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Document Number : Revisision Number Effective Date

: FM-06/01-01 : : June 25th 2011

Name of School Subject Class Semester : SMA NEGERI 2 WATES : English : XI :1

Competence Standard Listening 1. Comprehending the meaning of the formal sustained transactional and interpersonal conversation in daily life context Speaking 3. Expressing the meaning of the formal sustained transactional and interpersonal conversation in daily life context Time allotment: 8 periods Basic Competence
1. Listening 1 Responding the formal and sustained transactional( to get things done) and interpersonal conversation accurately , fluently, and acceptable using oral language in daily life context and using the expressions of : expressing opinion, asking for opinion, expressing satisfy and dissatisfy

Expressing opinion Example : A: I Think this is great. B: I Think so too. Asking for opinion Example : A: What Do you think about it? B: I Think it's a good idea. Expressing satisfy Example : A: I Cant think of anything better. B: Thank You for your compliment, Sir.

Learning Activities
Meetimg action Listening to

Ability to : Identify the words used to express opinion Respond to expressing opinion Identify the words used to express asking for opinion Respond to the asking for opinion expression Identify the words used to express satisfy Respond to expressing satisfy Identify the words used to express dissatisfy Respond to expressing dissatisfy Apply the use of expressing opinion Respond to expressing opinion


Time allotment
4 periods 1.

Source of Learning

transactional or interpersonal conversation classically


Technique : Written Test Instrument :

Multiple Choice Essay

3. www. Esl-lab 4. Th.M.Sudarwati, Eudia Grace,2006, Look Ahead 2, Jakarta, Erlangga 5.Prestse LKSXI SM1 6.Creative English 2A 7. LKS PR

Speaking 3.1 Expressing the formal and sustained transactional( to get things done) and interpersonal conversation accurately , fluently,

Non meeting action Structured Task Discussing the expression and the response used in

Technique : Oral Test

Basic Competence
and acceptable using oral language in daily life context and using the expressions of : giving opinion, asking for opinion, expressing satisfy and dissatisfy

Expressing dissatisfy Example : A: Im not happy about it. B: Please give me a second chance, Sir

Learning Activities
conversation in group
Meeting Action Role play

Apply the use of asking for opinion Respond to the asking for opinion expression Apply the use of expressing satisfy and dissatisfy Respond to expressing satisfy and dissatisfy

Instrument : List of questions

Time allotment

Source of Learning

Listening 1.2 Responding the formal and sustained transactional (to get things done) and interpersonal conversation accurately, fluently, and acceptable using oral language in daily life context and using the expressions of: advising, warning,

passing request, and expression of feeling relief, pain, and pleasure.

Speaking 3.2 Expressing the formal and sustained transactional (to get things done) and interpersonal conversation accurately, fluently, and acceptable using oral language in daily life context and using the expressions of: advising, warning, permission, and expression of feeling relief, pain, and pleasure.

Advising Example : A: Youd better do it now. B: I will. Warning Example : A: Dont forget to bring the food with you. B: I wont. Permission Example : A: You may go. B: Youre the best, Dad. Expressing : - Relief Example : A: I feel so relieved. B: I can see that. - Pain Example : A: Ouch! It hurts so much. B: Oh, you poor thing. - Pleasure Example : A: Im so pleased. B: Im glad you like

Meeting Action

Listening to transactional or interpersonal conversation classically

Identify the words used to express advising Respond to advising expression Identify the words used to express warning Respond to warning expression Identify the words used to express asking for permission Respond to asking for permission expression Identify the words used to express relief, pain and pleasure Respond to the expression of relief, pain and pleasure

4 periods

Technique : Written Test Instrument :

Multiple Choice Essay

1. www.englishdail 2. www. Esl-lab 3. F.A Suprapto & Mariana Darwis, 2006.Link to The World 2, Jakarta, Yudhistira 4. Th.M.Sudarwati, Eudia Grace,2006, Look Ahead 2, Jakarta, Erlangga 5.Prestise LKSxi Sm1 6.Creative English 2A 7.LKS PR

Non Meeting Action Structured Task

Discussing the

Technique : Oral Test Instrument : List of questions

expression and the response used in conversation in group Meeting Action

Role play

Competence Standard Listening 2. Understanding the meaning of oral short functional text and monolog in the form of report, narrative, and analytical exposition texts in daily life context Speaking 4. Expressing the meaning of oral short functional text and monolog in the form of report, narrative and analytical exposition texts in daily life context Time Allocation: 8 periods Basic Competence
Listening 2.1 Responding the oral monologue text accurately, fluently and acceptable in daily life context, in the form of: banner, poster, pamphlet, announcements report, narrative, and analytical exposition texts.

banner, poster, pamphlet, announcements Oral Narrative texts Oral Report texts Oral analytical exposition texts

Learning Activities
Meeting Actions announcement Listening to narrative, report and analytical exposition texts clasiccally. Listening to an Comprehending the text in pair.

Demonstrate understanding of specific details, information and semi formal announcements, e.g. news, weather, travels, and in interviews, dialogues and telephone conversations. Identify the characters of the story. Identify the events. Identify the main idea of the texts Identify the characteristics of the things in a report text. Identify the thesis of the text. Identify the arguments Demonstrate general comprehension of the speaker's intentions where appropriate. Present monologue of narrative, report and analytical exposition texts. Use Simple Present Tense (for report and analytical exposition texts) and Simple Past Tense (for Narrative text). Demonstrate competence in a range of speech activities, e.g. respond to questions on topics within a defined range such as past and present schooling, future

Technique : Written Test Instrument :
Multiple Choice Essay

Time allotment
1. 8 periods

Source of Learning
www.englishdail 2. www. Esl-lab 2. 3. Peter Lucantoni, IGCSE English as a Second Language, Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge, CB2 2RU, United Kingdom Th.M.Sudarwat i, Eudia Grace,2006, Look Ahead 2, Jakarta, Erlangga Prestise LKSxI Sm1

Non Meeting Action Speaking 4.1 Expressing the meaning of monologue text orally , accurately, fluently and acceptable in daily life context , in the form of: banner, poster, pamphlet, announcements report, narrative, and analytical exposition texts Unstructured Task Summarizing and memorizing the narrative text from the internet, Meeting Actions Story telling individually. Explaining the clasification and the description of

Technique : Oral Test Instrument : List of questions



Basic Competence


Learning Activities
something/animals Presenting thesis and arguments in groups

plans, and current affairs. Conduct a sustained conversation


Time allotment

Source of Learning
Creative English 2 A

. Non Meeting Action Unstructured Task Memorizing a campaign. Meeting Action Delivering the campaign.

Competence Standard Reading 5. Understanding the written short functional text and essay in the form of report, narrative and analytical exposition in daily life context and to access science Writing 6. Expressing the written short functional text and essay in the form of report, narrative and analytical exposition in daily life context and to access science Time Allocation: periods Basic Competence Material Learning Activities Indicator Assessment Time allotment Source of Learning

Basic Competence
Reading 5.1 Responding written short functional text ( for example banner, poster, pamphlet, etc.) formal and informal accurately, fluently and acceptable in daily life context

banner, poster, pamphlet

Learning Activities
Meeting Actions Discussing the aspects of the texts such as the content and the grammar Practising the use of simple present and passive voice

Identify the topic of the text Identify the spesific information of the text. Demonstrate the ability to recognize public notices and signs (including timetables and advertisements) Demonstrate the ability to extract relevant specific information from forms, letters, brochures and examples of imaginative writing considered likely to be within the experience of and reflecting the interests of young people from varied cultural background. Scan for particular information, organise the relevant information and present it in a logical manner /given format Apply the grammar, vocabulary and punctuations correctly. Carry out simple writing task such as completing forms, writing postcards, or short letters in in an appropriate and accurate form of English in response to a written stimulus.

Technique : Written Test Instrument :
Multiple Choice Completion Essay

Time allotment

Source of Learning

2 periods

1. www.englishdaily62 2. www. Esl-lab 3 Peter Lucantoni, IGCSE English as a Second Language, Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge, CB2 2RU, United Kingdom 4. Th.M.Sudarwati, Eudia Grace,2006, Look Ahead 2, Jakarta, Erlangga 5. The Jakarta Post 6.Prestise LKS xI Sm 1 7. Creative English 2 A 8. LKS PR

Technique : Portfolio Instrument : Students worksheets

Writing 6.1 Expressing written short functional text ( for example banner, poster, pamphlet, etc.) formal and informal accurately, fluently and acceptable in daily life context

Writing the draft of banner, poster, pamphlet. Writing a banner,poster and pamphlet in group.

Basic Competence
Reading 5.2 Responding the written monologue text accurately, fluently and acceptable in daily life context, and to access science, in the form of: report, narrative, and analytical exposition texts.

Noun phrase Ajectve clause Narrative texts Report texts Analytical exposition texts

Learning Activities
Meeting actions Understanding of features of English language Demonstrating a response showing understanding of the text and an informed independent opinion. Communicating them clearly and appropriately Understanding the form, structure and language shape meaning of the text

Identify the characteristics of the things in a report text Identify the thesis of the text Identify the arguments of the text Identify the generic structure of Analytical exposition text Identify the purpose of the text Demonstrate the ability to describe, report, give personal information. Identify, recognize and present given material in a particular form.

Technique : Written Test Instrument :
Multiple Choice Completion Essay

Time allotment
6 periods 1. 6.

Source of Learning

www.englishdaily6 Peter Lucantoni, IGCSE English as a Second Language, Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge, CB2 2RU, United Kingdom


2. www. Esl-lab 3. F.A Suprapto & Mariana Darwis, 2006.Link to The World 2, Jakarta, Yudhistira 4. Th.M.Sudarwati, Eudia Grace,2006, Look Ahead 2, Jakarta, Erlangga 5. Prestise LKSxI Sm1 6. Creative English 2 A 7. LKS PR

6.2 Expressing the written monologue text accurately, fluently and acceptable in everyday life context, and to access science, in the form of: report, narrative, and analytical exposition texts.

1.Narrative/ Descriptive/ Imaginative writing

Non Meeting Actions Making the report text which has the event of celebration.

2.Discursive/Argumentative writing

Writing an analitycal exposition text with her/his own topic.

Carry out simple writing task such as completing forms, writing postcards, or short letters in in an appropriate and accurate form of English in response to a written stimulus Ability to write clearly, accurately and effectively for particular purpose or audience

Technique : Portfolio Instrument : Students worksheets

10 periods

Acknowledged by, The Headmaster of SMA 2 WATES

Wates, July 12 th 2010 The teacher of the subject

Drs. H. Mudjijono NIP 19550710 197803 1 007

Tuti Widyastuti, S.Pd. NIP 19540812 197903 2 003

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