JBTC - 5 Years Master Plan

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My Home In The City

Jalan Besar GRC 5-Year Concept Master Plan (2011 - 2015)

Dear Residents,


With your support, I am pleased to announce the completion of Jalan Besar Town Councils third 5-year Plan (2006 to 2010). A new 5-Year Concept Master Plan (2011 to 2015) is now developed to serve you better. Achievements Many significant initiatives and projects amounting to more than $600 million were completed over the last 5 years. These included: 10 Main and Interim Upgrading Programmes 7 Lift Upgrading Programmes 3 Selective En Bloc Redevelopment Scheme (SERS) 7 markets and food centres upgraded and funded fully under the Hawker Centres Upgrading Programme Transformation and livening up of our rivers under the Active, Beautiful, Clean (ABC) Waters Programme Additions of many communal gardens and green connectors Installation of lift surveillance systems Construction of numerous covered walkways, drop-off porches, childrens playgrounds, fitness corners, pavilions, residents corners and other recreational facilities. To date, there were no increases in Service and Conservancy charges. Neither are there plans to increase the fees. Exciting Future The theme for our next 5-year Concept Master Plan is My Home in the City. Our Town Councilors, grassroots leaders, agencies and other residents have studied the profile and needs of the children, youths, young adults and elderly residents to ensure current and future facilities are relevant and value-adding. We will continue to work with government agencies on new estate upgrading programmes for our residents. We will build a more distinct town identity and better home in the city for you through: Better amenities, facilities and accessibility for residents of all ages Tapping on our GRCs central location and rich cultural heritage Promoting nature and environment-friendly city living There are many conveniences and other benefits of living in a town like Jalan Besar GRC. There are also challenges as the location is appealing to others from the rest of Singapore. However, with your continual support and inputs, we can together make our Home in the City one that we will all enjoy and be proud of.

Denise Phua Lay Peng (Ms)

Chairman, Jalan Besar Town Council Member of Parliament, Jalan Besar GRC

Transforming Jalan Besar GRC Into A Home In The City

Encapsulating the new Marina Bay Financial and Recreation Centre, Jalan Besar GRC champions a high-quality, live-work-play environment with tinges of riverfront living. With the kick-start in operations of the various exciting destinations, residents are also privileged to enjoy the affiliated world class amenities such as the new Downtown Line by LTA, beautifying of our rivers and canals under PUBs ABC Waters and NParks Kallang Park Connector. Amidst the estates rich arts and cultural background, one may also look forward to the Waterloo Street Arts Belt that will serve as an exclusive focal point for arts activities in the heart of the city. As well as the revitalization of Bras Basah Complex, at Bain Street, that is striving towards being the ACE Hub - Arts, Cultural & Educational in the near future.

To enhance the living Environment of Jalan Besar Town as a Home in the City. To strengthen the Town identity by evaluating the Towns exclusive characteristic and maximizing its potential as a venue to showcase the Towns achievements and features. To identify and propose facilities to improve the quality of living in Jalan Besar Town.

Recycle park at Indus Road.

Greening The City

With the completion of the barrier-free accessibility works in the Jalan Besar GRC, one may now expect to see the next step of connection via green links. Advocating convenience in the city, residents may enjoy the lush greenery right at their doorstep, breath the flora fragrance in the many communal gardens near home or take an evening stroll along the effervescent rivers and canals that run through the housing estate.

Cottage-themed community garden at Upper Boon Keng Road

Road to river green link at Mc Nair Road.

Active multi-sport facilities at King Georges Ave.

Living An Active Lifestyle

One-stop exercise parks or 3-Generation Wellness Park integrated with the friendly childrens playground and fitness corner will create a fresh wave of family interaction that involves playing and keeping fit with your family and bonding within the neighbourhood. Essential facilities located in the proximity also equates to lesser traveling and more time for your loved ones.

Tropical themed community garden and fitness facilities at Beach Road.

3G wellness garden at Rochor Centre.

Connecting The Community

Amidst the matured estate, the future at Jalan Besar GRC is one that will improve on the wellbeing and living environment for all residents. Enhanced residents corner and other friendly activity space are being planned for residents to meet and interact. Provision of more covered walkways and distinctive vehicular drop-off points are in the plan. These will provide an accessible environment. More projects are being explored to provide for a more inclusive society, especially catering to the elders and the less able-bodied.

Convenient access at Towner Road.

Friendly gathering and activity space at Sims Drive

Enhancing open spaces at Kallang bahru.

Strengthening Town Identity

Leisure walks and cultural exchange squares will create an environment for all to relax and enjoy. In addition, comprehensive signage, artistic landscaping and latest street furniture will be introduced to give the city a fresh and vibrant image.

Cultural Exchange Square at Chinatown Complex.

Street Lightings.

Riverwalk at Kelantan Court.

Things To Come

Lift Upgrading Programme at St Georges Road.

Upgrading of Bras Basah Complex

Waterloo Street arts belt.

Hong Lim Market & food centre.

Jalan Besar GRC 5-Year Concept Master Plan (2011 - 2015)

Having successfully implemented the first, second and third 5-Year Concept Master Plans, the Fourth Master Plan is geared to be dynamic and responsive to the fast-changing needs of our residents. Together with community leaders, government agencies and the Town Council, we will strive to bring about a better life and truly established Jalan Besar GRC - your Home in the City.

MPs for Jalan Besar GRC

Mr Heng Chee How Dr Lily Neo Assoc Prof Yaacob Ibrahim Ms Denise Phua Dr Lee Boon Yang (Minister of State for Prime (Elected Member) (Minister for the Environment (Chairman) (Elected Member) Ministers Office, Vice-Chairman) & Water Resources, Elected Member)

We need your views and inputs. Please forward us your feedback and suggestions at feedback@jbtc.org.sg. Alternatively, you may talk to our staff at the Town Council.

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