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Day of between (Name of Company who wants to hire) ______________, having its registered office ________________(Address), represented herein by its Authorised Signatory, _______________(NAME of Signing Authority) (hereinafter referred to as ABCD----(Short name of company)) of the ONE PART; AND Name of Contractor_________, having its registered Office

___________________________ (Address), represented herein by its Authorised Signatory, _____________ Name of Authorised Signature. (Hereinafter referred to as Contractor [which expression unless it be repugnant to the subject or context include its successors or assigns]) of the OTHER PART WHEREAS (1) ABCD has a factory building and surrounding area and works, presently under construction at ______________Address of site & present stage (hereinafter referred as Premises) and is desirous of giving out the activities of Housekeeping, Gardening and any other services of general & intermittent nature at its premises as specified in Schedule I hereto (hereinafter referred to as the said work) to some reliable Contractor. (2) The Contractors are the contractor for the supply of all types of workmen required for the said work and has expressed its willingness to render the services through their workmen to ABCD as per the requirements from time to time and in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Contract. NOW THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS CONTAINED HEREINAFTER, IT IS AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO AS FOLLOWS:

Contractors covenants 1. The Contractor agrees to his functions, duties and obligations in respect of each work as specified in Schedule I hereto. 2. It is agreed that the Contractor will provide its workmen at the premises of ABCD for execution of aforementioned work, as per details given below: Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. Machine Operator Housekeepers Working Supervisor 2 2 1 Total: 5 3. The Contractor deputes its workmen at the premises of ABCD who shall work in two shifts. Per shift shall consist of maximum of nine hours generally which includes the workmens break hours. The timings of the shift shall be fixed by the designated officer of ABCD from time to time depending upon the requirements of ABCD. The Contractor shall be responsible for granting of leaves to the workmen engaged in the premises of ABCD. ABCD shall not be responsible for additional overtime payment in case of prolonged duty hours or double duty by the workmen deputed by the Contractor at the premises of ABCD. 4. The workmen provided by the Contractor shall work in the following shift pattern: Sr. No. 1. Machine Operator Housekeepers Working Supervisor 1 1 1 0 Workmen 1 Shifts Morning General 1 Remark Type of Workmen No.

Total Grant Total

3 5

5. The Contractor will alone be entitled to dictate such workmen about the manner of the execution without any interference or instructions or intervention whatsoever of ABCD. Neither Company nor its official will have any connection with workmen engaged by the Contractor nor will they supervise, dictate to the workmen the manner of execution/completion of the job. 6. The Contractor shall rotate its workmen engaged at ABCDs premises every six months. 7. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for independently carrying out and providing workmen for carrying out all Housekeeping, and any other services of general & intermittent nature at the premises of ABCD and shall be responsible for the selecting, engaging, retaining, deploying and supervising all such workmen of the Contractor as may be deemed necessary for the efficient provision of the said work. 8. ABCD shall not allow any workmen supplied by the Contractor who has not completed the minimum age as per law locally applicable. 9. The Contractor shall work only on and during the hours of a working day unless he obtains the prior written approval of ABCD to do otherwise. If such approval is given, no liability in respect of any excess cost therefrom shall be incurred by ABCD. 10. The Contractor shall ensure that its workmen shall always be accompanied with an identity card duly signed by its authorized officer. Statutory compliances

11. The Contractor shall be responsible to comply with all the provisions as to procurement of licences/ registrations, maintenance of various registers and records, timely payment of wages, etc. under various Labour Laws such as: The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970. The Minimum Wages Act, 1948. The Maharashtra Workmen's Minimum House-Rent Allowance Act, 1983. The Payment of Wages Act, 1936. The Bombay Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1953. The Employee State Insurance Act, 1948. The Employees Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952. The Employees Compensation Act, 1923. The Industrial Dispute Act, 1947. The Industrial Employment (Standing Order) Act, 1946. The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961. The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976. The Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976. The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986. The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965. The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972. The Bombay Shop's and Establishment Act, 1948. The Interstate Migrant Workmen Act, 1979 Any other such relevant Acts

ABCD shall not be liable to give any benefits to the Contractor and its workmen nor shall ABCD have obligation or responsibility regarding compliance of above statutory enactments. ABCD reserves the right to withhold payments to the Contractor in the event the above requirements are not complied with.

Supervision of workmen 12. ABCD shall designate at all times a person/s (hereinafter referred to as designated officer/s) with whom the Contractor shall liaise for all the requirements and such designated officer shall have liberty to inspect and take suitable action which shall be binding on it. The Contractor shall provide his Supervisors presence in ABCDs premises who shall be responsible for effectively and efficiently supervising the Contractors workmen and ensuring prompt discharge of all responsibilities cast upon the Contractor under this Contract. The Contractor and its workmen shall be bound to accept and abide by any special instructions or requirements which may be communicated in writing or orally by the designated officer for the purposes of ensuring efficient performance of said work or compliance with rules, regulations and procedures laid down by ABCD or any statutory authority. 13. All accidents to the Contractors workmen or to any other person in the premises must be reported to the designated officer immediately by the Supervisor of the Contractor. The Contractor shall solely be responsible for complying with all statutory requirements in case of any accident involving his workmen. 14. The Contractor shall pay the wages to its workmen in the presence of designated officer who will act as Authorised representative of ABCD and shall sign the necessary muster roll on behalf of ABCD. The designated officer shall have right to inspect the records which shall be required to be maintained under various Labour Laws in force from time to time by the Contractor. In case of default in complying with the provisions of the Labour laws applicable to the Contractor which causes any loss to ABCD, ABCD shall have right to recover the amount from the Contractors monthly bills. 15. ABCD will not allow within its premises smoking, drinking alcohol, and chewing pan/tobacco by workmen of the contractor. The Contractor and its supervisor shall further ensure that his labour supplied adheres to safety and disciplinary norms of ABCD as laid down from time to time.

16. The Contractor will provide Safety Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs) i.e. summer and winter uniforms, helmets, safety shoes, hand gloves, Goggles, safety-belts etc., to its workmen on its own and ensure that these equipments are properly & always used by its workmen while performing their duties. 17. The Contractor shall keep its workmen, tools, equipments and all his insurable items insured comprehensively against all risks of whatsoever nature including third party risks at his own cost although these might be physically located at ABCDs premises during the tenure of the Contract. 18. The Contractor will maintain high standard of cleanliness in the premises to the entire satisfaction of ABCD. 19. The Contractor agrees to execute, fulfil and discharge the work and obligations hereinafter provided in the manner hereinafter agreed, to the entire satisfaction of the ManagementABCD. 20. The Contractor shall ensure that its workmen make their arrangement for food. ABCD will neither provide any canteen facility nor any staying facility to the workmen of the Contractor. 21. Subject to any statutory provision which might be applicable, the Contractor shall be responsible for maintenance of discipline amongst the workmen deployed by the Contractor for execution of its part of obligations under the Contract. In case of any breach of discipline of ABCD by any workman of the Contractor, ABCD reserves the right for immediate withdrawal of the said person by the Contractor and provide a replacement for the same immediately and recover any losses, if any from Contractor on account of such acts of indiscipline by Contractors workmen. 22. In the event of any outbreak of illness of an epidemic nature, the Contractor shall comply with and carry out such regulations, orders and requirements as

may be made by the Government or the local, medical or sanitary authorities for the purpose of dealing with and overcoming the same. Consideration & Payment 23. ABCD and the Contractor agree that the fees and charges payable to the Contractor for handling the assignment shall be as specified in Schedule II hereunder written. 24. a) The Contractor will raise service charge bill as per Schedule II, on 1st working day of the following month for each calendar month. b) All bills raised by the contractor are to be accepted by ABCD forthwith and paid within next 14 working days from the date of acceptance. c) If as a result of post payment audit, any overpayment is detected in respect of any work done by the Contractor or alleged to have done by the Contractor under the tender, it shall be recovered by ABCD from the Contractor; also vice versa if any underpayment is discovered, the amount shall be duly paid to the Contractor by ABCD. 25. Liquidated Damages a) Without prejudice to the recourses under the disputes redressal procedures herein set out, ABCD shall be entitled to impose liquidated damages calculated at the rate of 10% per day subject to maximum of 100% of the value of the services if ABCD finds that the contract job is not performed to the required standard or any damage / loss has been caused to ABCD by Contractor or its workmen. b) Any Notice issued by ABCD for any disputes, as provided hereinabove, shall include the necessary calculations of Liquidated Damages, if ABCD shall exercise its rights to levy Liquidated Damages. c) The levy of Liquidated Damages shall be without prejudice to any Award or Ruling granted by any Mediator or Arbitrator appointed under this Agreement.

26. ABCD shall deduct all the applicable taxes/ Government levies from the total bill of the Contractor as per the law in force. 27. The Contractor shall be liable for performance of all obligations under Payment of Wages Act, Minimum Wages Act, P.F. and E.S.I. Acts, Payment of Bonus Act, Payment of Gratuity Act or any other statutes applicable to this Contract. In case any demand/ recovery is made from ABCD on account of any levies payable in respect of the contract, ABCD shall be competent/ entitled to recover/deduct the amount in question, irrespective of the merits of the claim of authorities, from the monthly bills of service charges of the Contractor. Independent contract 28. This Contract creates a principal to principal relationship between ABCD and the Contractor and that the Contractor shall not be treated as a supervisor or agent of ABCD. The Contractor will not use the Trade Mark and/or Trade name of ABCD or Letter Heads of ABCD nor hold himself as an agent of ABCD. 29. ABCD shall not be liable vicariously or otherwise for any deeds, offences or misconduct committed by the Contractor or any of its workmen or any promises made by the Contractor or any of its workmen. The Contractor hereby holds ABCD free and harmless from all such claims and liabilities thereto. 30. This Contract shall not create any master servant/ principal agent/employer employee relationship between ABCD and the Contractor or between ABCD and the workmen of the Contractor deployed for execution of contract by the Contractor, as the case may be. Confidentiality 31. All information and knowledge which the Contractor or its workmen acquires during the course of its agreement either directly or indirectly including but not limited to details of office, operation process, technical know-how, security / administrative/ organizational matters relating to business of ABCD, its employees, shall not be divulged or disclosed by them to any third party

without consent of ABCD. The Contractor shall take the necessary steps to cause its workmen to observe the confidentiality provisions hereof as may be reasonably expected under the circumstances. The Contractor further agrees and declares that the confidentiality clause is a major term of this agreement and any breach thereof shall entitle ABCD not only to terminate this agreement forthwith but also to claim compensatory damage from the Contractor. Duration of Contract 32. The duration of this Contract is for a period of 12 months from .., to .., though the parties will have the right to extend the period to any extent to which the parties may mutually agree before the expiry of the stipulated period. 33. The Contract may be determined even before the stipulated period by either party giving the other one months notice in writing. Breach of terms 34. In the event of non-compliance or breach of any terms of the Contract or unsatisfactory or inefficient working, ABCD will be at liberty to revoke the contract by giving a one week notice to the Contractor and shall have right to invoke provisions of Clause 24 of this Agreement. Assignment 35. The Contractor will appoint neither any sub agency nor assign any burden or benefit of this Contract to any third party. 36. It is agreed and understood by the Contractor that this contract shall not be transferable and no job arising under this contract can be sub contracted by the Contractor except with the prior written permission of ABCD.

37. It is agreed that after termination of this contract the Contractor shall be liable and responsible to remove such labour supplied and the material brought by them for the performance of this contract immediately from the premises of ABCD. 38. ABCD will not, in any manner be responsible for any act, omission or commission of the workmen engaged by the Contractor and no claim in this respect will lie against ABCD. Indemnification 39. a) The Contractor shall be responsible for the loss of as well as damage to the moveable or immoveable property of ABCD. In the event of loss of as well as damage to the moveable or immoveable property of ABCD, the Contractor shall indemnify ABCD the actual loss occurred to the property as well to ABCD. ABCD shall have right to deduct the cost of damages from the monthly bills of the Contractor. b) ABCD is primarily responsible for the work of housekeeping services assigned to the Contractor. The Contractor should execute the work efficiently and with due diligence and care. However, the Contractor shall indemnify ABCD and its successors from and against all suits, claims, actions and demands which may be made or commenced against ABCD by any workmen of the Contractor deputed at the premises of ABCD or other third party as a consequence of any failure or deficiency on the part of the Contractor in performing, fulfilling or providing any of the functions, duties, obligations and services hereunder. Notice 40. a) Any routine correspondence between the Parties may be carried on by email, fax, or any of the normally acceptable means of commercial correspondence. b) Any operative correspondence and Notices under these presents shall be served only in writing, and by registered post, acknowledgement due, and : i. If upon ABCD, then to :

Name Of Company Address ___________ _____________ Attention: Telephone: +_________________ Fax: +______________________

ii. If upon the Contractor, then to : Name of contractor Address: ___________ _____________ Attention: Telephone: +_________________ Fax: +______________________ Disputes Redressal Procedure 41. a) During the resolution of disputes the services shall continue and shall not be curtailed, halted or stopped in any manner and this stipulation shall be an undertaking by the Contractor to ABCD in this behalf. b) Any dispute or difference arising between the Parties out of these presents the parties shall endeavour to settle the same by a meeting between Mr. ________________, Director on behalf of the Contractor and _________________ on behalf of ABCD, and the said persons shall endeavour to arrive at a mutually acceptable solution within 3 working days of their meeting. c) In case of Arbitration, the Aggrieved Party, as the Notifying Party shall serve an Arbitration Notice on the other Party, as the Notified Party, setting out therein : iii. iv. Its intention to proceed to Arbitration; The claim, dispute or grievance;

d) It is hereby recorded and specifically agreed by Contractor that whomsoever Party shall be the Aggrieved Party, the Managing Director of ABCD shall have the right to nominate the Sole Arbitrator within 2 days of the receipt / dispatch of the Arbitration Notice. e) The Parties shall then proceed to Arbitration. f) Within 2 days of the appointment of a Sole Arbitrator, the Sole Arbitrator shall invite the claims and counterclaims / replies of the Parties and shall call for the presence of such persons and / or such documents and information that they may require in order to decide the dispute. g) Within 10 days of the appointment of Sole Arbitrator, the Sole Arbitrator shall deliver / publish his Final Award. h) The Parties agree that the Final Award shall be final and binding on them, and that they shall not dispute or challenge the same. i) The Arbitral Proceedings shall be governed by the Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996. j) The venue of the Arbitration shall be at ABCDs offices at the address given hereinabove, unless the Sole Arbitrator shall deem that the same be conducted at the Site. k) The language of the proceedings shall be English. l) The fees of the Sole Arbitrator and the incidental expenditure of the Arbitration shall be paid by both Parties in equal proportion. m) Each Party shall bear and pay the fees and costs of their own lawyers and other professional advisors and all out of pocket expenditure. n) Arbitration shall survive Replacement. 42. It is expressly agreed between the Parties that any legal action, suit or proceeding arising out of or in any way relating to this Contract shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of appropriate jurisdiction, in Mumbai, Maharashtra State. 43. This Contract shall be executed in duplicate. The original shall be retained by ABCD and the duplicate by the Contractor.


Signature of ABCD For Company

Signing Authority Signature of the Contractor


Mr. ______________ __________________ (ABCD)

Mr. ______________ __________________ (Contractor)

Schedule I Scope of Work GENERAL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. House Keeping contract shall include all Factory Area, Office Area, Security Cabins, Roads, Garden area, etc. All the daily services shall be accomplished before office hours, i.e. 7.00 a.m. unless specially advised otherwise. The workmen deployed shall be trained in House Keeping / management services, bear good conduct and physically fit for the work. All the workmen deployed by the Contractor shall be well dressed and their uniform shall be neat and clean.

The Contractor shall issue identity card and attendance card to the workmen deputed at the premises of ABCD.
Desired level of cleanliness at the entire premises of ABCD shall be maintained and for this all materials/instruments/tools, etc. shall be provided by the Contractor. The working supervisor of the Contractor shall attend to complaints on urgent basis round the clock.



The Contractor shall provide the housekeeping material i.e. toiletries/ Cleaning materials/ instruments in sufficient quantity and of good quality which includes but not limited to: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (xv) Broom with handle Brush with PBT Dry mop Wet mop Hand scrubber Cobweb collector Telescopic Pole Window washer Window Squeegee Hand gloves Soft broom Hard broom Toilet chocker Naphthalene balls Phenol


Toilet cleaner

(xvii) Seni cubes (xviii) Floor Liquid Soap (xix) (xx) (xxi) Glass scrapper White duster Broom for dustpan

(xxii) Yellow duster (xxiii) Dust collector (xxiv) Dustpan (xxv) Other relevant housekeeping material other than consumable 8. The Workmen deployed by the Contractor shall do following types of daily works at the premises of ABCD which shall include but not limited to the following: a) Removal of waste material / garbage from the entire premises of ABCD including but not limited to - from the dustbins, buckets, mugs ,toilets, open areas / lawns and Gardens, etc. b) Dusting and vacuum cleaning of furniture, cup-boards telephone instruments and doors, windows, ventilators, blinds and glass partition using glass cleaning chemicals to keep all such articles dust free during the morning time. c) d) e) f) g) 9. Acid cleaning and scrubbing of toilets, washbasins, sanitary fittings, using detergents, deodorants and disinfectants at least twice a day. Cleaning / moping of floor area by detergents, disinfectants, etc. in the morning or as and when required during the day. Provision of toiletries in the toilets in the morning after daily check-up. Vacuum cleaning / washing of carpets wherever provided at the All Areas. Filling water in desert / room / water coolers, etc. wherever provided.

The workmen deployed by the Contractor shall do area wise cleaning as per the frequency chart given below: Administrative Area Sr. No. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Scope of Work Dry Dusting Wet Dusting Dry Moping Wet Moping Glass cleaning Upholstery Frequency of Cleaning Once a day Once a Day Regularly Thrice a day Once a day Quarterly

(vii) (viii) (ix)

furniture cleaning Desk Cleaning Tea Vending Machine Area

Once a week Once a Day Minimum thrice in day or as and when required

INSIDE PLANT AREA - Shop floor (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) All Toilets (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Break and (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) Urinal pot Basin cleaning Mirror WC-pot Phenol moping Regular cleaning Dry Dusting Wet Dusting Dry Moping Wet Moping Four times a day Twice a day Twice a day Four times a day Five times a day As and when required Once a day Once a Day Once a day Once a day Dry Dusting Wet Dusting Dry Moping Wet Moping Regular cleaning Mechanized Sweeping Floor scrubbing Collecting waste material Once a day Once a Day Regularly Once a day Continues Twice a day Once a day Once a day

Outside area - Security cabin and Main gate

Canteen - 3 Times in a Day before & after 1) Morning Tea Break; 2) Lunch 3) Afternoon/Evening Tea Breaks Cleaning of Tables & Chairs Cleaning of Dustbins Cleaning of tea vending machine & water cooler area Dry Dusting Wet Dusting Dry Moping Wet Moping

10. The Workmen deployed by the Contractor shall do following types of weekly works at the premises of ABCD which shall include but not limited to the following: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Mechanical washing and scrubbing of floor area with detergents, dust removing chemicals and polishing of the floor areas, etc. Removal of cobwebs, dusts, termites, insects, pests, etc. Windows sponging and cleaning. Keeping ceiling and table / pedestal fans, air conditioning grills dust free. Cleaning of dustbins and buckets with detergents. Up keeping of partition glasses and panes with utmost care and by application of glass cleaning chemicals. Polishing & oiling of door closers, door handles, and other brass fittings with Silvo / Brasso / lubricants. Dusting & cleaning of Murals, Sceneries, Photo-frames, idols, etc. h) i) Polishing of taps and other steel fittings in the toilets with Silvo / Brasso. Specialized cleaning of computers, peripherals, hardwares, telephones, workstations and other sophisticated equipments as per direction of the Principal.

Schedule II

(Referred to in clause 19 of this Agreement)

Final Rates

Virtual Clean Facility Solutions Pvt. Ltd. quote with Finalized Manpower
Sr No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Basic Wages (As per Minimum Wages Fixed) Spl.All/ D.A(As per Minimum Wages Fixed) Sub Total 1 (1+2) H.R.A. (5% on 3) Uniform Shoos Sub Total3 (6+7) Provident Fund (13.61% on 3) Ex-gratia/Bonus (8.33% on 3) Gratuity Fund (4.17% on 3) Leave With Wages (5% on 3) * E.S.I.C. (4.75% on 8+3) or Medical Allowance & WC policy Administration Charges (1% on 3) Sub Total (8+9+10+11+12+13+14) Other Allowance Sub Total 5 (8+18+19+20) Service Charge ( 15% on 21) Sub Total 5 (21+22) Service Tax (10.3% on 23) Total (23 + 24) Per Personal Per Shift Proposed No of Personal No of Shifts Weekly Off Adjustment Proposed No of Personal Total of total Personal Total Monthly Bill for All (Except Service Tax) Total Monthly Bill (Except Service Tax) Total Annual Bill For All (Except Service Tax) Total Annual Bill (Except Service Tax) Monthly Service Charge 39939.06 53872.92 479268.78 167206.22 1.00% 36.86% (Voluntary) Sub Total 15.00% Sub Total 12.36% Total 2 cleaner per shift+ 1 Supervisor in General Shift Fix Sub Total 5.00% Fix Fix Sub Total 13.61% 8.33% 4.17% 5.00% 4.75% Fix 3900.00 1344.00 5244.00 262.20 200.00 75.00 5781.20 713.71 436.83 218.67 262.20 317.36 52.44 2001.21 900.00 8682.41 1302.36 9984.77 1234.12 11218.88 2.00 2.00 0.00 4.00 5.00 13933.85 1.00 Category Rate Cleaner Working Supervisor 4400.00 1344.00 5744.00 287.20 200.00 75.00 6306.20 781.76 478.48 239.52 287.20 465.79 57.44 2310.19 3500.00 12116.39 1817.46 13933.85 1722.22 15656.08 1.00 1.00

646475.00 5209.44 1817.46

Total Service Charge (Monthly) 35 36 37 Annual Service Charge Total Service Charge (Annual) Monthly Service Tax Total Monthly Service Tax 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Total Annual Service Tax Total Annual Service Tax Monthly Bill for All (Including Service Tax) Total Monthly Bill (Including Service Tax) Annual Bill For All (Including Service Tax) Total Annual Bill (Including Service Tax) Average Per Person Monthly Charges Average Per Person Annual Charges

7026.90 62513.32 21809.51

84322.83 4936.47 6658.69 59237.62 20666.69 1722.22

79904.31 44875.53 15656.08

60531.61 538506.40 187872.91

726379.31 12106.32 145275.86

Manpower Salary Calculation

Cleaner Basic Spl. All/ D.A Sub Total 1 (1+2) H.R.A. Other All Gross PF 12% Esic 1.75% PT Total Dedication Net 3900.00 1344.00 5244.00 262.20 900.00 6406.20 629.28 112.11 175.00 916.39 5489.81 Working Supervisor 4400.00 1344.00 5744.00 287.20 3500.00 9531.20 689.28 166.80 175.00 1031.08 8500.12

Quote for Supply of Housekeeping Materials Rs.9,000/- per month plus applicable taxes.

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