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PART-1 The law of European Union The Significant aim o European is incorporating political, economical structure and pattern

of single market where the factors such as money, people, products and services are streaming freely. In accordance with this, European Union organizations are allowed by state members under European Union agree to execute laws by granting a few part of their authority under the contract of EU's functioning (Shrimpton, 2009). Indeed the law, decision, directives and control of European Union are considered to be greater than the law of nations and are considered to be compulsory on the system of nations under state of European Union. The decisions of European Union are not applicable in all case and it only appropriate with certain cases. Moreover the directives of European Union are directed to the member of states' authorities and the govern of nations need to be influential with regards to building it as part of the law of nations (Knight, 2011). The purpose and importance of EU laws The laws in division are developed by EU in which it has the power through the contract. International trade, competition, justice, and trade within European Union are comprised in sectors. In addition, the home affairs division of United Kingdom has got authority to whether to embrace or to give the law of the European Union. However the rest of the law in other all sectors are compulsory and applicable to United Kingdom. According to (Stiener et,al, 2006)The legislation of EU has been divided in three categories, which are given below. European Union regulations: It is directly applicable and obligatory to all members EU directives: The member of states can take decision how to implement although it is obligatory. EU decisions: It has been directed to certain state members and it not applicable to every state members.

The Billy's case The laws of European Union are obligatory to all nations including United Kingdom. The daily life and business of UK are influenced by the three categories of Law. According to (Paul 2008) EU laws of has got superior influence on the business as the legislation significantly concentrate on the common rule of general market. In addition it can be said that the law of EU are superior to law of UK. In order to carry out business in Britain, it is necessary to apply the EU laws. Therefore Billy has to consider that laws of EU are applicable and obligatory to UK. The laws which are built up by the parliament of UK are called statutory law. But indeed EU laws are applicable with the statutory laws. Business practices are supported by the laws of European Union. Indeed several laws directives in specific promote business practices in UK. According to (Osley and Richard, 2008) there new principles which EU directs to stop any kind of unfair internment of firms of UK. In accordance with this new principles, as a law in Britain

need to begin as soon as an EU directive is accepted . This confirm the benefits of business all will come into action immediately. Moreover according to the new principle there is no unquestionable grounds and it cannot be rearranged to regulations UK. This facilitates better benefits for United Kingdom and this enable to challenge with their competitors even from other EU parts. Furthermore, each five years EU legislation will be reassessed and discussed for improving the execution of EU laws in order to minimize the adverse affect on the UK businesses. It is clear that EU member states including UK are being provided by the regulations of EU. (Paul et,al 2008) states that there are many regulations that facilitates states members for making most of their opportunities and attaining advantageous in all divisions . (Osley and Richard, 2008) also argue that EU regulations support growth even in complex times like financial crisis. European Union advice and approve laws for healthy practice of business in order to support business and EU also support business by providing subsidies. In fact European Union offer fund for assisting and supporting socially divested redundancy areas via their regional policy. European Union has simplified the trade mark registering. The fact is that the trade mark is registered in one country under EU is valid all through other EU nations (Robert and Emerson, 2009). The British business practices are greatly influenced by EU laws and national laws. Through directives, laws as well as regulations the EU influences the taxation and spending of British. Several directives as well as regulations are passed by EU for supporting business in UK (Paul,2008). Funds are provided by EU to assist and support socially deprived and joblessness areas through their regional policy. The EU customers and business are able to save 28 billion yearly from transactions by the payment service Directive which has been passed in 2008. Furthermore the economy of United Kingdom get billion pounds benefits due to the single market which is brought by the European Union. In the United Kingdom about 3billion people get job by exporting products and services to the EU. These all factors make it clear the law of European Union has got superior influence on UK businesses (Kenneth, 2011).

PART-2 Steps for recovering money In order to recover the money Billy can approach court if client refused to pay within the time period which has been specified in the contract. There are some process and procedures to be pursued by Billy in order to do that. At first a letter need to be made by Billy to A&B Garage Ltd by utilizing the service of lawyer to proceed further. In this letter Billy need to ask for payment which is outstanding and give details of the certain reason for making the claim and letter must include other crucial documents like contract. According to (Stiener, 2006) the above mentioned step is considered to be very significant and it has been specifically stated in the Pre-Action Protocol Practice Direction Under the civil procedures rules. It make it clear that Belly has to pay some legal expenditure to A&B Garage Ltd if he fails to do so. In fact by sending this letter A&B Garage get a chance to understand the intensity of the issue and make the may payment immediately.

Billy can stop court proceeding if A&B Garage justify and make satisfy Billy. However Billy is able to proceed further unless A&B garage do not make the payment or releasing valid justification for why they don't go ahead with the payment. Billy can send claim form and information of claim with court fee to appropriate court if the issue is not settled even after the communication with pre-action protocol (Knight, 2011). There are various court fees in accordance with the amount of claim. The suitability of court is extremely depend upon the technical complexity of the case. Unless there is complication involved in the case of Billy the claim form will be sent the country court considering the ease of Billy, or else Technology and construction cost will contemplate the case. It is necessary that part 16 of civil procedures rules need to be confirmed in the claim form. Billy has to bear in mind that it is very significant due to it can be possible for A&B garage to apply for striking out claim before the trial of the claim. The A&B garage will be sent claim form and information of claim by the court and provided certain time such as 2 to 4 weeks in order to disclose the claim or to send a statement to defense court. In fact it can also be happened that A&B may counter claim against Billy by telling that, he need to pay A&B garages and then Billy and A&B garages will be sent allocation questionnaire. (Paul et,al 2008) argue that for settling the issue and to avoid any kind of court proceeding A&B garages either need to offer to Billy before the court proceedings or any time during the proceedings. The case will be end if defendant such as A&B garage make an offer to Billy which is acceptable for him. In order to make sure whether both parties are ready for trial, court will send pre trial checklist before three months of setting time. It is necessary for Billy to pay fee between 25 to 100 while returning the checklist sent by the court. The judge will deliver the verdict after hearing the evidence and consideration of relevant document from the lawyers of both sides. A&B has to pay to Billy in two weeks if he wins and Billy can recover the money with the help of warrant even after A&B is not making the payment to Billy.

Problems to be faced by Billy There are some problems which Billy will have to face while going to the court against A&B garage. According to (Roger, 2009) the meaning of pre action protocol is to settle more cases prior to the court procedures and indeed most of the defendants does not consider this with enough importance. The reason behind of that kind of negligence is nothing but the defendant get the other option make the payment with small fixed cost till two weeks after issuing of court procedures and claim's details are obtained by the defendant. The defendant has to pay (here A&B garage) the claim amount in 2 weeks. In this 14 days time most of the defendant try to find whether the claimant is serious or mere threatening. Therefore only after the getting the claim form and particulars most of the dependant make the payment. In addition, the of the other issue has to be considered that it the cases are not settled out of the court, the lost party will be ordered to pay most of the expenditure of the winning party. This indicates that Billy will have to pay to A&B if Billy fails in the court case.


Knight, J. (2011), British Politics For Dummies, John Wiley & Sons PublicationsThe Independent (London).

Paul P. Craig, Grinne De Brca - (2008) EU law: text, cases, and materials, 4 edition, Oxford University Press. Robert W. Emerson - (2009) Business law, 5th edition, Oxford University press Roger LeRoy Miller, Gaylord A. Jentz - 2009 Fundamentals of Business Law: Excerpted Cases, sage publications Steiner, J., Woods, L. and, Twigg-Flesner C. (2006), EU law, Oxford University Press Shrimpton, M. (2009). "For Good Measure". New Law Journal 159 (7357): 248. Osley, Richard (2008-11-23). "London becomes litigation capital of the world"

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