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Postcards Hundreds of twirling auburn leaves drifted through the air, encasing the streets in warm hues of gold

and red. This small town outside of Rome, its name always seemed to slip my mind, was by far the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. Each ray of afternoon sunshine fell ever so gently onto the soft stone path, coating the dapped buildings in a gentle, radiant glow. The sweet breeze twirled and danced in and amongst the leaves, wafting through the streets bringing the savoury scent of breads and other delightful delicacies to my nose. With each step new sights, new sounds, new experiences twirling at your fingertips, teasing at your senses. Each one so very distracting... Thud. Looking up, I saw a small girl with raven-black hair, escaping the little blue bows on the sides of her head. Im so sorry, are you ok? she stammered, offering her hand. I felt my breath catch in my throat. Her hair, dark and thin, and her face, slim and porcelain-pale was exactly like Nicoles. My shock must have shown through on my face, as the young girl started to stammer more apologies. Its ok, no harm done I murmured, slowly standing and brushing my hands on my shorts. Her eyes widened, probably in relief, as she mumbled a goodbye and took off. I could feel my heart racing through my chest, even now, hundreds of miles away hundreds of days later; I still cant forget what had happened. Turning, I catch a gleam in a small stores window. Its my reflection, the sunlight was reflecting off the gold pendant around my neck. Its the little pocket watch that Finn gave me, I sighed, that felt like eons ago, back in a forgotten happy past. Exhaling, I started to continue down the path, I must not dwell on dismal memories, as my mother is constantly reminding me. I should focus on the present, the here and now, in this dainty little town and all its glowing tranquillity. The path comes to a cross-road, and from here I could easily see a young group of boys playing in the park. As I strolled over to the shade of a tree, I watched them play what appeared to be a somewhat modified game of soccer. There was one boy, who from the back looked very familiar, until he turned around. I felt my breath catch again; his eyes were a perfect copy of Daniels. He waved at me, smiled and continued the game. Heart pounding, I closed my eyes and leaned back against the tree, hoping to steady my breathing. I thought back to that night, the party, the arguments and the accident. Maybe if I had waited until the season was over, and there was less pressure on Daniel, then he wouldnt have been so reckless. He wouldnt have been pushed over the edge. Then maybe Finn wouldnt have been hurt. Then maybe we could have still been together. So many possibilities of what I could have done was running through my mind, it seemed as though everything, previously happening, had been building up, and that I was the one to push it over. I felt hot tears run down my cheeks, as the self-blame and guilt was spilling over inside me. Hey? Hey, are you ok? a young voice, soft and innocent called out to me. Gradually opening my eyes, I saw it was the young boy from before. His face was riddled with concern, and I felt myself smile, just a little. Im fine, Im just remembering a bad choice I once made I murmured, tilting my head to face the ground before more tears flowed from my already soaked eyes. The little boy was

silent for a moment, before stepping closer and seizing my hand. Everyone has something they regret, but its only the strong that can pick themselves up and keep going. He gave my hand a gentle squeeze and then stepped away, smiling, before running off to his friends. My heart fluttered. He was right, exhaling deeply; I wiped away my tears and started walking back to the path. There was no point in sinking deeper and deeper into a miserable whirlpool of depressed memories. I was going to be brave, be strong and do something to change things for the better. The sunlight reflected off my pendant again, the little gold pocket watch was delicately hanging from its chain. It was a good luck charm from Finn, for my exams, and now, it will be my reminder of the little boy and my will to carry on. The sun was setting behind the clouds, coating the skies in deep shades of orangey-red. I began pass several small souvenir stores of which, one was displaying various postcards. I gazed into the dusty window; the postcards were peacefully beautiful photos of the town and surrounding area. I may not be able to return for a while, I thought, but I refuse to simply be cut off from everyone. I will send Finn postcards of where I travel and hopefully will let some of the sunshine reflect on him and brighten his days. Claire, Claire! called my mother and father from the doorway of a small caf, distracting me from my optimistic plans. The sight of their familiar figures wrapped up in each other were one I had not seen in quite some time. Today was not only a stepping stone for me, I thought, but a step forward from them too. They were beginning to recover from their winter of self-doubt, slowly returning to the caring parents I once had. Their smiles were sincere and blissful, as if they had almost forgotten the accident they left behind. But no, I am sure they will never forget, walking to the caf, I run my fingers over my delicate gold pendant. No, I will never forget. I will always remember, and hope to return to my dear Finn. Someday.

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