Experiments and Assignment

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Hello Everyone, This is to be informed that yours assignment and lab experiment submission date is on 29/05/2012 (On Tuesday).

Late comers not allowed to submit their records. Records must be handwritten along with standard formats. File should be covered with brown paper. Inform yours batch mates to see department notice board. 2nd Sem Mid semester Exam Expected dates, which will be held on 04/06/2012, 05/06/2012 and 06/06/2012 at CSE Department only. Timing will be displayed shortly in the departmental "Notice Board" only.
Sub:Soft Computing(MCTA-201) Assignment Q.1 Describe applications of soft computing. Q.2 Explain various type of Activation functions used in neural network? Q.3 What is EBPA network? Explain its advantages and limitations. Q.4 Differentiate between different types of ART networks. Q.5 Explain properties of fuzzy sets? What is defuzzyfication? List of Experiments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Write a program for implementing BFS and DFS. Write a program for representing processing of ANN. Write a program for using various activation functions in neural network. Write a program for delta learning rule. Case study of fuzzy set and fuzzy logic.

Sub:Advanced Computer Networks(MCTA-202) Assignment Q1. Explain in brief the functionality of each layer of OSI model. Q2. What is the difference between OSI and TCP/IP protocol suite? Explain in brief. Q3. Name 4 protocol suites different from OSI and TCP/IP. Explain in short how they are different from OSI. Q4. Where the layers of OSI model are implemented? And why? Q5. What are differences between logical and physical address in computer networks? Q6. What are the different special IP addresses? Explain each one in brief. Q7. Explain the significance of Time To Live and Type of Service fields in IP datagram. Q8. Explain the process of fragmentation and reassembly at the network layer. Q9. Explain what is piggybacking and how is implemented in flow control?

Q10. Explain how a router, switch and a hub differ from each other. Also point out the important function of each of these devices in short. Q11. What are different media types available for internetworking? Explain various combinations of a UTP cable. Q12. Explain what is ad-hoc and architecture based wireless network?? Q13. What is count to infinity problem in Distance Vector Routing and what are the solutions to it? Q14. Explain various IEEE 802.x projects in short. List of Experiments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Study of IP addresses and write a program to find the CLASS of a given IP address Study of special case IP addresses and write a program to find if a given IP address is a special address. Study of subnetting and subnet masks Write a program to find if a given IP address is valid or not. Study of IEEE 802.3 Ethernet. Study of IEEE 802.4 Token Bus Study of IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi. Study of various networking cables and configuration of UTP cable. Study of static and dynamic routing protocols and configuration of router. Study of POP3 and its commands. Study of SMTP and its commands Study of HTTP and its commands.

Sub:Advanced Programming with J2EE(MCTA-203) Assignment 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. What is java ,explain java virtual machine and its use in java program development? What is inheritance ,explain all type of inheritance? What do you know about interface /explain where can we use interface? Discus abstract window tool kit (AWT)? Why exception handling is important in java? Describe? What is thread ,explain the working process of thread? What is applet explain the life cycle of applet? Explain swing package in java? Explain java input and out put stream? Explain the architecture of JDBC also explain the working of JDBC?

List of Experiments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Write a program to achieve encapsulation in java . Write a program for implementing multilevel inheritance. Write a program to implement multiple inheritance using interface. Write a program for abstract method and abstract class. Write a program to achieve copy constructor. Write a program using swing that display 4 buttons with shortcut key and tooltips on a panel using frame. 7. Write a program using swing that display one text field and one password field. 8. Write a program to demonstrate IndexOutofBound exception. 9. Write a program to achieve thread synchronization in multithreading. 10. Write a program to create a chat server using socket programming.

Sub:S/W Engineering and Project Management(MCTA-204)

Assignment Q1. Discuss about software project management system, plans and methods? Q2. Wirte notes on different types of plans and its doccumentation methods? Q3. Why we need Software Estimation Techniques along with Expert judgement system? Q4. Define the functionalities of COSMIC and COCOMO models? Q5. Discuss about modern project profiles and next generation software economics with modern process tranitions? Experiment

Ques: Design the code and discuss about the exact procedure of an Online Project Management Software.

Sub:Distributed System(MCTA-205) Assignment Q1. Discuss the structure of distributed systems? Q2. What is the difference between traffic shaping and traffic policing? Q3. Why do I need both local and remote filenames on the clients? Do servers need to know both names? Q4. After we download/upload a file - the client disconnects and shuts down. But does the server reset to wait for another connection or does it also shut down? Q5. Discuss about distributed algorithms for locking, synchronizationa and concurrency, scheduling, and replication? Q6. Discuss the Fault-tolerant Agreement in Distributed Systems? Q6. Write down some comment about Distributed Shared Memory and Resource allocation? Q7. Why we required Application Programming Interface? Explain how does it work?

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