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Role Profile and Competency Library

COMPETENCY: Accountability DEFINITION: Follows through on commitments and effectively fulfills his/her responsibilities while upholding the values and ethical standards of the ; addresses and manages conflict with others; continuously upgrades his/her knowledge and skills; provides effective feedback, coaching that enables the team to achieve strong performance THEMES: Proficiency Level 1 Does not follow directions from managers or higher-level patient care staff or sometimes violates established protocol Inconsistently meets personal commitments to others Makes excuses for poor performance Communicates problems in an open and direct manner without considering the impact of the information Waits for conflicts to blow over or goes along with an idea or decision so everyone gets along rather than effectively resolving the conflict Does not actively update knowledge related to his/her job; waits to be told to do so Fails to take responsibility for providing direction and coaching to lower-level employees Proficiency Level 2 Consistently complies with protocol and takes direction from others; produces expected results Follows through and meets personal commitments to others Openly admits mistakes and takes actions to correct situations or change behaviors Deals promptly and appropriately with issues by communicating information to the right people in a timely manner Steps up to conflicts and effectively reads situations; gets common ground with minimum noise and disruption Takes responsibility for his/her own development and takes advantage of s learning opportunities without prompting from others Actively coaches team members to improve overall team performance Proficiency Level 3 Notices when others are not following directions or protocol and alerts the appropriate manager Follows through to meet personal commitments to others and frequently seeks new opportunities to contribute Openly admits mistakes and takes actions to correct situations or change behavior; looks for ways to prevent similar mistakes in the future Demonstrates role model behavior by presenting information to the right people in the most effective, efficient ways Teaches others how to effectively deal with conflicts to get successful, win-win outcomes Demonstrates role-model behavior by always learning new knowledge; generates enthusiasm for continued learning among coworkers Displays genuine passion for strengthening team member performance to

drive overall team and goals

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