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L.V.Baginsky, L.B. Bykova, V.V. Ivanov Novosibirsk State Technical University NSTU, Karl Marx avenue-20, department of electric power stations, 630092, Novosibirsk, Russia Tel: (383-2) 461373
E-mail: Bykova @

Current transformers (CT) of different phases and groups in three-phase circuits interact intensively, therefore, if one of the transformers is saturated, distortions of the input currents of the high-speed protection device of the high-voltage transmission lines can be serious. It can provoke non-selecting switching or delay in action of protection. In the paper there are discussed transient processes of CT interaction, are found the most dangerous regimes of the high-speed protection of high-voltage transmission lines, if there nonsymmetrical faults take place. There are also derived conditions of such regimes. It is shown, that, if there is the two-phases fault to the ground, as the result of the CT interaction there appear rather big distortions of the input current of the high-speed protection, which principally differ from distortions of a single CT saturation. The same distortions appear, if the high-speed protection device is connected to two groups of CT with phase shift of those two groups primary currents, even if the fault occurs in one phase. The main reason of that current distortions is shifting in time of the CT magnetization and its primary current. Therefore magnetizing aperiodic component of the CT core can considerably exceed the primary current aperiodic component.

Keywords: current transformers? transient processes, method of auxiliary functions, ideal transformation. As a rule, modem high-speed protection devices (HSP) of high-voltage transmission lines (HVL) mainly provides active load on the current transformers (CT). This allows to perform analytical investigation of the qualitative side of transient processes in the current circuits comparatively easy (the method of <<auxiliary functions))) [1,2,3], calculation after that the main quantitative characteristics of protective regimes under consideration, using computer. The basis of this method is an approcsimation of the CT saturation characteristic by rectangular function. This method is rather fruitful because the problem is multifactoral and it relieves the necessity of finding the most dangerous regimes by sorting out many parameters of short-circuit currents and of the CT. The method allows to solve the problem of non-simultaneous faults [4], it would not be treated but in the paper because of the space limitations. The HSP can be connected either directly to the CT, arranged in Y-shape, or to the sum of the secondary currents of two or more CT of the same shape. The transient process of a fault with slowly decaying aperiodic component is particularly interesting, because CT saturating regimes are mostly dangerous to the HSP.
0-7803-6486-4/00/$10.000 2000 IEEE.

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When the HSP is connected to one group of CT, arranged in Y-shape (fig. l), according to the auxiliary functions method [ 13 the condition of the broken branch CT of phase A (CTA) before the first CTA saturation can be described as follows (currents of before-the-break regime are not taken into consideration): Fig. 1

where Pi) = oAwsA/ (1,R.J - initial resource of CTA; AwsA = wsA-wrA; - CTA flux coupling of saturation and remnant; I , - amplitude of the periodical component of fault current; RA- the hll active resistance of the secondary CTA circuit; aA,a,- initial phases of CTA and CTJ currents (here J is B or C)); E, = R, / RA,R, - the full active resistance of zero wires, R A = RB = R,; tF2, t:;) - the times of the first saturation CTA and CTJ ( tg) < tfj ); y(t,,t,,a,TT,)= sin(ot, +a)-sin(ot, +a)+oT, cosa[exp(-t, /T,)-exp(-t, / T T , ) ] - auxiliary hnction of y-kind; KO = 31, / I , , I , - zero sequence current; T, - time constant of the aperiodic component. Here it is assumed that the fault current is: i, = I,,[cosa, exp(-t / T, ) - cos(c0 t + a,)]


Here and hrther all current values have been transferred to the CT secondary circuits. In the following two or three periods, if T, is reasonably high (the period begins at the moment of CTA recovering from saturation of the previous period t::)),the equation of conditions is: Y(t:), ~ E , U A ) + K,&,Y(t:), t ~ ~ )q, )+ &,y(f!j;,t:i),a~,) / (1 + E , ) = 0 ~ o ,

While there is a fault in one phase, in most cases the third item could be omitted and then the second item can be treated together with the first one ( K O= 1, t:) = Thus, in most cases the character of the secondary current under single phase faults is practically the same as during the transient process in a single CTA. In the case of two-phase faults there is no current of zero sequence, the second item in (1) is absent, but the third appears only after CTJ saturation. In this case there can appear the false signal of the zero sequence equal to , =,i / (1 +E,) . i The most difficult case is two-phase fault to the ground, as through zero wire processes in two CT ,are permanently connected (for instance, CTA and CTC, that is j = C) [3]. Equation (1) can be transformed into ( ) because auxiliary hnctions can be vector added 4, [ 13, if arguments of these fhctions are equal ( ti,t, ,T, ); and it can be done if CTA is saturated firsf. Lets assume that t z ) << tf? and then



The same with (3):





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Here K,, and at, are derived from vectors I , and 31, with the phase shift 0.5 8 , where 8 = arg I , - arg 1,. From (4) and (5) one can get that, when the process of CTA magnetization does not coincide in time with the process of the primary current changing. The first one is not only shifted in time, but the magnetization aperiodic component differs from the aperiodic component of the primary current. Taking into consideration equation of the primary current (2), which gives start to (1) and (3), using (4) and (5) one can get the adequate to them function of the primary current, which would provide in the primary winding of the single CTA with the secondary resistance of RA magnetizing of CTA the same as it would have been under real conditions in the discussed scheme. This current m [ 11 is called ((resource))and its equation is irA K,,I,[cos a,, exp(t /T, ) - cos(ot + a,,)] = As I , leads I , I,, also leads I,. If z, begins with the negative half-wave and its aperiodic component is positive, the ((resource)) current irAmay start with a positive half-wave and its , aperiodic component may be much bigger than the same component of the primary current i and CTA saturates. The same situation may be, if i begins with positive half-wave and its aperiodic , component is negative. Condition of CTA after recovering from saturation is described by the equation (3). Therefore the second and several following CTA saturation's may occur before the beginning of the primary current positive half-wave (see Fig. 2a). In this case, the CTA secondary current would be a part of the current i : , ,i z -ice, /(1+ ) E,


Thus the negative half-wave of the CTA secondary current would last instead of the transformed positive half-wave and the interval of the ((ideal)) transformation would be lost. The biggest distortions of the secondary current appear when the aperiodic component of the ((resource))current is maximal: arA (0,180'). =

b) Fig. 2. The dashed line in Fig. 2a shows the current is,, simulated on PC; the program simulates a good mathematical model of the process. Fig. 2b shows primary and secondary currents of phases A and C aA= -20" and 8 = 120", got in experiments on the CT model with Y-shaped connection and active-inductive character of the secondary network resistance. In the picture one can see distortions of the phase A secondary is, (there are no intervals of the (<ideal)) transformation). The region of such processes with the loss of ((ideal)) transformation intervals greatly depends on E, and a,. When E, = 0,7 the process exists on a, interval from a = -45" to , aA -10" (and accordingly from 135" up to 170, ) and grows when E, becomes bigger. It is =


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characteristic that the described process can take place only in CT with the lagging phase (for instance, when there is fault in A and C phases it occurs in A phase). If the HSP is connected to the sum of currents of two CT, arranged in Y-shape, and there is the external fault, the current transformers are in constant interaction independent on the kind of the fault. It happens because their secondary resistance Rd can be rather big when wires are long. Therefore current transformers on the supply side (CTS) and on the fault side (CTF) (in the fig. 3 these current transformers are marked TS and TF accordingly ) are loaded not only by resistors l $ and R, , but also by Rd . Usually the primary currents I, and I , don't coincide in phase. The process of CT magnetizing in the circuits under consideration should be described by the auxiliary functions, using resource currents, because, as shows the transient process analysis, only the resource current parameters influence magnetizing character decisively. More than that, as it is shown in [I], resource current describes magnetizing of saturated CT. Therefore it helps to find not only time of saturation, but also the moment of coming out of saturation. Let's introduce one more auxiliary
= cos a exp( t /

hnction of t -kind:

Fig. 3

T, ) - cos(o't + 01 )

f. 2

[I ,


K S )

>7 ( '


+ +



+ Egf)t(f>as,

+ ' (lf' d o+






R, / R,

, d , = & / Rr , d, = k0 R, , as,aL- initial phases of fault of the supply side /

, current is and of the HVL one i, , T SK L - time constant of the same current components of the same currents. 3loJcToJ

2 =3&
f +


Fig. 4 The transient process initial intervals are of the greatest interest, therefore it is possible to neglect the difference between qsand ,if they are big enough. Then in the single-phase case




+~qj$(t,a/,~4f)+d j + d o j $ ( f > a L > x L ) ImL(



xf - equivalent time constant of aperiodic current.

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The equation of the CTS resource current, when the non-fault phase current and the difference between T,, and T,, can't be neglected, is

i = I,,&t/a,/T,,)- I m L ( d s+ d,,)i(t,a.,,T,,) ,
(1 1)


where d, = R d do, = Rdo &"S = %s The vector diagram (Fig. 4a) shows that I, influences greatly the phases of CTS and CTF resource currents, because though I,, is rather small, but d, , d,, are big. Therefore Ir, and Irs modules are nearly the same, but difference of their phases is big. Possibility of CTF and CTS saturation is nearly the same and depends on initial faults' phases and on the remnant fluxes. If the initial phase of irsl ars= 0 its aperiodic part is near to maximum and aperiodic part of i, is very small and it is CTS that saturates first (CTF can not be saturated at all ). Thus, the processes in CTS are similar to processes in CTA with two phase fault to the ground, discussed above, and there are high secondary is distortions with loss of (tideal)) transformation interval and the input current of HSP is half-wave opposite to is (but not to 2,). If the initial phase of the short-current gives arj= 0 it is CTF that saturates first (similarly to the case described above), though resource current I , lags the primary current I,, but it leads I,. Then i, begins from the negative half-wave while the resource current may start from the positive. Therefore in the second and in some next periods CTF saturation occurs before iLbecomes positive and a false signal gets into HSP (see fig. 4b) and protection current i, is: 2, = -is / ( l + d, + d o s )





As a result, i, would change its polarity together with is which has rather long half-wave, because of the high aperiodic component. In this case distortions are especially big and there is no interval of ((ideal)) transformation. They increase when Rd and &, grow and when phase shift between Is and I, becomes big. Dashed line in fig 4b shows i, (when arf= 0), calculated, using the mentioned above program for the CT nominal primary current 1000 A, (secondary 1 A), If =12800A , I, =11000A , I , = 4250A , arf= 0" , a, =195O , Rd = Rdo=10hm ,

R, = Rfo = 4 = k,,=20hm.
Thus, if the phase shift of I, , I , and Rd, Rdoare big enough, the saturation of CTF and CTS are of the same probability and they both give false signals into the HSP of the HVL,but the false signal due to the CT F saturation is more intensive. It is important to mention on that such , transient processes are more probable when the i aperiodic component is not maximal. When there is an external two-phase fault to the ground many factors influencing the process of resourc rrent formation should be taken into consideration. Let's assume T,, = , which is possible, because the most dangerous are transient processes in HSP at their beginning and when T, > O,l, Then the third arguments of i -kind fbnction are equal in all items and could be omitted. Analysis of case of the fault to the ground regime of phases A and B showed the case of the CTBF saturation is the most interesting. Thus resource current equation of CTBF is:



= zmB,i(t, ) + X , ~ ~ E , , , i(t, a, + 31,,do,i~t, a,) + IhBLdfi(f, aBL aBf >.

. J .

(13) where I, ,

,I ,

- amplitudes of periodical components of the zero sequence at the place of the

fault and in the protected HVL.

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In the Fig. 5 one can see vector diagram for the case of faults to the ground of phases A and B at a power station buses, where HVL protection is installed. As 3 , (and 31,, ) leads 1

I , components 3 1 , ~ ~ 3Z,,d, provide the leading resource and ~ current I,, from IBf . Therefore possibility of the process

described above, giving high distortions of the protection current in the transient process of this character would take place at the Fig.5 bigger range of fault initial phases than in the case of one phase fault. The equation of CTBS resource current is: 2,~s= z m ~ s iti f f g s ) -!- 31,n0s&0si( ff, - Im~,dsi(f/ B ) L 31m0~d0si(f/ ( t/ ) ~ a,

I, ,


Two last components of the equation lessen module of vector IrBSand lessen the opportunity of CTBS to be saturated first. However if the CTBS remnant flux polarity is not favorable and polarity of the CTBF on the contrary is favorable, CTBS may saturate and a false signal appears in the HSP, but it is much shorter then in the case described above. Analysis of the saturated CTAF and CTAS transient processes showed that they also provoke false signals in the HSP, but they are less intensive and the ((ideal))transformation interval keeps. There is one more danger when the mutual angle of one-named phases of currents ( I,, I , ) becomes smaller. It happens because of the difference between time constants T,, and T L(up to 0,2-0,25 sec). As one can see from (1 I), phases of periodical components with parameters d , , do, and the other components are practically opposite. Therefore the resulting periodical and aperiodic , components of the resource current i are decreasing in comparison with the initial current is. But after some period of time the aperiodic component of the current i, is decaying and the resulting current irS would have the aperiodic component practically the same as the current i s . If is contains , , a big aperiodic component (a, + 0 or a +180"), this aperiodic component of i became bigger that periodical one and CTS saturates. Conclusion 1. In the current circuits of the HSP under influence of CT interaction high distortions of these currents can appear. 2. When the HSP is connected to a group of CT of Y-shape, in the case of the two-phase faults to the ground with the aperiodic component in ((lagging))phase a secondary distortions can appear at the very beginning of the current half-wave having the same polarity as the aperiodic component. That means that the interval of the <<ideal>> transformation is lost. There is no need of maximal aperiodic part of the current of this phase. 3 . When the HSP is connected to the sum of currents of two groups of CT, arranged in Y-shape, processes of current distortions described in conclusion 2 can take place if there is a fault only in one phase and if components of currents of the feeding station and of the protected HVL have great phase shift. References [1 ] EaTHHCKHk J . B . MeTon aHaJIHTHYeCKOT0 HCCJIeAOBaHHX B3aHMOnekCTBHX . TpaHCaOPMaTOPOB TOKa C lIpeHMyWeCTBeHH0 aKTHBHOG HaTPY3KOfi. B ~ 6 ((Actual problems automatic w energetic>.Gliwice, 1985, s. 469-479.

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