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" HANDOUT 4.1 4.3 "



SCANNING TABLE In this exercise, you will scan the table of atomic weights. Read each question, then scan the table in handout 4.2 to locate the information. Work quickly ! 1. What are four kinds of information given in this table ? The information in the table of atomic weight are Element of atom, symbol of atom, atomic number and the last is atomic weight 2. What is the symbol for iron ? The symbol for Iron is Fe 3. What is the atomic number for Tin ? The atomic number for Tin is 50 4. Which has a higher atomic weight, zinc or lead ? Lead are higher than zinc, with the atomic weight are 207,2 5. What is the atomic weight of hidrogen ? The atomic weight of Hidrogen is 1,0080 6. Which has a higher atomic number, phosporus or chlorine ? Chlorine has atomic number higher better than phosporus 7. What is the symbol for silicon ? The symbol of silicon is Si 8. Which has a higher atomic weight gold or platinum ? gold are higher than platinum, with the atomic weight are 196.9665 9. Which element has the highest atomic weight ? Nobelium is the highest atomic weight in the table of atomic weight 10. Find an element which has probably named for a scientist ? There are Einstenium, lawrencium and Nobelium

Write three more question about this table. 1. Which element has the Lowest atomic weight ? Hodrogen is the lowest atomic weight in the table of atomic weight 2. Find an element which has probably named for a planet ? There is neptunium 3. What is the symbol for tungsten and the number of atomic of it ? The simbol is W and the number of atomic is 74

SCANNING TV LISTING In this exercise, you will scan the TV listing . Read each question, then scan the table in handout 4.2 to locate the information. Work quickly ! 1. Which channel shows a movie starring clint eastwood ? the channel is TBS 2. What hours are included in the listing ? There are 5 hours 3. What movie listed is given four star ? There is no listed of movie has given four star 4. What time can we watch a baseball game ? 7.30 until 9.30 5. How many news programs are shown at 11 : 00 p.m ? There are 7 news program 6. What is the title of the movie to be shown on TNT at 8.00 ? The title of the movie is True confension***(1981) Robert Diniro Robert Duvall 7. What is the title of the oldest movie to be shown ? The title of the oldest movie is Copacabana* (color, 1947) Grouch Marx, Carmen miranda 8. How many channels have numbers ? names ?

There are 15 channels 9. How many channel show more movies, the numbered or the named ? 7 channels, there are HBO, LIFE, MC, SHOW, TBS, TNT, and USA 10. Which channel has spanish language programs ? That is channel number 2 Write three more question about this table. 1. Which channel shows a movie starring Running on Empty ? Channel 56 2. How many channels are shown in the table of TV LISTING ? There are 31 channel 3. What time can we watch Sesam a Street ? 6.00 until 6.30

SCANNING BEST SELLER LIST In this exercise, you will scan the best seller list from the news paper . Read each question, then scan the table in handout 4.2 to locate the information. Work quickly ! 1. Which authors have two fiction books on this list ? That is John Grisham 2. What is the title of the book about world war II ? The title is The Line Of Fire 3. Who wrote a book with a ploot set in chicago ? Sara Peretsky 4. How long has jurassic park been on the list ? It has been 28 on the list 5. What is the title of the book by sidney sheldon ? The title is THE DOOMSDAY CONSPIRACY

6. What is the title of the book about the princess of wales ? The title of the book is DIANA : Her true story 7. What is the price of a year in provence ? The price is $10 8. What is the prize about ? It about how world history since the 19th century has been influenced by the need for oil 9. Who wrote a book about living succesful life ? H. Jackson Brown, Jr. 10. What company published the book about malcolm X ? The company is Ballantine Write three more question about this table. 1. How many Books are listed in the table of Paperback Best Sellers ? There are 30 books 2. Who wrote a book about experiencein southern france? Peter Mayle 3. How long has BACKLASH been on the list ? It has been 10 on the list


A. You will be visiting with some friends in the autumn. They would like to spend a day in the country. You see this article about PICKING APPLES and decide you want to know more about it. Scan the article in Handout 4.4 for the answer to the question below. 1. Where does his article recommended picking apples ? This article are recomended in New England 2. Who picks the apples ? The people in new england 3. What kind of apple are the very first to ripen ? The McIntosh apples begin to turn red 4. Do you need to bring bags for the apples ? Yes i do 5. How much time does it take to pick apple ? It take two hours at most 6. What else can you do at an orchard besides pick apples ? You can watch a horse show or visit the cows and sheepn in the pasture 7. How many apples should you pick ? Pick the apple only the apple i need 8. What should you do with the apples when you get home ? Put the apple in the refrigerator 9. What can you do if you pick many apples ? i could try to freezing them to use later in pies or cakes. Doing simply peel, core and slice them and then put them in airtight plastic bags. 10. How can you find out where to go apple picking in massachusetts ? Write to one of these departements of agriculture to obtain a list in each new england state.

B. You are doing a report on ethnic diversity, and you find this newspaper article in Handout 4.4 for the answer to the question below. work quickly! 11. In what year were the population statistic calculated ? In the 21st Century 12. Who was the governor of hawaii at the time of the article ? Gov. John Waihee 13. How did D.H Hwang describe hawaii at the time of the article ? He spoke at the university of hawaii last summer 14. What is he name of the profesor who studies hawaiian society ? UH Profesor 15. Which group in hawai is the largest ? Japanese with 23.9% 16. What is the combined total of mixed and pure hawaiians ? The combined total is 34.3 % 17. How many chinese residence are listed ? 47.787 18. What is the percentage of samoans ? The percentage is 0.5 % 19. How many caucasians live in hawaii ? 191.553 % 20. Does any ethnic group have a majority ? No it doesnt

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