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The Six Semester (Three Years) Degree Course in Public Administration will consist of the following papers. Each Course will have a minimum of 50 (fifty) contact hours. Semester First Semester Second Semester Third Semester Fourth Semester Fifth Semester Paper Paper-I Paper-II Paper-III Paper-IV Paper-V Paper-VI Paper-VII Paper-VIII Name of the paper Elements of Public Administration Administrative Theory Public Administration in India Public Personnel Administration Bureaucracy & Development Local Self Government in India Economic Administration (Optional) (A) Social Administration Or (B)Civil Society and Administration Sixth Semester Paper-IX Paper-X Paper-XI Paper-XII Political and Administrative Institutions in the Hill Areas of North East India Administration of United Nations Office Management in Government (Optional) (A) Police Administration Or (B) Rural and Tribal Development Administration


PAPER-I Elements of Public Administration

Total Marks : 100 (Continuous Assessment 25 marks, Semester Exam 75 marks)

Time : 3 hrs.

Unit-I : Public Administrations Meaning, nature; scope, significance, evolution and development; Public and Private Administration; Approaches Traditional : Historical, Philosophical; Modern : Behavioural, System, Comparative , New Public Administration & New Public Management.

Unit-II :

Concepts and Principle of Organisation Formal and Informal Organisation, Hierarchy, Unity of Command, Span of Control, Co-ordination, Delegation, Decentralisation, Supervision.

Unit-III :

Structure of Organisation Line & Staff, Auxiliary Units and their interrelationships; Headquarters Field relations; Forms of Organisation Departmental Undertakings, Public Corporations and Government Companies features, merits and demerits, Independent Regulatory Commission.

Unit-IV :

Control over Public Administration Legislative, Executive and Judicial; Legislative Committees.

Unit-V :

Public Policy, Administrative Law, Delegated Legislation, Administrative Adjudication, Good Governance, Citizens Charter.

Suggested Readings: 1. 2. 3. A.Awasthi and S.R.Maheshwari, Public Administration, Agra, Lakshmi Narayan Agarwal, 1987 S.R.Maheswari, Theories and Concept in Public Administration, New Delhi, Allied, 1981 Vishnoo Bhagwan and Vidya Bhusan, A Text Book of Public Administration, New Delhi, S.Chand, 1981 F.A. Negro, Modern Public Administration, New York, Harper and Row, 1970 Mohit Bhattacharya, Public Administration : Structure, Process and Behaviour, Calcutta, World Press, 1987 D.Osborne and T.Gaebler, Reinventing Government, Reading, M.A : Addison Wesley, 1992 164

4. 5.


7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

N.Jayapalan, Public Administration, 2000 P.Sahni, Public Administration : Emerging Perspectives, 1999 R.K.Arora, Public Administration : Fresh Perspectives, 2004 A.K.Sharmna, Public Administration : Quest for Identity, 1997 S.I.Goel, Advanced Public Administration in India, Delhi, Deep & Deep, 2002 H.W.R.Wade, Administrative Law, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1982 Arvind K.Sharma and Indu Sharma, Inducing Client Focus in Bureaucracy : The Citizens Charters in India, New Delhi : Kanishka Pub., 2002 John M.Pliffner and Frank P.Sherwood, Administrative Organisation, Prentice Hall, INC, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1960 Robert T.Golembiewski, Public Administration, As a Developing Discipline, (Part 1 : Perspective on Past and Present), Marvel Dekker, INC New York, 1977




PAPER-II Administrative Theory Total Marks : 100 (Continuous Assessment 25 marks, Semester Exam 75 marks) Unit-I : (a) Administrative Theory : Meaning, Evolution and Implications (b) Kautilayas Ideas on Administration (c) State and Administration (Karl Marx and V.I.Lenin) Classical Theory (a) Scientific Management Theory (F.W.Taylor) (b) Bureaucratic Organization (Max Weber) (c) Theory of Organizational Principle of Henry Fayol Neo-Classical Theory : Human Relations Approach (a) Emergence and meaning of Human Relations Approach (b) Hawthrone Studies (George Elton Mayo) (c) Theory of Authority of Mary Parker Follett Behavioural Approach : Organisational Humanism (a) Herbert A.Simon and Behavioural Approach (b) Hierarchy of Needs Theory (Abraham Maslow) (c) Theory Z and Theory Y (Douglas Mc Gregor) (d) Motivation Hygiene Theory (Fredrick Herzberg) Comparative Approach Ecological and Structural Approach Ideas of F.W.Riggs. Time : 3 hrs.

Unit-II :

Unit-III :

Unit-IV :

Unit-V :

Suggested Readings: 1. D.Ravindra Prasad, et.al (eds.), Administrative Thinkers, Delhi, Sterling Publishers, 1989 2. Shumsum Nisha Ali, Eminent Administrative Thinkers, Delhi, Associate Pub. House, 1984 3. T.N.Chatruvedi and R.K.Arora (eds.) Administrative Theory, Delhi, IIPA, 1987 4. R.K.Arora (ed.), Perspective in Administrative Theory, Delhi, Associated Pub. House, 1979 5. F.W.Taylor, The Principles of Scientific Management 6. H.A.Simon, Administrative Behaviours, The Free Press, New York, 1976 7. S.K.Sinha, Administrative Thought of Max Weber, 2002 8. V.I.Lenin, State and Revolution 9. Kautilya, Arthashatra 10.Nicholar Henry, Public Administration and Public Affairs (2nd Ed.), Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1980 11. Arvind K.Sharma, Aspects of Administrative Theory (Being the Report of an IIPA-Sponsored Research Project), 2003


PAPER-III Public Administration in India Total Marks : 100 (Continuous Assessment 25 marks, Semester Exam 75 marks) Time : 3 hrs.

Unit-I :

State - Sovereignty, Social, Economic, Political and Environmental Settings; India Parliamentary Democracy, Federalism, Socialism, Secularism, Decentralisation, Participation. (a) Political, Executives at the Union level President, Prime Minister, Council of Ministers. (b) Structure of Central Administration - Central Secretariat, Cabinet Secretariat, PMO, Ministries and Departments with special reference to Finance, Home Affairs and Development of N.E. Region.


Unit-III :

(a) Administration of Union Territories (b) Organisation of Government at the State level Governor, Chief Minister, Council of Ministers, State Secretariat, Chief Secretary, Directorates.

Unit-IV :

District and Local Administration : Collector and Deputy Commissioner Role and Importance, District Rural Development Agency (DRDA), District Urban Development Agency, District Planning.

Unit-V :

Major Issues and Institutions in Indian Administration : (1) Centre-State-Local Relations Legislative, Administrative and Financial (2) Relationship between Political and Permanent Executives (3) Corruption and Remedies. (4) Lokpal and Lolayukta (5) Administrative Reforms in India

Suggested Readings: 1. S.R. Maheshwari, Indian Administration, New Delhi, Orient Longman, 1979 2. A.Avasthi, Central Administration, New Delhi, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 1980 3. Hardwar Rai, Current Ideas and Issues in Indian Administration, New Delhi, Uppal, 1985 4. D.D.Basu, Introduction to the Constitution of Inida, New Delhi, Prentice Hall, 1985 5. R.B.Jain, Contemporary Issues in Indian Administration, New Delhi, VIshal, 1976 6. B.N.Puri, Some Aspects of the Evolution of Indian Administration, New Delhi, IIPA


7. U.B.Sing, Administrative System in India, Delhi, APH, 1997 8. S.C.Seth, Central Administration in India, 2000 9. A.K.Majumdar, Centre-State-Relation in India, 2000 10. S.N.Singh, The Constitution and the Indian Paradox, New Delhi, Mittal 11. Hoshiar Singh, Administration of Rural Development in India 12. C.P.Barthwal, Understanding Local Self Government, Lucknow, BBC, 2002 13. U.B.Singh, Urban Local Government, Delhi, Rawat, 1997 14. S.N.Mishra (ed.), Public Governance and Decentralisation, Delhi, Mittal, 2003 15. R.N.Prasad, Public Administration in North East India, New Delhi : VIkas Pub. 1998 16. S.N.Singh, The Second Republic, Lucknow, New Royal , 2004


PAPER-IV Public Personnel Administration Total Marks : 100 (Continuous Assessment 25 marks, Semester Exam 75 marks) Time : 3 hrs.

Unit-I : Public Personnel Administration : Concept, Meaning, Nature and Scope, Different Types of Personnel System : Merit, Spoils and Career System ; Generalist vs. Specialist Debate.

Unit-II :

Recruitment : Meaning and Importance of Recruitment, Methods of Recruitment, Main features of the System of Recruitment in regard to all India, Central and State Services; Union Public Service Commission and State Public Service Commissions - Composition, Functions and Role.

Unit-III :

(a) Classification Meaning and Significance, Position and Rank classification : Merits and Demerits, Classification in India, USA, UK . (b) Training and Development in India : Aims, Objectives & Types; Promotion, Performance and Potential Appraisal in India

Unit-IV :

Conduct and Discipline Meaning and Significance of conduct and discipline; Conduct Rules, Disciplinary Procedure, Morale and Motivational Techniques, Employer Employees Relations, Rights of Public Servants.

Unit-V :

Retirement : Features and forms of Retirement, Retirement benefits, Pension, Provident Fund, Gratuity, New Pension Schemes.

Suggested Readings: 1. A.Avasthi and S.R.Maheswari, Public Administration in India, Agarwal Publications, Delhi, 1998 2. O.Glenn Stahl, Public Personnel Administration, New Delhi, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., 1975 3. S.R.Haheswari, The Civil Service in Great Britain, Delhi, Concept Publications, 1976 4. S.P.Verma & S.K.Sharma, Managing Public Personnel (2nd Edition), New Delhi, IIPA, 1985 5. V.M.Sinha, The Indian Politics Administrative System : Some Perspectives, Jaipur, R.B.S.A, 1984 6. V.A.Paipanandikar, Personnel System for Development Administration, Bombay, Popular Prakashan, 1966 7. P.Ghosh, Public Personnel Administration in India, Delhi, Sudha Publications, 1975 8. R.K.Sapru, Civil Service Administration in India, New Delhi, Deep & Deep Publications, 1985 9. M.N.Rudrabasavaraj, Dynamic Personnel Administration : Management of Human Resource, Bombay, Himalaya Publishing House, 1983 169

10. Jack Rabin, Dekker, Handbook of Public Personnel Administration, Atlantic Publishers & Distributors, 1995 11. S.L.Goel, Public Personnel Administration : Theory & Practice, Delhi, Deep & Deep Publications, 2003 12. Wigger, V.Public Pensions and Economic Growth, Delhi, Elite Publishers, 2002 13. P.Pigors & A.Myers, Personnel Administration : A Point of View & Method, Mc Graw Hill, 1977 14. V.M.Sinha, Personal Administration, Jaipur, RBSA Publishers, 1986


Paper-V Bureaucracy and Development Total Marks : 100 (Continuous Assessment 25 marks, Semester Exam 75 marks) Time : 3 hrs.

Unit-I : Bureaucracy concept, genesis, types and trends; Elements of Bureaucracy; Approaches to the study of Bureaucracy Karl Marx, Max Weber and Criticism of Max Webers Idea on Bureaucracy. Unit-II : Bureaucracy in India - British period and the Indian Civil Service; Post Independence Era and the Indian Administrative Service and other All India Services. Development concept and dimensions like social, economic and political; Development Administration Meaning, Nature and Scope; Administrative Development; Social Welfare and Development Administration Bureaucracy and Development their inter-relationships; Role of Bureaucracy in a Developing Society like India - Nature, Requirement and Training needs.

Unit-III :

Unit-IV :

Unit-V :

Developmental Role of Deputy Commissioner, Block Development Officer, Extension Officer, Village Level Workers Impact of Liberalisation Privatisation Globalisation on Development Administration : Rural Development, Urban Development and Tribal Development.

Suggested Readings: 1. Mohir Bhattacharya, Bureaucracy and Development Administration, New Delhi, Uppal, 1979 2. C.P.Bhambhri, Bureaucracy and Politics in India, Delhi, VIkas, 1971 3. V.A.Paipanandikar, R.N.Bishnoi and O.P.Mishra, Development Bureaucracy, New Delhi, Oxford & IBH, 1983 4. V.V.Rao and Niru Hazarika, Local Self Government in India, New Delhi, S.Chand, 1986 5. Arvind K.Sharma, Bureaucracy and Decentralisation, New Delhi, Mittal, 2004 6. B.R.Verma, Bureaucracy & Administration : Studies in Policy Perspective & Reform, New Delhi, S.Chand & Company, 1998 7. Rao & Mathur, Bureaucratic System & Public Policy, Delhi, APH Publishing House, 2001 8. S.R.Singh, Bureaucracy & Rural Development, Delhi, Mittal Publications 9. Pant, A.D., Bureaucracy, Development & Change : Contemporary Perspectives, Delhi, Elite Publishers, 1990 10. P.R.Dubhashi, Essays on Rural Development, Delhi, Daya Publishing House, 1996 11. K.Jain, Bureaucracy Citizen Interference, Delhi, Gyan Books House, 1999 12. S.K.Das, Public Office, Private Interest : Bureaucracy & Corruption in India, Delhi, Concept, 2002 171

Paper-VI Local Self Government in India Total Marks : 100 (Continuous Assessment 25 marks, Semester Exam 75 marks) Time : 3 hrs.

Unit-I : a) Local Self Government : Meaning, Characteristics, Importance and Rationale, Role in a Democracy. b) Delegation and Devolution, Autonomy, Coordination, Citizens Participation

Unit-II :

Local Self Government in India Genesis and Evolution, Lord Rippons Resolution, Government of India Acts 1919 & 1935, National Commission on Urbanisation, 73rd & 74th Amendments to the Indian Constitution.

Unit-III :

Municipal Corporation, Municipalities, and Nagar Panchayat Composition and Functions, Development Authorities, Housing Board, Improvement Trust, Water Institutions, Town and Country Planning Organisation, Cantonment Board. Municipal Finance - Revenue and Resource Mobilisation, Development Planning; Urban Development Programmes, Urban Poverty Alleviation, Public-Private Partnership in Services and Urban Infrastructure. Panchayati Raj Institutions Composition, Powers and Functions, Sources of Income, Development Planning, Village Judiciary Nyaya Panchayat Rural Development Programmes Problems in Implementation, Impact, Rural Poverty Alleviation

Unit-IV :

Unit-V :

State Control over Urban and Rural Local Self-Government Institutions Legislative, Administrative, Financial and Judicial. State Finance Commission Role, Importance, Functions and Powers; Emerging Trends, Challenges and Prospects in Local Self Government in India.

Suggested Readings: 1. S.R.Maheswari, Local Government in India, Delhi, Orient Longman, 1976 2. M.Bhattacharya, Municipal Government : Problems and Prospects, Delhi, Research, 1975 3. A.P.Padhy (ed) Personnel Systems of Urban Bodies in India, Agra, Laxmi Narayan, 1977 4. M.Bhattacharya, State Municipal Relations, Delhi, IIPA 5. V.V.Rao and Niru Hazarika, Local Government in India, Delhi, S.Chand & Co., 1983 6. Maddick Henry, Panchayati Raj : A Study of Rural Local Government in India, London, Longman, 1970 7. R.C.Prasad, Democracy and Development : The grass roots Experience in India, Delhi : Rachna Prakashan, 1971 172

8. S.Bhatnagar, Rural Local Government in India, Delhi, Light and Life, 1980 9. Hosiar Singh, State Supervision over Municipal Administration : A Case Study of Rajasthan, Delhi, Associated Publishing House, 1981 10. C.P., Barthwal, Understanding Local Government, Lucknow, Bharat Book, 2002 11. U.B.Sing, Urban Local Government, Delhi, Rawat, 1997 12. U.B.Singh, Fiscal Federalism in Indian Union, Delhi, Concept, 2003 13. Bijoyini Mohanty, Glimpses of Local Government, Bhubaneswar, Gyanagya Publication, 1999 14.M.A.Muttalib, A.A.Khan, Theory of Local Government, New Delhi, Sterling, 1983 15. A.K.Mukhopadhyay, Municipal Personnel Systems in India, Delhi, IIPA, 1985 16. M.Seetharam, Citizen Participation in Rural Development, Delhi, Mittal Publications, 1990. 17. J.P.Singh & A.Dharmajog, City Planning in India, Delhi, Mittal Publications, 1998 18. S.N.Mishra & S.S.Singh, Revenue Administration in India, Delhi, Mittal Publications, 1993 19. S.N.Mishra, Decentralised Planning & PR, Delhi, Mittal Publications, 2000 20. Baldev Singh, Decentralisation, PR & District Planning, Delhi, Mittal Publications, 1996 21.Gopal Bhargaa, Development of Indias Urban, Rural and Regional Planning in 21st Century, 2001 22. M.Sharma, PRS & Empowerment, Delhi, Gyan Book House, 2002 23. Steward, J. & Stroker G (eds.), The Future of Local Govty., London : Macmillan, 1989 24. J.Steward, The Local Govt., London : European Policy Forum, 1993 25.Singh, Hoshiar, Local Govt., Allahabad, Mittal Mahal Publications, 1997 26. G.Palanithural, New PRS at work : An Evolution, B.K.Book House, 1999 27. Narwani, G.S. PR in India, B.K.Book Agency, 2002


Paper-VII Economic Administration Total Marks : 100 (Continuous Assessment 25 marks, Semester Exam 75 marks) Time : 3 hrs.

Unit-I : Economic Administration Scope and Importance; Government Interventions and Role in Economic Development; Features of Developing Economy; New Economic Policy Liberalisation, Privatisation, Globalisation.

Unit-II :

Planning Issues and Dimensions, Plan Formulation and its Financing at the National, State and Local Levels; National Development Council; Planning Commission; State Planning Board, District Planning Committee.

Unit-III :

Public Undertakings Forms, Management, Control and Problems; Industrial Policy Resolutions Impact of New Economic Policy on Industrial Policy Resolutions and Public Sector Undertakings in India

Unit-IV :

Budget - Meaning, Types and Preparation, Control on Public Expenditure Administrative and Legislative; Role of Ministry of Finance; Accounts and Audit, Comptroller and Auditor General of India. Reforms in Indian Economy : Agriculture Sector Land Reforms, Cooperative Movement, Impact of Public-Private Partnership in Economic Development.

Unit-V :

Suggested Readings 1. Domodar Gujurati, Government and Business, McGraw Hill, 1984 2. R.Datt and KPM Sundaram, Indian Economy, S.Chand, New Delhi, 1981 174

3. 4. 5. 6.

B.C.Tandon, Economic Planning : Theory and Practice, Chaitanya, Allahabad S.K.Kuchhal, Industrial Economy of India, Chaitanya, Allahabad A.Dasgupta and N.K.Dasgupta, Government and Business in India, Allied, New Delhi, 1978 Laxmi Narayan, Principles and Practices of Public Enterprise Management, S.Chand, New Delhi, 1984 7. S.K.Singh (ed.), Public Sector in India : At Crossroads, Rawat, Delhi, 1997 8. A.C.Mittal, Agricultural Economics, 2001 9. P.K.Bhargava, Current Economic Issues in the Indian Economy, 2000 10. B.L.Mathur, Economic Planning & Development : Theory & Practice, 2002 11. R.Mathur, Economic Reforms & Poverty Alleviation, 2002 12. K.M.Singh, Economic Reforms in India : Problems and Prospects, 2001 13. K.Khanna, New Era in Indian Economy, 2003 14. Jasmine Damle, Beyond Economic Development, New Delhi, Mittal Publications, 2001 15. Kh.Manjor Singh, Economic Reforms in India, New Delhi, Mittal Publications, 2001 16. Ghosh, Political Economy, New Delhi, Asian Books, P.Ltd., 2003 17. Mishra, Economics of Public Finance, New Delhi, Asian Books Pvt. Ltd., 2003 18. Bharat Jhunjhunwala, Traditional Agricultural and Water Technologies of Western Rajasthan, New Delhi, Gyan Books (P), Ltd., 2003 19.K.K.Somani, Indian Economics and Social Traditions, New Delhi, Gyan Books (P) Ltd., 2002 20. B.Ramachandran, Economics Reforms Need Radical Changes, New Delhi, Gyan Books (P) Ltd., 2003 21. G.P.Isser, Changing Force of Poverty and Globalisation, New Delhi, Gyan Books, Pvt. Ltd., 2002 22. M.C.Dhawan, Analysis of Poverty Reduction, New Delhi, Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd., 2003 23. Ramesh Chandra, Globalisation, Liberalisation, Privatisation and Indian Politics, New Delhi, Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd., 2003 24. Giriappa, Copyright Law Economy and Development, New Delhi, Daya Publishing House, 2002 25. Ruddar Dutt, Second Generation Economic Reforms in India, Delhi, Deep & Deep Publications, 2003 26. V.S.Mahajan, Economic Reforms and Liberalisation, Delhi, Deep & Deep Publications, 1999 27. D.N.Jha, Agricultural and Regional Planning, Delhi, Mittal Publications, 1989 28. N.Roy & M.P.Bezbaruah, Agricultural Growth & Regional Economic Development, Delhi, Mittal Publications, 2002 29. K.Sengupta & N.Roy, Economic Reforms and Agricultural Development in North-East India, Delhi, Mittal Publications, 2003 30. Monorama Hukku, Deficit Financing & Economic Development in India, Delhi, Mittal Publications, 1989 31. Siddarth Shastri, Financing of State Five Year Plans in India, Delhi, Mittal Publications 1992


Paper-VIII (A) (Optional) Social Administration Total Marks : 100 (Continuous Assessment 25 marks, Semester Exam 75 marks) Time : 3 hrs.

Unit-I : Social Administration : Meaning, Scope and Principles; Social Control, Social Reforms, Social Work, Social Change, Social Insurance, Social Security and Social Policy; Importance of Social Administration in the Modern State.

Unit-II :

Social Problems Unemployment, Juvenile Delinquency, Child Marriage, Prostitution, Beggary, Drug Addictions, Old Age, Orphanage, Divorce, Differently Able Persons, Untouchability, Social Legislations Laws relating to Anti-Beggary, Divorce, Juvenile Delinquents, Rehabilitation. Social Welfare Planning : Meaning and Importance; Major Programmes of Social Welfare under the Five Year Plans at the Central and State levels; Role and Functions of Voluntary Agencies : Local, National, and International. Aspects of Administrative Structure : Organization and Functions of Central Social Welfare Board (CSWB) and State Social Welfare Advisory Board (SSWAB) Relationship between CSWB and SSWAB, National Commission for SCs , National Commission for STs.

Unit-III :

Unit-IV :

Unit-V :

Personnel for Social Administration - Meaning and Needs; Creation of a Special Cadre for Social Welfare Personnel; Training of Social Welfare Personnel - Purpose of Training, Infrastructure for Training and Impact of Training on Social Administration.

Suggested Reading 1. D.R.Sachdeva, Social Welfare Administration in India, Allahabad, Kitab Mahal Publication ,1993 2. G.B.Sharma, Social Administration in India, Jaipur, Unique, 1970 3. S.L.Goel & R.K.Jain, Social Welfare Administration : Theory & Practice, Vol I & II, Delhi, Deep & Deep Publications, 1988 4. K.D.Gangrade, Social Legislations in India, Vol. I & II, Delhi, Concept Publishing Company, 1978 5. C.Lalkima, Social Welfare Administration in a Tribal State : A case Study of Mizoram, Guwahati, United Publications, 1997 6. D.Paul CHowdhry, Social Welfare Administration Through Voluntary Agencies, Delhi, Atma Ram & Sons, 1962 7. Encyclopedia of Social Work in India, Vol. I, II, II & IV, GOI, Publications Divisions, 1987 8. T.N.Chatruvedi & S.Kohli Chandra (eds.), Social Administration : Development and Change, Delhi, IIPA, 19880 176

9. T.N.Chaturvedi (ed.), Administration for the Disabled, Delhi, IIPA 10. Planning Commission, Social Legislation : Its Role in Social Welfare Planning, Delhi, 1959 11. W.A.Friedlander, Introduction to Social Welfare, New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India, 1967 12. A.N.Robson, Welfare State and Welfare Society, London, George Allen and Unwin, 1976 13. S.N.Dubey, Administration of Social Welfare Programmes in India, Bombay, Somaiya, 1973 14.V.Kumar, Problems & Perspective on Social Work and Social Welfare, 2002 15. P.M.Parmar, Social Work & Social Welfare in India, 2002


PAPER-VIII (B) (Optional) Civil Society and Administration

Total Marks : 100 (Continuous Assessment 25 marks, Semester Exam 75 marks) Unit-I : Civil Society Concept, Origin, Development and Dimensions Social Capital Meaning, Nature and Issues Civil Society and Social Capital Administration and Gender Perspective Gender Budgeting Polices and Programmes for Development of Women and Children Reservation Issues and Women. Administration and Human Rights Concept Universal Declaration of Human Rights NHRC and State HRCs Organisation, Functions and Role Rights Groups Role and Significance Administration and Consumer Welfare National and State Level Consumer Protection Acts and Amendments Consumer Protection Groups Consumer Forum and Consumer Club Administration and Mass Media Role and Significance Print and Electronic Media Right to Information and Role of the Civil Society

Time : 3 hrs.

Unit-II :

Unit-III :

Unit-IV :

Unit-V :

Suggested Readings 1. R.S.Pandey, Communitization : the Third World Governance, 2010 2. V.S.Gupta, Communication Development and Civil Society, 2004 3. T.Landman, Human Rights, 2010 4. M.Stephens, Human Rights : Concepts and Perspectives, 2002 5. T.Blackshaw, Key Concepts in Community Studies, 2009 6. J.M.Levine, M.A.Hogg, Encyclopedia or Group Processes and Inter Group Relations, 2010 7. Arun Go9el, Women Empowerment Myth and Reality, 2009 8. Bipin Kumar, Women Empowerment and Sustainable Development, 2009 9. B.B.Aggarwal, edt., Media and Society : Challenges and Opportunities, 2002 10. R.Tandon and M.Kak, Citizen Participation and Democratic Governance, 2007 11. M.L.Majumdar, Emerging Grassroots Power, 2005 PAPER-IX 178

Political and Administrative Institutions in the Hill Areas of North East India Total Marks : 100 (Continuous Assessment 25 marks, Semester Exam 75 marks) Time : 3 hrs.

Unit-I : Geographical location and importance of North-East India; British annexation of North-East India and its Impact on Mizoram and Meghalaya; Constitutional Status of Mizoram and Meghalaya under the Government of India Acts 1919 and 1935 (Excluded and Partially excluded Areas).

Unit-II :

(a) Political and Administrative Institutions at the Grassroot level in the pre and postIndependence period : Chieftainship in Mizoram; Sylemship in Khasi and Jaintia Hills and Nokmanship in Garo Hills Their Powers and Functions. (b) Village Council System in Mizoram : Its Evolution, Powers and Functions: Comparative Study of Chieftainship and Village Council System. Constitutional Framework - Sixth Schedule of the Constitution and Administration of the Autonomous District Councils in Mizoram and Meghalaya; Autonomous District and Regional Councils; Organisation, Powers and Functions; Creation of Autonomous State of Meghalaya and of Mizoram State; Relations between the State Governments and the Autonomous District Councils; Traditional Village Councils and Perspective for initiating Modern Local Self Government Institutions in Mizoram. District Administration in Mizoram and Meghalaya in the pre-and post-Independence Era : (a) British Superintendent Executive, Judicial and Supervisory Powers and Position. (b) Deputy Commissioner Executive, Judicial and Supervisory Powers and Position; Role in Development Administration in the District (c) Transformation of Judicial Administration from Traditional to Modern period

Unit-III :

Unit-IV :

Unit-V :

Some Constitutional and Administrative Instruments : (a) Inner Line Regulation (ILR) (b Mizoram Peace Accord and Administrative Development of Mizoram. (c) Planning Machinery at the State and District Level - Mizoram and Meghalaya (d) North Eastern Council (NEC) (e) Peoples Participation in Administration.

Suggested Reading 179

1. R.N.Prasad, Government and Politics in Mizoram, 1947-1986, New Delhi : Northern Book Centre, 1987 2. U.B.Singh, Urban Government in North-Eastern Region, New Delhi, Gyan Publishing House, 1999 3. Vohra, Gautam, The New Political Elites : MLAs vs MPs, New Delhi, Daya Publishing House, 2003. 4. Somonto, R.K. (ed.), Indias North-East : The Process of Change and Development, B.K.Book Agency, 2002 5. T.S.Gangte, Encyclopedia of North-East India, Eastern Books, 2002 6. T.Raatan, Encyclopedia of North-East India, New Delhi, Gyan Books Pvt.Ltd., 2003 7. P.K.Mohanty, Encyclopedia of Primitive Tribes in India, New Delhi, Gyan Publishing House, 2003 8. Sarthak Sengupta, Tribes of North-East India, New Delhi, Gyan Publishing House, 2003 9. P.K.Mishra, Changing Pattern of Political Culture, New Delhi, Eastern Book House, 2000 10. R.N.Prasad, Public Administration in North-East India, New Delhi : VIkas Publishing House, 1998 11. B.Pakem (ed.), Insurgency in North-East India, New Delhi, Omsons Publications, 1997 12. L.S.Gassah (ed) Autonomous District Council, New Delhi : Omsons Publications, 1997 13. H.Bareh, Meghalaya, Shillong, 1974 14. R.P.Singh, Electoral Politics in Manipur, Delhi, 1982 15. Meena Sharma Barkataki, British Administration in North-East India, New Delhi, MIttal Publications, 2004 16. Dutta, Sujit Kumar, Functioning of Autonomous District Councils in Meghalaya, Kolkatta, B.K.Book Agency, 2001 17. A.Mackenzie & B.B.Roy Burman, The North-East Frontiers of India, New Delhi, Mittal Publications, 2004 18. Animesh Ray, Mizoram Dynamic of Change, Calcutta, Pearl Publishers, 1982 19. S.Bhatt, The Challenge of the North-East India, Bombay, 1975 20. S.K.Chaube, Hill Politics in North-East India, Calcutta, Orient Longman, 1973 21. V.V.Rao, A Century of Tribal Politics in North-East India, Delhi, S.Chand & Company


PAPER-X Administration of United Nations Total Marks : 100 (Continuous Assessment 25 marks, Semester Exam 75 marks) Time : 3 hrs.

Unit-I : International Organisations Origin, History and Development till the World War I : Evolution and Concept of International Public Administration Unit-II : Evolution of the League of Nations - Structure, Agencies and Permanent Court of International Justice : Problems and Challenges before the League of Nations United Nations-Origin and Historical Development; United Nations Charter. United Nations Structure and Functions : Security Council, General Assembly, ECOSOC, Secretariat, International Court of Justice ; and Specialised Agencies like ILO, WHO, IMF and IBRD International Civil Service under United Nations Administration : Challenges and Prospects. Personnel Administration, Financial

Unit-III :

Unit-IV :

Unit-V :

Suggested Readings 1. Y.Beigbeder, Management Problems in United Nations Organizations, Pinter Publisher, London, 1988 2. S.L. Goel, International Civil Service, Sterling Publishers, New Delhi, 1984 3. Satish Kumar, (ed), The United Nations at 50, New Delhi, UBSPD, 1995 4. A.Le Roy Bennett, International Organisation : Principles and Issues, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice Hall, 1995 5. J.A.Moore and J.Pubantz, The New United Nations, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice Hall, 2005 6. D.Pet and T.Weiss (eds), The Nature of United Nations Bureaucracies, Croom and Helm, London and Sydney, 1986 7. Rumki Basu, Personnel Administration in United Nations, Sterling Publishers, New Delhi, 1989. 8. Rumki Basu, United Nations : Structure and Functions of International Organisation, Sterling Publishers, New Delhi, 1989


PAPER-XI Office Management in Government Total Marks : 100 (Continuous Assessment 25 marks, Semester Exam 75 marks) Time : 3 hrs.

Unit-I :

Office Management Meaning, Nature and Dimensions Office Management in Government Structure, Personnel and Issues Office Lay - out in Government Meaning, Aims and Objectives Units and Sub - Units of Office Material, Financial, Technological and Human Resources required in an Office Office Rules and Procedures of working in the Government Filing and Office Records; Documentation; Official Communication; Official Reports Office Personnel Management Human Resource Management Office Financial Management Budget Office Conduct and Discipline Office Supervision Use of Computer and Internet in Government Office; E-Governance

Unit-II :

Unit-III :

Unit-IV :

Unit-V :

Suggested Readings: 1. N.B.Dubey, Office Management : Developing Skills for Smooth Functioning, 2009 2. A.Metha, Organization Development, 2009 3. S.K.Bhatia, Organization Development and Transformation, 2010 4. D.P.Goyal, Management Information System, 2009 5. Prabhu, e-Governance : Concepts and Case Studies, 2008 6. Richard Heeks, Reinventing Government in Information Age, 2001 7. Mainiero and Tromley, Office Management : Developing Managerial Skills for Smooth Functioning, 2008 8. Carl Meyal, edt., Handbook of Modern Office Management and Administrative Service, 1992 9. Saltonstral, Human Relationships in Administration, 1996 10.G.Travenier, Basic Office Systems and Records, 1998 11. S.P.Arora, Office Organisation and Management, 1990

PAPER-XII (A) (Optional) 182

Police Administration Total Marks : 100 (Continuous Assessment 25 marks, Semester Exam 75 marks) Time : 3 hrs.

Unit-I : Importance of Law and Order in State; Constitutional and Legal Powers of Police, Indian Police Acts; Crimes - Reasons for increasing crimes; Indian Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Code; Techniques of Criminal Investigation

Unit-II :

(a) Police Organisations at Central, State, Local, Range, City and Village levels (b) Policing System Urban Police, Rural Police, and Community Policing

Unit-III :

(a) Functions and values of specialist agencies of the Police Administration : Central Bureau of Investigation, Intelligence Bureau, Central Industrial Security Force, Railway Protection Force. (b) Recruitment, Training and Promotion in Police Personnel Administration IPS and State Police Service. Police and People : Students and Police; Labour and Police; Press and Police; Organization & Functions of Women Police in India; Human Rights & Police; Police and Civil Society.

Unit-IV :

Unit-V :

(a) Grievances and Machinery for Redressal of Citizens Grievances and Police; Grievances of Police Personnel (b) Organizational Difficulties of Police Administration Political and Administrative (c) Reforms in Police Administration (d) Challenges and Issues Confronting Police in the 21st Century

Suggested Readings 1. James Vadackumchery, Policing the police, New Delhi , Kaveri Books, 2003 2. James Vadackumchery, Managemnet Thoughts on Police Administration, New Delhi, A.P.H.Publishing Corporation, 1998 3. P.D.Sharma, Police, polity and people in India, New Delhi, Uppal Publishing House, 1981 4. P.D.Sharma, Police and Criminal Justice Administration in India, New Delhi, Uppal Publishing House, 1985 5. Trilok Nath, Indian Police Administration, New Delhi, Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 1983 6. S.K.Ghosh, Law and Order, From the Police Point of View, Calcutta, Eastern Law House 7. J.Albert Reigs, Police and the Public, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1971 8. C.P.Bhambhri and Kuldeep Mathur, Students and the Policeman : Image and Counter Image, Economic and Political Weekly (13 Jan, 1973), pp 79-81


9. R.K.Hooda, The Constitutional and Legal Position of the Police in India, National Police Academy Magazine (Nov, 1967) pp-40-56 10.B.RBeora, The Police Acts (Central and States), Allahabad, Law Book (Latest Edition), 1970 11. S.K.Ghosh, Police Administration : Organisation and Procedure, Calcutta, Eastern Law House, 1973 12. K.M.Mathur, Administration of Police Training in India, Delhi, Gyan Publishing House 1987 13. Charles D.Hale, Fundamental of Police Administration, Boston, Holbrook Press, 1977 14. S.C.Mishra, State Police Organisations in India, New Delhi, C.R.P.F. Press, 1975 15. R.K.Bharwaj, Indian Police Administration, New Delhi, National Publishing House, 1978 16. S.C.Mishra, Police Administration in India, Mount Abu, NPA, 1970 17. P.D.Sharma, Indian Police : Development Apporoach, Delhi, Research 18.K.Murthy et.al., Preparing the Indian Police for the 21st Century, Bangalore, Law Book Publishers.


PAPER-XII (B) (Optional) Rural and Tribal Development Administration Total Marks : 100 (Continuous Assessment 25 marks, Semester Exam 75 marks) Time : 3 hrs.

A Rural Development Unit-I : Rural Development : Concept, Nature and Measures, Socio-Economic and Political context, Rural Economy and its contribution to National Economy, Institutional Framework for rural development.

Unit-II :

Rural Development Policies & Programmes, Community Development and Empowerment, Panchayati Raj System and its role in rural development; Land Reforms, Rural Employment Generation and poverty alleviation programmes - MGNREGA, Rural Bureaucracy, Development Planning; Community Participation, Challenges and Problems of Rural Development.

Unit-III :

B Tribal Development Indian Tribes : Domographic, Cultural and Geographical characteristics: Tribal Council, Constitutional provisions, Policies, Strategies and Approach to tribal development, Five Year Plans and Financial Allocation. Institutional framework for Tribal Development : Central, State and Local : Special Agencies - National Commission for Scheduled Castes; National Commission for Scheduled Tribes ; Programmes for Tribal Development Implementation and Problems.

Unit-IV :

Unit V :

Problems Related to Tribal Areas and Tribal Community Land Alienation, Indebtedness and Economic Bondage, Emerging Social and Economic Classes in Tribal Areas, Cultural Identity Crises and Outside Influx, Socio- Political Movements, Linkages with Modernization.

Suggested Readings Rural Development 1. P.R.Dubhashi, Rural Development Administraion in India, Bombay : Popular Prakashan, 1970 2. Kuldeep Mathur, Administrative Institutions : Political capacity & Indias strategy for Rural Development, Delhi, IIPA, 1977 3. S.K.Sharma and S.L.Malhotra, Integrated Rural Development : Approach, Strategy and Perspectives, Delhi : Abhinav, 1977 4. Hoshiar Singh (ed), Rural Development in India, Jaipur, Printwell Publishers, 1985 5. S.R.Maheshwari, Rural Development in India, Delhi : Sage Publications, 1985 6. P.C.Joshi, Land Reforms in India : Trends and Perspectives, Delhi , Allied, 1975 185

7. P.D.Saikia and U.Phukan, Rural Development in North East India, Delhi, D.K.Publications, 1990 8. S.S.Thekkamalai, Rural Development and Social Change in India, Delhi, D.K.Publications, 1990 9. Ashok Kumar, Rural Development in India and Dimensions of its Planning, Delhi, D.K.Publications, 1980 10. S.N.Mishra, New Horizons in Rural Development Administration, Delhi : Mittal Publications, 1990 11. D.R.Shah, Cultural factors in Rural Development, 2000 12.B.D.Ray, Dimensions of Rural Development in North East India, 2003 13. G.I.Jain, Management of Rural Development & Resources, 2002 14. S.P.Singh, Planning & Development for Rural Development, 2003 15. K.A.Jalihal, Pragmatic Rural Development for Poverty Alleviation, 2003 Tribal Development 1. B.D.Sharma, Planning for Tribal Development, New Delhi : Prachi Prakashan, 1984 2. B.D.Sharma, Administration for Tribal Development, Delhi : Prachi Prakashan 3. B.D.CHaudhuri, Tribal Development in India : Problems and Prospects, Delhi, D.K.Publishers, 1980 4. S.Narayan, Dynamics of Tribal Development, 2002 5. S.K.CHakraborty, Economic Transformation of the Tribals, 2004 6. M.S.Ahmad, Five Decades of Planning & Tribal Development, 2004 7. P.C.Jain, Planned Development Among Tribals, 1988 8. G.N.Baeg, Rural Transformation in Tribal Areas, 2001 9. N.Mishra, Tribal Culture in India, 2003 10. N.H.Mantan, Tribal Development, 2004 11. A.K.Singh, Tribal Development in India, Lucknow, New Royal Book, 1999 12. V.S.Upadhyay, Tribal Development in India : A Critical Appraisal, 2003 13. A.K.Singh, Dynamics of Tribal Economy, New Delhi, Serials Publications, 2003


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