4 years ago and I am still GREATLY helped by Martin Howey. That says a lot about what they meant when they pledged to "help me succeed" right? 2. You will form alliances and you will connect with a lot of like-minded people that


have been in the training too. This way, in your early months after graduating from the program, you have access to the Topline Business Solutions team as well as other people (old and new graduates) who have gone through the training. This comes in handy if you have any teething problems as a newbie. And... these people will actually answer your emails and take your phone calls or get back to you, plus they will be your friends and associates for a long time. 3. Be ready to make a lot of money if you apply the strategies and tactics you learn correctly. As a continuous learner, I do read a lot of books/courses and attend seminars etc. EVERYTHING I have attended or read in relation to marketing, business growth and business development is a repetition of what you are taught at the Topline Business Solutions training. So, I meant it when I said that it is the only training you will need for business development, business growth and marketing. Remember... it's been 4 years since my training. If there's anything new (i.e. new worthwhile marketing or sales tactic), you will get updated by TopLine Business Solutions. 4. One of the things I love about the Topline Business Solutions team and the company's philosophy is this... YOU WILL NOT HEAR THEM BOASTING about Ferraris and how many houses they have etc. You will only be allowed to take the training if you are the right fit. They are really not interested in taking just anyone into the training. Why? Because they want to be able to show you off to the world if you succeed, so they will only take you on if they think you have the potential to succeed. So, they don't need to show off their achievements. After all, everyone has different objectives and what you will achieve greatly depends on YOU. You have to be committed to achieving your objectives. 5. Having Martin Howey as a mentor gives you access to most gurus (e.g., Joe Polish) that you may want to meet or partner with. Remember... Martin has been around for a LONG time. His client list and network reflects his credibility. He is in with the big guys (e.g. Coca-cola) and he is in with the small guys (e.g. one-man band consulting companies you may not have heard of). This means that whatever your target market, he can teach you how reach them and get them to pay you. 6. TopLine Business Solutions is NOT just Martin Howey. I think this is important to know because it means that whether you have Martin Howey as your trainer or not, and whether you have access to him or not, the TopLine Business Solutions team can help you and you get the same kind of help whether it is Martin Howey helping you or whether it is his other coaches and trainers helping you. It's like getting the same kind/quality of burger whether you go to Burger King in New York or Burger King in London. 7. Take a huge suitcase if you go for the training. You will need it for the big folders you will get. My training was 4 years ago, so perhaps you get things only electronically now, but back then, they provided everything you need on a CD as well as in huge folders. We had 9 folders and that was not everything. There were more things on the CD that were not given as hard copy. By the way, it was NOT information overload.


You will be given "how-tos" not just what to do. You will also be given the exact plan and methodology on what to apply when and in which steps. It will be tailor-made to YOU. Be ready to take a lot of notes because you will learn from the stories told by the participants or by the trainer(s) about their experiences. I HIGHLY recommend that you take the training if they accept your application. Most importantly, do NOT keep to yourself at the training. Make connections and do keep in touch with your connections. Also give, give and give. What I mean by that is that you shouldn't only look out for yourself. You will find that if you look out for those connections you've made (e.g. sending an email with some article you find that will be significant to the learning process of all of you), you will continue to receive more from them and others. You will also gain access to their network. Hope this information is helpful to you. All the best. Live phenomenally, HABIBA ABUBAKER ============ Hi Anne, I am thrilled to see you doing your homework. I also contacted other Topline consultants when making this major decision. I must start out with you only get out what you put into it. That goes for everything in life. I dont think Im sharing any new information here. Answer to your questions: Am I still consulting? Yes! This summer I recommitted efforts to gaining new clients and am doing fantastic. Would I recommend Topline? Yes. Topline is not for everyone. But if you are a self starter and just follow the system youll get results. I must stress how important following the system is; It works. What is the biggest benefit? The biggest benefit is having that system of how to consult and more important the systems for client acquisition. Having Martin & Chad available for help was a strong benefit when starting out. I still use them both as resources on occasion. They provide real feed back. They are both consultants consultants bringing to light the things you want to hear and many times the necessary you must hear and see to succeed. Martin will consistently mentor you in - you plan, take action, measure that action, adjust and repeat you will get results. Seems simple, It is if you follow the Topline system. I have tried to reinvent the system a couple of time. What a waste of effort. There are some


of us, like me, that are hardheaded know it alls. Just working the simple systems gives me everything I want now. If this sounds a little slanted, it is. I am thankful that I went through Topline. I am also thankful to have the opportunity to have Martin Howey as a mentor. Topline has also help open some doors for new opportunities. I hope this helps in your decision making. If you have additional questions contact me through email and Ill gladly respond. Have a Fantastic Day, Troy ============ Wow Martin, That really adds some class to it. Thanks again for doing it. Although (like you said) in several weeks or months I'll want to improve my recording, I feel good about the me in a box for now. In time I'll redo it with the Mayor of Grand Haven, or someone else like that and I won't script it either. I'll also be able to update the testimonials. But at least 100 have to go out as is by April 13th. That's 5 every week day for the next 4 weeks starting Monday. You know this "Team 100" is a dead ringer for my personality. Remember how I was the one in the group that really took the lead in knitting us together relationally (if I may toot my own horn a bit). Well that's my passion. To connect with others and to connect others to each other as well. I can't help it. So that's what I'm going to do with my Team 100. Thanks again for seeing me falling off track and getting me back on. I learned about the importance of mentors a few years ago and I have struck gold with you. Jeremy Wood P.S. You always have my permission to share any part of my emails (or other communication) with others as you see fit or as testimonials. ============ Well what can I say......... The training was inspiring....an eye opener, even for someone who has been pretty successful during 25 years of sales and marketing. I got more ideas than I could possibly know what to do with. But above all..........they were real and relevant....ideas and strategies that real people and real businesses have used successfully.


I got my first client within one week of completing the training and we are now working successfully together. There are two or three more potential clients who I am confident will commit within the next two weeks. The approach of bringing systemised and disciplined marketing strategies to the SME market is the right thing at the right time. The product is professional, well thought through, well supported and is just what is required by a hungry market. Many of these business owners have simply never seen a professional approach to marketing in their lives. I see this business providing me with a good income and security for later when I might wish to work less intensively or even retire! The training and ongoing support has given me a much higher level of self confidence when I meet business owners. Even more, I know the strategies work because I have used some of them myself in my other business. I have found Martin Howey an inspiration when I have asked for support and ideas...I just have to make sure I have a pen and paper ready when he calls. It isn't for everybody and it won't just happen without effort and hard work (nothing worth having ever did) but for someone who is prepared to work and have fun it is possible to bring inspiration into people's lives. Ian Scott UK ============ My connection with you and your organization is going to make a helluva difference in my ability to provide value to my clients. It was my great fortune that Andre Larabie mentioned your organization as an aside, when I called to ask him a question at the turn of the year. Ken Thomson ============ Hi Martin Just a quick note to say a big THANK YOU for the reports you sent out yesterday. I have found them personally very helpful in clarifying my personal sales pitch and now have a couple of basic templates to test and adapt. I learned loads in our 10 minute discussion and the mini tutorial on


creating a compelling ad. Youll be pleased to know that I am now starting to think, speak, and write like a seasoned pro! Thanks a million for this and all your help and support. Its great having you as a secret weapon in my mission to capture my ideal customers. Warmest Regards, Sue Statter U.K. PS - There were 2 main factors that made your system very appealing 1.The fact that you sold it to me so easily - I was sold after the first meeting with you and not because you are a good salesmen, although I am sure you are. But because the whole thing made so much sense that I figured that my prospects would be able to see that too 2.Your obvious experience and talent - I figured that you would make an excellent mentor who would be able to help me with most things, my intuition has been proven correct. The training event was a revelation and since then your support has been fantastic and fast. You still manage to surprise me with the quality of headlines etc., that you come up with and my expectations after knowing you for 8 months are high!!! ============ Just a quick note to thank you for the mini tutorial on creating a compelling ad - I learned loads in about 10 minutes and you'll be pleased to know that I am now starting to think. speak and write in triads. Thanks a million for this and all your help and support Best Regards Sue Statter U.K. ============ Thanks a zillion for your time and advice. You've given me a healthy bout of 'cognitive dissonance'. You know that feeling when you've heard some earth shattering info and it questions so much of your existing knowledge and beliefs... yet, you know this new information is right. That's what Im feeling. Alexi Neocleous Australia


============ Being so new Martin, I am sure that you will understand that I am not able to answer most of your questions at this point. However, I can say that my first interview with a prospect felt like a huge success. I brought him the 95 tips report plus the ad that you helped me with. After reviewing the ads in question he wanted to know more about what we do. This lead to a face to face telephone fact find through the course of the conversation and I have to say that his response was very positive. We have scheduled a full blown orientation for when the actual owner (an American) will be in the UK. He wanted assurance that his company details would be kept in confidence and asked if I had approached any of his competitorshe was very relieved to find out that his was the first. I am also working with my accountant to help him with his business and in turn will give me access to his clients through a seminar. I feel comfortable with all of the support materials that have been provided; Im beginning to feel like an expert even though I am not there yet! I have had prompt and helpful support from everybody and for that I am very pleased. I hope that my comments are somewhat helpful. Warmest regards, Adam Mahomed U.K. ============ Hi, Martin, I can say that my first interview with a prospect felt like a huge success. I brought him the 95 tips report plus the ad that you helped me with. After reviewing the ads in question he wanted to know more about what we do. This lead to a face to face telephone fact-find through the course of the conversation and I have to say that his response was very positive. We have scheduled a full blown orientation for when the actual owner (an American) will be in the UK. He wanted assurance that his company details would be kept in confidence and asked if I had approached any of his competitors. He was very relieved to find out that his was the first. I am also working with my accountant to help him with his business and in turn will give me access to his clients through a seminar.


I feel comfortable with all of the support materials that have been provided; Im beginning to feel like an expert even though I am not there yet! I have had prompt and helpful support from everybody and for that I am very pleased. I hope that my comments are somewhat helpful. Warmest regards, Adam Mahomed U.K. ============ Martin, Hope the weather is a bit cooler for you back home now. Ive got a lot of appointments scheduled for tomorrow and the next two weeks so things seem to be progressing fairly well. I hope to have 2 or 3 clients by the end of the month. In terms of a testimonial for you: (a) What appealed to me about the Opportunity was the system itself. I knew exactly what I was looking for and the your System met my precise requirements. The training was very intense and enjoyable and has given me expert status in the field of business growth. I have the opportunity to make myself fabulously wealthy. Hope that helps. When I get some clients I will update this again for you. Good luck with America the logistics of it scares me just thinking about it. Give my regards to your son. Regards, Mark Harris U.K. ============ Martins program is second to none. The research he has made available makes it impossible for any applicant to fail. If you want to make the program work for you, just follow Martins system and you cannot fail to realize substantial profit improvements for your clients. When you do, youll get your clients to widen their horizons by accepting that there are many ideas outside the box they are used to working in, and they will naturally assume that you are an


expert at what you do. That opens the door to their realization that implementation of our strategies will create sharp growth spikes in their business. I have received 500% support from Martin Howey. Without him this System would not exist. In all my working life and in all the corporations I have held senior roles in there has never been such strong support from the higher management I believe in time this business will pay unprecedented dividends for the relatively small investment. My advice for anyone wanting to learn a fool-proof system that can make you a fortune, is do not hesitate to get involved with Martin Howey. K. Longmire U.K. ============ In a message dated 10/09/2003 15:23:41 GMT Standard Time, mehowey@msn.com writes this series of questions, and Keith Longmire provides the corresponding answers: What about the program made it appealing to you? The program put together by Martin is second to none. The research Martin has made available makes it impossible for any applicant to fail. What are you doing that makes the system work so well for you? Just follow Martins system and you cannot fail to realize substantial profit improvements for your clients How have you found interacting with your clients? (Happy to see you? Receptive? Willing to take your advice? View you as an expert?, etc.) Naturally assume we are experts. In working with your clients, what is the major impact youve had on them? Making them look and except there are many ideas outside the box, thus widening their horizons. What are some of your most significant successes? Early days for me but early signs show that implementation of our marketing strategies will create sharp growth in their business. If youve ever had a question or needed help with something, what was the support like that youve received from me (Martin)? 500% support from Martin Howey. Without him there would not be a Quantum System. In all my working life and in all the Corporations I have held senior roles in there has never been such strong support from the higher Management


What is the biggest change youve personally had to make to be a successful consultant? Thick skinned, resilient and better organized. Financially, where do you see the business taking you? I believe in time this business will pay unprecedented dividends. If you were to summarize the one thing that has made you successful as a consultant, what would you say? The Methodology. What is your advice or recommendation for someone inquiring about a consultancy? Do not hesitate to get involved. Keith Longmire U.K. ============ Martin As you know, my business is still at the fledgling stage and so I can't offer any comments about working with clients - not yet, anyway. But I can say that the support I and my fellow fledglings are receiving is first class. The security and positive mentoring is priceless. In particular, and this was one of the most encouraging aspects of the training course, was your personal guarantee that no-one would be timed out on any assistance requested. This added comfort increased my confidence still further. Hope this helps a little Regards David Redshaw U.K. ============ Hello Martin, A belated thank you for the very productive Business Mastery Programme that you organised last week. It exceeded my expectations in many respects and has given me the confidence to move onwards and upwards with the development of Quantum Xtreme Ireland. Specifically I was impressed with: 1.The Two Of You: I am a great believer that "people buy people first and products/services second." In this respect I had already been won over by you David, and your attention to detail and responsiveness. In addition I think your "in your face"


approach has merit and is something I have to develop. (I believe Brian Tracy refers to it more subtly as a "continuous offensive") As mentioned before, I am impressed with your track record in building and growing businesses into multi million ventures in short periods. Once again, I request all the help you can give in achieving similar success with Quantum Xtreme Ireland - which will be introduced as Quantum Ireland. Martin, I loved two things about you. First is your integrity and mild manner. I can hear your voice as I read the manuals. Second, I am thrilled with your mastery of the two subjects that every business intent on growth need - sales and marketing. Interestingly, I prefer your sales style to that of Davids because of its interactive quality. Either way, your different personality types adds greatly to the value of Quantum. 2. The Sales and Marketing Content: Over the years I have developed a reputation as an engaging and effective communicator - particularly in front of groups. My concern always was that I lacked sufficiently powerful content and substance. The Xtreme Programme is veritably the manual that should come with every business. I have trawled the offerings of the great writers for years and have been disappointed with their fare. This has primarily been based on their lack of practical or "how to in the real world stuff". The Xtreme Programme, far more than the 444 strategies in my opinion, provides enough money creating strategies to double and triple the profit of any business in a short period who are interested in applying the stuff. Combined with the seven Quantum keys, any consultant with ambition is armed with powerful ammunition. Well done. Incedentally, I believe you undersold this aspect of Quantum greatly in your sales process. On numerous occasions, both prior to joining, and also for the first three days of the Mastery Programme, I worried about "the meat" of Quantum. With respect, the seven keys can hardly be referred to as "a body of knowledge". The Xtreme manuals most certainly can. I would encourage you to explore how you can present this better earlier in the process. Both Parita and I had been much more impressed with Icons material. What swung it was you David. Nonetheless these gaps should be addressed. 3. Joint Ventures: This was an eye opener for me - the leverage that is inherent in JVs. What I liked about the week was the way you began to set up mutually beneficial JVs for us. I would like to develop the relationship with Annie and Audrey and Paul. In conclusion, I am excited about the Quantum opportunity. Specifically I am borrowing some of Bob Allens yardsticks from "The One Minute Millionaire". He asserts that to leverage a goal of any description you need: a. A good mentor b. A good team c. A good network d. An infinite network e. Good systems I believe you guys score very strongly on the above points. In this respect I request your help to build Quantum Ireland.I am not in a position to focus full time on its development


until August 11th. However, I am eager to make a start. I look forward to agreeing a plan of action with you soon. Dea ghui, (Irish for best wishes) Padraic OMaille Ireland ============ Working with Martin is a pleasure. His business consulting course equipped me with the skills I needed to analyze business performance, to spot areas that can be improved to add to the bottom line, and implement and maintain those improvements. TopLines material is comprehensive and Martins follow up mentoring and resource library builds confidence. From my personal experience I can confidently recommend TopLine. Dan Elder ============ Dear Martin, Business and life will never be the same as a result of your week of gifts. There is simply not enough time in the day after the TopLineTransformation-Training. The greatest gifts were some new friendships with people I can relate to. Thank you! With Love and appreciation, Joel Bauer ============ My thanks go to you. By having a purpose for Steve, Dan and I to be together in the same room and allowing us to cover sound business strategies, we made a huge amount of progress toward getting the non-cash media card system advanced into the banking system. I have you to thank for this. Based on what happened Thursday night and on Friday, we could be just a few months away from implementing this into ATMs in our local area.


Turns out that Circle K has been asking for this for over 2 years, and their partners are all for it. Dan and Steve are all over it and today should be another exciting day of progress. You'll be able to tell everyone that you knew about this in the early stages and how you helped us to get it to market in a big way. In regards to SEO, if you have any questions that I am capable of providing valuable input, I'd be glad to share with you what I know. Also, before you purchase any SEO tools over the internet, let me know beforehand and I can tell you my experience (if any) and I might be able to find you a sales link or halfprice link to the product. I've bought many of these things at half and saved a huge amount towards working my SEO strategies. Warmly, Aaron Vaughn ============ Don't let his youthful appearance fool you. Chad's a virtual encyclopedia of proven, successful business strategies. By running the nation's premier business consulting firm, Chad has accumulated "first-hand" the equivalent of 40 years of solid business experience. He's a great guy and when I got together with his group, just one strategy there increased my sales by 20% in less than 24 hours. I had more money in my pocket that next day. Needless to say... Chad had 20 more strategies in hand for me to work on. Thanks for all your help. Aaron Vaughn ============ Martin: I can't even tell you how amazing it was to meet with you. We truly do appreciate it! We look forward to getting to know you better and being successful with your help. Many thanks... Ethan Kap ============ Martin, I really do appreciate your critique of my DVD Insert, absolutely fantastic.


What a great education you have just provided me with. This type of education, learning curve is priceless. Martin, you can critique my material anytime. Also, I want you to know that this apprentice listens to the Master. Thanks so very much for taking the time to produce this critique Martin, considering it was 2.10am before you left the office & headed off home. Warmest Regards Darryl Horgan Australia PS: Martin, you have my permission to share this critique with all the other consultants. ============ Martin, I think I really need to heed the lesson that you have so eloquently demonstrated and I have seen Joel employ as well. I think I have discovered "The Secret" to why you both make sooooooo much more money than I do at the current time. You paint a picture to communicate your message, you made me laugh inside and feel so very special. You also used enough words to tell the story again and again, just like some of the best attorney's in the nation who I have worked with in the past. Oh by the way I was not at all insulting you by the attorney reference. As I said, these guys were at the VERY TOP of the field in their specialty. You make me feel great when I get to talk to you or be around you. You could probably smile and tell me to jump in the lake and I would say thank you and do it because if you said it, I know the activity would be good for me. In the past I would probably have just said, we can talk at 3:30, but I am taking lessons from the master and am seeking to employ your wisdom. Talk to you soon. BJ ============ Hi Martin, We thoroughly enjoyed our week with you and Chad. I can't express how pleased I was


with your integrity and commitment to teaching. As you know, being a mentor or teacher is a tremendous responsibility. Nobody forces us to become mentors so we should be even more vigilant in what we do. You honor the profession in contrast to the vast majority who abuse their leadership status. Let's stay in touch and work on some projects together. Regards and thanks again, David Geiss ============ About getting on the teleconference with your consultants - just say the word and I'll get on... anything for you... you know that :)! I think you have an idea of how much I adore you. It's because you're so genuine. I am blessed to have you in my life. Most people pay you tons for that. I consider myself very lucky. You rock, Martin! Love, HABIBA ============ Martin, All I can say is wow and blush this kind of praise coming from someone with experience is very special. Thank you again. I would very much like to snip some of your comments for use in a marketing way if you dont have an objection to that. John Jantsch ============ Thanks to you Martin, I have regained back the passion I had lost several years ago and I am extremely greatful for the transformation experience I just encountered. No one is more excited to be a part of the TopLine team, than me! I can't thank you enough for what you have done. My wife Karen immediately noticed a massive change in my demeanor when I returned from training with you. When I left for Phoenix, I was unsure of what I wanted to do.


When I landed back in Cincinnati, not only was I confident, but had developed a laser focus on how to build my business and take my career, to the "NextLevel". You're Awesome! Jack Kaser ============ Martin, The call was in a word, FANTASTIC!! So much credible, street smart content, so fast, my mind and heart were both spinning. I literally couldnt turn my brain off this morning until about 3:00 a.m. BJ Denton ============ I just finished reading one of your books. Really good! Just wanted to thank you for all your help. We just added 5 more members this week and launched our $18,000 coaching program. This really happened in many ways because of your help. Again... Thank you very much... With Care, Ethan Kap ============ Hi Martin, Thanks again for an outstanding call last night. This morning I had a lengthy conversation with Andre and we talked about the obstacle and speed bump he is currently experiencing and putting all your eggs in one basket etc We also talked about the seminar option and how it can be a revenue stream for someones practice if they chose to go that route. I have to hand it to you Martin, you


were so verbally fluent on the subject, speaking so enthusiastically and just firing off one gem after another that I didnt take notes. Andre and I was wondering what is possibility if you could put the overall process on a mind map? Thanks again. Sincerely, Frank Morrison ============ Hello everyone, It was a pleasure to meet each of you at the Topline training. I'm sure you realize that there are huge rewards to be received by using the Topline system. I hope you will listen to Martin's advice and get busy. Remember, you don't have to be an expert at everything you learned at the training. Just feel comfortable with the idea of the calculator - what is possible, and don't worry "how" to do it - that's for later. If you feel comfortable with the concept of the calculator then you'll be able to present it effectively. Resist the temptation to feel like you need to know everything about how you would work on a particular business. You already know you have a huge set of tools to work with, but those will only be used or useful AFTER you do the business analysis. It's all about questions, answers come after analysis - even from experts. Doctors diagnose BEFORE offering prescriptions. If you do the same, you'll be able to keep from worrying about "what if they ask this... or that..." Just take the first step of the system and choose a marketing method that you will use and go from there. If you feel like you have to have a website or business cards to feel "credible" (you really don't) but if you feel this way, don't spend a lot of time on them. The worst thing you could do is to start looking at everyone else's websites to see what they do. All you need is a SHORT message about what you do from the point of what's in it for the prospect. Keep in mind that you're working on a local level. Most of the websites you'll look at are focused on nation wide markets. Too many consultants forget this and start copying the "gurus" and spend months and even years implementing internet marketing methods and tools. I guarantee you that you will get 100 clients with local focused marketing for every 1 you will get using internet marketing. All you need from a website is a little more information than you would have on your business card. Then, don't touch it again until you have 6 clients. Really - don't.


If I were to do it all again, I would just follow the Topline system - step by step. Period. You have everything you need, but if you're an information junkie like so many of us are, you'll spend years looking for just one more idea that will change everything. Don't do it! Just keep it simple. What you have is so powerful if you use it. Clarity is the key to getting clients and making money. The more marketing products you buy, books you read, seminars you attend, the more you will become overwhelmed. The more you work directly with prospects and clients, the easier it gets and the more you will realize that most business owners have no idea the ideas you use existed - did you? One last thing. Don't think you have to be perfect. No one else is. It's much more important to begin than wait until you have all of your ducks in a row. One more last thing. Don't fight roadblocks. If you struggle with something not related to your core business, don't worry about it or even try to learn it. Find someone else to do it or cut it out completely if it doesn't really matter. Anyway, I hope you'll keep focused and get busy. Just choose one marketing method that appeals to you, that you feel comfortable with and start there. Don't worry about what else you could do, or even what you'll do next. What you'll do next is move on to step 2 - everything after that doesn't matter until you get there. Get busy - stay focused! Dane Shakespear ============ Martin, Thanks again for the personal follow up. You continue to give more than expected, and go way out of your way to help your consultants be successful. It is very obvious that you care a lot about the people you mentor. Larry Pacheco Jr ============ Chad, I really enjoyed the three days with you and your father - and the attendees. Really, a nice group of people, poised for success. I was blown away by the amount of work put into the information we received. Whereas there is nothing completely new in the type of Dan Kennedy - Michael Gerber philosophy conveyed, its real strength is in the systems provided.


By this I mean systems for getting clients (brilliant) and for putting on seminars. The material is extraordinary in the thought put behind it, to make it simple. And I liked the Excel analysis. I have designed pretty complex spreadsheets to analyze after-tax IRR, but why had I not thought about displaying the impacts of change in a company's debt level in this way? The CD calling card idea is outstanding. Talk to you later. Ken Thomson ============ Dear Martin, To say I came back excited is a bit of an understatement. And just to say "Thank You" hardly seems enough to really thank you for the TopLine training. But I'll start with that... with more to follow. The most valuable thing that I learned is that no matter what level of success you achieve, there is always a level... really another world, where success is bigger, easier and even more rewarding. Thank you for opening my eyes to that reality. On a very practical note, I came back and got to work on a bunch of new ideas. One of them is the newsletter idea (YOUR newsletter idea-- thank you) we discussed in the training. A Done-For-You newsletter for business consultants to send to their clients. I've put something together and would love to hear your comments. I think it could be a very valuable tool for most any consultant out there. Talk to you soon, Jason Leister ============ On his second appointment, Tim Watson, landed his first client. As Tim revealed to the business owner the significant profit increases he could realize with Tims help, the owner quickly recognized the value of Tims ideas, and saw how they could help him in another business he owned (and where his heart was).


For consideration of Tims help in the second business, the client gave Tim his first business, including all control of the business, his entire stock and inventory, his database of customers and prospects, access to all leads that continue to come in, and all revenues that are generated from the business. Tim now has the option of running the business himself, hiring a manager to run the business, or selling the business to someone else and reaping all profits from the sale. Additionally, Tim has three other paying clients on board all in less than 60 days! ============ Celina Lyn, used a marketing strategy she learned about in her training, and created a marketing campaign for a client that was so effective it caught the attention of local police who called on the business owner to see if the promotion was for real. When the media learned about the police investigation, they ran a story about it and the business received even more publicity. Of course, the extra exposure didnt hurt Celina and her marketing efforts in the slightest. Recognizing the importance of a fast start, Celina landed her client in only 2 1/2 weeks from the time she completed her initial training and earned the entire amount of her investment from that one client. I was completely blown away with enthusiasm and response, says Celina. I have now realized just how powerful your system is, when I have one testimonial under my belt the SKYS THE LIMIT! Celinas lesson: Dont spend too much time analyzing and organizingget your marketing out thereget in front of prospective clientsits the only way you can realize the tremendous rewards your consultancy has to offer you. ============ Working with Martin is a pleasure. His business consulting course equipped me with the skills I needed to analyze business performance, to spot areas that can be improved to add to the bottom line, and implement and maintain those improvements. TopLine's material is comprehensive and Martin's follow up mentoring and resource library builds confidence. From my personal experience I can confidently recommend TopLine. Dan Elder ============


$14,000 In Sales Before I Ever Showed Up From Ideas I Got From The Preview Tape Alone" John Adamson, Vice President Sales & Marketing Deluxe Check Printers, A national check printing company I got the preview tapes and listened to them 3 or 4 times through. The information was excellent. One of the tapes talked about identifying and communicating our Unique Comparative Advantage to our prospects and customers. A simple enough idea, but we certainly hadnt been doing it. We had our salespeople contact several of our best customers and ask them why they did business with us rather than with our competitors. The feedback we received completely caught us off guard. We assumed it was because of our prices and quick delivery. But we learned that while those things were important to our customers, there were other things that weighed even more heavily - things that we hadnt even considered - things that our competition was also providing, but that our customers didnt know they could get from them. Once we understood this, we began making these things more a part of our marketing strategy, and our business has never been the same. Within two weeks of getting the tapes, we brought in over $14,000 in new sales. Our profit margins run about 60% so the profit from those sales amounted to about $8,500. Thats before I ever showed up to the seminar! ============ "I Increased My Response Rate To 82% Using A Strategy I Got From The Marketing Mastery Newsletter..." Richard Taylor, Divisional Manager Continental Digital Technology I found an idea in one of the newsletters that looked very appropriate for what we were doing. It mentioned that video was a good medium for promoting a company, but even with video, you still have to make the prospect want to listen. In other words, theyre not going to pay attention to you just because its a video. And hes rightweve been sending videos for a long time with mixed results. Heres what we did: Instead of just sending the video, we also enclosed two coupons in the box. One was a $10 voucher for Boston Chicken, and the other was a $5 certificate for Blockbuster Video. Then we enclosed a very short note, that I copied word-for-word out of the newsletter. Basically it said Go get dinner and some movies, and in-between movies or after the kids go to bed, do me a favor and pop this short video about our company in. We tested a small sample before rolling this idea outthis is before we ever attended the Marketing Mastery Seminar. On our initial mailing, we got a 82% response rate to a


targeted (but still cold) mailing. In other words, we made 82% of a cold list want to listen. Out of those we closed almost 30%, and our average sale is nearly $10,000. Its just like the tape says... if you can bridge the GAP and make them want to listen, youll be far ahead of the pack. ============ "I Generated $9,400 In Sales By 10:00 The Next Morning After The Seminar, And $32,700 Within A Week!" Kenneth Trout, President Rainbow Tree Inc. We have a customer database of over 10,500 businesses (gift shops, flower shops, etc.) that have bought from us at some point in the past. Of course, theyre not all active customers. In the past, weve mailed themat great expensea full color catalog twice a year. The results from our mailings have usually at least covered the cost, and sometimes they generate a profit. In a pre-seminar consultation, I asked about how to cost-effectively communicate with my huge database of customers. It was suggested that I try sending a fax out to them to keep them informed of specials and educate them on how to more effectively retail the products. I had heard about fax broadcasting before, but had never tried it. Well, I got everything ready to go by the time I showed up for the seminar. The only thing I was lacking was the actual piece that I would send out. I couldnt believe it when we wrote an ad ON THE SPOT at the seminar. I went back to the office that night and typed up the letter really quick and sent it out to everyone on my database that we had a fax listing for (only about 1,100 businesses). The next morning when I came in to the office, we had already taken orders worth $9,400, and that was before 10:00 a.m. Within a week, that one fax generated $34,700 in sales, and we still get calls on it now. Heres the best part: The product we promoted on the fax has a 55% profit margin, and we dont even carry it in inventory. We drop ship it from the manufacturer. Thats a gross profit of $19,000 in a week. That makes the decision to go to the 2 day workshop a real no-brainer. Needless to say, were very excited about these results ============ "I Went From Almost Giving Up To Closing Eleven Deals In Just 3 Days..." Lois Ferguson, Owner Make-It-Easy-On-Yourself, Restaurant Delivery Service Before I went to the seminar, my business was still in its infancy...trying to get it off the ground. The concept was to offer delivery service for local restaurants in return for a 25 to 30% of the menu price. This idea has worked successfully in other areas, and I was


trying to start it in St. Louis. The problem was that I couldnt get any of the more wellknown restaurants or national franchises to come on board. I couldnt get them to see the benefits of my service. After 3 months of trying, and only signing up 4 restaurants, I was about to give up. Since I was having marketing and sales problems, I immediately responded to the ad I saw advertising the free 3 Powerful Ideas preview tape. There was no way I could afford the cost of the seminar (my credit cards were already maxed out), so I called them and practically begged for any advice they could give me to salvage my business. You can probably guess that Im writing this letter because their free advice worked! We talked on the phone and I said what my sales approach had been, and I was told bluntly that it stunk and I needed to change it. Martin explained to me that I needed to build a case for my services like an attorney would prepare a case for court (I hadnt even listened to the tape yet). He helped me break down my numbers and told me how to create evidence that would quickly and easilyand quantifiablyshow the restaurants how I could help their business tremendously. Well, after 30 minutes on the phone, and 2 or 3 faxes back and forth, I had 3 pieces of evidence that I took out to use during my sales presentation. I went back to all of the restaurants that had already rejected me and showed them my stuff. In the first 3 days of using this method, I signed deals with 11 out of 15 restaurants I approached. Those accounts are easily worth $8,000 (at least) a yeareach. I havent signed any more deals up because I now have a new problem ============ "I Closed 2 Deals At A Profit Of $4,255 Four Days After I Came To The Seminar And I Actually Stole The Idea!" Steve Underwood, Real Estate Specialist RE/MAX Fine Properties, a Residential Real Estate Company Weve been looking for new ways to get business for a long time now, and I got a great idea during the seminar. The comment was actually directed to a guy who was a VP for Century 21 who was also in the same seminar as me but I took the idea and it has worked extremely well. I wont go into great detail about how the strategy works, but it has to do with becoming a source of information for people who prefer to sell their houses by owner instead of with a broker. In the seminar, it was mentioned that a guy would sell his home by owner simply because he couldnt see any benefits of using a broker (and paying the fee)but that was only because brokers dont do a very good job of quantifying the benefits. So what we did was put together a list of 26 different things that the homeowner needed be aware ofpaperwork that had to be done, documents that had to be signed, liability that he incurred by selling the home himselfand we gave it all to him for free. It was


easy to put together, because its the same 26 things we use/do when we sell a home. The strategy worked perfectly. We sent our brokers out with this information to talk to by owner sellers and the most amazing thing happened. About 30% of them got so overwhelmed with the entire process that they handed their homes over to us for listing. In all, we listed about 9 new homes the first week, and over 25 the first month. Two of the homes were put under contract the first week (and of course closed 30 days later). Our commissions on those 2 deals were $4,255, and this strategy has been a big part of our business ever since. "I project that this one idea alone from Martin Howey will increase my income by over $100, 000 in the coming year!" ============ Tony Brigmon Professional Speaker Here was my situation... As a professional speaker, I specialize in using Interactive FUN to help Meeting Planners create excitement and receptivity for the important messages at their conferences. I get SUPER feedback from these Meeting Planners, as well as the meeting attendees about my services. Because what I do is so UNUSUAL, I was having a difficult time explaining it to Meeting Planners who had never seen my program in action. The Meeting Planners who have used me, LOVE the effect it has on their audiences. This accounts for my ENTIRE business being driven by repeat business from these same clients or by referrals from them to others. My challenge was how to introduce my services to NEW clients. And until I could learn how to do that effectively, the demand for my services would not be as high as it could be. I knew there had to be an answer, but I just didn't know what it was. Enter Martin Howey... Martin accessed my situation and basically said, "You're the best kept secret in town and we need to fix that." He told me I was sitting on the answer and just needed a little help with the question. And Martin did provide the help I needed with a simple, powerful, three step formula: 1. Grab the prospect's attention with a brief quote from a satisfied customer.


2. Briefly describe the customer's dilemma and what they wanted me to do to help them resolve it. 3. Share honest feedback from my customers on how I met and exceeded their expectations. Simple. Powerful. Effective. And it will be worth a minimum of $100,000 to me in the next 12 months. Thanks, Martin! ============ Ive received very specific techniques and systems that have enabled me to grow my business two-fold. Ive literally doubled my business, not working with new customers, but by utilizing my skills and maximizing my relationships with my existing customers. I had no idea how much money we were losing due to apathy and neglect. Ive not only identified the weaknesses in my business, but weve been able to make immediate changes in our business that will equal about $374,000 in additional revenue, doing a minimum and weve just begun to apply the techniques. Joel Bauer CEO, Bauer & Associates ============ A 736% increase in first year revenues, just from using 4 of the ideas!... Thanks! Thom Jameson, President Creative Services, Inc. ============ "Our conversion of leads to sales increased from 12% to 77%... Jack Peters, Section Manager Backman Productions, Inc. ============ Your Strategies and Concepts really work. Sales have gone up by 227%. Thats an extra !54,000 to our bottom line. Bill Doyle Broadway Motors ============ 96

168 new customers in 2 days & our customer club is giving us more repeat business. Your gift voucher idea is also getting us lots of new customers. Steve Silansky Caf Goodness ============ Thanks for the great tips. I was able to read through them in one sitting, but had to go back through with a highlighter and make notesthere are so many good ideas. We havent measured our actual results yet, but we know our responses are nearly double over last year. Tony Green, President Unique Properties Unlimited ============ With what Ive learned in this action-packed session, there is absolutely no reason why I cant increase my profits by at least 20% in the next 60 days. Dan OBrian ShirtSleeves, Inc. ============ I was ready to sell the store and get out of the business, until I applied your suggestions and got 17 new customers in the first 10 days! Lois Ferguson, Owner Restaurant Delivery Service ============ Lets see, how do I start? How about a whopping $20K+ in less than 7 months? Not bad in my book! David Maxwell Personalized Systems ============ Short, concise, but very hard tips that helped us sell more in 3 months than we sold in the last 6 months! We cant wait to see what happens next year! Gil Jackson, CEO Art Dcor, et. Al. ============ $9,700 in 30 days


Bryan Miller, President. Billings Services, Inc. $9,700 in additional sales in the first 30 days! ============


Heres What Just A Few Of The More Than 1,270 Insurance Agents Who Have Read And Are Applying Martin Howeys Marketing And Business Development Strategies Are Saying:
I Expect To Double My Income This Year My income for this year will be right around $100,000 and I expect the techniques from this book to allow me to double my income this year. Ive purchased three other marketing books that were all focused on attracting new business through direct mail or other marketing strategies but none of them provided the insight that your book provides. David Wright Fresno, CA ============ A $100,000.00 In The Next 6 Months! The ideas from your book will help us make an additional $100,000.00+ in the next six months! You just added another follower to your flock. Rich Savage Saginaw, MI ============ Amazed At The Content I just received your book right before the Labor day weekend. It rained here in Alabama from Friday until Monday afternoon. So without much of a chance to get out and play I sat down and read your book. I was amazed at the content!! I had never read anything like it. Phillip Chambers Hartselle, AL ============ I Fired My Old Self And Hired Myself As A Business Manager The marketing letters were great but the theory was of the most value to me. I always looked as my self as an agent that sold insurance. I fired that person and hired myself as a business manager. Douglas Sreenan


Rockford, IL ============ So Many Good Ideas What an eye opener! If you think that there is more to life than the cold calls and wait till the phone rings approach to selling then this is the book for you. It gives you the opportunity to look outside the box, to see ideas that you never would have thought of and other ideas that you cant believe you havent thought of yourself. There are so many good ideas in this book that you will read it time and time again. James E. Groniger II Northumberland, PA ============ This Will Boost My Income Over $100,000.00 In Extra Income I purchased your system about a month ago and it is by far the best marketing system I have ever purchased. I have bought three other systems. Yours is the best without any doubt. This system has given me more information and ideas that I really believe will boost my income over $100,000.00 in extra income. Jack Thomas Cincinnati, OH ============ More Of A Blueprint Your book is more of a blueprint, others just share ideas. Donald David Mattawan, MI ============ He Has Walked The Walk You can tell when you read it that he has Walked the Walk. Robert Wear Versailles, KY ============ I Put One Idea To Use And Immediately Increased My Commissions By 26% When I got the program, I read through it in two days couldnt put it down. The ideas are so practical and easy to use. I especially like the chapter that talks about the four ways to grow an agency. I put the second idea to use as soon as I read it, and it immediately increased my premiums (and commissions) by 26%. John Corbin


Life Insurance Agent ============ Very Easy To Follow And Implement Very easy to follow and implement. Tim Logan Indianapolis, IN ============ A Simple Plan The simple plan with specific steps to take. Michael Cole Burnsville, MN ============ Allows Me To Work More Profitably It has allowed me to work more on profitable business rather than unprofitable business. Jeffery Lightner Alexandria, OH ============ Based On Real Experience It is much more focused, specific, and based on real experience... not pie in the sky suggestions. Allen McLellan Montgomery, AL ============ Makes The Processes Easy To Understand And Implement This is written in simple language and he makes the processes easy to understand and implement. Dan Sage Middleburg Heights, OH ============ A Hands On Program To Position Myself And My Business This is a hands on program. How to position myself and my business in our field. John Sadler Hayes New City, NY


============ Its Much Easier To Ask For Referrals Ive often thought about how much each of my clients is worth to me, but the calculator you have in your course really dramatizes it. I had no idea how valuable each person is to my long-term financial picture. As a result, Ive started treating each client like they are the only ones I have. My relationships with them are stronger, and its much easier to ask for referrals. Don Sampson Life and LTC Agent ============ Nothing Has Had More Of An Impact On Helping Me Market My Business My library is full of books and cassettes that Ive purchased over the years to help market my business, but none of them have had more of an impact as the Massively Successful Agents course. I can honestly say that the insights Ive gotten from your ideas have helped me run a more productive agency. I look forward to putting more of your principles into practice. Kathy White Multi-line Agent ============ My App Count Has Gone Up 25% Ive been in business for 8 years, selling all lines of insurance. Ive not been very good at following up with my policyholders. Your book inspired me, and Ive instituted a pretty good follow-up plan. My app count has gone up about 25% since Ive started with the follow-up plan. If I keep this up, Ill have to hire two more staff before the end of the year. Larry Banker Multi-line Agent ============



Business Owners Respond To The Question: How much extra income do you think these ideas will produce for you over the next six months?



Projected Profits $5,000 $5,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $12,000 $15,000 $15,000 $25,000 $25,000 $30,000 $40,000

Products Multi Line Auto, home, health, life, business Multi Line Multi Line Auto, home, health, life, commercial, LTC, annuities Life and disability P&C, life, Long term Care, annuities Health, Life, Marine, Aviation Property and casualty P&C, Life/Health Multi line Multi line Multi line Term, VUL, whole life, annuities Health & life Auto, home, health, life, business Multi Line

Brenda Berend Oconto, WI Vonnie Lute Bill Potter Dan Sage Ron Martinez Ronald Goldman Scott Hayes Scott Sky Smith Scott Thatcher Perry McElhose Todd Fierman Donald David Michael Cole Kevin Daniel Robert Wear Jeanne Sreenan Harold Long Newark, OH Moline, IL Middleburg Heights, OH Aurora, CO Scottsdale, AZ Henderson, NV Ankeny, IA Northboro, MA Lincoln, NE Court House, OH Mattawan, MI Burnsville, MN Napa, CA Versailles, KY Hood River, OR St. Louis, MO


Michael Pawlik Vanessa Davis Kent Nagao David Inskeep Douglas Sreenan John Green Mark Hopkins Scott King Brian Harvey Allen McLellan David Willey Kirk Paschal

Riverton, WY Orlando, FL Ogden, UT Hutchinson, KS Rockford, IL Chicago, IL Tampa, FL Northampton, MA Portland, OR Montgomery, AL Federal Heights, CO Houston, TX

$50,000 $100,000 $10,000 - $20,000 $10,000-15,000 $10,000-20,000 $10,000-20,000 $10,000-20,000 $10,000-20,000 $12,000+ $12,000-15,000 $15,000-20,000 $15,000-20,000

Health insurance & life Life, LTC, disability, annuities P&C, life, health, variable, mutual funds, bank Life, health, disability Auto, home, health, life, commercial, LTC, annuities Auto, home, health, life and commercial Annuities, mutual funds, life insurance Multi Line P&C, life, health, and business Health, life Multi Line Auto, home, commercial, life Mutual Funds, personal lines, commercial lines, health, life Life, health, auto, home, marine, commercial Life, employee benefits, retirement plans, LTC Multi Line Multi Line agency Multi Line captive agent

Gary Robinette Algonquin, IL


Phil Berry Rodney Opsal Tim Logan Dave Davis

Indianapolis, IN Middleton, WI Indianapolis, IN Rapid City, SD

$20,000+ $20,000-30,000 $30,000-40,000 $5,000+ $5,000+

Robert Burnett Spearfish, SD


P&C, life, health Carol Sterenstein Dan Wilhelm Jeffery Lightner John Cross Charlie Panui Ken Toureene Daniel Rockwood Chris Laube Nate Snavely Alan Beam Ken Rodli Northbrook, IL Genoa, OH Alexandria, OH Plattsburgh, NY Honolulu, HI Wauwatosa, WI Chetek, WI Hillsboro, OR Lock Haven, PA Columbia, MO Corvallis, OR $5,000-10,000 $5,000-10,000 $5,000-10,000 $50,000-100,000 $50,000-75,000 $8,000-12,000 20% increase first year Add approx 15% profit to my agency Increased P&C by 10% Produce 10% more each month Will double my production Multi Line Auto, Home, Life, Health, Business Multi Line Multi Line Life, annuities, LTC, disability Auto, home health life commercial LTC annuities Multi Line Multi Line P&C, life, Mutual Funds, annuities Multi Line Life, property, casualty, commercial


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