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Proof That One Really Believes in GOD : Four Tests

First proof : He Accepted JESUS CHRIST Second proof : He Believed the Testimony About JESUS : HE is the Son of GOD (Part I) Third proof : He Believed the Testimony About JESUS : HE is the Son of GOD (Part II)

Fourth Proof : He
1 John 5:16-21

Lives A Godly Life

Fourth Test : Are you living a godly life?

We have to understand that : GOD did not just save us from sins and to eternal life but HE also saved us unto HIMSELF in a special spiritual relationship (that is HE made us HIS sons and daughters). The Christian life or spiritual life is the earthly expression of that special spiritual relationship to GOD through JESUS CHRIST and the HOLY SPIRIT. Salvation is more than escaping hell and being with GOD after we die. It is also living the remainder of our earthly lives in a manner which pleases GOD and is worthy of HIM (Col. 1:10). As children of GOD we are called to live a godly, righteous lives in the midst of an ungodly sinful world and thus glorify GOD.

If living a godly life is one proof that people will believe that we really believed in GOD, what does it mean to live a godly life? Content :

He/She Hated sin. (v.16-17)

How are we going to show this? 1. By praying for a sinning brother (v.16) Meaning we watch other believer not to sin. We grieve if others commit a sin. Meaning we have to pray not judge them or criticize them.

2. By keeping oneself from sin (v.17-18) He watch himself not to sin (Matt. 5:4,6)


He/She Understand Who He/She is in the Sight of GOD (V.18-19)

He understand his responsibility (v.18) He understand who he is in the sight of GOD and in this world (v.19)

III. He/She Understand Who GOD is (v.20) True GOD Eternal life IV. He/She Keeps Himself from Idols. (v.21) An idol is anything or anyone that takes first place in a persons life. Anything or anyone that a person puts before GOD. Anything or anyone that consumes mans focus, energy and efforts before GOD. Isaiah 42:8 I am the LORD; that is my Name! I will not give my glory to another
or my praise to idols.

Conclusion : Do we really believe in GOD? Are we living a godly life? If we live in sin, it is
clear proof we do not believe in GOD. But if we live a holy or godly life, then it is clear proof that we do believe in GOD. The person who wants to be acceptable to GOD must live a life pleasing to HIM. He must live for GOD. Meaning, no person in this world should ever think that he/she can live a life of sin and be acceptable to GOD. Understand that the test of whether or not we believe GOD is the test of sin : Are we living in sin or not? Remember : living a godly life is a proof that we really believed in GOD!

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