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Scholarship Management System

[New Entry/Deletion/Modification/Promotion]


Aswani Kumar 0812710017 Kapil Kumar 0712710044 Hariom 0712710035 Arun Kumar 0812710015

IIMT Engineering College, Meerut Gautam Buddh Technical University, Lucknow

Session (2008-2012)

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Scholarship Management System

[New Entry/Deletion/Modification/Promotion]

A Project Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree


BRANCH- CS [2008-2012]

Aswani Kumar 0812710017 Kapil Kumar 0712710044 Hariom 0712710035 Arun Kumar 0812710015

Under the supervision of Mr. ATUL PRATAP SINGH

IIMT Engineering College, Meerut Gautam Buddh Technical University, Lucknow

Session (2008-2012)

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certify that







Entry/Deletion/Modification/Promotion], which is submitted by Aswani Kumar, Hariom, Kapil Kumar ,Arun Kumar in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of degree B-Tech in Computer Science from IIMT Engg. College, Meerut, Affiliated to G.B.T.U. Lucknow is a record of the candidate own work carried out by him under my supervision. The matter embodied in this thesis is original and has not been submitted for the award of any other degree.

Atul Pratap Singh Project Guide

Computer Science Dept.


IIMT Engg. College, Meerut

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Table of Contents
1. Abstract 2. Introduction

a. Purpose b. Scope of the project c. Convention Used

3. Overall Description

a. Product perspective b. Product features c. Technologies used

4. System Analysis and Design 5. Diagrams

a. Flowchart b. ERD c. Use-Case diagram d. Component diagram e. Database tables

6. Problem Statement 7. Objectives 8. Overview 9. User Manuals 10. Summary

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Organization faces many challenges in ensuring long-term access to the "new-model scholarship" that is born digital. This includes the variety of Web sites and other desktop digital objects created on campuses that fall somewhere short of "published" but are worthy of access in the future. Humanists pose a special problem: they are adopting digital technologies to create complex, often idiosyncratic digital objects that are in many ways more challenging to preserve.

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A scholarship is a grant given to the student to continue education. Basically scholarships are provided on various norms and purpose of the donor. The aspirants who are blessed with excellent knowledge and who are always on the top rank list but cannot afford to go for higher studies, since they are below poverty level, with the help of scholarship they can go ahead and fulfill their dreamed academic career. Classification of Scholarships Scholarships for merit students Aspirants whose score is high in the academic, artistic athletic and in other activities will be provided with scholarship either by the private organization or by students intended institutes. Purely this kind is based on the merit score of the aspirants. Need based scholarships Aspirant who has financial/economic problem to continue studies are given need based scholarship. Basically this scholarship is for the aspirants who are economically backward. The aspirants need to apply for this scholarship by filling the FAFSA- Free application for federal student said. Student specific scholarship The specific scholarships are provided to specific category of the students with respected to race, sex, religion, family, medical history and many other factors. The most common category in this category is Minority scholarship. Career specific scholarship The career specific scholarships mainly focus on the aspirant who wants to go for a specific field of study. Career specific scholarship will be provided by the college/university. Some scholarships will be bond based wherein the aspirants need to get into an agreement with a particular employer to work for a particular period. Scholarship based on type of student and area The financial aid is provided to candidate at different level of education such as 10+2, Graduate, Post graduate and doctoral level. The scholarship is also provided within the

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home region and abroad. Based on area scholarships are of two types Indian Scholar ship and International scholarship In India Scholarships are source for the students to make best career, since India is the developing country many of the people are below poverty level. In India both the government and private organizations supports the candidates in providing the scholarships to reach their goals. The financial aid is provided to candidate in the form of scholarship at different level of education such as Graduate, Post graduate, doctorate or post doctorate level through which economically backward candidate can make there dreamed career. Scholarship is not only the source to provide financial aid to the students but also act has awareness about education among various people. Since the fee for higher studies day by day is increasing, instead of being a brilliant candidate its not possible for some candidates to go for higher studies. Here the scholarships act has a tool for them to pursue higher studies. Indian scholarships are meant for individual development. However, through which overall development of the country is reached.

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Project Name:

Scholarship Management System

Project Members:

This project is done in a group of two people. Project members are. 1. 2. 3. 4. Aswani Kumar Hariom Kapil Kumar Arun Kumar

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What is Scholarship Management System?

Previously scholarship fund was disbursed manually and the accounts were maintained on registers. Due to the heavy paper work it was a real tough task to complete properly. Data were maintained by the district authority and state authority separately, so there were no centralize data with the state authority. It was an easy practice of making scam out of it by the corrupt officer due to which every year government loses thousands of rupees. To stop all these practices there was a strong need of centralize database of students by which we can keep track of all the data properly. And the technological advancement came in handy to manage scholarship distribution and to keep track of data at the state level. Aim of developing Scholarship Management System is to maintain the records properly and to make it user friendly in every sense like Entry of New Students, Deletion of Old Students from school and Modification in old student data etc.

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History of Scholarship:
The history of scholarship is the historical study of fields of study which are not covered by the English term "science" (cf., history of science), but are covered by, for example, the German term "Wissenschaft" (i.e., all kinds of academic studies). Examples are the history of classical studies, the history of the study of religions, of philosophy, of Biblical studies, of historiography, of the study of music, arts etc. It is a field which has recently undergone a complete renewal and is now a major branch of research Before 1700 the fields of scholarship was not of a size that made academic specialization necessary. Academic disciplines as we know them today did not exist. In general scholars were both scientists and scholars in what today is termed Arts and Humanities The history of scholarship has undergone a complete renewal in recent years, and is now a major branch of research with vast territories to explore; a substantial introduction to History of Scholarship surveys the past vicissitudes of the history of scholarship and its current expansion. The authors, all specialists of international standing, come from a variety of backgrounds: classical studies, history of religions, philosophy, early modern intellectual and religious history. Their papers illustrate a variety of themes and approaches, including Renaissance antiquarianism and philology; the rise of the notion of criticism; Biblical and patristic scholarship, and its implications for both confessional orthodoxy and eighteenthcentury free thought; the history of philosophy; and German historic graphical thought in both the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries. This challenging volume constitutes a collection of remarkable quality, helping to establish the history of scholarship as a more broadly acknowledged, worthwhile field of study in its own right.

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Why This Scholarship Management System

The main objective of this document is to illustrate the requirements of the project Scholarship Management system. The document gives the detailed description of the both functional and non functional requirements proposed by the client. The document is developed after a number of consultations with the client and considering the complete requirement specifications of the given Project. The final product of the team will be meeting the requirements of this document.

Project Scope:
The system accept the students data (group by institution wise) like SR No., Name, Father name, Class, Cast etc. as well as the authorized institution data. The different areas where we can use this application are: Any educational institution can make use of it for receiving scholarship of the students registered in their institution.

It can be used in offices of the fund releasing bodies for maintaining the overall data and modifications can be easily done according to requirements.

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Conventions Used
The following are the list of conventions and acronyms used in this document and the project as well: Administrator (National Informatics Center): A login id representing a user with user administration privileges to the software. Operator (Institution): A general login id assigned to most users Client (Students): Intended users to view their records. SQL: Structured Query Language; used to retrieve information from a database. SQL Server: A server used to store data in an organized format Java: Language used to design the user interface to interact with the database Unique Key: Used to differentiate entries in a database.

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Overall Description

Product Perspective
The proposed Scholarship Management System will provide multiple functionality to maintain the records properly and to make it user friendly in every sense like Entry of New Students, Deletion of Old Students from school and Modification in old student data for receiving Scholarship etc. Any student data can be searched from the data base. This search will be based on various categories viz. SR No. of the student. Also Advanced Search feature is provided in order to search various categories simultaneously. Further the institute staff personnel can add/update/remove the resources and the resource users from the system.

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Product Features
There are two different users who will be using this product: National Informatics Center (Government Body) who will be acting as the administrator Institution (Operator) affiliated to different Government department who will be accessing the SMS database through the user interface. Students (Client) of the University who will be accessing the SMS Database online.

The features that are available to the National Informatics Center (NIC) are: NIC will issue the SMS software to the Institution. Will provide previous years students data to the institution. Will receive the data from the institution after feeding. Add details of new institution to the database so that it can ask for the scholarship. Check the data received from different institution for duplicate data of students. Can view the different categories of students in SMS Database. Can view the List of students available in each category Edit the information of the existing institution. Can check the report of the issued Books. Can access all the accounts of the students.

The features available to the institutions are: Can view the different categories of students in SMS Database. Can view the List of students available in each category. Can put a request for new entries in the SMS Database. Can view the previous years students data. Can search for a particular student.

The features available to the Students are: Can view the List of students available in each category. Can search for a particular student.

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Can view their account details.

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Technologies used
SQL server JAVA MS-Access Database

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System Analysis & Design

In the existing system the data is kept on record books manually which can be easily manipulated and misused but in proposed system we have to computerize all the data of the student, institute and bank using the software Scholarship Management System. DIS-ADVANTAGES: 1. Lack of security of data. 2. More man power 3. Heavy Paper work 4. Time consuming
5. Damage of data due to lack of attention.

The aim of proposed system is to develop a system of improved facilities. The proposed system can overcome all the limitations of the existing system. The system provides proper Security and reduces the manual work. The proposed system can be accessed by any organization, as opposed to stand alone or manual system, and provides information at anytime round the clock to the users ADVANTAGES: The following are the advantages of proposed system 1. The user can access the system at any time. 2. The customer can save his money and time that is a valuable one in todays day- to day life. 3. It provides easy to use and user friendly interface for the user. 4. Minimum time required 5. Better service 6. Security of data

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7. Greater efficiency.



NICs Login


Add Institute In SMS

Institution Issues SMS

SMS is already Issued

SMS available

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Due date is Over

Institute Return DATA

Data returned Stop Stop (Institution Record)

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Institute Login


Add Student In SMS

New Student

Student already added

Student Added

Stop (Students Record)

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ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram)

Institute Name



Year Regd.

SR Number


Student Name






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Component Diagram

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Database Tables
Students Entry database In this table stored the information about Students such as SR no., Institute Code, Date of Birth, Date of Entry, Block Code, District Code etc. At the time of entry all the information is stored in this table automatically

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Institute Master Database In this table stored information about the institution such as Institute Name, Block Code, Institute Code, District Code, Category name, Registration Year, Date of Entry etc. when any institute apply for scholarship fund NIC will use it and add the information to this table.

Login table Contains the information about users

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Inst_Category table Contains the information about Courses

Student Category table Contains the information about Courses

Bank Master table Contains the information about Banks

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Software Requirements:
Windows XP or Greater Java Net Beans Oracle

Hardware Requirements:
Processor: Preferably 1.0 GHz or Greater. RAM : 512 MB or Greater.

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Limitations of the Software:

This project has an assumption that is list of students provided by the institution is complete and correct. And it is required to store the information safely so that it cannot be misused or lost. It is the only the first part of the scholarship management as this project covers only the offline data storage. For viewing the record over internet the users will have to depend on other sources

Future Enhancements:
To make it complete Scholarship Management Application by adding on line facilities to it.

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Problem Statement:
Previously scholarship fund was disbursed manually and the accounts were maintained on registers. Due to the heavy paper work it was a real tough task to complete properly. Data were maintained by the district authority and state authority separately, so there were no centralize data with the state authority. It was an easy practice of making scam out of it by the corrupt officer due to which every year government loses thousands of rupees. To stop all these practices there was a strong need of centralize database of students by which we can keep track of all the data properly. And the technological advancement came in handy to manage scholarship distribution and to keep track of data at the state level. Still there are some grass root problems to be solved and by implementing the software it can be reduced to a great extent.

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User Manual
Snapshot Scholarship Management System 1. Login Form

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2. Main Menu

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3. Add New Institute

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4. Edit existing institute

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5. New Student Entry

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6. Edit Student detail

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7. Add New Bank

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8. Edit Bank Details

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9. Help Window

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The project titled as Scholarship Management System was deeply studied and analyzed to design the code and implement with various testing methods was done under the guidance of the experienced project guide. The solution developed is free from all the bugs and executable with all different modules to the utmost satisfaction of the client. All the current requirements and possibilities have been taken care during the project time. We feel that the solution provided now will suit to all the needs of various clients in the same industry but also we dont rule the possibilities of further upgrading of this solution with the new and advance technologies and further additional requirements of the clients.

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Following websites are referring to create this project reports.

Following books and eBooks are used to complete this project reports. Java Complete Reference Mastering Java SQL Server Bible (Paperback)

Scholarship Management System [Ver 1.0]

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