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Equity and Diversity Program

Mark McCarthy, GM Employee Relations May 2012


How did RailCorp develop an overall diversity strategy and targeted diversity initiatives? How did RailCorp integrate diversity initiatives sensitively and effectively?

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Equity & Diversity Program

Consultation One to One in depth interviews with Executives, HR Managers and Senior Operational Managers Workshops with Diversity Networks Action Research in Regional areas (This involved training a local staff member in collecting ideas and concerns)

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Equity & Diversity Program

Consultation Key Themes E&D plans and accountabilities must be closely linked to corporate & business plans Benefits of E&D need to be highlighted Need for a shared understanding of E&D across the organisation Need for more targeted strategies rather than one size fits all Need to acknowledge pushback and engage with all staff

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Equity & Diversity Program

Consultation Key Themes

Greater availability and access to E&D assistance and support Need to continue challenging traditional practices and assumptions

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Equity & Diversity Program

Initiatives Targeted FASTrack targeting women in Asset Operations ATSI Cadetships, Disability Traineeships to meet skills gap and other business needs Annual Diversity Conference to inform and engage with managers E&D Employee Award to reward champions Diversity Networks to facilitate consultation across RailCorp

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Equity & Diversity Program

Community Events to engage with community groups. Staying Connected and Transition to Retirement workshops to engage with all staff Flexible Working Practices to support carers Women-in-Trades support group to assist female employees in nontraditional occupations Diversity Game to engage with staff about diversity issues

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Equity & Diversity Program

Performance Indicators Respect in the workplace Number of grievances Great Place to work Recruitment of diverse groups Representation of women in management positions Resignation rates

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