SAM03E4 SoftMCCS Test Report

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softMCCS Report - 3/22/2012

Operating system....................
OS version and build................
System BIOS date....................
Physical memory.....................
Virtual memory......................
Screen resolution...................
Device data.........................
Program version.....................
Machine name........................
User name...........................

Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.53GHz
1024x768, 8bpp (60Hz)

Basic display information

Product name........................
Product ID..........................
Serial number.......................
Preferred timing....................
MCCS version........................
Device controller...................

Samsung SyncMaster
2008 ISO week 44
1680x1050 at 60Hz
Mstar 4096, Level 1

EDID information
Version............................. 1.3
Extension blocks.................... 0
Raw data............................
00: 00FFFFFFFFFFFF00 4C2DE40332325754
10: 2C1201030E2F1E78 2AEE91A3544C9926
20: 0F5054BFEF80B300 81808140714F0101
30: 0101010101017C2E 90A0601A1E403020
40: 3600DA281100001A 000000FD00384B1E
50: 510E000A20202020 2020000000FC0053
60: 796E634D61737465 720A2020000000FF
70: 0048564251413039 3334330A20200080
MCCS capabilities string
Parsing errors...................... 0
Recoverable errors.................. n/a
Capabilities string.................
(04 05 06 08 0E 10 12 14(02 03 0A 0B) 16
18 1A 1E 20 30 3E 60(01 03) 87 B0(01 02)
B6 C6 C8 C9 D6(01 04) DC(01 02 03 04 05 06
F0 F2) DB(00 04 FE) DF E8(00 01 06 07 FE)
E9 EA(00 01 02 03 04) F0(00 01 02 03) F2
F3(00 01 02) F6 )mswhql(1))
DDC/CI communication speed
Address switching................... 141 ms.
Capabilities acquisition............ 3109 ms.
VCP table update.................... 6266 ms.
Mandatory tests for MCCS Version 2 compliance
Null message response............... Not supported
Capabilities string................. Unconfirmed
prot() field...................... Supported

type() field......................
mode() field......................
cmds() field......................
vcp() field.......................
mccs_ver() field..................
VCP version.........................
Display controller ID...............
New control value...................
Timing report (recommended).........
Preset and auto-setup function tests
Restore factory defaults............
Restore luminance/contrast defaults.
Restore geometry defaults...........
Restore color defaults..............
Auto setup..........................

Not supported
Supported, but ineffective
Not supported, but invalid data

Enumerated control codes

Non-continuous controls............. Unconfirmed
Continuous controls................. Unconfirmed
0x04 Max=0x0001 Current=0x0000 WO NC Restore factory defaults
0x05 Max=0x0001 Current=0x0000 WO NC Restore luminance/contrast defaul
0x06 Max=0x0001 Current=0x0000 WO NC Restore geometry defaults
0x08 Max=0x0001 Current=0x0000 WO NC Restore color defaults
0x0E Max=0x00A0 Current=0x0050 RW C Clock
0x10 Max=0x0064 Current=0x0064 RW C Luminance
0x12 Max=0x0064 Current=0x004B RW C Contrast
0x14 Max=0x000B Current=0x0002 RW NC Select color preset {02 03 0A 0B}
0x16 Max=0x0040 Current=0x0020 RW C Red video gain
0x18 Max=0x0040 Current=0x0020 RW C Green video gain
0x1A Max=0x0040 Current=0x0020 RW C Blue video gain
0x1E Max=0x0002 Current=0x0000 RW NC Auto setup
0x20 Max=0x00A0 Current=0x0050 RW C Horizontal position (phase)
0x30 Max=0x0034 Current=0x001A RW C Vertical position (phase)
0x3E Max=0x001F Current=0x0000 RW C Clock phase
0x60 Max=0x0003 Current=0x0001 RW NC Input source {01 03}
0x87 Max=0x0019 Current=0x000F RW C Sharpness
0xB6 Max=0x0009 Current=0x0003 RO NC Display technology type
0xC6 Max=0x0001 Current=0x0001 RO NC Application enable key
0xC8 Max=0x0010 Current=0x0005 RO NC Display controller type
0xC9 Max=0x0000 Current=0x0001 RO C Display firmware level
0xD6 Max=0x0004 Current=0x0001 RW NC Power mode {01 04}
0xDB Max=0x0002 Current=0x0004 TBD TBD Proprietary control - 0xDB {00 04
0xDC Max=0x0007 Current=0x0006 RW NC Display application {01 02 03 04
05 06 F0 F2}
0xDF Max=0x0202 Current=0x0200 RO NC VCP version
0xE8 Max=0x0007 Current=0x0000 TBD TBD Manufacturer specific - 0xE8 {00
01 06 07 FE}
0xE9 Max=0x0001 Current=0x0000 TBD TBD Manufacturer specific - 0xE9
0xEA Max=0x0004 Current=0x0000 TBD TBD Manufacturer specific - 0xEA {00
01 02 03 04}
0xF0 Max=0x0003 Current=0x0000 TBD TBD Manufacturer specific - 0xF0 {00
01 02 03}
0xF2 Max=0x0002 Current=0x0000 TBD TBD Manufacturer specific - 0xF2
0xF3 Max=0x0002 Current=0x0001 TBD TBD Manufacturer specific - 0xF3 {00
01 02}
0xF6 Max=0x0002 Current=0x0001 TBD TBD Manufacturer specific - 0xF6

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